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tv   Keiser Report  RT  June 24, 2014 3:29pm-4:01pm EDT

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checkpoint suicide missions cities taken over and even apos states converted to the isis car. well i mean this is a perfect example of what we've been talking about capitalism has become terrorism and the so called terrorists don't see themselves as any different than goldman sachs or j.p. morgan or a month or exxon they issue their annual reports a complete with info graphics they talk about various metrics and big data and they're in the same business as halliburton or chevron and they're competing with each other in this region of iraq that they they are become the equivalent of goldman sachs in the area and we were saying this for quite some time that there really is the difference or come from the same cloth the terrorists and the bankers there they have the same mindset they're both the jihadi s. one follows out of smith one follows the qur'an they're both ideologically willing to kill themselves and others for their belief. using financial weapons of mass
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destruction or roadside bombs and makes no difference well that's kind of the foundation of all of our global trade and financial system is you know markets started back in the sixteen hundreds in the netherlands announcer down and why they were seeking funds to go off on their ships across the world and plunder other areas much like what the somali pirates are doing by the way they also have a basically stock market which sure raise funds to invest in the next venture to go out and raid some ship so here they're bragging about you know they had something they said that ten thousand operations in iraq a thousand assassinations four thousand i.e.d. eighteen suicide bombings and why they're doing this apparently is that isis is a what appears to be to demonstrate its record to potential donors which means that the glossy excerpted pages shown above are indeed nothing more than investment highlights and glossy pages of course or like the prospectus you're talking about
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but. what was shock and awe. but a weapons selling weapons around the world because remember when america announced well ahead of time they you know fox news was preparing the population well ahead of time that here is coming a big film feature film shock and awe right after that how many weapons they sell billions of dollars of the same exact weapons to other nations who wanted a similar spectacular shot at all was a weapon show and then as a result they've sold billions hundreds of billions of dollars of weapons as a result of that isis. annual report as it as it is or financial notes said this is a prelude now to an initial public offering so i would imagine that goldman sachs or j.p. morgan will take isis public i've said it many times and goldman if they had chance they would have taken its public back in the thirty's and i think that goldman given the chance now would be more than happy to take isis public they don't they don't they're the same people lloyd blankfein and whatever joining isis are
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separated at birth the socially they are twins their ideological twins are willing to kill for a net goal they believe they have some kind of biological pretext for this which is jihadi in temperament lloyd blankfein is a wall street jihadi whoever runs isis is the middle east type but does the same for the probably other probably lloyd blankfein is probably isis well actually it started before two thousand and three before the iraq invasion over in jordan they tried to overthrow jordan that didn't work and they went to iraq after the u.s. overthrew saddam hussein so they found some remember. that was him this is his group i originally then they rebranded and now they're out war over branding with al qaeda they they don't like each other because now is our harry in the mountains of pakistan is upset that these guys are getting more attention so remember in terms of enemies and and we setting enemies against each other this is good for the conflict to keep the oil well i want to have all paula said that nine eleven was
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a branding event it's. give it for five hundred thousand dollars they relaunched as yacht a brand i mean imagine a vikki if they would love to only spend five thousand dollars to relates to launch a new shoe but here for five or k. they really launched a thousand year old dormant jihadi mentality and as a branding event it was the most cost effective brand launch in history now of course to that you can see the mentality of the sort of people around the world so for the investors the people who want to invest in this sort of thing they need to show how many people they did capitated and killed for them to attract new people to their cause here are some of the headlines that involving this is jihad us and their allies in iraq and syria are posting weird cat photos online so here you see a kitty with a grenade and here is a little kitty kitty cat with a gun some sort of nine millimeter something talked to mark zuckerberg about this get it kept photos so he's worth thirty billion dollars isis knows
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a kitty cat photo so they should get evaluation based on the decapitations that you mentioned the rate of the capitation and the apostolic conversion which is another key metric similar to facebook's likes i would say that the valuation for isis right now would probably be somewhere in the twenty billion range and i think that you know for a fee on bank you know banking fees that's a pretty juicy fake so they're saying that isis is attracting so many people because of their social media outpouring if there is you know these are the investors that jihadi investors don't care about that they don't already have scribed trying to in london what is a regulatory so call so let's take isis public down there the london stock exchange and mark carney would be the first guy in line buying into his allotment of these shares next i want to move on to of course what we talked about is why why there are so many enemies in front of me is set against each other in the middle east is of course about the oil and energy of course is required to grow any economy and
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in order to sustain the derivatives bubbles and. schemes around the world we need energy well half price kurd oil threatens iraq break up with turkish help a tanker containing a million barrels of crude oil is floating around the mediterranean and its cargo is available at half price yet if any country seizes the bargain it may be pushing your wrath closer to disintegration so the oil aboard this ship max is at the center of a fight over its ownership between the semi autonomous region of the kurdistan which pumped and shipped the crude from its territory in northern iraq in the central government in baghdad which claims the rights to all the oil revenues because isis will now you know it's like taking city after city the kurds seize kirk kirk which is a very loyal rich area and they've now pump some of that oil they've shipped it via turkey. and it's sitting in a in a tanker but now iraq is saying that we own that oil kurdistan can't just sell it
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so it's like you know it's an abandoned ship filled with a lot of oil out there in the med well let's think about this stuff they've got a million barrels of oil on a ship with no flag basically so the price part of this particular piece of business would have to be hedged with some clause that would guarantee a warring warfare bombing if we can ok so million barrels of oil so we can hedge this by selling oil futures to give us a nice guaranteed downside protection. then i would take let's say thirty thousand dollars to bribe a drone operator such like those are all the take right. some key infrastructure to make sure the price of oil doesn't go down because that's the risk the price that risk here is if you buy this tanker of a million barrels of oil then suddenly peace breaks out there offering it for half price so if the barrel of oil right now in the world markets guess one hundred seven dollars or one hundred fourteen depending on which benchmark are using
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they're offering it for fifty bucks so there's anybody who's willing to take it the same group as offering the bitcoins for the u.s. government on an auction was by the way the those they leaked out all the of bitters on that particular piece of business so now of course there's all sorts of conflict in the area now kurdistan and of course the kurds in the turks have normally been not very happy with each other because the p.k. k. in turkey and they don't like them but turkey is willing to do this deal because the kurds are paying four times higher the fees to store oil in turkey than the iraqis are so they're doing this deal over the money but in terms of whoever buys this even at a fifty percent discount and i'm sure there's a lot of bankers on wall st paul singer type guys who are willing to do this deal you can lock in a price of that in the futures market so you're locking in that fifty percent again you know it's a guarantee against. gary but you still have you know risks on the price itself on the wholesale market that's why i'm saying you've got to increase the hedge by buying off
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a drone operator to make sure there's enough unrest and panic around the world so that the price and also to augment the price i mean obviously what the price goes possibly can so you get to your downside you know the downside is very small here as you almost certainly are going to get a higher oil price and you're going to double or triple your investment in a pretty short order to get warren buffett involved he loves these types of guaranteed profit places never worked a day in his life the only picks up the free money that's given to him by these venal politicians get him on the horn get him on this deal we brokered a deal and we could probably make a quick five million ok so let's go back to iraq and what's happening there and are all of our enemies and stuff so if that tanker docks iraq's kurdistan regional government will take an important step toward independence and hasten the breakup of iraq so this is what an analyst says over there at the economic policy research foundation and car so we can see the breakup of iraq but now i want to go to one other story this is a flashback to two thousand and eleven to point out that on our you tube page below
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this video right here is something that was hearken to back in two thousand and eleven revealed to us by operation that manipulate social media and this is from seventeen march twentieth eleven military sock puppet software creates fake only identities to spread pro-american propaganda and it's called operation earnest voice it was a two hundred million dollar deal to create these sock puppets and speaking of how you are offset costs and hedges so two hundred million dollars went to it went by. and i say that's a kind of the level of sock puppets that america hires so the department of defense centcom gave two hundred million dollars to a california group to create sock puppets. and they did is went to five or dot com f. i v e. we are our dot com spent five bucks hiring people who are the lamest because you know even the qualifications for this deal i think we could sue the government to
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get this money back because the qualifications are that sock puppets should be able to pass sophisticated viewers that they should believe that this is a real person but clearly they're not just look below at least say something original beliefs isis has little kitty cats i'm a grenade you say nothing that is original nothing it's like boring. sock puppets under-valued there is cheap as that oil floating around the med. would be a buyer of sock puppets just. for sure well these ones are holy ones it's a part of the holy war but their holy socks yeah. make me a saint imo holy sock puppet. of the vatican i gotta go now i mean holes i hold myself oh it's a man it was like they might turn water into wine or something well you gotta go thanks chad. say to have a second have a lot more to. his
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name was use of good because he was nazi germany's minister of propaganda the midst that he created exists to this day. hubris group propaganda was supposed to actually trying to denigrate other nations while at the same time raising ordinary german soldier steams who. keep its complete use of go bill snooze precisely what the masses need to hear in order to make them follow him he was like the pipe a prayer from the fairy tale to me brats fall to the tune of his plight. the myths created by the chief nazi ideologist bound for tal saw in the west we have to fight these myths today in memory of those who won in the second world war.
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but. we're going to go digital the price is the only industry specifically mentioned in the constitution and. that's because a free and open process is critical to our democracy like all books. in fact the single biggest threat facing our nation today is the corporate takeover of our government and i was crushed cynical we've been hijacked lying handful of friends dash all corporations that will profit by destroying what our founding fathers once told us my job market and on this show we reveal the big picture of what's actually going on in the world we go beyond identifying the problem to try to fix the rational debate and a real discussion critical issues facing up to find him or bill ready to join the movement then walk a little bit but. i
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marinate join me. for in-depth impartial and financial reporting commentary and contribute and much much. only on bombast and only on.
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welcome back to the kaiser report imax keyser time now to turn to end dependent journalist luke wrote koski of we are change doc luke welcome back to the thanks for having me it's an honor and pleasure and really appreciate it yeah well we've been you know checking in with you carry out a plea for a few years now that you are one of the last of a breed you are an independent journalist and as such you run into a lot of scuffles and fossils and a lot of time what's been the most dramatic confrontation is that the most insane one was probably the first one i ever did where i never ever would have a deal cameron tried to confront anybody went out there asked the question i was still rough i was still nervous and ended up with the security guards trying to steal my tape chasing me away picking me up dragging me out trying to confiscate everything that happened i remember running away a couple for about six blocks they weren't able to catch me back in the day when i
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was still younger and that really kicked off changed to really the first conversation that i ever did you know being harassed being thrown around and you know having people trying to steal my video camera was pretty much one of the most intense experiences ever because it was the first warm the confrontation i came up against cops or security man or a big powerful like and a kissinger you've famously got this face a couple of times a little i spy camera that videos on you tube does that give you more energy that you're on the right track to go go ahead and just dig in deeper and deeper will definitely does because when you look at these so-called powerful men these elite right in their face and you look right you know i and you faced them down and you asked them you know what did you mean when you said military men are dumb stupid animals that are meant to be used as pawns for foreign policy and you see kissinger with the shock of his face who never ever gets questioned about this ever in his life you see the transition in his head like holy cow people are waking up to actually what i'm doing people are waking up to the agenda that we've been trying
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to. secret what do i do and a lot of times they react nervously they react like little kids and call security and cops and run away and try to harass me which is far enough you know i'm used to dealing with that but that shows you that you're on the right track and then you know all the intimidation harassments arrest being banned from countries you know death threats or you know all that when when all that comes through you know you're doing the right thing ok so now you are speaking truth to power as as as far as the phrase goes and you've been in kissinger's face and you've chased down folks and people might say that while the effect doesn't seem to be a heading toward anything meaningful but i would posit that because of your work and others folks like tony blair are now being pilloried and excoriated and talked about as really going to the hague and facing charges as a war criminal this is because of the work that you and others have done he's a guy he could be the guy the weak link that he does get hung for
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a crime i mean tony blair we we caught him committing perjury he went to the house of parliament and said here he never ever went to the bill burr group we confronted him and he stuttered and stumbled but he admitted that he actually went to the secretive allusive meeting there's actually letters that were released by henry kissinger saying how afraid he is of facing persecution and war crimes and tribunals because of all horrible actions he did with his foreign policy so these people are afraid and when you face them one on one and you tell them you know how does it feel to be a war criminal like we did to tony blair and henry kissinger and a number of times you know you feel that energy kind of shift because when you're at these events i mean there's just brown nosers everywhere everyone's kissing there everyone saying how amazing and beautiful you know people because they are there's people crying next to them i mean i'm not i'm not joking these people have no sense of reality as i don't know when really it's you know they are the last of those i was at with henry kissinger there was a guy introducing him who was crying because of how great of a statesman mr henry kissinger. jews it was really perplexing but these people
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never face reality never face real people never face real tough questions from the mainstream media they get propped up they get their bus all the time and then when you slap them with that reality is just the beautiful moment that humanizes them makes people understand also on t.v. right now that there are just as equal as we are they're not as powerful we as you know separate human beings we have the same power as they do we just have to use it effectively i mean i would say that over the years now you have for affected your techniques and you maintain a level of professionalism in what you do what you're describing there these confrontations are very brutal in their honesty you know however they're done well within the the protocols of the event that's taking place and he captured their natural habitat i would say and they look quite ugly but i want to move on to something here because. you know as an independent journalist as you are i just learned about the sudden apparently facebook where you and others on social media rely on distribution because you're not with any major distributors and you go
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through social media they they're now in the process of blocking the ability to post unless you pay them of course we had a page that had four hundred thousand likes and then facebook took it away from us so the top time warner we have another page with two hundred thousand likes that two months ago was receiving about fifty thousand views on one post right now we get eight hundred views on one post and then the promotion you know paid to build your audience is right there and what people don't know is that a lot of times when you do pay to promote it they actually sell it to audiences in the middle east they actually sell it to other spammers so even though when you pay them you get more views but it's not organic or real traffic there's no point to even paying facebook they're denying access to real people and from talking to other social media experts in the field i'm hearing that soon facebook is going to make you pay for every post you do as a page not as a personal personal page but as a page that every time you go to post anything you will have to pay soon so i hear that it is. coming down the line later but we have to understand that facebook
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can't be our most effective way to get the message out it's been good for a while but right now we have to move to all their alternatives well i should point out that i start joint we pay you because we have our own crypto currency to start calling and are giving away millions of them so this is how we value the content provider pay them pay the money because they should share in the revenues of the success of the company zuckerberg and facebook i mean this was always the problem from day one they built a company on the back of the public utility that is the internet now they're charging access to that public utility and they're screwing us that's why we need real alternative media because i never even heard of the project that you're doing but i think if we all come together and work together and build something that's alternative build something that's different and in the same time motivate and help each other and build each other up there's nothing really stopping us but but there's a lack of real information there's a lack of real communication and that's what we're trying to bridge that's what
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we're trying to stop but the crypto you know community the social media community i think it's an amazing merger and i think we're living in a time that's really fascinating it's either make it or break it right now it's either we're going to you know all come together and build something that's totally different that's an alternative to the old system that we're fighting against and it's sort of just fighting it just moving along and saying this is what we're going to create here and it's and it's fascinating i spent some time in barcelona recently with a mere talkie you know the you know the guy who's building the marriott on the yeah we were actually staying in a band and police station that was taken over by anarchists sounds like the mayor and the stuff that amir is doing and other people in this whole you know community including yourself is really revolutionary and it's and it's still in its baby stages and still in its infancy it's still growing so you know it gives me hope seeing all these alternatives coming from all these different spheres which is really fascinating well in crypto currency is to currency what edward snowden is to
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. you know or p. to p. file swapping is to music industry is completely disrupted technologically driven and it's for the community by the community and i would think that the activist community would embrace crypto with both both arms i just think it's taken maybe a lag before they jump in and fully fully embrace it and you know you were in berlin recently and in berlin apparently there is a mass movement against the federal reserve bank of america so this is the segues from crypto currency is is the death knell to central banking it's fight central banking that's why it was created because it's trade to fight central banking and here you are in germany talking about the federal reserve bank talk about this story is fascinating i mean people on facebook and twitter were messaging me and telling me you have to go to these monday protests they happen every monday they started in berlin two and a half months ago but one guy just standing on the streets it's now or hundred cities three different countries and thousands of people come every week to protest
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three major issues there against the mainstream media us nato wars and the us federal reserve and they're meeting there in berlin out of all places and it all came through organically it's not a left movement it's not a right movement but what you see from the establishment which is afraid of this new up and coming movement is that they're slandering them they're saying that they're racist they're saying that they're right wingers when they're not you know the organizer of this protest you know recently how does the you know car firebombed in another city in germany so you're seeing their oppressive kind of force but you're also seeing this huge mass movement that no one else is talking about because i didn't even hear about it until i actually went to this event actually went to berlin and met the people and talked to the organizers and talked to the people pushing everything so it was fascinating out of all places in berlin germany to have thousands of people every week there protesting the federal reserve the mainstream media and you know foreign wars of aggression by nato and the us right well berlin. it is you know you've got people like
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a tyrant seen as riot the band has been came up with synthetic electro music that is initially was very anti nazi so there's there's still and meanwhile down in greece there's the rise of a nazi party you know in france there's there are nazis you know organizing events naziism in europe is is openly being flaunted that they are there in the streets are marching with the same uniforms of the same songs and clearly that would hearken back to all the tensions of the one nine hundred thirty s. in the one nine hundred forty s. so the people in germany are certainly sensitive to wonder in the sense of diaper inflation which would come from what's the federal reserve is doing which led to naziism of the thirty was exactly what why maher gemini is was the result of money printing from their central banker and they see i guess they recognize that janet yellen is doing the exact same thing today but that they did back and why mark that
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led to hyperinflation that led to naziism is that level of clarity injure in berlin you know it is there definitely is there was very intelligent people there that just broke every everything down through you know we'll draw wilson to nine hundred thirteen and everyone knew about you know your show and we are changing all the alternative media there's well so it was it was it was great seeing this knowledge and there were different mixes of people it wasn't it was mainly people who never ever went to a protest before it was people who weren't ever politically active they weren't from the left wing of the right wing and it was a wide a ray of different people would you know also different issues coming together so it's like a weird mix between occupy and the tea party and i think if you ever merge those two kind of forces together and make something that's not left or right but that's something that against the establishment i think it's an extremely powerful force to be reckoned with and you know it was a right wing i didn't see any nazis there i didn't see any proper gay. and there i
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saw a real people who for the first time ever want to get involved because they have this feeling they have the sense that something is wrong and that they need to do something now because the future looks bleak without further action right so i think that's a good point there that these the central bank issue which is something you might hear ron paul talk about or somebody more on the you know steve forbes or somebody like that but in this case there is something that the left is grabbing from that that protests and understanding that it applies to them as well so this new coalition seems to be emerging and if you're discovering you're on the front lines you're a war reporter but we're out of time look i want to thank you for coming out happy again soon thank you so much. all right and that's going to do it for this edition of the kaiser report with me max kaiser and stacy herbert i'd like to thank our guest luke koski of we are change dot org if you'd like to get in touch tweet us a kaiser report and select.
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for. everybody. like. nothing. is. still good. jobst if you see
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a stage eight look at the jets but speech was still. stands. this is a media lead us so we leave that maybe. i will see bush and security play your part of the musical. for shoes that no one is asking with the guests that you deserve answers from it's all on politics only on our to. react to situations i have read the reports from. pollution and no i will leave them to the state department to comment on your latter point of the month to say it is please or carry on a car is on the docket no god there. is no more we somewhere.
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when you fade a direct question me prepared for a change when you approach a punch be ready for a battle freedom of speech and down to freedom to cost. sigrid laboratory was able to build most sophisticated robots which certainly doesn't give a darn about anything tunes mission to teach music creation why it should care about humans in the world this is why you should care only. your friend posts a photo from a vacation you turn to for. different. the boss repeats the same old joke of course you like. your ex-girlfriend still tends to
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rejection poetry keep. ignoring it. we post only what really matters. to your facebook street. coming up on r t impeaching obama the south dakota republican party is now calling for the president to be good from off it will talk to a member of the g.o.p. in town to kowtow to find out why just ahead and a cease fire in ukraine does this mean the reason tensions are finally coming to an end more on that coming up. and a mainstream low a new gallup poll shows a decrease in public confidence in the news media at newspapers t.v. and the internet but which one does the public trust the least find out later in the show.


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