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tv   Breaking the Set  RT  June 10, 2014 7:30am-8:00am EDT

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golden and bald eagles yes a bald eagle america's national treasure that was just taken off the national danger species list a few years ago why would they kill this majestic bird you might ask we have no idea because perhaps the most disturbing part of all is that there's almost nothing in the report detailing the reasons for the killings or the method the department uses not to mention there's zero accountability when it comes to mistakingly killing creatures that have never should have been targeted in the first place oregon representative peter de fazio told the wildlife services quote one of the most opaque and obstinate departments i've dealt with we're not really sure what they're doing wow gee that sounds promising the fazio along with california congressman congressman john campbell are now launching a full investigation into wildlife services to account for the secrecy so if you don't think that taxpayers should be subsidizing animal murder and mass join me
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let's break this. they believe very hard to please. her back with her their look. at least. attending college in america has traditionally been associated with a guaranteed career and financial stability and while it's still true that
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university graduates are far more likely to get a job than their non-college counterparts acquitting college with financial success will likely get you laughed out of the room that's because millions of graduates are in debt for life for simply getting at the palma so over the course of the last thirty years the average college tuition has risen over twelve one hundred percent just consider the nine hundred eighty the average cost for one year of college at a four year university was just over eighty seven hundred dollars including room and board in two thousand and ten that cost a bowl loomed over twenty one thousand and today that number is over twenty three thousand dollars according the national center for education statistics one surprisingly rising costs are forcing millions of young americans to borrow and on thinkable amount of money in the form of student loans drowning entire generations in debt that will follow them for the rest of their lives just how absurd has the debt crisis become the federal reserve bank of new york. americans now one point
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two trillion dollars in student loans and if you exclude the top fifteen richest countries that's more money than the g.d.p. of every nation in the world the last few years in particular have seen an unprecedented catastrophe spiral further out of control in two thousand and three student debt was a somewhat manageable two hundred fifty billion dollars but today it has grown into a trillion dollar be a myth destroying lives and wrecking futures at the day and not only does it serve as an albatross around your neck until the day you die but private loan companies can actually pass on the debt to your living relatives once you're six feet under now thankfully to day obama signed an executive order happy student loan payments at ten percent of an individual's income for anyone that took out a loan before october of two thousand and seven meaning some degree of debt relief
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for about five million people but while this is a temporary short term solution this action does little rein in a higher education system that arrives on agreement in profit at the expense of students so you start in the late eighty's middle class families started seeing college not as an institution to expand the mind and prepare young adults for their futures but rather is the only way to increase individual purchasing power and as a result colleges began seeing themselves as more of a luxury rather than a public service on like most european countries throughout the eighty's and ninety's college enrollment expanded like never before from eight point five million in one nine hundred seventy to twenty one million in one thousand nine hundred one and at the same time that universities were taking advantage of the new demands state and local governments took to slashing public funding for higher education institutions like never before and perhaps there's no better example than ohio state university as author bill zimmerman notes in his book the student loan
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swindle. in one thousand ninety joha of ohio excuse me state received only twenty five percent of its budget from the legislature necessitated another two wish an increase ten years later in two thousand state allocation for the school had been reduced to only fifteen percent of overall costs in two thousand and twelve ohio state received a mere seven percent of its funds in the state of ohio and the slashing public funding is hardly unique to ohio from california to arizona state governments have decided that investing in education just isn't worth it in fact from two thousand and eleven to two thousand and twelve state funds for all public universities and colleges fell by seven point six percent think about that public funding for one of the most essential services in society fell eight percent in just one year of course to keep up with our public counterparts private universities had to raise their tuitions as well plus they lose their status as
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a lead institutions for the best and brightest. and as it stands today the system will only continue to induce misery on the millions of young idealistic americans who see college as their only path to the middle class but in an era where economic inequality has reached rusted levels higher education is just the system's latest victim. after nine eleven the u.s. government pushed to expand the national security state in every way possible this included not only the creation of the transportation security administration or t.s.a. but also the distribution of the hundreds of body scanners in airports nationwide well one activist and blogger james corbett has been on a mission to expose what he calls the inefficient and unconstitutional nature of these machines videos of corporate smuggling metal contraband through the t.s.a.
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scanners. gone viral but he's also put his words to action and has taken the fight to the courts and last week oral arguments were heard in the case of corbett v the t.s.a. and florida and earlier i spoke to corbett and i first asked them to break down what the prosecutors arguments are against that claim. so congress gave the t.s.a. and the f.a.a. special rules for when someone challenges any of their policies and those rules directs challenges to two different torture the court of appeals and they set a sixty day timeframe from from the date of the policy so essentially the t.s.a. gets to make a policy and then sixty days later if no one's challenge that yet it's permanent law that's that's what the government is arguing in front of this court my argument is is naturally that we have these constitutional rights that can't be time limited that if i go to a checkpoint tomorrow and i'm violated by the t.s.a. tomorrow it doesn't matter when the policy was made it matters that the t.s.a.
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just did it in the needs to be redressed and so if they do decide to hear case what walk us through what might happen next in the courts and i'm sure so then the next step if the court decides that they have jurisdiction would be some kind of fact gathering so right now the t.s.a. is submitted a stack of papers about a foot high four thousand pages of their record of what they thought of when they were making the decision making process and now it's time for for the opposing side to gather some records so i wanted to post some witnesses i want to say officers take the stand travelers to come up and tell them tell the court and tell the t.s.a. how how they were violated and how they feel abused as a result of this i want to figure out if these scanners actually work and you know we we know that the secret is they don't but i want evidence of that and i want to put all this before the court and say look your honor what we have here is a search that doesn't work it's invasive it's expensive this entirely unreasonable let's put it back to the way it was and let's talk about exactly that appear years
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ago you had this viral video where you. proved essentially how a person can get anything practically through these scanners john talk about what you found that proves that the scanners actually don't work. sure and in two thousand and twelve i went through the scanners on video taking various things with me undetected on my person the short answer is that these things are imaging devices and just like any imaging devices like your eyes they're blind spots that exist in these bodies going to have huge blind spots that allow you to take well an a k forty seven on the side of your body if you really want metal detectors don't have that metal detectors are really good at detecting metal whether you put it. on your side or in your mouth or anywhere else you might want to put it it will detect to put these body scanners don't do it and john last year surprisingly the t.s.a. pulled one hundred seventy one body scanners from airports and then they have been relocated to presents i mean what is it about these body scanners that is causing
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such an addiction like the government just needs to use them somewhere it's not an airport that they put in prisons. i mean they've spent about a billion dollars on these things and to move them not voluntarily but because congress told them no more of these inspections by agents of your new bodies the old scanners would actually take a picture of your nude body underneath your clothes and submit it to a t.s.a. screener for review when the kind of scanners are gone now the scanners that we have left in a more automated fashion but still take this picture as to why the they can't just toss these machines into len filler museum it's got to be embarrassing to have wasted that much money and talk about this too john because i think people who travel often do see that the scanners are different when i ask people you know what the difference of this one is no no this one you know doesn't take the photo it's not it doesn't have radiation i mean what should we be worried about even with the scanners that exist right now at airports even if they aren't those radioactive naked body scanner ones the scanners right now at the airports are the same. enters
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that were there years ago the only difference is the image that's created is evaluated by a machine rather than by a human so when you step into that box you still being subjected to electromagnetic radiation in the form of millimeter waves that radiation is creating an image of your body which is put in the computer and who knows where else and right now it's evaluated allegedly solely by the computer no one actually looks at it according to the t.s.a. but that image is still created nothing has changed in the last two three four years and likewise that security exploit that i found still exists because the technology hasn't actually changed just having a machine read it versus a human where can people go to help you fight with and finally end the use of these useless and intrusive machines. sure you know the blog that i have is to say out of our pants dot wordpress dot com and that's that's a resource if you'd like to find more about my case to fight it you know it's
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sounds tired and old right now but still contacting your people in congress it's an election year for everyone in the house and for some in the senate so we can actually still demand change on this we saw some change with congress insisting that the t.s.a. remove the scanners that were human reviewed and we can keep going on this it's really the public pressure. that makes this happen rather than just someone standing up in court and you know my argument is is that these are these are unreadable that's what the fourth amendment guarantees us that we have reasonable searches and it's up to the public to make clear that these searches are not reasonable jonathan corbett plaintiffs corbet the t.s.a. thanks much for being on the ground in fighting this john thanks abbie. up next i'll be talking about the humanitarian crisis of unaccompanied might. speak your language or not at the end of. the program seems to. entries in spanish
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what matters to you breaking news a little to nothing. troy ulti spanish find out more visit i. comb. it looks like. we're going to go digital the price is the only industry specifically mentioned in the constitution and. that's because a free and open process is critical to our democracy but albus. role. in fact the single biggest threat facing our nation today is the corporate takeover of our government and across difficult we've been hijacked lying handful of transnational corporations that will profit by destroying what our founding fathers once it's all just my job market and on this show we reveal the big picture of what's actually going on in the world and we go beyond identifying the problem
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trying to fix a rational debate and a real discussion on the critical issues facing america by the book bill ready to join the movement then walk a little bit. of a good basis try to clear. up a point to be. more. like war to destroy the teaching every minute of. the time a no no laughs no weapons of my own life like what he. was saying six any time. he says he loves to eat lunch now but sometimes for nothing which. is so mean and simple it's just. it's
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not just you give up the story because you'll be just everything you see the states need to take a look you need to see but we just don't understand. the mindset. so the obama administration has called the situation is so urgent humanitarian issue and rightly so secret to u.s. costs of to go this year alone that's forty minors the teen and that's an increase from last year old and one third apprehended at least one thousand children were sent to an extremely ill equipped warehouse in arizona and the media access to the facility has been limited think progress reports that quote the children including
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pregnant teenagers and a one year old with diarrhea are sleeping in plastic containers and haven't showered in ten days according to honduras council to the u.s. who visited the site what's worse is that obama's domestic policy directors a psyllium on yours has made it clear that these children don't qualify for any protective legal status so while the government may work to remedy the deplorable conditions at these little warehouses little to nothing is being done to ensure the safety of these kids it's heartbreaking is that these children are viewed as random migrants when really they should be considered refugees see nearly three quarters of them originate from guatemala el salvador and honduras an area known as the northern triangle which is among those dangerous and violent places in the world of course much of the violence plaguing these countries are the battlefields where america wages its failed war on drugs by the u.s. government's own estimates approximately ninety five percent of all cocaine leaving
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south america for the u.s. travels through the northern triangle and onward there mexico and out of the under the leadership of larger mexican drug cartels vast swathes of land and water all salvador and honduras are dominated by deadly guerrilla forces and perhaps most tragically is that these said. american governments are largely responsible for the expansion of narco trafficking economies as these groups have been able to infiltrate government it's to sions most significantly police carry out executions in exchange for financial benefit all the while the us government just keeps throwing more money at the regimes with no accountability over where the funds and up in fact an a.p. investigation from last year found that despite a temporary suspension of u.s. foreign aid to honduras. and u.s. taxpayer money was aiding the forces of director general juan carlos bania a man linked to at least three extra judicial killings in eleven other murders that continued financial support for these types of governments is creating an economic
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and social crisis for central american children the vast majority of which are trying to escape from a situation where brutality and violence is an ever present force in their lives from the day that they were born further evidence of this is found in a recent report by the united nations high commissioner for refugees which shows that fifty eight percent of four hundred migrants youthfully into the u.s. but the agency interviewed had suffered been threatened or feared serious harm. and executive director of kids in need to defend is becoming less like an immigration issue and more like a refugee issue because this really is a forced migration these are not kids choosing voluntarily to leave. this is perhaps the most important thing to note the fact that almost all the children are from a region known as the murder capital of the world when they manage to reach the u.s. the conditions they find here could very well be called a ball to what they left behind held against their will in a makeshift a warehouse in arizona so while this country continues to throw millions of dollars
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to fund drug wars in the name of humanitarianism it's a long past due to fix the humanitarian crisis right on our doorstep. yesterday tragedy struck pakistan when ten militants the skies the security forces seized crotches main airport result in an extensive gunfight that left twenty seven people dead according to pakistani officials the militants aim was to damage the airport hijack planes and take hostages now they were largely unsuccessful and government forces regain control of the airport within five hours now the taliban in pakistan has claimed responsibility for the attacks and according to c.n.n. taliban commander abdul of the hearth said the assault was in retaliation for a former taliban chief killed in the u.s.
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drone strike last november and north waziristan her went on to say that this is the first of many attacks to come a sentiment that reinforces how upcoming peace talks between the two sides have already been severely crippled so joining me now to break down pakistan's uncertain future and what role the u.s. has an all in the taliban in both pakistan and afghanistan is former cia analyst rana governor amazing to have you on high so you know we hear the rhetoric all the time that the taliban is near defeat in afghanistan i wonder if you can quickly i'm history and problems of the taliban and pakistan and the world the chickens are coming home to roost there twelve years ago or secretary of state in nature journal colin powell was given the task to call musharraf and say are you with us or against this if you're with us in the war on terror. we've got billions for you we know your your account number in geneva and it will give billions to your army as well and all you need to do is make sure you're with us you do everything you can to prevent the insurgents so that the militants from coming course the border
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attacks going to look at your break. the boy you'd like to be able to remember to that's not in your. on this interest their whole business in afghanistan has to do with denying india the upper hand there they're never going to do that but you know he promised and he got the billions and what happened we're used to the armaments on its own people and you know you don't you don't defeat terrorism in that way that encouraged i had a theologian from the sun the thing to with theology says you know defeating terrorism is really like defeating malaria. so you have malaria you find the mosquitoes right you trace them back to where they breed and and then you find that swamp and then of course your station sharpshooters around the swamp in detroit it should all of all have skills or they leave yeah exactly and i said well not really is the right what do you do i see you drain the swamp now the swamp the swamp
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represents the grievances the legitimate grievances of people who become terrorists because they have no weather outlet for their for their so what we're doing here is sort of making the swamp more acrid making the swamp bigger and the the terrorists are breeding and more which is exactly what this guy said i mean not to give any credence whatsoever to these these people who killed mass amounts of people they're horrible but he said it was in retaliation for u.s. drone strike last november i mean should this be warring to us that blowback is actually being carried out right now before our eyes are a well you know there are so many people that know this and so many prominent people even part of the establishment that have said this is counterproductive so bono but who does this benefit but we can talk about the arms merchants you know we could talk about people who you know want a four star one of the army generals and i tend to think but who couey malo you
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know who would say well you have the volunteer army so the so called the poverty or me and you have these the seventy five thousand u.s. troops waiting on a waiting line to see the d.a.'s. just three months i mean it's unconscionable these people don't care about our troops and they just exploited so who's profiting from it was a lot of money to be made in the arms a lot of money being made by the folks like musharraf and his successors but it's not benefiting the war on terror and it's certainly not benefiting the poor folks that we send over there to fight certainly not a woman in terrorism not read. the fact and things that are doing the opposite speaking of the taliban i have to get your opinion on this bowe bergdahl saga i mean here you have the media character assassination after character assassination in the desert or is a traitor even chris wallace on fox news said that he should be executed or was at least voicing that as a possibility i mean how is is the p.o.w. rescue this politicized well i don't know anything about war and then i don't have
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any paying peng's of point conscience of sending our young folks over there patriotically motivated and seeing what we're doing now bergdahl is a classic case of far as i can tell went over to help the afghans things like this is a crock i'm not helping the afghans and so this is that you know bit of bull result of that and to criticize him instead of people that sent him over the to do this feckless job this fool's errand you know it misses the point now i know that some of the commentators have never served i have it's a little different when you have personal experience with innocent suffering ok if you have a conscience that bothers you. well we know yeah because that is that the military mind conscience doesn't fit into it or a when you're when you're out there i guess the hungry analyzing how you go up it seems to receive with one exception it is general martin dempsey he prevented the
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war in syria and i give him credit for that he's a responsible a petri out of commander in chief and he wouldn't stand for what john kerry and the neo cons had drummed up early september. of last year thank goodness for that and what's so interesting also about this whole get mo transfer thing is that you keep hearing from the same media pundits that the worst of the worst and get no ready why is it that the worse the worse the get most couldn't even have been dragged up charges over the last five years that kind of been that bad if they couldn't even muster up the charges to get these guys on trial i guess it's a scandal it's a scandal i mean the most of these people shopkeepers people sold to them you know back in afghanistan and pakistan and worst of the worst that was donald rumsfeld he is the worst of the word believe it should be put away forever it really does remind me of wag the dog almost because i'm watching this giant spectacle everyone voices and of course missing the bigger point which is why the hell reopen the
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first place really these these larger question the seventy innocent men it get now what does the media overlooking the most with this whole story. with this. with this particular story well you know the whole business of what put people like berg in this position it seems to be relevant you know the fact. that our president came in and bowed to the military who told them you need to search because surge is good search for insurgents in iraq really work great work you know worked on a child a thousand u.s. servicemen without any it really does kind of work to and to his discredit obama sort of bowed and said all right well this is necessary for my political image i'll do it another thousand perished ok so it's crass politics willing to sacrifice our people like bergdahl to the to the whims of the political convention of political
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advantage and i've never seen a quite quite cusco bit more i'm so happy that we have honest people who were inside the system still speaking truth to tap the power thank you so much ray mcgovern former cia analyst for coming on when you look thanks. that's our show you guys are making tomorrow break the sad all over again i'm so sorry. the famous line in jaws where. the fishermen on the boat one of them says we're going to need a bigger boat maybe and i mean this is what the european central bank has told the market that the fraud is so enormous at this point that in order to accommodate another ten to fifteen trillion dollars worth of credit default swaps and derivatives especially fraud they're going to expand their balance sheet by ten or fifteen trillion euros they need
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a bigger boat. well groomed to the true. show thirty four countries spend over the same billion euro zone and says to each one typically million degrees with. no cells from st petersburg to france the trouble in-situ the song. we've got the future. i'm going to take. her. comments now right and. what if the public like.
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join me. in that impartial and financial commentary interview and much much. only on bombast and. ukraine's army targets the rest of the. village practically braced to the ground in . a training camp of self-defense fighters to say they're preparing to take on the
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government forces. running on fumes ukraina faces having its gas supplies russia was killed of a sudden fall fail to pay its multibillion dollar debt with the deadline expiring at midnight. pakistani taliban militants storm a security training camp near the international airport in karachi that's less than two days after a seize that killed at least thirty eight people.
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