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tv   Headline News  RT  June 11, 2014 3:00pm-3:30pm EDT

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good leader doesn't take. anything. she chooses. which is why you should care. hundreds of thousands of feet. area. brought to justice. in the u.s. invasion of iraq. says more hundred people have died. with soldiers with.
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everyone welcome to it if you just joined us of. t. international well i'm from moscow you with me. by accuser twenty one people have been killed and dozens hurt by a suicide bomber in baghdad the latest wave of violence to hit iraq it comes as you hard as white as claim yet more territory and they increase their influence in the north are kind of fighters of seize yet another city that of tikrit after taking control of the entire northern province of navette and it's capitol hill iraq's second largest city hard as have also gained ground in other parts of the country including the oil rich kirkuk province and the city of fallujah a quarter of a move those are two million population have already fled their homes turkish consulate has also been attacked and eighty turkish citizens including the consul
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general are now held captive by the militants there are also alarming reports of mass beheadings being carried out in mosul and tikrit and according to the regional governor they're slamming state of iraq and levant has become the richest terrill group ever after looting more than four hundred million dollars from missiles central bank. the developments of contradict what do you as president barack obama says three years ago when the mission in iraq rep shop everything the american troops had done in iraq the fighting the eva design the bleeding the building of the training and the perjury all of that has led to this moment of success but we're leaving behind a sovereign stable and self-reliant iraq activist a blogger and author david swanson believes both u.s.
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forces and terrorists are responsible for the ongoing chaos in equal measure. do you see the violence that one could have predicted it was when bush declared mission accomplished and we're going to direct you have these i don't know that they're all kind of but certainly terrorists are declaring liberation will you had a u.s. and nato terrorist occupation declaring liberation several years ago neither one is liberation neither one is is going to do anything but create masses of refugees lack of stability and ongoing violence and six hereon division and resentment for years to come. all gods from the former private security company blackwater going on trial for staging a massacre which killed fourteen iraqi civilians in two thousand and seven this is the first time that the us hired mercenaries have face court after seventy s of legal wrangling is worried about my has more now on what makes the trial so
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important. there have been many years of cover ups and inappropriate grants of immunity to these former border guards but back in two thousand and eleven a three judge panel of the u.s. court of appeals ruled that the prosecution against these defendants could proceed and now we see that jury selection for the trial is beginning and the public of course is being reminded of the horrible stains some of the horrible stains america has left behind in iraq let's remind our viewers that it wasn't sometimes or two thousand and seven that a blackwater security team was assigned to the way for a convoy of diplomats traveling through western baghdad now blackwater blackwater company the guards at the time claim that the convoy was ambushed and that they fired at the attackers in defense but the iraqi government and the police investigator concluded that the killings were unprovoked now the defense lawyer has said and continues to say that it's not fair to do hindsight analysis in
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a room seven years following the news source square massacre that left fourteen iraqis dead and more than eighteen injures injured but the families of those victims as well as human rights leaders and citizens around the world want to see justice for the killings or at the very least the perpetrators to be put on trial and held accountable for their actions the episode was a devastating blow to america's reputation in the middle east and in ignited a wave of criticism out about the u.s. proctors of contracting private companies mercenaries for wars and occupations of foreign countries let's remember that private companies like blackwater don't have to play by the same legal rules that u.s. soldiers follow now if convicted the former blackwater guards could face anywhere between thirty years to life in prison. in neighboring syria. has emerged on the horizon as. the city that used to be the major rebel stronghold . coming up here on r.g.p.
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we need to. residents of the city of homs were struggling to rebuild their lives in a city almost wiped off the map. and the u.p.a. government plans to start teaching british values in schools after several of them were said to help promote it and extreme islamist agenda will look into how much of that is. more than two hundred people have been killed since the start of ukraine's military operation in the east that's according to the country's health minister and while the newly elected president petro poroshenko has given orders for humanitarian corridors to be set up russia's foreign minister says the moscow has been denied the chance of providing humanitarian aid our residents are in eastern ukraine are claiming their city has been devastated by a tillery fire for the third night in a row. he drawled. a
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bit equality i would say. that in our. new money probably over the but. if in your program. the city has been besieged by pro-government forces for weeks and locals are suffering from water and power outages and while the military operation goes on fly to is for new clothes a national guard have been reading outside the parliament building in kiev demanding pay for their jobs a growing number of soldiers have been laying down their arms and willing to turn them on civilians close their reports. six weeks on and with more than forty soldiers did shields military operation continues the army is in a pitched battle with anti-government activists but it's also struggling to keep itself together. that's a tough one sending me to war calling on me to kill people in the wrong box and
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just like me more and more soldiers are refusing to obey orders and despite cube's full military mobilization in march and has all but dried up whereas once they used to before drafting officers in lugansk today there's only one and it's quiet they won't let us inside with the cameras i spoke with the clock and he said there hasn't been any kind of recruitment here for weeks i asked to speak with a person in charge but was told that he's taken early retirement. last month then acting president turchynov signed a decree calling on all men aged eighteen to twenty five to enroll those who did not list in jail but this young man is prepared to risk even more he's not only ignored his call up he's now fighting against the very army in which he's meant to serve a lot of the war before i got a draft letter on the third of march. that said i should go to the army i refused i
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didn't even go to the drafting center i'm not going to fight against my own people we have spirit our ideals patriotism they don't have that there are any good orders and money but others did on serve a call to serve a decision they now regret maria's son is twenty years old he was drafted a year ago and disserving in western ukraine she's worried that because he comes from the east he himself will be seen as the enemy before he approached the hordes . of culture you. should ask. the army your city lack food and ammunition and a sense of purpose and as the casualty count climbs it will become harder and harder to convince young men they should put their lives on the line for a cause many don't believe in. fear r t eastern ukraine. horror has been reporting on the latest developments in eastern ukraine online and stay up to
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date by following her on her twitter feed. and russia has shifted the deadline for ukraine to cover its a mountain billion dollar gas debts that as moscow and kiev remain deadlocked over the price of fuel will report shortly on a white kid was refusing to pay up even though it's been offered a substantial discount and whether consumers will be affected by the dispute. the u.k. government is under fire for its tough response to reports of an alleged islamist plot to take over schools in the city of birmingham tames first appeared in march they said there was a secret jihad as scheme to promote extremist ideology in schools with large muslim populations as much as check to more than twenty facilities and said there were cases of intimidation and intolerance of all the schools themselves denied the accusations government sees a differently now once
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a mandatory teaching of british values in all schools across the u.k. a colleague we hardly talk to promote of interfaith dialogue mohamed big he says that the authorities want to undermine the entire muslim community. it's a concerted effort by michael gove the education secretary with his neo conservative ideology to demonize in the toc muslims this report into the schools and not produced any evidence whatsoever that there was an extremist plot or there was extremist muslims taking over schools. which shouldn't which is damage the standing of muslims we can but more importantly it's damaged the confidence children have in the education system do you think this new system of british values will actually help muslims to assimilate better into british society no government minister has been able to tell is the values that they've set out to talk about democracy you talk about tolerance and respect the rule of law gender equality these are values that we signed up to these are values that people across
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the world would look to they're not just british values they're human values we as muslims are integrated in this country and the idea that somehow that we're not is deeply patronized it just once again defines communities in a time when we should be looking to bring people together what use are coming your way after the break including huge gas debts of ukraine and the ways to solve the problem. ray of hope or merely a low in what is rapidly turning into the ukrainian civil war claims it has an understanding with moscow designed to deescalate tensions and violence there are a few details known about this understanding can deliver. but. i would like to do it if you did you know the price is the only industry specifically mentioned in the constitution and. that's because
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a free and open press is critical to our democracy shrek albus. role. in fact the single biggest threat facing our nation today is the corporate takeover of our government and across a cynical we've been hijacked like handful of powerful transnational corporations that will profit by destroying what our founding fathers once i don't trust my job market it on this show we reveal the big picture of what's actually going on in the world we go beyond identifying the problem tracks rational debate and real discussion critical issues facing up to five ready to join the movement then walk in the big picture. stay with us here on our international ukraine is consciously taking negotiations
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over its massive debts dead down dead and president putin off like it once again refused moscow's offer to sell natural gas to ukraine despite a discount of almost twenty percent greens can pick nobody got the proposed discounts don't seem to be enough for our ukrainian fatness they seem to be asking for more cuts although i don't quite understand on what grounds well if that's the case then they consciously leading these talks down dead ends on proposals that named a partner relations and supporting ukraine's economy at a difficult time with a bunch of phone proposals are rejected that would lead our relationship to a new level from which. ltd butanol has also stressed the discount is the same offer to the previous administration and is significantly higher than those enjoyed by the neighboring states however still demands of multiple slashes prices by twenty percent and despite two weeks of negotiations the parties are in deadlock
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it's venture capital is hosed kitty pilgrim with the details russia offered a one hundred dollar discount per one thousand cubic meters during the recent negotiations which would be lower than what many european countries pay but ukraine has refused and wants an even lower raise and the deadline to at least make a start on the pavement which keeps on being moved as we say has been postponed to june the sixteenth if kiev's debt is not paid which as it stands according to gazprom amounts to four point five billion dollars that a prepayment system will be introduced but in other words that would mean the gas being turned off now these ongoing negotiations involve europe because europe also has an invested interest reliant on russia for third of its gas and fifteen percent of it comes via ukraine so if kiev doesn't pay then supplies to europe could be
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disrupted why we remember back in two thousand and six and two thousand and nine i hear who seem to be siphoning off gas that was on its way to europe due to price disputes which is what we're experiencing now this led to a cold winter for a point for europe so to avoid this scenario we've got this right here the south stream project which was put in this construction is currently frozen so it's in everyone's interest to come to a compromise on these gas price dispute as soon as possible journalist and broadcaster neil clark says ukraine's turning its back on every favorable terms. very generous for what is a very anti russian government i mean it seems that ukrainian government seems to believe that they can provoke russia what you say can killing civilians in the east as you know yet they still expect very generous destruction russia i don't think any amount of discount really will satisfy ukraine they're supporting forthrightly they want to prolong this war as long as possible i mean if i behaved this way to
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russia to my gas supply my guess would be cut off a lot which are not by bill for several months now that i was having huge amounts of and british gas whether with that kind of gas. but i think that if russia was to do this was to do the work was actually cut off the gas to ukraine then of course this would be a trade in the west as russia using gas of critical weapons. meal so it is said to cough up six hundred thousand dollars in settlements to fourteen occupy wall street protesters find out the details of the legal dispute that resulted in the largest occupy related payment to date on our website. is it possible seems like these could soon be seen in britain's capital london mayor has england's for his water cannons we've got the details at our tea dot com. long anticipated peace talks between the syrian government and the opposition may be held as early as this week it comes after the rebels were forced out of their
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last stronghold of homs which has been the so-called capital of the revolution for the last three years of his marriage managed to get into the devastated city and spoke to former militants who decided to change sides. these a new sounds that tank over the city of homes are placing the challenge of bombing have to dialogue with the government the rebels left what they considered their capital and clashes stopped holmes's old town the militants last stronghold it's from here that they withdrew following the green meant with their sources and this is what's left after months of fierce clashes after months of their resistance and more sc shops someone's home everything is destroyed everything in the rooms but those who were forced to flee and no slowly returning for the first time in the area is relatively safe here and people want to be in the place they still class as their final letter
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i just came back from the market where good thing god does become possible after high ranking military and civil figures accepted their bonuses for the very key could have been targeting them. as his best word to describe the situation in which the rebels initiated talks the syrian police major was among the negotiators of the war but just being go he was hit by a bullet fired from the rebel side it left him disabled and doctors say he may never fully recover but he still calls for forgiveness the offer most of them are young people who get influenced by fanatic shakes and islamic clerics who have the extremist ideology that is alien to syrian society they motivate them by money that came from the gulf countries mostly and all this was supported by western and israeli intelligence we need to help our guys who became victims of all this we speak with a major in what's become a kind of rehab center for its militants around twelve hundred of them were brought
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to the school after they surrendered university teachers and religious leaders whose families suffered in the war now talk to former military is helping them reintegrate. most of them saying they were forced to take up arms all of them were denied of a killing anyone but their words are impossible to verify. they have to give us a lesson in strict explain to us that the regime is in for jobs that the regime is attacking muslims and we have to fight. with this it comes just days after syria's first presidential elections in decades this man tells us he voted for son the person who he was fighting against just weeks ago. syrian reconciliation is assets initiative he wants to rebuild peace and have the city of homs or who may have once targeted people in syrian army uniform could soon be wearing it himself as part of
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the rehab program the twenty two year old could be sent to serve in the country's army and flies no way that i will kill any of my brothers by religion and i were killed my former brothers in arms of the i do not want to kill or hurt anybody it's certain that those behind this reconsideration initiative say the important thing is to encourage other militants still resisting and there are many of them to lay down their arms and what remains the only district in the city of holmes is still held by the rebels there fishel say they are not less than three thousand and the army is here nearby and also surrounding the area and they are ready for an operation any moment but the rest of violence there too. in three villages around homes and in some other syrian provinces the situation is similar. in the only way to go for peace is returned here the total high today that syria is a least having the right track. they feel shotty from homes in syria.
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japan and australia are looking to forge a closer alliance with the multi-billion dollar stalls submarine deal now those will be take years of first major transfer of military technology is seen as a step to counter china's growing clout in the region it comes as prime minister shinzo where pushes for greater involvement in settling international disputes this coming to power in two thousand and twelve the japanese prime minister has been making moves to change his country's place will pass of his stance in early two thousand and thirteen for the first time in over a decade japan raised its defense budget during an island dispute with china in april of two thousand that same year too if you relax its ban on arms expert export thing it needs to expand the domestic defense industry next month. said to that article mind of the constitution which outlaws war to settle disputes should be revised and in late two thousand and thirteen
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a five year defense plan was adopted including the purchase of drones and amphibious assault vehicles and takes a closer look at the regional shifts in military power. after japan together with the nazi germany lost in the second world war it adopted a constitution which says the japanese people forever renounce war as a sovereign right of the nation in the threat or use of force as means of settling international disputes to accomplish the aim of the preceding paragraph len see it air forces as well as other war potential will never be maintained throughout these years though japan has maintained armed forces but strictly for the purpose of self defense well japan's current prime minister shinzo abe wants to rewrite that constitution and expend japan's military power in the region laying out a vision of tokyo as a counterweight to china but without naming any country prime minister be offered japan's help to regional allies quote to ensure security of the seas and skies the
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japanese government has already relaxed arms export rules in april china is in the center of a number of territorial disputes in south china sea with the philippines vietnam and. the east china sea with japan over same cockle and do io islands the us is very much in broiled in all of this claiming that the disputes demand a larger u.s. military presence in asia pacific sixty percent of the u.s. is fleet is there for us as a large military presence in australia japan and the philippines and guam and the u.s. doesn't mind its ally japan becoming more militarized the united states welcomes japan's efforts to play a more proactive role into triggering to global regional peace and stability including reexamining for tradition which constitution. chuck hagel has lashed out
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at china for what he called destabilizing unilateral actions asserting its claims in the south china sea china hit back on personally think the speech by mr hague was full of germany full of threats and intimidation china is accusing the due west of using the disputes and exacerbating them to gain a strategic advantage in the region if you're really in danger name if you're looking at this and what you're seeing is is that japan is piling on along with the united states japan may say that its plan is to secure peace but critics argue any military expansion would lead to more tensions in washington i'm going to check on r.t. last year pin cities have been brought to a standstill as txi drivers protested against a new mobile phone app which they say threatens their livelihoods service allows customers to catch a ride and calculate the fate by tracking the distance. has been to
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a strike of london cabbies in trafalgar square which created a quick look. it's a species that's roamed the purchase capital for well over a century but is london's iconic black cab about to become extinct the contrary i was protesting head to want to be in london they're not happy with the capital's transpose authority for allowing the app to operate now several thousand of them have gathered in central london and they cross traffic to a standstill they should call it by google goldman sachs or a lot of amazon and become police there billionaires to skate over rush right out of the big louise of the that's right just only reason really london i mean will take down the system gets diluted and then ends up my weekly what we did for years on the knowledge and stuff like comes along but it's a four door car that's about golf i don't know why you go that's the exception not
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the exception if there isn't the fuss threat to the hackney carriage the fact that builds it went bust and was only saved by chinese investment if you think of lot of you think a lot of texans i rather have them you know kind of independent and. don't let the american state everything over a nice it is you know the quintessential kind of iconic london exhausts everyone standing around me a local player saying fair enough. it's going to thank you. we should be making the playoffs. but the irony is that by demonstrating against the new smartphone app the beleaguered london taxi has generated some priceless publicity for the very company they say is driving away their custom as. london. tempo's off flying high and cross talk with pizza live well that's next on
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our international but if you're in the u.k. going underground with the times. well go to the. show thirty four countries spend over fifteen billion euros until she says should reach one hundred fifty million degrees become talk to mike newell to cells from st petersburg to france the trouble he said to the song. knowledge on stage we've got the future covered. country history of yugoslavia formation as a prosperous and peaceful country was consider that so be a success story of market socialism and in many regards it was the most developed. whom was his teacher of democracy and market economy if any republic in yugoslavia
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wanted for the us a it would have to break away from yugoslavia and declared its independence ok it's not a conspiracy theory it's not my speculation it's not my analysis it's a public. and punish it harshly for every slightly less some unlearnt the serbs started this war the serbs really original cause of the war they are the complete aggressors and wrongdoers. bomb because. that. small. ball is told to commissions six of them knew its own so please go assist in the multi-ethnic society to live in harmony and show not. what was forgotten to be told you about yugoslavia the weight of chains.
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oh and welcome to crossfire all things considered i'm peter all about a ray of hope or merely a low in what is rapidly turning into the ukrainian civil war camp claims it has an understanding with moscow designed to deescalate tensions and the violence there are a few details known about this. you're standing can deliver. to cross talk the crisis in ukraine i'm joined by my guest lindsey german in london she is with us.


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