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tv   Headline News  RT  June 23, 2014 3:00pm-3:30pm EDT

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still with the guests that you deserve answers from. politics. tonight anti-government activists in ukraine agreed to lay down arms until friday and join kiev is proposed truce giving citizens that in the east hopes for an end to the bloody. poland's foreign minister allegedly gets called out by a leaked foul mouth conversation suggesting is nation panders to america. revelations keep coming blow bill previously champion edward snowden moxy year now since he fled to russia seeking a haven from american intelligence for vengeance. on the final bunch of syria's declared toxic arsenals been handed over it's now out of the country the global chemical weapons watchdog confirms they will now be destroyed.
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near moscow my name is kevin owen you're watching r.t. international it's good to have you with us with our top story this hour coming through in the last few hours anti-government activists in eastern ukraine have decided to join the cease fire proposed by kiev promising to lay down arms now until friday let's get more from acosta is on the line from the nets roman hi there what exactly is being decided to put more meat on the bones of this for us. well happy to say that we witnessed a first attempt at an actual dialogue between the warring sides no guns or artillery fire this time around and yes indeed the anti-government activists peoples republic of the gonski holds a republic have agreed to a cease fire which will last until it's wednesday seventh of june and till ten
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o'clock in the morning in fact the peace talks have been brokered by a trilateral up party that's goes. second president of ukraine always see representative. swiss president special envoy here and of course a russian ambassador to ukraine. now the sides the sides are hoping to continue dialogue continue consult the answer government side they have asked for a complete stop of all movements all for ukrainian government forces around ukraine they're also said they're working on a free in the always see reps here in eastern ukraine they are hoping this four day breather will give them a chance to do that as soon as possible they sides just gave statements wouldn't answer questions to the press and at the moment and of course this is all good news
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for the locals in logan. areas who have been heavily bombarded by the ukrainian army over the last few weeks this will give them a chance to send to the wounded bury their dead and of course get food and water supplies into a badly devastated region meanwhile we've heard that at least forty children have as a result have been killed as a result of this conflict some were killed by shelling some were killed as a result to direct gunfire now according to it's hard to say whether this person. or ceasefire right now with stick because we've heard from a. governor. who said he's not going to listen to court reporter sean cole and he said that say he will continue giving money to his hired guns until the situation is over now the east of ukraine is certainly heading for
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a humanitarian catastrophe would there have no drinking water there right now local officials are saying that the region is say heading for an epidemic meanwhile the activists and government activists seeing the latest moves as a good sign and of course everybody holds that this cease fire will actually stick this time around. roman culture there is a chink of light at least at the moment thanks for bringing us up to speed there from east ukraine all the activists announcement comes as president putin told on the phone with his american counterpart among other things discussing ukraine seems both sides agreed that a cease fire was vital for the country although barack obama resorted to threats again apparently promising more sanctions against moscow if the scaling back of hostilities in ukraine failed international affairs expert and sent him a curious warns that the will of the kiev government might go ignored by some radical nationalist groups. if we look at organizations like right sector which are
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apparently present in the east their paramilitary organizations they're not under the direct control of the ukrainian government frankly i doubt that the ukrainian government has much control even over groups like the national guard which are present in force in the ukraine in the eastern ukraine and which of course are recruited specifically from regions which are known to be hostile to the aspirations of the eastern ukrainians so i actually i doubt that the the government or mr poroshenko has really much control over them. while indeed a serious ukrainian nationalists have again risen in a spate of new attacks vandalizing buildings and attacking a church now read up on the latest street violence at r.t. dot com. embarrassment in poland poland's foreign ministers been secretly taped comparing his country's relationship with the us to a sexual act and it's washington that's come out on top of his word important as
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been following the embarrassing be frank diplomatic conversation. the polish government has indirectly confirm the authenticity of the leak conversations which you're talking about where we hear the foreign minister calling his country's alliance with america worthless and during the conversation foreign minister rattus love sir course he gets quite vulgar describing warsaw's relationship to washington in one which poland is the partner who's always performing sexual favors and receiving nothing in return the private conversation was first reported by. a polish magazine according to w. sikorsky goes on to say that the polish american alliance is harmful because it creates a false sense of national security he calls his government suckers for thinking that if his nation gets into a conflict with russians in germans things are going to be ok because poland
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performed a sexual favor on america so of course he's potty mouth comments are quite surprising considering that warsaw is among washington's staunchest allies as a matter of fact u.s. president barack obama was in poland three weeks ago where he. curity plans to expand military training in joint exercises exercises and in order to bolster defenses for u.s. allies now the world saw images of friendship and handshaking between the u.s. and poland at that time but clearly behind the smiles and handshakes warsaw is quite frustrated with its of barrack and partner now on monday poland's prime minister. confirm the authenticity of the lead conversation saying it would not force him to make any cabinet changes this of course isn't the first time we've heard a colorful language used by the u.s. and its european allies back in february our viewers may remember that assistant
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secretary of state victoria nuland dropped the f. bomb when dismissing the european union's involvement in the ukraine crisis so that would be great i think to blue this thing and have the u.n. help glue it and you know the e.u. . now clearly every fan friendship has its problems but when it comes to relations between the u.s. and europe critics say that the alliance may not be as strong as it appears to be on the surface seems so does know it will political saw and. told the polish public already of the relations with neighbors as the road of late. let me stories which is obvious for for everyone here in poland for most of the analysts as does voiced the opinion which is shared by most of the population here i would like also to add to that because king also what he is talking about because for a long time he has been per person here in poland as american agent of influence so
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i hope that the progress of poland in russia in france in germany will at least now that the polish politicians understand the real natural relations between us and poland just ahead tonight britain knows that hundreds of its homegrown jihadists are fighting abroad so why is it that cutting the counted terror budget by our officials warn that the threat of attack on british soil is at its greatest in nearly a decade yet a specialist unit has been cut but we bring you reaction from a former u.k. intelligence officer about that ahead. but next is revelations shook some of the fundamental bonds between citizens and the state but instead of a nobel prize his efforts earned him a top place on america's most wanted list it's a year to the day though since former n.s.a. employee would snowden landed here in russia is asylum ends next month and still no clear what's next for him while his whereabouts still remain secret ego piskun off
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looks and host snowden managed to slip through washington's fingers even though the world was watching. c.n.n. now has the word that edward snowden has left hong kong there are many questions about why snowden is able to stay one step ahead of american authorities snowden is reported to be on a flight to moscow in the arrivals hall of moscow's airport sector a terminal on june twenty third two thousand and thirteen this is where that flight from hong kong with edward snowden on board arrived. these doors were surrounded by a whole army of journalists with cameras and microphones broadcasting the life pictures of everything that was going on here but when the last passenger finally came out and there was still no sign of them became clear the next most probable place there could be if not here then inside the transit zone. the american whistleblower edward snowden is thought to be in moscow airport it looks like
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snowden is spending the night in the transit area of moscow's sheremetyevo airport but all indications are that he's about one hundred meters away from where i'm standing it journalists photographers t.v. radio press agencies you name it and everyone was looking for snowden everywhere in every corner in every bathroom in v.a.p. rooms even under seats but no one could find him but soon information quickly spread that it was inside the capsule hotel right here in the transit zone that the former n.s.a. contractor was in. so as all this chaos was happening outside the hotel most wakely edward snowden was sitting in one of these rooms planning his further actions the plans that no one guessed in the end it became known that snowden and his advisor had been checked in for a flight to cuba so naturally dozens of us rushed to get on that flight some even coughed up the cash for business class hoping for an exclusive interview but once again the former n.s.a. contractor. let's cross now to our team who is aboard the flight so you're gore
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you're joining us by phone. tell us what you can see on the plane is snowed in there or is there no sign of a. remarkable just watched the. crew actually now taxiing onto the earth strip. about. one hundred percent one hundred fifty percent. not on this plane the plane packed with journalists took off with the two seats or where julie booked for snowden his advisor still empty so what we thought might be the end of the russian chapter for snowden was actually just the beginning after spending weeks in that transit zone the whistleblower finally received temporary asylum in russia where he is to be but even a year on security and safety concerns mean exact whereabouts or still shrouded in secrecy is going to moscow. but of course who can forget those headlines remember
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them america's national security agency collecting thousands of e-mails annually would have brought britain's g c h q getting its eyes through the privacy walls of facebook google and twitter accounts and the german intelligence used the n.s.a. spy program that revelation and so they kept on piling up piling embarrassment onto the united states and britain for their ongoing spy program it was a real wake up call wasn't it for us last year or so what do we learn about information that's supposed to be private well we learned that if you're an american for sure your phone and video calls as well as your e-mails could be routinely intercepted by special services if they wanted to here's another thing too if you trusted your private data with google yahoo or facebook that might again that the government could look at it to get hold of that information and access it if they wanted to if being a president wouldn't help remember that they grounded the plane of the bolivian president evo morales didn't they because they thought that snowden was on board
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their press freedom got swept aside when government reputations were at stake the guardian newspaper made. newspaper became the target of police raids for publishing the revelations and something else we learned as well friends do spy on friends well maybe not us but in those ranks they do the n.s.a. has been tapping into germany's angela merkel's phone but embarrassing them for bulletin a full term the latest snowden leak shows that germany had actually been a launch pad for america's espionage in europe peter all of us got more on that story over the last twelve months edward snowden's revelations of showing that not only is germany at the very heart of the n.s.a. surveillance program but that the germans themselves are among the most spied on and listened to in the world with millions of data connections being tracked putting them alongside the likes of afghanistan and iraq and it's not just those suspected of having committed a crime that is being snooped on here in the german chancellor rhee there was
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a breach of security when it was revealed that angela merkel's private cell phone it being listened in to by the americans prompting a few angry phone calls and general all round embarrassment it now seems unlikely there will be a full investigation into what went on leaked n.s.a. documents talk about an intimate relationship between the german and us government something which is upset people here because they fear they'll never find out the true scope of the snooping that went on and how involved germany was in spying on its own people. peter all over syria has reached a significant milestone on the road to destroy its chemical weapons it's no handed over all of the toxic material it declared to the organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons and he's really been following the story. the road to disarmament has been rather rocky for syria of course according to your p c w the deal which was brokered by russia with their participation from the us in september of last year has been largely fulfilled by the syrian officials according
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to the organization for prohibition of chemical weapons the syrian government has been very instrumental in organizing the shipment and destruction of chemical weapons they have been doing their job for their part of course considering the fact that there is a civil war going on in syria at the moment the process hasn't been going down very smoothly with some deadlines being of course missed by this syrian officials however by this point we can talk about the fact that all of syria's chemical stockpile has been removed from the country of course there is still a rather lengthy process of destruction going on but we are we are essentially in the homestretch of the entire syrian chemical disarmament process political analysts journalist glazebrook believes that syria's ability to stick to the terms of disarmament during these troubled times is therefore a positive sign. this is a huge amount of pride to. look a cross
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a war zone. and get out. of what. it looks skepticism about whether we don't. think this is a testament to continue to organizational are still. there is a lot of this is really trying to be unrealistic and yet. or less largely. i'm kevin i want you to stay with me after the break we'll look at why the u.s. agree state paid another man's to visit to baghdad with the erupting violence on his doorstep. i told him a language of what i will only react to situations i have read the reports from. the pollution and no i will leave that state park comment on your latter point. to
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carry out a cause are you talking now because. you know more recently. when you made a direct question the prepared for a change when you should be ready for a. freedom of speech little doubt the freedom to. dramas to be ignored. stories others who refuse to notice. faces change the world right. so picture. from around the globe. looks. to me.
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britain's foreign offices have the budget for its overseas counter-terrorism unit which is one of its biggest specialist air is from manual thirty million pounds to fifteen million that's despite warnings by officials saying that the u.k. faces the most severe threat from terror groups abroad since the london bombings of two thousand and five one former army officer and counterterrorism intelligence officer told me that the budget cut is set to eliminate any hope that of tracking the growing threat of terrorist of tux. i don't think there's any chance whatsoever that m i six m i five with the resources that has always been with any argument for increased resources to keep an eye to track all of these individuals one really has to wonder about the effects of british policy on creating the situation in the first place it's very notable that it's really only in the last few months really since the domestic security services and police services started warning of this
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danger of blowback to britain and other countries that any serious efforts have been made by the british authorities it's actually tackled the issue which is jihad is going out to fight in syria. taken measures to stop these people carrying out crimes atrocities war crimes certainly in syria up to two years ago maybe. not so many and something for five hundred people would have been encouraged to have gone in the way that i clearly have been. america's promising intense and sustained support for the iraqi army in the battle against isis militants the pledge came from the u.s. secretary of state during a surprise visit to baghdad where he also urged iraqi leaders to waste no time in forming a more inclusive government and the latest wave of violence there at least seventy prisoners were killed budget how this as they attacked a police convoy near the capital isis is also seize the strategic shia majority town of tal afar and control the airport hundreds of iraqi soldiers according to prime minister maliki have died at the hands over insurgents. reports next than on
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the sectarian divisions tearing the country and. i the march on baghdad for now on hold instead of just harvest fighters grip on western iraq this weekend's gains three border crossings interest syria and jordan and four nearby towns territory now for only in the hands of insurgents from the islamic state in iraq and syria. despite. chaos spreading across the country an eerie calm in the kurdish capital the city is just sixty kilometers from the isis front line but it downtown erbil it was business as usual kurdistan has often felt like a separate country altogether even at the height of iraq's most violence and bloodiest moments now with the current crisis treading the country to pieces it's closer than ever to becoming one kurdish soldiers are now in control of territory
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that used to be disputed but no one here seems to think that just hardest would dare march on them. but i have full faith in the forces the one lets anything happen. for some the prospect of a divided or rock was a welcome one do you think that iraq will remain one country as we know what's after this crisis maybe it may be that iraq will have to be divided will have area and the sunnis and shias will have there is no one in kurdistan is more and we have oil we have a strong army. they may help or oil but fuel is running scarce for days now iraqi forces battled with isis for control of the country's largest oil refinery this is one of the first things you notice here in our build these massive gas lines some of the cars have been here for hours since the morning many people in fact camped out overnight to try to get in line so they can get gas frustrated residents line up to get their share authorities have limited each
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individual to thirty leaders that's less than what it takes to fill two tanks the people we've spoken to said there haven't been lines like this for fuel since the outbreak of the u.s. led invasion back in two thousand and three and although there are shortages here in erbil parts of northern iraq have run out of gas even on the black market and so people are stocking up they say that they don't know what the ring of the fear is but it's a lot worse before it gets better that's a sentiment we've heard from many here and it's not just a knees fleeing the violence we encountered shia refugees to talk don't don't see job or came here six days ago from baghdad in baghdad the situation has gone from bad to worse and people are arming themselves in getting ready to fight one another all they see in the future is bloodshed and violence if something doesn't change iraq will be a country of orphans and we don't like to see caffein of erbil iraq. scotland
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is preparing to mark seven hundred years since it secured a long stretch of independence from england in the battle of ballot because this year the country is again vying for independence this time around though its fate hopefully will be decided not for a war but by a referendum in september with decision day getting ever closer artie's polyploidy reports next on how the u.k. government striving to remind scots of what's at stake. frannie scott still undecided about which way to vote come september a new brochure is about to land on every single doorstep in scotland setting out the british government's argument for the united kingdom to stay united forever on else antti has done the hard work and summed it all up for you it begins with an issue that central to the debate the pound to the british government insists staying in the u.k. is the only way scotland can keep the scottish pound the argument goes that a bigger britain means a bigger economy with the u.k.
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scouts helping to keep interest rates low saving secure and energy bills cheap next scotland uses many of the u.k.'s public bodies from the departments that issue driving licenses for example to the passport office the national lottery and the b.b.c. leaving the u.k. would mean setting up a new scottish equivalent from scratch and true to its roots as the home of the gentlemen's club the u.k. is the only country in the world that can boast membership of nato the e.u. the commonwealth the g seven the g eight and the g twenty if scotland decides to go solo its name will be struck off a lot of guest lists and the british government points out it was planning to devolve more power to the scottish parliament from next year anyway from twenty fifteen the scottish parliament will get more powers to set tax rates and decide if and when to borrow money even if it's not independent lilly's it also points out that the u.k. represents goatish interests abroad take for example scottish whiskey four billion
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pounds of the stuff was exported last year but if scotland whisks itself away from the union it would have a small a network of embassies promoting it spirals abroad business could suffer which could leave the industry nursing an independence hangover the scottish government told r.t. that it won't be posting its owed pro independence brochures in. bunce anyone interested in the scottish government's believe for independence can request a copy of the white paper where their plans are will set out. well at the moment it looks like the majority of the scottish people are still afraid of losing global influence and would prefer to stay in the u.k. but with the yes or no campaigns in full swing support for independents is steadily growing currently more the third of scots say they're willing to say yes to independence now while the pro-union camp gets busy trying to persuade people with brochures pointing out the benefits of staying together the independence of
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a kits is setting up their stall as well they say an independent scotland will have its own laws and be able to dictate its own foreign policy also this could be rid of nuclear weapons from its territory and the separatists campaigners believe that keeping north sea oil revenues within scotland and rejecting the u.k.'s austerity policies would boost the home economy we've been getting opinions from both the year cern the no camps for you i think it stands to gain control of resources which are badly spent at the moment even from a standing start we're doing incredibly well you can only indicate as of exactly positive with the u.k. with oil and gas with oil and gas we're doing extremely well what they're trying to convince the scottish people is that by being independent they can actually run and control their own laws that it's not true all they're doing is shifting the power that they share in the scottish people show in the u.k. parliament to actually having very little power in the european union they would
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also have to have the euro so there's no question about the pound anymore we'll be tracking that as we head towards september things will be without international viewers appreciate the company coming up after the break crosstalk on how much the roots of the rocks current crisis like cross the atlantic and for the u.k. good evening get ready to go on the ground with afshin returns and enjoy. his name was joseph he was nazi germany's minister of propaganda the myths that he created exist to this day. propaganda was actually trying to denigrate other nations while at the same time raising ordinary german soldier students who would. keep its use of goebbels knew
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precisely what the masses need to hear in order to make them follow him he was like the pipe paper from the fairy tale that made the rats follow the chain of the spite of. the myths created by the chief nazi ideologist bound for tal saw in the west we have to fight these myths today in memory of those who walk in the second world war . will come to the truth movement show thirty four can just bend over fifteen billion euros she says should reach one hundred fifty million degrees become talk a mock the cells from same piece go to france the trouble in search of a song. we've got the future coverage. for your friend post a photo from a vacation you can.


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