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tv   Headline News  RT  June 9, 2014 2:00pm-2:30pm EDT

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well welcome to our two's news room i am and you see now and tonight violence continues in east ukraine as a new president is sworn in bringing the little promise of a halt in military action in kosovo to hold an election few are talking about but many will be affected by the cia goes live on twitter what will the agency bring to the microblog other than a sense of humor your in the know. ukraine's
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eastern city of slavyansk is once again the target of government troops the army reportedly stepped up its offensive against so-called terrorist groups in the region but it's civilians were getting caught in the fire for people including a child were killed in a strike there on sunday the woman as you can see there was severely wounded by shrapnel from one of the missiles as she was riding her bike through the city but luckily she was taken to hospital in time and is now recovering. and this burning building is what remains of the city's landmark merchant houses where a four year old girl before the children attacked military forces claim and to be of militia were using them as barracks and the central square of surveillance has also come under fire locals claim an attack happened when many people were outside following a church service call it a well a violent continuing in the east as new president has been sworn in in kiev the world watched on as petro poroshenko promised to return crimea to ukraine and join
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the e.u. . looking very presidential they're now officially at the helm of the country and the army maybe they'll be held accountable for civilian deaths in the east now . both times perhaps this soldier willingly or not has slipped through the cheek drop your arms mr president. lots of close friends came to see go get sworn in. it's a little in this book even though the us was innocent of all of that excitement didn't last long try not to fall asleep joe and wake up mr wrong be next to you that's rude. even though some guests were just plain sad to be there and didn't hesitate to show it well tension over the ukraine crisis is not easing bulgaria's prime minister has halted work on russia's south stream pipeline
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after recommendations from the e.u. but the decision was announced after talks with the us senators no surprise good old johnny he was one of them russia is now a gas station wrecked masquerading as a country economic sanctions for all might of the g. eight isolate them as much as possible and speak speaking out as ronald reagan did bring down those who while mr gorbachev for speaking up for the these people. yes well gary unexpectedly order of work on south stream to be suspended on sunday after holding talks with the likes of the number one russia hater senator john mccain but you authorities ordered bulgaria to suspend construction on the link of the pipeline which is plan to transport russian natural gas through the black sea to bulgaria and onward to western europe russia's energy giant gazprom south stream pipeline requires european approvals as its route would pass through the territory
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of several e.u. countries well joining us in the now on the line is on the belly he's an associate professor at the university of tartu in as stony and thanks for being with us moscow says the e.u. just wants to punish russia and doesn't think about economic and political bonuses for its member states such as ball garia who benefit from bulgaria backing out of this project. well i don't know what risk you need to make sure it's really. an economic benefit or top it so green chile where you are in. the world really don't know where it got going on. declining in particular not speak and he way i want to portofino sure you are good or which are not true critical to remember but over. and over and going. from her. you could international energy companies or are you open to are
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you know don't try no. money thrown back project for anyone. who will be harmed most what other what is another option target sites interrupt you for the e.u. at the moment. we're going to need opinion in a country to a number of options including including growing up late writing including the upgrade plan and i were one of the i'm not going to cut because beneath the children in that report there are no quick search and upward printed united. training golden. years really crucial to economic. theory like your one. probe is exploring you going to her old won't break you can only occur richard if you're greatly in my. computer like you are more of her
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european union to be sure it could go. in and she did and a pretty picture if you like a challenge for you. right under my belly they're an associate professor at the university of tartu in a studio with us on the line thanks for that well ukrainian crisis fallout made it all the way to deauville for the commemoration on the seventieth anniversary of d.-day respectable world leaders not teenagers right clicks don't count when it comes to foreign policy because it is the policy on ukraine at the moment and russia is not popular. but it's not high school is it.
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thanks. well the crowd certainly loves it i take that back it is high school and someone got caught chewing gum although we had to slow the tape down to catch the culprit. i'm. not sure the queen would approve of that and then there's those who have graduated but still come to all the parties or at least try to. since then. since then. since then i've. seen there's actually both sarkozy might run for president again in twenty seventeen just rumors though when we come back kosovo elections are in the mountain day stay with us.
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though when the european union promise to met ukraine become part of it it clearly contributed to the exacerbation of tensions within ukraine ukraine will not become part of the european union who won't tell tales ukraine absolutely doesn't have the economic level to become part of the e.u. . i marinate join me on india impartial and financial commentary and contribute and much much. only on the bus and on.
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technology innovation all the developments around russia we've got this huge earth covered. mummy. mummy lent. the mother little slip. plume coming. from.
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the. leg it was terrible they were i'm very hard to make out of all american diplomat here a plug in that sat close up her require a little color luck. oh i'm . lucky.
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welcome back you're in the now with me and he said now why because suppose had a parliamentary election over the weekend the ruling party won although it looks like not many people there took it seriously turnout was very low less than half of the region's population came to cast their ballots just to remind you kosovo is one of the most four regions in europe with youth unemployment there more than fifty percent around half of the population lives in poverty and now under these circumstances the current government manages to remain in power for another term let's bring more clarity into this i'm joined live by nicholas meir coverts author of the martyr of kosovo thanks for being with us what do you make of this election well i'm just confirming what you just said that the turnout is extremely poor and for a nation which just goes to be its first democratic years only forty two percent of
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the people going to vote is extremely low and shows that the current government is very slow small popularity and not a lot of people went to vote and this is a strong sign of how much confidence the people of kosovo have in their democratic institutions what problems do they have with these institutions. they don't just don't believe that anymore i think you've been in the albanian community to date people know that that the current government and whatever the put it the major political party whether it be in opposition to where the government are just saying speaking out what they're hearing from the u.s. from brussels now there's nothing really specific for the people living in kosovo and this is a strong sign we've seen a cat she has been a team that she's attacked quite a lot by his own you know being in people of kosovo and because they're expecting more and they're expecting more on the current day activities i mean as you said poverty is extremely high you've got half of the population which is unemployed
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those who. we're live on practically eighty euros per month and you've got eighteen percent of kosovo which is under the extreme already dying and this is this is the worst figures for all of europe and that's what the people waiting for and the albanians are not getting anything at all not even talking about the servants or practically everyone out of the picture and in these elections elections took place exclusively as i understand it because parliament was in limbo over army legislation what does this say about the leadership at the moment and why couldn't they just go along with the next elections according to two legislation because this is something which is important for a fight that she and for some of the albanians is to get kosovo army and this is against resolution twelve forty four which still runs kosovo and normally today on the surface the sort of minority is rather hostile to this they cannot accept the kosovo army and it just says that i mean if you're not happy with the with the people in their apartment with you do just set new elections until the people go
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the way you want this has a lot to say about. i would say how good and how strasse strong is that you're in the clear the kosovo card. half of the population we've been reporting this talking about this lives in poverty there's so much western funding of the kosovo albanian lobby if it's not a secret how does this poverty go ahead when so much money essentially is flowing into the republic well all the money is not the people are not getting the money nobody's getting the money the most are getting it all the politicians this is a widespread corruption throughout kosovo and it's hitting all of the political parties especially those who are our nobody knows about this even the e.u. has special reports speaking about corruption the money is not getting to the end user and this is something which is very tough and i would say endemic in the new kosovo republic if you want to call that a republic and this is something which all of the people who are there are seeing
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of it every day there. the west is turning a blind eye to this and they're going to take an advantage because a lot of western corporations are investing over there and if they stick a little bit of money into the road then the local authorities will let them do it and they're all taking advantage of it again people at the end are not they can vote it's the corporations and the politicians nickel in their coverts author of the martyr of kosovo with us in the now tonight thanks so much for that thank you. they spawn they conspire and now they tweet the cia official twitter account is up and running six hundred thousand that's almost how many followers they already have after just a couple of tweets and one read tweet their first tweet i must say was pretty funny well no surprise it's so popular but i wonder what they're going to tweet about on a daily basis since the cia is well secret service we've prepared
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a list of the most awkward cia missions which are going to blow your mind here's the top five things you didn't know about the cia number five the cia close access to a mountain in the himalayas for nearly a decade in the sixty's because they lost a nuclear powered spy device in an avalanche and were struggling to find it. number four they trade by ghagra says first secrets to bribe the taliban leader that's no joke. three a town in france went crazy after the cia spiked old red there with l.s.d. as an experiment. number two to spy on the soviets they equipped a cat with a spy device it got run over by a taxi so they dropped the plan and the number one reason the cia planned to drop gigantic condoms labeled medium into the u.s.s.r. to convince russian women that american men are more manly. joining us in the now
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is former cia officer jack rice thanks for being with us why has the secret service decided to go public. it's a fascinating question i mean what i think we have to think about what the central intelligence agency does and united states do you have a lot of wakarusa recently over the last few years all of the allegations about torture and. untouchable day in around the world of black sites in afghanistan and of poland and everywhere else and it's made them look frankly really bad the idea that they would open up a twitter account makes them seem i don't know so she is socially media savvy cool or i don't know which but they're trying desperately to raise their profile and seem somehow more accessible why are they so popular among twitter users almost half a million followers in just a couple of days people are buying at zero you're absolutely right they are buying
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it but you know what i mean let's think about this around the rest of the world too there are six or fascination for what it is that the intelligence community does every where i can take you into written what am i six to eight what must saw does in jerusalem what four kids she was doing all of these things are fascinating to some people because you've made feeds into our ideas of conspiracy maybe it's because we've watched too many james bond movies and i'm not sure which but for whatever reason we societal you know around the world are just fascinating this is probably a difficult question but what do you think we're going to see the agency actually tweeting about on a daily basis oh i think you're going to see them tweeting about very mundane things i mean realistically what they're going to do is set our anything so they're not talking about anything political inside the united states what they will be talking about is maybe sort of almost general new sources that you could get with
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the times of london that you could pick up in the new york times that you could pick up. in the times of india i mean those places that have public information they will probably release that or may be some geological issue there's a tidal wave somewhere they may drop something like that you're not going to see anything political about something of substance all right former cia officer jack rice with us in the now thanks for that thank you. i know c.n.n. the m.s.m. b c news have taken some slightly but the fact is i admire their commitment to cover all sides of the story just in case one of them happens to be accurate. that was funny but it's closer to the truth and might think. it's because when full attention and the mainstream media works side by side the joke is actually on you look. at our team
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news we have a different approach. because the news of the world just is not this funny i'm not laughing dammit i'm not how. you guys talk to the jokes will handle the stuff that i've got. the countdown has begun and exactly one hundred days the people of scotland will decide whether they want to break away from great britain well both sides on the in or out campaign have promised to step up their game as the referendum approaches in the past four months support for scottish sovereignty has risen by four percent but there are plenty of obstacles to deal with probably boyko looks into some of the most contentious issues. scotland potentially going it alone is more than
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flying a flag and picking and it would be a difficult divorce and both sides are throwing around figures and forecasts that are arguably leaving wavering scots scratching their heads one thing that scotland currently enjoys under westminster rule is the e.u. membership but the president of the european commission jos a manual barroso has said that it would be extremely difficult if not impossible for an independent scotland to join his club many leaders of the european union have made it very clear that not only would it not be automatic they also wouldn't look favorably upon scotland applying to become a member of the european union down the line but there is in the yes camp say that the e.u. can't just kick out all the scots that are already members the five million citizens make a choice for their country's independence i know from diplomats of politicians across
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to union they will accept that nato is another elite members club that the yes campaign insists it would be able to stay in the big part of nuclear armaments resting in scotland and the yes campaign of the s.n.p. have a strict no nuclear policy no nuclear weapons policy and whether they will stick to that or whether they will decide that actually they want to be more flexible in order to become a member of nato remains to be seen those for independence point to some notable exceptions to that rule scotland is a the very heart of the north atlantic so they would be very uncomfortable with scotland and we have to remember that nor do we know heads need to have a nation of five million that doesn't have nuclear weapons and one of the most contentious issues there is the estimated price of going it alone u.k. treasury analysis puts scotland start up costs at one point five bill. and pounds
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that figure has been rubbish by scottish national party leader alex salmond although he's staying tight lipped about what he thinks it would cost so it's just one hundred days to go it seems that there is just one undisputable fact and that is that neither side knows what's going to happen if the yes camp does when and bear in mind it's like being behind in the polls at the moment well then both sides will have to enter a complicated negotiations that could take many years to settle. us see london. well another scandal is brewing in britain these spikes installed at a luxury block in london to stop rough sleepers of course a storm of outrage among internet users many saying it's medieval cruel and harsh i can't say it's a brand new thing in the country we're studs and railings on doorways have been serving the same purpose for over a decade and it's not just the u.k. this video was apparently shot in france authorities in paris didn't leave homeless
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people there much of a choice and see how hard it is to get comfortable. and then the chinese they've also come up with these park benches pay and sit the more you pay the more you get otherwise. maybe you should try and take a step back and see how to deal with poverty by policy means without resorting to creative but cruel math routes almost people will always find pavement to sleep on when they have no choice. that doesn't for me tonight keep in touch with us on line and don't hesitate to to me does your ideas for stories that you think should be and then i'll see you soon.
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recent events in ukraine definitely have a wide range of interpretation both russia and the west accuse the other of doing a lot of meddling some people call those who are fighting out east separatists or terrorists but others call them a people's militia fighting the kiev and this sort of situation everyone has their bias and it's hard to tell what is going on but i can tell you one thing in the sea of opinion the kiev side is using artillery and fact there have been numerous reports of artillery strikes like the one that just a few days ago hit the sales of hope orphanage which was thankfully empty at the time why is our tour such a big deal well if you send guys with guns in the fight they're going to see their target try to kill it but artillery shoots targets they can't even see they just throw shells at a general location and interestingly enough many locations seem to be in populated areas of the breakaway republics so who is the actual target of randomly shelling populated areas well if we turn on our brain for a second we can see that artillery is one of the worst ways to take out
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a specific threat in a local population but it sure is a good way to eliminate the entire local population because maybe that's who the quote threat actually is but that's just my opinion. talking about languages but i will only react to situations i have read the reports for. clues to know i'll leave that to the state department to comment on your matter. to secure yes a car is on the docket. no more weasel words. when you question me prepared for a chase when you have a bunch be ready for a battle freedom of speech and now the freedom to clash. country history of yugoslavia is formation as
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a prosperous and peaceful country it was considerate to be a success story of market socialism and in in many regards it was a moment of development on. whom was this teacher of democracy and market economy if any republican yugoslavia wanted for the us a it would have to break away from yugoslavia and declared its independence ok it's not a conspiracy theory it's not my speculation it's not my analysis it's a public place to. move and punish it harshly for every slightly less some unlearnt the serbs started this war the serbs are legal riginal cause of the war they are look i'm pleased aggressors and wrongdoers. mom caught. on that.
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bomb small. bomb all of tofu kitchens six of them knew its own so. to call assist and the multi-ethnic society to live in harmony and show not. what was forgotten to be told feel about yugoslavia the weight of chains on our cheek. dramas the truth be ignored to the. stories others refused to notice. the faces changing the world lights never. on full picture of today's leaves my own designs from around the globe. look to. fifty.
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l.o.l. come to me and call on civic shevardnadze a political earthquake has hit and frances national front is its epicenter how much are they hoping to achieve with their sweeping victory in the new elections we ask the leader of the bloc that magnet then is my guest. this contempt of the brussels bureaucracy has broken through as e.u. voters swept euro skeptic parties into the parliament but do they have what it takes to take on the system you're crespi bracing for change or is this just a passing storm. but in a band leader of france's front that's so not welcome to the program it's great to
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have you here at home and then know that so many of the bend the last time was spoke you predicted in that you election should become the number one party in france and here we are you're number one so what's the very first thing you're going to did. the first thing to toggle do is constitute a group in the european parliament to be able to prevent any new advances towards european federalism which i consider to be profoundly antidemocratic i believe that it goes against the sovereignty of the people and the economic social and international interest of france. so long without allies will not be able to provide a new voice different from the one which dominates and the european union form and more. it is. a little bit more about the european election now when you.


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