tv [untitled] February 26, 2014 9:00pm-9:31pm EST
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today on larry king now n.f.l. superstar vernon davis toughest part of the n.f.l. is probably just dealing with outside world you have to deal with people who are coming at the at you from left and right coming you don't know what they want you know is but it's obvious that they want your money to be the hidden injuries i have . because i want to play plus within the next five to six years you see a lot of. gay guys come out into the world sports will be n.f.l. be the last place i think they know if they'll be the first place really it's all next on larry king now.
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welcome to larry king our special guest vernon davis who wears many unique hats most notably a red bull one for the forty niners of san francisco vernon is entering his ninth n.f.l. season with the niners as one of the league's most outstanding tight ends having over five thousand career receiving yards and fifty three touchdowns he's also built quite a resumes off the field as an artist interior design a philanthropist and he will have his second go around as the honorary captain of the u.s. credit rating team at this year's olympics we'll ask about that sport which is like football in a little while but first let's get to the things current having gotten over losing to seattle not yet i'm still a little sad but i'm sure i'll get better i'll get better as tight as these weeks continue to go by and i'm in the months. i'll come back to myself how did the co-channel bad locker room after the game. he was he was upset he was extremely
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upset but you the officials all were fish use in just the simple fact that we lost the game you know because we should have won we had a better team no doubt about it we were better but we just couldn't pull it off and yours it was thoughts about which is sherman and his remarks you know what to me you know i think british i mean he's a he's a good guy he's a good guy he just needs to learn how to control himself control his emotions is very bright he's very bright he's very bright he went to stanford four point two average four point two you can beat that are good as are to come by. so it is a different person off the field than wrong they's a different person off the off the field i seen him around a few times and he was just a great guy you know smiling in just being just being the person that they really is is your best corner in italy. i think he's one of the best he's one of the best
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he. has to to six shows me he's been doing a tremendous job when it comes to stopping why receivers so he's one of the best don't you love playing where you play san francisco and i do have a great silly what a great city amazing city. a great place for football and i love the fans now about the niners where we go from here i don't have to go very far or greatly. here we just have to keep just is just plugging plugging away we have a lot of potential on this team and we have the guys to get it done we just have to go in and just. just do it was the biggest holder for probably the why receiver position i was saying they will lose anquan boldin crabtree might not come back but if that happens we we have to really make some some good offseason
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acquisitions and then you like playing for our ball i do i do he's a high energy guy his name was of oh yeah he's east crazy years over here is a little crazy brother isn't you know his brother is he just mild mannered guy in the super bowl was insane right it was it was so different there's a totally different you did opted not to play in the pro bowl right yes or for what reason just dealing with some lingering injuries nick snags that so i want to get those better that's why i decided not to go there many people who say they are abandon that game you know who you used to be a have seeing instead of see in the who for it was the key players on the same team against each other yeah jerry rice and deion sanders who does that well they do that you think just forget the program they might as well forgive them as well just look at the pro bowl just give the guys on you know i recognize them as pro bowl
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players. just move on and let it go because i mean no one takes the game serious you are well known as a clutch players in the tight end who catches the ball is that your forte more than blocking course there are some tight ends more formidable in the blocking and you know i love blocking larry. when it comes to catching passes it's just something about it it just moves me in it just intrigues me in a way where you know when i'm out there i'm just catching balls of my shoulders and grab them out the air is just it just gives me that momentum rather than blocking but you know if i have to block out to from a team you always have good hands i know i have to work on. had to how do you work on making hands better just catching the balls catching four hundred three hundred or four hundred dollars a day getting on the machine the judge machines that is this this this machine that spits out the balls to the various speeds you can put on ten miles per hour or we
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have to seventy miles per hour don shula my dear friend coach the dolphins over the years told me evil muhammad ali would have been a great tight end if he could or with him because he had height and good speed and he was tough physically what makes a good tight end i think their ability to block and catch passes if you can do it all. your great tight it i mean a lot of in the past a lot of those tight ends can do that you know now the tight end position is evolving. to a young man that can run passing and run extremely fast so it is evolving in that in that area that what's your read on capper night. i like happening has a lot of potential really is an outstanding player you know he's he's good on the ground and you know he's good at passing the ball but he still has some things that he need to work on as we all do and they kill who continue to get better i was
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surprised there was a third round pick up in nevada right i think he was it was not a high pick no he was and i was a vegan wasn't widely recruited to play college more baseball i think i'm right yet he throws the ball harder than anyone i've ever seen did you play other sports basketball and a little soccer in my early really big picture you. goalie or what. you're right a goalie. with the toughest part of the n.f.l. is what. toughest part of the n.f.l. is probably just dealing with outside world because when you are young guy you come in f.l. you have all this money you have to deal with people who are coming at the chief them left and right i mean you don't know what they want you know is but it's obvious that they want your money so that's probably the toughest part just trying to get more problems or off the field off the field exactly you want to go in but i
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don't want to go to you know the corner going so to that i hope coach or the honorary kosher out or a captain for the men's curling thing you know i'm going to ask how you got into that. you were a less i guess campus that parks gone with a new stadium obvious seen it once again you live there i guess yeah right fifteen minutes away as it is the santa clara or the santa clara you've been sent as a i'm in san jose shoes right down the way down the road what's it like the stadium is beautiful is beautiful levi stadium is going up fast and i think we'll be able to go in it and play what april march april to make sure the fan base is in san francisco yes that includes i mean it's forty five minutes right forty five minute drive are they going to drive. yes subs the drive they'll get on the train whatever it takes to get there we have some loyal feds the center's is a huge city center is a huge city yeah it's huge and i'm really well that's the whole thinking what sixty
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and sixty thousand if you like candles and i love canister it did yes baseball player the really oh it's so windy oh yes well you know you know bobby mercilessly bobby murcer told me would when you play for the san francisco giants you have a home field disadvantage. here. why do you like that it's very likely because of the environment the fans they get there mazing. is a lot of history in a stadium to jerry rice joe montana all those guys i mean we're talking about legends so to be able to play in in the same stadium that those guys played in i mean is just a tremendous feeling to ms and baseball has announced that they have new protective hats that pitchers can wear if they wish to protect them against possible under our saving in the head is the n.f.l. doing enough to protect its players. i think they're doing all that they
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possibly can you know each and every year they're trying to figure out a better way better approach to helping us when it comes to concussions in head trauma so i think they're getting better in that area but they they always seem to have our best interests at heart so i think they are trying to protect this or do you make of all the lawsuits over green bay the judge wants them to spend more money helping the players yes that's a tough one they're the tough one but if it was me i do it i do whatever i can whatever i can to help the players and you had concussions i guess i've had three in my career and now you've got to think about what long term effects that might have on you do you worry about. all these players and dimension though i mean i think about it but i try not to wary you know because i always try to be positive
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you know when it comes to a negative situation i try to stay positive about it and hope that the outcome is good if you have a hidden injuries i have. because i want to play i just i want to play i did i didn't think about the long devotee when it comes to when it came to health i just i just want to play and help help my team were you draft the first one. we were happy was san francisco i was i was it was it was it was a great place to get drafted to i was sixteen i was really happy to college or university of maryland was the first year the terrapins i lived in you know like the ok. those fun place to play for a place to live oh you yeah you're going to pretty good area yeah where do you grow up washington d.c. so you were right there i was right there we were widely recruited out of high school i was yes so why did you choose to stay so close to home i chose maryland
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because it was if i stay close to home i was able i could help my grandmother and some family who ever needed me needed me and i had six six other siblings to look after with to help look after so it worked out what high school dunbar or u.s.s. cole you know how to i know i lived in washington twenty years. ago guys in the pros yeah speaking of college athletics is a lot of movement going around about college athletes being paid i mean they make an awful lot for their universities. they get paid a stipend i guess where you get six hundred dollars a month they saw some guys the pilgrim they should be paid. i think so yes there's a lawsuit going on you know by former by n.c. double a players saying that the rule is unconstitutional yes sense yeah why can't you be paid for services you write i think you should i mean you have
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a lot of young guys who come in that are from. disadvantaged areas in you know they can't afford to go out and buy a pair of shoes so if they can get paid that would definitely help them out you know it will tell you. it wasn't it wasn't tough because i was more i was really worried about buying things i was more so worried about making it to the n.f.l. so what other guys you know the guys that play with me i was i would say that it was tough for most of them but he played nine years now nine years in the pros yes oh you want to play. five more years. you thinking about what you have other things you touch a lot of bases right i try to what do you think about post career post career i think that if you post a response now you have to make plans and come up with the with some some kind of goals of oh and just jot them down just just think about what you want to do after
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you're done playing because this is the time now to start thinking about that because you're still a young man and you know just limit sharing stops yet what happens then. you want to something else whatever it is that you want to do whatever it is have you handled investments well yes that you're in good shape. coming up vern is going to take his talents from the grid on to the odd gallery and the curling club will walk next. to me there are. that that will make their lives.
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appear. i think. the really. good you know the press is the only industry specifically mention of the constitution and. that's because a free and open press is critical to our democracy correct al gore's. role. in fact the single biggest threat facing our nation today is the corporate takeover of our government and across the cynical we've been hijacked like handful of
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transnational corporations that will profit by destroying what our founding fathers once that's my job mark it on this show we reveal the big picture of what's actually going on on wall we go beyond identifying the problem. rational debate real discussion critical issues facing define ready to join the movement then walk . back with vernon davis i'm told you're a studio odd major at the university of maryland right absolutely what what intrigues you about art the thing that intrigues me about art is just just being freak the feeling of just going some just being in a room by yourself and just painting whatever comes to mind painting from your heart you so that's the one thing that intrigues me and that's the only thing that
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inspired me to pursue art in the first place because. i was able to just do things for my heart and display it on a piece of canvas and you sold him our gallery yes. well what type of are you an abstract painter. abstract i would say abstract yes what can we find in gallery eighty five you can then you can find you know number if my mood of rain. you give me pretty much every day man from sculptures to you show other artists are all you local emerging male you've got over in davis foundation for the arts what is that vernon days foundation for the arts is all about helping young young men and women understand what it takes to be successful and inspiring them to get out and do whatever it is that they want to do because when i was a kid growing up in high school i was afraid to pursue art so i don't want to i
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don't want to lead them down that same path i want to let them know that they can do whatever they want to do don't don't be afraid feel free is a free world free country don't worry about people judging you just get out and do it and i want to quote. absolutely not absolutely not absolutely because. just oh i don't think this. i don't know this is not for me is not my bag is not my thing i want something what is this with honorary captain of the u.s. curling team while what got you into curling you know one of the beat writers came to me a few years back and she asks me. to come out in and get on get on the ice and do some curling i don't know what it was without you know i was open i was open to do it. you had a bit enjoyed it yes i did enjoy it enjoy it it was in america yes they have lease
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all over the place most of the leaves are in i believe like minnesota. yeah i mean west but they they have leagues in santa how did you become honorary captain they they reached out to us and axed me to come down and they when i got there i was they made me the honorary captain where we finish in curry we meddled in curling yes oh yeah yeah yeah you know what i think. i think i'm good on the ice when i'm done playing they're going to be a curler really no joke. what is the fascination of a little stick keeping that little round thing and watching it move you know what is our strategic you have to all really the best right yet you have to come up with the best strategy to get this forty pound of stone in the circle in the middle of this multiple circles. and you have to find out how can you get around
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the one stone is this in your way you go in that's what the broom what that's where the brooms come in you sweet to make that the stone go faster you can curve the stone by sweeping you can slow it down so as to teach what makes a good curl or. just sheer ability to. you bill you come up with the best plan if it's all the metal is our metal is our metal you don't have to be strong you don't have to be you can you can be weak you can be skinny you can be big it is a matter is it definitely a sport it is a sport it is it is because those guys are that you have to think about the position that those guys are in when they take off with the style i mean they are in a lunging position you know they can tear their growing they can tear their quad anything so it is it is a sport. do you go back to maryland much i do i try to get back as much is i came
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just to visit there and. see the family you are growing up in washington i did enjoy it joy it was it was quite an experience was almost a semi segregated city then or have come out of it i think. this is it a better place now you know that they're building more job opportunities and you know it's starting to expand so it's come a long way great pleasure i love living there washington yeah i did too when you went to maryland to live at the school or go home i stay to the school you got to go back home at all i did i just love the campus the campus is beautiful i just fell in love with it what to so active in social media. and just the fans the fans in san francisco the fans with were within the united states you know i do it for them because you have to think whenever you tweeted and you tweeted back if someone
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they get excited is just the joy of being able to touch someone's life where you can when you can make them excited him and just. and just put a smile on their face often need to eat. more of an instagram guy you know like the post pictures and things how far are we away from a gay major gay athlete in professional sport team sport. i think within the next five to six years you see a lot of. gay guys come out into the world sports will be n.f.l. be the last place i think in f.o.b. the first place really yes before baseball or basketball possibly one basketball player came up but nobody signed up here you had a whole career but he came out of the end of his career and nobody said you think it'll have a manifold for i think it will. i think it will i would hope so yeah time. ok we
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have some social media questions for you at run d.c. on twitter do you visit your alma mater at college park often. every chance that i get whenever i can make it back to washington d.c. j joe goalie on facebook wants to know why is the tight end position of all of them to would more dynamic offensive weapon in recent years a.j. jolly tight in position has evolved because now you have these athletic guys who are about six four two hundred fifty pounds who can run faster than safeties or corners and they're just. that most talented much more talented than those guys so that's the reason why this position is evolving at say o.e. via twitter who was your football idol growing up my football idol growing up was always deion sanders and. tony gonzalez and
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probably to a lot. we're very clear signals andrew marr's on facebook your brother is also an n.f.l. player how competitive was a growing up and what's it like to face him now you know what it was i never really had a chance to play against vontae yeah he's four years younger than me so i never had an opportunity but i always pushed him in and encouraged him positions and he's a corner he was a he's a point we had a chance to play up to to play them this year but i was i was injured during that game so. cold enough was cold we ended showed a game of if you only knew really just robot remember the first girl you have a kiss yesterday was angel angel yes oh it. was in sixth grade so i was like twelve if i would ever happen angel i think angel is a principal in the history of columbia public school wow. you knew didn't you need to go less or was your proudest moment my proudest moment was when i had my first
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kid and we have just two. girls oh boy good question oh yeah he's six now art is you'd most like to work with. clark clark artist your admired growing up michelangelo. pretty good pre-game ritual pre-game ritual put vaseline on mom's current song playing on your i pad karen song playing on my pad call me maybe favorite spot to spend your offseason favorite spot the spin my offseason would be seven cisco that's north of you. aside san francisco what's a city in the n.f.l. with the best fans the city i would have to go with dallas i might say dallas city with the most brutal fans. have to go with. philadelphia
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eagles they would kill for kids yes they were there we had to with the rock they boo santa claus that's the best city that needs an n.f.l. team los angeles california yeah you're right forty is fan encounter. i walk into the mall and this guy asks me to sign his chess. he put his shirt down saying he's on my chest if you. think i can do that right now so. burden davis in ten years vernon davis in ten years. big businessman. art gallery or an strong actor. hughes our gallery i want to go new movies yeah i would love to. boy four gorgeous house house she's a room housewife of services go. favorite indoor design aspect in your house. and i have to go with my godiva chocolate jacket
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is made of chocolate well this lady when i first got to sam says go i gave her one of my blazers and she was she did she. so the godiva chocolate candy wrapper all of this jack is amazing and she laminated it is pretty cool where you display it is is in my house soon as you walk in but i wore it again before. only in san francisco city with the best of art culture san francisco the most embarrassing moment most embarrassing moment is when my cosyn me to walk a room on national television mike singletary why because he said he can coach or he could coach me he couldn't do it he just could do it. what happened got a pity and he thought i was being selfish because i didn't think about the team so
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there was probably one of the worst moments it was the right i think the worst year he worst because at the time i was. you know i was a little nonchalant about things you know i was just as easily as i would not put up with that yes he did but still a virgin have a great time so she was a big thanks to my guests and of all star authors honorary us proving captain burton davis best of luck to all the pursuits of the olympic team and robbie them fry me on twitter word games things will see you next time. well. some technology innovations all these developments from around russia. the future are covered. wealthy british sign the sun.
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is not on the telephone. market why not. find out what's really happening to the global economy with mike stronger for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into cars a report. of. a. hello welcome to breaking the set i'm out of morning where a packed show for you today i'll be talking about religious persecution of the military government trolls and patrolling the net threats that undermine u.s. democracy and a tribute to comedian bill hicks to stick around we have a lot of stats to break. the
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perfect it was terrible they are looking very hard to take i. want to get to. the plant life have you ever had sex with her thick hair cut. so that. she was. going to say. it's no secret that islamophobia is bred in the u.s. military in fact some would argue that it's a necessary tool to humanize the enemy in order to carry out operations in the.
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