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tv   Going Underground  RT  June 9, 2014 10:30am-11:01am EDT

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almost daily contact with zagreb gave his go ahead for croatians the session and actually pressured its western allies to recognize slovenia and croatia. as though it's watching a sort of another that in rafah the combination of those the germans have a phobia it was geo political in the sense of one thousand nine hundred eighty and one thousand forty one and that continue eighty also reflected itself in the almost visceral preference for the cross of the slovenes who after all had belonged to the german cultural and state structures for hundreds of years there was however one problem in this plan the serbs who are now constitutional people of croatia that pretty much meant that no decisions about could be made without the serbs serbs and croats had an equal status now serbs were facing increasing discrimination by the croatian government and a lot of people were killed outright and threatened. people lost their jobs. it was
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their service croatians. marriage partner who were discriminated trying to knew this all too well so what did he do she wrote a new constitution institutional says that croatia is a country of drugs that sell domestic atlee cleansing constitutional by creating such a croatian constitution violated the yugoslav constitution which he considered invalid but he still wanted to keep the internal yugoslav borders the serbs had a different idea. was. what the croatian serbs wanted was to have control over the lands the populate their own self-government their schools a right to preserve their language culture and national identity the croats really wanted the same feeling threatened by was now being described by zagreb as a serb oh yugoslav giant the serbs thought well if the cross can separate from yugoslavia why can't the serbs separate from croatia after all the same thing happened in america back during the civil war when virginia seceded from the us the
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northwestern part of the state ceded from virginia to form west virginia that was loyal to the day when i got there who inspected the lines and these guys all told me these are old stories of how they were just simple peasant croats the patriots in the jna jane age and i am still for little the fighting force that they had overcome and all the weapons that they had the said that they had a caption from the journey. well done mother worked on someone else. and i did my in training i mean and i knew who made his cries and comes in every single one of the weapons carried by these guys their way for machine guns lubricants is only a mystery if you follow that bouncing ball just recently just last summer croatia donated surplus and three nominees for funds thousands collision comes to the afghan national army. those are surplus with their. thing is hiding essentially
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a murder weapon the serbs had more than enough weapons and they were too eager to crush the croatian army officer would you call the idea teachers not the boulevard the city this it took to go to show us what. you would. the creation town of local bar was under siege for eighty seven days which later brought a fear of victory to the surf or since life eric some because he actually destroyed the entire city because support for it still is here to for the three korea we were the regime you name is going to perpetrate the fiercest on the new cold war a horrific example of how territory suddenly became more important than the people economic and.
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civil war civil war is the worst kind of war involves brother versus brother and him as a family member and it is one of the ugliest kind of office. the surge wanted to have control over the lands mainly inhabited by serbs including lands that were of a strategic importance to them the croats wanted to see for themselves all the bosnian muslims or bosniaks as they're called they wanted. to achieve this the bosnian government now increasingly representing the bosniak loyce started getting help from the americans. a secret place to.
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go to school and there is service to the tools of the delivery of arms was the. american president clinton later admitted in a book that the americans didn't inforce the arms embargo but that's not all alia was also offered the help of hundreds of mujahideen camacho can say no to these guys serbs on the other hand relied heavily on aid from belgrade as the yugoslav army was the fourth largest in europe the west moved to stop belgrade from helping the serbs in bosnia so in may of one thousand nine hundred two sanctions were imposed the most left of yugoslavia serbia and montenegro by october one thousand nine hundred three ninety percent of yugoslavia as domestic drug production stopped the average daily intake of calories had fallen by twenty eight percent compared to one thousand nine hundred and one point five million people were classified as undernourished two months later over sixty percent of yugoslavia's workforce was
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unemployed and the average monthly income had dropped from five hundred dollars to fifteen dollars to markets and stories are close to empty now and i may name only a common name no name of any can say i want to create them. yes but as usual changes in very early people or more is run in the latter people of the top benefit from. the force the serbs into what was a would happen in the world was a criminal economy which became criminals became king because we made it so if you want to go read what used to be the diplomatic areas it was i was it was it made tons of money for the black market or profiteers big time in spite of the catastrophe around them the serbs would not heal to the will of the west so one man decided to use this opportunity to save your organization that no longer had a purpose the north atlantic treaty organization or nato was
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a system of collective defense whereby its member states agreed to mutual defense response to an attack by any external party founded in one nine hundred forty nine the purpose really became to protect the west from the soviets a counterbalance to the later form the warsaw pact president eisenhower. saw in nato as a defensive alliance that eventually the europeans would take over instead the us has turned into an instrument of power and eastward expansion then the soviet union went bust the us explicitly broke the agreement that was made with gorbachev of about not surrounding russia with hostile military really harmed states the colonization of serbia is the bottom or second step on the staircase to russia. we must be colonized because nato learned
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hitler's lesson don't have a two front war when you're attacking the russians you have to neutralize yugoslavia the way hitler did but to do that you need to create a case where you had to intervene against an enemy in yugoslavia and terry joe biden we face blatant act of serbian expansionism and aggression this is no more civil war than germany and austria and czechoslovakia and civil wars in the one nine hundred thirty s. this as then in my view is fascist thuggery on the march. he was calling serbs olympic games at the same time that he had a very influential position on the foreign relations committee of the senate biden was also emphasizing the importance of a new role for nato as seen february of one thousand nine hundred four at the senate hearing on the future of nato last month while the allies reassured themselves in brussels and nato remains that the bedrock of european security
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crimes of a kind that were tried in nuremberg a half a century ago continued unabated and bosnia without a common enemy to unite us. we may find there are conceptions of what constitutes national interest may very well divide us. he found the common enemy in the serbian people who were already previously demonized by us public relation firms such as ruder and then hired by various separatist groups from yugoslavia they knows only demagogues this of your leadership that determined just. the subject people the serbs started this war the serbs are the original cause of the war they are the complete aggressors and wrongdoers. and intervention and soon. here was nato and the. it is ation a form for the sole purpose of defense of its member states attacking
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a country that has not attacked or threatened any of its member states mckenzie who is the major general of the un army in charge of sector so you will try to warn the americans of what they were embarking upon so i figured they asked me my opinion and i said start reading your grandchildren peacekeepers. who will be there who. are still there this pattern of intervention was so successful that the west just had to replicate it in kosovo. when the european union promised to met ukraine become part of it it clearly contributed to the south abrasion of tensions within ukraine ukraine will not become part of the european union the won't tell tales ukraine absolutely doesn't have the economic level to become part of the e.u. or in.
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schizophrenia care of ukraine has a new president and he has made it clear you have no new ideas on how to resolve the country's dire problems but if you call says he wants a peaceful ukraine but in his inaugural address he issued a declaration of war and ultimatum. please speak your language. programs and documentaries in arabic in school here. reporting from the world talks about six of the yard p. interviews intriguing stories for you to. see in troy. to find out more visit our big. but the pledge to play it was a terrible mistake now i'm very hard to make going to let you get along here is
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a plot that you never had sex with other make their lives let alone was. just so. listen the amount . of. i am right on the scene i am first struck. and i think the church. i
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am an army corps put a an instrument i am. to be in the. on. my shoulder. today on forces joined on nato allies in airstrikes against sudden forces responsible for the top of the calls things of the bombing the power grid night after night from the government not get out of that they couldn't pump water and they couldn't in the bakeries can fire up and build rates of the high millions of people access to believe bread and water how does that affect the counterinsurgency efforts of the serbian security forces in the problems because these were attacks on the serbian people. call them you know. collateral damages and this with you know. was she wants their name
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was there ever three for their families for the rest of the world with the just for the bench i mean they hit the cigarette factory in each three times a minute and ended up being purchased by philip morris before work into a supermarket with a hammer start smashing stuff from the silicone peja a pittance for the remains. almost like you're a vandal apparently the cigarettes made in nice were also killing albanians in kosovo so he had to be taken out philip morris had an issue with the cigarette factory nish was one of their main competitors in the european market the real purpose of the worst economically communist country to replace the entire non-compatible domestic infrastructure with. germany compatible american compatible . so bomb. the yugo. the car that managed to make it into the us market you go back to. that to the ground.
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bomb the cement factories bomb the oil industry bomb all of the totally new kitchen systems so you can sell the new ones much more expensive knotting better if this was nato shop that had been well coordinated and dance in fact almost a year prior to the war the world bank carefully analyzed the consequences of an eventual military intervention leading to the occupation of kosovo and conducted relevant simulations which anticipated the possibility of an emergency scenario arising out of the tensions in kosovo the suggest that needle had already breached the world bank at an early stage of military planning the plans for occupation started before a good enough pretext to intervene was found in one thousand nine hundred eight the caylee was still classified by the us state department as a terrorist organization bankrolled by the proceeds from the heroin trade and by osama bin ladin. as it became more evident that the caylee was driving events in kosovo the us realize it could use them for their own interests to hold more of
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a no brainer reason was actually able to control the charolais not been in government and u.s. cargo planes were landing at the rate of two a day with suppliers and shipments british special forces a us military forces were providing for and were clearly this was before the war. germany. was shipping. x. used for a military style banner with the understanding that again i would give it provide to a k.l.a. the goal was to provoke a harsh response from the serbian army so the west could pretend its jumping in to stop the war and impose its policies slobo sent in the military and a full blown conflict erupted in one nine hundred eighty eight balls that the woman . was for seymour would only in the cloth yeah not as a national coffin that sort of be our bazza. freedom on conference. with the profitable for your call month acquire the album war of the. i mean.
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that he and i get the most in the end and certainly everything the united states has done in afghanistan and iraq is far worse than what the serbian military ever did in kosovo if you're going to colonize the territory might as well put it on paper the u.s. state secretary madeleine albright masterminded the so-called rumbly agreement which was modeled on the dayton accords imposed on bosnia here nato outlined how it will occupy and colonize yugoslavia in annex b. of the rumbly agreement nato personnel shall enjoy together with their vehicles vessels aircraft and equipment free and unrestricted passage and unimpeded access throughout yugoslavia not only should the told you what i believe. be initially davi we we intentionally raise the bar too high we knew that they could not accept this a done them to the agreement. and the intention was to go ahead and bomb and
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use nato to teach serbia a lesson the first step of that was done with these against us the will was fulfilled in one thousand begin that nato troops and of kosovo and then remain remain still in kosovo along with u.s. troops which established camp bondsteel their second largest foreign military base outside of germany an army of lawyers and consultants was sent into the now occupied kosovo under world bank auspices to create an enabling environment for foreign capital and how was this done. organization to manage the privatization of social beyond a crisis and after a certain period of time or a term that they would do the oath without any regard to me go on a ship. would have to pay attention to who actually legally own this and just basically confiscated it and privatized as sort of who veto i think every major world leader knows that if they don't go along with the system they're likely to be
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taken out one way or another after an extensive anti struggle campaign regularly financed by western routes to you and united states that spends millions of euros in equipping opposition movements inside you to start here with the necessary resources to fight some election campaign lost the elections in september of two thousand wouldn't heal to his opponent while you slept pushed on its value and decided that enough was enough. victory victory shout to the crowd slow down slow but am safe sabby and kill yourself cried out that it's just you done was one who was going to cheat. will be slow both fell. but what's next. come two thousand and six after a controversial referendum montenegro became the us country of the world fifty five
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point six zero two cities in. phoenix it's going to be clever another part of former yugoslavia still wanted that title you guessed it. in the same year negotiations began between belgrade government and the albanian minority over the status of kosovo however the so-called negotiations were a farce from the beginning as almost all the western powers were promising kosovo independence regardless of the negotiations and sooner rather than later you got to say enough's enough. kosovo's independence. and a specificially take in the people of kosovo need to know that it is a solid former position and even though there's diplomacy and talks but it is apparent that that's not going to happen in a relatively quick period of time in my judgment we need to put forward the resolution. think about it if you had some of the world's largest power selling you that you can get whatever you want why the hell would you sell for any less and try
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to reach a compromise as anticipated the talks broke down and kosovo unilaterally declared independence see above. yes men are hard to the president and prime minister of an independent kosovo to the oval office. brad you are here i welcome you i'm a strong supporter of kosovo's independence. should i place at the united states would continue to work. he goes nations that have direction as an independent kosovo to convince them to do so as quickly as possible contrary to what bush had hoped the majority of the world countries did recognize
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kosovo and it didn't even become a un member state the us coastal failed to become a country what was absurd in the story is that the albanian minority which in all fairness to suffer greatly throughout the one nine hundred ninety s. thought that they actually got in the penance in two thousand and eight the first cause will be fun i'll think of. how you feel all i think they say who they. think is like a dream as this are i feel sorry for the albanians because they have been duped even more than we have. they think they have an independent state. costs of all is a us military base. it happens to have some local color called out me it's some local forage like leaves on the trees and distil just a little bigger so the good old of the year misspeaking with the lord for you the president listed of the bush with the money to the people in america but they could decide to do something not consistent with us wishers impossible you think the
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course of a government could do anything without the americans agreeing with me no there. there there the good old us are more she knows the other thing there's a many guns like lives on them us us to live from just good to start well you started to the closest ally that most of them and i said make your old look at. last as many consummate commission members trigger more you. are many many more. americans are in control yeah they are pretty much in control. we are not in the band from the europeans and from america the formal channels whereby the international missions it will. have the absolute bubble over all walks of political and economic life all represented through the international civil representative who has the right to expel any elected official and the laws about passed by the by the assembly of the so at the same time there is an informal
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assemble whereby the national you know tamils it is within but within politics and economics because all through the bus of those of the powerful countries that have been seen or presented itself a sponsors of the independence of the soul the wishes of these investors are a condom like orders to the civil sport the sions posole law still remains a colony and the school is a shoe in has actually degraded life or the standard of living and sadly the elite in power even when the majority was against them still didn't listen one of my very close and very trusted friend. i was at a dinner. private dinner at which the american ambassador cameron munter was present. that dinner was held between the election in which the radical party which is much more independence oriented than the democratic party had
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apparently won the election had the most votes of any party. and we were all expecting that well people spoke and it's been election the biggest party going form the government and my friend cameron munter well mr mentor. it seems that your mission here has been a failure. the mission to bring serbia under the imperial. to two inch. he said i would speak so soon. in fact i'd watch the television tomorrow. and see what the results of the meeting between mr todd which and mr dutch each. of us laws must become aware of their countries a western conference victims of rampant and merciless globalization bound by economic social and political changes if they don't the weight of chains will
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slowly get there. the land of the south slavs whatever you call it has great potential shared by some of the most diverse and magic people in the world the east thought they were the west the west consider the mid-east some of them misunderstood their place in the clash of currents so outside powers exploited them for centuries. live. lives.
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led. to the try to. play polo going to be going into your life for the story changing every minute the lead the law the web. mail or the like the it was funny thing to say the molten lead squeezes most elite clubs to lead sometimes from nothing which led this season and it's a moment to look just keep still we can still be just if you see a stage eight look easy. but the speech was plenty.
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plenty. plenty play a clip on your arm and along the bank of new knowledge base your life you know. lead. a pleasure to have you with us here on our team today i'm sure. when do you have pain union promised to met ukraine become part of it it clearly contributed to the exacerbation of tensions within ukraine. ukraine will not become part of the european union the won't tell tales ukraine absolutely doesn't have the
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economic level to become part of the e.u. or. do we speak your language or not advance. news programs and documentaries in spanish what matters to you breaking news that will turn it into angles to the stories. you hear. in troy altie spanish find out more visit. our t.v. dot com.
11:00 am
ukraine's eastern city of slovyansk comes under missile attack with the army stepping up its offensive against down to kiev militia groups trapping civilians in the crossfire. chris kerry went to sleep at night because the bombs will might fall every means as the violence is forcing women and children to flee their homes auntie talks to refugees from lugansk whose lives have been turned upside down by the fighting. in. rival camps step up their campaigns one hundred days ahead of scotland's historic independence referendum looks at the arguments of both sides. plus liquid war says the un says water shortages will fuel major conflicts for the world's most.


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