tv [untitled] February 27, 2014 6:00pm-6:31pm EST
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and i'm abby martin and this is breaking the set so breaking news everyone the government is still spying on you yes it appears that british intelligence agency g c h q but the help of its partners in crime at the n.s.a. have collected the webcam images of millions of average internet users that means everything from online chats to awkward masturbations actions are now all perfectly catalogued by british surveillance all in the name of course of national security the guardian reports that over the course of only six months you see h.q. collected webcam imagery including substantial quantities of sexually explicit communications from more than one point eight million yahoo user accounts globally the program is called optic nerve and according to latest snowden revelation the
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massive stash of government boy or porn dates as far back as two thousand and eight so if you haven't already next time you reach below the waist while you browse chat roulette for god sake put a sticker on your webcam you still feel like you have nothing to hide then by all means go for the camera because it's a pretty safe bet that someone is watching let's break this. it was a. very hard to take. that back with that heart break there.
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in the wake of the financial collapse and the crackdown on occupy people are losing their homes crippled with the debt and income inequality is at a record high and the bankers responsible for the downward spiral well despite them not being held accountable whatsoever they actually think they're being treated unfairly in fact billionaire vulture capitalist tom perkins recently one as far as saying that the one percent are being persecuted the same way jews were nazi germany but when they're not crying about their plight in life they're secretly fraternizing they get together to dress in drag spew homo phobic slurs and laugh about how untouchable they are yes wall street billionaires have a secret fraternity called cap of beta that's pretty much the east coast equivalent of bohemian grove except here they aren't burning a child effigies in front of
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a giant stone owl's just yet and we know this only because a new york magazine reporter named kevin roose snuck into the cab of a to five black tie and duction ceremony back in two thousand and twelve according to ruse the secret fraternity was founded at the beginning of the great depression the members include a higher profile lead such as corporate restructuring good. room wilbur ross former mayor of new york city michael bloomberg former new jersey governor jon quarantine architect alan greenberg former bank of america global wealth president sallie krawcheck and then citi group c.e.o. vikram and we can't leave out black rock c.e.o. larry fink as russo looked in the back of the room attempting to be as innocuous as possible he witnessed bizarre displays such as wall street execs fancy themselves as stand up comedians and performing weird al yankovic style song parodies incorporating occupy slogans into their rituals and seriously riffing on how the one percent is now a target is something relatively new for these people but the curious spectacle of
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male only rich boy clubs wearing drag is nothing new nor is the fact that. many secret societies to celebrate their own power and nothing exemplifies this attitude more than yale's skull and bones club a one hundred seventy two year old organization that seeks to get its members into positions of power during the two thousand and four elections that came out that bush and his opponent carried both were members of skull and bones the most exclusive fraternity and america according to the london telegraph the phenomenon of the yale leaves as yale are known has provoked an intense debate over apparent leaders i'm among americans amazed that in a democracy of almost three hundred million people that battle for power should be waged among candidates drawn from the four thousand who graduated from yale and four different years of the one nine hundred sixty s. and in fact george bush's family is full of skull and bones men including his dad
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george herbert walker and his grandfather prescott years old with the skull and bones cronies back in the day bush also appointed ten members of the elite click to his administration and check out how kerry and bush both responded when asked about the secret society in which they are brothers by the late tim russert of meet the press. members of stolen. secret society of yeah what does that tell us. not much because it's a secret. is there a secret handshake is there a secret code i wish there were something secret i could manifest three twenty two secret number either all kinds of secrets to you or both and skull and bones the secret society is so sick we can't talk about what does that mean for america. the conspiracy theorists are going to go. on and on that i haven't seen the we're number three to jim. it was strange as their responses to any question about the exclusive fraternity what's even strangers the rituals they perform inside
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according to the scotsman a scottish newspaper and as she gets must masturbate in a coffin or recounting their sexual exploits for which they will be rewarded with a no strings attached gift of fifteen thousand dollars wow masturbating in a coffin must have been pretty awkward for bush if his dad was president but hey maybe we can expect some naked cough and selfies from soon although little else is known about what goes on inside the tomb it's widely reported that members including george w.'s grandpappy grave rob the famous native american apache leader jarana mo taking his soul and some of his bones as if the trail of tears and genocide of native americans wasn't offensive enough these rich most photos actually have bragged about desecrated his grave and doing god knows what with his skoal vial sadly the descendants of drama been trying to get his remains back for years and actually filed a lawsuit against school and bones on one hundred anniversary of his death but the appeal fell on deaf ears and skull and bones came out victorious according to yale
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daily news officials cannot be forced to permit jarana most descendants to remove his remains and relocate them because apparently it's perfectly ok to steal dead bodies as long as you never get them back and if you know anything about native american tradition then you know how offensive it is to trap the spirit of drano in such a dark and disturbing place while this may seem like mirrors and say tional fodder for tabloids this type of behavior is actually indicative of the way that view the rest of us pianos and their role in society because hoarding the world's wealth and controlling the political process just isn't enough unless you can brag about it to your naked coffin buddies. well now that i've outlined a behind the scenes absurdity the one percent i want to dive deeper into capita
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five the wall street fraternity that was recently exposed by new york magazine reporter kevin roose members dress in drag while making derogatory jokes about minorities and gays all while singing songs about how mean they are from prosecution so help me break down the psyche of the one percent i was joined earlier by allison kokanee creator of the dot com and co-host of citizen radio i first asked her what she thinks this club indicates about the mindset of the wall street elite. it takes. to shows that absolutely nothing has changed and they think everything that has happened during this disaster was a big joke. you know the weirdest behavior of course the drag show performance all these weird skits they did i mean what does that say to executives. you know i have nothing against drag when it's done by a drag queen you know it's done by cherry as a joke it's very homophobic and as if that was an overt and asked and they were making gay jokes about barney frank i mean this is
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a frat there's absolutely no difference between you know the gross frats on college campuses where they all get drunk. and this party other than that this party happens to be made up of some of the most powerful men in the world and they just think they're having you know a great time they have a really opulent spread it very expensive party is and they're having a great time and you know they are having a great time laughing it up laugh and on up at all the all the activities that they crush to get nothing happen to them no accountability must be a grand old time you know there's also the skull and bones that lead frat which kerry and bush are both infamously i mean why do you think the super rich are so obsessed with secret societies. i think it's just another way for them to have a power trip you know they like feeling that they have one up on and. body else if you talk to people who currently work on wall street or used to work on wall street there is a real cutthroat sense of competition among people if you're making you know
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millions of dollars a year if the guy next to you is making a little bit more you want to want to have a mentor while you loose person active and i think that's really what this. story showed us they have absolutely no purse factor of about you know what every day people are how their everyday lives work and that's why they don't understand that their parties are so very strange. you know besides of course the entertainment factor and how absurd it all is the opulence i mean what do you think the major lessons are to be learned about how this behavior translates to how these people are actually running the global economy. yeah well it's we're right and i think this is what happens when large institutions joan have a lot of gravy you know when people can't see inside how wall street works it really fester is there and there's a lot of corruption in weird weird cult like traditions that start to spring up and
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you know it's easy to dismiss this report as it just being like oh it was a weird little frat like you know ritual it was just a silly little party but i think it's actually you know indicative of a much larger problem and that's that there's been no repercussions i mean these guys are just having a big party and every single day and also that there are permitted to carry on in this fashion because there isn't regulation and oversight it's an entirely separate society i mean the utter disdain and of course the untouchable nature of these people really is reflective in this little you know this isolated event you mention kind of the industry that cutthroat industry of wall street i mean according to psychology today one out of twenty people normal people have sociopathic tendencies but according to see if a magazine one out of ten people on wall street are psychopaths do you think about that ad. and why do you think the industry drives such machiavellian sociopath yeah i've heard that i've heard the same thing about journalists. that. yeah i think you
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have to have sociopathic tendencies to do what you what these men are doing on wall street especially now that they can't say they don't understand the consequences anymore they've seen they globally millions and millions of people were damaged by what happened during the subprime disaster people lost their homes people lost their jobs there were very very real consequences for their actions well a lot of the things the c.e.o.'s did when they were making a mockery at this event you know bailouts occupy which makes me just think about occupy in a larger context i mean why do you think obama took such a hard line on ukraine's uprising and gave this ultimatum to the government after he coordinated the federal crackdown of occupy. yeah well you know i'm very careful not to conflate the ukraine uprising with say occupy well sure you know what's happening in venezuela you know different culture is different backgrounds different groups of people. but it is you know ironic that all of this criticism is
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being cast out to other countries when we have an incredibly you know oppressive regime as well and a lot of documented cases of police brutality i think my wall street obviously being the most recent biggest example of that you know i have people ask me all the time they're like what happened occupy wall street and i was like you should probably talk to the cops who beat up the protesters and tore down the camps you know wasn't that activist and they got lazy or bored and went home that uprising was crushed you know and we do have documents that there was federal or a nation to crush the uprisings yet it's important to remember that we should not conflate any of these issues and that really does bring you back to this hubris that i think people have to actually assert what other countries should be doing and and kind of we know what. as for other countries and it really is kind of absurd i just can't help but think what obama would have told his own administration to you know that there would be dire consequences if occupy
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activists were throwing molotov cocktails and burning a wall of fire and for the white house you know do you think there's any lessons to be learned from these uprisings i mean you know hubris outside of that kind of just looking at how they're organizing in the streets to better prepare for occupy is really viable potentially in the u.s. i mean should activists be better equipped with their own right gary like ukrainians are well actually the take away from venezuela in the ukraine it's sort of worrisome in the sense that i think when occupy wall street protesters and their allies observe. what's happening in venezuela the natural inclination is to believe oh there's ten thousand people in the street protesting the government they must all be leftists in the street but actually what we're finding more and more is that the right wing is co-opting the strategies implemented by the laugh so direct action getting into the streets in some cases in venezuela specifically getting very very violent and putting up you know wire to behead people on motorcycles so i
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think that's why urge caution especially with americans who don't really have a great track record of understand international affairs when you see it proves as and there are tens of thousands people on the street don't just assume it's an extension of your high wall street a very different things going on with the economy very different historical backgrounds so lou thank you so much for weighing in on all this allison go any blogger alison go to dot com co-hosted us and radio really appreciate you coming on . coming up i'll talk about some of those months worse cases of police brutality stick around. the stands are forced. to. look at the finish line of the boston marathon. you know. what has happened here.
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over the if you go did you know the price is the only industry specifically mentioned in the constitution and. that's because a free and open press is critical to our democracy correct albus. in fact the single biggest threat facing our nation today is the cloak for the excellent work of our government and our press similar we've been hijacked right handful of transnational corporations that will profit by destroying what our founding fathers once sold to us i'm sorry and on this show we reveal the big picture of what's actually going on in the world we go beyond identifying the problem. rational debate in a real discussion critical issues facing the tampa for bill ready to join the movement then welcome to the big picture.
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and whiles i talk of the police brutality that happens every day in this country so as you can imagine the last couple of weeks there's been dozens of stories of harassment murder and impunity in every state from california to georgia let's start in austin texas which is no stranger to police aggression of the city was a prime staging ground for occupy protests in two thousand and eleven last week a woman jogging near the university of texas was stopped for the agree just crime of crossing the street as part of a court needed crackdown on jaywalkers austin police stopped at least twenty people last week for not waiting their turn to walk as it merely issuing the woman a warning or even a ticket please put her. in handcuffs and arrested her because she didn't have an id one concern witness film the whole thing in the video shows cops corralling her into a police car furthermore according to the witness the woman cried out that she would
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take the ticket and that she didn't do anything wrong but the story doesn't end there because austin's police chief just had to get a word in about the incident and defend the officer's actions by noting that at least they're not sexual assault yes also the police chief. said quote and other cities there's cops who are actually committing sexual assault on duty so i think that this is what passes for a controversy in austin texas well i guess it's true that everything's bigger in texas including the mouths and utter ignorance of their police chiefs moving further west to hot or in california where death man jonathan meister was beaten arrested and tase after he tried to retrieve his belongings in the back porch of his friend's house according to a lawsuit filed by mr against the city of hawthorne while collecting his things he was approached by two officers who had been told of suspicious activity in the area by its neighbors meister walked toward the officers attempted to tell them in sign language that he was getting his possessions officers then grabbed my sister's
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wrists and turned him around leaving him unable to communicate mr escaped hop back over the fence and tried to explain again what he was doing well by then the hawthorne police just about had enough of my sister's non-verbal communication and allegedly pushed the man against a wall put him in a choke hold and punched and kicked him while another officer shot him with a taser guards and after all of that my sister was the one charged with police assault thankfully these charges have since been dropped or perhaps this month most egregious police crime comes out of go away or he go higher in the georgia scuse me her teenage boy was allegedly murdered for playing video games the police showed up at the house of seventeen year old christopher rupe two weeks ago to service father a probation violation warrant according to a lawyer by roups family for loops roups family when the boy answered the door. he was holding a wee game console remote an unidentified female officer thought the remote was a gun proceeded to fire
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a single shot at ruby and killed him now police maintained the boy was actually holding a real gun yet no eyewitness accounts corroborate that claim and of course i would be remiss not to mention a case in which several cops did get away with murder you might remember that in two thousand and twelve a mentally ill homeless man named city in michigan was killed after being shot at forty seven times and hit eleven times by six police officers for the crime of stealing a cup of coffee while two days ago federal authorities announce that there was just not enough evidence to charge the six officers with a crime because i guess forty seven shell casings just doesn't tell a clear enough story so once again the message has been sent loud and clear all encompassing immunity and protection for those that supposedly protect and serve.
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when the media discusses the war on terror the focus is primarily on the middle east one lot american country has been america's crosshairs since its socialist revolution in one nine hundred fifty nine cuba somehow this caribbean island nation has managed to consistently stay on the u.s. terror watch list for the last thirty two years in fact the state department iterated again just last year that cuba is one of four state sponsors of terrorism this of course is despite the u.s. government's own admission that there is no evidence to suggest that the cuban government has ever provided weapons or training to terrorist groups but the outdated resentment for the castro government is perfectly example five to the case of five cuban nationals arrested in miami in one thousand nine hundred eight and tony we're going to go for nando gonzales are in a gonzales solace and ramon you know are better known as the cuban five is the. to a reign of terrorist attacks in cuba some of which the u.s. government supported castro has signed the five men to monitor cuban groups in
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miami in an effort to prevent future terrorist attacks against the country these men however arrested by u.s. authorities charged with espionage and sentenced to serve life in prison since then there's been an ongoing campaign to free the cuban five but just today cuban five member fernando gonzalez was released from prison in arizona this makes him the second member of the group to be set free so joining me now to talk about the knowledge his release and the fate of the remaining three members of the cuban five hundred one and nicholas sanchez o'donovan from miami what is up next. you do not being marketed as it would be with you thank you so considering how this has been a very contentious issue for quite some time in cuba and the u.s. has there been any statement from the cuban government regarding fernando gonzalez's release. of the firstly i received a small in was from the obama it wasn't though an official reaction but it was a very special one it was written a gonzalez the first member of the cuban five to be released it was around eight or nine am miami time and what he said was that
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finally fed in the is out of prison off to serve and fifteen year sentence and that basically shows the feeling of the cuban people officially the only thing we've heard for the moment is that they will be a concert next saturday to all of the cuban five we know that right name will be there what we still don't know is if. it will be there i'm sure that when it comes the reaction will be obviously one of welcome in hero back home cuba has always always said that the group of the cuban five were never responsible for any sort of violence and they never try to infiltrate the u.s. army never target u.s. interests and that they only objective was to basically prevent future terrorist attacks as you just mentioned terrorist attacks that by the way. were plotted here in miami two in the seventy's the eighty's and the ninety's anyways what you can expect is a very warm welcome for fernandez gonzalez once he sets foot back in cuba i'm sure
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there will be well deserved renee and dollars you mention was released in two thousand and eleven not immediately allowed to return to cuba is that the same case or is unknown at this point. no it's a completely different case the main difference here is that rene gonzalez was a u.s. citizen and that obviously changes the whole let's say legal post release and you can't just deport one of your own citizens plus u.s. citizens are allowed to travel to cuba so what happened well right now he was released on parole for three years down in two thousand and eleven he was allowed to return to cuba only for his father's funeral back in april twenty second of twenty thirteen that was the initial deal after that he was required to return back here to florida a federal judge which he just ruled that he can stay in cuba as long as he were announced is his u.s. citizenship for fernandez gonzalez the story is completely different i mean he doesn't hold a u.s.
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passport so he was immediately deported from arizona to lava and how many years left of the other three men have to serve. all that depends they are first of all we have to say well they are very different sentences no they're much initially for instance and don't know that i don't and i'm online you know we're looking at life in prison and we head out of that and then this had two life sentences now after reduction get readily still looking at twenty two years in prison about thirty years and get out of there is still facing life behind bars and honestly i can't imagine that at this point in time they're going to get any further reductions the only way that this could happen is a drastic change in cuban u.s. relations and at this point well honestly i can't see this happen and actually the obama administration has stated in numerous occasions that they will. never accept a spy swap agreement so for the moment unfortunately i can't see the three members remaining here in the u.s.
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joining renee in fernando any time soon quite unfortunate that the u.s. and israel are the only state to consistently uphold that embargo against cuba i don't really see that being different any time soon but in two thousand and ten nicholas the partnership for civil justice fun to boyer requires found that the u.s. government was indeed paying journalists to smear the cuban five during their trial which is a legal i mean why hasn't that information played a factor in overturning the sentence is. it hasn't because obviously it's not an information that you want to have out they if you are in the us and obviously now we do know that there was some sort of bribery know to journalists down here in miami obviously i wasn't here by that time but down in ninety ninety eight we did see thousands and thousands of federal dollars going down to journalists just to let's say inflate the story to try and spin it towards not only the jury know that finally found guilty for those twenty six counts but also the public eye here in
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miami as you well know well is a stronghold for the for the cuban exile and obviously if you have the main media here in miami inflating the story and give it given a negative view about the story well obviously it's going to be much easier to finally will convict the these five cubans yeah yeah absolutely let's hope that we can put some pressure i mean i don't really see is there anything else that we can do to help the members to be released early iniquity about twenty seconds but. well the thing is it's not only up to us the thing is it's up to the cubans themselves and we have seen the cubans inside cuba and outside even here in miami supported the release of the cuban five we already have two of them back in love and they story left two of them could be out in less than five. six years but the case is there's still one that's facing life in prison here in the u.s. and all precious precious little just to try to get him back home thank you so much
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i'm nicholas sanchez and i'm going to really appreciate breaking it down. that's our show you guys join me again tomorrow and break the set all over again. i marinate join me. for in-depth impartial and financial reporting commentary for news and much much. only on bombast and on. the nose c.n.n. the m s m b c news have taken some slightly but the fact is i admire their commitment to cover all sides of the story just in case one of them happens to be accurate. that was funny but it's close and for the troops in the might
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think. it's because one call attention and the mainstream media works side by side the joke is actually on you look. at our team news we have a different pretty. good because the news of the world just is not this funny i'm not laughing dammit i'm not hi. i'm about. to get a sense of the jokes that will handle the stuff that i've got to. skater
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