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tv   Documentary  RT  June 17, 2014 6:29am-7:01am EDT

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noise very much what they were terrified of him will kill let them come out to eat but then let me sometimes they would bring me something to eat hidden in their sleeves was slice of bread or some water we had a bottle to water flowers and i drank out of it. so much oh my first when i would walk down a hall and a man was walking behind me i felt scared the kid shrank back became instantly afraid that mommy was going to have a boo boo boo he always hit my head so that there wouldn't be any bruises i had a severe retitle detachment they operated on me eight times now i have minus twenty vision in my left eye you can blind in my right eye. witnesses i decided to leave when he emptied a kettle of boiling water on me and i realized that there was no reason to take any for the risks it didn't matter whether or not i died i worried that the children would be left without a mom. we gathered all our peepers i had only about ten dollars in my pocket
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and we left without a place to go. we didn't take any clothes or bags we just left. there what do i do what. do you. mean we're having a conversation. you know what do you want to eat. you need to decrease the roll call they want me to say something. when. you know those are my life wasn't easy but i had a place to run away to because my mother father brother and all my relatives were in rest on don where i lived but married and gave birth to my children i mean i could call a taxi come out in my sleep and goals but. when i imagine my first husband you know i fell madly in love with them. love me very much too. when
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i was admitted to the maternity hospital for observation she got frostbite on his ear because he must talking to me on the phone for my family used to say you can the lot of each other so much it's impossible to laugh so much think about the baby but we couldn't leave without one another we cried. and then i don't even know what happened. was our first child was about to start school my husband took all the money that we had saved and drank it away. i asked him why did you do that explain it to me. and he hit me for that he hit me hard school he beat me so many times but i kept going back to him i left him only after living together it was probably a man trap and the so i.
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actually think that both of us are to blame and neither of us wanted to give any ground we had those never ending fights on a daily basis it's as simple as that what we should have done is gather our wits and think about who should shut them out first a little. more but we didn't do that. during the last months that we were living together i used to go straight home from work without any intention of thinking i would just ignore her but once i came home she would do something from basically she just started irritating me in some way. i would just keep my mouth shut instead of talking to her and when she saw that she tried to push me even more and then we would start fighting. even his her twice under a shamed of that. i heard all four screams from my kids i ran in there and saw their father choking the kid and
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that already had a blue tongue and nose i immediately pried his hands off the kitten and in the instant i found myself at the bottom of the stairs. i came round to a very curious scene where my husband was literally why. being his bare feet on my face. and saying. this was how do you like that you piece of crap was just out for the kids then and now you're going to be the one who dies. i was outraged on the inside and i said to myself how dare you wipe your feet on me and that was the turning point and. some people say that when it happens it's like
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a curtain falls over you. i just don't understand anything anymore oh boy kato was my face. is leaving i was scared of what i'd done. she was bleeding like i was he. was covered in blood was understood but i didn't understand well he's a. useless i decided to kill myself i took sixty sleeping pills and ended up having a mini stroke and i couldn't bring my opera and lower jaws together i mean i couldn't close my mouth at all the polls. show i was in another place in the state of a person has committed suicide it's. that there was just darkness filled with that called chilling terror that i thought would never go away. that i could only see the eyes of my children looking and man asking mommy why what is going to
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happen charts now why did you do have mom still just mom. can go they don't turn us in the intensive care unit somehow managed to revive me. here's a prayer book and himno great and all the slavonic got on my knees and started my training the prayers from my mouth that wouldn't shut up and than a miracle happened she was my mouth closed. there must have been a reason why they revived me and that's why i decided to establish the center where people in a bad situation and those without a place to go can come. here is some aid. and shoes from rest of.
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you don't take anything when you run away you just run when the chance of. good quality years distant things with selena where stuff like this or this will fit yvonne will be a present for his birthday. the buddies. called me herself she came here with two kids and stayed with us she was frightened she was afraid that he would find her even here. it's our little yvonne's first day to day he's three years old we're having our own little party. as they make a wish we all have one wish to have our own home. he was huge with selena first shoes i would daughter when he came to visit me in his defense i was stunned between my husband and my child i got smacked too. once she accidentally broke eric's when she was helping him carry her to the kitchen he kept jab in harry
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in the face with the back. i wasn't. i saw the result of the song left her cane her face was covered in neg. short shall we rehearse. what is happening this happened let's go hey chalk let's find the forest inhabitants and ask them what happened i say is a donkey when i was pregnant with one he started beating me too i went to the doctor with bruises she saw that i had gotten daisy and fall and i was embarrassed to tell but i should have said it straight away otherwise they wouldn't believe am i supposed to take my two kids leave my husband and live in a shelter one of just so happen is a is when every kid has their own home right. it's
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a big wall and no good to go and no enemies this is my around. crying don't cry i know i'm tired of crying too don't cry that. my name is what. i ask everyone who sees this video. by the way to call me or contact me through other means. you can find me on social networks my ex-wife's name is. please also speak to the children's father. hear me out listen to what i think about the situation. she's taken the position of a woman who's been insulted but who's being hunted down and suffering he resents
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her husband as a maniac and a tyrant i'm a normal and responsible father. i was on a business trip abroad i wasn't even home. and mommy decided to film the kids playing. quoted balcony with selena and do what you are told to the balcony so interestingly enough because she made this video right before the court hearing to take away my custody of the kids when she was accusing me of beating my own kids why aren't you doing what you're told. i can say one thing she had very different expectations of this marriage but i have text messages for which she clearly says i'm fed up with your unsettled life dirty and dusty rust off. but when i came to the rented flat she lived in the first floor of a two story building and i could only see my kids through a window. and say hi hi. when did i
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last almost a month ago now we have to talk to the wind. they don't let me go anywhere not to begin to guide you to school you know where. what are you doing neal why would you wake our shame on you she was sleeping i was talking to your shame on you to go to kindergarten hello is the police report for them and i reached my limit when i kept calling the police and they did nothing to and my husband became a control you know what he felt that he could do anything because nobody was going to stop him and i don't have a father in law enforcement didn't do anything this thought i was a bad mouth and him why would i do that is the principal it's not a particularly pleasant experience for me. so what's the point of me making up lies about my husband. is it your birthday ron then this kid to grab it is
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fear smile more often and everything will be great. i was. but that. was. that mass that well yeah i knew when to find to be how thing i hope that he doesn't have to get shots. this is for yvonne the toy train i can't do it so i can't even middle of cause i don't have their address i. i . so.
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it was a. very hard to take a. look. at that sack with that big hair looking. like. the but. i know c.n.n. the m s n b c news have taken some not slightly but the fact is i admire their
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commitment to cover all sides of the story just in case one of them happens to be accurate. that was funny but it's closer to the truth and might think. it's because one whole attention and the mainstream media works side by side the joke is actually on here. to be coming back . at our teen years we have a different approach to the good because the news of the world just is not this funny i'm not laughing dammit i'm not. good. at. you guys stick to the jokes that will handle the stuff that i've got to. please speak your language. programs in documentaries in arabic in
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school here on the. reporting from the world's hot spots the v.i.p.'s interviews intriguing story for you here. in troy arabic to find out more visit arabic t.v. dot com. bits wouldn't he hit me again today three times in the shoulder with this dinner once in my head just because i said don't shout why don't more and i hate him once the next time why didn't they leave him when he raised his hand the first time it was an actor we're two thousand and three two months after our wedding. when i asked her if that's jenna do you love him why won't you leave him and she left no. our love ended after the wedding. and the one time she said to me mom i have
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a concussion because i fell down and i asked where did you fall down i slipped and fell and i said did you really fall yes i fell and lattimer's fist. i doubt she never complained to me about what the first i felt male solidarity with emotion oh man he's a man i thought doesn't have issues with his wife his character is different and i was bored so i more or less took his side by bill and then he bade her out after i went to him and asked why what's wrong with the bed i swear and i know that if i swear to somebody the earth until i die and that's what he said i swear i won't lay a finger on her ever again and she never told me about anything like this again. i should pack and leave but something keeps me here yeah i'm probably scared to
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change my life but i can't tolerate debuts because it can cripple me besides i have nowhere to go to parents but this is now forever. and she was also worried that people would judge her why how could she divorced some people that's always people. she had an operation but she already had swelling in her brain. the doctor said it's too late we couldn't save her or if it's very hard. already everybody say time heals that's not true we will be only deepens the sorrow but we console ourselves with the fact that we still have laws. even if we have memories. were
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a member her name and her daughter will remember it happened to us. yet you like to believe that she's. back on land. yet a youthful mash and your last stand lasted peaches he loved . do you know any mom of yes yes. but he. was pretty. it's cold today right yes did you put on a go no no why. well only you know the court case got tossed around everywhere. for a month had passed when the investigator called me in and said sign here and i'll send it to the court and it turned out that he'd attached to sheets from behind
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only after i'd signed it did i ask what is he charged with. involuntary manslaughter after i change the charges and that's it. you're looking at a year ahead intending cattle in the summer and then he was back. he behaved as he was in the right he walked with this head proudly held high he came to court with bottles of champagne he was so proud and happy we. really started. now i always take the woman's side one hundred percent of the time not the man's men who abuse women a week. they don't go anywhere in their careers they don't have any special skills or respect from a table or when you work they aren't strong enough to fight another man so they attack the most harmless screeches women and kids.
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they raise their heads against their wives and children with. my bright marina i see that you've done your homework the topic was mighty no world . before joining the center i felt like a tortoise and a shelf bob i mean i was totally closed to the world i was preoccupied with pain siddur nyssa grief all negative things how do you feel about this person at the moment what i pity him why because i really feel sorry for him he's unable to smile wake up in the morning look up the window and see the blue sky the sun and be happy about it but now we know how to be happy about it and finally we say zone that's to dictated to the future if somebody asked me a year and a half ago if i wanted to get married again at that time i would have said no i don't want to but now i probably consider this option. must see
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a. violence happens when you let it happen i wouldn't allow anybody to abuse me anymore i simply won't let it happen again we were supposed to. say i ran into him completely by accident we were going to the clinic when he turned up and grabbed a policeman i had an umbrella in my bag and i started hitting him with it he just blinked his eyes you know all these abusers who beat women by cowards they get scared when the woman fights back. one more go a lot of women think they can change men you are there's no way you can change them but it's useless. when a man raises his head and no woman should. run from him while i live with an idiot. it's better to be a good. mistress only three idiots why are you what.
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did your husband call you or come to visit. i have to tell you some nations we were having a stroll and it seems like dad the head of us will ran in the opposite direction really like a person was approaching you mistook someone else for i don't know maybe. rights that he's looking for us that he was just been bad mouth to the same kid write some a great cuss and it's you who cannot stop this from french people like him can get energy from nature from god they saw a cup and energy from other people. bless our food oh lord in the name of the father the son and the holy spirit come and. pass the bread please. and i've been leaving was my second husband for five years now
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he's a person sent to me from having because he doesn't train doesn't smoke. he really leaves out my soul he knows how to calm me down so it's going to receive a very in for as old woman this is because of the burden of age and us and problems that often comes out when i'm tired. and then he simply comes up to me and says let's roll my little girl. what's up my darling come down you know that you should get so worked up like that. because when he takes me awake abbess. and it works. i'm glad that i left before it was too late not waiting until i died because i know that a lot of women die at the hands of man like that. in general relationships are complicated most of them maybe things like that are a part of human nature things like these. people live together they love each
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other and then this stupid stuff starts. somebody didn't wash a dish somebody didn't add salt to the soup somebody had problems with work came home and flew off the handle because the local religious loved ones will always forgive. i'm not the only one totally always calls me when he feels really bad but most one time he stayed the night in the center with the kids he got to like in the shelters. and sad you know wives you can't even imagine. i want to know how. he stares plastering the walls and he fell in love was one of our single mothers. he took her in her child to live with him at his house and the rest of on dog. and now it
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turns out that i'm excited i left him with me was dissolved. by an authority hi how are you fine. and of course he just can't stand it. to miss her. sure it's not fun living alone i come home seized by some wild fear so i just go outside for a walk so it was freezing outside twenty degrees below zero but i'd do anything just to avoid going back home. you know i think if it wasn't for you i would have been able to set up the center will pick you up one of them like you must get seems that my dream to help people came true because of this pain or one. of the most somehow i think that the moral of this story is that everybody should think about his or her own actions. and never shift responsibility to the other
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person that. came by feel bad or cheer asked god last year. oh. for it i am. well
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come to the policeman show thirty four countries bend over fifteen billion euros on culture she says to each one hundred fifty million degrees with one token mark just north to sell from st petersburg to france we travel in search of a song. knowledge update we've got the future covered. click on your cultural phenomena like. the face. book. a pleasure to have you with us here on our team today to show.
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your friend post a photo from a vacation you can't afford. you different from. the boss repeats the same old joke of course you like. your ex-girlfriend still tends to rejection poetry keep. ignoring. the post only what really matters. to your facebook news feed. the. dramas the challenge being. stories others refused to notice. faces changing the world.
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so picture of today's leaves. on demand from around the globe. local. t.v. .
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to build a. mission to teach me.
7:00 am
breaking news on r.t. a russian journalist been severely injured in on the shelling in eastern ukraine as the military presses on with its crackdown on defiant regions. the u.s. is sending troops to iraq where sunni insurgents have seized several key cities across the country. in britain may be facing a lifetime behind bars if a proposed new bill is passed but experts warn it could potentially see those working to improve internet safety sent to prison as well.


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