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tv   Headline News  RT  June 10, 2014 12:00pm-12:31pm EDT

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god thank. god and. now. ukraine's army targets the rest of easter with a tillery fire leaving one village proudly rates to the ground meanwhile our training camp of self defense want to say they are preparing to take on the government forces. al qaeda militants seize control of northern iraq you problems of setting thousands of prisoners free and causing local law enforcers to flee plus . it's obscene i mean i was really offended when i saw it and so. anger and frustration from locals at the so-called anti homeless spice designed to deter rough sleepers from the streets of london.
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welcome to our day international we're live from moscow you with me tom let's say it's good to have your company with us this evening. calls by ukraine's newly elected president petro poroshenko to stop the military offensive in the country's restive ease appeared to have rung hollow as heavy a jewelry fire has already left one village in ruins this is a first as showing the devastation in that someone of. a building left intact after the army reportedly called a village for multiple rocket launchers for days despite this local government forces they will stand till the end and that is one of their report from one of the training camps. we are with the anti-government fighters we're on the way to a training camp here in the city of no guns they're not telling us exactly where this camp is because of security reasons badman how much time going to take us to
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get their. cigarettes it's a question but we'll know when we get there bettman was a former officer with the ukrainian elite police before switching sides only a month ago he commanded a team of just twelve men today they numbered more than one hundred and are growing by the day all of them volunteers each with a code name to hide his identity how is the situation on the ground at the moment. people are very scared the city is preparing for war we're evacuating women and children from the city bettman says that ukrainian military tactic is to attack from behind so he's had these men spall out across the city were about to approach the cap and balance on steps to switch off the camera deep in the forests it's easy to see why they've set up base here everything is camouflaged making it difficult for the ukrainian army to find them. where now at the training camp and we're also
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to see them do training with knives this is training for close combat but which ones comes with the marines not planning on close combat fighting here trying. slovyansk in donetsk the guys here come from just about every background you have former students you have form of businessmen you have former drivers and you also have ex-military and police so you have people with a lot of military experience but also have some for whom this is the first time that they're picking up a knife or a gun and so the sharing of skills and experience is vital and the guys have told me to put two of these in my ears because of. the automatic weapon training is the most important bettman keeps trying to control over his men many still have families inside ukraine and while we constantly about
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them. it's not becoming a war it's already a war. most of the guys are citizens of lugansk city they're highly motivated they're between the ages of twenty and fifty five when i asked one of them whether there are enough people here to take on the ukrainian military his answer was there's enough. but how many more need to die before the queue of government itself to clear enough is enough force the r.t.c. outside who grants eastern ukraine. five dollars very report in the latest from the eastern ukraine on her twitter feed she is quoting the near officials there think two children have been killed in flood the other in of the army shelling. ukraine's president has ordered the opening of humanitarian corridors in the eastern regions but moscow says a scene and nothing but a continued escalation of the military assault there was
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a statement from russia's foreign minister sergey lavrov as he met with his german and polish counterparts and found petersburg. well you're reduced to. this which of those are in france if you'd still it's ukraine is maintaining its military action and in some cases stepping up the assault submitted failure to invite representatives from the southeast to the dialogue means dragging out the conflict and continue betting on the military hoping to secure quiet it was luddy victory and therefore dictate terms to the south of the scene but yet it's a way to deepen the crisis it's a path to a catastrophe. in iraq militants have taken control of the entire province of a need in the north dealing a fresh blow to the country's struggle against insurgency earlier they also fees iraq's second largest city of mosul forcing police and army forces to flee some one
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hundred fifty thousand people are thought to have abandoned the city the fighters are believed to be from an al qaeda affiliated group that's responsible for the majority of the bloody and with attacks in the country the move falls of the prime minister to quantum parliament to declare a state of emergency in the middle artie's we should have enough joins us now live in the studio you see you've spent quite a lot of time reporting from iraq and now this seems to be and i'm president of large scale of attacks what does it what does it all signify really this is as you mentioned the absolutely unprecedented for this al qaeda splinter group this is the largest attack in terms of scale and significance that this group is trying to carry out and mosul and this province in mosul is iraq's one of iraq's most populous cities it's a key trade and commercial hub this provinces where much of iraq's oil wealth is located it's a key transit route to to turkey and it's also been a major focus of u.s.
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efforts to try to stabilize the country during the war and so the fact that militants were able to take over the city and the province with such ease i mean they're in control of the airports they've taken over key government buildings they freed thousands of prisoners from from the prisons there the fact that they've been able to do that really signifies the weakness of the central government and also sends a very strong message to both prime minister nouri al maliki about the group's strength and intentions as well as washington which has really been backing the backed out government so who are these militants and do we know much about them right will the islamic state in iraq and syria or isis as they're known for sure in short is basically an expanded and rebranded version of al qaeda which the u.s. actually claimed. detained before it would do its forces back in two thousand and eleven in large part thanks to the war in neighboring syria and the lack of control by the government the group has really been magically over the past few years they operate quite freely in syria and parts of iraq in fact they've seized the anbar
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province earlier this year where they still remain in control and this is such a radical one we've got going we mean al qaeda branch has tried to distance itself from it and cut ties with it for basically seeking an islamic state with its own version of very harsh no real law that dates back to the seventh century and it's a very very scary thing that these guys actually been able to take such strong control over parts of iraq today and speaking of strong control over what's happening there i mean iraq has had an election recently how stable is the country put it into right now and how much control does the government really have with all these militants sort of running around ruining the place where i think the events in what we saw was you know overnight essentially really speak for themselves i mean the central government is not has not been able to dislodge the group from the anbar province and certainly was not able to hold territory here in one of the most populous city of the entire country and on top of that iraq has been essentially dealing with a massive political and religious crisis for the past few years violence has increased the climate is much more sectarian than it had been before shiite
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controlled government of nouri al maliki is not really supported by a lot of sunnis in iraq who sort of feel that they've been marginalized and oppressed by by this government and there's a lot of discontent we're almost seeing the kinds of levels of violence that we saw at the height of iraq's civil war and so when you group these terrorist activities on top of the economic crisis on top of the divisions that are this really sends a very bad message and a very disconcerting message thank you potential stability of this country and our cheek respond to spend a lot of time reporting of iraq shows us with us some of the experiences out day on this issue right we're now going to discuss this further with that desire. is an expert on middle east affairs he joins us live thank you very much for joining us here on our team to national how serious is the situation in the country . i think that the situation in northern iraq particularly in
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mosul or naina one province is highly dangerous it is deeply alarming and deeply worrying that to the al qaeda has actually managed to seize and overrun the security forces and the iraqi army and to establish control over that entire city this is the second largest city and this a basically should send shock waves right across the entire middle east now i have to say it got a d. a bulk of the responsibility now friends on the american. actually don't put their money where their mouth is and when push came to shove they didn't actually so-called iraqi the iraq army with the necessary equipment that has been pleading and begging for and have already paid for with the americans have been dragging their feet about if there had been having called the and it turned out all
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that rhetoric about standing shoulder to shoulder with the iraqi government and helping out the iraqi government to fight and defeat let me ask you this turned out and nothing but until direct rick let me ask you this how much is this attack motivated along sectarian or political lines. well i mean we have to look at the entire area we have to ask why al qaeda have managed to be revitalized and we activated and to become so resurgent through the having so much influence and prowess and and secondly from all this funding majestical support and even going as far as paying salaries to the what have you sell it for the insurgents who converged on syria and actually all this funding going to a misrata front which they're the new york times have acknowledged most of this funding and have actually went to the most extremist groups that is a new sort of front where. the the reader of of iraq have acknowledged and said
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that a new sort of front in syria is nothing but part and parcel of al-qaeda and iraq and it's neither of them one of the job and they simply are foot soldiers of iraq and all those resources the torrent of bonding and funding have been shed and divided up between the two groups we mustn't forget that the strategy a strategy also yet it was simply at the beginning of two thousand was focusing on the. desires let me jump in a talk to. listen let me jump in there please do you think iraq who haven't been able to curb the violence that we're seeing right now and what can actually what can be done to actually regain control of the country. well i mean what iraq has to do is to take serious steps to actually deal with a look and the resurgence of the by actually naming and shaming those countries and
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actually launching complaints in the united nations against those countries that during maliki i'm stove on france twenty four has acknowledged that the arming and funding the political support the media support has been coming from saudi arabia which is hell bent on weakening a destabilizing and derailing the entire political process and the fledgling democracy in iraq let me just tell you this this. has shifted from simply talking i said regime in syria and convincing al qaeda using its huge influence and leverage over whether leader a ship of ok again iraq all basically from saudi arabia they have used that influence to tell them to go and focus on syria with the favor to make any headway in terms of stopping the structure he has shifted back to the stabilizing and recent devices even that iran has been throwing is so forth and has been used as a lifeline to support the syrian regime so in order to still hold see the syrian
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regime there have to reclaim and dispenses has iraq and the other issues they have used to utilize the pro business side i wish i had more time. i wish i had more time with you thank you very much for your passionate outlook on the situation out there in iraq we value what you just told us right now think it will continue obviously keeping an eye on that story with a. nice of a ride today also saw an attack not far from the capital of baghdad where twenty people were killed in a bombing at a funeral procession all yesterday truck bombs exploded outside the office of two kurdish political parties also close to the capital killing twenty nine people you can see here how the civilian death toll has been constantly growing. in the last in the country now and from iraq to pakistan which has again been shaken by a new tali attack later this hour we examine the impact of american drone strikes that had on the people on the country still in the grip of
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a deep security crisis. the payment deadline is once again leaving for ukraine chip needs to cover its massive overdue bills would guess otherwise supplies could be halted as soon as wednesday the deadlock has been turning heads in europe which remains have been reliant on russian gas pumped by ukraine russia's energy giant gazprom has stress very these supplies would not suffer unless kick start sifting gas or from the pipelines which it's done before but despite that the ease been pushing for freeze in the south stream pipeline project designed to provide an alternative supply route now brussels has demanded that borg aerial holds a work on the pipeline citing violations of you know laws however both bog area and the second in the line of construction serbia have pledged a full commitment to the project former u.s.
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treasury official paul craig roberts believes europe is jeopardizing its energy interests through to pressure from washington. christian type live is really up to your it's not up to watch it's the europeans say well look we don't want to take this risk with our energy supply it's just sort of washington can beat up on rush in the pipeline will continue the problem with the existing pipeline churning through ukraine is ukraine is free. and russia faces the prospect that trying to supply europe through the pipeline through ukraine would result and chat with gas ukraine which can pay its gas but my point is is washington doesn't share anything they can do to hurt russia it wipes out their allies they could care less they is still relies on russia for about
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a third of its natural gas consumption and in a bid to lessen that share it appears as though brussels is being forced to take a step back and turn to an old school full of energy coal i made one thing fuel prices that is coal consumption has been steadily rising compared to the use of natural gas that's despite massive environmental campaigns through to use common emissions and cut back on high polluting fields even germany is known for its commitment alternative energy is no exception of peter out of a report. the black costs at the center of the green dream in germany coal is back in vogue we see renaissance of coal combustion. this is a disaster to the credibility of germany's cadential as regards climate mitigation it's an issue that runs deep in america's government they hope to be
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able to generate a massive eighty percent of energy from renewables like solar and wind by twenty fifty while getting rid of nuclear. and the only other option then to keep the lights on in europe's most robust economy is to increase the use of coal by thousands of tonnes a year and it was a sinister plan this isn't how it was planned we wanted to increase renewables while lowering c o two emissions we've done the first part but at the same time we're having to burn more coal to meet demand so our c o two emissions have gone up rather than down in early june the local authority near this pits agreed to remove a further two hundred million tonnes of brown coal from the open cast mines in the area up to twenty twenty six that germany is ramping up its use of this particular type of cold that produces a lot of carbon dioxide deeply concerns environmental campaigners. from all the scientific results we have the inevitable result of the continued use
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of brown coal would be a global catastrophe if that's will be felt worldwide. but it's power plants like this that are needed if germany is to continue its economic cutting edge as well as prevent household energy prices from soaring. coal has a massive role to play for many years if we want to secure an affordable source of power. germany has the second highest reserves of brown coal on the planet those in charge of this operation question the government line that the only future is renewables. chancellor merkel is a doctor of physics and i'm sure she realizes that those laws can't be broken if we want to use power as we do we need coal not just now but over the next two to three decades despite the country's green lobby pushing for more wind and solar power it does seem that the only really reliable source of energy for germany at the time being is coal peter all of
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a germany. by coming up this all sold off a chinese limo nabs an american electric car maker that went back rubs despite receiving millions of dollars of taxpayer rescue money more on that after the break . well the language of what i will only react to situations i have read the reports i'm likely to put in the know i will leave the state department to comment on your . security as a car is on the job here no. thank you no more. when you question me prepared for a change when you. get ready for a. critical stage and. the freedom to.
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drive be ignored. stories others who refuse to notice. exist changing the world. to picture. from around the globe. to. welcome back metal spikes and stroll to deter home with people from sleeping by the front doors of a luxury apartment block in london have calls outraged after the pictures went viral but the number of rough sleepers having nearly doubled in the british capital in the past three years the issue of what to do is proving
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a dilemma it's our furthest takes up the story. well these small spikes of calls were all on social media over the last couple of days the so-called and the homeless the more like the sort of thing that you see on windows so as to prevent pigeons from landing there but it seems that these have been installed to prevent homeless people from sleeping well in this hall and it sparked widescale debate with everyone from the mayor of london he called them ugly self-defeating and stupid to members of the public and even some of the residents who we've spoken to who live here he want to see the spikes for me. it's a it's almost obscene i mean i was really offended when i saw myself because i thought it's it's sending an awful bad message to homeless people you know that say and move from here don't come back but move somewhere else and i think that's that's not going to solve the problem but others supported it one resident coming
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out angrily the ban is protesting the spikes the finger of blame is pointing towards one of the private properties management company that they say fall fails to respond to these questions this isn't a new phenomenon as we're told by angie ferris she spent six years homeless on the streets of london really dangerous it's very lonely it's very very hard you don't know where the next new is coming from because you have no positions you have no money homeless people have nothing if they're on the street they have near this place literally to sleep on which they are now at the moment. you know that's the place they have to sleep that's their home that is all they've got there's nothing else in the world i think that's very sad don't you think other areas of london to have seen similar measures like this to market in a central london high street charities to being documenting the rising number of
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homeless in london say this simply isn't the way to do with the issue well the london mayor's office points to the fact that they've already invested thirty four million pounds in schemes like no second night out designed to try to ensure the rough sleepers never spend more than one evening on the streets the reality though from what we're told by homeless charities and from what the figures seem to indicate is that homelessness and rusty thing is an ongoing and growing problem and this latest controversial anti homeless spikes that have appeared perhaps a sad indication of just how far person still has to go in tackling this issue served us reporting for us from london chinese companies on a shopping spree in the us investment doubled in two thousand and thirteen reaching a record high of fourteen billion dollars over the past decade the chinese have been buying up frames in sectors ranging from energy and food to entertainment the
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biggest deal yet was last year's purchase of america's largest producer smithfield and in the most recent case a taxpayer back to electric car company was sold to a chinese manufacturer in a partner city tells. america's costly loss has turned into a big game for its number one global competitor chinese auto parts dealer the want shang group has purchased a deep funk u.s. electric car company that actually failed to pay back nearly one hundred forty million dollars to american taxpayers before declaring bankruptcy fisker automotive received the federal funds the u.s. energy department's advanced technology vehicles manufacturing loan program and shortly after getting cash in hand the company collapsed one shang group acquired fisker it satirizes supplier and the patents in the u.s. bankruptcy auction paying one hundred forty nine point two million dollars the chinese company reportedly plans to turn around and sell the same plug in car to
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u.s. markets by the end of the year now the irony of the situation is that one chang's founder are chinese billionaire has reportedly been trying to break into the auto industry for decades turns out the opportunity came courtesy of a washington with u.s. citizens footing the bill unfortunately american taxpayers will not recruit the one hundred thirty nine million that would speed into this curve is a very savvy strategic move on the part of the chinese they want to dominate the next generation of automotive which is the electric vehicle market this acquisition of this is just part of a long term plan the fact that the u.s. government extended millions of dollars of loans to this company and then let the company go bankrupt and then let a foreign entity purchase that technology shows the lack of long term planning
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on the part of the u.s. industrial policy the new chinese auto owner reportedly plans to produce the formerly u.s. owned electric cars in finland however one shang is said to be considering the for . tensional for us production in the future imagine the scenario where china is bringing manufacturing back to american morning from new york marina for not parts of. a gun battle has broken out outside karachi international airport in pakistan a funny taliban militants stormed a security training camp abiud two different entrances local forces recalled the attack up to nearly an hour just two days ago they put itself was stormed which resulted in at least thirty eight deaths. ruffling the feathers of the world's financial big guns. on r.t.e. international.
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well into the. show city full of can just spend over fifteen billion euros a head says the beach one hundred fifty million degrees with some talk amongst yourselves from st petersburg to france the trouble in search of a song. we've got the future covered. your friends post a photo from a vacation you can't afford college different. your boss repeats the same old joke of course you like. your ex-girlfriend still plans to rejection poetry keep. norrish. we post only what really matters at r.t.
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to your facebook news feed. i am max kaiser and this is the kaiser report you know do you like the vix well the big spike show. was a song go into. things you wanted but the folks going on are well well first of all max tell people what the vix is oh well it's the volatility index you know it's a it's a contract that traders can buy and sell to hedge themselves against volatility however the vix like everything else is being manipulated so it's not giving a good price signal it's like you take the batteries out of the of smoke detector in your home so your house could be on fire and you don't hear the smoke detector
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because it took the batteries out so you don't leave the house even though the flames are engulfing you in your family or like i don't hear the smoke detector so must not be a fire so the vix is completely manipulated so it doesn't tell market participants it doesn't give them a signal about the true volatility and it's just another piece of the overall way that markets are being destroyed to service a few kleptocrat well all of these rigged indexes around the world in price signals i think is a form of chumming it's basically thrown be into the water it's encouraging the seals a minnow is a little fish and little chubby humans to get into the market waters to get eaten by the sharks now i for have this tweet here max this has been sitting here or below twelve for two weeks the last time this happened was in two thousand and seven so everything seems comb the water seems calm so you feel quite confident that it's safe to get in.


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