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tv   Headline News  RT  June 11, 2014 10:00pm-10:31pm EDT

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of course. still in poetry keep. ignoring. others. to your facebook news feed. think. it was like. did you know the price is the only industry specifically mention in the constitution and. that's because a free and open press is critical to our democracy schreck health risks. that are going on i'm sorry and on this show we reveal the picture of what's actually going on and we go beyond identifying. rational debate and real discussion critical issues facing them up for them ready to join the movement then welcome the.
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bill on tell more about washington d.c. and here's what's coming up tonight on the big picture just hours ago house majority leader eric cantor announced that he would be stepping down from his position after losing in a primary to dave brat an upstart tea party challenger brett maybe but as a brat really just some random tea party challenger was his victory in less than eight years in the making also in an impromptu press conference yesterday president obama was pretty blunt about washington's failure to address the gun violence epidemic in our country in america averaging more than one school shooting a week isn't it time to put politics aside and finally pass some meaningful gun reform legislation that and more into nights alone with her all.
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you need to know this dark money is flowing like water in washington last night house majority leader eric cantor who has always been considered one of the more conservative members of the house lost in a primary to upstart tea party challenger dave brat brat and. economics college professor was vastly vastly outraised by cantore and most polls leading up to the primary showed cantor with a very comfortable lead over brat in the immediate aftermath of last night's shocker in virginia analysts of the same brat's victory was just a fluke well it couldn't be more wrong dave's brads victory was not a fluke and he isn't just some tea party an economics college professor from virginia both he and his victory have dark money written all over them back in two thousand and eight during america's financial collapse and b.b. and t. bank was one of the many big banks that crashed in order to stay afloat that bank took a three point one billion dollar bailout from the bush administration at the helm of the bank at that time was john allison in iran rand loving c.e.o.
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according to the street during his time as c.e.o. of b.b. and t. allison regularly use the b.b. and t. charitable foundation to provide grants to schools that agree to create courses on capitalism the feature of the study of atlas shrugged. i know it sounds crazy but meanwhile according to new york magazine brought one in five hundred thousand dollars fellowship funded by libertarian banking millionaire john allison the guy we just mentioned has spread the word of iran to impressionable college students shortly after b.b. and t. accepted three point one billion dollars from the bush administration allison resigned as c.e.o. it was picked up by charles koch to become the new president of the cato institute formerly known as the charles koch foundation and he keeps spreading the word of iran much like the b.b. and t. charitable fund koch allied groups like the cato institute have spent millions of dollars putting college professors in economics departments all across the country
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so that they can spread the good word of i and rand and help create a libertarian paradise here in america just like in somalia as think progress pointed out back in two thousand and eleven florida state university's economics department accepted a one point five million dollars grant from the charles g. koch charitable foundation of a cato institute which would provide funding for new professors but would likely teach about iran to libertarian economics similarly koch brag groups have given money to a number of other universities including west virginia university george mason university clemson university even the ivy league brown university basically the code to push to spend the millions and millions of dollars placing college professors in econ departments across the country so that they can promote i honor and the libertarian philosophy to future generations of americans so they brag was far more than just a college professor who beat eric cantor in a fluke of a primary he's a complete shill for iran loving libertarians and the koch brothers and he's
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apparently a graduate of the coke to puss teach i n. rand in college do well and will send you to washington program besides saying that bratz win was just a fluke in that he's just a college professor part of have also been noted in the cantor lost to brat because of his stances on immigration because he ran a poor campaign. again that couldn't be farther from the truth last night after cantor was declared the loser talking heads on fox so-called news praised the power of talk radio and gave credit to right wing talk radio pundits particularly laura ingraham and mark levin for brats when. let me make a point about the level of support we're looking for ways we can figure out how this guy did this right i mean if anybody had any advertising that even in blood and you heard laura saying the tea party organizations that we may have heard of didn't really support him in any way but who did well are did and look there are parts of this country where if laura ingram and and coulter and mark levin are on
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the radio supporting you that's worth a lot in fact if somebody said would you rather have you know the freedom works behind george or rather have any of those three radio talk show hosts in there plugging for you day by day i think i know what my choice would be i think we credit is probably well deserved that's because for weeks leading up to last night's primary and levon absolutely pounded eric cantor at every chance possible their respective radio programs meanwhile they were preaching to the people of virginia that dave brat was their guy and he was the man who should be in washington not eric cantor so why were in agreement. cantor so hard well it's political brilliantly pointed out earlier this year a political review of filings with the internal revenue service and federal election commission as well as interviews and reviews of radio shows the conservative group spent nearly twenty two million dollars to broker and pay for involved advertising relationships known as bonser ships with
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a handful of influential talkers including back sean hannity laura ingram mark levin and rush limbaugh between the first talk radio deals and twenty in two thousand and eight at the end of two thousand and twelve and you guessed it broke affiliated groups were the first among the conservative groups handing out that money. to the right wing talking machine political further noted that the koch brothers backed americans for prosperity paid at least seven hundred fifty seven thousand dollars primarily to sponsor mark levin's radio show sponsorship that covered part of the two thousand and twelve cycle so the koch brothers gave over seven hundred thousand dollars to mark levin same man who promoted dave brat the koch brothers funded college professor for months and while specific numbers are known about ingram she's also subsidized by the koch brothers according to politico which could help explain her eagerness to slam eric cantor and promote brat this is not to allege any sort of corruption on the part of lubin or ingram supporting
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somebody with money who you already supports politicians you support is just good political investing and doing it under the radar is particularly useful when harry reid is calling you out on the floor of the senate as he has been doing to the koch brothers bottom line here is david brat didn't beat eric cantor because cantor's campaign was poor because of his immigration stance lindsey graham at the same immigration stance and took a sixty percent victory brads victory over cantor was not a fluke what happened last night in virginia was in the works for years and has dark money written all over it let's rumble. joining me for tonight's lone liberal rubble are scott greer associate editor with the daily caller and it's all mine conservative commentator an activist for joining me thank you very good to have you with us so. this isn't what happened last night pretty much proof that the quote the post was running washington. that is very very
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funny you know twenty two million bucks i didn't get a penny of it. well it's i don't know any you know they point out you know rush limbaugh eight million dollars sean hannity get six or seven mark levin got seven hundred thousand. total twenty two million there are. is no equivalent on the low there is no progressive group that will pay progressive hosts to either be on the ear go on program any of this kind of stuff but the coke to put some in these guys there well that's because all the liberals have for n.p.r. and corporation for public service and wish and the government funded which. i don't on n.p.r. i'm most every day on hearing one of the koch brothers funded groups of americans for prosperity. and enterprises oh my gosh they're so at first for their advertising on the radio not advertising they get the they get the most guests they're actually corsi put on as if they had something to say that wasn't just you know they were fronting for the billionaires well you know what i know you pooed
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that the voters in virginia where i am a resident but not in the seventh district actually care about the issues and the stances of their elected officials but obviously this was a case where eric cantor had not been doing what he needed to be doing in his district and the voters decided to send a message and say you know what this college professor is a he's got great ideas you know it's not like eric cantor was a liberal because he wasn't but he just wasn't paying attention to his district and he wasn't doing what he was supposed to be doing and they said this morning he was in the district once a week he was in the district every single week for the was two years well the single week sure but he also had closed down south at least one district office and you can be in the district and still be unresponsive to the needs of your contributor thought so i think saying that the coke to posts is behind brett's victory is a little disingenuous the codes are actually supportive of amnesty in a very wanting to get the senate bill through i think them backing
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a guys hard core against it and being behind his victory is not the case just because they overdo canonically i mean he's all about cutting taxes on billionaires and that's really their agenda but they would rather have a tenor in there because it's more likely to get a bill that they want and people like them want to get through i think so. saying that they're behind is victory just because they give money to mark levin and laura ingram for advertising and all their other deals like that is is not the case it's a stretch so why are they why then didn't see graham who's who's unabashedly in favor of comprehensive immigration reform when his primary was sixty percent and and eric cantor loses by a little while lindsey graham had multiple contenders in his race so yesterday he had one only one all the opposition centered around brat wall when gramm had six republican opponents he was able to divide them and it's also a little bit different in statewide elections a lot of these times it's harder for challengers the when it gets and it is under
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versus an incumbent is a problem you know the new york times was speculating today the cantor oversaw the redistricting of his own district the gerrymandering of his own district and just made it like super conservative is it possible that he made it so super conservative that it was too conservative for him and the new york times even took that a step further they said that there were so many areas that were fundamentalist christian and rural and cantor is jewish that that might have been if i you know you never you never fail to bring up race class gender and related no i don't think republicans have any problem with a jewish member of here's the question then why did dave brat why was i saw his i watch fox news last night i watched his acceptance speech and he pulls out this sign luke twelve sixteen or something like that starts quoting the bible the guy is teaching iran iran said anyone who believes in religion is by definition evil yeah that's right so he's teaching on rand and he's spouting the bible and he's and he's and he gave up five hundred grand
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a speech. something doesn't make sense here well no it's possible to be supportive of some of iran's economic ideas and not be supportive of her more money are all theology and religion so that actually makes sense more of the nice long on the left or or right.
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i would rather ask questions to people in positions of power instead of speaking on their behalf and that's why you can find my show larry king now right here on our t.v. question more. the magic that i. grew and chris allman let's get back to it americans have lost faith in the american dream according to a new poll from c.n.n. money for the first time ever nearly sixty percent of americans say the american dream is now unattainable young adults aged eighteen to thirty four are the ones most likely to feel that the american dream is unattainable sixty three percent i'm
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saying it's completely in possible sixty three percent of those polled also said that most children in the u.s. will be better off than their parents so isn't this just a complete repudiation of thirty four years of reaganomics. i will have to say that obama in two thousand and eight campaigned on hope and change and what we're seeing from this poll is that young people have no more hope and they're looking in their pockets and finding out they have no more change and the change they are getting they change they are getting from obama is not the change that they want and that's what this poll really support is what obama has done he's taken away the hope that he promised and the change that is brought in by by not being able to get his legislation through a republican right there and you know and i were writing a book and filibustered senate so you are right about the economy no this is exactly the republican plan it was proclaimed in two thousand you know i don't want you to i love to mock george w.
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bush because he said he was a united are not a divider and this president has time and time again said i will not negotiate i will not compromise well we know that's how you are made he absolutely has said that years ago over and over again he's not going to compromise on immigration not on obamacare that's why he passed to god i have been with the after that january twentieth two thousand and nine strategy for our strategy meeting in the caucus room the has become so famous said we will oppose obama on every single economic bill. strategy was laid out really clearly destroy the economy and people blame the president it's not working. chris bragging about work complements well to go back to the poll that shows people eighteen to thirty four are seeing the american dream dying i don't think i don't think that's because of republicans opposing obama on every economic issue it's more related to the rising student loan debt that many of
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these people are feeling there's less there's less in point pleasant prospects for them there's a whole lot of issues that you can't say it's just all that all the consoles are being obstinate so student loan debt it was republicans who pushed in two thousand and six during the bush administration a student loan that can't be discharged by bankruptcy it was republicans who changed the rules for how colleges function in two thousand so that for profit colleges could could be i was raised on who's raising tuition is so high that people are having to take no for profit colleges should more than seventy percent really i'm going to you're all going to profits to our graduates of for profit colleges i think that is a promise this year's seventy percent default or a very you're right it's a very small number because so many of them these for profit colleges are just run their banks are now getting in the college business because the make the most profit with these student loans it's better than more government internal miller derivative i think you're right the government's making a profit and this is this is a disaster that again brought to you by the way don't you remember one of the first meetings that obama had with the house republicans was i and i believe it may have
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been eric cantor that he said it to when they were trying to negotiate an economic bill obama said didn't you hear i want i'm not going to compromise with you i'm not going to come to the middle well even george w. bush compromise macare was a huge come. it was not it didn't get a single vote he compromised with the democrats to get the democrat here because it was a susan collins or a or the other senator from maine voted to get it out of committee he had he he had to get it. he had to get i'm sorry let lol yeah no he had to give up the public option out of order to get married and they were part of the us to get a kick out of on line if you got this know how to work in a two party system and even when he controlled both houses of congress he couldn't get anything done because his ideas were not four days seven the president controlled both houses of congress for seventy four legislative days for legislative seventy four elementally day it was it was seven months it was seven
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months it was from it was from you know they. what's his name the comedian al franken al franken they fought that thing and fought that thing for months and months because they could filibuster the president and finally after four months al franken got seated and then. obama had a filibuster proof senate for seven months that was in july in january and by the way in there was the christmas vacation of the thanksgiving vacation in the summer vacation and then in january and the crowds care not in january. seated and he lost his filibuster go back so he had three seventy four days is that really we have to look at why so many young people are think seeing the americas they got a soggy south this economy saw ansi pelosi passed a bill out of the house of representatives that would have said to corporations in america we're taking away your tax incentives to move jobs overseas and we're going to give you a tax incentive to bring them back republicans filibustered in the sun it's why it's because it would have improved the economy it would have given young people
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job opportunities but it's such a narrow focus is just say it's republican obstinance it is why so many young people think that the american dream is dead it's very personal these people it's the personal issues the most most common or sox there's no jobs. so you can't say i guess but i mean you can't say these eighteen to thirty four year olds are saying well this building get passed through congress that's why i made a ways down and that's my point this was this is the republican strategy sixty five percent of americans don't know which party controls either branches of congress but ninety three percent of americans. that a democrat is in the white house so the strategy has been damaged the economy everybody will go down democrats and it's working its work chris brags about it. it's not working that is not the republican strategy because you know what republicans want a strong economy and what they want more of the middle in the middle class that would be why middle class people well there are hundreds of bills that the republican or insurance at the democratic senate hasn't refused to take up why
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don't you criticize the senate for refusing to watering up why one majority of the going to object you know cutting cutting taxes on billionaires doesn't create jobs giving easing regulations. flexible on one regulation tons of regulations name one. i know the republicans want to do away with the consumer finance protection bureau they don't want americans to be able to have an agency that they can go to if they get screwed by their bank we has he now right well they have the answer actually got he asked bureaucrats are responsive let's look at the v.a. if we're going to talk about americans going to a government bureaucracy for help we know that doesn't even happen the v.a. has it time or god or bureaucrats that's all it does it doesn't help taxpayers at all let's let's let's move on to another new study proves that watching fox so-called news actually makes you stupid the study released by the brookings institution of the public religion research institute found that those americans who most trust fox news are the most likely to not understand how our current
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immigration system works and the least likely to support any changes in this badly broken system and those who trust other news sources for example the reality is that under the obama administration deportations are at an all time high more than twice during what it was during the bush administration and have been pretty much since obama came into office but of americans who think who think fox news gives them the most accurate information about politics and news only twelve percent actually know the fact the deportations have increased under the obama administration the study said that trust in fox news is an act as an accurate news source is the most powerful independent predictor of opposition to a path to citizenship so watching fox news literally makes people stupid is this is this part of the republican strategy in that study it only says one small fact that they don't know about the immigration form that the obama administration is the highest deporter ministries in history and history but they're not the problem is
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the obama administration is not actually serious about enforcing the law they're not why are they kicking all these people out of it because it was done just to appease republicans enough to think that they would vote for their bill but that it was trying to compromise when it was their study won't do but saying that like fox news. dumber just because they have different opinions about immigrant i didn't say that i said they're dumb or cause they're watching fox news and i get a message from a shit the way you're mad went for it that they disagreed with you on a path and said no they disagree with actual facts as this is only one factor they point out they don't point out any other facts just saying that they say the fact that you're opposed to amnesty that therefore you go back to the anniversary from two years ago there was there was a at least a dozen facts there were fox news is the fox news viewers were more likely not only to be uninformed about the misinformed i mean this is this is well i don't think this is i don't think this is a controversy opposition is saying that maybe fox news might be less uninformed but i want to better study this because they might go back and look at the end of bird
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study from two years ago but there has to be a larger scale study than just one fact that they got wrong and it's mainly just antagonizing people for not being a fan of amnesty or being a fan of the immigration reform bill coming out of the senate and i don't know i have no idea i'm a lot here i don't mind and they do talk about obama's deportation not very so if people don't know that it's not be so you're part of the twelve percent who watch fox news who actually do know what's going on and i learned from good on ok good on you yesterday a fifteen year old student opened fire at a school just outside of portland oregon killing one student just hours after the shooting president obama had some pretty harsh words for lawmakers in washington d.c. take a look. i've been in washington for a while now. and most things don't surprise me. the fact that twenty six year olds. were gunned down in the most violent fashion possible.
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and this town couldn't do anything about it was stunning to me and a lot of people will say that you know there's a mental health problem you know it's not a gun problem. in the united states and it does not have a monopoly on crazy people. it it's said that it's not the only country that has. psychosis. and yet. we kill each other in these. in these mass shootings at rates. that are exponentially higher than any place else and literally exponential if the x. if the exponent is for the two thousand and twelve murder rate in the u.s. is four point seven murders per one hundred thousand people significantly higher than most of the wealthy nations for comparison it's point four percent in japan point eight percent in germany one percent austria australia one point one percent
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in france or one point two percent in britain and australia is probably the closest to us in terms of urban versus rural and cowboy culture and all that we have just a minute for this is a time for us to do something about this. well i will say that the things that the liberals suggested after sandy hook they even admitted it would have done nothing to stop sandy hook so. right it's but it's a first step i mean having well no it's not a way to pass laws that you claim are so solving a problem that you that admit to actually doing nothing it would have solved that particular problem would have saw actually it might well do you know what i'm talking about the people who are saying that we need to close the gun show loophole you're right that wouldn't stop sandy hook if you talk about the people or say we need to go back to the legislation that ronald reagan supported the prevented the large clips and the assault weapons then you're wrong because well if we went with ronald reagan sandy hook wouldn't happen to scott we have ten seconds it's yours well i think the main problem is that people are always going to try there's
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a lot of disturbed individuals out there who are always going to try to do so we got in line for a want to and there's even a problem in china where they've been there it's very hard to get firearms there and they have a huge phenomenon of mass stabbings and they're people just like an american go in elementary school i was one of those if you do there will be things like oh nobody died any. greer chris allman thanks for joining me tonight thank you coming up a small community in colorado is fighting back against the giant oil and gas industry and the dangerous practice of fracking could lafayette colorado be a model for other communities across america trying to just say no do big oil.
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i think. wind. and bank it's all about money and i think that actually makes for a politician a lot. of them. just to. i know c.n.n. the m.s.n. b c news have taken some not slightly but the fact is i admire their commitment to cover all sides of the story just in case one of them happens to be accurate. that was funny but it's close and for the truth from i think. it's because one whole attention and the mainstream media work side by side the joke is actually on here. and our teen
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years we have a different. ok because the news of the world just is not this funny i'm not laughing dammit i'm not god. i'm if. you guys stick to the jokes well handled it makes sense. that. well it wonderful strong arming a lot of these polish face i think i'm getting. a pleasure to have you with us here on t.v. today i'm sure.
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the suspect. over the if you go did you know the price is the only industry specifically mention in the constitution which says that's because a free and open press is critical to our democracy which recall books. will. never go on i'm sorry and on this show we reveal the picture of what's actually going on we go beyond identifying a problem to try to rational debate a real discussion critical issues facing our family member ready to join the movement then welcome to the big picture. or a bag of big picture on to our been coming up in this half hour natural gas boom has taken our country by storm over the past few years but now much of the anger of the oil again.


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