tv Documentary RT June 11, 2014 7:30pm-8:01pm EDT
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i'm marinating in the financial world moves. back to serious development having nonstop exams only taken from the demand for credit not going to get any economic benefit in life there are good and there are books. it was like the old you. did you know the price is the only industry specifically mentioned in the constitution and. that's because a free and open press is critical to our democracy schreck it's. going. to make you know i'm sorry and on this show we reveal the picture of what's actually going on we go beyond identifying the truth rational debate and real discussion critical issues facing our family member ready to join the movement
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then welcome the big. oil back to the big picture on to our been coming up in this half hour the natural gas boom has taken our country by storm over the past few years but now much of the anger of the oil and gas industry one small city in colorado is fighting back against fracking so what are the chances that the small city wins its fight and what can other towns learn from its experience about how to stand up to fossil fuel companies and by now pretty much everyone in the media has their own opinion about why house majority leader eric cantor lost to dave brat last night but the thing is most of those opinions are totally wrong i'll tell you one of the big and largely unreported reasons or cantor lost internets daily take. back in november the city of lafayette colorado scored
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a major win for the environmental movement when a ban hydraulic fracturing better known as fracking anywhere within city limits and that's not all at the same time as they ban fracking lafayette also created something called a community bill of rights which declared that as a community they had the right to clean water and a healthy environment not surprisingly this really. colorado's fossil fuel industry which filed a lawsuit news in december demanding that lafayette scrap its community bill of rights and recognize the corporations have a right to frack you think with all of the rocky mountain states biggest energy companies lined up against them that the residents of lafayette would want to back off but they haven't backed off one bit instead they're fighting back yesterday with the help of a community environmental legal defense fund cell that the people of lafayette filed a class action lawsuit against the state of colorado its governor john hickenlooper of colorado oil and gas association joining me now to talk about that lawsuit as
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well as the future of the fight against fracking or thomas lindsay executive director co-founder and chief legal counsel at the community environmental legal defense fund soledad and cliff well men who is one of the plaintiffs in this new lawsuit thomas cliff walk of thank you to be on the show thanks for joining us cliff let's start with you because i want to get into the back story what's going on here what made lafayette first want to ban fracking back in november. well lafayette is one of many colorado communities that is essentially being run up into by the oil and gas industry that's coming off of where i live it's the wattenberg shale and you know communities have tried to approach this issue in a way to preserve their health welfare and safety from a variety of different angles really what we found in lafayette is that when we tried to address this issue to either our local government or the politicians that
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we have around us we were told that we essentially had no right whatsoever to say no to this industry and you know we might make some bargains with some regulations or that sort of thing but really the way we feel about it in lafayette which is a nice small town in colorado about twenty three thousand people we didn't want to negotiate what parts per million of benzene that we were going to breeder or you know how far away from the elementary school the drill is going to go and so we took it upon ourselves with the help of the community environmental legal defense fund to create our own community bill of rights so that we would articulate define and protect what we considered important for lafayette's citizens and within that bill of rights we had probity prohibitions against all and gas development the disposal of and industrial waste there and new new projects like compressor
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stations type lines and this sort of thing in doing so we went after those same laws that corporations used to keep communities like lafayette subservient to lafayette by ban fracking and did so by creating. this community bill of rights we just heard described what is it what does it do what is a community bill of rights well you know one of the good. close to two hundred other communities. in actually beginning to expand their civil political and. carmella writes of the local level you know we're used to talking about states bills of rights and federal the federal bill of rights in the vision but what's happening now is communities are rising up across the united states to drive in their own bill of rights legally enforceable bill of rights to clean air and clean water and a right to energy future and in doing so they're banning those activities like fracking that actually violate those right and then as medicine routinely corporations across the united states have used their own corporate constitutional
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rights to override those types of laws in which communities have attempted to say no to dangerous activities like fracking and so lafayette as well as close to one hundred other communities across you know they have actually begun to redefine work right from ours within their own communities the daring corporations in some ways to challenge them to try to take the right back but in all respects is about putting the rights of people above the rights of corporations need. to hyper simplify that thomas is in that sense what you just said that corporations have been asserting that they have a constitutional right to do whatever they want and if the community doesn't like what they do and screw the community we've got a constitutional right and that the citizens of lafayette are saying way about it were people constitution was written for us stop for you we have constitutional rights and in fact because we're people and you're just a corporation our rights trump your rights yes that's exactly what they're saying and so in some ways it's not environmental issue it's
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a democracy one it's about the right of people within communities like to community of local self-government and that becomes a very powerful tool to the search because the sensibly the fabric of the united states which is the ability to govern or you go cliffs when when faced with a lawsuit from a big corporation one that could presumably even break the budget of a town a lot of people a lot of talents would probably back out and in fact historically. a lot have i mean going all the way back to the one nine hundred centuries why haven't you guys back down. well we figured that essentially the time had come and gone for people to finally stand up to this and we're facing a situation in lafayette where we feel like we pay for this no matter what if we don't stand up then we could potentially see our very nice community turned into an oil and gas field and so for those of us in lafayette we feel like we've really
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been backed against the wall and really within the considerations of how do address this you know and we started off with a small grassroots group of about four people we determined that upon learning that these corporations had essentially written the law system itself so as to respect their interests that we not only wanted to address what the people in lafayette were facing but the people in colorado in general were facing as well as you know what communities are having to deal with across the country and so we wanted to create essentially what what comes to be. a grassroots movement so that we can not only address the immediate threat of i draw the fracturing but also start to create those fundamental legal change that force not just fracking on the communities but industrial cyanide g m o's injection wells and all these kind of corporate profits basically what you're trying to do if i if i have if i understand
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this right cliff is you are involved in colorado in a move in a citizens movement to try to amend the colorado constitution to say that communities can establish their own bill of rights the communities can have their own rights and. first of all do i have that right. yeah you're awfully close to it i mean it's essentially what we're dealing with you're in colorado you know lafayette is being sued right alongside of several other colorado communities longmont fort collins are also being sued broomfield and all of these communities have tried to protect their health safety and welfare through various actions or municipal laws to keep oil and gas activity outside of that community and really the state of colorado is saying that it's not the business of our you know our local communities to determine what corporate project arrives and you know in doing
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so what we're trying to undo is a legal framework that essentially gives these corporations legal privilege what we're being sued for in lafayette by the colorado and gas association is the idea that the state makes decisions over oil and gas activity and not the people and so the colorado oil and gas association is suing lafayette the same way you know the oil and gas industry sue greeley way back in the ninety's when they tried to deal with this and and so really the only really last as should be only resolution we have is to address constitutional legal challenge changes so that the people are placed in a superior position of corporate projects because that's what we believe the people in constitutions really should stand for thomas we have about a minute a half left i'm curious how the democratic party in colorado how the governor john hickenlooper and the democratic party in general and your organization solve. all of us when you're involved in similar lawsuits all around
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the country. how. political parties and politicians are responding to you across the country. generally not well we don't really do it with them through demographic were it is true but in this sort of seventy five with the rows that green or recently approved who are be. the colorado community rights network to put forward well mark about. is how it's become very divisive to the democrats. and what seventy five would do in the process did it already while what it would actually give communities the legal authority to redefine worker rights and powers when they complete with people in the community and the rights of the woman and so it is thrown of a monkey wrench into the plans of both the democrats and republicans to accelerate while and you know strongly and has become whether seventy five of this new class
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action lawsuit really for protection for people with their own right to vote for it it's remarkable thomas you're doing god's work you do incredible stuff and cliff you you in your community have so much courage i'm so impressed by what you do and i wish you all both a very very thanks thanks for joining us a favor just coming up if you're looking for an answer as to why house majority leader eric cantor lost his primary election to a little known college professor named rap look no further than the coke to put explain in tonight's daily ten.
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it is the good the bad of the very very part of a silly ugly the good. and when to a nation california tribe is paid there during the n.b.a. finals sixty seconds of an absolutely amazing ad it calls on the washington and f.l. team to change its name yet is so effective you really need to see it higher check it out. forgotten. indian. like for.
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you know what ensued survivor spirituous patriots. sitting boom i was the one jim thorn. mother father son. daughter chief. milnes. to run a more. strong. dominant. native americans call themselves many things. the one thing they don't. maisons stuff n.f.l. commissioner roger goodell says that the name that the washington team uses honors american indians maybe should actually talk to some actual native americans and ask
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how they feel. so bad john johnston indiana republican is running for state congress this year is under fire for saying on facebook that poor people should just be left to them with their and die seriously discussion about social welfare programs johnston said for almost three generations people in some cases have been given and outs it enabled so much of their paradigm in life to simply being given the stuff of life however meager what you see is a setting for a life of misery is life to them nevertheless no one has the guts to just let them wither and die no one who wants votes is willing to call a spade a spade you know not surprisingly johnston is now trying to distance himself from those comments but let's be honest it's really hard to do because this is pretty much standard republican rhetoric these days and a very very ugly scot like john johnston republican oklahoma state senate
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candidate find himself in hot water today for comments he made on live radio rob morris the owner of a local news site has said on facebook last year that he thinks gay people should be stoned to death. this guy posted on facebook that homosexuals should be stoned to death and my first response was that. nobody would be stupid enough to do that but more espoused those postings from last summer on facebook at the time asked had commented on the pope saying who am i to judge on homosexuality ask posted old testament scripture calling for homosexuals to be punished someone asked so just to be clear you think we should execute homosexuals presumably by stoning as responds i think we would be totally in the right to do it. that goes against some parts of libertarianism i realize and i'm largely libertarian but ignoring as a nation things that are worthy of death is very remiss or chinese scott has
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because running as a republican not as a member of the taliban bad is insanely. raziel are superhero superhero right. to the regret of comic book fans and people with a lewd sense of humor everywhere artist and use statue of spiderman has been taken down from his home on the side of a mall in busan south korea you statue which had been on display for about a year and shows spider-man with his spidey senses tingling in outrage some people in south korea who thought that a shopping mall was no place for an excited superhero after the complaints poured in you was given a choice to take the statue down or change it finally and unfortunately in my
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opinion shows take it down as to why you decided to give his spider-man statue an erection the first place he's telling people that it was all in the interest of giving it a more naturalistic appearance paul will never really know whether or not use statue it accurately depicts peter parker's and doll one thing is for sure probably does a good job of showing how spider-man felt during that famous to see it jane. plus you've been living under a rock for the past twenty four hours you know by now that eric cantor the house
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majority leader lost his primary election last night to a little known college professor named david brat this was a shocking upset one that no one saw it coming so ever since the news broke about cantor's defeat a roughly eight pm last night the beltway media has been all over trying to get to the bottom of just why exactly someone like you know someone so cantor someone so well established in connected would lose to someone like dave brat who spent less on his campaign than eric cantor spent during the same period time in steakhouses efficient narrative is that cantor lost because he was too moderate from a republican point of view of course on immigration that he didn't spend enough time in his district and that the conservative base was sick and tired of someone who saw it as a sellout and while there is a lot of truth that narrative just check out any right wing blog. it misses the bigger picture of what's really going on here one of the reasons if not the biggest reason eric cantor was it was that he totally underestimated the dark money machine
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that was the real force behind the dave brat campaign the media is making it seem like brat was some sort of underdog but in reality he's strapped to the hilt with billionaire support billionaire money in fact you could argue they pretty much zero as his job to people like the koch brothers and their cronies. john allison the former c.e.o. of b.b. and t. bank the current head of the koch funded or founded and funded cato institute gave brad's college a five hundred thousand dollars fellowship back in two thousand and ten so the dave brat could teach i and rand and libertarianism at randolph macon university like hundreds of other college professors across the country these days dave brat is really just a bought and paid for shill of charles and david koch and their buddies but the connections between brat in the dark money machine don't stop there he was also the hand-picked candidate the koch back world of right wing media specifically right wing radio over the past few months right wing talkers like laura ingram and mark
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levin have been pushing brat in attacking cantor nonstop on the radio shows anger me even went so far as to say at a recent rally for brad that she wished that president obama had given eric cantor not five guantanamo detainees to the taliban in exchange for bowe bergdahl. but i wish to keep this thing. to talk this through and the. tribute to the sons. of can't. be and. over the years because it is treated we want to hear peter yeah. laura ingram and mark levin are both on the populist end of the republican party so it's not all that surprising that they'd want to see brat take down cantor but since both of them have taken a lot of money from conservative groups like americans for prosperity over the past few years there's good reason to be suspicious of why they're pushing so hard specifically for brat as political reporter
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a few months ago in what should have been a blockbuster story was but was ignored by the mainstream media filings with the internal revenue service in the federal election commission as well as interviews and reviews of radio shows found the conservative group spent nearly twenty two million dollars to broker and pay for involved advertising relationships known. sponsorships with a handful of influential talkers including back hannity laura ingram mark levin and rush limbaugh since then the sponsorship deals have grown more lucrative and more tea party orian live in alone apparently took home seven hundred or took about seven hundred fifty seven thousand dollars from the koch backed americans for prosperity just over the two thousand and twelve election cycle and if politicos report is accurate he's still taking money from and while we don't really know the specifics about just how much money a groom is taking from these conservative groups we do know that she is taking it at least according to politico and that might go
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a long way toward explaining why she was so enthusiastic to back dave brat over eric cantor once you realize the dave brat wasn't just some random college professor but was actually the hand-picked candidate of the libertarian billionaire class the coax and its army of talk radio hosts it's easy to see another one of the major reasons that eric cantor lost we are living in a brave new world of dark money politics and in this day and age doing what eric cantor did and you know with the chamber of commerce k. street and wall street it only gets you so far if you want to win these days you need to win at least on the republican side you need to win the support of the coax the libertarian billionaire buddies and their allies in the talk radio world. sure working the coax doesn't always work out matt bevin failed miserably in kentucky. but when the situation is right and you have a weak really unpopular candidate like cantor to run against. and especially if
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you've got a massive right wing radio presence literally in every town in the district right wing radio in every town are available in every single town in the seventh district in virginia where as there was no progressive radio there it works like a charm don't kid yourself dave brat's victory was not a fluke it was a test run the coax and their cronies now have a blueprint for how to beat establishment republicans all across the country. for them the revolution has just begun. ultimately the only way to stop this dark money revolution is to get money out of politics pass a constitutional amendment that says the corporations are not people they don't have human rights and the money isn't speech it's a spending money for politics is not speaking it's a behavior it can be regulated as was the law in the united states from the george washington administration up until nine hundred seventy six when the supreme court
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said spending money is speech the buckley vs foley case but in the meantime progressive billionaires and foundations my want to take a note from what conservatives are doing and start putting money into progressive television like free speech t.v. or progressive talk radio who loves the only chance to stop the koch revolution at least over the short term might be to try to beat them at their own game. and that's the way it is tonight wednesday june eleventh two thousand and fourteen and if you want to be a t.v. star talk to me face to face then email me your video questions to your take my take at g.-mail dot com will air the live every thursday night it's easy which phone in video mode hold it sideways record your selfie video question or comment and e-mail it to us at your take my take at g.-mail dot com you can also tweet your question or comment to me at tom underscore score hartman and be sure to use the hash tag talk to top and don't forget the markers he begins with you get out there
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a pleasure to have you with us here on our team today i roll researcher. lead. coming up on our team iraq phase of the crisis as violence rose baghdad experienced a suicide bombing while another city falls under the control of radical militants the latest on the fighting of what it means for u.s. foreign policy in the lead. the head and declassified documents reveal a near nuclear catastrophe for the u.s. in the one nine hundred sixty s. two nuclear bombs were dropped in north carolina but didn't detonate more on this incident coming up. and in d.c. space x. is the latest spacecraft is on display the dragon v two is designed to carry u.s. astronauts to earth's orbit and beyond.
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