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tv   Headline News  RT  June 15, 2014 2:00am-2:29am EDT

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i. western nations reportedly block a russian resolution in the un security council to condemn the assault on its embassy in kiev. is the last chance for ukraine to settle its gas agreement with russia ahead of gazprom accuses kiev of deliberately disrupting the talks. the fate of a country at stake iraq's army is beaten back by ruthless al-qaeda splinter group is spreading through the country with a plan to seize baghdad and create a new islamic state. and later when we look at the week's top stories five step up their campaigns with scotland's independence referendum now less than
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a hundred days away. from both sides. it's nice to have you company you with r.t. international. now russia's resolution to condemn the attack on its embassy in the ukrainian capital has been blocked in the u.n. security council by western members crowds vandalized the building in kiev throwing stones and molotov cocktails and drawing nazi symbols on the wall which they accused russia of supplying weapons to anti-government protesters in the east after an army cargo plane was shot down the head of europe's main security organization is demanding ukrainian authorities provide security for diplomatic missions in the capital artie's port scott was at the scene of the right button can see what i
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think is just some of the damage that's been caused over the last few hours and what we're seeing outside the russian embassy could be police say it will start saturday afternoon around one hundred four in just a rocket car that had antique russian flag cars and they were shouting to the russian ninety two to slow down for the speed tell them not this world which of the obvious pick up became a bit more sour but then turned up some of them thought police cars right sector they can block flags bottles of the right sector here i doubt they started to help the russian embassy building takes the thing to say there's you know i was trying to smash now so that i did turn over such. the situation is gets more tense protesters have turned over embassy cars parked outside the perimeter is blocked with tires in the driveways of blocked with the protesters own
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cars they've torn down the russian flag from the pole the ukrainian police are supposed to guard the embassy they are preventing the harm being done to russian property here all kinds of cars were overturned by one stage over trees and in the eyes of the people around here because there was going to be the protesters and demonstrators who did not set fire to the vehicles but in the end but the substance turned up close the cost down the side that says. so there were those fires now things here at the moment a somewhat peaceful kind of conclusion from what we've seen here in the last few hours that the is that the anti russian sentiment within here is now much more visible. well kevin authorities say they have arrested several people who provoked the unrest and side the russian embassy but investigative journalist danny schechter suspects some in kiev and purposely trying to bait russia into a harsh response there's an urgency to it now i think from a commuter cranium point of your always from the viewpoint of the ukrainian
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government suddenly with the events in iraq american media is shifting its attention away from ukraine to iraq and that would result in a i think a need on the part of some in the ukraine to try to get back into the media i by staging incidents that could lead to a over response by russians which they could then use to justify calls for intervention or more support from the united states they could provoke a intensification or an escalation of the crisis there that gives them a pretext to refuse to pay for gas they refuse to accept compromises on the russian part hopefully to get the u.s. more involved in their situation i think that's to be the game here that's being bullied. well at least in surveillance the army has carried out an artillery attack heating two hospitals one a maternity unit all the patients had been moved out of the buildings the day before but
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a group of russian journalists were filming inside when the assault began and here is some of the video they sent. the journalist were interviewing hospital staff when the military allegedly started firing they then rushed into the basement i'm waited there until it was safe. so the ends cars enjoy days of artillery attacks earlier this week video emerged allegedly showing fire bombs being dropped on the city and we spoke to a former british army intelligence officer who's recently returned from ukraine and he told us the attack bears the hallmarks of band phosphorus weapons. i've seen the video i've looked at it closely it does indeed. what were. the hallmarks of white phosphorus use for example a very bright light. and multiple burns coming down from the sky. such as a mortar or perhaps from an aircraft and then of course again the telltale still burning
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the videos are seen in the daytime showing actually this very. white or gray smoke so white phosphorus being used as an alarming development of course it needn't necessarily be illegal but it depends on the usage of and that's exactly why of course and indeed other people even from the west should be even if i haven't. calling for a pop in for investigation of this incident to prevent escalating. neighboring against region activists shot down a ukrainian military plane early on saturday morning killing all forty nine people on board self-defense units have become increasingly weaponized artie's poorest clear has visited one of their training camps to find out more. we are with the anti-government fighters we're on the way to a training camp here in the city of new gun square not telling us exactly where this camp is because of security reasons. how much time going to take us to get
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there. it's. it's a question that we'll know when we get there. was a former officer with the ukrainian elite police before switching sides only a month ago he commanded a team of just twelve men today they numbered more than one hundred and are growing by the day all of them volunteers each with a code name to hide his identity how is the situation on the ground at the moment. people are very scared preparing for war we're evacuating women and children from the city batmen says the ukrainian military's tactic is to it. back from behind so he's had these men spall out across the city about to approach the cap and badlands anstice to switch off the camera deep in the forests it's easy to see why they've set up base here everything is camouflaged making it difficult for the ukrainian army to find them. we're now at the military training camp and we're also to see
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them do training with knives this is training for close combat but i hope which one comes with that. he's not planning on close combat fighting it from bombing with heavy artillery like in sloviansk in donetsk the guys here come from just about every background you have former students you have form of businessmen you have former drivers and you also have ex-military and police so you have people with a lot of military experience but also have some for whom this is the first time that they're picking up a knife or a gun and so the sharing of skills and experience is vital and the guys have told me to put two of these in my ears because there's going to be a hell of a noise. the automatic weapon training is the most important bettman keeps trying to control over his men many still have families inside ukraine and while we constantly about them. it's not
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becoming a war it's already a war. most of the guys are citizens of lugansk city they're highly motivated they're between the ages of twenty and thirty five when i asked one of them whether there are enough people here to take on the ukrainian military his answer was there's enough. but how many more need to die before the kiev government itself to clear is enough is enough policy r.t. outside to guns eastern ukraine. in another development ukrainian authorities in the used to detain two journalists from a russian t.v. channel who were on route. an airport r.t. dot com has got more details on the. united states has sent an aircraft carrier to the shores of iraq as washington ponders military help the country where radical radical militants are conducting a ruthless onslaught and worryingly close to baghdad the face fighting has now
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reached the province's of dean and close to the capital as the army struggles to hold back the advance of the islamic state of iraq and to the militant great degree it's already installing islamic leadership in the second largest city mosul if you don't keep my duty this week isis has also managed to see some american army hardware that was supplied earlier to iraq to help fight the insurgency. has more on. even behind a sovereign stable and self-reliant iraq two and a half years later the people america left behind are running away cleaning for their lives around half a million people have already escaped from iraq's second city mosul off the i.s.i. al force the army to retreat reports a gunman have also seized a nearby oil refinery town iraq's prime minister calling for a state of emergency after hundreds of gunman took control of strategic parts of
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the northern city of mosul by wednesday militants had seized the turkish consulate in muscle kidnapping the head of diplomatic mission and two dozen staff members some thirty thousand iraqi soldiers reportedly turned and ran as militants from the islamic state of iraq and syria known as isis moved in unleashing an all out assault on the city they've taken control of hospitals police stations they have taken control of ammunition dumps on where prince stores at the fleeing government forces of what they've left behind many of the abandoned weapons and military hardware now in the hands of hardline terror. were imported into iraq from guess where i think you all are aware of the shipments that we've provided that include the delivery of three hundred hellfire missiles millions of rounds of small arms fire thousands of rounds of tank ammunition helicopter fired rockets to direct the security forces and don't forget about the us supplied humvees here you can see
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isis insurgents riding and inspecting the vehicles driving them across the border into war torn syria critics call it an unintended consequence of the u.s. war in iraq coming home to roost there weren't any real sizable organized militant groups in iraq until al qaeda of the mesopotamia rose during the need to fight back to the us invasion to help the army we've trained them for eight years and that didn't seem to work bush dismantled the original iraqi army after the us invasion and that's the root of the problem the us war in iraq cost washington close to one trillion dollars and the lives of more than forty five hundred soldiers hundreds of thousands of iraqis have reportedly been killed while the us was looking for w m d's and spreading democracy. the unified and competent iraqi military that was allegedly a stablished has buckled weapons that were made in the usa are now in the hands of
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america's enemies and the country left to fend for itself in a state of crisis during a port r.t. . while the u.n. says more than a thousand civilians have been killed since the latest fighting started the ongoing violence has forced eight hundred thousand people to flee their homes to escape the advancing jihadists the situation is no better if the troops see the isis boast that has executed around seventeen hundred captured iraqi soldiers well hundreds of iraqis have responded to a call to arms to defend that times but the army still remains flying to. almost every turn in fighting isis so let's take a quick look at why firstly when the extremists seize mosul it opened up access to cash arms and ammunition stored in iraq's largest oil refining area was also a peril of being captured by isis which could in danger the country's already weak economy and the number of militants is growing the group is said to have helped
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hundreds of prisoners escaped from jail swelling its ranks in the process and on top of that is exploiting unfeeling sectarian tensions in the community gathering public support among radicalized sunni muslims while another branch of the group operates in syria just over the border providing a steady flow of reinforcements to iraq michael o'brien who was a u.s. defense department contractor interact discuss the worsening security there an r.t.s. in that directly governments and carpet in its inept you know that the job is impossible you know saddam was it was a bad actor he was a bad guy but he kept a lid on everything through force it's a lousy way to live but your on his worst day things like this never happened the maliki you know is a shiite and the sunni's are upset because they were in charge and they want to take over again and saddam kept a lid on all of this maliki doesn't have
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a prayer of iraq that the iraqi government can't can't and i don't know if an iraqi government could do this unless it was a dictatorship like it was under saddam the campaign to convince the people of scotland as to whether they should stick or split with britain has gathered pace we've got more on that and other nice in a couple minutes. i almost told him a language of war but i will only react to situations i have read the reports from the sublime like the pollution from the no i will leave them to stay current to comment on your latter part of the month to save the exists or k.l. a car is on the docket no god. no big deal no more weasel words when you fade a direct question be prepared for a change when you throw a punch be ready for
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a. pretty tough speech and let him down the freedom to cost. dramas the chance to be ignored. stories of others who refuse to notice. the faces changing the world lights never. so picture of today's leaves no longer hands from around the globe. local. t.v. . oh yeah now the clock is ticking for you crying to decide what he's going to do a back to gas deal with russia otherwise it faces being put on a pre-payment system and only getting supplied with the gas it is already paid for
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or talks have been regularly scuppered over kids insistence that he gets a massive discount which the head of the energy brought against promise directly blamed the prime minister of ukraine for all to talk more about this. the clock is ticking what are the chances of getting this result well it's not impossible the chances are slim because everyone is digging their heels in and a surprising isn't it because everybody is going to lose and so true our free parties involved in this dispute only stand to lose now russia including because russia is losing billions then ravenous and we're talking about an enormous sum of money that this state budget is absolutely dependent on also there is the country's reputation as a reliable energy supplier now that our appreciation is at them only at the moment a moment stained. and ukraine would be the biggest loser surely it's true
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but with this row while this row has rumbled on one ukraine at the same time has been secretly stockpiling a gas reserves and just recently the country's government and now is that they have enough to last up until odd tim and that's even without paying well apart from that factor if we think about the countries people now they're going to be the ones that stand to lose out because dad served piling up and these dads are have to be cleared sooner or later and really the main ravin ustream as the public coughing up in taxes now what about rush hour well rush hour. has already offered a lower price to ukraine but really the longer refuses to compromise the higher the eventual bill will be and we shouldn't forget europe many people consider just to be of by stand in all of this but also they could suffer it's not at all the bystander actually if we think about some of the supplies this applies all give
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most to trick now let's have a look at those graphics well just looking at it you can see how much you are dependent on gas from supplies and there is more than that actually russia for some of the european nations russia is the only source of so if you crane refuses to compromise what it does at the moment then europe could face being caught off and we've been in that situation before when ukraine failed to meet its obligations and russia had to turn off its five and that situation lead to only one think ukraine siphoning off gas that was intended for you or so what is happening now is that quiet for a centrally of the world bank estimates that such a scenario you are being cut off would lead to only one thing a massive price hike for some of the in terms of gas for some of the european nations we're talking about in some places to up to fifty percent and of course as
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going to be disastrous for the european nations economies as they are still too fragile after the global financial crisis so now it is clear why europe is so panicking on was happening in ukraine the moments and i actually try to sum up some of the factors there stolley the negotiations. still no deal despite concession after compromise after concession. or c. on the set of we were numb proposes the russians offered to reduce the gas price by a hundred dollars a so-called discount on new skills and so they did a lowering the price to three hundred eighty five dollars per thousand cubic meters which is roughly what european countries pay for russian gas what's more moscow is ready to guarantee that trade for increasing year and refereeing the e.u.
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found the offer fair. i believe that three hundred eighty five dollars is a reduction and it can be considered a reasonable but with some people you give an inch and they take a mile and we support the we pay the price that we consider is the market rate and that is two hundred sixty eight dollars for a thousand cubic meters or so it's a bit on the street ukraine had a you know i have been offered a very generous discount on this and they still want lol and it really is quite incredible that that the law. of the ukrainian government is i don't think any amount of discount really will satisfy ukraine their support for flight it however key of stubbornness may not be rooted in what it needs but what it wants which could well be profits. of ukraine wants to receive cheap gas and resell it basically making money using russia it's a very odd position. another stumbling block what to do with
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ukraine's four and a half billion dollar gas dad to russia. ukraine that the gas is not going to pay his debt to gas problem until we reach a package agreement by his appearance because that the strategy of the ukrainian side is outright blackmail according to kiev a deal can be reached only and exclusively on ukrainian terms russia's gas from. offer to save the day or at least offered a huge saving pay half of the debts and get a twenty percent discount on the rest otherwise ukraine would be switched to a pay in advance system russia needs to make sure that ukraine is paying the market price no ifs no buts no can't claim to know what flynn the market price as an upper country does. so far the quarreling sides have failed to reach an amicable solution if
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a teacher is practically ukraine's acting prime minister has called for the talks from the start ukraine took no constructive steps made no compromises and apparently wants the maximally aggravate our gas relations. which may not be says well with european partners the ukrainian government is being intransigent and also putting the people of europe at risk that's why the e.u. is actually cautiously supporting russia's position at this time but with monday's deadline taking average closer helps for a breakthrough are slowly fading away and in the question r.t. moscow now there's one country that's finally told government intelligence that it can't have an access all areas pass to people's private online data i can it is the green court insists lowering forces must get permission to pry from internet providers r.t. dot com tell g what made him impossible plus ever wondered what our planet smell
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like on mass is being sniffing around saturn as we tell you on the. can down to scotland's historic independence referendum past the one hundred day mark this week signs of up the ante to win over wavering scots for now polls show the no camp is leading but separatist campaigners have been studying steadily gaining supporters with i rise of four percent in the last four months but there's much more to it than just flag waving and national identity at stake is the cost of breaking from britain and whether it could be an independent member of the e.u. and nato article in your money and also get a good deal of your money out we have a lot of pages in scotland we've got to worry about i were going to pay off our pension bill the oil is is basically we get taxes a role she's from it. you know the oil prices dropping through the floor you can base your entire. you know your tire colony on oil with we together through war and
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peace basically people just fanatics. for what it's worth this is a vassal states for the for the united states and we want to break with that and everything that that means but we all we want to say that we want to have influence we want to have influence with partners the way the economy in britain has been one just know is leading towards massive inequality on a historic skew and i think the real question is can we afford not to vote yes in september. thanks being with r.t. international today coming up next worlds apart and having islamist gains in iraq might cause a shift in washington's geopolitics. recent
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events in ukraine definitely have a wide range of interpretation both russia and the west accuse the other of doing a lot of meddling some people call those who are fighting out east separatists or terrorists but others call them a people's militia fighting the kiev and this sort of situation everyone has their bias and it's hard to tell what is going on but i can tell you one thing in this sea of opinion the kiev side is using artillery and fact there have been numerous reports of artillery strikes like the one that just a few days ago hit the sales of hope orphanage which was thankfully empty at the time why is our tour such a big deal well if you send guys with guns in the fight they're going to see their target try to kill it but artillery shoots targets that kate even see they just throw shells at a general location and interestingly enough many locations seem to be in populated areas of the breakaway republics so who is the actual target of randomly shelling populated areas well if we turn on our brains for a second we can see that artillery is one of the worst ways to take out a specific threat in a local population but it sure is a good way to eliminate the entire local population because maybe that's who the
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quote threat actually is but that's just my opinion. right. now a lot. if the problem is i'm. debating american foreign policy is there one any more traditionally the political left and right and clearly different positions on how washington should exert power in the world today it appears that everyone in the establishment is a hot. hello
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and welcome to all the party a week ago the ukrainian crisis came to one of the greatest challenges to global peace and security yet but thousands of extremists overtaking iraq's second largest city helped put things into perspective will the advance of isis in iraq change washington political calculus well to discuss that i'm now joined by christopher hill a former u.s. ambassador to iraq and the current dean of the joseph horrible school of international studies at the university of denver ambassador hill thank you very much for being on the show my pleasure now the ukrainian crisis if i could start with that was about security both for russia and the west and i think both sides want very far in defending their security interests and yet somehow despite the
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continuing blotches in ukraine you know the events in the iraq really seem to preserve a security danger a security challenge of a totally different magnitude with i wonder if they can be a sort of reality check for some of the decision makers in washington as far as what the real danger really is ok well let me first say that i think the ukrainian crisis is still with us and i think it's in every one interest that ukraine emerge from this crisis with its sovereignty in tact with its territorial integrity intact so my hope is that there's an understanding that it's necessary to work with the new ukrainian government and to encourage.


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