tv [untitled] February 27, 2014 7:00pm-7:31pm EST
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think. they would like to do if you did you know the press is the only industry specifically mentioning the constitution. that's because a free and open press is critical to our democracy schreck help us. build. them you know i'm sorry and on this show we reveal the picture of what's actually going on and we go beyond identifying the truth rational debate and real discussion critical issues facing the earth ready to join the movement then welcome the big. oh i'm sorry to washington d.c. and here's what's coming up tonight on the big picture. the obama administration
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says the trans-pacific partnership is not but don't worry about so why are they to go she added behind closed doors also new documents suggest that the u.s. navy is lying about what happened to the u.s.s. reagan when it was angered offshore in the fukushima nuclear power plant so what else about the fukushima disaster is the navy hiding from us and the obama administration's new food labeling requirements are a good start but they don't go far enough and they don't mention g.m.o. foods i'll tell you why in tonight's stately take. you need to know this one hand what one hand to gives the other takes away on tuesday house representatives unanimously passed a bill to speed up freedom of information requests the bill called the foil oversight and implementation act of twenty fourteen is actually
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a big step forward for transparency in government if you were to make a freedom of information request today it's a huge hassle because every federal agency has a. a different way of handling the their requests that is signed into law the foyer oversight and implementation act would create one access portal for all for your requests streamlining what is right now a pretty complicated system it would also require federal agencies to make available to the public any documents that are given to individual journalists for once president obama can actually be happy about something congress has done that's because tuesday's vote the house approving the new forest system makes good out an executive order he issued way back in two thousand and nine urging a new era in open government we should be happy about the house passing the for you oversight act as well democracy requires transparency in a more streamlined for the system means a more transparent and therefore more democratic government for once it seems our government is actually trying to be more accountable to the we the people it's too
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bad that it's not interested in carrying that commitment to transparency however over to the ongoing negotiations of the southern hemisphere and asia free trade agreement schefter if approved shaft or as it's more commonly known the t p p would create a whole new set of rules regulating the economies of twelve different countries in four different continents border in the pacific ocean you'd think the white house especially a white house led by a president who promised a new era of open government when he first ran for office in two thousand and eight would want to keep the public in the know about such a big world changing trade deal. apparently not so much t.v. is in the negotiated entirely in secret with the help of about six hundred so-called corporate advisors even our elected representatives can't really look at it in any meaningful way oregon congressman peter de fazio described what it's like to try to see a draft version of the t p p a report recent episode of the show. with this
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document is classified the train numbers are congress can't see it i can see it i can see it alone i have to make a. specific requests for what parts of it i want to look at and i can't take notes and i can't talk about it after i've read it once so i have not read it and i haven't done that because i want to be able to talk about it thanks to that kind of secrecy the only things we do know about the d.p.p. have come from leaks and those leaks paint a pretty scary picture paralytic c.p.p. would give big pharmaceutical companies virtually i'm an awful virtual monopoly patent power would like corporations sue countries in international courts over regulations that those corporations don't like and would let them got environmental and financial rules that's why the obama administration apparently why the obama administration's kept everyone in the dark about the t p p and has tried to fast track it through congress they know that if people really knew what was in the t.v. they'd be against it of course if p.p.p.
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negotiations a bit open to the public from the very start as a good chance the public could have lobbied for a trade deal that might have actually been good for working people and the corporations behind the p.-p. know that that and so they've done everything they can to make sure that the most important trade deal in a generation has been negotiated between behind closed doors joining me now for more on this is james hoffa president of the international brotherhood of teamsters james hoffa welcome back good to be here great to have you with us so first of all . this is top secret congressman de fazio was here a week or so ago. it's normally when a member of the u.s. house of representatives i mean the body that governs the first among equals in the constitution is not even allowed to look at something while this whole story about t p p gets more incredible as it goes around now they want fast trip well they've got the cart before the horse you know if you're going to have passed rick why don't you tell us what we're going to give you past record about what's in the bill
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and that's the one thing they don't want anybody to know if this is such a good deal why if you tell the american people one of the relief for the new york times why don't you come on your show and see. hey this is a good deal for america right now because we're going to put people to work they're not doing that instead of that they have the secrecy they won't even tell members of congress and they want them to sign something called fast trick where they basically sign off and whatever it is up or down vote they'll bring in a thousand pages say hey read that tonight we're going over all morning that's not going to happen and you know what i think congress finally smells a rat and they say we're not going to let this happen this fact we've been fooled before we've been fooled with nafta and calf to end w t o and south korea not again that's why i like calling this one the southern hemisphere asian free trade agreement so i can say we've got nafta capped and now they want to give the shaft so i said that you know as your allies marvel at how they are today i don't know who i stole it from but you know somebody had an army what do you think is the most important thing that people need to know about schefter well i think the whole idea
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is you're right if this is about a deal for big corporations just duck for us and you're doing such different types of economies i mean vietnam is involved in this that the average wage in vietnam is twenty eight cents a day a day i day where do you think the corporations are going to do what they're going to smell i hate i can move i can close my plant down in america i can build a plant in or have somebody build a plant in vietnam and i'll go buy production there are one hundred of them produce and will sell the thing here and will lay off all the americans one idea that's what they're thinking about right now and other things like new zealand right now new zealand right now tozer buddy we only want the dairy because they have this huge dairy plant it's kind of a nationalized thing where they want to basically solve the united states they want to penetrate our market we have over thirty thousand teamsters in the dairy industry other unions have dairy and they want to basically put our dairy farmers out of business and when you go to the store you're going to buy
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a new zealand stuff we don't want that we need berries here in america it's absolutely what would seem to be. i mean for teamsters well i mean it would hit us it would hit us with regard to the dairy a number of areas but the answer is anything that hurts the industrial heartland i mean we if we haven't learned the lessons of nafta we have lost over a million jobs and i can tell you the names i can repeat one hundred names from mr coffee to oral b. to square d. to allied chemical whatever they just keep on closing down and they basically do the same thing move to mexico the lay off our people and they don't see anything wrong with that to me that's what america yeah i agree senator harry reid has come out in opposition this along with another a number of other legislators peter de fazio and others and it's apparently also facing some tough opposition overseas do you think it's maybe dead now it's never
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did it because there are this is the great multinational corporations of the world it's never dead they're going to keep working on this if they don't get it this year they'll be back next year they'll be back that because there's trillions of dollars in profits year they have a whole national plan a world plan this is like the trilateral commission this is real and they have this idea of putting this thing together and making trillions of dollars and we might stop it this year but you know what they'll be back in fifteen you could be fighting this a bit and you know what they say would be the administration to change maybe we'll control the senate who knows what's going to happen this time and that's how they're going to do it they're not going away so we must be ever vigilant yeah i mean economically this is kind of the equivalent of a one world government and absolutely the bend the group in charge of that one world is going to be a handful of very very large multinational corps and that's the game plan i mean these people they say number one i mean and they've come out very boldly and written papers to say we don't need national boundaries anymore that the problem
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with the world is there are nations in this past year actually there shouldn't be any nations or shoes be one place where we can just wander the world to exploit. people and that's the whole world of the world idea so what we've got to do is to fight this battle with this congress this year and then see what happens in fifteen hopefully we're going to stop right now we're ever vigilant with regard to what happens in the lame duck watch the lame duck going to be why i'm going to stay here in washington to watch that because you know once the elections are over with in november who knows what's going to happen and that's what you got was december of this this this december. fourteenth or the november i'm sorry the after the election perfect. here we have i've mentioned progressive democrats you know peter fazio and others who are opposed to this is harry reid is opposed to michele bachmann's opposed to this there's a coalition forming between the tea party and progressives ate what does this say about shaft about the t.t.p. and b.
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could we could you know those people who are interested in rebuilding the american middle class be using that coalition for other things beyond the t.p. i think the far right looks at it differently i don't think the far right cares about american jobs but they are issue of sovereignty that we're giving up sovereignty and these trade agreements basically sacrifice the sovereignty of united states by giving you know some kind of a trade court that can basically come in and say oh you know we have dirty smokestacks in vietnam you have clean smokestacks here that's that's that's unfair to us. you can't make us have those you should get rid of yours right that's what this one world court is that they have and they want to set that up so to some extent the far right does have an appeal about the infringes on american sovereignty and the right for us to be a nation and to have our own laws and to be governed by the people you know do you think that what do you think would be a good trade trade policy is one you know the ideal trade policy is one that
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recognizes the right to people to associate to join unions you think people can join a union in. in vietnam i don't think so you know but a work camp where you get shot in the back way. and i think the environmental laws should have equal environmental laws you saw the smaug in china didn't you people i was talking to a friend it was in chinese and you can't see your hand in front of you to scary he said you have to go inside they don't have laws we have here. a right to freedom associate to join unions basically to have a free economy and basically that to preserve the right of each nation to have their own rights in their own bar amena laws with and finally i think you know that the most important one for the united states is to preserve what we have and many of our bills is the right to buy american i mean you know what he going to do we're going to buy military uniforms from china yeah we don't want as a president of the thank you so much for being deceived it's great to see you again coming up a new report suggests the u.s.
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navy knew all along as sailors on the u.s.s. reagan were exposed to dangerous levels of radiation so why is so why did the navy say they want. to get a quote for you. it's pretty tough to. say where it's not storing. the business guys like it would smear that time instead of working for the people most missions in the mainstream media for each other bribe or i'm sitting. on. the bed reading it well. we're. a piece. of it was. very hard to take. once you get on a flight that had sat with me here telling.
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in screw news after almost three years it's been almost three years after a massive earthquake and tsunami ushered in the worst nuclear disaster since churned elbel we're just now learning the truth of what went down in the wake of the fukushima dai ichi new meltdown a new report suggests that the u.s. navy knew all along that sailors on the u.s.s. reagan a ship supposedly used to transport humanitarian supplies in the wake of the march eleventh two thousand and eleven earthquake and tsunami were exposed to dangerous levels of radiation if true these reports could have a big impact on the one billion dollar lawsuit filed by the reagans sailors' against tokyo electric power tepco the company in charge of the fukushima plant and
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you know sailors are suffering from health problems commonly associated with the radiation exposure even though the navy denies they had contact with radiation levels dangerous enough to cause these kinds of health problems and all the sailors on the u.s.s. reagan have had to worry about radiation related health problems for almost three years everyone in the pacific coast of the united states might soon be facing exposure as well scientists have already detected fukushima radiation off the coast of vancouver and others think that more could be coming as soon as april joining me now for more on all of this is paul gunter director of the reactor oversight project at beyond nuclear also admit that i was present commentator nate suite. and paul welcome back welcome back tom thank you both. paul there's new reports about the navy's knowledge of what one of these reports say that well. you know the concern all along is why was the u.s.s. ronald reagan just
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a couple of miles away from the fukushima coast and it's been our concern that they were there to lay a power line from the ship's nuclear reactor to the fukushima daiichi reactors which were in station blackout and they were trying to repair our up the cooling system so they had to get the the the this aircraft carrier in really close and as a result there was there were the explosions which lofted radioactivity into the atmosphere but there was also the radioactivity flowing into the ocean water that was being sucked into the ronald reagans desalinization plant and so the ship was was taking in radioactive water. and then it was going into the drinking water bathing cooking ship service systems and a lot of crew members got exposed were only seeing initially you know under one
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hundred right now but we expect this exposure rate to go up this this is a nuclear powered carrier that i mean they they have landed stand any from from watching the tom clancy movies is that when you've got a nuclear reactor on board like on a submarine or an aircraft carrier you've got all kinds of radiation detectors all over the thing that if radiation is detected sirens go off and people jump up and down with their hair on fire and you know how come none of that happened well or did it clearly these sailors were put into harm's way and their mission was you know clearly vital but to hold back. information i think one of the big concerns that we've got is that now the u.s. navy is saying that these sailors didn't get any more radiation than you would get on an airplane flight or you know it being exposed to rocks but clearly the you know what it's so disingenuous to try to make that distinction between.
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internal exposure when these sailors were inhaling radiation as opposed to external exposure you don't inhale rocks you don't eat dirt you know these exposures have much more significant consequence when you take it into the soft tissue like muscle or bone marrow or thyroid these are these are much more significant exposures than what the navy's letting on right now i guess the big question here is if the u.s.s. rate ronald reagan was on a mission to try to hold off some sort of does that disaster at the fukushima power plant why didn't the navy come clean with that earlier on your motive there or did they just want to you know colony fears of nuclear disaster right you know regionally the stories were that the reagan didn't come within one hundred miles of the coastline and they were flying aircraft helicopters in this humanitarian
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mission but you know the. right now. congress is asking a lot more questions the. budget bill for two thousand and fourteen basically wants an inventory now of from the secretary of navy for you know what these sailors and marines were exposed to and you know what are the elements that they're suffering from and what was the mission and so these are these are now going to be. significant significant questions. we're going to get answers hopefully is early as april two thousand and fourteen and could you know the navy has been a walk from being sued by the sailors that are that are currently suing tepco right now could these new revelations potentially change that horrible things stay as they are and only tepco be sued by the by the sailors right now the the suit is
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focused on the fact that tokyo electric power company. misled withheld lied falsified information and i think that the focus is going to be on on japan in the tokyo electric power company right now i mean obvious is the tug of war going on as well between you know the status of. u.s. naval military ports in japan and how this whole thing washes out i was wondering what is the point of intersection where you know the navy uses nuclear power so maybe they don't want but the basis now that's when the penny dropped for me that makes perfect sense. i mentioned in my introduction we're starting we're hearing reports that fukushima based radiation is starting to show up on the on the west coast of north america is is that the case i know
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a lot of these radioisotopes have probably by this time already decayed the iodine for example is probably decayed to the point where it's not of great consequence what about saying things like cesium and strontium that are hyper bioavailable the body thinks that they're potassium and calcium respectively. what's showing up and oh and also you know the really heavy nuclei you know the actinides the transatlantic elements those are super heavy wouldn't have they have settled in them out of the ocean long before they got to the west coast well i think that what we're seeing right now is the leading edge of the the plume. has had several transport mechanisms you know initially eighty percent of the radioactivity that was released from the fukushima accident was to the atmosphere and it blew out in the ocean it rained out into the ocean and then along about march fifteenth two
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thousand and eleven there was a huge radioactive liquid discharge into the ocean and then there's the the debris field that has radioactivity in it and now we've seen ongoing discharge of radioactive cesium whole soup of radioactive isotopes that are feeding into this plume from ongoing discharges you know most recently we're seeing. reports of discharges seven million times the cesium levels that are supposedly permitted but. they're. they're showing up right now in this initial leading edge and we're going to be seeing these counts get higher we suspect but. it's. the concern is that there's not
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affected monitoring right now government shut down basically all the monitors now we just got these volunteer networks that are being named and and should anybody be concerned if any health quotes consequences of the radiation coming at the pacific ocean people who eat food from that area be concerned if you don't have food well according to the university of alaska. fisheries and ocean science division. there's no definitive answer right now you know these are still very early stages the concern is though that we are seeing radioactive contamination along. the marine the food chain part my interruption we have just a minute i want to get into the white waste isolation pilot project you guys are monitoring that in that we have right we have the waste isolation pilot project outside of carlsbad new mexico. it's a department of energy facility for storing nuclear waste principally called tony
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i'm from the nuclear weapons facility it was licensed for ten thousand years but february fifth february fifth there was a fire down there and now we have just fifteen years of the operation of this facility we have radioactive plutonium and marie siham surfacing now being evidence in radioactive monitors a half a mile from the site and just recently the announcement that thirteen contractors who were working on the surface at the time have now been internally contaminated by radio until john is the most deadly substance known to man and that's raising gunter thanks so much for being thank you tom and thank you and nate will be back with us in our next block stickler.
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crazy alert nosy news reporter katie dean who does caster heather won't let anything get in her way when she's reporting a story not even it appears her own snuff i have there was reporting live from oakland california the day we were open because started dripping out of her nose but she didn't freak out she got resourceful i got out. how much people here are telling me it was quite the spectacle of miley doing a whole lot of her now trademark twerking and more i didn't feel i should move like that not her music that's making headlines again. clip one more time in case you and this will happen. not light on the air but while that could be a career ender for some she's been good natured about the whole incident she even
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tweeted out a picture of herself with tissues later that night let's be honest nobody could have a worse day on air than a.j. clemente a f y r s's mark north dakota. b c north dakota news your news leader in high definition. good evening i'm dan q you may have seen our newest a.j. and seeing north dakota news and hell be joining the we can you see him as my co-anchor tell us a little bit about yourself a.j. . thanks man i'm very excited i graduated from west virginia university and i'm used to you know from being from the east coast. well. our phone lines are all going for our yard take my take a live segments of if you want a chance to ask me a question live on the air actually me and nate tonight give us a call at two zero two nine zero zero four twenty one thirty four. talking to you after the break.
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we welcome aaron nathan abby martin to be terrific oh son b.r.t. network. is going to give you a different perspective give me one stock tip i'll never i'll give you the information you make the decision don't worry about how breaking the said works the revolution of the mind it's a revolution of ideas and consciousness and frustrated with the system the extremely new approach to things would be described as angry i think in a strong. under single. shots are forced at. six am to finish line of the marathon. why has it.
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him or your take my take a live our phone lines are now open so if you want to share an opinion make a comment ask a question live on the air me and or nate sweet it's called to go tonight zero four twenty one thirty four if you're outside the united states add a one for the number three international viewers and as i mentioned with is still with me as progressive commentator and sweet so let's go to our first video question of the night christopher in california. i think you know you're our t.v. . markets you know p.p.c. free speech t.v. you know for all the good work you guys are doing. do you think that america elected up black president or do you think the electorate of ninety year because a barroom or almost here you go into one.
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