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tv   Headline News  RT  June 23, 2014 4:00pm-4:30pm EDT

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to keep them tocome our fuel cells from st petersburg to france the trouble in situ so. we've got the future. coming up on our t.v. iraq's military forces continue to struggle in the face of growing isis control inside their country r.t. has a crew in iraq for an on the ground report on the violence in that war torn country . and in eastern ukraine anti kiev activists have agreed to a cease fire this is after months of clashes in the divided ukraine more on that coming up. and the world cup continues after this weekend's game as teams usa and russia face some serious competition as fans from around the world watch we'll take you to the action later in the show.
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it's monday june twenty third four pm in washington d.c. i'm a military man you're watching r t america. u.s. secretary of state john kerry is in baghdad today where he met with iraqi officials as the isis militants continue their push into baghdad despite that secretary kerry says that president obama has prepared a quote range of options for iraq in cairo before traveling to iraq kerry had this to say about the present state of both libya and iraq the united states of america is not responsible for what happened in libya nor is it responsible for what is happening in iraq today the united states shed blood and worked hard for years to provide iraqis the opportunity to have their own governments meanwhile back
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stateside senator rand paul is weighing in on the subject that kentucky senator feels that the u.s. has turned parts of the middle east into quote a jihad just wonderland take a listen we went into libya we got rid of that terrible could offer you know what should she hardish wonderland over there is she ought to everywhere if we were to get rid of assad it would be a jihad is wonderland in syria it's now a jihadist wonderland in iraq because we got overinvolved when he was referencing the overthrow of moammar gadhafi in libya now while both political parties point fingers at one another for the mess that is our iraq policy new poll numbers show that president obama's disapproval numbers are the same as president george w. bush's during his handling of the iraq war now our tease lucy catherine is in iraq she's one of the few reporters traveling outside of the green zone in baghdad here
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is her report on the unrest and golf in that country. the march on baghdad for now on hold instead just hottest fighters tightened their grip on western iraq this weekend's gains three border crossings into syria and jordan and for nearby towns territory now for only in the hands of insurgents from the islamic state in iraq and syria. despite the chaos spreading across the country and eerie calm in the kurdish capital the city is just sixty kilometers from the isis front line but it downtown erbil it was business as usual kurdistan has often felt like a separate country altogether even at the height of iraq's most violence and bloodiest moments now with the current crisis threading the country to pieces it's closer than ever to becoming one kurdish soldiers are now in control of territory that used to be disputed but no one here seems to think that the hardest would dare
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march on them but i have full faith in the forty's we won let's anything happen. for some the prospect of a divided iraq was a welcome one do you think that iraq will remain one country as we know what's after this crisis may be this it may be that iraq will have to be divided will have area and the sunnis and shias will have there is no one in kurdistan is worried we have oil we have a strong army. they may help or oil but fuel is running scarce for days now iraqi forces battled with isis for control of the country's largest oil refinery this is one of the first things you notice here in erbil these massive gas lines sell the cars have been here for hours since the morning many people in fact camped out overnight to try to get online so they can get gas frustrated residents line up to get their share authorities have limited each individual to
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thirty leaders that's less than what it takes to fill two tanks. were seen entering their newly purchased supply into containers in order to go back for more it's a very unusual situation where it's kurdish police officers guarding the gas stations here just to prevent fights and conflict from breaking out the people we've spoken to said there haven't been lines like this for fuel since the outbreak of the u.s. led invasion back in two thousand and three and although there are shortages here in arbil parts of northern iraq have run out of gasoline on the black market and so people are stocking up they say that they don't know what will bring the fear is that it will get a lot worse before it gets better. that's a sentiment we heard from many here this man fled the sunni dominated and our province it's not ice is that he was afraid of that argument is that because we're scared of shelling from the iraqi army. and it's not just a nice fleeing the violence we encountered shia refugees to octo gonzi job or came
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here six days ago from baghdad in baghdad the situation has gone. from bad to worse people are arming themselves getting ready to fight one another only the future is bloodshed you know i was if something doesn't change iraq will be a country of orphans and widows. of erbil iraq. now with all eyes on iraq and the u.s. military advisers that are en route isis has taken to youtube to fill their rakes with some very unexpected members one being from the united states in a highly stylised recruitment video called there is no life without jihad led by abu mortada al yemeni reportedly a british citizen isis states that they have brothers joining their cause from all over the globe take a listen this is the learn of jihad and the land of the land of living we have
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brothers from bangladesh from come boudia. you nothing has got to except to make a lot of those with the highest we understand no borders. we have participated in battles in the show and we will go through it all in a few days and we will fight to be vanilla and come back and we will even go to jordan eleven on with no problems what about want to send this. you tube has since removed this isis recruitment video but as anything else on the internet it's out there and plenty of people have reposed of it earlier i was joined by r t correspondent sara firth from our london bureau i first asked her how effective the video has been in recruiting fighters from abroad. well absolutely in that video it's a professional piece of propaganda the can hear these british accents is still filmed in syria but you can hear the fight is saying that they'll be taking that light to iraq and now we seem this tactic from isis the social media by extremists is
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nothing new but i think the extent to which isis has been successful with their use of their social media campaigns and with videos like this has really been what's called the attention now as the u.s. is porson to remember that all day isis is hit the headlines in the past couple of weeks they haven't come from nowhere this is a group that has been operating for a long while now and it's important we remember that when we're talking about foreign fighters in particular and the success that they've had of recruiting westerners and from here british people we've gone supply it's a broad because we've seen people from britain traveling out to syria for the last couple of years is only been recently that we've really seen british security forces focus in on this issue and indeed it was only last week that the british government added isis to the list of prescribed terror groups so this is been going on for a while now isis hasn't come from nowhere and so i think it's important that we
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remember that in talking about the successes how right they are there not brand new element but of course we have seen that message really hitting the mainstream absolutely now speaking of the british government and david cameron has echoed the sentiments of new york city's counterterrorism chief john miller in that they have fears that these recruits will come back and commit jihad at home has there been any evidence of this happening is this a valid fear or will this is the real concern internationally is that fear of blowback once a store and buy to return home we've already seen threats emerging on social media from some of these. yes those threats of very really got to look at the scale of foreign fighters that have gone to syria now potentially some of them crossing over to iraq is thought of around twelve thousand burnt biters around three thousand of the thoughts to be from europe and here's the u.k.
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government estimate at the moment putting the number of people who've gone to fight in syria four hundred although there's lots of speculation that the real figure in fact could be much higher than that as well so if there is real concern here about what will happen if when these people return and we spoke to a counterterrorism expert in the head the other day and he said look this is another important distinction to make not everyone who has gone to syria has gone to fight and equally not everyone coming back he's been fighting in syria and potentially iraq is going to be a terrorist or pose the same level of terror threats that. he said to us that small percentages of small percentages big given that the numbers of foreign fighters that have gone across to this conflict a slave big of course those small percentages actually depot is a very significant threat and it's going to be a massive task for the security forces not just in britain but internationally to really focus in and ensure that no one slips through the net because of course what
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all the governments know is that it only takes one person to carry out a significant terror attack and you know the level of damage can be absolutely must that that's what they're going to want to avoid and that is going to be what preserve a real challenge now earlier you mentioned that isis has been very prolific in their use of social media can you tell us a little bit more about this isis p.r. push as it appears and their use of social media what else are they doing as he said i mean the use of social media by extremist groups is nothing new but we have seen isis have huge success with their campaign and i think really at the heart of that success is that they've been able to take. message mainstream and you look at the images and the video is that isis has put out a really horrifying images of some of the alleged attacks that they've been carrying out but yet they've managed to strike a chord with the mainstream audience we've seen
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a lot of pro isis supports online and i think that's really a cause for concern because it is targeting these young people it's having an impact on these young people disenchanted people in the west and say that really is a cause for concern and it's what counterterrorism experts are saying here is that we now really need to focus on the counter narratives especially in the west to counter that message to counter that success that isis has had online now it appears that this abu al yemeni he's become the face of this western recruiting effort can you tell us a little bit about who he is what his appeal i mean apart from being young and of course the other men that are in the recruiting video all just as young can you tell us a little bit about. yemenis appeal will this is the young student from cardiff he's been identified as one of the speakers in that video. yes i mean
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it's incredibly disturbing to watch it obviously you have got a very young british national he's over there now he's giving that message even though the people back in the west calling on them to come and joining in the fight you know the heart of this is i says one thing to establish an islamic caliphate this isn't just folks from syria or iraq they're saying that is just the beginning and we've heard this message repeatedly in a lot of the videos that are out there that are especially focusing on the west today they're saying to the young people back here leave your cars leave your money leave your women you know come enjoying this holy war as they think that they are fighting it's really disturbing because of course that is having its time. getting the disenchanted people back here in the west people who are young who are possibly confused about their was the identity and the people who are going to be vulnerable and then susceptible of course to going out now the same time what you've had a for the past couple of years is certainly here in the u.k.
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the narrative coming from the british government has been extremely confusing a couple of years ago in fact more recently than that i'd say up till a couple of months ago you had very strong rhetoric from the british government talking about the assad regime the blood on their hands and you know the rebels there needing support and there wasn't the context of the new ones given to the detail of who these rebel groups were of course you had to just middle position but you also had greats like isis operating there now what you have with iraq is the rebels isis who were operating in in syria who were part of this rebel group that we thought we were on their side of now in iraq are the enemy at so it's incredibly confusing for people i think here in the west and a lot of these very young people don't have perhaps a level of understanding about these groups what they're really fighting for they think they're going over to fight the good fight and actually they're ending up
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employers in a very very extreme groups like isis and as he said they you know who are thick images coming out of some of the activities they've been carrying out on the ground horrific indeed thank you so much that was our tears sara first from our london studio thank you. and with so many armed conflicts stretched across the globe a shocking new report from the united nations is shedding some light on the human cost of war according to the united nations high commissioner for refugees there are over fifty million refugees across the globe the last time the world has seen this many displaced persons was during world war two artes policy player has more on this astonishing report. the united nations high commissioner for refugees report says at that refutes the figures have passed the fifty million mark for the first time since the second world war now the exact figure stands at some fifty one point two million refugees asylum seekers and internally displaced people what this
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means is that if they had their own country this would be the twenty fourth most populous country in the world and if we unpack those figures even further it is f a go of thirty two thousand two hundred people who are being forced to flee their homes each and every day now this experimental rise has resulted in host countries and aids organizations being stretched to breaking point the increase since two thousand and twelve is largely because of the syrian crisis here we've seen two point five million syrians who have been forced to flee across the border and an additional six and a half million syrians who are internally displaced aside from syria you also have countries like afghanistan and somalia these three countries together account for hoff the total number of refugees and internally displaced people now the reasons why the situation has arisen of are of course numerous people are fleeing because
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of a war situation because of food insecurity because of climate change population growth urbanization water scarcity and often times these reasons feed off one another the main host countries are pakistan iran lebanon jordan and turkey but the problem is that these host countries and humanitarian organizations are having a tough time of keeping up with the influx of refugees humanitarian organizations are not a long term solution they are there only to help the refugees as much as they can in the interim and as this report outlines the long term solution needs to be a political one now the most vulnerable of the refugees are of course the children but what is particularly. oring is that more than hoff of the refugees are children they often travel alone or in groups and they risk for lng into the clutches of people traffickers the united states at this huge number of refugees has implications for both foreign aid budgets and donor nations and the absorption and
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hosting capacities of countries on the frontlines of the refugee crisis as the high commission of refugees himself stated what we are seeing here is the emergence costs of not ending wars or failing to resolve or prevent a conflict that was artie's policy we're. now to a major release by the u.s. government on it's a largely secretive drone program the united states court of appeals for the second circuit released a memo today that lays out the legal justification for the use of u.s. drones to kill american citizens overseas in the long awaited drone memo concerning anwar al a lockie a u.s. citizen killed in two thousand and eleven by u.s. drone strikes in yemen the united states claims that he was an al qaeda operative planning attacks on the u.s. in justifying his killings and the memo reads we do not believe that a lock is u.s.
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citizenship imposes constitutional limitations that would preclude the contemplated lethal action by the u.s. based on facts from the department of defense the cia and the intelligence community. the new memo indicates that the us military and cia had planned to capture al hakim but said it would not be feasible at that time it also acknowledges that while a strike deprives a u.s. citizen of standard due process the imminent threat of violence to other americans overwhelms that right and redacted from the forty one page long memo was an explanation into how the strikes would not violate the fourth amendment while al locky is allegedly the only american targeted by the u.s. three other citizens have been killed by u.s. drone strikes in yemen one of those was al hakim is teenage son.
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and still ahead here on our t.v. after months of clashes is there a chance for peace in the ukraine and like he has activists have agreed to a cease fire more on that after the break. on marinating in the financial world. to see these developments i mean i'm going to see them slowly take. me like they're obviously.
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be martin the stories we cover here we're not going to hear any right other big story that extra that was the same there is a reason they don't want you to not hold them aren't they telling the truth that you don't think we really know let's break the set. now to the crisis in ukraine could there finally be an end in sight the leader of the self-proclaimed the nets people's republic in eastern ukraine has agreed to a ceasefire in that region until friday the ceasefire comes with one condition key of forces must also stop the fighting are to use roman kosar of has more. no guns or artillery fire this time around and yes indeed the anti-government activists people's republic of the gonski people's republic have agreed to a cease fire which will last until it's when t seven. june and till ten o'clock in the morning in fact the sides are hoping to continue a dialogue continue consult the government side they have asked for
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a complete stop of all movements all for ukrainian government forces around ukraine they're also said they're working on a free in the always sea reps here in eastern ukraine they are hoping this four day breather will give them a chance to do that of course this is all good news for the locals in the lugansk. areas who have been heavily bombarded by the ukrainian army over the last few weeks this will give them a chance to send to the wounded bury their dead and of course get food and water supplies into a badly devastated region meanwhile we've heard that at least forty children have died as a result have been killed as a result of this conflict some were killed by shelling cell were killed as a result to direct gunfire now according to it's hard to say
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whether this particular cease fire right now with stick because we've heard from a. governor. who said he's not going to listen. and he said say he will continue money to his hired guns until the situation is over now the east of ukraine is certainly heading for a humanitarian catastrophe there they have no drinking water there right now local officials are saying that the region is heading for an epidemic meanwhile the activists and anti-government activists seeing the latest moves as a good sign and of course. everybody holds the spoiler will actually stick this side around and that was our to use roman coaster of and world cup action rolls on in brazil but the talk of the town is still the usa portugal match from sunday night team usa was just seconds away from victory but the match ended in
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a tie artie's nicklaus of donovan has more. the action continues down here in brazil all thirty two national teams have already played at least two games in this world cup some of them like spain have already played three but the truth is that for the men coached by. their game against australia was just a formality because the reigning champs were knocked out already the world cup and a flying back to spain back to madrid after a great deception it's a very different story for team usa great game against portugal it was at the end a draw but the truth is the men coached by jurgen klinsmann could have well snatched a victory but the portuguese got the qualities in the last minute of the game but still it's a very good result for the american national team now they just need a draw against germany in the last game of the group stage to go to continue into the knockout stage we spoke to some of the thousands and thousands of soccer fans that are down here in brazil and they're very optimistic we have team usa swimming
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jimmie's absolutely is so mean we need all that money as well are going to do stars . but actually history was made in the game played by portugal in the usa we had the first time out in the history of a world cup it was on the thirty ninth minutes of the first half it was very hot in the now as it's an amazonian city and the referee decided to stop the game the two three minutes and let the players drink some water before they continued with the game so as we say history be made in the world cup for the first time we have a timeout i don't want to even imagine it in the next world cup we'll have cheerleaders merger in the timeouts but that's another story as it was another story for russia they had a very disappointing results against a belgium they lost one zero again a very last minute goal to side in the game it was in the eighty eighth minute when the red devils got the goal for the victory in that game and this leaves of the
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team coach. you're bellowed a very delicate situation they need to win yes or yes they lost a game a good soldier area if they want to continue in this world cup in brazil it's actually a very thrilling world cup we've had an average of three goals per game it's the highest since nineteen fifty eight and that was artie's nicholas of donovan. and talk about taking a room service to the next level hotel in san francisco is using drones to deliver room service the qassam a drone in sausalito will use the drone to drop items off on hotel guests debts a small drone can carry up to two bottles of champagne or other treats drinks and toys but here's the catch the flying bell hop does not come cheap it will be used only for those residents who stay in the mega luxury alexandra eight suite which
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costs just ten thousand dollars a night the hotel hopes to expand the drone delivery service in the future for example it imagines if a guest is on a boat in the bay it could drop off a bottle of wine or even send over the guest sunglasses if they left it in their room and the hotel says since they've announced their drone service they have seen a spike in reservations. and boom bust is coming up next right here on r t aaron he joins us for a quick preview hey erin what do you have on the agenda today that's crazy who wants carbonated beverage delivered via drone that's a really stupid to me but anyway coming up on my show boom bust word jargon with markets with mark chandler the cheap currency strategist at brown brothers harriman is answering both my more basic questions about currency as well as the lightness and more macro currency issues and how they affect the economy then where is the u.s. economy actually headed and have we officially slayed the financial crisis beast
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marshall are back on the program to answer those questions it's all coming up the statement all right thanks for that airing q. although that does it for now i'm in the military and stay tune boom bust is coming up next. his name was use of copas he was nazi germany's minister of propaganda the mist that he created exists to this day. hubris gerbils propaganda was posing actually trying to denigrate other nations while at the same time raising ordinary german soldier steams to. keep its complete use of go bill sniff precisely what the masses need to hear in order to make them follow him he was like the kite paper from the fairy tale that made rats follow the chain of his plight. the myths created by the chief nazi ideologist found for
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thomas saw in the west we have to fight these myths today in memory of those who walked in the second world war. i would rather ask questions to people in positions of power instead of speaking on their behalf and that's why you can find my show larry king now right here on r.t. question for.


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