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tv   Larry King Now  RT  June 13, 2014 9:00pm-9:30pm EDT

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next girlfriend still pens tear jerking poetry keep count norris. we post only what really matters i don't see your facebook you speak. on larry king now visionary robert tyler the creator from the random our workers just our own style of thing so people gravitated to it was also like wow they make cool music in them they're funny to me think you're a renaissance man i don't know if that ok like in the future i want to like i want to do films i want people mention my name next to wes anderson acquaintance he no i don't want to be a woman named to be mission x. and other rappers i got at all but how do you deal with the suits as neither side caught up in money and this kid of anything out of the norm so they'll be quick to say like oh sad i want to tell today b. i want him to know he was wrong plus are you interested in girls of course
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a little flickers a love jennifer lawrence if you're watching this leave the wig that's all next on larry king now. well the real larry king now his rap music may have launched into the mainstream but tyler the creator is much more than just a wrap of the twenty three year old los angeles native also produces directs designs runs to massively successful clothing lines stars in the adult swim sketch comedy still love the squad tyler the creator is the ringleader of the hip hop collective odd future of group of friends and inventive minds who have spawned a unique artistic reticence taking hold of the millennial generation i have no idea what i'm talking about for it sounds very very awesome maybe sick does it irritate
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you when people refer to you only as a rapper yes why. i'm much more than that i i just like making stuff in rhyming words together in a rhythm is just one of those things but it got you famous that i didn't think i don't know i think my personality overall did good mood it was rap that was brought in for help me out for the most part more or less so you don't knock it yeah i don't knock you but i do so much other stuff that i just let time prevail and i know for sure people are going to recognize me for it's not over the stresses what we like is a kid in high school. knowing. we go to school and i change i change school every year i don't have many friends like close ones when i was always the. one out no pun we were close comic i was a class clown yes. yeah pretty much the same shorter.
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shorter yeah i was shorter i got taller so how did the music thing starts i've been in the music since a young one like the only seven year old spinnin birthday money as sam goody and my best buy on albums in every christmas getting the catalogs and not looking at toys i only get in music and stuff in like focus in on how. i like the different sounds the stuff in your d.n.a. you unusual a cd isn't in like just things like that so i started i started rhyming word that like seven and around twelve is when i start like trying to play piano and play instruments and i taught myself drums and things like that did you graduate high school yet of course and then what did you do how did you maybe i'll just start professionally once i'm not a professional because i don't know what i'm doing i just do it i don't like the
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you put the professional thing on i don't get what i write professionally i mean when i make money from and who paid you first your first paycheck musically came what they seek is ever come occurs in sick to do is that the lowing theory is like two thousand and ten it was me and it was five of us and they paid us five hundred bucks to do like a thirty minute said it was a crazy show and we split that and we thought we were so on it was a lot of money but like we were broke and we thought we were so on and it was the sickest ever and that's just from us putting out music on the internet like i set up a site and i just throw stuff on it all the random artwork that i will make i will put on there on a dumb videos of us just being annoying we would just put out and. people gravitated to it and it was sick vike it was just us just being so good famous. i guess just like i said just put it out on the internet and people just caught on
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and word of mouth and word of mouth and i think it's more because you know people can relate to that like music is going around but we made music to and from the random our work is just our own style of things so people gravitated to it it was also like wow they may cool music in them they're funny too and wow this is how do you have hundreds of up with these guys. cool thing i didn't go to school with most of them. i met some of them at a skate park or like through mutual friends because my original idea was a magazine which included everything i was into whether it was music art movies clothes colors a bike would like whatever and. my friendships that i have now is all connected through one of those websites i'm friends with certain photographers that i like and people who do music and it's turned into a collective in that's when we just stop living thing you're
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a renaissance man i don't know if that ok the welly weekly dean tyler the creator sounds gone or old i'm hellish his music is not for the faint of heart is riddled with vulgar language at times extremely homophobic his sound is very gritty his voice is deep the tone of his songs oftentimes the stream lee dark. that's all true no not at all i could play you some instrumentals as some of the pretty you probably ever heard in your life i probably cares a lot. i'm not homophobic at all you did as well as the others right up probably influence some people to do some. stuff whether good or bad. i don't take credit several said being a young black kid especially at that time i was different for wall my other peers so when i've seen this dude saying that he was open to rock and jazz and state boarding and all this other stuff i was interested and i was gravitated toward
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those alright not the only black dude is probably called weird so you affect a lot of other people you realize that yeah it's affected you. they should know marshall mathers for a williams rares james pants wes anderson. a lot of the people around me my mother for sure i don't tell her much but she played a big part the other plan to expand the i want to do things musically other than rap that's what i do you know like. that's the thing. i really want to sing but my tone of voice is too deep to do what i want it somehow i'm just listening to like isaac hayes and barry white and things like that just to see how they use their voice but i hate rapping only because it puts you in the it's like in this box and like so i was scared for this interview because me being a rapper i was scared of the type of questions that you would probably ask me not
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even on purpose this you know because i'm a rapper and things and people look at you different oh he's a rap artist over do you not as much time just said you you don't want to read anymore i don't i don't i just want to composer you that famous rapping yeah but you're leaving the world of rap but you've been successful in other areas i mean you don't need rap on him and i'm talented enough to do other things but i don't know i'm pretty bored with it it's not interesting and i don't want to be. well like in the future i want to like i want to do films i want people mention my name next to wes anderson and quinn terence you know i don't want to be i don't want my name to be mentioned excess other rappers at all you've been termed of service do you think your absurd nonna really i'm just allowed honest as this city influence you artistically do you think growing up there. i guess going to be like the city yeah been to a lot of places and i'm so grateful that i didn't grow up anywhere else but l.a.
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because everywhere else sucks to grow up in ny it really does i mean new york is sick miami school is some other places that would suck to grow up at the lead you grew up here i'm very grateful did you ever meet your father. i think i did at twelve supposedly but i don't really know that's when my mom said with you know that he did he desert the family not dude i'm still going if i had to i think if i had a dad i would have went the normal college route like like a lot of other people you know not angry i'm so stoked my life and out i was. i decide to rap about it to seem like i'm sad would you like to be with him would you like to meet him i mean one day i guess i don't really think any must know all about you yeah who really cares i'm fine i mean i'm being passive aggressive right now i'm really don't care how important is your mother very little i see her every
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day almost we don't talk much when you don't talk much and i'm always gone but she put the house together and you got a girlfriend you know you want girl friends in the future you marry i mean. but not yet too young not yet not not to be settled down right now there's too many fish in ocean and other rapper which i hate saying you are big shark and i can do a lot of fun stuff you want to be famous. literally if i could if you want to be known everywhere i want down the street people go to dial up to be rich is hell when no one knows who i am that is this. you want the money but i get away with saying stuff like. yelling at people they think is funny you will criticize me using often some language in lyrics and songs doesn't seem to bother you why do you use offensive language like me. use that for effect another words it's effective to
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say that or you enjoy saying it or is it natural to you is just pretty natural i don't i don't really think twice on it i guess i don't know it's just words when it's this is the object to it sound like people who live in caves and i are pretty bored do you use the n word yes now that's an offensive word to the some people to many people. and how in what terms do you use it i don't know man seems like you got to understand i grew up in a different time somewhere that's where it is just a word it has no effect but it is a double standard because it's certain people who will get offended if someone who doesn't have the skin tone of me says they like them which is really weird you know like they're keeping the original meaning of that. a lot i don't know how to explain it well if a white person says it like if a white person says it is in
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a derogatory like it's derogatory because your skin is that the same color as mine but why when i say it's just weird that a lot of people still get you know upset obsessed with that and it's like you know no i think you give certain words power and you're saying it's just a word yet it's you choose is there any we're going to call me and i would not give up is any word that would bother you with the word boy bob you know someone said hey boy when buddy no word would bother you know so anybody could called you anything i wouldn't care. that's what's good for you you're not anti gay not no not like again just another word you could find anybody more so my age to use that word just like that but it's a different time and everything and. i know that word is offensive to some people but i don't i'm not sure i know straight jews who act like i got a piece of like. it doesn't have anything to do with your sexual orientation other
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than bob as to what bothers you. racism doesn't bother you bad words don't bother you what bob vision i hate. i hate frauds and pretentious people in my i don't know i hate people who's not comfortable with themselves that scares me they'd phoneys yeah i hate people who don't really like what they like when you mean. for. for example is it's like people who don't really like you don't really like that you just like i've known people who've i only like stuff because either i like it or is too cool thing the like or things like that and that's these people aren't comfortable with them soon to do like to like like they'll base their opinion all someone else's opinion because they don't want to be like the odd man out like that's what scares me. that puts so much like dude you don't like that goddamn
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shirt why did you wear that because it's the type thing right now you don't even look how you think of a gay rap artist maybe it would be that will be easy but that's not what is a matter like if you want to use or whatever why does that matter like why do you care like that crazy right after the break tyler sounds off on the biggest issue facing the millennial generation i'll find out what that is too right after this. i'm. going to. brag. about my and i'm a family pick for colleges right. here
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. about what tyler the creator who likes my shirt that is beautiful blanket and always all going to what do you like what do you use how deep into fashion are you . what do you design i like making and i like colors i don't really i like cool shirts and stuff and what do what is the line title was a call your line offering in health is stupid thing but the four letter god looks
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like i'll bring you some stuff you like colored like and love color or write what you hate golf but you put golf is the same word look single instead of the i don't know why i like this hat is sells it to me. is fashion more your expression the music or both do you that's a weird question because i got. everything i just make stuff so everything i do is an expression whether it's an angle that i got in a video or where digital or invisible rain or something major learned business i don't know business i just do over who handles business yet has freaking amazing team with me that you know accounting so they let me be the creative one and they focus on the book so how do you deal with the suits you know the people who wear the three but the suit their needs and. i just make sure they like i like meeting
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people i want to talk today i want him and know who i am where i'm coming from like i i personally want to cause less lisp eat you know just so they don't like but it sucks like people are. those news are so caught up in money and they're scared of anything out of the norm so they'll be quick to say like oh that like there's so much stuff i want to do but because of the things that's connected even stuff you asked me whether it be homophobic slurs or the fact that i want to yell or the fact that i'll read very or do this or should be like this and not use the normal like they're scared so they're like they'll back away and it's because we will never progress if we can say if we don't get the courage to just say something you would do you see you so fine you're forty richest. couple films under my belt a bunch of furniture
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a couple buildings skate parks around the world married yes one year old not a one year old at forty i don't know i have a kid holding up a son twenty three. you look at you a baby you know you're a kid kid you were young i guess i don't feel know i don't even know how to feel facebook twitter instagram you use a ball you don't use of the only thing on my phone is instagram and i use that even post stupid funny photos or photos that i sit in color just to look at pretty photos but i hate all of that to be honest you know tweet i mean i do but that's in the early in the morning or late at night when i wake up to let you know i have a show or whatever is on my mind and in that i snap chat i hate all that you have said in the past stupid it's making but it's so stupid make it occurred to me use that colleges are not what makes a young individual happy but you present a vigil well you don't go to college you know you think you missed something by
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having i was not at all i mean i didn't think it would have been sick to do the way college books and movies but i'm living a life that no one else really gets to live and it's not i'm not saying that going to college is bad but it's not for everyone and i remember my mom. i'm trying to push me and i just knew in my own soul that that's not for me like i'm a find my own path like let me. and it turned into this and the way society is they tell you it's a certain way you have to be like when you're a certain age you're like oh you're still acting like that like blah blah blah we're like do you do you need to go to school or you don't need to go to school or just things like that and i just want everyone to know that it's ok to say that and follow their own path and just do whatever makes them happy because i know i know people who was in school only because their parents said so or. do it they don't really want to do for random reasons and it just sucks because i'm over here having
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a sick his life ever and that's because i chose to and i figured it out and i just want to be that like that lets them know they can do politics interest you not at all you vote not i didn't i'm a horrible person you know that none of that you know even though you didn't feel proud that we have a black president i can give him a lesson about a skin color i mean i guess it's really said bad just based off where america was at one point that that do work his way up there but like i don't care man i'm. making stuff that you see ever see any any racism toward you. i mean when i was younger like i was i was my mama for arrow said this in a song but i was too white for the black kids and i was too black for the white kids so i kind of didn't really fit much into a. into
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a couple you know a certain spot things like that so that no one then i wouldn't call it racism but you know or yeah like sometimes like in beverly hills or subtle like you know they just because i'm like a young black do you know i'm dressed like this and i'll probably skin tissue nail on my skateboard or whatever it's like all of us do is window shopping but then i go cop my mom a really expensive purse and they want to treat you different oh crap you actually bought like they just think either i don't know if it is based off of how i look or whatever but you know things like that is you know robs them but we don't mean he's going to call he actually brought this and he's buying more and oh crap then i look out the window and see like oh that's a nice vehicle old crap like a motorcycle not at all i'm not touching my you have a girlfriend not at all interested in girls of course a love for a cause i love jennifer lawrence if you're watching is leaving your show low the
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squad is third season on adult swim what is the premise of lotus was a. couple friends who have stupid ideas in adult swim decided to let us put those on to their network like what. i don't know you just have to watch it i came here with you this city is over an actor i am not an actor i just. give it though once it i take away from the mother's house which is a protein should my fifteen year old watch it properly i guess yeah sure it doesn't have the age requirement if you think it's funny but i think it's fun it's going to happen in season three. i'm a rapper i'm a real rapper in season three oh you are so go to change enough what can kill and kill it do you make up rhymes in your head like always on yeah i think twenty five
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i'm thinking of others as i'm speaking to you right now you thinking of something else while you talk to me like what you think about what you think right now i don't know what color my sheets are going to be for this new bed that i'm creating at the same job you talk as i'm talking should i be offended but i doubt at all that's just how my brain works and i'm very sorry. actually i'm not sorry i can't help that you know it's you are you sir yes we have some social media questions for you. and lou via instagram have you a third thought about turning lloyd a squad into a movie like jackass no why not seen many it's already annoying and now of why they would you want to watch for an hour in twenty minutes for the rest so's it's concern for. bradley saw on facebook what's the best piece of advice you ever received i think it was i think for real for this i think it was amused like do you just go this is just be good advice just be mellow me eight on
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instagram any new developments on wolf the movie. i can't answer that one it's a secret you see when you see ok weasel to us on twitter what is your spirit animal i have a bunch for animals i'm a squirrel i'm a whale i'm a goat and i'm a dragon. what does that mean i don't know but i know in my for being sold i'm a dragon a gold a whale in this world thirty three online via twitter who exactly is felicia the goat. and it is commercial and has some commercials with mountain dew and that was the main character and i just ran with a commercial products hired you to represent them and they were sick and then someone that they were boys walk in decided to see that and saw something negative stuff in it decided to write an article and then simple minded people who can't
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think for themselves decide it's all agree with it and then mountain dew didn't want any bad light on them so instead of backing me up or you know standing up for me knowing that it was no type of negative like they decided to back out and just let me be and be there alone which it worked out for the best i'm so grateful that that happened steven burrill of on facebook who would you like to collaborate with musically in other ventures worriers i want to meet martin scorsese and. think about it's not it's not a courtroom dancer eric. fujifilm i got some sick ideas there is in the sense is probably scared but i got sick stuff we put a little game if you only knew i throw up questions you just as a sick aaliyah so first you have a kissed this girl named lori kindergarden ghar and for good what's
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cool ghar ghar first car. i think is this in ninety two my mom you know my mom bought of this little honda i have for month when i was nineteen and i get up biggest misconception about you i'm evil i'm probably the most annoying and brightest person ever stranded on a desert island what three things you want with you i need my inhaler syrup and ligi i pod i mean music favors to reform in outside of this country side of the country london is sick and norway is sick but mother. love melbourne sydney. that's the one most embarrassing moment you have an embarrassing i don't know i don't have any embarrassing moments but my friend lionel does have this one photo of me that i do not want out it's methods but it's just
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a photo and that's probably the only thing that favorite curse word. proudest accomplishment i bought a house at twenty two years old. it was city far to say that far from here yet the drive here was not tight favorite movie in poland i might least favorite thing about l.a. . the smog i have horrible asthma and i was with the emily yeah i got a tattoo on my leg the sicker i got my. favorite food i love syrup so i guess i waffle bacon is cool favorite cartoon character growing up. i love thing from adventure time. sammy i say that's a question the only guys great amazing sad if you're watching this i love you i want to meet you so bad it is a good friend of mine we should hang out space travel or time travel time travel
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and i will time travel to a specific you go michael jackson here getting burned during a pepsi commercial i want to see that firsthand from yes i love your love your man a big thanks to my guests tyler the group that is sure to watch and tune into a lot of the squad thursdays at midnight on the builds food network yet off as always you probably on twitter and yes things we'll see in the next. i marinate joining me on. that in park and financial reporting commentary
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contribute and much much. only on bombast and.


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