tv Documentary RT June 9, 2014 8:30am-9:00am EDT
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absolutely original cause of the war they are the complete aggressors and won't do much. because. that. small. ball is told to kitchens so we can sell them new explosions and so. cool assist the multi-ethnic society to live in harmony and joy not. what was for gong to be told you about yugoslavia the weight of chains on. the phone.
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l.o.l. come to me and call on sophie shevardnadze a political earthquake has hit and france's national front is its epicenter how much are they hoping to achieve with their sweeping victory in the elections we ask the leader of the bloc that magnet then is my guest today. the buildup of discontent of the brussels bureaucracy has broken through as e.u. voters swept euro skeptic parties into the parliament but do they have what it takes to take on the system should your press be bracing for change for is this just a passing storm. but in a band leader of france's front that's not a welcome to the program it's great to have you here i am in a similar bend last time we spoke you predicted in the election should become the
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number one party in france and here we are your number one so what's the very first thing you're going to do. the first thing the tog will do is constitute a group in the european parliament to be able to prevent any new advances towards european federalism which i consider to be profoundly antidemocratic i believe that it goes against the sovereignty of the people and the economic social and international interest of france. so along with our allies we will now be able to provide a new voice different from the one which dominates and the european union to form a more. talk a little bit more about the european elections now when you look at the bigger picture the euro skeptics are in a minority in that chamber and they aren't even forming a bloc yet so there wasn't really a victory so to say why do you think there's so much talk in the press as well.
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in this political earthquake that's taking place. on the ball of all the rules of operation of the european parliament well the blind to the left wing and white wing parties of the parliament the european people's party and the party of european socialists to come together to defend their stances against the euro skeptics. i think it is a moment in history where it will become apparent that there is no right or left wing that all this as a farce that in fact they defined the same ultra liberal vision the same vision of a federal europe the same vision of a future of the sovereignty of the people maybe we have to go through this so that the people become aware that this left right fracture that was so much to them is truthfully speaking political through it believe me we saw the faces of the people here in brussels who saw us come pouring in i think they believe the top presence will decided to change the appearance of the european parliament and evidently of
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the depends that will take place in the parliament. how big is the problem of this year commissioners you want to get rid of like has this hour to issues so serious. sovereignty is the foundation of democracy without sovereignty there is no democracy because having the freedom to cost a ballot in the ballot box is one thing but if the people you elected with your ballot have no power because the actual power was transferred to a supernatural body then we are no longer in a democratic process and this is exactly what we are currently going through i think it was a nine hundred fifty seven and the national assembly mendez frond said that there are two ways to establish to tell you terry and it isn't either all of the powers are united together or we transfer all the power to a supernatural body well that's exactly what they did by building the european union they transfers the sovereignty of the people to supernatural body that is not
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elected and has no legitimacy and that imposes its will on the people this is true for our territorial sovereignty we're no longer in control of our immigration policy since with the shang and all of our borders are open this is true for the monetary sovereignty since we are no longer in control of our currency our budgetary sovereignty it has just been transferred to the european union but also our legislative sovereignty since currently eighty percent of the laws which are voted in the french national assembly are actually a transcription of european directives i consider that france is a free country and it should stay that way and since we were robbed of all of our liberties we should fight to get them back from the hands of those who stole them without our knowledge and against our will. just a little while back there was talk about the new rising super powers the european union this election shows that the blog is far from being universally approved superstate. will hear about never unite now. europe
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is not at stake it is the european union that is at stake europe exists and it consists of nations whose wealth lies in their uniqueness their sovereignty their freedom democracy so i'm for a europe of nations i wish that tomorrow we can constitute a europe that could expand but to countries that have preserved their sovereignty and would work together on corporative projects this is what works and this is what i want to implement but in order to do this we have to dig construct this european union. it's not very long time ago i was talking to a member of an alternative for germany party and he says that he wants to divide the euro zone into the rate should north and to poor south. do you think this is a solution. no i think this is utopian i
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think the twenty trying to stick lost on the structures that was forty from the beginning as far as the euro since this is really about the euro they want us to make a northern europe and the southern euro zone but in this case what is their advantage for southern countries to continue to have the euro imposed on them it would be better if they reestablish their national currency and adapt the level of the national currency to their economy to boost drivers employment and exports now if jennie wants to keep a euro monks iran that territory that is their responsibility if they see their interests there they're free to do it but we have no interest in integrating a sub-zero structure. so you've also said that you want to defend french interests in the case germany what are those french interests or chairman policies infringing upon. crystal let things be clear i am not to demand of this one make any sense i cannot be mad at germany for defending their interest i simply
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find that their interests are divergent from ours it is that simple i criticize the french leaders for not defending france's interests and for defending germany's interests for example in the case of the euro we can see that the euro was created for and by germany the euro is custom tailored but in a way that fits only germany and not any other country of the european union what would. i want something tailored for me and for this i want a national currency is specially since currency is a part of sovereignty that one currency one country this is the way that ninety five percent of the countries in the world function by the way if tomorrow we go back to our national currencies german marks would be overvalued compared to the euro our new francs would be devalued compared with the euro and went down for benefit and germany would be at a loss currently germany is profiting from the euro since they have
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a currency which is structurally devalued which gives them a considerable competitive advantage. this european union has fallen under the domination of germany since germany has managed to impose its views on all of the other countries. and to and. from the point of view of the economy of employment of society who have suffered a considerable loss in the last few years and will not continue to accept the suffering of the french people to placate madam marco. you know so you're not a big fan of this charity palaces in your opinion are ruining curable but where else needs to be done to combat the debt crisis that. surely not to do this in any case because the austerity policies that have been implemented have shown not only their injustice but their futility their own efficiency the abortion of these austerity policies is greece just look at greece we sensed the greeks back to the
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middle ages. they use unemployment rate is at sixty percent thirty percent for the rest of the workforce a drop in unemployment compensation and drunken salaries a drop in civil servants by mrs no longer have access to appropriate health care to cite rates have doubled since there's been a fifty percent increase and the infant mortality rate is this progress is this what we have promised this is a disgrace it's scandalous. it doesn't reduce the deficit or debt. greece is deficit and its debts are still increasing this is why i say that the austerity policies are both inefficient in attaining their objectives which is reducing deficit but they're also profoundly on just real and almost inhumane. of the fact that in some hospitals in greece when women come to give us that given they have baby only in exchange for a bill to pay for their delivery. but every bit as good as it could you want to
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see as they had a european commission. original mccool completely don't care all interchangeable this is a legend for you for your files would tell them look juncker cetera while in reality all the same completely the same the president of the commission as the board in all the prisons that's it but he's there to enforce the output cation of the rules so whoever the warden is he will apply the rules inside the prison this is exactly what the head of the commission does what cons is who will best apply the ultra liberal policy the transfer of sovereignty the expansions they want to impose on various european populations the signature of the transatlantic treaty with the united states which reform win the contest and which will fight tooth and nail. ok met civil cool point that it was we're going to take
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a short break right now we're back with matt into the band leader of france's national front just about the four and i mention of you publicist and what she thinks needs to be changed stay with us. from a kid of ukraine has a new president and he has made it clear that no new ideas on how to resolve the country's dire problems but a show called says he wants a peaceful ukraine but you cannot get all dressed if you get decorations. to make them. plug right on the scene plenty of the search struggling and i think the term limits the amount the lead on our reporters twitter
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and we're back with mattie and his band had old friends he's one this year not it's great to have you back on our show. so let's talk a little bit about the events in ukraine now you've called the. democratic monster which has made things worse with its offers of partnership to kiev and how exactly yes. listen obviously when the european union made this partnership proposal to ukraine this basically meant a rupture of their relationship with russia it was a kind of blackmail that could only fuel the divisions of ukraine since we know that within the country there are citizens in the east which look towards russia and some in the west which look towards the european union were well aware of this and few willing these divisions was obviously putting in place conditions for a danger of civil war said the european union started the initial fire and since then has only aggravated the situation via threats blackmail and sanctions which we
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can clearly see do not contribute to bringing everyone to the table to find a peaceful and reasonable resolution to this conflict. that to us seems that here i've had an understanding of that division between the east and it was like you're sad because sometimes you get an impression that you have had no idea what it was getting into. by definition it is not up to me to defend the competency of these bodies to not know this would be tragic such to political ignorance seems astounding to me nevertheless the result is that the european union did not play the role that it could have played and it contributed to aggravating the situation . which is really a shame is that countries like france no longer have a diplomatic voice because here is a conflict in which france if it had kept a strong political voice a balancing voice like the one i wanted to recover what it could totally manage to
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overcome these difficulties. the diplomacy of the european union is a catastrophe and not only in ukraine each time the european union participates on the global stage it is usually either to create a problem or to aggravate. it. and as far as sanctions go against russia saying it's a sign and foreign policy is subordinated to the u.s. how far do you think they will take those sanctions. i don't know maybe eventually the european union will have to face reality and come to the conclusion that is not to it advantage to bend to america's well. in any case that is what i hope because these sanctions have contributed to strengthening everyone's opposing positions which makes no sense we were completely aware of the
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fact that russia faced with these sanctions wouldn't say oh well if it's going to be like that no problem do what you want that doesn't make any sense the sanctions that were imposed including those imposed on russian deputies and even the president of the duma which are even more problematic a rupture in historical traditions on the diplomatic level. generally do not sanction deputies because they are the expression of the people so i am under the impression that there are no more rules except maybe the ones imposed by the united states which once again defend their own interests but their interests are not our ways. it can ukraine ever become. a member and do you thing it should. obviously not obviously not once again here when the european union promised to let ukraine become part of it it clearly contributed to the class aggression of tensions within
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ukraine ukraine will not become part of the european union so won't tell tales ukraine absolutely doesn't have the economic level to become part of the e.u. going and once again it's a long way down the list i'm opposed to any new expansion so i say this was no judgment whatsoever i threw friendship towards the ukrainians so i went to my friends to the table of nightmares that i want to leave the european union i can't invite them to join me in your bed but also say the economic levels of ukraine are so low compared to our ways on a social level so it would be once again and interest european competition which would be insurmountable for our country i think the average salary is around three hundred euro they can imagine that they would face competition that will once again makes us a break economic and social tensions within the european union. so i think it is
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a law it is a promise that we knew full well that we would not keep. the g. seven and russia for the situation in ukraine and about more sanctions which is well known why our question leaders calling on russia and on putting it turned to violence now the government in kiev i mean they do have a newly elected president right now so why not ask him and the government. still that's a good question because we are at the culmination of a cold war that has been fought against russia by the united states which the european capitals have completely submitted on an international level it's as simple as that under shame as well. and i would like to seize this opportunity to express my. compassion and my sadness and my disgust to see these civil victims in the east of ukraine. who are dying surrounded by the general indifference of the
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european political world and media. it is a real scandal which is happening on our doorstep and your right to say that from the moment she crane has legitimate government it is the government which must take responsibility. but for this would need to demand to do cranium the government dismantle and design arm the reigning militia which would most likely embarrass a number of people. if you listen leaks internationally ukraine were accepted and recognized by all the major powers in the west despite the civil war that's going on in the country and the fact that there was no vote on the country's rebellious to eastern region at the same time to elections in syria were branded illegitimate even before they were held. we resources yes but this has been happening for years i mean this auction such decides who is on the good side and
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who is on the bad side of this country tenney moment oh the good guys of today will be the bad guys of tomorrow and maybe the bad guys of today will become good tomorrow if washington decides that it is to their advantage to make them good it is a shame since there is a substantial amount of mistakes that have been made at an international level under washington's influence especially in syria who are the only ones among the french political parties to oppose intervention in syria the first and only ones here from the beginning sad but who are arming islamic fundamentalists who would if they did win implement a reign of terror like they did in libya this was once again because of us we helped them come to power. this is the american method the international american method they defend their interests or they think that they are defending them since sometimes they make serious mistakes what is terrible is that european countries no
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longer have a say in thing was there are no more sovereign nations in europe that can be the voice of reason for peaceful settlement of conflicts the voice of balance between different interests of different nations. if president obama said to security of america's european allies to say chris and promising to boost u.s. military deployment and exercises around europe does security lead this kind of support that. to defend ourselves against whom while you know that we are for leaving nato for france leaving nato we have a goalie and vision of what international politics must be like we are for developing our relations with russia without breaking ties with the united states we believe that france must maintain its relations with all of the world's great nations and we do not want to be imposed with
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a way of seeing things by anybody we aspire to have the freedom to determine the quality and the level of international relations. found ourselves against whom when we asked this question to a french politician his answer was china it almost makes you laugh we can clearly see that as a matter of fact this is an opportunity for the united states to carry out military integration and maybe tomorrow economic and to gratian to extend the scope of its influence through the free trade agreements that the united states wants to sign a tele price is really just another way to tie the european union in a class identity of way to the united states this is once again a loss of independence not to mention the catastrophic consequences that this free trade agreement would have for us in terms of agriculture industry defense etc so this is much more a geopolitical treaty than
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a purely commercial or economic treat. and finally my daimler parent obviously after your success in the european elections everyone is wondering if you're going to run for president in two thousand and seventeen. listen if the followers of my movement put their trust in me since we have an upcoming congress in november well i will run to be reelected as the head of front nazionale if i'm reelected as the head of the fan then i will obviously be a candidate for the future presidential elections which may take place earlier than we expected either the presidential or the legislative elections given the extremely low level of support for the president of the republic françois a long and thorough of a relay using the presidential elections could take place earlier than scheduled to play if you think alone could resign because that's just want francois launce friends say have raised the question to figure out how they can hold on for another
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three years while sustaining such heavy losses in all of the elections organized in the mean time and having just a sixteen percent popularity rating among the french population. i strongly believe in an early dissolution of the national assembly if the results of this legislative election give the same results as the european election well the political party of the president of the republic which has all the power the state the national assembly the senate the regions thousands of municipalities less than fourteen percent of voices then i don't see how the president of the republic can continue like this in any case the question arises is this double but i finesse difficult malema ben thank you very much for the entry into everything and you've told me before in previous centuries came true so good luck with everything. that. we're talking to many look bad french politician
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a leader of the national front number one party in france thank you very much we're talking about the future of europe that's it for this edition of surfing call see you next time. cunto ember a history of yugoslavia this formation as a prosperous and peaceful country was considered to be a success story of market socialism and in many regards it was a model of development on. whom was this teacher of democracy and market economy if any republican yugoslavia wanted for the usa it
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would have to break away from yugoslavia and declared its independence ok it's not a conspiracy theory it's not my speculation it's not my analysis it's a public. and punish it harshly for every slightly less some on learn the serbs started this war the serbs are the original cause of the war they are the complete aggressors and wrongdoers. to bomb because of. that. bomb small bomb will bomb all of tofu kitchens to console them in what's been said about. go assess and be multi-ethnic society to live in harmony and join up. what was for god to be told you about yugoslavia the weight of chains monarchy.
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of. ukraine's eastern city of slavyansk comes under misawa time with the army stepping up its offensive against militia groups trapping civilians in the crossfire. to sleep at night because the bomb will. remain the violence is forcing women and children to flee their homes are refugees from the whose lives have been turned upside down by the fight. for rival camps step up their campaigns one hundred days ahead of scotland to start independence referendum looks at the all give us a both sides. plus liquid war says the un says water shortage.
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