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tv   Keiser Report  RT  June 19, 2014 5:29pm-6:00pm EDT

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who could potentially make huge decisions affecting all of our lives but apparently our supreme court things otherwise in his ruling justice clarence thomas says that having to prove truths in athens would put a hardship on the advertisers and might make them refrain from free speech the court also warned that these you know lying laws have a chilling effect on free speech and that they could impose serious burden on the left wing ph yet god forbid we hold political advertisers to the high burden of checking their before they weed out their garbage to the whole world what i mean would be made and our supreme court has become a joke when it comes to political campaigning and our justice isn't just blind anymore deaf it's certainly dumb and it clearly has an agenda to support
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a super really dirty political arena tonight let's talk about that by following me on twitter at the resident. to. the media either so we leave the. motions to the. party is it. seems that no one is there still with that you deserve answers from. politics. welcome to the kaiser report imax kaiser a talk of
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a may talk going to me is talking to me. yeah well so it's a jocular may start for a moment there i thought i was janet travis bickle yellen thinking the rising markets were talking to me when in fact she is the markets stacey yes well max of course the central bankers are supposed to be the regulators cleaning up the scum off the wall street but in fact they are the crazy people looking in the mirror shouting at themselves and this has come into full light this past week cluster of central banks have secretly invested twenty nine trillion dollars in the market another conspiracy becomes conspiracy fact as the f.t. reports a cluster of central bank king investors have become major players on world equity markets the report to be published this week by the official monetary financial institutions form confirms twenty nine point one trillion dollars in market investments held by four hundred public sector institutions in one hundred sixty
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two countries which could potentially contribute to quote overheated asset prices well this is confirmation of what we've been saying that the money velocity is historic lows that is the same money is not circulating through the economy it's not being alone doubt it's not being real loaned out the fractional reserve system is not really kicking in there's been no growth despite the trillions of dollars of money printing people ask where is that money gone well according to what you just said the money is printed by the central bank it goes to people like hank paulson or john paulson or hedge fund manager it's a gift from the central bank they print billions hundreds of billions trillions they give it to these guys through the shadow banking system or through the derivatives market and they buy stocks real estate artwork and they're making billions of dollars and then there's this parent there's a surprise began that in america that to be rich is to be virtuous see if you have
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a ten or twenty billion dollars year rewrite. because you know you hear that from congress all the time neil nancy pelosi or somebody else say well he must be right because he's rich i'm rich because i try to inside information i get money from janet yellen she gives to me i buy a stock that goes higher and therefore i'm right so this is a self reinforcing delusional feedback loop of a kleptocracy speaking of the delusions of the likes of travis bickle who is trying to woo the simple shepherd character by planning an assassination for which he'll come to the rescue well this is like the central banking policy in janet yellen and what they're doing is they're trying to woo people back into the market they're trying to convince them that they're heroes and have saved the market and they provide a chart here at zero ahead of the green line going up up up up up up is the world m s c stock index higher highs and higher highs read going down down down that's world g.d.p. expectations and that's heading lower lows as you see all the pumping in of this imaginary money all this twenty nine point one trillion dollars so the buying of
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equities while the real economy is collapsing right the real economy is suffering from what they call deflation so to get the economy started they print money or they get a quantitative easing or asset purchase programs. that money doesn't go to wages doesn't go to jobs doesn't go to capital expenditure doesn't go to economic growth it goes into speculators or stock buyers or real estate speculators who jack up prices to the store historic highs of the bond market in the case of a three hundred year high because of this exact loop of fraud of the twenty nine point one trillion they're also saying that some of it is includes gold so some people are being prudent but like switzerland for example they say they're fifteen percent invested that the central bank in equities here's a think here's a ed economy and a central bank who used to be one of the most prudent on earth and now not only do they have the swiss franc pegged to the euro and they're throwing frank all over the place but they're also invested in the stock market so what happens to them i
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don't know well they made cheap cheap money because it stops to work when money price goes higher when interest rates start to go higher so this idea of deflation this this canard that deflation is is driving interest rate policy needs to be sustained even if i'm it means it's the new york times just that they need to be more actively creating wars because wars are where you you create deflation and you throw all kinds of money into a hole you buy weapons that explode you kill people you know you kill soldiers you kill millions of people that's deflation that's a different war is the deflation to offset the money printing when people die around the world because of wars they're doing so that their lives don't create inflationary pressures that would force interest rates to go higher and for warren buffett to suffer a single day i'm not making a huge gargantuan rent seeking ill gotten under piece of change those chaps pickles
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in the central banks are only focusing on the stock prices that's all they care about is the equity prices so let's look at somebody's going to war with those manipulating the stock markets and that's the south rises up to take on wall street and high frequency trading southern states. mad as hell and aren't going to take it anymore after more than five years of watching their cities and towns suffer foreclosure and mortgage abuse from the biggest firms on wall street rigged live or swaps impoverishing local governments a massive stock losses to municipal workers pensions the south is rising up and suing wall street over its latest fleecing scheme high frequency trading and it's not just these small little southern towns going on you know up against the big boys on wall street is actually michael lewis not the famous author but the famous lawyer who took on big tobacco and won so he's he's suing these banks for their fraud and spits in particular in relation to high frequency trading and air con center of mannix is joining the lawsuit. because in the south of course was the
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inheritor or of a fantastic windfall amount of money called the oil boom particularly up until recently they were the beneficiaries of this but now the fed peak oil recently and even now a shift of power from stuff like oil to paper in america and paper of course means new york so the yankees up in new york are once again flooding you know the carpetbaggers come down into the south and they're still there essentially stealing everyone's wealth using derivatives and all these financial products that are meant to defraud and well it was enron and that actually invented that technique of using derivatives to use oil to defraud people but wall street is now better at it they have high frequency trading which is even a level beyond where they don't even have to create derivatives they just feel the fake stuff that you're creating out there in the markets now eric onset or himself is interviewed in the guardian and to the guardian he said that when hans that his
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finance friends pointed out that nobody was driving bus loads of children over cliffs he would grab their wallet and remove a twenty dollar bill than have the wallet back does anyone in the world really care about what just happened there he would ask it makes no difference to anyone but you and. even then not much it's just that in a civilized society we don't tolerate that civilization breaks down when people don't follow the rules because nobody can trust anybody else but i mean it's good to see how the south versus the north again and after the civil war of course in california wants to secede as well because they feel like they don't want to be part of the fly over states between them in new york so there is breaking apart obviously see this all over the world of ukraine breaking apart or now iraq breaking apart into three separate territory so de globalization is taking hold in a massive way in america in the middle east in asia in europe people want to get out of the euro so de globalization de flée sion is all being tried to be papered over with more money printing which unfortunately it didn't do the financial
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engineering that it goes around the ability to create wage growth just goes around wages it is go right into warren buffett's pocket and as he said the lack of trust people don't trust each other and that's why nobody is in the market but janet yellen and mario jackie and mark carney there is the only people in the markets are those people because they're the ones that are rigging the markets now also wall street examiner when looking at the story points out here this banker doozer saying well we're it's not like we're driving bus loads of kids over the cliff but they point out that there is the fact that one of five children in the u.s. now lives below the poverty level the latest data available shows there were one point two million homeless students during the two thousand and eleven two thousand and twelve school year a ten percent increase from the previous year and a seventy two percent jump from the start of two thousand and seven two thousand and eight an all time high so they are driving people off the cliff it's just not as obvious to many people write to the administration and the bankers out of
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service are creating wide scale poverty on a scale that you have to go back to the civil war to find a similar unbelievable surgeons in poverty due to the same kind of tension between . paper pushers up north and those down south who want to live a life free of the yankee paper pushers on wall street so i'm very curious to see how this new civil war plays out speaking of the civil war that's in our final head by max time lapse image of growing u.s. political polarization root cause of the shrinking middle class so there was a pew poll out and they found that twenty it is basically more and more polarization it's not just your perception it's in fact fact and that twenty seven percent of democrats for example believe that the republican party is a threat to the nation was thirty six percent of republicans think the democrats are a threat to the nation and there used to be much more overlap in the eighty's and ninety's between the parties so the most conservative democrat would be more conservative than the most liberal republican but now they don't even touch is not
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even one single member of either congress or senate that that actually there's no overlap at all so one of the you know everybody's trying to look at for what the cause of this is and why that why this stalemate in the united states economy and michele block he believes that it's because the u.s. went off the gold standard in one nine hundred seventy one and then the spread of the wealth and income gap happened because of that and people look around them and they try to find a source for and they blame the other party well mischa's correct you know the what the gold standard kept people honest and that's the what gold standards have done over thousands of years as they've had the ability to force people into a true accounting and to actually have mathematics that add up whereas if you go off the gold standard everything becomes derivative essentially then there is no no true accounting anymore and you have to rely on mark to model accounting where they have a mathematical formula that suggests the presence of a bond on a balance sheet does on an arm's length relationship through an l l p that's owned
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by enron but then transferred to arthur andersen and then repurchase by some other accounting firm and then resold again as a bank and they're in the value that could be anywhere between zero and nothing and they say oh this is. our wealth and this is what we'll spend going forward and this is how we'll feed our children by fantasizing into the ether derivative contracts collateralized by nothing except our fricken pentagon that up you don't buy ammo balmy to smithereens and the rest of world saying you know what will succeed will say to hell with you we're going to follow our brothers in the south we're going to follow up brothers and we're going to follow our brothers and greece we're going to follow our brothers and sisters all over the world to want to escape it to escape hatch and jettison themselves from this awful american germany which is based on dollars superiority based on money printing from a bank that's clearly in substantial and on balance not only on its balance sheet but janet yellen is clearly mentally deranged and finally well
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because if we went off the gold standard that allowed the trade and fiscal deficit and also allowed fractional reserve lending it also allowed the bailouts of these banks and also allowed the wars without actually having to pay for them so all of those things tied to the front where now the central banks are at the end point of that game and have to buy up all the equities in order to keep this whole thing alive but the middle is falling apart. there you have it so in the second half you know i'm talking to bet as well yeah very exciting thanks so much. sage and for the second half or more. of the. tape. very hard to take i. want to get. that back with senator rick perry.
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led . led to a possible. lead the ambitions are more slender. legend and the finish line of the marathon led the
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lead the lead her lead. welcome back to the kaiser report imax kaiser's i'm now to turn to my two guests peter bock director of sell off and bez from happy mondays he's also a candidate for the reality party gentlemen welcome and you know before we got in and even for me get into this we were just chatting about the tower of london is behind us and the story about the ravens best first of all the what that they were clipping their wings the ravens what's going on yeah well that he last saw i scouted the ravens state with a and i was actually called in the ravings of the south. because like i say what what what what what the ravens leave that salwa the. the people in jobs are in big
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trouble because if this is true peter back this is us right in fact in the second will wolf famously they were down to maybe two ravens and people took it seriously enough to get a midget bike dispatch rider from the will to haul speed it back down to the capitol to ensure that there were enough ravens and they brought i think about six from the will which were put in place in the nations of a fantastic so speaking of ravens and let's start with you bez you're running for kerry for the reality party we were just an up in manchester visiting with ya we had a big film screening which was about the n.h.s. but tell us a little bit about the reality party where is it now and what's the current situation well as the reality the mo. political. will work on their own food as soul food would like to go in for the old shape it would be solved in their power and that diligent sticks have more they could cost the money side of it we've
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decided we can't do the old can she so we're going to concentrate on sulfas so all the people out there who want to be a reality because i just send me apologies. and hopefully maybe next time around we raise the money we can do we. will need over the place this is well i was in manchester with you we were out of the vent to two issues that have come up that are really rising to the top of the priority list what is n.h.s. analysts fracking we're going talk about fracking in a second but first on the n.h.s. of course very much a sulfur that's a big hotspot n.h.s. scandals that have been sweeping the country but peter bach the last time you were here we talked about your film sell off bit which being crowd funded on start join and we immediately raised ten thousand i think eleven thousand pounds an hour the goal is fifty thousand pounds and i think after this show will probably be well on
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on that way and we've got the new start coin which are giving away to people for projects that are popular like yours so off to tell us about what the response was in manchester and was that different than your screenings in london the difference i suppose between london and manchester is simply that man stood for example is often forgotten as the founder of the industrial revolution is a place which is rich with culture socialism and a general respect for the for the little guy and what i felt there was plugged into the real hans of the n.h.s. i've often talked about the egalitarianism of the n.h.s. and how it is the rich and poor have it for free but it reminded me that the really needy being betrayed yeah we know we restrain the film and all the shots are like in london everson resend that match esther yet this is where really you know the rubber hits the road so to speak to use an american as a you know where the n.h.s. is really makes a huge difference in people's lives and. there would be that the response in manchester and around manchester bez was was pretty powerful to this film and
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when you put together your political party and you try to come up with how to prioritize issues is. is this n.h.s. story rising to the top at this time because believe it or not being approached by the nurse in physicists this that if. we thought they had a debate why some sulfates the people are selfish now i know no longer midwives. has so if you're a pregnant woman. it is no midwives to say fia which is not silly when i found out the shape he goes to come out so we believe. in the closures of the n.h.s. is a drug bill did in a low applause in so fit what was bill it cost of millions but by the pope with it
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such pay is more that which is now being closed down so the people have now a low profile have no health and no i'm not made but we got this from you claudius build a wall that built fall to close down what the are now plugged into soap so packed so we'll see n.h.s. it so going to privatized the bill they want to close off should be serving the pope way of soul food. after stone sealy credal this is this is the thing about the economics of privatization is that the private corporations will take over something at the public built over decades of tax money with their labor and their sweat then they run into the ground they loaded up with debt they make it so it's completely rubbish and then they government free nationalize it all over again so that the by the same thing you bought twice and then wants to harbel so this is going on with the n.h.s. and of course manchester again. are all in manchester is that correct as well and so is schools like the mouse's bible was there in one system a which is
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the great one sim socialist revolution well as we are not socialists we like seize the will cause i don't i ease all the political sentiment always a weird way of. a conscious power it working with the plan that rather than that. true true democracy is well we'll tell you don't like the word socialist and neither do i but there is a need to challenge the current system of some called capitalism it's not even capitalism anymore it's are kleptocracy that's why you know your fellow man starts i think has over three hundred eighty supporters of people have already chipped in a pound or five pounds to get your film n.h.s. sell off funded it to get to that fifty thousand pounds goal but it is crowd funding and are things like crypto currency whether it's bitcoin or our own start coin or max coin or light coin are these crypto currency is as some are calling them a way for towns like manchester and i know hall as their own currency is the beginning
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of an economic revolution do you see that is possible as people just get fed up with all the garbage they're being fed from this from news established political parties peter your thoughts yes yes i think i think it is key thing i mean i can only really speak as a filmmaker but for example with the subject at the n.h.s. where as i point mainstream media has let us down it's a very good way to circumvent that so you can go around it that said i don't want to sign complacent because despite the great people and that five pounds from that individual they're all there is very touching and something i want to on a but we really need more in the project and i am struck by the need being one of fulfilling a need in the public there's a gap in the mainstream media there is a story not being told and if cryptic currencies can alleviate that problem then i think it justifies it as a filmmaker as far as other issues that concerned i think it's intriguing the more
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i discover about its essential libertarian individual ism i think it's very appealing it must be troubling a few people to out there or to magine those who have traditionally. and for so long kept a grip on what they do not want to let go which is almost the secret to wealth it exactly it does does goes goes against the entrenched con of a whole accompli in a lot of ways and they are kind of fearful of it let's just move on to another issue which is an issue i know that is that really at the heart of the reality party and i want to talk about fracking because fracking is sweeping the nation and sweeping the globe the economics are horrible for many reasons but best talk a little bit about what what you're fighting against up there in manchester on the fracking front what what we. did she should marry because it's completely age has she said nice side day and that david. said fracking is because my national debate
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it's what they said to them it's the waves so this becomes a great question then fuck it it's it costs a question the legitimacy of the system itself where the eyes call it now on the outs the laws at all they are all the law makers on the londo with us and with the most of the elected representatives of power women of in the financial interests a truck with the sidewalk let's talk about the land owners for a second and the image that comes to my mind immediately is an eighty year old woman with a with a big fancy had she lives the big house here in london and she gives a speech once a year. is it true i don't know if you know the the answer this or not but i mine are standing is that if some fracking potential is discovered on someone's land that unlike let's say the states release you get a payout they give you some money for it here in the u.k. it's just automatically the queen's land the queen owns it the queen owns all the
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fracking rights you get jack squat it mean that's for that's one problem it would seem to have low prigs shells is beside the aggressive. city call these people could. call them. leone's call remind in the polls all the middle lights that see though i know so each and every household so when i see the little baby not the baby jesus it's the kate middleton's little baby that's it the little baby and the prince and the royal family and their new zealand and everyone's happy meanwhile the prince is down there in the cornwall stealing people's you know mineral rights is actually right he's a thief i mean not a thief technically because according to what you're saying here the law in the u.k. favors landowners in a way that prompted a little upstart country like america to engage in a full scale revolution. fracking seems to me to be the issue maybe going back to the poll tax issue that's going to put people seriously in the streets in a serious uprising year in manchester what do you think that the rise is has
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already started that at the moment we're doing it for the ballot box and peaceful means we close is this could be one of our last chances said sit do it that way and will clear. your out of this well so what i think we need to day is build a legal challenge and a yard it and challenge them inclusive wow sort of member of your we make the sake of these of the schools like i say we can't show host at goldman and al so loads of the people who make these laws so bad who know we've all posh seliger go the real for themselves is that they're going to get all the money out of it and when they play it at the labs what will live on their wallets able. brave and that they've made all these billions a day to watch the wave in the mess that they've left the idea may billions that powell go off to go to with. the rest of y'all are consider she's only a rock a completely you know
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a so with so this is this is really that fracking is really at the reality party of what you're up there national has got a lot of traction and you're a loon repeat that you're advocating a political peaceful solution at this time. like my mate lee jumping into fracking of uprising you are a man of peace bez yeah well. if you behave that way you just start seeing the. light the base where peaceful loving people. to show you that's the difference between go so we gotta show ourselves to be a. respectful way that they may fair enough. we're out of time but let's go back up to manchester center and follow up bring the film back up there will come up the reality party but john thanks so much for being on the kaiser report thank you sometimes all right that's going to do it for this edition of the kaiser report with me max kaiser and stacey herbert i'd like to thank our guest peter bach director of sell off currently seeking crowdfunding on star shine
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and best of the happy money so is running as an m.p. for the member of the reality party if you'd like to get in touch tweet us a kaiser report the next time. what you do next vulgarized darwin science punishment for an on committed crime i was never released to live in eighty feebleminded still today i don't know why. but i still don't know why genetic improvement through forced sterilization the basis for nazi ideology don't stop at just sterilizing groups and now go to the point of death. for years rarely discussed. till now i'd really rather not talk about that right.
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now you like me want your comedy news from t.v. comedy news to be a bear fisted no holds barred. fight to the dead. but the truth vampire winding into the necks of the corporate elite billionaire freaks while they're going. well that's what you get with my new show projected in night. i'm. a sight. i think corporation kind of can. do and say. all that all about money and i'm actually sick for politicians writing the laws and regulations that.
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they're just too much. of a. party people i'm having martin and this is breaking at the set so today obama gave a highly anticipated press conference announcing our own plans to move forward in iraq because he spoke mostly in a vague military jargon you had to listen closely to understand the underlying u.s. response to isis is growing influence while obama insisted no troops would be sent to actually engage in combat he did announce that he would be sending up to three hundred military advisors to the country sounds innocent right unless you consider the fact that so-called military advisors were the original precursors to the us invasion of vietnam not to mention that two hundred seventy five troops have already been sent.


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