tv Sophie Co RT June 23, 2014 2:29am-3:01am EDT
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a welcome to sophie and co may sophie shevardnadze the united kingdom independence party has shocked the british establishment coming for a standing here of parliament elections good news for those who want to see the u.k. live the new well the one who founded the party isn't thrilled and is launching a new turn a day of dr alan scale at their original hero skeptic a historian turned politician and he's my guest today. european swing to the right is troubling brussels regions maverick you keep is gaining points a total all as another euro skeptic blog is propping up on the horizon this time on the left side of the political mainstream. do they have better answers when will the u.k. see the end of us territory is a british exit from the e.u. a real possibility. dr alan skat founder of the new daily party here a skeptic politicians scholar it's great to have you on our show today welcome now
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i'm just go going to go ahead and start here the one who found it u.k.'s independence party you're also its biggest critic now a days because you left it but they say are there of their highest success yet twenty. for member states in the e.u. parliament the people have voted for it are less people to be criticized as well no i think the people vote for me it is a protest vote be interested in the european parliament. be in dozens of you keep m.e.p. since going back to nine hundred ninety nine they didn't do anything constructive the just go to take the money the expenses pensions. the leader. just claim these taken over two million pounds in expenses although we hardly have a dozen key meetings he avoids key debates as did most of the others
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to piece have been put in jail for fraud. really very sad reflection of protest politics the the not very bright people vote them in breach of. the european union and its institutions are so you're saying it's a purchase vote but what about about that i mean all it comes down to is that people want change now. but the don't articulate any politics any policies. behave in the hollywood i mean they don't make a case for british. exit you would really just a bunch of not very bright people getting as much money and expenses as the as they could possibly get. their representative. of the electorate to five percent so that's about one percent of the electorate as
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a whole makes no difference to what happens in the you feed parliament where there's an overwhelming majority or federalists who treat them with contempt which they deserve and if they say they don't believe. in the european politics the european institutions that we shouldn't be there but yet. because they want to make money over the will my view now i see you're still. kind of against a or a pair problem and but and back when you were founding the u.k.p. also refused to send members to the european parliament because he didn't want to legitimize but now the euro skeptics from all over the continent are there so has your opinion changed. make no difference because in a small minority the the socialists the rules the christian democrats have an overwhelming federalist majority inside the paula would
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a lot of your skeptic group that was voted in this. is a right wing people who is islamophobia be. who don't really attract intelligent discussion or the not really the kind of people that you want to be associated with you wouldn't want joe big from hungary or new dawn from greece to even from the us and france to be represented to cause any sort of decent rational person was associated with my great fear is that ukip associated with all sorts of weird people on their own could have to google hevia merely bring the euro skeptic pools in britain and europe into disrepute and that's important because we may have a referendum here in a couple of years or britain remaining in the coming out of the european union and the danger is the extreme views not of ukip and its allies will
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undermine. the cause of britain coming up and i'm worried about now your current new deal party aims to pressure the left into your skepticism while you keep does the same thing from the right so he seems like you do need them despite loading them. oh i mean i understand i thought i mean i set up the party originally to put pressure on the conservatives who than in order to move in a euro skeptic direction and indeed the conservatives have done that and they still will probably split over the question of. david cameron may lose the election loosies prime ministership of europe the party i saw was supposed to be a mainstream rational decent democratic party appealing to the whole breadth of the british electorate all classes all races all religions and one
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looks an opinion polls of british people and their views of coming out of the e.u. up until about four years ago there was a majority about fifty five percent who said they were in favor of coming. through all the bad publicity the new kids have attracted to the races a new street was views that majority is. minority of about forty foot seven forty eight percent. my fear is that instead of the still putting pressure on the tories . the creating such as still it might be that in a very narrow for referendum they'll be so toxic the. section of the population will vote to stay in rather than support you yeah well that's why the new deal is necessary i know but whatever the reason if they would cameron has promised a referendum on british accent what do you expect from that could get there
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happening do you think it will ever take place. i think there will be a referendum in the next two three years for one thing it's quite possible that the federalists inside the european commission and the federalists inside the paula good. want to push further towards the goal of ever closer union in which case a new treaty would be required and of a new treaty is due to have to be a referendum in to be very difficult. to make that and in a referendum given political conditions in britain as cameron's own pledge of a referendum will that's entirely dependent on david cameron winning the next general election that doesn't look too like the present i'd put my money on labor just. but he might win if he wins and doesn't have a majority it's not clear he could referenda bill through. but
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what are your thoughts why would he make this promise in a first place i mean did he always at him become a genuine euro skeptic or is it really all for the votes. oh no no no david cameron has no principles. if you examine these record in speeches and what he's written over the course of his political career opportunistic contradictory. he just exist should be to be decisive no he just likes it he's not there because he has an ideology because he is of put a set of principles he's there because he wants business. so he's opportunistic and because the fish is inside the conservative party largely in the do calls well i will the rise of ukip that he made promises which he thought would start a full debate to inside the tory party. and remember you can put he got to that
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place but it you're going to go up to that situation because the lib dems were into a coalition and then though you could have no policies and the became the default party of protests which the lib dems used to be up but about that referendum just a little bit more happy that it was speaking how big of a blow what a british accent be for that european union was it would be a huge blow. it would be revolutionary and i don't think britain would be the only country to come i think would be followed by others this sumption sometimes made that if britain were to come it would be britain against the rest of the european union but the no way of knowing how much of the european union would remain i mean i think it would fall as soon afterwards it would then be an unraveling and you know you would you would melt but it could be fluid all sorts of possible
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alternative you could arise but are you sure that if britain lames they. you nobody will fill the consequences in their wallets i mean are you not fazed by the warnings of economic turmoil i'm talking inside britain of course no idea if you can make much difference we just truly do. wouldn't want to stop selling those calls and washing machines the french would still want to call itself as well i mean cheese and whatever else this will they still twice as much straws as we still today. if they wanted to trade war really seeing which wouldn't be in their interests they would suffer twice as much but quite frankly i mean i think the whole thing could be sorted smoothly and we could have and then we could all do fools. would make much difference you make it sound so is it well i'll just out there we're going to take a break now well we're back with dr alan scott scholar here a skeptic politician
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and we're back with dr alan scott here a skeptic politician historian good to have you back now i've heard you criticize you write so if that you are so on democratic bureaucratic and corrupt as you say it is why do you think most europeans will still have a favorable view of the un they don't really want you to go anywhere. but the fact is most europeans don't understand how the european union works the like the idea of being european in some sense that means that the civil law is west and knives have enlightened. but. you know if you said that any great need for the can you justify. this kind of vague things but isn't that nice to be friends with paul from in doesn't have any diplomatic influence of the world it doesn't have a democracy in it it's the democratic. very clear you know what it
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does and why it should be there why we need it you don't think it has i mean he said problematic power in the world for example cameron says that if thing u.k. we leave stay it will lose political clout on the continent are you alright with that and you certainly wouldn't be making. a decision making. mean you don't need engaged in political decision making in the e.u. if you do want to be in the e.u. should you worry about being engaged in its political decision making i'm not talking about i. am not talking about decision making i mean i'm talking about european diplomacy as a whole that makes difference on a global scale but there isn't but there isn't any european diplomacy as a whole i mean. supposed to be concentrated in the under the strange figure. who's never been elected to anything in a life and come speak french and you know it was
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a kind of joke when she first got the job as a kind of compensation to britain because they wouldn't give it any. i mean i did say well i mean europe doesn't really have much influence in the world we have no defense budgets we have no the british army and forces have been cut to nothing the french of a few troops with come do very much when they went to when we wanted to take the lead in libya britain and france to be utterly dependent on the americans and you can. still like to feel like they hear a pm leaders or even in general is utterly depending on american foreign policy or do you think europe can make its own decisions independently doesn't make any decision. and force anything i mean it doesn't really matter what european views on any of what they're going to do this is really saying the european union's and they don't listen to them should they rainy and we could we do mean if the european
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union got very upset what can you do about ukraine for example do anything to do. blunders i mean the germans and others recognize. as independent countries also in one thousand nine hundred started off the wall i mean this record that international diplomats. it talks about but in fact it doesn't really have a record. it gets money in foreign aid but. that's just taken usually by corrupt dictators and in the world now i guess i mean i can't really see. i don't see what it does i mean i don't see why we need it i've got no idea what it's supposed to be doing it's a ramshackle wannabe superpower that hasn't got any whose economy is in relative economic decline its growth rates about one percent it's all going and if. the percentage of world g.d.p. it represents is in trouble. and it's going to get.
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it's many calling me germany has a population crisis over the next few decades the german population will decline by about twenty billion they'll be as many old age pensioners and workers and the economy will sing like a stone. i mean it's true it's bleak economic the. i just don't see why people get excited about it. i want to get back to whatever it is that to mastic problems i used to have a current version of you keep this anti immigrant while your new party support certainly slow people so you understand that you regard european immigrants you don't regard to european immigrants as threat i mean for example the issue of european immigrants allegedly competing for the jobs of the british citizens is that not a problem i mean if you live in london immigration is actually viceral keeping
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on the. of transport infrastructure in terms of people working in supermarkets and in terms of postal services the of the national health service the national service couldn't survive with guns and is and it's people you know who are dependent on public transport public health public postal services who come to do these things privately the you know are dependent on the immigrants who actually work in them but. this seems to get mentioned in all the evidence it's the. consume britain contribute positively to the public. the very very much less likely than the british nationals themselves to. benefit and that is even in its politically as in london the educational standards in the schools of going up because of the presence of immigrant families and in other parts of the country
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it's clear that for the immigrants there are more jobs and more job opportunities and in areas of the country which have new immigrants but in which the fear of immigration is at its height there are fewer jobs and fewer opportunities for natives tell me what about the islamification on the country and the threat of radicalism and do you not regard that as a concern it is a growing problem throughout the year and that's perfectly true. to him the government belatedly is taking steps. but. because you are in favor of immigration for be a doesn't mean you are in favor of you had these taking over the club to not doing well one could argue you know one could find a link. between the free flow of immigrants and growing muslim population in london and hero but as far as. i know but most most yes most of these people are
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british the born in britain they have british passports and the immigrants. have been eliminated by british policy in the middle east and they have been edited by the. british society i don't know but they're here they're born here most of them the people who did the bombings and seven born here. and you come say that stopping immigration will stop this what you have to do is make sure the educate. it's see. it's so direct to the muslim children but your schools the top liberal secular values. there's a case to stop you face schools altogether one thing for example david pm urged them to but it's not legal but the sounds of the country needs to be far more mass killer in promoting british values what do you think do you believe immigrants have
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here doesn't in any way of life would depends what you mean by british values and when david cameron finds it difficult to define but we ask him when he just says things like taller and play. sings quite universal values i don't know of a what are british values for example maybe. not having sharia courts in your own country which are essentially a parallel set of laws where you think. well i agree that there's no british well you have you should be cool but david cameron's government and the eagle system is a put in the agree to them. and the government is making arrangements with. sharia looms or will find and small which is it such it could be given to muslim citizens in a way that codes was printers. aren't out about another hot topic which is to scottish referendum what do you predict for it do you think scotland
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will go it alone. well i'm scottish yourself and have a home in the scottish highlands. one of the problems of scotland is related to the e.u. . not about this the sunday times and i press this point but it doesn't really get anywhere but it's a very vital one that is the case against the scottish nationalists the independence lobby and the is the they're all fake and we alex salmond isn't promising independence all these doing is promising that scotland becomes a separate province of the european union scots would even possible european union possible scottish law would remain subordinate to you peon law scottish agricultural prices for scottish farmers will be decided in brussels scottish fish quotas for scottish fishermen would be decided in brussels scottish social policy
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the policy. soon foreign and defense policy and probably energy policy including the declining resources of school to show it would all be controlled by brussels. offering a deal whereby scotland would become like greece or portugal and you know become a minor. economy inside the european union and would have its budget if it were into the euro zone which will probably have to have its budget controlled by commissioners in brussels and by germans say he's making. small province of what the greeks already see is greater germany and he's calling this independence it's a farce but cameron and miliband and clegg can't say this because the restrictions that would remain on scotland inside the e.u. of course they support as restrictions on england and the rest of the united
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kingdom say we can't have. the proper debate and dependence because the fact that scottish independence won't exist the skeleton will just become a tiny province of the e.u. was about seven m. e p's in the european parliament as opposed to fifty six piece in the british one all of this can't be mentioned because you come to the e.u. if you're in one of the big things but just a yes or no question do you think the scots will vote yes or no. this story tony just law i think. all right al i have to go blue because. i'm sorry that's all the time we got left thank you so much i'm sorry we had to interrupt the conversation but i'm sure we're going to get a chance to talk to you more in the future maybe in september after the referendum thanks a lot for this interesting insight we're talking to dr allen scat scholar politician original founder of the united kingdom independence party and now they knew dale
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party we're talking about why they make so little difference in a european problem and also why the united kingdom should leave you that's it for this edition of soaping call i'll see you next time. if you think you. have good he was nazi germany's minister of propaganda the myths that he created exist to this day. propaganda was actually trying to denigrate other nations while at the same time
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reason ordinary german soldier students would. keep it's. precisely what the masses need to hear in order to make them follow him he was like the pied piper from the fairy tale who made grants fall to the tune of the spite of . the myths created by the chief nazi ideologist bound for tolstoy in the west we have to fight these myths today in memory of those who won in the second world war . placed six places tried to players play polo going to. play for. the taking every minute. the claim the well.
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played like the players playing the same setting all time place cases most elite players sometimes from nothing played this season to. look just keep up the story. just to be safe be a stage name take the t.v. . but speech was still play. play play welcome to the future please show thirty four can just bend over billion euros until she says should be one hundred fifty million degrees with uncle mark to tool to sell something peaceful to france the
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trouble in such a song played on we've got the future covered. your friend posts a photo from a vacation you can't afford college different. the boss repeats the same old joke of course you like. your ex-girlfriend still pens tear jerking poetry keep. ignoring. the post only what really matters. to your facebook street. dramas the truth being. stories others refuse to notice. faces change the world.
3:00 am
so picture of today's mug. from around the globe. a year since his escape from the hands of washington and a dramatic flight to russia edward snowden remains in hiding but the revelations keep coming we report on the latest. russian train is the road in eastern ukraine the last drops the tracks meanwhile he attends a video apparently showing ukrainian artillery fire close to russia's border. advance to the west the country taking control of four more times and border checkpoints we were told in the collapsing stock.
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