tv Documentary RT June 21, 2014 10:29am-11:01am EDT
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the globe which we're coming to the right. syllables humans are to blame. because to. stay calm. we have been forced to respond to. calls or see what's this he. told of brazil. recently. is it possible to ask you a question of you heard about the story or usually know of a general story you know you know the realization program and stories are passed on know by now curious what's going on if you heard about the unusual next program or starring ization zero heard about it you know. and what do you what do you want
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what have you heard about to know i don't know which if you don't know exactly. sorry eugenics yes but eugenics. that's a question. i was. thirteen and i was molested. i got pregnant. the social worker came over and she had my grandmother to sign a consent. to the welfare department and to my grandmother to if she did sound those papers she would not receive supplements for. my grandmother the scientists and it's. a neat book once. they still asked me at the same time. normally. you know narrow thinking i'm trying to ask myself why wouldn't
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we since my body was so young you know and nobody was you really need to have a baby you know nobody was already traumatized from the delivery or often the rate. they didn't even say anything to me and i want. you know my grandmother did not understand what she was signing the next because my grandmother was illiterate i was reading minds. i was reading my perpetrator and i was also very interesting more aligned with something funny. because. i didn't know i was sterilize until after night after i had gotten married. without that actually explained to me even which are
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they said that i was feeble minded i'm not even for the official reason those that were definition reason for mr. you know what i believe it was because i was blind i was from a quarter environment and. they probably felt like i was going to end up just like other people i mean i'm looking to come in is. i mean i don't believe that is it oh the last of the group of people to sit here and say what was right for a lot of those. when the jencks movement began in america americans thought of this is a very hopeful sign it's. there wasn't much talk of sterilization there was much
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attention though to better breeding and so the word eugenics became very popular. in genesis at the time was understood to be the science and given that this was a science. fair day the polar philanthropy. were interested in general in supporting the development of good science. andrew carnegie gave money to five hundred universities colleges and institutions in all he gave away over to one hundred million not. the list is long of those who at the beginning of the twentieth century put their hopes in this new science coming straight from europe. towards the end of his life darwin became worried a dark future way to humanity where in our civilisation the process of natural
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selection doesn't play a role. what's more the renewing of our population is due more to the lower class rather than the middle or higher class. cult and darwin's cousin created in one thousand nine hundred three the word eugenics the science of genetic breeding. news and usually the. good it did because of its human. only get a book or mean of some remote that he needs me can that the positive listener division is open usually as a developer. a simple prayer that all quit and go in the would do would be nice to console the fjeld who would know the button if i did that the shipping. from one thousand nine hundred. the first was created in berlin in one thousand
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and five by the dr put in a psychiatrist. it was the movement for racial hygiene. racial hygiene was designed to prevent weakness illness disability and for the unfit to reproduce. i don't forgive were killed in addition and i saw death in the year closer to dizzy about others and it is you something of our. love for your son. this young creature want to see the. women through your. own this was hit. you need a couple or there's an ass some oh i'm going to discourage teaneck through the years like to act introducing a new national committee. you can manage you because martin pretty. one thousand. and one i thought. the english eugenics
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organization presided over by one of darwin sons was founded in one thousand and seven. the novelist h.g. wells wrote that year. our duty is to inquire what this utopia will make of the infirm the idiots and the mad. the drunkards the mean and the stupid too stupid to be of use to society we need to resort to a type of surgery on society. it was in the united states that the first sterilization laws appeared in one thousand and seven . in one thousand ten close to new york the eugenics record office became the center for american eugenics research. the institution that emerged still exists today. what is called spring harbor laboratory now. one of the most distinguished
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laboratories for the pursuit of molecular biology and molecular genetics in the world i just want to films of from a building of. a record of his church. right. but it's an story called the commentary it's not about the present which. they are embarrassed by i think they should live more comfortably with it because it doesn't characterize calls for garber today by any means and they should say this is what went on there it was wrong and we're now going past it now for more than half a well more than half a century when the eugenics record office was founded in one thousand nine hundred it was meant to be a place where people studied families. charles
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davenport who was the director was focused like his hero francis galton on family traits. they look for families they call degenerate. so families where there was alcoholism families where there were so called keep in mind that families where there illegitimacy are families where there was prostitution and what have you and then they would do interviews and ask about the parents and the grandparents but this was a pedigree chart of the famous jukes family and it got so large that they decided to make it in a circle because they could contain more people this way. and what was. it was made to show that some nine hundred individuals who ended up in the
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prisons of new york were descended from the same woman margaret the mother of criminals. carry loughlin had projected that we needed to be fifteen million american sterilized. in one nine hundred fourteen aloft and was asked to write a model. and harry loughlin said this law should use to sterilise ten perhaps sistine million people represent the bottom tenth of the american population. and when the newspapers picked up the headline people and the reaction. was strong against him. this plan was really
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to simply eliminate people who would cause social costs like crime and poverty. and we thought you could do that if you just didn't let people have children. when virginia passed in sterilization law in nineteen twenty four there was a need to see whether it would be upheld by courts of the united states. and some of the doctors at the bridge in the county for me coming to see finding an institution near lynchburg virginia shows a young lady named carrie bach is the first person to be sterilized. i met her in one nine hundred eighty three and she told me how she had been falsely accused of being promiscuous of being an unfit mother a big moral degenerate. when we
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asked to film the former institution where carrie puck found herself we were told that most of the building no longer existed. but in going to see it ourselves it seems that the building is in fact still there. the evidence was that carries feebleminded this was inherited this was determined by giving an i.q. test to her mother who also had been in the virginia colony she flunked. and to carry who also failed it and she had a illegitimate daughter named vivian who was then about six or eight months old and the nurse said that she seemed to be feeble minded as well. first it went to the virginia court of appeals and then it went to the united states supreme court the decision was rendered in one nine hundred twenty seven by justice all over one of the homes junior who was rich. guarded as one of the great
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progressive justices in the united states and so he said in the end three generations of imbeciles or enough kerry's mother kerry in the. car. it was terrible take families very hard to take a look once again took so long here there's a plant life that you never had sex with that make their lives so that you want. to see if it was. safe.
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if . she was your language. of choice make a widow in a financial center today still some of the. treatments that the concentric circles choose to opinions that immigrate to. choose to stories could impact your life if you choose the access to your office. i know c.n.n. the m.s.m. b.c. fox news have taken some not slightly but the fact is i admire their commitment to cover all sides of the story just in case one of them happens to be accurate. that
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was funny but it's close and for the troops in the might think. it's because one full attention and the mainstream media work side by side the joke is actually on here. and our teen years we have a different breed. ok oh yeah because the news of the world just is not this funny i'm not laughing dammit i'm not god. i've. got a set of jokes that will hand out to me that i'm. kara buck was sterilized at the lynchburg colony and thousands of people were sterilized
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there after her. more than eight thousand people in virginia were sterilized under the generous laws more than twenty thousand california and the rest of the united states as many as sixty thousand people were sterilized. it's always surprising to me a few people actually have heard this story it's not something we're proud of in america. she equal to the men come from but we need to do everything that so that group to do this is the way to absolutely by these people to do that we'll consider you know that it was if you do it. you know we don't like you know this is the do not believe me no do it up and see who's a nice to these and then in the solving of solve these means of solving.
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that. in one thousand thirty one the psychiatrist co-founder of the racial hygiene organization became director of the psychiatric institute in munich he also became one of the three authors of the nazi eugenic love july nine hundred thirty three thousand to doorstops a typical unique. because immortal soul you know you can prove he was on the whistle to get you. also in one thousand twenty five this institute was one of the biggest investments of the rockefeller foundation in europe aka fill up on patients shifted into something that from thousands. he says house wants him who often sponsored him so much you. know in this fashion this program. in clean sweep i mean i mean for this recruitment year in the pick up the house
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film vacation i mean for to skinny to. pay the interest do you think you should cancun and how. he's only doing that will scheffer honest you know phonies show up because when you're going to perceive i'm going to put it on you know to really put it down sure. it's a great book and i paid all the astronaut that i would have to do this be don't think my presence and you need sound off get on a sudden pee pee pee on the sunni come with me and i don't wanna see community talk on the route and you get what you like i mean people and then it. looks good on the self really plenty more judicious media yeah and it could be happy to have it connected because let remained. the same at all never put the other was at least essential s.t.'s your. design to do. the math here
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because excel help us i conquer most americans. the germans. took. inspiration from the american law from both. establishing their own sterilization law. the law for the prevention of hereditary disease da spring was passed on the fourteenth of july nine hundred thirty three conditions such as mentally disturbed schizophrenia depressed deaf disabled alcoholics were targeted by the law. tribunal's on hereditary health were set up composed of two doctors and a judge. under the nazi regime they carried out the forced sterilization of four hundred thousand people.
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see the immense. dimension tungstens importance in fathom. just mention them into your mouth so i'm certain you're all those close to your to of most excellent would be done to guns cause of hope and yeah so when i'm just as. distant as yet because of thoughts because it's actually does not think i don't sleep let's imagine prison please enough out isn't any good interview. for the bunny seamanship to do it just so they can learn to google he hopes talks on the
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watch i'm tough took some spunk you have a good chap you have up this mark nuff get funding for good norman an interview before he could lie detector. in stupid movie. and go bought and then once he. did not called ats in the not good clark. of them a valve woman had my birth but. it's the so. called. sort of a few of us like in. south africa know me one of the four of them. lord why it is of. one dish with hundred coke me because i probably don't want their window shoot through flu thought very on purpose to live that this
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isn't one period that i did it is the kind of control freak are. there's hired mitt so. why is. it then it's. good nobody could open but my limber mark would remind the. sheets of. us in van to sit for us we are interested in the new office and the ignores indian didn't auction off after all of this is. the hope this is just one mixed of it. being any more fiction for vendetta or more can consider kind of cotillion fest of others or mint condition after eyes on to see friends after spirited logically desired your can was a. given listen yeah yeah neither of us got it we've
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. seen a shift. these are. the weak. with the rockefeller foundation. if they can. national incident six and the i.c. six is down to crafting the work at a foundation to us. ken. i. don't i'm funny is that it's kind of a nothing you give you some stuff it's on the other don't know it's also and it felt on. the nail eighteen months old and it's not sanaa is it so this. we are not alone was the propaganda carried out by the nazis in one nine hundred thirty six. if the eugenic laws didn't end up being adopted by the english government despite several attempts by catholic countries after the pope intervened
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in one thousand nine hundred eighty they were in fact at the time of the berlin olympic games being enforced in the united states in denmark and switzerland finland norway and in sweden. it was a nine hundred thirty six with the nazi shot the eugenic propaganda film called crunk on hereditary diseases. is here you can put you on the next to take out i think cities buzz about in the film. we want to lose you when one side community is this you know all the she's
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going to need them all. home and dome yet they're going to need it. said on step three yawn still in the state it is this young girl is the. most up on seekers sophistry for passing it up. in fairly not a booklet is us didn't stiff it is a skill i put them aside. love to play a lot of overtime pick up on looked on as. the loss of on the stove easier to topple a sickly secreted out of control the nipple so that i don't see some sort of here and there when. it's here
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for tear garden street in berlin that the administrative headquarters of bt for program is found. the patients were selected based on their medical records. to begin the highland fling on star trek. it's skin theater business and deserve to minimize the damage done to it in an oven very few mouse clicks given even i thought she and i only. the parts he couldn't i was an alibi hadn't gotten. on the destruction. of the transporter front but in terms of study thirty thousand.
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and here mitch frankincense standing at new magazine that anybody for dealing. mythical with. the young man's mind must have been turfed if you run betty and i've gotten stuck. being. so well get. up transported to. this leak in the student loans and saxon and i don't fully understand. the money and the speed.
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well into the. show thirty four. billion euros she says she beats one hundred fifty million degrees with some talk among you all to sell something peaceful to france the trouble in-situ the song. we've got the future covered. dramas that can't be ignored to the. stories others the few still noticeably. so since changing the world lights now. so picture a. lot. from around the globe. up
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a very funny take no demand to credit not going to get any economic benefit in life there are. so. dead end for the muslim brotherhood in the gyptian court confirms almost two hundred members of the group will be executed their top leader. a russian border checkpoint comes under ukrainian army shelling even as a cease fire is declared. the peace plan looks more like an ultimatum. price of the world's most expensive jet it just went years behind schedule and the f. thirty five by the designer of one of america's most iconic. the gap between the rich and the poor in this country but it was one queen victoria was almost.
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