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tv   News Weekly  RT  June 22, 2014 4:44pm-5:00pm EDT

4:44 pm
course he has continued to offer though his testimony immolation to sweden would very much like to see that investigation progressed there is the possibility that if they were to interview him in the embassy they could the prosecutor could decide to drop the case given the strength of his evidence and we would like to see them at least investigate and progress that as an option otherwise of course is more than willing to answer the questions and we'd like to see insurance that he won't be sent on once the united states that assurance has not been provided so unless and until that comes he will remain inside the embassy. of the world cup in brazil russia's hopes now lying getting a victory against algeria it wasn't a great now being narrowly defeated on sunday by belgium but russian fans one of already scored an own goal after some was seen brandishing near math see banners during their side's opening match their actions could see russia then get points deducted now buffy for a lecture she ask us to go to the origins of the country's football hooliganism and how it's being tackled. showing support for your team in russia could mean
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this. or this. with your first of all in one thousand nine hundred eighty s. when spotlight was playing cisco in moscow we had a huge fight there was more than eight hundred people involved in a brawl. and that is just one of the fights vice described now a retired hooligan he says fan culture has changed massively in russia you know if you a stereotype of an english football hooligan or an italian ultras is no longer applied to us we went our own way now there are no loud criminal cases against you compared to the ninety's back in the soviet days football was considered one of the nation's prides history's best goalkeeper left the team which won the first ever european championship and the police of revolutionary managers with the break up of the soviet union football just as many other spheres of life suffered a major setback it may be a coincidence but along with these problems came. it's still unclear what caused
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this surge in violence but in recent years russian hooligans have remained visible from violent pitch invasion. and racist incidents involving swastikas in the stands near nazi views and as you know phobia are among the most debated issues but for more hooligan and found over russia's largest fan movement developed at the nih of believes the issue is often blown up in the press. who spearheaded events at the my down in ukraine some of them are in the national guard now so potentially this is a very dangerous part of society but are all for it is a pursuing a very clever strategy with communities so there's no danger from them in russia these fights happen every weekend but no one knows of them they happen out of town in forests and strictly upon agreement. the twenty thirteen movie okola footballer tells the story of a firm of hooligans consisting partially of white collar workers where death and destruction rough shoulders with love and friendship the movie slogan is we cannot
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change real life has proven they can insist osili is just a matter of whether the rest of the world will be happy with this evolution of the russian fan culture when the country hosts the next world cup in twenty eighteen. moscow. so no repeats that i know keeping an eye on the bowl juice news is up next tonight roughly about the real cost of brazil's well cup. on air and in the financial world. developments cannot stop it
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only takes no demand to credit not going to get. in life there are. those the media leave us so we leave the media. by the same motions secure. your party there's a bill. for shoes that no one is asking with to get that you deserve answers from. politics only on our team. part of. the business now like.
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dramas that can't be ignored to. stories others refuse to notice. the faces changing the world lights never felt. the old picture of today's new. pontiff from around the globe. broccoli. refuse your new songs police reports beaming forth from one into what humanity
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loves nothing more than being entertained amused entranced influencing is ruled by a popular global ritual company don't you suppose it's right place we talk so to both humans and today with volume turned up to the biggest sporting events world cup single game for souls a real person isn't a speech at lexington thrilled so joyous this will close the field speak to one of the happy people. to do what you know to ease me everything tell the one i'm not enjoying who shows up we need to fix your bodies beautifully that is. even corruption cases that when we heard about the world coming to isabella somehow and heels just put the lives of the people in need of as a had found only to be found meta but you still make some movement to keep it janja keep us hold it right there. on. stage call soccer we have been forced and restore peace please continue to enjoy
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world cup twenty four to watch this here we are taking control of brazil and you are relieved to raise it to meet the welcome back so was the world cup we all round east but you know come out and that's what camps to co-create you get this is the biggest will group who is going to believe box more than all the previous coxcomb boy seems brazilians would prefer the quality homes instead of the schools most beatles the strike team going protests would bring them or didn't throw this having massive fictions to claiming this week suppose. i didn't get the protection of it as our own prime real estate to see the world cup. it's a blueprint for the sixty's they used to take away liberties and the police surveillance special forces know what's in course to prosecute for this he's made his way to the end of the festival. with chaos and tremendous show this one.
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with a special second to be too good to be pleasing to the final whistle blower is critical these are just a piece of the benefits people comes to brazil and that is why many of us compete to host the world as well you were next to put the same pill and then me and said. pick me shows. this is like kingdom of. now hang on i'm no expert in the work to sputnik forces for was supposed to be all about and for you if you think that would cool with the world you still don't see it in. the feet you may be jumping or late given their legs a passionate way they think this but in fact the next will get beyond the. good book chatting with national sleep. yeah. i don't really believe we used to come away with the victory. points to the right you might have expected. but.
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maybe everyone we sailed through. just. by making up some crap about. the effect so i. think the main battle in the strategy should say getting. the next generation of strength will most probably become the. most priest. useful to be. kept straight became the result would be the david cameron all the best getting the. but you really give them a. cut. of the city of london and impose a big round of society can accept its place because it would cause i would take this was maybe i'm just making the city of the game but now he points to the play
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list he was a good thing kept him from getting sick to take it live it was the suckers who dominate the table including down the road people would still play or seek out the british were to go to places we use illegal surveillance of the enemy. because it broke again. to true we've scored somebody goes against america the other teams are scrambling to get to this tradition. because. the players in this game. champions. so much and nobody else around dishman is home like money on which helps. with the football job but the biggest city which displays public will be just upright and not just the money. no one to blame is the best for you would still has to. change. its name in business school
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when the other six plays the co-champions of the ok. michael i like the world climate change phrase every morning thank you so much action which will be the winning going to see our weakest status while we sleep. good luck. good luck. ok we don't. like it like. this is a cold one. you are going to this group are going to stop. this is a common thing when you. lose news.
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groups are moving slow to move. move the flow will be with us coverage of the world through especially brazil good luck to you. once this concludes you'll have to go through the admin predicaments rest assured that the bullets delivered so was a lot of support so you. recreated signals a band playing fields didn't respect the laws limits the fact that there was a legitimate like in like clearly written and known to all participants if you play by those principles not just in the stadium but say today you know a court room is boardrooms and government change visit with truly be a game changer on the world stage now when you could. get.
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so. the fact that. we're going to go digital the price is the only industry specifically mentioned in the constitution and. that's because a free and open process is critical to our democracy which albus. role. in fact the single biggest threat facing our nation today is the corporate takeover of our government and across several we've been a hydrogen right hand full of transnational corporations that will profit by destroying what our founding fathers once told us about my job market and on this
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show we reveal the big picture of what's actually going on in the world we go beyond identifying the problem trying to fix rational debate and a real discussion of critical issues facing america by a different bill ready to join the movement then welcome to the big picture. of the book. it was a terrible fate and very hard to make up for it once again so long here is a plan why have you ever had sex with the perfect hair no. matter what.
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it was. the problem. your friend posts a photo from a vacation you count for. different. the boss repeats the same old joke of course you like. your ex-girlfriend still pens tear jerking poetry keep. ignoring. your facebook.
5:00 pm
today's top stories and review the week's headlines. of ignoring a declared ceasefire as more civilian lives are lost in army attacks. gas cut off making europe. could revert. to the iraqi capital reportedly capturing three more cities on the way. troops media offices in the west bank including r.t.c. .


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