tv Breaking the Set RT June 17, 2014 2:29am-3:01am EDT
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days so i guess you know martinez has broken the set so you know you often see people like karl rove dick cheney and bill press all making the rounds on the corporate media to weigh in about what countries we should bomb next won't usually these people are getting paid lavish amounts of money to be regular m.s.m. contributors in order to add their faces of pseudo credibility to the dumbed down news consumers but you know of all the days i'm sitting in this news room working on the show i have never ever seen chelsea clinton's face to grace the silver screens of corporate news which is why i was so surprised to read over the weekend that bill and hillary's daughters apparently a special correspondent for n.b.c. yes and stove member two thousand and eleven chelsea has been on contract with n.b.c. earning a cool six hundred thousand dollars every year for doing virtually nothing in c. according to business insider clinton is only appeared on n.b.c. a total of fourteen times and signing on two of which were her being interviewed about her own parents and the other times included reports about therapy dogs and
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exclusive interviews with the geico gecko you know super hard hitting journalism in total her on air appearances amounted to just under an hour which means according to be eyes calculations chelsea earned in st twenty six thousand seven hundred and twenty four dollars per minute or even crazier four hundred forty five dollars per second now if you're surprised a well established news network would dole out millions of dollars a politician's offspring with zero journalism experience consider that in two thousand and nine and d.c. also hired george bush's daughter jenna and john mccain's daughter as contributors man it pays to be heirs of plutocrats c n b c's investment in chelsea has nothing to do with her hard hitting reporting about cartoon geckos but instead it's all about connections and access baby so to us peons four hundred g.'s might sound like a lot but if you're a clinton well i guess you'd still consider yourself dead broke and let's go break
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executing millions of wild animals and b.p. getting its hands on the first commercial drone hard to keep up but if you've been watching mainstream news you probably didn't hear about any of these stories because they've been far more concerned with this cancer the second most powerful republican in the house lost his primary race to tea party candidate and political newcomer dave brat if cantor was re-elected it would be a signal that they if they could move forward to comprehensive immigration reform and eric cantor's kind of a kinder gentler republican he's not one of those you know tea party types so they would have been sort of had broken how can or should democrats seize leverage from cantor's losses or an opening here for them or is this really what they didn't think was happening at a tea party resurgence i think event democrats are going to seize this by not doing anything so spot on analysis there see cantor's loss is exactly the type of political theater washington to analyze with the name and repetitive commentary so what's important story is not making mainstream headlines well primarily
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afghanistan you know the cause. there were still war with so over the weekend afghan citizens took to the polls in the second round of elections to vote for a new president to replace hammad karzai a president that will oversee not only the eventual withdrawal of u.s. troops but also the resurgence of the taliban and while news anchors have been largely silent on the latest runoff elections you think the disaster porn addicted media what it least pick up on the recent spike in violence there see as voters walk to polling places the taliban carried out hundreds of attacks across the country the deadliest of which involved a rocket hitting a home and killing seven children twenty civilians and twenty six afghan security forces were killed in total during saturday's elections reflecting a pattern of violence that's continued since the attempted assassination of presidential candidate. only a few weeks ago and aside from the ongoing violence of widespread fraud has come to characterize the elections a factor that the taliban itself has seized upon in
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a recent statement they called the elections a legitimate saying quote the only product of this to see it for process is the continuation of the invasion and paving the way for the presence of invaders in afghanistan the statement isn't that far from the truth after all how can a country have a legitimate democracy or even a little lections if it's been occupied at sea even though those will be the first democratic transfer of power in afghanistan's history both presidential front runners have promised to sign a strategic security pact with the us that will keep nearly ten thousand american troops in the country and definitely past the twenty fourteen withdrawal date but what's most ridiculous about this entire thing is that while pundits continue to call foul play over the u.s. only now negotiating with the taliban and that policy has been in place for the last decade.
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this year marc. where victories for alternative parties when socialist candidate sharma so want was elected the seattle city council and now another socialist just spears trying to follow in her footsteps by running for a seat in the washington state house she's not just a socialist she's also a climate scientist and she's proposing a radically new approach to deal with the climate crisis speer joined me earlier and i started by asking her about her thoughts on obama's executive order mandating that carbon emissions from coal fired power plants be cut by thirty percent by the year twenty thirty. i think it's a step in the right direction but we should call it what it is an incredibly timid step it's a baby step in the right direction considering what we're facing the i.p.c.c. report that just came out the white house's own climate assessment that just came out shows that what we're facing are you know pretty dire circumstances with regards to droughts heat waves flooding super storms all of that and yet we're
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seeing really timid steps. you know what thirty percent reduction by two thousand and thirty to me is just not enough and furthermore half of that has already been accomplished so really he's calling for a fifteen percent reduction what we can do in washington state is we can go one hundred percent renewable we already get the majority of our energy from renewable sources it's seventy percent renewable in washington state why isn't it one hundred we have a lot of land we could be building windmills on we have plenty of buildings and roads that we could be putting solar panels on and i think what we'd like to see in washington state and why i'm running against the speaker of the house is so that we can really challenge that leadership that's not doing anything in this direction and really call for bold massive investment in renewable energy infrastructure putting millions of people to work and really transitioning away from fossil fuels i can agree with you more there that should have been done twenty years ago to
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a little too late i think and you vocally argued against typical democratic proposals regarding climate change such as carbon taxes cap and trade why do you think market solutions are the answer to changing our reliance on fossil fuels. well we've had some experience with market solutions over the past twenty years with europe you know imposing cap and trade and i think that it showed that it didn't really stop the carbon emissions from rising year after year and also i think we should look at these market solutions as sort of an indictment of the system itself if you really have to teach her with the profits of these fossil fuel companies in order to get them to do what's right in order to get them to reduce emissions and invest in renewable energy then that shows that at the root of the problem is the system itself is capitalism the whole production for profit system and that we have to affect those profits in order to get them to do what's right should really make us pause and think about the system itself it's not going to
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happen fast enough is really the biggest problem with it you know you're trying to get them to do what's right and you're hoping that these taxes will force them to invest in renewable energy and hopefully get them to build the new infrastructure that's necessary hope that it'll get the emissions to stop we don't have time for that you know we've been told that in order to keep it under two degrees celsius we really have to peak our emissions and the next ten to twenty years do we really think carbon taxes and cap and trade are going to force that fossil fuel companies to stop emitting emissions and then also to transition to renewable energy and i think the answer to that question is a clear no. and people like al gore and other pioneers in the climate front are kind of massively benefitting off these new industries created off the idea of cap and trade etc i think it turns people away from from the solutions that are real that you're proposing right now and where to really offer those alternatives here
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why do you think the entire environmental movement continues to capitulate to the democratic party and put their trust in them when it comes to serious issues like keystone to climate change. i think because there hasn't been any alternative offered and we. you look at the republicans and the fact that so many of them even deny that climate change is happening and those that emit it's happening say well it's not humans it's natural totally denying the science and they look towards the democratic party to at least admit that climate change is happening the humans are the ones that are the major drivers of it they see well this is our only option so we've got to go with them so we have to look to build that alternative and that's another reason why are running again to elect the second socialist in two years to show people that it's possible to elect an independent alternative to the democratic party one that calls for bold leadership i just sky done with meeting with divestment club a university of washington and they've been working to get their university to
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divest from fossil fuels and they've indorse my campaign these young environmentalist are very excited about really supporting an independent candidate that is calling for bold solutions they recognize that cap and trade and carbon taxes and the timid step the democratic party goes and does not really match up with the urgent need to shift away from fossil fuels but again it's the lack of an alternative that keeps them tied to the democratic party and it's up to us on the left everybody knows that market solutions are viable that they're really not going to work you know with what we're facing to really build that alternative and that's why we call for a mass working party a mask a little party for working people that represent the ninety nine percent that doesn't take any corporate money that only represents working people students the elderly just really quick question what were the factors that led you to become so disillusioned with the current capital system and the two party dictatorship is
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what i like to call it. yeah i think it's you know i went into climate science from an activist perspective you know i read. an article on global warming and it really worried me and this was in the early two thousand. and i was already a science major so i went into climate science with the aim of helping us understand what we're facing so that we could come up with a solution and everything that i study showed me that we needed urgent action we didn't need to keep researching it to understand that we needed urgent action but you didn't see that action and you know i had read history at all that it was mass movements that were necessary to really get things done and i knew that it was important to get involved in that and to help build those movements so that we could really pressure the elected officials to do what's necessary thank you so much just spear climate scientists run into a washington state house for eg amazing to have you on thanks so much thank you.
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coming up i'll talk about two people who wrote radically different op eds on the iraq war stay tuned. some people say that when it happens to someone in time not a very nice one the curtain falls down. at some point and i could no longer stand it i decided to kill myself. even i was scared of what i'd done but i punched it but i didn't understand where i had it when a man raising his head and the woman should. run from him. i ask everyone who sees this video to also speak to the children's father. my husband became a controllable she felt that he couldn't do anything. why you're crying don't cry
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i know i'm tired of crying too don't cry. so. don't know that you know the premise is the only industry specifically mention the constitution and. that's because a free and open process is critical to our democracy. will. in fact the single biggest threat facing our nation today is the corporate takeover of
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our government and across several we've been hijacked right handful of friends dash and the corporations that will profit by destroying what our founding fathers once will just mark it on this show we reveal the big picture of what's actually going on in the world we go beyond identifying the problem. the rational debate the real discussion critical issues things you. don't already join the movement then walk in there. over the past few days the crisis in iraq has become increasingly chaotic as a terrorist group isis was able to take control of tal afar the northern iraqi city
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about two hundred thousand people the capture of the town comes on the heels of isis releasing a series of disturbing photos showing an i'm confirm number of iraq's security forces being murdered by insurgents in a mass execution style killing isis already claims to have killed seventeen hundred soldiers in the city of to create all of the claim couldn't be independently verified so as the casualties mount and city after city falls on this extremist group two people intimately involved in the western occupation of the country spoke out over the weekend getting drastically different accounts about the legitimacy of the occupation first up former intelligence analyst in. source of the wiki leaks war logs chelsea manning on sunday manning released a new york times op ed and titled the fog machine of war in which she lays out all the ways that the military's control of the american media led to vastly different public portrayals of iraq and the reality on the ground now if you look at the corporate press as coverage of manning's op-ed nearly all of it focused on many
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quote breaking her silence except for the fact that this is hardly the first time she's spoken out from prison because her case barely makes a blip on the m.s.m. as radar it may seem like there's the first time she's ever released a public statement and much like edward snowden the content of her op ed received very little coverage and it's not much of a surprise concerning her damning indictment of coziness between mainstream journals and the military say manning starts by writing quote i believe that the current limits on press freedom and excessive government secrecy make it impossible for americans to grasp fully what's happening in the wars we finance she goes on to point out how to nearly all the american news coming out of iraq in two thousand and ten focused on how the elections signaled a new era of stability and peace in the country except as an intelligence analyst manning saw firsthand classified reports outlining prime minister nuri all the luckies crackdown against political dissidents including torture and murder under
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elected government but these types of stories weren't being reported largely because of the military's embedded reporter system and which journalists are carefully vetted for the opportunity to write stories while under military protection manning notes that this system is far from unbiased and surprisingly reporters who have established relationships with the military are more likely to be granted access less well known as journalists whom the military contractors rate as likely to produce quote favorable coverage based on their past reporting also get preference to further writes that while stationed in iraq she never saw more than twelve journalists embedded. with the military at a time an unbelievably minuscule amount considering that there were over one hundred seventeen thousand american troops stationed there but will chelsea his words carry added significance considering that she was on the ground experiencing the horrors of war firsthand another person who weighed in can say the same former u.k.
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prime minister and co architect of the two thousand and three rock invasion tony blair released his own eyebrow raising account of why iraq finds itself in the state it does today in a blog post on his own website and to no surprise according to blair it has everything to do with the syrian civil war the west let spiral out of control and nothing to do with the u.s. u.k. invasion of the country according to blair quote we have to liberate ourselves from the notion that we we have in it so rather than continuing to rerun the debate over iraq from over eleven years ago realise that whatever we had done or not done we would be facing a big challenge today blair then goes on to resurrect his shattered legacy by a laughably attempting to reimagine a world in which saddam hussein was permitted to continue rolling iraq hidden visions how the arab spring would have led to mass chaos in the country essentially his argument is that hey iraq was destined for anarchy no matter what so just ignore the deaths of over a million iraqis forty five hundred u.s.
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soldiers and one hundred seventy nine u. k. soldiers and while you're at it pay no attention to the two thousand and three i'm sorry two thousand and two downing street memo or u.k. government documents specifically stating that intelligence was being cherry picked to support for removing saddam good military intervention because hey that was over a decade ago and since none of that has had anything to do with why iraq's a failed state today we can't be rehashing these old battles to build a case for sending blair to the hague. these two op eds are a microcosm of how far out of whack our system of justice has become as author derek o'keefe tweeted tony blair and chelsea. both of this weekend related to the iraq war the wrong person on the right there is from prison. and if we keep letting the same people who helped create iraq's nightmare dictate current western foreign policy we're destined to send the wrong people to prison again and again.
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in the post nine eleven world the national security state has been and will sleep with guns theoretically to seek out and destroy terrorists at home or abroad but in a country where people are more likely to be killed by these stings and following the furniture it's hard to justify such an insane amount of money year after year we often hear news reports about terror plots that have been foiled or awarded by one for cement but how realistic were these plots to opposed any threat to american citizens or quarter to a new report done by muslim advocacy groups along called inventing terrorists lawfare of preemptive prosecution a whopping ninety five percent of cases studied after nine eleven have involved some sort of f.b.i. entrapment so here to explain more about the world about been informants are to correspond to reno and i have thank you so much for coming on marina. thanks for
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having me on and so the study found that ninety five percent of cases examined since two thousand and one involve some sort of entrapment on behalf of authorities talk about what exactly entails and entrapment. well in these entrapment cases the f.b.i. uses an informant who acts more like an agent provocateur or he targets individuals of muslim descent and attempts to manipulate or recruit them into carrying out the so-called terrorist attack now the f.b.i. informant actually provides the technical and strategic planning to carry out those so-called plots and he also provides the fake missiles and bombs essentially the f.b.i. in. formant plays the leading role in convincing people to commit the people we're talking about in this report to commit acts of terror now the federal government doesn't call this entrapment because they say that the law according to the law anyone who is susceptible to committing crimes cannot be entrapped instead it's considered preemptive prosecution taking down the homegrown terrorists before they
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can carry out the crime but the crime here is being orchestrated by the f.b.i. well first i thought we were living in minority report. crime and i think what sort of tactics are being used in the recruitment process. friendship encourage me and most of all money the majority of the men targeted by the f.b.i. informant are very poor they're on educated most are living a lonely life for example in the two thousand and nine new birth for case the cash strapped men were offered cash and cars one of the four defendants was mentally challenged another one of the defendants was actually offered two hundred fifty thousand dollars what he wanted to actually back out of this so-called terrorist attack now in that case the f.b.i. informant a pakistani immigrant was reportedly paid one hundred thousand dollars and also served as the government's key witness during the trial against those four men who
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are now languishing in prison you know i was actually surprised to see the ninety five percent figure because trevor aaronson author of the terror factory found that ninety nine percent of cases in two thousand and one were essentially manufactured i mean do you think of the number could be even higher than what we're learning and what's new and different about this study. look i think ninety five percent ninety nine percent no matter which percentage you take a number is high enough and it's very disheartening you know the fact that mainstream media with all of its influence is turning a blind blind eye to this epidemic is scary you know most of the so-called f.b.i. stings reported about over the years wouldn't have happened without the f.b.i. actually creating them hundreds of people are languishing in jail cells for being induced and convinced into committing a fake terror plot that didn't that they didn't conceive on their own what's new in this report is that a report like this has never been released a study like this rather has never been released that looks at all the the alleged terror attacks that the department of justice claims to a four year old in the u.s.
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and that it actually compares to how many of them were legitimate potential terrorist attacks so that that's what's new here the new part is the study right how much money is being spent on this operation marina and how many agents are working around the clock to ensure the terror factory continues. well we don't know exactly how much money is being spent we know that the f.b.i. has a budget of around eight billion dollars and according to reports in two thousand and eleven the f.b.i. had at least fifteen thousand informants working for them and that number of may be even higher those informants clearly are not working for free and what's amazing about the whole aspect of the you know if there's over fifteen thousand informants working around the clock why are they trying to recruit more marine i wanted to bring up another exposé by mother jones called this american refused to become an f.b.i. informant and then the government made his family's life hell it's a story about a man named. has been harassed his entire family's been harassed put in and out of
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prison long periods of time restricted from air travel just for refusing to become an informant do you have any sense of how widespread that kind of that aspect of this whole story is woman sourced case sadly isn't an isolated incident incident earlier this year for muslim or. filed a lawsuit against the government claiming they were placed on the no fly list after refusing to become f.b.i. informants others have claimed that their immigration status was suddenly revoked and they thought face deportation after refusing to spy for the f.b.i. there have been dozens if not hundreds of stories like this reported about over the years where the f.b.i. has been increasing their use of informants to orchestrate these these so-called foiled terror plots believe a bowl. i guess the biggest question is this seems like a gigantic waste of taxpayer dollars and government resources why is it being done . well the consensus among many civil rights attorneys is by exaggerating the
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domestic threat the government can justify larger security budgets the need for mass surveillance and the expansion of law enforcement powers take a look back at the past thirteen years and ask yourself if that's exactly what's happened in the post nine eleven america you're absolutely right and you know i guess i can't help but also kind of note that the f.b.i. is using the same tactics that people are using abroad in actual terrors to ring the justifying recruiting economically desperate mentally ill people how are they doing this and how are they justifying this is an ethical and moral. it's not ethical it's inhumane and it's outright scary look u.s. surveillance as the public has learned is not just limited to muslim citizens critics say that unless there is public outcry over these government manufactured crimes that they too may be a common practice that could target anyone in the future the government can justify
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anything in a post nine eleven america is saying that in the name of national security they need to do a b. and c. but the public needs to start asking themselves if manufactured crimes is actually something that needs to be done in order to keep the us a very good question thank you so much for addressing the marina and i appreciate it. that's our show you guys join me again tomorrow when i bring the set all over. her. well to the. city full of good.
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deeds with them talk so much you'll sell something people go to from the trouble in search of the song. we've. heard. dramas the challenge be ignored. stories others refuse to notice. faces change the world. to picture of today's leaves. on demand from around the globe. dropped. to fifty. ukraine stops receiving russian gas after missing the latest and final deadline stop paying its multibillion dollar debts whose energy secretary america's tooled up police patrols
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the pentagon hands are left over war hardware on the cups with military great idea the palestinian parliament speaker is among one hundred fifty arrested by israel over the kidnap of three teenagers. what other media turns a blind eye to you get. this immediately so we leave the people. of the scene push the security play your part of the physical. push is that no one is asking with the guests that you deserve answers from. politics. are today.
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back in baghdad the u.s. is sending troops to iraq where the sunni insurgents have seize several key cities across the country. also russia warns of brussels that gas supplies could be disrupted if kiev starts siphoning off the fuel that comes after gazprom turned off the tap do you train due to massive debts. and hackers in britain may be facing a lifetime behind bars if the proposed new bill is passed but experts warn it could potentially see those working to improve internet safety sent to prison as well.
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