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tv   Venture Capital  RT  June 15, 2014 4:14am-4:30am EDT

4:14 am
i still don't know why genetic improvement through forced sterilization the basis for nazi ideology they don't stop at just sterilizing and now go to the point of death. for years rarely discussed. till now really rather not talk about that right. your friend posts a photo from a vacation you can't afford. it different from. the boss repeats the same old joke of course. the ex-girlfriend still tends to rejection poetry keep count ignore it. post only what really matters at r.t. to your facebook news feed.
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this is a venture capital of the world cup cake of this week in brazil and instead of crowds of sounds we've witnessed crowds of protests because of the cost or take a look at what happened to the economy of south africa the last host country plus the rich continue to get richer we took gender pay metals until the end of a tie so fast that world cup fever has arrived and despite the fact that the host country brazil is predicted to win the tournament not everyone is excited there's been violent protests on the street because of the cost to host the event the most expensive in history the majority of brazilians resent the fourteen billion dollar price tag when their economy is bustling crippling inflation a gross lump and
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a possible real estate bubble and if we take a look back our fellow brics nation south africa the country spent three point nine billion dollars on hosting the games according to reports in the journal of african economies south africa attracted two hundred twenty thousand extra tourists during the event that's thirteen thousand dollars per visit and the last four years the country stock market has nearly doubled but g.d.p. has now slowed and slipped into negative territory during the first quarter of this year the country has similar problems to that of brazil income inequality and abandoned infrastructure well for more on the business of football the backlash in brazil and the economics involve a store in a south american based guest daniel brunei so you can brazil afford this tournament . you know who you are the core of the. the pipeline itself fourteen billion
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dollars at a time when most resilient some are falling behind and can't keep up with the one we wait in which is largely fueled by huge real estate massive bubble. use mostly because all the foreign speculation in real estate. and the sentiment most people still think is that there is simply too many people who are lacking good basic services such as affordable decent housing health care transportation and education for them to spend fourteen billion dollars on but of course we have the condiments to understand what we do in dollars is really worth it because it stimulates the. i want to ask about the long term that do you think that the country will reap the benefits in the long term because because even if they that's what economists think . well they will reap the benefits in the long term but the problem is how those benefits are going to be distributed that's a political problem so long problem. the games are basically
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a golden opportunity for a welcoming businesses to do these deals of their dreams but it's also a golden opportunity for the majority of resilience working class brown and black people to force one form on the system which they feel is still stacked against them right go you say this is politics at play as usual dad you know as we now know kind of politics i want to ask you about the protests on the streets because that's all sides is what they said at so it seems like it's a vicious cycle because i know that visit us had to really invest in security about five times more than south africa today because of the violence on the straights well that's right you know the rules if the president and her fortunes could be in the balance here. either way there were. which party is is here to stay in the pool
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has to come back you know the last time that brazil hosted the world cup within the year nineteen the civil laws and the president of brazil committed suicide that's how serious an issue the world cup is going in brazil it's extremely political it's very emotional it's extremely complex and. we'll see what happens yeah i mean brazilians we know i love that football we know that you think once a tournament now that it is up and running people would just get together and enjoy it and oh the chaos in the lead out will be forgotten old else well that would be wonderful wouldn't it you know even whose name i do mean skiing portuguese even he has come out he is in the tory asli political another football star named mario has also spoken out against the games so there they have very
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mixed emotions about this in brazil. but you know i think it's fabulous that the brazilian people. are finally waking up proving to the world that winning a soccer match and winning a pillow contest that current of all. is no longer going to keep them distracted from the serious challenges that face their nation and frankly my hope is that a similar sentiment might take root in the united states right down your way leave it bad enjoy the games and i'll see you saying thank you for joining us as usual always a heated and insights and capital is just to host the twenty twenty two world cup which is estimated to cost of the two hundred billion dollars why such an astronomical price tag well they're ok. really know stadiums so they will be built
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entirely from scratch because of the levels of haiti's air condition stadiums for the players will be needed and transport infrastructure built for visitors to russia will host the next event in twenty eighteen at a cost of eight billion dollars although that figure is expected to rise for cats although despite the hate and constant allegations of bribery and slavery one problem a qatar certainly does not have is a lack of wealthy investors is take a look so the country top the list for wealth per capita in the latest poll by the boston consulting group topping the ranking for highest density for private financial wealth with millionaires making up seventeen point five percent of all households followed by switzerland and singapore. the u.s. ranked tightest in terms of total number of millionaire households with seven point one million followed by china with two point four million the amount of medium as
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a rose in china by eighty two percent from the previous year and now almost double the amount in japan the number of households whose wealth exceeds while median and russia has grown by daily which means that russia is now right the world wide in terms of the number of may in a household and it comes to all that per household the report showed that russia ranks fifth of the world i have all the world's wealth grew by fifteen percent to one hundred fifty two trillion dollars a wall that may be more million as and ever before the metal industry often or a fraction of the real economy is still slumping global still while the problem is overcapacity has doubled it's doubled its capacity since two thousand and one due to slumping dumon despite warnings from industrial side as production continues to
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grow at an average rate of three percent now i also add when boston from the world still association if the highs of the mid two thousand will ever be achieved again i'm not optimistic that i'll see it in my lifetime. but this means growth rates of seven to ten percent and still a lot for that to happen you do need to be something. like china that has been something something took in the previous event of the similar nature was developed in the united states actually will be sold at some point in the system not too long ago one hundred years ago the u.s. was also fifty percent of the world's two market both in production and consumption it took almost a hundred years for trying to reach that decision. the next one in line should realistically be india. not going to be the time to go do that but i don't think it would have been reached. let's dive into corporate knees than the russian pavement
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system kiwi will place eight million deposit to every state in the us and its secondary public offering the money raised will be spent on corporate offices and have to spend it is russia and bangladesh have agreed a final three hundred million dollars deal to complete the first nuclear power plant near bangladesh also tom is heading the project which consists of three in total amounting to five hundred million dollars revenue the us is the largest food we tedham i can eat group by. taking one point eight billion dollars for the moment . now late is brace yourself because we are about to look at tim kobe and it by the time looking down saying right back thanks to me you know hi katie you know last week we got katie's choice so you picked what we invested and you picked for me to wear the silly bow tie on the air i look even more foolish than normal and you know what i'm kind of double mad at you because i found out
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that the entire crew of venture capital except for me has a week off next week so this week will be investing in the same thing for two weeks in a row but katie i forgive you because last week you picked for me. the leading giant and they wind up nine percent that's one thousand five hundred dollars in the till as they say in your country of war including danger let's spin the wheel and see what all invest in for two weeks in a row while you're having vacation and i'm still working i can. start with his two weeks is a long time in the world of the knowledge and choice again thank goodness only way the company that mines a lot of diamonds are russia is a big producer of diamonds maybe not quite like south africa but definitely high up there and the diamonds are always in demand for both jewelry and. it does two purposes so we'll see what happens and two weeks before two weeks is a long time a days you're going to have to really get those no turning into still because
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you're going to have to be wrong or tara right about and try to have d'oeuvres of steel but oh i love the guy tiny tim you are all good not low. dangerous all right tim covey i'll see you in two weeks and see if the diamond sparkle for you see the data. the fact that men generally speaking still get paid more than women and the majority of jobs in theory it's women worldwide. and this week it was revealed that the highest paid woman c.e.o. was that it boredom martina roth was born multan route she made thirty eight million dollars last year as the c.e.o. of united therapeutics where she's worth almost twenty years now and the second highest female the highest paid female well it was more semei just here and she made more than ten million dollars less than martin overall i mean six percent of c.e.o.'s of the top two hundred companies are women so whatever she was born she's
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very much a woman now the main thing as i say i love it for me for now all of a london next week for my sister's birthday so i won't be here but in the meantime i will indeed be on twitter so you can join me that in the meantime by. the worst scum a society players play pulling out of. your life for the thing every minute of the leg the law no
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a. mile in length like the odds against the society most slaves chooses to its limits placed sometimes from nothing of the length of this song and it's a challenge to look just keep up the story and still be just if he sees the stage seemed to take a look to be dealt with but the target was selling the bunker . dramas that can't be ignored to. stories others the few who still notice. closest changing the world lights never. grow. old pictures
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of today's leaves blood on demand from around the globe the local. t.v. . it's not like. they're welcome back in watching our city international the clock is ticking for ukraine to decide what it's going.


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