tv [untitled] February 26, 2014 10:30pm-11:01pm EST
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look media the home of glenn greenwald and jeremy scahill the intercept restore their trust in journalism and reuters coverage of climate change is morally ethically and scientifically wrong i'll tell you why in tonight's daily take. it's crude news today is the second year anniversary of the death of trayvon martin but america still seems as far away as ever from solving this problems of gun violence and racism was only two weeks ago after all that a florida jury declared a mistrial in the first degree murder trial of michael dunn who shot and killed seventeen year old jordan davis dunn shot davis after the two got into an argument to gas station about the volume of davis is music was obviously done instigated the fight but thanks to florida's stand your ground and shoot first law the jury was unable to convict him of first degree murder trayvon martin's death brought alec to the forefront of american politics and got people talking about the complicated
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interaction between law race and the media but today stand your ground shoot first was to remain on the books in twenty four states and florida and georgia are even considering expanding their justice for trayvon it appears still in the works joining me now for more on this is d.l. brooks director of outreach and public engagement at people for the american way d.l. welcome thank you joe thanks for joining us two years out what do you think is the most important legacy of the trayvon martin case but first i want to give my heartfelt condolences to the family of trayvon martin and also the family of jordan davis because this is an incredible tragedy that's happened well and let's acknowledge that there are two of probably several hundred people who have been the victims of these kinds of things exactly and so we got to make sure that we give our condolences to the family understand that we lost some some young folks too soon for this violence in this country and i think any time we talk about stand your ground we talk about alex and. stand your ground we have to make sure that we
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remember the real victims of these particular crimes. do you think that racial tensions of hard to relax as a result of these at the end as it seems like in some ways there's been some bridge building going on but in other ways right what i mean i think there's been some bridge building because there's been a lot of diverse communities that have come together to push back against a new ground push back against alex push of stand your ground around the country so i think that part has been healthy for america and we're having this type of dialogue that i think help can help move us toward change but at the same time i think it is also highlighted some of the racial divide that still exists in this country based on the profits of organization or organization like that working with the n.r.a. and the gun lobby to get guns in america that are willing to undermine democracy by working through a secret organization like alec to move these types of laws really for the for the profits of those organizations and those those those industries the media.
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and i i think this was even more real larger the michael dunn case and jordan davis the the media did not spend much time talking about stand your ground talking about the difference how the jury instructions are now different for example the old jury instructions were would have you know. let's see this is the current jury instruction is if michael dunn was not engaged in unlawful activity was attacked in any place where he had a right to be he had no duty to retreat and had the right to stand his ground meet force with force including deadly force and before that the old pride two thousand and five it would have said the defendant cannot justify the use of force likely to cause death or great bodily harm unless he used every reasonable means within his power consistent his own safety to avoid the danger before resorting to that force the fact that. defend it was wrongfully attacked cannot justify his use of force
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likely to cause death or great bodily harm if by retreating he could have avoided the need to use that force michael dunn clearly could have retreated this issue these issues were discussed the role of the the n.r.a. and funding this thing was discussed the role of alec and put it in and having these meetings where they bring together republican state legislators and lobbyists with fifty fifty one on one to put these laws into none of this was being discussed in the media your thoughts are well i mean my thoughts are that's why it's important to have organizations like mine people for the american way and many of the other organizations that have been working on this issue because it's our job to call that out call those facts out and what we've been doing around the country wherever alec is is making sure that they understand that there's a there's a groundswell of folks who are not happy with the way they're doing business how they're undermining democracy and it's really like a virus how they're trying to spread stand your ground laws around the country and they were organization that pushed it they were funded by the n.r.a.
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and the gun lobby and it was basically for the profits of the gun lobby where do you see anything coming out of this i mean are we moving forward or we slide back we are moving forward one of the highlights of two thousand and thirteen was that there was a tremendous amount of drop off from alec from from the state legislators that were engaged in alec so i think it was close to four hundred members left and there was also several companies that left alec as well because it became toxic to be a part of that that organization because they were them being connected to stand your ground by actually funding this organization and i think there's a lot of organizing energy that's happening on the ground around the country the really pushing back and making folks aware that it's not it's not just the n.r.a. it's these secret meetings behind closed doors with legislators sitting writing legislation with corporations that undermine our democracy and very well funded corporations and i mean the gun industry is a multi-billion dollar. industry you know it's run
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a couple hundred million dollars of state legislators sleep just you know no big deal. so future activism should we be talking about alec or should we be talking about you know rational limitations on firearms or rationale some you know having a debate about what is rational gun control where does it start where does it i think it's all i think there has to be a continual push and i like i know alec has said that gotten out of the business of working on some of these social issues but they've already lit the fire you know once you you strike that match and you light the flame you bring those legislators together it's already proliferating and so we have to continue that push to help folks really understand that this is a toxic organization this is where it came from they they work together to make this happen they're in bed with the n.r.a. and they're in bed with the gun lobby and they're doing this stuff for profit and so we have to make sure that whatever laws that we're going to that are on the books so that there is a democratic process that's behind those and the people engage in that structure
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about reaching public engagement people for the american way thank you for the thank you very much greatly appreciated. just. it's a good about a very very hip no pomp only ugly they're good michelle obama on tuesday the first lady and secretary of agriculture tom vilsack announced that the government would extend its pilot program giving all students a select schools access to free lunches and free breakfasts sargon july eleventh the program will expand to twenty two thousand schools across the u.s. the bomb administration estimates that the expansion will help nine million kids gain access to affordable hot meals with unhealthy lifestyle starts. not having to
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worry about where your next meal comes from good on the show obama for making sure fewer american kids have to worry about the bad michael press to be annapolis maryland police chief is under fire today for using a hoax story in testimony against legalizing marijuana during a maryland senate hearing yesterday priest who told lawmakers that colorado thought thirty seven deaths from marijuana overdose on the day of the drug was legalized almost as soon as the chief finished speaking in state sen jamie raskin called him out for his dishonesty his tube story about thirty seven people dying from marijuana overdoses actually came from the joke news site the daily current and the reason of course that it came from a joke website is that no one has ever overdosed for marijuana in american history which the first group is apparently too interested in carrying on the failed war on drugs to bother dealing with pesky things like facts and the very very ugly rush
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limbaugh here in tuesday's episode of his radio show the right wing talk show host blasted the gay lobby for bullying arizona governor jan brewer into vetoing her state's hewas discrimination bill as tends to take a list. all of a sudden now the left is interested in militarily at least as they define it but you notice your folks how bullying is a good thing. the governor of arizona is being bullied you being bullied by the homosexual lobby in arizona and else where. in order to advance the gay agenda i guess in that circumstance bullying is admirable as usual rush is just spewing nonsense on its of arizona's discrimination law many of whom are not gay and just believe in a little thing called human rights are not bullying jan brewer used their first amendment rights to stop other bigots from believing in discriminating against gay
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people the fact that so many people still take rush seriously when he says stuff like that that it's very very. crazy to work american culture may have just hit peak at stardom beard transplants her parents they all are aging where else new york city the capital of modern hipster is a procedure which starts at around three thousand dollars per beard not follicle is simple hair is removed from the scalp and then attached to the face transplant is permanent and all the new facial hair can be she'd been groomed exactly like a girl there are naturally you have plastic surgeons who specialize in the procedure say that they make about three beard transplants a week prior to them all patients come from all sorts of backgrounds they've seen a recent in recent months a jump in surprise surprise hip types looking to buy new peers whether you're
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a fan of hipsters or not the success of the beard transplants is a good sign i see the welcome in america. who knows i might just start supporting that they could be. coming up writers a supposedly one of the most reputable news services in the world so why is a try to pretend like the existence of global climate change is up for debate.
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little. as to the rest of the news according to the most recent gallup poll more than half of all americans fifty five percent do not trust mainstream t.v. radio or news outlets distrust is understandable they won't last time he saw david gregory really challenge some capitol hill big especially republican and when was
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the last time you saw him as n.b.c. really dig into net neutrality an issue that the networks own or comcast as a pretty obvious opinion questions like that have led some of the country's most talented journalists to look for opportunities outside of traditional media with the help of peer omidyar glenn greenwald and jeremy scahill have started an online news site called the intercept which is part of a media ars first look media organization and now rolling stone journalist matt taibbi has followed in their footsteps announcing last week that he will soon start his own site with their and first look media going to its web site first with media provides original independent journalism. could it soon become just as biased as traditional mainstream media outlets joining me now for more on this is jeff cohen media critic critic and founder of fair and accuracy in reporting. as well as the author of several books and jeff called welcome back great to be with you thanks
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joe so what's your take on first look media and the intercept and thrilled that i'm seeing the best journalists in the country investigative journalists like jerry. scahill joining glenn greenwald it's already started the intercept it looks great i look at it every day and now you matt taibbi runs a real star in monitoring wall street and the political. nonsense in washington d.c. that makes the wall street scandals possible and he's going to be heading up another on line magazine as part of the first what media this is exciting and you know i taught my journalism classes over here if we could college for years i'd say i wish there would be a billionaire who would put up some money set up something and say i'm getting out of the way you journalist run things and we don't know how it's going to turn out at first look media but it's looking pretty good at first what the guy who owns it
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has indicated in the past that he's rather libertarian in his world view do you think that that's going to leak into the coverage the way that we're seeing apparently on amazon b c in the you know and lack of any coverage of comcast yeah well again i i don't think glenn greenwald i don't think if your idea is to buy media or star media so you can buy a seat in the direction of corporations the last people i would. would be glenn greenwald mentality of the more boisterous jeremy scahill them one pair friends so again i have real high hopes you are so right about and that's n.b.c. you know being owned by comcast and formerly owned by general electric now it's like fifty one percent comcast i think forty nine percent unique there's no doubt that they avoid stories there's no doubt in my view that one of the reasons olbermann left and this and b c is because comcast was coming. and what we're going
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with one of the few voices on national t.v. advocating for net neutrality and comcast of course along with their rise and it is the major flow of net neutrality they want the open access on the internet stops so it can be to cheer so comcast or eyes and can make more profit and they could push some of these more independent websites nonprofit websites whatever he wants of the slow way which which raises the question now that net neutrality is been killed by the d.c. circuit court and that killing has been ratified by comcast and netflix cutting a deal pay for play deal the next shoe to drop many of us are predicting is that our internet service providers comcast in particular are going to start saying oh here's your basic service you know eighty five bucks a month you want news with that you want to look at the new york times the wall
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street journal whatever has an extra five dollars a month you want streaming video as an extra ten dollars a month you want entertainment sites that section five dollars a month or and that's extra fifteen dollars a month whatever and they start moving content into essentially channels the same way that they've done on cable television and if that happens and they say and they decide that first look just isn't a legitimate part of one of their channels what happens. you're exactly right and who's to blame it's the pretty corporate radically mediocre appointees to the federal communications commission that we got from president obama. tom wheeler was a lobbyist for comcast before he became chairman of the of the f.c.c. right well and keep in mind that is it. the guy who is now the lobbyist for their corporate interests is michael powell when used to be the chair of the federal communications commission they flip souls yeah i know you and i can talk
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about how president obama is for all you know weak appointees the federal communications commission is the reason we're we're in danger of losing an open internet but that's not the kind of thing you hear on m s n b c where they protect obama and and and that's the problem when you put your finger on it and why the internet is so important and why new media and independent outlets are so or that in the corporate media you have such a narrow spectrum won't you jeff jeff i absolutely i'm just flat out run out of types are you but jeff wells thank you so much for being with us thank you.
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for the mainstream media is failing us when it comes to covering the story of the century man made climate change and his media matters as recently reported there's no better example of this failure than the decline of coverage of climate coverage at reuters since that news organization hired paul ingrassia as an editor grosse's a self described climate skeptic and questions whether or not global warming is man made nine climate changes absolutely nuts the u.n. z intergovernmental report. climate change is a consensus document meaning that one hundred percent of the people who worked on it agree with its findings the i.p.c.c. is authors of the top climate scientists on earth and they say that burning fossil fuels causes climate change is that in light of this sort of scientific consensus denying climate change is about as sensible as believing that a shape shifting reptile illuminati controls the world in fact in terms of pure percentages there are more people who believe in a shape shifting reptile illuminati there are scientists who deny climate change
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the writers in grazia is apparently perfectly comfortable with his crazy ideas so comfortable in fact that he's been pushing them on the writers who work under him or new media matters the so-called skeptic has used his position of the top of reuters editorial team to both suppress actual climate coverage and to give undue attention to climate change deniers former reuters asia climate change reporter john fogarty talked about what it was like to work for and in a recent blog post from very early in two thousand and twelve he said i was repeatedly told that climate environment stories were no longer a top priority for reuters and i was asked to look at other areas progressively getting any climate change theme story published got harder it was a lottery by mid october i was informed that climate change just wasn't a big story for the president but that it would be if there was a significant shift in global policy very soon after that conversation i was told by climate change will was abolished forward he also said in the same blog post that in grosse you told him at a company function that he was
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a climate skeptic but not a rabid one you know because there's no rational way to deny established scientific fact but he grouses assault on global warming coverage hasn't just involve censoring journalists who report on climate issues according to media matters and the columbia journalism review since he was hired reporters have quote felt pressure to provide false balance when writing stories and quote on climate change evidence of this kind of false balance is fairly easy to find for example one recent. reuters article discussing john kerry's comments about climate change being the world's most fearsome weapon of mass destruction included a sentence that said some skeptics argue that a rise in global temperature is due to natural variabilities or other non-human factors would reuters ever publish an article about the discovery of a new neanderthal skeleton that included a sentence calling into question the theory of evolution no only would because giving creationism equal footing with science is crazy and giving climate change
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skepticism equal footing with climate science is also crazy reuters is or was it seems one of the most reputable news agencies in the world under paul ingrassia however it's entered fox so-called news territory during his two years in the organizations that authorial team climate change coverage has been cut in half and the coverage there has been has been infected with the plague of false balance but the prior problem of climate change coverage isn't just a reuters problem entire mainstream media is failing us when it comes to covering climate change media matters is looked at how the news outlets talked about the i.p.c.c. is recent report on the causes of global warming and the results are staggering supposedly established papers like the new york times the los angeles times the washington post quoting climate change deniers way out of proportion to their actual influence within the scientific community which is pretty much nil not surprisingly things were even worse over fox so-called news where sixty nine
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percent of climate change gets brought out by bill o'reilly and friends to talk about the i.p.c.c. report were actually fringe deniers and here's the worst part of it all the vast majority seventy seven percent of climate deniers quoted by or featured as guests by the mainstream media weren't even scientists in light of what we know about global warming about how it's already destroying communities across the world about how it's litter. really killing tens of thousands of people and about how it could lead to the earth's sixth mass extinction it's hard to see the mainstream media's coverage or lack thereof of climate change as anything less than morally and ethically criminal if people will wake up to the dangers of a warming atmosphere and melting polar ice caps soon it could be game over for humanity humankind and that's why the media needs to stop treating climate change deniers as if they're rational people and start treating them like they are wackos
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who are often hired hands of the fossil fuel industry a couple of months ago los angeles times said that it would no longer publish letters from climate change deniers because saying there is no sign humans have caused climate change is not stating an opinion it's asserting a fact factual in accuracy it's time for the rest of the media to follow suit all media outlets t.v. radio print or otherwise should pili stop publishing the factual in accuracies of climate change deniers the debate is over climate change is real and it's probably worse than we thought it's time for the mainstream media to tell it like it is and stop treating wacko theories as if they're the truth after all the future of all life on earth is steak. and that's the way it is tonight wednesday feb twenty sixth two thousand and fourteen and don't forget democracy begins with you get out there get active tag your.
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i would rather ask questions to people in positions of power instead of speaking on their behalf and that's why you can find my show larry king now right here on r.t. question for. i know c.n.n. the m.s.m. b.c. fox news have taken some not slightly but the fact is i admire their commitment to cover all sides of the story just in case one of them happens to be accurate. that was funny but it's close in for the truth and might think.
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it's because when full attention and the mainstream media works side by side the joke is actually on here. and our teen years we have a different breed. ok but no because the news of the world just is not this funny i'm not laughing dammit i'm not how. you guys talk to the jokes well handled it makes sense that i'm.
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today on larry king now n.f.l. superstar vernon davis toughest part of the n.f.l. is probably just dealing with outside world you have to deal with people who are coming at the at you from left and right i mean you don't know what they want you know is but it's obvious that they want your money to be the hidden injuries i have . because i want to play plus within the next five to six years you see a lot of. gay guy come out into the world sports will be n.f.l. be the last place i think they know if they'll be the first place really yes all next on larry king now.
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