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tv   Headline News  RT  June 14, 2014 5:00am-5:30am EDT

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what if the. sign. self-defense units in eastern ukraine confirm they shot down a military transport plane and against all forty nine on board the dead. ukraine's prime minister orders the country to gear up for gas cuts from monday the day when kiev must pay its energy to russia. plus army violence and even nuclear weapons we examine whether the u.k. is closer collaboration with america serves britain's best interests and it worries the friendship too close and. al-qaeda. through iraq towards baghdad capturing two more cities the us military help for the crumbling country.
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welcome it's good to have you company you're watching r.t. international and we start with breaking news because anti-government fighters in the guns in east ukraine have now confirmed they shot down a military transport plane ukrainian army says all forty nine people on board were killed in video has now emerged showing the aftermath of the attack the plane came down at the ganske airport scott has the latest now from key west. all the plane that was shot down in the early hours of saturday morning as it approached airports here confirming that on board at the time were troops equipment machinery and food that are claiming responsibility for the attack saying they brought the jet down with an anti aircraft missiles. this is looking. work which is
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a strategic point in lugansk and demand that they're all ukrainian troops later who also warns that any military jet flying over trying to land there will be considered an aggressor at their own to handle the evolution seventy six jed clampett. it was the rocket that exploded inside the plane bank to one side started losing height and crashed at the airport lugansk has been bombarded by the ukrainian military and air force in recent weeks it's really been one of the centers of the ukrainian army's all the anti terror operation as they're calling it in fact earlier this month eight civilians were killed when a ukrainian military strike hit the city center well in terms of what else is happening in the region the ukrainian army says it has regained control of the port city of mariupol following intense fighting there the ukrainian military have targeted the city as well as part of this anti terror operation is they're calling it following intense battles they say that they have reclaim our youthful five
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activists were killed in the ukrainian flag is now flying above the administrative building there meanwhile moscow is calling for an investigation into reports that white phosphorus bombs have been dropped on the city of slavyansk the city is also saying fierce fighting of course in recent weeks between pro and anti-government forces but videos have emerged showing what appears to be fire bombs being dropped on the city despite the video footage and i witness reports here is denying such weapons have been used the market cranes prime minister has ordered the country's ministries to get ready for gas cuts from monday that's the deadline moscow has given kiev to pay half of its energy debt if not gazprom will introduce a prepayment system meaning only getting exactly as much gas as it pays for up front kevin owen talked to r.t. correspondent. about why kiev isn't paying up. so are these
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latest gas price talks of collapse we seem to be back to square one who's holding it up is ukraine or is it russia was the picture all depends on who you ask for example ukraine says that russia's price is too high and moscow says that kiev demands are simply absurd so let's have a look at the facts for starters ukraine admittedly owes billions of dollars to russia and gazprom has actually moved the deadline for payment back four times and now it's seven rounds of negotiations but their economy is so at the moment are they going to pay the all that is sure but remember that i.m.f. loan that ukraine has already gotten and that is actually enough to cover part of their debt and that the fact is russia is not even asking them to pay back in full at least half of what he votes and if they do there's a deal for that moscow well actually throw in a retroactive discount on what ukraine owes and that will save the country millions of desperately needs if war but to the present ukraine is this latest discovery
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that was all for the one that was on the table is just to haul it's not enough so when we go from here well here's a perspective on the gas price russia is offering three hundred eighty five dollars per thousand cubic meters which is already eight hundred dollars less than the current running price what's more is that russia has actually guaranteed that rate for a year regardless of whether market prices go up and as a matter of fact even europe's energy chief house called the offer very reasonable . i believe that three hundred eighty five dollars is a reduction that could be considered reasonable depending on the volume and length of the contract it could even be less than three hundred eighty five and that will then be the final price so really what's at stake for europe in all of this well look at the map and you can see that ukraine is actually a major transit hub for european gas and if t. of miss is a payment and the supplies are cut off then they have a history of siphoning gas intended for europe and that could force russia to cut that off to is exactly what europe is so worried about in this circumstances. well
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gazprom chairman alexey miller has his own suspicions about why there's no progress from the ukrainian side. perhaps the ukrainians of outside advisers it's just that we've observed from the very beginning of the talks that the ukrainian side never really wanted any compromise or any deal to go. and former british diplomat william an incident goes even further than that naming who he thinks directly stands to benefit if russia cuts suppliers. ukraine is under instructions from the united states of america very very large industrial companies this is also another subtle way of controlling the europeans remember because when and if russia quite rightly stops delivering gas which isn't paid for of course like last time like the previous two times the ukraine will simply siphon off the gas which will cause some problems in europe which will further encourage the europeans to be
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forced to eventually start buying american very expensive american merely refined gas as well that's all part of the business plan. on r.t. dot com right now we've got details of a light hearted solution to the gas rag put in a bid on e bay the price has rocketed to where a level anyone would balk at the moment the spoof or even guarantees delivery. iraqis verging on collapse a brutal jihadist offshoot of al qaeda has taken to more cities northeast of baghdad after murderously rampaging its way through the north the fear now is that the capital itself could fall next reports say the towns of the dia and fell to the group known as isis sending security forces fleeing from the area that the sectarian tensions within the country are at their worst in years see tribal leaders reportedly joining the jihadist ranks to fight against and weaken shia led
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government and that is the u.s. considers sending out military help to the beleaguered iraqi army clearing the possibility of airstrikes and drone attacks is artie's gani. president obama's message. helping fight the militants but will not put boots on the ground he said he would be reviewing a range of options in the coming days this could mean air strikes but the president has not made a decision yet he also indicated that it's not up to the u.s. to solve iraq's problems we will not be sending u.s. troops back into combat in iraq but i have asked my national security team to prepare a range of other options that could help support iraq security forces and i'll be reviewing those options in the days ahead we can't do it for them in the absence of this type of political effort short term military action including any assistance we might provide won't succeed the sectarian war in iraq broke out after the u.s.
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invasion in two thousand and three and has been a source of constant violence ever since it has allowed to the militants with the islamic state of iraq and syria again to gain momentum and recruits the fight against assad in syria is further bolstered these militants and gave them new resources they are now in control of large parts of iraq including iraq's second largest city of mosul the goal of this militant group is to create a caliphate or an islamic state across a vast area that includes syria and iraq when taking over mosul heavily armed radicals overran police stations freed more than a thousand prisoners from the city jail and to go over the international airport iraqi forces apparently read in the face of leaving behind uniforms weapons and armored vehicles those could be weapons that the u.s. provided to the iraqi security forces that are now in the hands of these militants more than half a million people have fled seeking refuge the situation for most iraqis is dire and
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it has been so for years they were promised democracy. no end in sight the united states has spent millions of dollars to train and equip the iraqi army but political analyst side alley cat says current events show this huge sum has gone to waste you have to go to the root of the problem the word of the problem it was the u.s. invasion and occupation of iraq when the second largest city in iraq mosul fall into their hands that means that all this training all this equipping of the iraqi army and the iraqi security forces there the united states has gone spilling honey five billion dollars of taxpayers' money so you really can't wait that for me there has to be a way to put the country back on track and that the key to that track is really the national reconciliation which is something that the united states when it was
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occupying bar power in iraq did not really think very seriously. now it seems there are skeptics all ganging up with old school policies and that he's giving the e.u. leaders a headache people born this story after a quick break. and. the . plentiful supply was terrible they are little very hard to take out a little to get along here there's a lot that you ever had sex with her make their lives. a little. little little. little. little little
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little. little. plymouth a bubble. i . welcome back now britain's long being desperate to reform what it sees as a bloated european union and to do that prime minister david cameron needs to woo the block's key leader germany's angela merkel but it seems members of his own conservative party are putting a spanner in the works by cozying up to german euro skeptics in the european
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parliament who are direct opponents of the chancellor's party we're joined now by paolo the phone from the city found a huge is a new year policy thank you think tank thank you very much for coming on to the program we're seeing here on the heritage party's rushing to make friends with the newbies in brussels are we seeing old parties on the run. well of course other rather than a deficiency of alliances we have to see what mr cameron is soft because initially he didn't want to see mr juncker appoint. the head of the european commission and there was a drift with america on this now at the end of the production and joining his story is. grouping in the. european parliament we have to see how this will affect the relationships between. the conservatives and the christian
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democrats in the european parliament. but it is possible that mr cameron may have something more difficulties because the decisions of his group led to the pain parliament. that we have here a little and ultimately i mean what could this mean for mr cameron's hopes of reform. well it may go either way it may strengthen his position because he has an additional member that comes from germany but may also. push him to calm down he's a. war to find a deal with anger america i mean it's a the u.k. is in a very special position. generally saying quite weak at the moment so we have to see what is the real metra behind the navy from the people point in the
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matter is most probably the financial infrastructure and regulation of europe then who would be sitting as had permission and i think it is important as a symbol but it's not decision a key matter now let's talk in general about europe because we saw euro skeptics make wide gains didn't they in a parliamentary elections recently what chances do you think exists for brussels winning winning back the voters. well it depends very much on the progress that the new leaders will put forward once they get the point is you know there are these three figures that have to be appointed the president of the european council the president of the parliament and the president of the european commission. if if the progress and the project of europe remains as a tease i do not think it will encounter any favor of the electorate as it has been showed so either they have some courage and they make
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a step forward with new ideas and in this sense mr cameron's. push for reforms may be maybe useful. or if they continue with the program in cities just blaming more europe to solve the problems of europe. is they will continue to muddle round the next elections there will be further reaction from the electorate mr fine we have to leave it there we have run out of time but thank you very much be giving us your opinion as paraffine from the city foundation thank you. remember martin that flies hoverboard in back to the future well get ready for the reality a year before the blockbuster movie predicted they would exist the french company has unveiled an aquatic flyball that you can read more about this at r.t. dot com plus weiss and supply rocket the. crew could print their own spare parts online you can read how scientists have given the green light to installing
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a three d. printer on the space station. now britain may lose some of its independence so rich nuclear to terence's it steps up collaboration with the u.s. over warheads it is another step in the already widespread cooperation between the two which does include sharing intelligence and prisoner exchanges as part of boyko reports such ties don't always of britain well. america and britain already shared nuclear know how in hardware and according to a guardian newspaper scoop that cooperation is to be stepped up even further prompting fresh questions about the independence of the u.k.'s nuclear to terror and if we don't have an independent deterrent which means an independent threat then we might as well just if we want to be protected by nuclear weapons pay the americans a fee and allow them to do it for the cold war may be over but there are still
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nearly ten thousand u.s. military personnel stationed in britain at dozens of our a.f. bases under u.s. control and we are still five and all for a five year b. she's in britain wires or you have to ask her many. states. you know where america is very rich we were in this border last month the independent on sunday revealed that washington is to spend two hundred million pounds want to revamp of the r.a.f. crouton one of the u.k. bases allegedly involved in mass surveillance revelations about g c h q and the n.s.a. and they are what we could be saying that british citizens are actually having their privacy in paid it's a by a country which is supposed to be our closest ally and friend in the world it's led some voices in the u.k. to question whether american and british interests always overlap britain is now
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a fairly small in some. powerful country and as we were in the days when we had an empire but we have a national interest we still have a national interest we're still a very big economy we're still an important country but we should exercise that national interest in our interest we shouldn't just slavish we hand over to the americans anything that they want and yes a succession of british leaders have done little to remedy what many see as a lot sided special relationship under the current extradition treaty between. britain and america it's much easier for a u.k. citizen to be sent to face trial in the us than the other way around over recent years twice as many people have been extradited from the u.k. to the us. which british prime minister doesn't. go that extra length for the americans object to commentators have long argued that to many an american the american separations britain is the fifty five states of america playboy.
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london. that return to our breaking news this hour self-defense units in eastern ukraine admit to shooting down a military plane against going all forty nine people on board on that we can cross live to a foreign affairs analyst your triscuit she joins us now thank you very much for coming on to the program firstly in your opinion what sort of reaction do you think we'll see now from the ukrainian government do you think we'll see a more intensive military operation in the ganske yes there will be significant power going up a sentiment particularly in western ukraine where we can rightly assume most of the death chamber at the same time i think that the escalating the if you go chasing eastern ukraine will trumps russia to do something along the lines of the no fly zone and i do not see lovingly culture in simply continuing on this
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course of relative passivity while the conflict is escalating by the day last but not least i'm very surprised that ukraine commanded since this going into the unknown having lost this helicopter with fourteen men on board a mere ten days ago i think it is irresponsible to say the least professional point of view. you mentioned that you think russia might react with a knife flies and what impact could that have an economy in crisis it could actually contributes to the calming of the waters to some extent because the way. in which the opinion of the product is confused their air power over the recent weeks has been given sponsible in big screen they obviously use nonsmoker guided weapons whether a school or a hospital was hit and levelled the playing field up iraq if those diplomatic can
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squeak produce the dubious legally dubious doctrine of the responsibility to protect and i think it's a vacation in eastern ukraine is not. more warranted than it was in say lately in a kind do you have. these antigovernment moves does it then exist in eastern ukraine are of the thing very well armed where are they getting their weapons from do you think the expense to the reason that they captured quite a lot of throat both donetsk and luhansk are major population as well as military centers it also tends to be isn't that something is cheating through congress although i doubt very much whether he has the official imprimatur because if it were done with the current ivans of the russian government i believe the day would be much better and the question then seems to be the case right now in fact i think that russia has gone out of the way to show its distance from the ukrainian
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civil war and i think that it can no longer afford to do so because both balkans personal reputation and russia standing as a great power will be put under question if this apparent passivity persists. all right well thank you very much for coming on to r.t. you we do have to leave it there that's the foreign affairs on this surge of thrift of it thank you. and look now more of the world security has been stepped up across afghanistan during voting in the second round of the presidential election the taliban have issued further threats to disrupt polling last saturday presidential front runner up to a lot of dollar escaped an assassination attempt when a suicide bomber attacked his convoy in the capital kabul. around president says the country has reached agreement with international mediators for it to restart
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enriching uranium and that the west will lift some sanctions imposed over the country's nuclear program the deal is expected to be finalized before the twenty eighth of june last november world powers and iran reached a temporary agreement under which iran's uranium enrichment program was limited in exchange for a partial easing of sanctions. citizens linked to the islamic state of iraq and syria say they kidnapped three teenagers in the west bank claiming it is in retaliation for the israeli defense forces killing of three of the group's members the youngsters including an american citizen who went missing on thursday night after leaving a religious college israel is also investigating whether any palestinians are linked to the abduction. with r.t. going underground is on next and if you're watching us in britain it's max keiser and because.
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there's a new i'm a grown man got a polygamous family looking for a woman who understands me really worried and i want her to share my goal of saving our people from extinction those who. have had two failed marriages and she's had one. wish changed our attitude towards polygamous marriage and have decided to find a man to marry as. he was. we want to maul women who could play your kids together with ass. just to have let's say thirty to forty kids are going to do that with only one wife so it's impossible. to genetics but eugenics vulgarize ation of darwin science punishment for an
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uncommitted crying i was there a lot is to learn from being innately feeble minded still today to feel i don't know why. but i still don't know why genetic improvement through forced sterilization the basis for nazi ideology don't stop at just sterilizing and now go to the point of death. for years rarely discussed on till now i'd really rather not talk about that right. welcome to the kaiser report imax kaiser in the words of mary poppins just a face full of water makes the austerity go down yesterday go down wound bailouts
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balance and buybacks and banks are feathering their nests of no time to rest while the plundering your pensions are scrapings and well they have fraud and theft boom boom boom and bust but just like it's full of water makes the austerity go down their stare to go down wow well mary poppins was a freak who is she can't believe she's saying that song this so where she was so prescient to know that all of this is going to happen right behind us the mayor of london has bought three what do they called wasser work for one thousand water can . now you just write the mayor as the mayor there is come time as a visitor to the show here is the mayor boris johnson laysan gentleman. and there is where the chinese people for the chinese people yes he loves chinese people well let's listen to this little audio clip from l b c radio where he was asked why he bought them fuel being accused of playing politics by purchasing one
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hundred twenty seven thousand pounds worth of water cannon and a bit of a dust up with the home secretary. what we're doing is we're trying to save some money he said he bought them in order to save us money yeah it will save us money funny you should mention money because on star joint dot com way our crowd funding thirty thousand pounds to buy the people's water cannon the people's water cannon so also we also are going to crowd fund the purchase of thousands of water weaponry such as these water. pistols and we want an army of volunteers to follow to shadow boris johnson and it's easy to spot he looks like this shadow boris johnson and whenever he uses his water cannon then scorn him in the face with a water pistol and of course the people's water cannon which you can help finance
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or fund on star join dot com the people's water cannon we've already got one thousand two thousand three thousand pounds raised that we can buy water cannon for thirty thousand pounds he's paying like a hundred thousand pounds immediately he's over paying for the water cannons we can source water cannons a lot cheaper for everyone or can anybody will buy five water cannons this is a water wars well they're water cannon remember it's the wasser word for nine thousand and it's thirty seven leaders a second and a maximum pressure of two hundred pounds per square inch so being hit by a water cannon at maximum pressure should feel like several people colliding with you at once but of course we just need this because they're witches right so they melt their wicked witches and they just melt under a little bit of water and we've got the swarm that's then my crowd funding which is a new crowd a new cryptocurrency start going to start point is a new cryptocurrency they're actually going to give away for free to anybody who goes to start going to dot com so they come to start join dot.


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