tv Breaking the Set RT June 10, 2014 1:30am-2:01am EDT
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he isn't even a snake stay yugoslavia's and ask well you know he's eating all these it was a mini was closed yeah it was like. cinemas in the frozen stuff he must have thought of it in final days. but as you sum up i'm as i said not only not of. that nature and less natural. i don't think my early childhood abuse lobby was bad at all i always got a lot of presents the family was close and close friends were the extended family very close culture and people really care about each other and somebody way is that . you just don't see that here the same way it's very isolated from each other work and i go home and just watch television even when we like to watch t.v. as well and even had a camcorder which i being the cinematically gifted child that i was always tried to get my hands on. and. what i really wanted was
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a camera he was holding her mom took over the camera so that i could come i changed my story. as a clever child clever like a fox which was one of the characters in my favorite show goodnight kids was real and imagined the watch. as i was getting a little old for those kinds of stories i did what every for some didn't summer one month free vacation with pay alone is the last time i had a month vacation or. the way ubisoft's had it every single year but i never noticed i was too young during the times of coming to studio sabia and now i know what you're thinking communism can do. well for two decades prior to one nine hundred eighty yugoslavia was prospering with this annual g.d.p. growth averaging six point one percent a decent standard of living. free medical care and education guaranteed right to
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a job affordable public transportation housing and utilities literacy rate over ninety percent life expectancy was seventy two years most of the economy was in the public not for profit sector is here. so. it. was a different case because it had it had established its own form of a socialist model of economic activity which was a mixed economy with private capitalists enterprise with state run industry and with worker cooperatives it was considered to be a success story of market socialism it had higher rates of growth than most of the countries of western europe it had an advanced well first states it was a multi-ethnic society. which lived in the holy land in many regards
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it was a model of development. before i continue where we yugoslavia was located between greece italy and romania and it was populated by serbs croats bosnian muslims slovenes macedonians all of which are slavs and albanians from cairns in other words their country was the result of a long fight to unite the people to show the world what they can achieve if they work together regardless of what happened in the past throughout history this idea has been a thorn in the eye of many empires and world powers the idea was that the southern swabs would not remain weak divided people falling out among themselves or falling prey to some imperialist outsider when the austrians illegally took over bosnia and it's largely the fall population one thousand wait the the submarine had never been more threatened and so a group of yugoslav nationalists young bosnia which included serbs muslims and croats decided that enough. it was
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a. young man perhaps you've heard of the real principal shot and killed the austrian archduke ferdinand in sorry and. afterwards he was quoted as saying i am a yugoslav nationalist aiming for the unification of all you with slots we must be free from austria although the assassination of their arch sure did kind of make the austrians men and heck now they had a reason to attack the last logic stronghold serbia this was however not the real reason for the attack the austrians and germans had a plan to expand their empire to the east war was the only way they to achieve this . scheme king during the early period of world war one a bunch of yugoslav politicians fled the hapsburg empire and form the ubisoft committee in london to raise funds and realize the yugoslav dream towards the end of the war the committee met up in court for greece with the serbian government and the clear that serbs croats and slovenes were quote the same by blood by language
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by the feelings of their unity by the continuity and integrity of the territory in which they inhabit undivided lead and by the common vital interests of their national survival manyfold development of their moral immaterial life this was what the austrians and ottomans of the old world order was gone to the smallest finally got a country of their six. the kingdom of yugoslavia was short lived because another war was brewing soon like so which the world has never seen in hopes of keeping it was lobby out of the work you saw prince paul signed the treaty party treaty with nazi germany in one nine hundred forty one but the british unlike this so they encouraged it could a ton mass rebellion against the. british were happy hitler wasn't that he was so angry he wanted to wipe yugoslavia out the map. yugoslavia was attacked from ash i saw the at that time was divided up into twelve pieces and
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some of it went to fascist hungary some of it went to fascist italy macedonia went to the old ariens and the albanians and and serbia was occupied by the math and ruled by the germans and bosnia were united in a fascist state under the special regime this was called the independent state of croatia the idea of course in one thousand nine hundred one was that croatia would be a condominium full of german power in the balkans the creation fascists were quick to start a radically all non croatian elements in the state you know what that meant serb hunting season started. teaching. us. early as hitler's final solution was applied here as well hundreds of thousands of serbs but also jews roman others were killed most of them at the fourth largest concentration camp in europe yes and it's total number of six hundred thousand were
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killed at the sound of odds. inquisition which took place in world war two makes the spanish inquisition just look like child's play copilots supported this fascist regime the top leadership of the vatican was fully cognizant of what was going on there on the other hand royalists loyal to the crown chap next decided to act which. the ticks with the resistance movement which even though the claimed itself of the yugoslav royal of on me in the fatherland was composed almost exclusively of sepsis however after the bloody german the retries in the fall of one thousand nine hundred one the czech makes me realize that it's continued resistance attendee cost when the germans were killed if congress votes for the single that german was self defeating and suicide the certain matters west they just want to determine bodies so all aid to the chantix was cut and shifted
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towards another group of fighters who managed to neutralize all on the groups the yugoslav part as a man and. the communists made up of members of all the cities were led by a guy call to nine hundred forty three tito declared the new yugoslavia which was finally liberated two years later tito if nothing else was brilliant at playing political games with big powers for his own interest which is just what yugoslavia needed to gain complete independence it's important to say that tito wasn't just a leader he was a brand recognizing the world. he was one of the founders of the nonaligned movement and why were they so important they were able to play a middle ground for the great powers. that allowed the great powers to. talk to each other and discuss it she said look he talked about full hopes to perform the difficult feat of walking both sides of the street east lights. tito
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strong arm kept the country together when he died on may fourth one thousand nine hundred eighty many in yugoslavia were crying maybe not so much for him as much as they were crying for yugoslavia itself. his funeral was the largest funeral for a statesman. in recorded history. then things started to fall apart and yugoslavia began to get into debt to international creditors shortly after tito's death in one thousand nine hundred four while the eyes of the world were pointed at sarajevo where the winter olympic games were being held the reagan administration was specifically targeting the yugoslav economy in a secret memo national security decisions directive one three three which stated that u.s. policy will be to promote the trend towards
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a market oriented yugoslav economy and that was in line with previous this is instructive advocated expanded efforts to promote a quiet revolution to overthrow communist governments and parties. triggers a whole series of other initiatives most of which sunbelt published the decision directive city states that what the united states would want to achieve is that yugoslavia ceased to be a market socialist economy and become a free bucket the call of the multi the west as the soviet system was on its last legs in one thousand nine hundred eight washington wasted no time in sending advisors to yugoslavia from a nonprofit organization with a high sounding name national i'm in for democracy or anybody going in and welcome. it's good to have you all here to help celebrate the launching of a program with a vision and a and a noble purpose the establishment of the national endowment goes right to the heart
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of america's faith in democratic ideals and institutions but however alan weinstein who planned the end he told the washington post in one thousand nine hundred one that a lot of what we do today was done covertly twenty five years ago by the cia this basically means that the anybody was really a sort of cia spin on. good luck. to building a new most sophisticated. fortunately. jim's mission to teach music. this is why you should care only. up to five children by giovanni shelling residential areas of the besieged. the city center one hundred days to decide
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if the people. instead of having just the cia going around behind the scenes and trying to manipulate the process secretly by inserting money here and instructions there and so forth they have now a psychic which is this national endowment for democracy all year any day those the anybody started handing out generous bribes in every corner of yugoslavia financing opposition groups buying up hungry young journalists with dreams of a new life and financing trade union opposition pro i.m.f. economists and human rights n.g.o.s the national endowment for democracy also controls and pays for the center for international private enterprise which in turn funded the g seventy who were the g seventeen they were an ngo made up of seventeen free market economists with three of the leading members being washington based as
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members of the international monetary fund and world bank where each jacob and bronco milan are each g seventy coordinator professor of a selling book worked closely with the world bank and as the minister of privatization under yugoslav premier on to markovitch he was in charge of the world bank bankruptcy program in yugoslavia during one thousand nine in one thousand nine hundred which led to the devastation of the yugoslav economy other members of the g. seventeen can solve for the world bank intend world bank organize meetings in two thousand and two they formed a political party in serbia and since then to spite the fact that in every election they got him a tween seven and eleven percent of the popular vote she seventeen controlled the ministry of finance and the ministry of economy of serbia this is not simply a group of economists it is a network the i.m.f. and world bank used this network to impose their policies in yugoslavia and how do they do it first they force governments to do away with any social protection subsidized food or rent free transportation from l.
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for care you know all those things you don't really need out there when you cut back in public sector spending you cut wages you cut employment you abolish worker management enterprises in other words you force your people to work harder for less . second they use economic manipulation and new laws to force businesses public and private into bankruptcy the world bank describes this mechanism as a trigger as a trigger mechanism they use that this say we need to trigger the bankruptcy of us love interest. then these businesses are taken over by a small clique of leveraged buyout speculators and other powerful foreign economic interests they purchase the businesses at rock bottom prices creditors would simply take hold of these of of these enterprises within a forty five day period and either the enterprise that closed or it was five it just this is called privatization through liquidation world bank data confirms and
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under vocal teacher's direction from january one thousand nine hundred ninety s. a tender one thousand nine hundred more than one thousand one hundred industrial firms were wiped out. the standard of living declined eighteen percent between january and october one thousand nine hundred this downturn raise unemployment twenty percent and thus increased tensions between republics impoverished the population through this the sweeping i.m.f. reforms which in turn contributed to your heightening socialistic strife so you have the satisfaction of everybody and everybody is looking for a. party. that you can all session which is that zone. or sit. on it was that. quick what would have broken doing until it doesn't i just couldn't that's an homage to did he skip he did that a lot was it just in a nickel big nuka going to cause the dalai and the up in desperation prime minister
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marc rich visited washington to meet with president george bush he said that rising tensions among nationalities would be a consequence of his austerity privatization plan so he asked for a billion dollars in aid and said that if a didn't come there would be trouble and we all know the americans didn't want any trouble in november one nine hundred ninety president george bush went to the u.s. congress and pressured them to pass the foreign appropriations law that called for the cutting off all aid and credits yugoslavia the law also demanded that if any republic in yugoslavia wanted further u.s. day it would have to break away from yugoslavia and declare its independence ok it's not a conspiracy theory it's not my speculation it's not my analysis it's a public law it's a public law that required the us state department approval of election procedures and results in every one of the republics it required that the republicans do not
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hold national elections but hold the lections only in their own republics and that the aid would go to individually to those republics and when the a did go. it went to those groups which the us defined as democratic groups which meant small rightwing ultra nationalist and even fascistic parties this fracturing of yugoslavia was not the result of preexisting internal divisions those internal divisions were high and as a result of bug outside intervention by one thousand nine hundred one the inflation was two hundred percent and the yugoslav federal government was unable to pay the enormous interest on its foreign debt or even to arrange the purchase of raw materials for its industry credit collapsed and recriminations broke out on all sides cooperation between the republics and the belgrade central government virtually ceased the republics were not getting any money from the federal
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government they were transferring any tax revenues so the whole federal fiscal structure collapsed and the republics were left to their own devices and then came in of course the new form of nationalism as the americans demanded multi-party elections were held and economic policy was at the center of the political debate as nationalist and separatist coalitions ousted the communists in croatia bosnia and slovenia and with the republics at another strobes both the economy and the nation itself embarked on a vicious downward spiral. of course the local political figures did their best to calm the people down with. memories and i'm going to answer because. you know in the midst of the people needed a hero to see them someone with their interests at heart instead. as. in
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one thousand nine hundred one elections were held in the bosnian republic of yugoslavia a big which a former nazi collaborator in world war two was a candidate who had an islamist vision for the mainly christian bosnia as professed in this little book he wrote there can be neither peace nor coexistence between the islam a religion and on islamic social and political institutions ali i lost the election of the moderate muslim leader secret optic losing the elections didn't stop our alioto he made a deal with speaker it where all you would be president but would quit after a year or so faster than you can say islam a declaration of the mh or his presidency was extended due to the crisis as you can have a power struggle in such tragic times and in fact there was a moment when i could have prevented the war when he signed the lisbon agreement in one thousand nine hundred two which would have made bosnia confederation of three regions didn't like this he wanted all the power luckily for him the americans didn't like this peace idea either so the american ambassador to yugoslavia one
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simran stepped down so my cabin was in this meeting with zimmerman and is a beggar which is a beggar it's just come back from lisbon and zimmerman says to him well. you know you could get a lot more from us recognition if you just waited. and mike had told me his draw just hit the floor if you don't like it why sign. the american device and withdrew his signature fortified his power and the americans recognized that another guy who just loved his power was the one the only slobodan milosevic slovo as asses like to call him knew how to use those masses to get what he wanted. and some luck and help from his close friend even the president of serbia he got sent to kosovo in one thousand nine hundred seven where serbs felt threatened by vale beans during a scuffle with the police once served as slow build. by the police was beating them
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cut any ice with and likely proclaimed as a pretty funny. thing i think i became an overnight star as the texture of all sense covering this incident the police was fairly localized this guy needed bigger stage so because he was so thankful this friend events he booted him from the presidency he also got killed decades later you think that after slower than he president of serbia he'd calm down but no he still needed a bigger stage and what luck the big anniversary was coming up the oh so as surgery miking the six hundredth anniversary of the battle of kosovo which is the crux of their historical culture waving serbian yugoslav american and canadian flags patriotic songs civil took the stage with less described as nationalists call to arms and playing the us there was no audio version that's when i was led into you and i was just now a study some old war story my book when i have no problem was the same you could
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not see where you were noisy even. preside over the way it was not a go ahead or not tsunami audio source told me best case you move you can read my watch me one hello eco what's going on in all actions you're going to do before they go out it will blow as you keep worsening it's a quiz suited to get what delays as well it may be wasn't that inflammatory but at least the opera singers afterwards were pretty cool little own but if you think this guy had high ambitions what about a guy being compared to jesus christ i'm assuming nice. clean clothes you silly heroes only one should turn in his lonely old models and seen. plenty at all levels honestly she may lose a room with these morons pulls the. whole leaf. the savior of the croatian people i knew to be no pressure away now
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from you when the elections fair and square but the people around him weren't really that good at hiding what was going to happen next to the couple without them it's. even these guys aren't buying it from the us government was quick to arm themselves illegally. yeah right what about this anymore. it seemed like war was the only option thankfully there were many citizens who just said now. if you want to say i was. you this lost a lot to lose if you can slavia broke up for fifty years they grew up together
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lived together married each other and at the center of all this was boston was a mixed population of muslims serbs and croats a sort of mini yugoslavia and itself massive antiwar rallies were held in its capital sarajevo which had the largest number of ethnically mixed marriages with the message to the politicians don't sacrifice peace for political ambition. it was higher interest in keeping yugoslavia together as a politician's decide to send a message of their own to the demonstrators. who seems to see. slovenia in croatia were the first who decided that peaceful negotiations weren't working out for them so they unilaterally declared independence in one thousand nine hundred one. that was done and someone started out in a new would be started off. bosnia followed in one thousand nine hundred two of them were quickly recognized by the. when the white house announced that we
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would be recognizing slovenia croatia and bosnia we had the state department had no idea what that decision would be before it was announced which is a very peculiar state of affairs i was a desk officer of the office director nobody at the working level had any idea what the white house would decide so you can say that the decision was a political one it was not based on a careful consideration of what recognition might entail it was in essence a dependable way of making conflict inevitable the question was with the people buy it. in the famous line in jaws where. the fishermen on the boat one of them says we're going to need a bigger boat i mean this is what the european central bank has told the market that the fraud is so enormous at this point that in order to accommodate another
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it's not just you stevie you'll be judged if you see the stage take to be with each other. i know c.n.n. the m s n b c news have taken some slightly but the fact is i admire their commitment to cover all sides of the story just in case one of them happens to be accurate. that was funny but it's closer to the truth from the might think. of. goods because one whole attention and the mainstream media work side by side the joke is actually on here. coming up. at our teen years we have a different approach. because the news of the world just is not this funny
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i'm not laughing dammit i'm not i hope. you guys stick to the jokes i will hand over the stuff that i've got to. ok so five are killed in sloviansk by giovanni shelling residential areas of the besieged. the city center one hundred days to decide scottish referendum players campaigns for unity and independence. water wars the un warns humanity faces impossible for survival. what other media turns a blind eye to you get. to the truth. she says.
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keep the million degrees with. the south of france in search of the songs. we've. covered. the forces in eastern ukraine refuse to. continue. across the region they're on the program a training camp for self-defense fighters. ukraine's government fails to meet a deadline set by russia to start paying off its gas and supply could be cut off today if the talks. and zero tolerance for rough sleepers. coming up we'll be telling you how these small spikes or why.
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