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tv   Headline News  RT  June 14, 2014 4:00am-4:30am EDT

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the cranium military transport plane has been shot down in the army says all forty nine on board a day. ukraine's prime minister orders the country to gear up for gas cuts from monday the day when kiev must pay its energy debt to russia. first army surveillance even nuclear weapons weeks and whether the u.k.'s close to collaboration with america serves britain's best interests amid worries the friendship has grown too close and renegade i did you how these ten through iraq baghdad capturing two more cities while the u.s. weighs up military help for the crumbling country.
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i welcome you're watching r.t. international coming to you live from moscow. start with breaking news because ukraine's defense ministry says all forty nine people on board a military transport plane that was shot down in the ganske are dead and army officials said more details will be released during the recovery operation video has now emerged showing the aftermath of the attack on the plane is still to come down against port artie's paul scott joins us live now from the ukrainian capital in kiev paul what else can you tell us. well the plane was shot down in the early hours of saturday morning as it approached new gowns airports here confirming that on board at the time were troops equipment machinery and food activists are claiming responsibility for the attack saying they brought
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the jet down with an anti aircraft missile. over the pool of our forces of look at the airport which is a strategic point in lugansk and demanded their all ukrainian troops later who also warned that any military jet flying over trying to land there will be considered an aggressor at their own to the evolution seventy six jet attempted to land it was hit with a rocket that exploded inside the plane bank to one side started losing height and crashed at the airport. polygons because being one of the main areas bombarded by the ukrainian military and our forces in recent weeks in their so-called anti terror operation in fact at the start of this month eight civilians were killed when it has strike at the center of the city. well well there is an ongoing military operation across a lot of eastern ukraine have been any further developments that.
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well elsewhere the ukrainian military said they have reclaimed the port city of mariupol following fierce fighting the ukrainian military targeted the city on the friday they were intense battles in which the train claims that five anti-government fighters lost their lives in the training is now flying above the initiative in that meanwhile moscow is demanding an investigation into claims that phosphorus bombs we used on the city of slavyansk now slavyansk has come under intense shelling in recent weeks and is also seen fierce battles raging between pro and anti-government fighters that the videos have a showing what appear to be fire bombs being dropped on the. city such weapons are banned by the united nations despite the video evidence and eyewitness accounts denies that such weapons were in fact used. all right we'll leave it there thank you paul that's artie's paul scott live from kiev refugees fleeing the crisis in
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east ukraine claim the army won't let men leave the country later in the program we visit a refugee camp over the border in russia to hear from the wives and children sheltering from the conflict. prime minister has ordered the country's ministries to get ready for gas cuts from monday that's the deadline moscow has given kiev to pay half of its energy debt if not gazprom will introduce a prepayment system meaning kiev only getting exactly as much gas as it pays for up front kevin owen talked to r.t. correspondent really good about why you have isn't paying up. so are these latest gas price talks of collapse we seem to be back to square one who's holding it up is ukraine or is it russia was the picture all depends on who you ask for example ukraine says that russians price is too high and moscow says that kiev demands are
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simply absurd so let's have a look at the facts first starters ukraine admittedly owes billions of dollars to russia and gazprom has actually moved the deadline for payment back four times and now it's seven rounds of negotiations but their economy is so at the moment are they going to pay the all that is sure but remember that i.m.f. loan that ukraine has already gotten and that is actually enough to cover part of their debt and that the fact is russia is not even asking them to pay back in full at least half of what heroes and if they do there's a deal for that moscow well actually throw in a retroactive discount on what ukraine owes and that will save the country millions of desperately needs if war but to the present ukraine is this latest disco that was all for the one that was on the table is just to haul it's not enough so when we go from here well here is a perspective on the gas price russia is offering three hundred eighty five dollars per thousand cubic meters which is already eight hundred dollars less than the
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current running price what's more is that russia has actually guaranteed that rate for a year regardless of whether market prices go up and as a matter of fact even europe's energy chief has called the offer very reasonable. i believe that three hundred eighty five dollars is a reduction that could be considered a reasonable depending on the volume and length of the contract it could even be less than three hundred eighty five and that will then be the final price so really what stake for europe in all of this well look at the map and you can see that ukraine is actually a major transit hub for european gas and if t. of miss is a payment and the supplies are cut off then they have a history of siphoning gas intended for europe and that could force russia to cut that off to is exactly what europe is so worried about in this circumstances. well gazprom chairman alexey miller has his own suspicions about why there's no progress from the ukrainian side. perhaps the ukrainians of outside advisors it's
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just that we've observed from the very beginning of the talks that the ukrainian side never really wanted any compromise or any deal. from former british diplomat william an instant goes even further naming who he thinks directly stands the benefit of russia cut supplies. ukraine is under instructions from the united states of america very very large industrial companies this is also another subtle way of controlling the europeans remember because when and if russia quite rightly stops delivering gas which isn't paid for of course like last time like the previous two times the ukraine will simply siphon off the gas which will cause some problems in europe which will further encourage the europeans to be forced to eventually start buying american very expensive american merely gas as well that's all part of the business. call on r.t.
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dot com right now where we've got details of one solution to the gas route is a light hearted one you can put in a bid on e bay the price though has rocketed to a level anyone would balk at the spoof option even guarantees delivery. iraq is verging on collapse a brutal jihadist offshoot of al qaeda has taken to more cities northeast of baghdad after murderously rampaging its way through the north the fear now is that the capital itself could fall next reports aby turns of the year and fell to the group known as isis sending security forces fleeing from the area deadly sectarian tensions within the country are at their worst in years see tribal leaders are reportedly joining the jihadists around to fight against if we can she led government the u.s. considers sending out military help to the beleaguered iraqi army including the possibility of airstrikes and you can train attacks there's artie's.
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president obama's message to iraq is the u.s. will help it fight the militants but it will not put boots on the ground he said he would be reviewing the range of options in the coming days this could mean air strikes but the president has not made a decision yet you also indicated that it's not up to the u.s. to solve iraq's. we will not be sending u.s. troops back into combat in iraq but i have asked my national security team to prepare a range of other options that could help support iraq security forces and i'll be reviewing those options in the days ahead we can't do it for them in the absence of this type of political effort short term military action including any assistance we might provide won't succeed the sectarian war in iraq broke out after the us invasion in two thousand and three and has been a source of constant violence ever since it has allowed to the militants with the islamic state of iraq and syria again to gain momentum and recruits the fight
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against assad in syria as further both these militants and gave them new resources they are now in control of large parts of iraq including iraq's second largest city of mosul the goal of this militant group is to create a caliphate or an islamic state across a vast area that includes syria and iraq when taking over mosul heavily armed radicals overran police stations freed more than a thousand prisoners from the city jail and to go over the international airport iraqi forces apparently read in the face of leaving behind uniforms weapons and armored vehicles those could be weapons that the u.s. provided to the iraqi security forces that are now in the hands of these militants more than half a million people have fled seeking refuge the situation for most iraqis is dire and it has been so for years they were promised democracy but all they've seen is violence with no end in sight. the united states has spent millions of dollars to
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train and equip the iraqi army but political analyst side at a cat says current event. has gone to waste. you have to go to the root of the problem the width of the problem it was the u.s. invasion and occupation of iraq when the second largest city and iraq mosul fall into their hands that means that all this training all this equipping of the iraqi army and the iraqi security forces the united states has done spending twenty five billion dollars of taxpayers' money has really gone through with that with me there has to be a way to put the country back on track and that the key to that track is really the national reconciliation which is something that the united states when it was occupying bar a party iraq did not really think very seriously still had fever ignoring sexual violence for the sake of making minute tree money as some attacking the he said
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right weapon of force britain keep quiet about to be seized in sri lanka to whom they sold millions of dollars worth of. also beat the russian paint is giving the grandmasters a run for their money these brothers free but you saw spineless words with pinpoint accuracy confounding even the experts we join him in berlin after the break. we'll talk about language as well but i will only react to situations i have read the reports for. the pollution you know i will leave that to the state department to comment on your latter point. to carry out a cause are you talking no god. no more weasel words. when you need a direct question be prepared for a change when you when you should be ready for
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a. freedom of speech and a little different to cross. dramas that can't be ignored. stories others refuse to notice. places change the world lights now. full picture. from around the globe. look. again welcome back now britain may lose some of its independence over its nuclear deterrent is it steps up collaboration with the us over warheads is another step in the already widespread cooperation between the two which includes sharing
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intelligence and prisoner exchanges as party boy to report such ties don't always serve britain well. america and britain already shared nuclear know how in hardware and according to a guardian newspaper scoop that cooperation is to be stepped up even further prompting fresh questions about the independence of the u.k.'s nuclear to terror and if we don't have an independent deterrent which means an independent threat then we moderns well just if we want to be protected by nuclear weapons pay the americans a fee and allow them to do it for the cold war may be over but there are still nearly ten thousand u.s. military personnel stationed in britain at dozens of our a.f. bases under u.s. control and we are still five and all for a five year b. she's in britain wires all you have to ask is how many of you see there are hearing states and you know you're going to go where american story which we were in this
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boring last month the independent on sunday revealed that washington is to spend two hundred million pounds want to revamp of the r.a.f. crouton one of the u.k. bases allegedly involved in mass surveillance revelations about g c h q and the n.s.a. they are what we could be saying that british citizens are actually having their privacy in paid it's a by a country which is supposed to be our closest ally and friend in the world it's led some voices in the u.k. to question whether american and british interests always overlap britain is now a fairly small in some. powerful country and as we were in the days when we had an empire but we have a national interest we still have a national interest we're still a very big economy we're still an important country but we should exercise that national interest in our interest we shouldn't just slavish we hand over to the americans anything that they want and yes
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a succession of british leaders have done little to remedy what many see as a lot sided special relationship under the current extradition treaty between. written in america it's much easier for a u.k. citizen to be sent to face trial in the us than the other way around over recent years twice as many people have been extradited from the u.k. to the us which british prime minister doesn't. go that extra length for the americans objects of commentators have long argued. to many an american the american supplements britain is the fifty first states of america. london now do you remember martin flies hoverboard in the film back to the future well get ready for the reality a year before the blockbuster movie predicted they would exist a french company has unveiled an aquatic fly board you can read more about this at r.t. dot com also their wives don't supply rockets to the ice in the crew could print
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their own spare parts online read how scientists have given the green light to installing a three d. printer on the stray stage. of a nine thousand people have come to russia from eastern ukraine in the past couple of days military lays waste to time during its crackdown on the uprising families are being split as men are being prevented from leaving ukraine while women and children are being allowed to get tagged archie's room costs that have visited one refugee camp to hear some of their stories. this typical russian summer camp for children is usually filled with joy however the mood here and in the other three summer camps which have been partly converted to refugee camps that out visit it is far from cherry meant given to me is meaningless to ever think has changed for me i used to have a great job at home my husband and i were living great and then one day i had to
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leave everything behind me is here with her son and she's due to give birth in less than a month to another child and like everyone else she has fled the shelling in the east of ukraine to do just that which when you leave home for a while usually want to come back but at some point you realize that you don't have anything to come back to there's no returning to a government which is trying to kill you and destroy all your belongings. lisa tries her best for the brave and says she's not scared for her life anymore but her worries are far from over i'm very worried about my father and brother the haven't led them out of the country they say they can come here and where very scared for them. you know as for movements you. pretty awful we were ready for anything someone could have easily thrown environment side of us during our bus ride we were told not to talk on the phone because someone could be listening and ready to drop bombs on us. nearly nine thousand refugees cross the border with russia in the last
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couple of days alone most have only one thought in mind the safety of their children organizers volunteers authorities and everybody else involved are trying to make the children stay here as carefree as possible however the kids emotional state is far from camp like sound of a plane or any other loud noise for that matter still shocks them as they search for the nearest bomb shelter people here are grateful for the aid and shelter some are preparing to head on to stay with relatives or friends in russia while for others these refugee camps are all they have now ramon crosser of artsy south in russia. the global summit in london to end sexual violence in conflicts one controversy admitted which could otherwise have proved uncomfortable for the british hosts the gathering was called to address both historical and current cases of using rape as a weapon or torture in war zones like syria congo and others but abuses in sri
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lanka have been left down by the organizers the u.k.'s foreign secretary and the un special envoy angelina jolie britain's been selling millions of dollars worth of weapons to sri lanka which has long been on the radar of human rights organizations the civil war there ended in two thousand and nine which the sheer lankan government accused of war crimes but even now rape and extra judicial killings continue afshin rattansi discussed this with human rights advocate bianca jagger and artie's going underground which you can watch online. some research when they found reports about how the u.k. sent weapons that probably were used in the mass killing of the terminal at the end of the war and even before and he does believe that between seven hundred fifty to seventy thousand innocent civilians were killed among the tamil and it is a real persecution of the tamil even today and why is the u.k.
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government silent and of course they have something to answer because of the sale of weapons to that country and because sri lanka holds the presidency of the commonwealth in the one hand you talk about you know the sexual violence and you talk about war crimes and then you sell weapons to this government. so more news in brief and security has been stepped up across afghanistan during voting in the second round of the presidential election the taliban had issued further threats to disrupt polling last saturday presidential front runner abdullah abdullah escaped an assassination attempt when a suicide bomber attacked his convoy in a couple of ball. iran's president says the country has reached agreement with international mediators for it to restart enriching uranium and that the west will lift some sanctions imposed over the country's nuclear program the deal is expected
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to be finalized before the twenty eighth of june last november world powers and iran reached a temporary you green mint under which around uranium enrichment program was limited in exchange for a partially of sanctions. militants linked to the islamic state of iraq and syria say they kidnapped three teenagers in the west bank it's claiming it's in retaliation the israeli defense forces killing over three of the group's members youngsters including an american citizen or went missing on thursday night after leaving a religious college israel is also investigating whether any palestinians are linked to the abduction. most of us can't afford to hang an original monterey or picasso on our walls but perhaps we could settle for the next best thing a group of russian artists are making a splash in german art circles with their incredibly detailed reproductions of berlin correspondent peter oliver has been for a view. a who's who of art stares back at you from the walls of this small salloum
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in berlin but this priceless collection including rembrandt's morning is and golfs are the work of three russian brothers which is a typical you know this is a good example of what we do the original of this painting was lost during world war two we were able to recreate it from an old photograph. guinea mihail and semi on the masterminds behind the masterworks that have drawn high praise from some of the most respected and revered names in the german art world this in. they might be a lost people who represent conservative traditional russian art schools in the west europe and then you see the synonymously costly and complex education gave way to more than art but in russia it was preserved had they not started in leningrad they wouldn't be able to paint those wonderful pictures for them to sell a painting the artist must have been dead for at least seventy years and the
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paintings all have to be signed by the brothers this hasn't stopped some chances trying to make a killing off their work though back in two thousand we did some reproductions of william turner's the originals were stolen back in one thousand nine hundred six these guys then tried to sell them to an art dealer in antwerp as the legit works for ten million ago those guys went to jail another rule is they can't be exactly the same size as the originals in fact many people actually want much larger reproductions but it's the beauty and attention to detail taken that gets customers to pay up to ten thousand euro for the pictures. for this we have to work with gold leaf it's very delicate difficult to apply what you see here has taken around a hundred hours. that is seeing collectors keen to obtain the paintings a little way outside of the hotel that set up
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a museum dedicated to the brothers' work. it's a small sensation for this region in berlin there's twenty of our galleries but here you can see all the masterworks from the louvre or the prado just ours are reproductions they might not be the real deal but it's certainly a great collection that they have fit you can see rubens you can see even mere all of them on the show here. the great artist alongside holbein every single one of them has been lovingly recreated by the three brothers and they've spent around as much time on each one of these as it's believed the great master spent on creating the original the love that goes into their painting is clear when you hear them talk about their favorite creation one day i was a delusion very early it was raining so there weren't many tourists i was able to get really close to the mona lisa and spend time with it i think we made about
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seventeen trips to paris to look at it in order to make this we would never sell this piece it's very special to us whether it's the time consuming layers of the classical artists or the pacey bold strokes of the expressionists when it comes to the art world the pose and brothers have got it covered peter all over germany an amazing talent up next here an artist being biased. recent events in ukraine definitely have a wide range of interpretation both russia and the west accuse the other of doing a lot of meddling some people call those who are fighting out east separatists or terrorists but others call them a people's militia fighting. and this sort of situation everyone has their bias and it's hard to tell what is going on but i can tell you one thing in this sea of
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opinion the kiev side is using artillery and fact there have been numerous reports of artillery strikes like the one that just a few days ago hit the sales of hope orphanage which was thankfully empty at the time why is the tour such a big deal well if you send guys with guns in the fight they're going to see their target try to kill it but artillery shoots targets they can't even see they just throw shells at a general location and interestingly enough many locations seem to be in populated areas of the breakaway republics so who is the actual target of randomly shelling populated areas well if we turn on our brains for a second we can see that artillery is one of the worst ways to take out a specific threat in a local population but it sure is a good way to eliminate the entire local population because maybe that's who the quote threat actually is but that's just my opinion.
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canon over there i marinated this is the best and these are some of the stories that we're tracking for you today first up we have famed investor and author mr jim rogers on the program today he's telling us his thoughts on china and agricultural industry and he's also so keen on me becoming a farmer true story it all makes sense in a minute and then we have the man behind the blog tim de mint said watch mr tim give me he's on the show to discuss all things bad and it's a big deal everybody harrison and i are discussing government intrusion into our digital privacy and how this threatens our fundamental so. civil rights you want to miss a moment at all starts right now. with
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. our lead story today financial disclosure now a new national database is being assembled by the federal housing finance agency and the consumer financial protection bureau that will compel as many as two hundred twenty seven million americans to disclose intimate details about their family's financial help now in a reversal of previously stated policy the f.h.a. f.a. and the c f p b are together expanding their joint mortgage database program to include personally identifiable information the f.h.a. as a claims that the database is essential to conducting monthly mortgage surveys and to helping to prepare its.


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