tv Sophie Co RT June 9, 2014 10:30pm-11:01pm EDT
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a free and open prize is critical to our democracy. well i'm. going to go on i'm sorry and on this show we reveal the picture of what's actually going going on will we go beyond identifying the truth rational debate and a real discussion critical issues facing america for ready to join the movement then welcome to the. water back to the big picture i'm tom hartman coming up in this half hour the federal reserve is supposed to work for all americans but over the years it's become pretty apparent that the fed only cares about wall street and its big banks so what can we do to make the fed care about we the people and not just the wealthy elite and this weekend extremists in pakistan stormed an airport in karachi killing thirteen people. in america correctly labeled with
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a terrorist attack meanwhile back here in the u.s. right wing extremists shot and killed two las vegas police officers while screaming about the revolution the media has called the crazy shooters it's now time for our media to admit that right wing extremism is very real and very deadly and terrorism . and in the best of the rest of the news when congress finally approves him as vice chair of the federal reserve board of governors stanley fischer will be joining a very elite club that fisher is already a member of the board of governors but as the feds vice chair he will be second in command of janet yellen who took over as federal reserve chair woman in february and he will have a huge influence over america's fiscal policy by washington standards fis fischer definitely looks the part of the fed board governor after all he's accomplished
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economist former head of the bank of israel when another spot opens up on the federal reserve board of governors list there's a very good chance that president obama will pick someone like fisher to take that spot but that doesn't mean he should of the five people currently on the federal reserve board of governors fisher included two are lawyers and three are economists but by law the board of governors is supposed to include quote fair representation of the agriculture financial agricultural industrial and commercial interests and quote right now it's basically just a place for more of these professional leads with wall street connections so what should president obama be doing to make sure the fed works for all americans not just wall street and how could creating a people's fed help jumpstart our economy joining me now for more on this is richard esque out senior fellow at the campaign for america's future and host of those zero hour richard welcome back. always good to be here great to have you with
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us your newest piece in the huffington post is about the dominance of the feds border governor governors by northeastern professional leads the fed it what it was set up was supposed to be representative of america why isn't it. well you know it's interesting how the governance of the federal reserve every president republican and democratic seems to feel free to ignore the law and its leadership seems to the law it says that the board of governors of the fed as you said should and could this cross section of people the law also says by the way that the fed has a dual mandate to manage inflation and reduce unemployment and they seem to ignore the employment part of the mandate too but but in terms of governance the idea was when the fed was created in one thousand nine hundred thirteen there should be a cross-section of the people whose lives it was going to affect now in those days that man farmers who had just been through the panic of one thousand nine hundred seven it meant commercial and industrial interests and it meant people all across
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the country these sorts of concerns all across the country because we didn't have the dominance of national banks we have today now we have a consumer finance consumer banking as a huge part of the economy it was nothing like that one hundred years ago but nobody is representing consumers on the board we have labor as a huge force in american life nobody represents labor on the board we certainly don't have a geographic diversity we have economists we have lawyers a president has another nominee waiting in the wings she teaches economics there was talk he was going to nominate the under secretary of treasury under ten geithner he's a lawyer and on it goes we need to get the feds governance and its mission back to what it was supposed to be janet yellen and so that she wants to put a community banker on the fed's board of governors. would that be a good idea. a small bank or a local bank or maybe somebody from
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a credit union even. sure i mean depending on who it is absolutely i think a community bankers a great idea because the we in the fed also has local boards for each of its regional banks they're overwhelmingly dominated by the mega bankers especially the new york fed so be great to have some of these commune there are more than seven thousand or nearly seven thousand community banks in the country be great to see them represented but why not also have public banking represented we have the state of north dakota that has a very well run public banks state banks so why don't we think outside the box a little bit more when we're looking at putting people into the fed you've argued that we need to create something called the people's faith what i mean by that. well in a sense i mean i you know after i made up the term i thought it's kind of a redundancy because people also forget it's so dominated by banking and corporate interest people forget that the fed is already the people's fed it was created by
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congress it's a government creation it is not the banks doing it for each other it's something that the people created in order to get rid of financial instability at blues and later to boost employment and it's something you know we were having these terrible problems because there was no central bank ok the people created it all i mean by the people's fed is that it should represent the people who created it and whose lives it touches and nowadays that's pretty much all of us some of your good plan on another topic if i may you're you're pretty much a polymath it's a renaissance man the we're hearing reports today that gerrard and amanda miller the two was a vegas shooters were clive and bundy supporters that had extreme anti-government views in fact this clip just popped out of one of the law's vegas t.v. stations of jerad miller the killer of these two police officers and the civilians . all three of whom by the way were armed which kind of blows up the n.r.a.
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thing about the only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun both police officers were armed and the guy he got who was killed in the mall was had a concealed carry permit and was trying to disarm jerad miller one when his girlfriend stepped up behind the guy and shot him but anyhow here's the clip has come out of jury jerad miller at the bundy ranch check this out. i feel sorry for any federal agents that want to come in here and try to push us around or anything like that i really don't want violence toward them but if they're going to bring violence to us well if that's the language they want to speak we'll learn it. now there probably wouldn't have been anybody at the bundy ranch or sean hannity hadn't pluck this guy out of obscurity and then fox done a twenty four seven you know whatever i mean they were there. hannity kept trying to talk about you know is this going to be the next waco is this going to the next ruby ridge oh boy oh boy. what does this say about what's
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going on on the american right. well i mean i think it says a couple things first of all you're absolutely right about the n.r.a. and you can't prevent these disasters by having people walking around carrying guns you know particularly at a point that there was a shooting at a christian university in the northwest over the weekend where the shooter was disarmed by a student guard with pepper spray so. that fanaticism needs to stop but secondly we have to stop the zone of silence that the media is thrown up around talking about the inflammatory rhetoric of fox news the inflammatory rhetoric of lock n load michele bachmann the inflammatory rhetoric of glenn back and show you know i got to tell you even one of the of the very liberal web sites for whom i write i wrote a piece about the murder in the killing of a house cat belonging to a democratic candidate in the deep sea. now where the killer is killed the cat
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carved the word liberal on its side and left it for the candidates children to find that the publication wouldn't publish the piece because it mentioned that the killer is were using some similar rhetoric to sean hannity they said we don't associate people's rhetoric with acts of violence well you know i kind of think it's not in a libelous way but i think i kind of think it's appropriate to say we're not trying to take away anybody's civil rights or rights of free speech but when you speak violent rhetoric and violent things happen the killer in knoxville who had o'reilly and hannity as and goldberg spoke on his shelf if that happened to you or me tom we'd be devastated and i think it's right to point to call out to the consciences of fox news and the consciences of the country to say you know what your violent rhetoric is sean hannity's in the case of clive and bundy could be contributing to this climate and police search your conscience other than there is you know there are there is an element of yelling fire in
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a crowded theater i think. how do we and i wonder if back in the sixty's you could argue that the weather underground was the violent left and right you know some people died a bunch of buildings got blown up but mostly they had been already disowned by s.d.s. itself and. you know that they haven't been around for a long time you know for forty years is there is there was i think we're right when phenomenon we had more people since nine eleven killed by right wing extremists than by muslim extremists is the times are calling right and the wrists. absolutely and can you imagine if instead of swastikas in their apartment this couple had crescent flags and so on absolutely we should call them terrorists and i think the issue is yes there is that people can have violent inclinations all across the political spectrum i think the question is what do the responsible mainstream
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legitimate so-called people do about it in other words will always have crazies but when the weather underground was out there that one perhaps one of the reasons they didn't propagate is because you never heard a democratic politician talking them up you never had a television network promoting them as heroes you never had a glenn back pumping himself up with penn jillette which was an absurd sight to see in the gym one day talking about how we're going to go to the mountains and fight a revolution i think that and you never have people saying conservatives in you know should be beaten with a baseball bat and all that rhetoric we're seeing on the right so i think this so-called legitimate spokespeople to bill o'reilly's in the sean hannity's are exactly the people we should be calling out to say you're think about whether you contributing to this atmosphere and whether you shouldn't stop there are powerful stuff richard asco thanks so much. thank you tom. coming up the mainstream media
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i would rather ask questions to people in positions of power instead of speaking on their behalf and that's why you can find my show larry king now right here on r.t. question more. your friends post a photo from of the case and you can't. be different. your boss repeats the same old joke of course you like. your ex-girlfriend
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stupids tear jerking poetry. nora's. we post. to your facebook you speak. for the nice green report despite silence from the corporate media fukushima is still a disaster situation that crippled nuclear power plant japan is still extremely volatile and officials at the plant appear to be guessing about how to get radiation under control according to an article by harvey wasserman over truthdig tepco the company that owns the plant has finally want to prove to build a giant underground ice wall to contain the radiation but no one's ever constructed anything like that it could take as long as two years to complete and there's widespread skepticism about whether it'll even make a difference in the meantime young people living around fukushima are being
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diagnosed with thyroid cancer at forty times the normal rate and health experts say this is just the beginning of two thousand and eleven disaster woke up the people of japan and so far they have demanded that every commercial nuclear reactor remain shut down however here in the united states we're now ignoring the disaster in japan we're building two new nuclear plants it's time to wake up demand the truth about fukushima and say no nukes once and for all. activists environmental groups and various communities of four hard against canadian tar sands however they're also bringing that fight to a strip mine right here in the united states the new tar sands project. expected to begin soon in book cliffs in utah and local members of the community are trying desperately to stop it last week local activists set up a permanent protest vigil within the boundaries of the planned strip mine site and they vowed to stay put until construction of the tar sands project is halted
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completely the tar sands development in canada has poisoned the drinking water devastated the surrounding environment and releases more greenhouse gases into the atmosphere than any oil and gas project on earth utah residents don't want more than thirty thousand acres in their state to have the same fate as project also poses a major threat to the colorado river basin which supplies drinking water to twenty million people. we should all hope that these brave protesters succeed in their efforts to block the utah tar sands. worth. your birthday so that saturday thousands of cyclists took to the streets of portland oregon price to live for an epic bike ride and while people riding their
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bikes isn't exactly or important it's the hipster capital of the universe this wasn't your normal everyday leader really bike ride it was a naked bike ride that's right a naked bike ride the eleventh annual one to be exact in the spring people in over seventy five cities in twenty countries join up for a new ride through their hometowns some participants people a little bit of clothing on but most would relish the opportunity to bike in the news after all it's for a good cause raising awareness about the dangers of cars and showing off bikes which don't run on fossil fuel as an alternative to our oil addicted transportation system. and naked bike ride which attracts around eight thousand people a year is thought to be the world's. just and is unique in that the city's police officers actually help keep the writers safe other good reason i was happy to live in portland for five years and in addition of course to the credits for your.
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just. it's good the bad of the very very bella potently ugly no good dire california hedge fund manager turned quiet activist as just announced his new his plan to fight back against global warming a two million dollar relief fund for victims of natural disasters stars fund the fulfills a promise he made last year take the money he made investing in fossil fuel giant tinder morgan and put it to good use helping out victims of the wildfires that have ravaged the american west over the past. it also comes in addition to the one hundred million dollars he's pledged to spend to make sure climate change is a major issue in the twenty fourteen elections you see people not all billionaires are bad. but bad there but we're going to party of texas on saturday the lone star
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state's g.o.p. voted to put endorsement of x. gay there a p and it's official party platform and the platform says that the texas republican party recognizes the legitimacy in africa see of counseling which offers were parroted therapy and treatment for those patients seeking healing and all this from their almost ritual lifestyle. actual scientists however like real scientists aren't so sure about repair of therapy is the texas g.o.p. is in fact the american psychological association considers x. gay therapy junk science and has warned that it can cause long term psychological harm. apparently though the texas g.o.p. is more interested in appealing to homophones than it is in pesky little things like science. and the very very ugly george will earn his friday column for the washington earth for the washington post the
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conservative pundit argued that the ongoing debate about how to limit campus sexual assault is giving rape victims on campuses a coveted status seriously well said colleges and universities are being educated by washington and are finding the experience excruciating they're learning that when they say campus victimizations are ubiquitous and that when they make victimhood a coveted status that confers privileges victims proliferate consider the supposed campus epidemic of rape a sexual assault. translated into non pretentious normal human person speak. terms that george will is basically saying is that people are faking getting raped so they can get special privileges from their college. it's exactly that kind of thinking that makes the problem of sexual assault so hard to solve in the first place. this is very true.
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there were two terrorist attacks in america over the last weekend but don't expect the mainstream media to call them on friday forty year old forty eight year old georgia residents dennis marx was scheduled to appear at the forsyth county courthouse in cumming georgia to face charges on eleven different felony counts. forsyth arrived at the courthouse on time but while it is truck he threw homemade spike strips onto the road and tried to run over a couple of policeman after police opened fire on him forsyth began shooting at them from his truck and proceeded to throw tier yes grenades and smoke grenades and pepper sprayed in the grenades at the police after a three minute long fire fight
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a swat team surrounded mark's old bailey killing him. meanwhile yesterday las vegas an armed couple reported to be amanda and jerad miller screening about revolution fresh from the bundy ranch opened fire and killed two los vegas police when inside a local police joint pizza joint after shooting and killing officer allen back in officer igor soldo both parents the couple took their weapons and covered their bodies with the gadsden flag the yellow banner which contains the coiled snake around the words don't tread on me the flag is named for christopher gadsden the revolutionary war general who designed it it's also a very popular symbol with the tea party. after killing the police officers the couple then fled to a local wal-mart where they killed an innocent bystander and for all the money taking their own lives in an apparent murder suicide according to las vegas review journal neighbors said the couple often spoke about mistrust for and killing of
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police officers and then going underground till the time was right abrams also told the review journal of the husband claimed he had been kicked off the bundy ranch during the protests there last month and back in april frazier glenn miller a well known right wing extremist and member of the k.k.k. he shot and killed a fourteen year old boy and his grandfather at a jewish community center near kansas city mo then drove to a jewish retirement home and killed another person as police were arresting him miller was screaming c r o. frazier glenn miller demist marks in the las vegas shooters were right wing extremists and domestic terrorists it's that simple they were trying to use terror to further a political agenda that's terrorism unfortunately the media for refuses to acknowledge right wing extremism and domestic terrorism in our country even though they pose a bigger threat to our national security and to your safety than geodes and islamic
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extremists who are in the new america foundation prior to these tragedies twenty one people have been killed in attacks motivated by islamic extremism since nine eleven while thirty four people have been killed in a right wing extremist attacks since nine eleven the fact is right wing terrorism is on the rise it's dangerous and it's a major terrorist force in america today right wing extremist militia groups are the fringe groups they used to be now fox so-called news makes members of these groups like the ones who showed up at the bundy ranch in a media stars and heroes but all the facts speak for themselves the mainstream media is c.n.n. m s n b c fox the new york times they refuse to acknowledge the simple truth. that these guys are terrorists can you imagine how outraged the media would be right now dennis marx had been a forty eight year old brown muslim guy. called news to be calling for heads to
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roll of the las vegas shooters had been a muslim couple and news coverage would have been wall to wall or frazier glenn miller had screamed out our akbar instead of heil hitler. instead you have conservative pundits like sean hannity running around arguably again on right wing extremists we have richard mack the former sheriff of graham county arizona he made the comment that he has sources inside the federal government warning that the weekend retreat was only a move to distract attention defuse tensions because a raid on the family's ranch is being planned couple that with harry reid's comments that this is not over you've got to believe that something is brewing here no he's saying it's not over and then you have a sheriff saying he has sources inside the government what would happen god forbid i mean we saw the raid for example back with alien gonzales not sure if you remember that raid what would happen if they came in the early morning hours one day to iran. well first they're going to say how do you get your army out of the
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van and get your army was mine right you know clark county public land and keep it out and if they come we'll deal with them tonight that's what we going to do we'll just deal with you in the nearly thirteen years since nine eleven al qaeda has not successfully pulled off another terrorist attack on u.s. soil the right wing extremists have the first step to solving a problem is always being able to admit they have it it's time for the media start calling attacks like those in las vegas and coming to georgia kansas city exactly what they are. right wing extremist fueled terror attacks. and that's the way it is tonight monday june ninth two thousand and fourteen and if you're on twitter be sure to follow us you can find me an underscore. and don't forget democracy begins where you are not a spectator sport you've got to show up get out there get active tag you're it see the.
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crosstalk rules in effect that means you can jump in anytime you want. this was going to washington well it's a miss that the whole country is being suggested to the list isn't the media candidate ocracy of current issues are actually back to and doesn't do too much for our revenue line tech agriculture giant tits on a seventy six year old american farmer based in india fallout do you think this is going to create for the cia do you think this is what's triggering a great america is the largest economy in the world it's also the largest debtor nation in the history of the world breaking news that is mostly about alternatives to the status quo but one might give real alternative points to working toward the american dream for the next they were just trying to survive it's time for americans and lawmakers are forced to wake up and start talking about the real
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causes a problem. on larry king now or on broadway with tony nominee last year a what is what is violet all about ultimately a story about forgiveness except and it's and the true miracle of the true healing is when now i have young people who come up to me at stage door and they look up to me and i'm like they're like i want to be just like you and like ok ok but i'm i'm still don't know what i'm doing here he's a bad movie if you up many so many so then it's just best just to not know anything and then call there's so many parallels to my own life and career you know finally getting the shot rocky's all about get that shot use the voice throw up a trial run the use of homo i did i was walking the dog as a. feel over here rockies where.
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