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tv   Keiser Report  RT  June 14, 2014 7:29pm-8:00pm EDT

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welcome to the kaiser report imax kaiser in the words of mary poppins just a face full of water makes the austerity go down yesterday go down wound bailouts balance and buybacks and banks are feathering their nests of no time to rest while the plundering your pensions are strivings and well you know fraud and theft boom boom boom and bust but just like it's full of water makes downstair to go down there stare to go down wow well mary poppins was a freak who is she can't believe she's saying that song this so where she so prescient to know that all of this was going to happen right behind us the mayor of london has bought three what do they called wasser work for one thousand water can
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. now you just write the mayor as the mayor there is come to him as a visitor to the show here is the mayor boris johnson laysan gentleman. and there is where the chinese people who are the chinese people yes he loves chinese people well let's listen to this little audio clip from l b c radio where he was asked why he bought them you'll being accused of playing politics by purchasing one hundred twenty seven thousand pounds worth of will to tell them in a bit of a dust up with the home secretary. what we're doing is we're trying to save some money he said he bought them in order to save us money yeah it will save us money funny you should mention money because on start join dot com way our crowd funding thirty thousand pounds to buy the people's water account in the people's water cannon so also we also are going to crowd fund the purchase of thousands of
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water weaponry such as these water. pistols and we want an army of volunteers to follow to shadow boris johnson and it's easy to spot he looks like this shadow boris johnson and whenever he uses his water cannon then scorn him in the face with a water pistol and of course the people's water cannon which you can help finance or fund and start join dot com the people's water cannon we've already got one thousand two thousand three thousand pounds raised that we can buy water cannon for thirty thousand pounds he's paying like a hundred thousand pounds it immediately is over paying for the water cannons we can source water cannons a lot cheaper for everyone or can anybody will buy five water cannons this is a water wars well they're water cannon remember it's the wasser word for nine thousand and it's thirty seven leaders a second and a maximum pressure of two hundred pounds per square inch so being hit by
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a water cannon at maximum pressure should feel like several people colliding with you at once but of course we just need this because they're witches right so they melt their wicked witches and they just melt under a little bit of water. we've got the swarm that's been my crowdfunding is a new crowd a new cryptocurrency start going oh yeah yeah start point is a new crypto currency they're actually going to give away for free to anybody who goes to start going dot com so they come to start join dot com and you know crowd fund the people to watertown it as a registered member of start join you get free money free money free money free money we give away free money every friday is free money friday start to a friday cool and now the reason why there are of course bringing in the water cannons is i'm going to remind you of what happened earlier this year why there was a call for the water cannons police to ask home secretary to approve use of water cannon across country police chiefs say water cannons are needed because austerity measures are likely to lead to continued protests so they already have plans that
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there will be more austerity or something happening in the markets that will require further. unrest in the the streets of london well we know it's going to happen there's negative interest rates down the e.c.b. over in europe and that negative interest rates and balance are coming to the u.k. the united kingdom is now the most unequal country in the world the spread between the top club the krauts and everybody else is now the widest it's of any country in the world boris johnson david cameron george osborne have managed to create the most unequal society of the past fifty to sixty years in the post world war two era people are understanding they're waking up to the fact that austerity is nonsense it's just a way to confiscate wealth quantitative easing as a way to confiscate wealth negative interest rates a way to confiscate wealth now the people have their own water cannons their own water weaponry and we need a we need a vigilantes now water vigilantes to surround boris where every goes in public he's in the office he's at home he's over on one of his boris bikes make sure he gets down to the water let the people you're all wet because the water cannons will not
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stand they will not abide we not about that stood out this would award for the summer twenty fourteen. now of course you were talking about all the confiscation of wealth that's been happening and one of the things that i've noticed that's been happening as we keep on hitting all new time highs we've hit nine or ten all time new highs and in your old themselves who run the companies get paid they don't care if they're overpaying they're not seeking to buy cheap and sell high they're seeking to buy high because their own bonuses are tied to how much their shares are trading for earnings are collapsing these corporations are earnings are collapsing peak earnings just like we hit peak oil we hit peak earnings their stock prices are moving up because they can borrow money from the fed zero and buy back their own stock which jacks up the price of options that pay themselves bonuses tied to the options again it's massive while the confiscation engineered by the likes of mark carney who is along with the other central bankers the world
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engineering this global mel wealth transference this confiscation this this this is jihad. in this market fundamentalism informed by a warped sense of misreading of adam smith they are going out there and they're just basically to shake and grab and rattle and roll and snatch everyone's wealth right from under their noses and the water army will retaliate this summer we're buying our own well water cannons start join dot com you can help participate in the crowd fund to buy the people's water cannon we need a swarm of water weaponry to surround boris johnson he won't be dry a single day once just can't think it started i mean i know going to do you know of course is down there at the pub i'm talking about he won't be you know the precipitation will be in his face daily well it has been the rainiest two hundred year in two hundred fifty years so most people are usually wet in this city anyway we might not notice it but you talk about the profit so i want to go to a headline in the financial news right now and that is three reasons the dow
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doesn't deserve to be at seventeen thousand first of all of course nobody is buying we talked about that other than the c.e.o.'s themselves and the companies they're doing share buybacks but you mention corporate earnings corporate earnings are flat the bureau of economic analysis reports that this measure of corporate profits declined by nine point eight percent in the first quarter market analysts and advisor doug short noted last week that the market is overvalued in the range of fifty one percent to eighty five percent when measured by price to earnings ratios and the lesser known q. ratio also last week goldman sachs analyst publish a report that concluded quote in just one quarter profit margins dropped from ten percent to eight point seven percent of gross national product so the trend is down profits are collapsing and yet the markets are rising of course because the guys at the top know their water tanks are going to be needed soon they need their bugout
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cache to fly the heck out of the city and escape somewhere safe the markets earning eyes but the debts are never hit higher have never had a high. our levels in the u.k. is now you know and osborne added five hundred billion pounds of debt the u.k. has down close to one point five trillion pounds in debt it's heading to two point five trillion pounds in debt all the so-called growth has been financed on a credit card that charges zero percent interest rate until the global community realizes that the british pound is overvalued that the british gilt markets overvalued they dump those guilds as part of the realignment of all the power moving from west to russia china iran and they have a massive market meltdown in the bond market everyone's interest rates goes up by five hundred basis points markets close by fifty percent and all those debts at the come due the debt still magically disappear because mary poppins boris johnson puts gets on his broomstick and flies around and says he still better do you still we've got to keep this guy perpetually under water the water wars are here boris you're never going to see a dry day so well you mentioned the fact of debt the other thing is and we're going
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to cut to a chart here or if i can't find it you're just going to see me doing this the markets have gone up i'm at the airport i'm on a date number seven to be allowed to see well the debt the dow has gone up but margin debt has gone up even higher so that's not an all time high that's at the highs of like two thousand and also two thousand and seven so that's also debt that is to be factored into the equation of margin debt the money borrowed to speculate all time high indebtedness of the country all time high indebtedness of the household all time and the u.k. is now trading it over ten times debt to g.d.p. when you add up all the debt it's higher now in the u.k. than it was in iceland before iceland collapses or boris never says because he's an inveterate misrepresent or of the facts you know he just takes care of his hair all day but he basically is sending the people down to the bottom of davy jones' locker
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but before that can happen we're going to keep him perpetually in a bridge in the reply. as a tory of the people i add that of course when we went looking for this week we said we want to bourse johnson looking wig and the woman who is i think a lot and she said that's very unusual here i used to have that color when i used bad hair so i think he has a bad hair day. well says cherice yellow which is the result of trickle down economics just as george osborne those two get together so the other reason why market watch is saying that the dow doesn't deserve to be at seventeen thousand is a lack of alternatives ultimately today's bull market seems to be driven by a lack of alternatives what it lacks in enthusiasm it is making up for in gains as shorts market valuation analysis shows it's not a bad thing that this confidence on the flip side markets cannot sustain such overvaluation without a significant change in the economy and even economic growth rates g.d.p. contracted at
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a one percent annual rate in the first quarter don't support the buying so the government and the too big to fail banks have removed all alternatives to you but to go into the market because at least there it looks like it's there are some gains that you might possibly have in order to compensate for the collapse in your income and the coming water cannon burst at your face right the alternatives being some vehicle where and by getting a savings rate that's the least equal to inflation but they've removed all the available savings programs by forcing interest rates to zero so people are getting in negative returns on their savings and without capital you cannot have capitalism and boris johnson is not a capitalist he's a hard dyed in the world communist socialist kleptocrat who supports cameron osborne who come from a similar economic school of let's create economic oppression take all the money from everybody and give it to our friends flying in from overseas to buy london
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property at three hundred year for under five hundred thousand year highs and of course the g.d.p. to climb. by one percent of the first quarter goldman sachs looking back has said it's actually one point eight percent according to their numbers you have also the fact that al qaeda now owns the iraqi oil fields in mosul and we're going to have tried on a lot of stock exchange for us i mean if you were honest guy you would just take all kind of public on the london stock exchange but of course you don't believe that you're actually in bed with al qaeda when we all know that you are going to place of us nightmarish hairstyle challenges tonk slash through it our states are going to go see a lot of. all right states over the second half oh up more. there's a new i'm a group now i've got a polygamous family i'm looking for
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a woman who understands me anyway and i want her to share my goal of saving our people from the extinction of those who. had to found marriage and she said why you would change how i teach what's been taken and have decided to find a man to marry as. we want to mold women. who could say you kids together with that . just to have let's say. ok to do that with only one wife so it's impossible to. write the same. first three. and i think picture. on our reporters would.
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be in the. we will be pardoned by the enormous burden of laws rules and regulations which cause europe to be the school. i mean the reason that europe is going on all the time is because the rules and regulations are killing it strangling business. your friend posts a photo from a vacation you can't afford. the difference. the boss repeats the same old joke of course you like. ex-girlfriend still tends to rejection poetry keep. ignore it. we
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post only what really matters. to your facebook news feed. welcome back to the kaiser report imax keyser time now to turn to vivian norris director of obama mama a documentary film which just re the international seattle film festival it's a fantastic documentary that tells a story of barack obama's mother and dunham an economic anthropologist an early advocate of micro finance vivian welcome to the kaiser report think humax well obama's mother this is a topic people rarely talk about they don't talk about a very much and sort of on purpose for a while until he was reelected in fact very few people know anything about her and she was an amazing woman she was ahead of her time in many many ways and i would actually argue pretty much
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a pioneer one of the first pioneers of micro finance she was working as an anthropologist doing a ph d. in indonesia working in rural villages dealing a lot with some of the poorest of the poor and then she went on to work with women's world banking the ford foundation and they implemented some some of the early micro so it is an economic out apologists originally she was an anthropologist the economic anthropology came about because she was dealing so much with with the impoverished people so what she did was she went into these villages and also into households where a lot of people don't understand is that a lot of our men micro and macro economic theory was based on the household as a unit and in my film i have susan davis who's worked with microcredit for a long time who talks about how it took women and feminists to go into those households and see how the resources were allocated within the household to actually understand where funds and help was really needed nets where they also focused a lot on women in terms of micro credit ok so micro credit the micro finance just
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a bit of a review here this is the ability for. low income poverty income people to borrow very small amounts of money. which have a huge impact on their lives and to pay back this these funds over time just like any loan but it has an incredible multiplying effect so if one family or one woman can buy a goat for even twenty pounds and borrow twenty pounds which doesn't sound like a lot but if you can buy a goat and that goat has a multiplying effect because it's giving milk and you can then breed goats and it creates more goats so is that generally the idea that's the idea and the other thing that's very interesting that you mention goats also cows they do it with a lot is that there's a quote in the film that says that most women prior to having access to this kind of credit they were worth less than a goat or a cow in terms of their existence their role in the family in the community once they're able to get loans their rules changed and become much more powerful person
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in point because you talk about societies in that part of the world of course they have a lot of muslim communities in muslim countries where women's rights are still in their nasty and stage as any conflict in terms of these micro finance products suddenly empowering women in ways that maybe challenge society well it's all over the world so it's not just in countries. that are primarily muslim but it's interesting there's a story of muhammad yunus who won the nobel peace prize with the grameen bank in two thousand and six going into villages and actually asking the women to ask the leaders the spiritual leaders to talk to him and so he actually had a back and forth with them to make sure they were comfortable with it he also started his grameen bank by loaning first to widows so they didn't have a husband in that case they may have an elder son but they didn't have a husband who told was telling them they could not do this and once the other women saw these women doing well they're like i want that too and they would actually convince the spiritual leaders in their villages to to accept this but it's all
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over the world now it's in the united states as well and what's interesting is one of the people who brought microcredit to the united states is someone who. you might be surprised who that is it was hillary clinton she heard about mohammad yunus and what he was doing in bangladesh and she actually brought him to arkansas to talk about poverty in rural arkansas and that's also talked about in the in the film so there's this link actually because barack obama's mother when she was working for women's world banking they helped put together the first international conference on women in credit along with the u.n. and that was in beijing in one thousand nine hundred five that's the last thing she did before she passed away was work worked on that conference and who did they invite as the keynote speaker to that conference to speak on stage along with muhammad yunus and others who had helped start microcredit hillary clinton ok so. obviously barack obama's parents you know it's a hugely interesting topic it's
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a controversial topic and in the united states you know people have gone so far as to suggest that barack obama was even born in the united states and that's completely absurd actually what happened was barack obama's father was offered a scholarship to study at harvard after studying at the university of hawaii where he met. mother and dunham and they literally he didn't have enough money to bring her family along with him he didn't have much money at all as a foreign exchange student and that's also discussed in the film i don't get into the conspiracy but there it is an intriguing relationship because it's his parents are unlike probably any other parents of any other president of states they got to shoot international exposure and dunham is clearly not your typical. female role model she's breaking ground in all kinds of things like micro finance she she marries barack obama's father so it's a mixed marriage which is unusual it was actually illegal in some states or
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knighted states at that time and and she married him about seven years before the film guess who's coming to dinner came out which actually came out the same year it became legal in all states right right the famous film. starring sidney potts yes. he's breaking ground there with a mixed marriage then another name that comes into this is her relation and dunham her relationship to tim geithner's father peter or yeah he would have been a charge of the ford foundation asia grants department did they know each other what was she doing for the foundation was she worked for the ford foundation for a while she worked for other organizations like women's world banking and usaid and other places. tim geithner's father was was head of the whole program in asia they didn't they were not in direct contact at all in fact one of the things that people often talk about is the fact that barack obama was sent back to hawaii to go to school and live with his grandparents for a while and that's because in the level where and dunham was working she wasn't making enough money in the early days to actually send her child to the
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international school in indonesia which is where attempt i went so she sent her child back home when he when he got a scholarship to go to the best school in hawaii then what's the status of grameen bank now which was eunice's creation and then like a fool i think the most important thing to say about mohammad yunus and the grameen bank for which i have a huge amount of respect is that if you go away from this original idea of having the borrowers own the bank and be in control of that bank the women borrowers own grameen you eunice was not you know the person who owned the bank he just was running it for the women who were the board members and all of that and they won the nobel peace prize along with him is if you take it away and you just have say wealthy people making loans to the poorest of the poor now there's nothing wrong with making loans to someone who's you know the next michael michael dell in their area of the world but if these are the poorest of the poor mohammad yunus basically
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argues for the point that we should not be making profits off the poorest of the poor and now he's focusing on social business right so if i got to grameen bank mohammad yunus is creation. it has to some degree been co-opted by outsiders by predatory bankers who somewhat undermined the original bill was it was sort of nationalized when the government took it over that he's expressed some frustration yet he's expressed some frustration but he's mostly done as decided to focus on what he can do which is social business he sure sure but let me let me just jump in there for a second because the film sounds very empowering for women ok for everybody and i think any young adult definitely you've got some high powered women there and dunham president mother the president states you've got hillary clinton involved but when you add in the tim geithner's father connection the ford foundation and these other groups something starts to get shady oh no there's nothing she in fact i have a great quote from and i don't mean what i mean dismissive like this. is extraordinarily
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shady given the fact that these people are involved currently in massive scandals tim geithner's of all the mass yeah but and but that's legit as a skit and walking scandal those are very very very distant links i'm just saying that at the time the if i tend to focus on the positive and what can actually be done to help the poor that's what president obama's mother was doing she was focusing on helping the poorest of the poor and all of the interviews i have with people who worked with her in different places and knew her she was like that from a very young age she really embodies to me the the ideal of what you can do that positive if you grow up in a country where you do have access to a good education you do have access what i think the question people should ask when they see this film is. all of these changes we fought for women's rights civil rights voting rights helping others the positive things that united states was known for some of those things are slipping away or have slipped away and we need to focus on rebuilding those things so when i showed the film to seniors in high
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school they could really identify with you know the kinds of things she was involved with early on in the sixty's and that's something that i think we're seeing now the if president obama when he was. no a piece where i said if i ever deserve this one day today or one day in the future it will be due to what my mother instilled in me and then the positive things so i'm going to focus on that machine was helping poor people every day. thanks says he something for people as well and yet somehow during his away the treasury secretary one hundred million americans throw it back into poverty thanks to tim geithner i think a lot of it came on the bailouts the austerity i think criminal activity the state let's call it what it is he's a massive serial criminal in the banking system and we really need to look at the history of how things change from from reagan onward if you want to go into that and i think that they were left with a huge mess to clean up you know i grew up in texas i think that may have been done on purpose and that they've spent most of most of president obama's presidency
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focusing on having to clean up the mess that was left for them now finally we're seeing the things that he's being able to put into place that i think you would have done at the very beginning that actually help it help students helping with their debt helping you know health care he dedicated the health care to his mother because she died fighting with insurance companies because she didn't have full insurance i think that we need to focus on the positive i think it's a shame that they were left with such a mess to clean up i'm not going to get into the specifics of geithner i think that we're very lucky to have such an intelligent president and i think a lot of it comes from what his mother taught him right just on the student debt area of course this is another trillion dollar bubble that's been created under obama directly was rated under obama invented it started under reagan and not the student debt the various other neoliberal catastrophes. to reagan but clearly a bomb a student debt is obama's bubble so and i'm not sure how he can just i don't know i saw the i saw first of all the price of public education in public universities and
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things like that going up way before obama ever became you know became president i think there still is certainly with inflation but he created a trillion dollars. bubble that's about to explode and then guys like geithner cash in on it there are a lot of people who've cashed in on a lot of things i think if you look at who president obama is and how he was so all wonderful i'm going to have elbow how can i say this i'm talking to distributors and sales agents right now and we're hoping also to have a fifty two minute version for television maybe the longer a three minute version will play on television as well possibly some cinematic distribution but it's a fascinating film because in a lot of places where i went to talk about her they said of course it was his mother who influenced him yeah but i'm saying that like very not a good way but it doesn't look there's a big story and it's the best in what he's done and what he's doing and what he's about yet like seventy. killing people with drones i mean the guy is not a positive guy like if you want to get out of the top but we got to i'll take this
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up on others ok all right that's it for this edition of the kaiser report with me max geyser stacy everett i'd like to thank my guests vivian norris director of obama mama if you like to get in touch tweet us a kaiser report and. some people say that when it happens in time not a very nice one occurred. at some point i could no longer stand it i decided to kill myself. you know i was scared it would. but i punched her but i didn't stand. when. the woman should. run from. everyone who sees the speak to you to also speak to the
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children's father for my has then became a controllable keeper that he would do anything. crying don't cry. i know i'm tired of crying too dull. to .
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cusco. in the final. and the rest. will be. over the.
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radicals vandalized the russian embassy in kiev flipping over cars and pelting the building with eggs and fireworks. any government fighters in ukraine's east have downed a military transport jet filling all forty nine people aboard. in iraq up to a thousand people killed in an insurgent campaign launched by jihadi fighters earlier this week in a bid to deter advancing militants the country's leadership resorts to calling on volunteers to take up arms. british citizens should leave half in that christmas eve and it's by a country which is supposed to be closest ally from surveillance to nuclear warheads hear from some experts who say britain's closer ties with the.


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