tv Sophie Co RT June 20, 2014 2:29am-3:00am EDT
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now really rather than odd about that right. some people say that when it happens support someone in time not a very nice one the curtain falls down. fifth some point i could no longer stand it i decided to kill myself. even i was scared of what i'd done i punched but i didn't understand where i could be when a man rises in his head and the woman should. run from him. everyone who sees this video to also speak to the children's father. my has then became a controllable people that he would do anything and. why you're crying don't cry i know i'm tired of crying too don't cry.
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well groomed to the. show thirty five can just bend over fifteen billion euros of thanks to ted says thirty to one hundred fifty million degrees with uncle mark just north to south from st petersburg to france we travel in search of the sun. knowledge you are we've got the future covered. as ukraine refuses to pay its energy bills moscow has turned off the taps there is now real concern another gas war may get out of hand is here i'm going to end up
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suffering the consequences again. oh my guess two days out of the. head of the international energy for. civil war says ukrainian towns aflame a different kind of conflict is brewing gas war with moscow will keep hold your pasta. is there an alternative to gas flow from moscow will the stalemate last all the way to winter i know florida is quite all that secretary-general of international energy for and welcome to the show it's great to have you with us all right so i'm going to start from it later this year oh wants energy independence what do you think can it ever achieve that goal what he has no significant natural energy reserves. is it something doable. energy independence as a concept on its own is. a very weak concept for pursuing energy policy
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no country's energy independent i mean it's very unlikely that anyone can achieve that the world of energy is one of introduced penance it's a message that we constantly emphasize in the context so that those who post were conducted under the idea of. so you know how europe's dependence on russian gas for it seems something of a cliche is it really russia or the transit countries which caused a problem in russia as a surprise has never halted the flow of gas to europe it only had to reroute the gas when ukraine would stop the transit. this is this goes beyond whether countries are causing or not problems the structure of long term safe reliable trade between countries requires a commitment of many players and india energy dela we have learned that security of demand is as important to secure supply i would we're seeing now in the context of
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european trade and the ukraine as a transit country. responsible behavior from all sides there's a conversation going on which is the right approach when there is divergence of views and these must be very welcome of course the issue is not simple but to the extent that they interested parties are participating in this dialogue it should be welcomed by everyone ok but now we have a special situation on our hands there's a civil war going on in ukraine russia is the biggest gas supplier now how will the gas flow to hear of passing through ukraine. is it safe for europe supply right now you see it say for europe supply right now there's a you know it's an unusual situation in ukraine right now it's not it's beyond just
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being a safe supplier or you know save transit route there's a civil war going on in the country. again the fundamental. component of any country's energy policy involves diversification. suppliers and demanders producers and consumers always have to have diversification. as one of the objectives of energy policy if they want to enhance their energy security the fact that european countries are and have stood up all those who do are sophistication the fact that you are that russia itself is pursuing a both of diversification both of energy sources and of markets. sensible policy regardless of the circumstance but if we talk in terms of today net not in one year or two or three years but like today the way things are looking right now remember in two thousand and six and two thousand and nine ukraine was
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late with its gas payments and intercepted europe bond russian gas could that happen again right now. well the first thing to keep in mind is that we're in a different world right now from two thousand and nine. europe has made investments in diversification russia house also approached. these with them and with the mindset of diversification investments that it has done together with europe now looking toward markets in the east and there's also a stronger political infrastructure to call it somehow to address these issues so we're not exactly facing the same the same situation and they present diversification in walled not only of interconnectedness in europe but new markets europe is set up to increase its selling g.e. imports as we have also seen russia as i have said as is looking for markets
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elsewhere and that this should strengthen energy security for all interested parties ok but talking of diversification now you would think that south korea pipeline project would have taken care of many things it will be so beneficial to europe but then you see bulgaria all of a sudden halting its construction what do you think happened there what went wrong as usual and. it is never simple to bring all the various interests to coincide that's why investments in gas are long term. usually they take. a look at the way a protracted sometimes negotiations browses and what i what we're seeing is precisely that i mean it's not necessarily easy to bring these many congress countries and companies. to agree on what is the best approach for these very
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sizable investments well i'm not insinuating that said it is of course very. noble that's it of course it is important that. there is response to what we hear from all sides producer consumers and transit countries and well the fact that there is complications does not imply that there's irresponsible behavior perceive it there's just various. points of view that have to be made compatible in the process of these negotiations and every country has the right to decide on its own whether they want to be part of a pipeline project are not but if rush was no longer available what alternatives are there for example norway's data c.e.o. now increase gas supplies to the european union but it just wouldn't be enough in terms of point to it to to make up for all of that russian gas so what are the alternatives as of today. i don't think but.
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second let's keep in mind about gas consumption so share of total energy consumption in europe is five percent. this means that europe is reversed and has options and it's together with a new. approach is to diversify i have said there are energy mix and there are sources of supply. i don't see a scenario. or any major disruption and i do see that europe has many options on the table to deal with any situation if europe has the versified or just system even though. or even the fact that this player of gas to europe and can be done it states make up any shortfall in or just for you. in gas united states you
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know and gas in the rest of the world and gas markets in general we have yet to see many all the other developments unfold before we can say with any certainty how what's going to happen right now the only main attention the main project is. for l.n.g. experts from the u.s. in the gulf coast it. appears to be. dedicated to supply both asia and europe but it is just one of many projects you may not have the size right now to for anyone to suggest that this will make up for shortfalls in supply again. this is a much more complex. subject with many players with many suppliers what it
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what is clear of course is that to the extent that experts from the u.s. to europe or from any other country for that matter to europe are sustained or increased this will. also and has energy security in europe i remember here opinion commission president jose manuel barroso saying that you can't create the illusion that gas from the united states is going to solve all of its problems and there are so many different estimates of how much it could take but in your personal opinion what's your estimate how much time does the u.s. need to put their shale gas export into action no well that's that's quite speculative we know that there is one project or proving that in the u.s. and there is many more it would be for levels of pro believed to be being explored so it is unclear and moreover the u.s. is increasing its own demand for its own gas so this is it's too soon to
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tell in my view but you know people like to speculate and when we announce that we're having you in our program i was going to be a gas there's a viewer of ours who sent us this question who's asking is there any weight to the idea that this russia ukraine gas conflict is being stirred up by the u.s. for syrup which suppliers. well that's that's pure speculation and i certainly don't agree with that point of view i mean. these are serious issues with serious players and an actress and governments and companies and the idea with the amount of resources in the walls the investments that are behind the oil and gas industry and the very important relationships between states that these type of simplistic mindset would be used. when we're just very
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hard to imagine ok mr fleischer we're going to take a short break now right now so we're going to be back we'll continue to talk with you on the floor square although i had of international energy for and what's in store for ukraine i'm here up stay with us. told you my language as well but i will only react to situations i have read the reports. and know i will be. talking. when
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a genuine appeal for peace negotiations or a gambit to intensify the conflict these are only some of the questions surrounding the ukrainian president's call for a cease fire pushing both options are narrowing. the. dramas that come to be ignored. stories others refuse to notice from. the first since changing the world's lights now. so picture of today's events. from own two sons from around the globe from. brooklyn.
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and we're back with as the flotus we are going to national energy forum secretary general a great to have you back so i do want to continue talking about this whole shale gas revolution because europe and ukraine have shale gas reserves and they are untapped now is this crisis situation going to advance their development what do you think well we have seen that they need disruption to energy flows dolls' increased attention to paul this is of diversification and fracking of a bit of possibility of using hydraulic frogger fracturing concrete oil and gas production in europe is therefore now with more emphasis on the table and well it's part of the search of energy security it is indeed one of the components of diversification is not the only one but clearly given the issues that we have now
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seen with respect to gas trade route. russia and europe well it becomes more interesting to see what can be done we shall i guess oil and gas you certainly know about fracking much more than i do so how safe of a technology is it because we do see a lot of anti fracking protests worldwide like bulgaria and france are rejected shale gas due to the harm it poses to the environment what do you think of it we have seen so far. practices seem to be compatible we're more a mental protection there have been experiences that have not been positive that are under study that have been addressed so far so it seems. from what we know up to this point that production from shale resources is
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safe enough so far without any instance of major. disaster for the environment or major issues socially the industry seems to be progressing well but of course everyone should be vigilant and every effort should be made that no harm to the environment and to all the. council societal concerns is what about what about like minor disasters not major but like minor disasters are they ok is it worst a big idea well no disaster is fine right none of that should be acceptable to the industry and of course the goober government should make sure that this production is done in the safest way possible that no serious a fictitious made. so whatever. type of accidents of or
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concerns that have happened both in the production in shale but with broken of unconventional or any other resource has to be addressed. i mean i've been reading up on it still a bit and there's in britain romania it one in united states locals report says make activity in their neighborhoods and they say the tap water catches fire i mean this is that seems crazy and there's this issue of water pollution with a chemicals used for hydraulic fracturing is this is this serious this is bake. well the evidence is not strong on on that regard we have seen claims about earthquakes associated with crack fragging about water contamination interestingly some of the concerns that have been voiced. also will do not involve the environment perceptible the level of traffic that associated with the moving
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back and forth of trucks. that are participating were part of the fracking process but the evidence again so far is not strong. to suggest that the environmental. effects of fracking are adverse i want to get back to our part of the world because this is what worries us the most now the price ukraine pays for russian gas is four hundred eighty five dollars per one thousand cubic meters. just want your expert opinion leave the politics aside it wants to pay how the price is that a fair request this is a commercial decision between a supplier and consumer. what's i think clear to everyone is that supply bringing. gas and old to the market
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is costly and nobody can reasonably expect that production should not be company stated. likewise is not wise from the production from the producer side that do think that. doing taking measures that will affect consumers will be in anyone's interest and certainly not for the long term so a solution will be found that is fair to the producer and to the consumer in this case what we are seeing is the process for finding that solution and i'm confident that it will be found but what would you do ours because ukraine's unwilling to pay for the gas russia is unwilling to budge what would your expert advice be this dispute because they've kind of reached a deadlock right now. well there might be. it's part again of
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a process and. in the past we have seen that these deadlocks are sold. these are positions that. are not fixed through time as the conversations the walls were learning of what are the concerns of the bush who really will be available and and i'm sure that there will be a solution found to insist producers must become consumers must also count with the certainty that they will have the energy they need. energy as you may recall in the international arena and in terms of conversations is more and more regarded as human right and this is usually assumed or taken into account in the context of energy poverty but energy is crucial for the development of every country and the solution to insist will
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have to involve producers and consumers alike and this is part of the job by the way but of course we have to promote the idea of yeah but it's quite unfortunate that this basic right is not free and cannot be free now ukraine wants to buy gas from europe as one of the solutions and the deal is supposedly better than the one russia is offering does iraq have enough supplies to sell the extra chip here and be a reliable long term supplier what do you think. well right now that's doesn't seem to be everything but i don't see why he should be a problem for any country to diversify its sources of supply or demand. a size that for the beginning since he will energy policy are no diversification it's not every problem for added i'm just saying this option of buying gas from europe instead of russia is that it is not a viable option as of today that's what i'm asking. today well no.
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need much more interconnected and i think if i understand it question correctly. maybe the countries of central or eastern europe and well in all that hard to europe greater infrastructure is needed for the distribution of gas and investments will have to be made now there's this other idea that's been touted around specifically by george soros i think he is the one who came up with it and then everyone sort of started talking about some kind of cordon aided action to bring down the price of oil do you think that's a realistic possibility and will operate countries agree to lose revenues in order to follow u.s. foreign policy goals. needed actions to manipulate prices or to move prices in a particular direction are hardly. useful or beneficial what we need is markets that work better more freely and. that
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are more receding and so the actions must be to strengthen energy markets overall so that we have also greater energy security either on to supply or the demand side to try to move prices in particular directions beyond the promotion of price stability which is necessary for long term planning and investment i don't think it's in the interest of. over anyone and certainly not useful for the promotion of economy growth. now russia or on america have had its ideological differences over ukraine and the differences are quite acute at this moment but then you see old giants like b.p. and exxon mobil and they're actually instead of white houses line have signed agreements with russia's ross now it's now you know we're thinking over here don't
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you find a little silly that they're actually making tills with a company whose c.e.o. can't even visit them or even pay for their lines because you know he's banned from everywhere and i know it's an absurd situation what do you make of it. well i don't share your premise i think. that. part of the conduct of business we have to look at it from the broader. framework there is what companies are doing that and what states are also involved in and we have we're also going to see a process of adjustment in this regard but to qualify the sword well that's. your opinion is not mine now that surge is not the fact that companies are making deals despite of policies the upstart is the man who is in charge of the biggest company in russia cannot even visit the company. signing that deals with that's what i meant just wanted to for size all right thank you so much for this wonderful
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insight on the in the world of energy we're talking to. international energy forum we're talking about how europe and ukraine and also russia can diversify their energy fields so great talking to you that's it for this edition of the next time. thank you. punishment for an. i was. still a few i don't know why. i still. genetic improvement through
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force. for nazi ideology. but just. go to the point of view. for years rarely discussed. till now i'd really rather not talk about that right. some people say that when it happened suppose some one time not a very nice one the curtain falls down. and fit some point in i could no longer stand it i decided to kill myself. even though i was scared of what i'd done but i punched it but i didn't understand where i didn't want a man raising his head and the woman should. run from him.
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everyone who sees this video to also speak to the children's father. my has then became a control of all that he would do anything. while you're crying don't cry i know i'm tired of crying too don't cry a band. serious to get off base a try to score a lot of people are going to. want to hear the title or if you're sure everybody. had a. dollar laugh however. my own wife. was
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we will be prepared to take targeted. action if we determine that the situation on the ground requires the white house is sending military advisors to iraq and considering. through the country. plus we report on how the militants in iraq are being. volunteers from the west on their return. for people killed in the late. president.
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