tv Keiser Report RT July 1, 2014 12:29pm-1:00pm EDT
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welcome to the kaiser report i'm max kaiser oh what a tangled but oh so profitable web we weave when first we practice to do you see you stay see max now first of all there's so many different layers of deception around the world that many people are so confused about everything so i'm going to start with our last story which we're going to build up to when something that you were right nobody out there many people in the comments have keep on getting this wrong they asked max you predicted that there was going to be a bog collapse and twenty thirteen where was it well from the bank of international settlements on sunday issued their eighty fourth annual report and in it they say according to zero hedge tweet that twenty thirteen bond market sell off generated a larger aggregate lost in both dollar and g.d.p. terms than did the nine hundred ninety four in two thousand and three episodes so
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the two thousand and thirteen one cause just in the u.s. treasury bond market two point five percent of g.d.p. compared to the one thousand nine hundred four one of two percent that's april of two thousand and thirteen was a bond apocalypse as i had predicted a year before the alex jones show i made it in no uncertain terms there would be a bond collapse within a year and i identified april as the most likely year and that's exactly what happened but people choose to ignore the obvious and that's why these markets are getting so extended because people see what they want to see they don't realize how dangerous things are well that's what we're going to talk about here is these layers of deception compared to one thousand nine hundred twenty years prior there's just so many more layers of deception mostly probably needed by the central banks and governments themselves because remember at that time bill clinton said he wanted to die and come back reborn as the bond market because it's. so much power
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well we're going to start first with the underlying cause of all the deception that's the banking system new york state sues barclays in dark pool fraud claim the lawsuit which relates to barclays elex liquidity cross dark pool alternative trading system alleges that the bank promised to get the best possible prices for customers looking to buy or sell shares but instead of took steps that maximized the bank's profits and executed nearly all of its customer stock orders on alex instead of an extra exchanges or other venues that might have offered better prices so basically they invited clients to come and get a glossy prospectus said this is a predatory free dark pool well in fact they were giving high frequency traders access to all the data well this is what we say if there's no deterrence for banking fraud banking crimes then the bankers will repeat these crimes except more egregious lee and they'll steal ever more amounts of money here's barclays bank they were caught in a live war scandal along with the bank of england so they brought in a new c.e.o.
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. anthony jenkins who put in these big posters in the lobby of their canary wharf headquarters about their values you know the values that they were seeking and purse and the values that they were representing so under anthony jenkins now another scandal of pilfering larceny bank fraud securities fraud marketing fraud. commercial fraud. has erupted so here you have little tony jenkins. turns out there is no deterrent they bring in another g. hottest man tony jenkins they put him in charge and he commits acts of financial terrorism allegedly and cameron i was one of their fighting isis they're all concerned about isis and the new state that they're creating what about canary wharf george osborne and tony. thank you are you doing anything new because you've
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got your thumb up you strange playing polo look real and prosecute the terrorist cameron or. just abdicate your role go to the queen and go play with the queen for a while because as a prime minister you suck so let's go back to this web of deception and why the for example the bond market even though it felt there was a greater aggregate loss than one thousand nine hundred white if we didn't notice that in one thousand nine hundred four you were very recently after the s. and l. crisis where eight hundred bankers went to jail they they have that still in their their fear in their own minds that they could actually be sent to jail back in one thousand nine hundred forty now as we see the articles about this barkley situation and being sued by eric schneiderman they turn in general new york suggest over and over well this could be bigger than life or and they they mention that the day after their live war lawsuit the day after they were sued for libel or the day after they started to fix the gold market then a little bit because i told you when the libel or scandal hit that because there is
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no penalties for committing fraud they would come up with a new scandal they shut down the libel or scandal they shut down the conduit to steal money from the general population is now suffering austerity needlessly they have come up with a new scandal so what if tony jenkins in the barclays boys came up with was during the dark pool scam i think i mentioned the dark pool scam they create this for tissues dark pool they have high frequency traders and they're stealing still experience to look there's tony jenkins there's going to jenkins i can't stop stealing allegedly so dark pools they say were originally created to allow the best years to execute big trades without tipping off the market for ever larger volumes of trades have been shunted into dark pools and their critics say they opacity of the markets maybe resulting in more and more investors getting ripped off so when first to practice to deceive this is what they originally i believe were intended to do their claiming ignorance and pleading pleading innocence and it also comes back to what happened since one thousand nine hundred four isn't. last eagle was
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removed well this is the investment banking arm of barclays just like the liable or rigging just like gold and then you have the bank barclays used to be the banking side the institutional banking side was run by at the new tank as he was brought over to head up both sides after this crisis but so again you mentioned that you know they would end one fraud once we were looking at one fraud that was started another this dark pool is four years old well it's four years old so now that this is come to the people's attention tony's gang of larcenous to bombs are going to come out and there's some new scam. but here's another key point stacey is that we have this global ponzi scheme that requires more cash flow to keep the ponzi going that's why the banks are almost encouraged they're being pushed into fraud i mean i mean you can say all you want tony jenkins but to keep berkeley's from declaring insolvency because barclays is an insolvent institution they have the there's no equity there it's kept a lot of float as
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a zombie bank you have to go back to mark carney and the zero percent interest rates that's why jenkins is forced to commit these acts because his bank is insolvent just like h.s.b.c. lloyds and royal bank of scotland technically they're insolvent institutions only through a ponzi scheme of doing larceny like we're seeing with these dark pools are they kept for another quarter from having to go the way of enron or go the way of somebody other world com they're technically insolvent they're not worth the paper they're not printed on their garbage yes so the original deception though is the banking system is the eternal growth is the fact that g.d.p. can always grow this is the myth they sell us which is a deception to get you to always weave their their web and be involved in their intricate weaving now china is also getting in on this act and that is that china finds fifteen billion dollars of loans tied to falsify gold the chinese gold processing firms have since two thousand and twelve use falsifies gold transactions to borrow fifteen point two. dollars from banks the country's chief auditor said
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commodities such as copper rubber soybeans and the on have commonly been used in china for financing were traders or investors borrow against a commodity with the aim of investing the money in high return areas such as the real stay or shadow banking yeah real estate shadow banking those are the high return areas i wonder why well because you can create a dark pool advertise to your clients that this is predator free they say i want to predator free place they go in there and of course it's filled with predators but of course another aspect of the ponzi scheme they're using the same gold as collateral for a multiple loans the re hypothecation scam so these the same warehouse where there's comparable minimal gold and they make a collateralized loan based on that supply but they've done it a hundred times two hundred times a thousand times because in the u.k. unlike any other regulatory environment the world infinite really high profit cation is a you can sell the same swear house full of gold a thousand times to a thousand different customers so obviously what the balance you saw in cyprus and what the threat of
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a penalty for exiting bond funds the question is are deposits safe in the u.k. in any of these four big banks the answer is well i would say everything except maybe i mean twenty percent clearly are right twenty percent of all the problems are rather a single place in the world in china and malaysia and indonesia and australia and canada and the united states and france and germany and italy i think all of the system i look at the big oil is rising rapidly today on this ball gary and bank run which is a contagion which is based on the fraud perpetrated by barclays and other banks so that the policy is are really have to be question are they say i don't think the hundred percent are safe i mean maybe eighty percent but if you want say if you need real gold in a real vault and bitcoin a real crypto currency other than that you cannot be assured that your deposit will be there any given day we're going to announce oh guess what britain we're going to take fifty percent of your deposit pay off these you know this is done of barclays well they could have a hundred percent of their deposits because at the end of the day who's going why do you want your british pounds. why do you want euros why do you want your dollars
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they can they're going to take one hundred percent is going to be worthless it's going to be worth not even like a fraction of a bit coy not once a toshi it will be worth even if you have ten million pounds in your bank account i mean you know they're going to confiscate other percent of the deposit or they're going to inflate and print another ten trillion pounds with a quantitative easing so that everything across the board that you're purchasing at the store all go up triple quadruple in price so the eighty fourth annual british bank of international settlements report came out and they're saying they quote in their report they say overall it's hard to avoid the sense of puzzling disconnect between the market's buoyancy and underlying economic developments globally so we know in the united states the first quarter the g.d.p. fell by two point nine percent markets continue to new highs in both garia the banks had a run on the banks well what happened as soon as the e.c. came in with a credit line bank stocks soared thirty percent although the bank of international settlements however is looking at this and just saying like underlying growth wages are down the economy is down leverage is up all the debt is huge and rising and
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they say it makes no sense that people continue to be acts so with such euphoria that it's i think because of all the web of deception of debt and people think well they're going to continue to get away with it so let's get in on the fraud let's get it because they're all we're getting away with that why not why why fight it barclays bernie madoff barclays bernie made up barclays bernie made up for years they knew that made up was a scam. as you see one and there are three occasions and said this is a scam they finally blew up and everyone lost their money there and then they won in the courts and maybe five cents on the dollar barclays early may go barclays bernie madoff well i just might add of course that eric schneiderman their attorney general in new york is alleging they've done this they haven't been tried he is going to try them they may just plead guilty and pay. fine but it's still an
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allegation it's not a determined cause but let's go back to what the bank of international settlements is saying about what this euphoria and this level of deception that people are conned into despite the euphoria in financial markets investment remains weak instead of adding to productive capacity large firms prefer to buy back shares or engage in mergers and acquisitions and despite lack luster long term growth prospects debt continues to rise so they say over and over that we cannot solve this debt crisis with more debt and yet that's what we're doing it's up forty percent since the crisis began a crisis of debt we've added more debt on top of it this late with this tangled web of deception can we trust the regulators you know they've been caught cheating and participating in the frauds so they're worth their word is worth absolute squat well the bank of international settlements does say that people are going to be tempted to want to get in and join these frauds but they are trying to track their national sentiment just a potential bank of all central bankers they are speaking the truth and they're not using words like allegedly the bank of international settlements is saying this
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repeats the same old joke of course. your ex-girlfriend still in poetry keep. ignoring. the post only what really matters. to your facebook news feed. welcome back to the kaiser report imax keyser time to turn again to right emo at the standpoint research dot com and now philanthropy and philosophy dot com welcome back for part two of this interview thank you let's talk about your recent travels ronny because as part of you know reminds me of the old stories about the old stockbroker just actually travel and visit the companies that they were recommending so you're on a whirlwind global tour that's taken you recently to mongolia correct talk about it
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i was on this is my last stop on a four week country trip i started in miami beach i went to los angeles alaska south korea japan mongolia israel greece france before coming here i just landed sue hours ago at heathrow and i made a special trip out of my way to see you and. because i'm so upset with what's going on in the united states it was very. i was very excited when i was in. south korea israel and mongolia both it's really hard for me to lay off either any of those three countries i think all three of them are highly desirable places to invest the one country that people might be surprised to see korea and israel is not an new story but mongolia is and it's extremely exciting to lessing i want all the as an investment opportunity it was that it's an emerging market and yak butter
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and that apparently they have some material that's softer even than cashmere softer than because you know i've actually bought my mom scoff made from yak and common cereal and what's exciting about mongolia is if you go there now if you missed the opportunity to invest in poland and russia in the late eighty's early ninety's when they got out of communism you're getting into mongolia where russia and poland were twenty years ago and what's amazing about mongolia is there's only three million people there so the g.d.p. per capita there could double or triple over the next five ten fifteen years what do you say about this recent trend around the world out it looks like there's a move out of the dollar for example when russia china do afford a billion dollar gas deal and they talk about the need to get out of the dollar there's a lot of bilateral trade deals down months countries getting out of the dollar dollars losing its place in terms of total global transactions in dollar it is
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you're travelling all of the world now you're one of the top analysts on wall street is that is that true is a doll losing its place as world reserve currency what's going to take its place what do you see i think it goes in in favor out of favor in the minute things are going wrong outside of the us it will flow go back in favor again and i don't think it's going away anytime soon you know the israelis shekel these are the currency i think appreciated by twenty percent in the last few years in all the currency of other currencies and done equally as well. versus the u.s. dollar and you know with the low interest rates it could be the dollar was out of favor and that can switch overnight so that in israel. you mention the shekel rise it is also a pretty hot tech sector emerging i think warren buffett has invested in some high tech companies there's a lot of money pouring in there is that now becoming a tech center and also crypto currency like bitcoin at bitcoin is big in israel as
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we hear it is i was only there for three four days i didn't hear the word bitcoin but i can tell you the israeli g.d.p. per capita now is thirty seven thousand dollars. a person which is number twenty five in the world what has gone on there in the last twenty years is just mind boggling and the reason if only people can get away from that fear of a war with one of their neighbors the stock market would probably go up another twenty thousand because of the war risk is not diminishing now it seems to be rising at the moment what are your thoughts there in israel unfortunately even though there hasn't been a war there in thirty years people feel it's not a question of whether or not there will be another war it's when. anyone that has invested in israel and disregarded that risk has done really well and i think that is where the market will continue to outperform. it's a huge advantage to have a country with only seven or eight million people it's not like brazil where you
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have two hundred million and there's always going to be thirty forty fifty million below the poverty line in israel there's very few people below the poverty line and the immigration from russia which is now fifteen percent of the israeli population it took the israeli population from six million to seven million it was a little bit rough in the beginning but now we're twenty years into that and it's really starting to pay off that while there was a dentist thing in political developments and they were israel when america started talk about sanctions against russia israel's message to the u.s. was fairly and on this point because they have this enormous tie to russia i think the u.s. was expecting israel to kind of fall in line to a certain degree is that i guess the population is hugely impactful coming in from russia the russian effluence correct you know you're trying to play with both sides and what you say in public might not be what you're saying in private but yes there is a problem to ask a country like israel to go against russia when fifteen percent of the population
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is there and israel has good relations with both come with both countries now i guess you're making your famous if you will recently by. publishing this black list of companies you put out a list of companies and then there was another list to come as the second part of the list been published yet oh yes actually put three names out after i spoke with you i just could not hold them mcdonald's c.v.s. and wal-mart i added to the other five now when you talk about wal-mart of course wal-mart is a company that's often talked about as this huge american success story that it's a paragon of corporate virtue that it's you know the richest family in the world is really the wal-mart family certainly one of the richest families in the world and so and it's a huge employer i think it's the second or first number one employer in the world either second the first one to the u.s. military or something of this nature so it's huge so you attack a company like wal-mart isn't like attacking the american flag to some degree. i'm
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speaking the truth and the people want to say i'm attacking the flood then maybe i am attacking the flag. i don't judge a country based on how many millionaires and billionaires are living there i judge a country based on how many people living at below or near the poverty line and on that measure of the united states and many countries around the world failing miserably you know so as far as walmart creating a lot of jobs yes there's a lot of employees working there but most of them cannot survive on the paycheck that they're getting from wal-mart up in something like this are all those are holding on to more than one hundred i don't know if i'm sorry it's i think it was a couple hundred billion dollars a market capitalization most of that money is in the wal-mart family and in the pockets of the multi-millionaire and billionaires shareholders and the employees are working for ten dollars an hour and it's impossible to live on that kind of salary in the united states one of their competitors is costco and they are on the
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opposite end of the social spectrum they're paying their workers twenty dollars an hour to do the same work and president obama actually visited a costco store when he was making his push for a raise in the minimum wage he says here is a perfect example of a company that's paying their workers twenty dollars an hour their customers are happy the employees are happy the company is turning a nice profit why can't other companies follow their lead it seems in a time when a wal-mart or a starbucks or tobacco company or big oil their profits in large part driven by the fact that their risks are turned into extra analyses as they call them in the case of illicit energy companies the cost of cleanup for their activities they don't pay for that gets pushed off their balance sheet it becomes a externality of what the company is doing and this ability to take all of the nasty bits of what they're doing in the costs of what they're doing and pushing it
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off their balance sheet seems to be enabled by those four big accounting firms that all work with these companies globally is that a fair statement and if you're talking about cleaning up. these these wall street abusers isn't one of the first port of call should it be to clean up those four big accounting firms yes i wrote a forty four page report earlier this year it's available for free on both of my websites and one of the big problems you know we have in the united states and i'm sure in other countries is tax dodging they go they bend over backwards trying to avoid paying taxes we just had a merger in the united states where medtronic merged with covidien and now they relocated to arlington there avoiding taxes in the us the same deal with the big drug companies pfizer and astra zeneca here they do this the reverse takeover especially for a huge tax benefit it's terrible as much money as they're making for the multimillionaire and billionaires show hold those they're still not happy they want
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more as anyone from the activist community reaching out and want you to be with them in other words. the international or green baize or u.k. uncut or these any of these groups they read are they calling up or contacting and say ronnie white to come speak at our vet because you're talking as an activist now even though you're the top stop picker in the world are they reaching out to you yes i'm getting calls from whistleblower organizations and socially conscious you know funds and i've gotten hundreds and hundreds of messages in the last few weeks and i'll finally have a chance to sort through them when i get back to miami in a few days but ok so you're our goal on the full f.b.i. and philosophy site and you talk about changing the world you talk about i guess bringing about a more equitable distribution of wealth and. what would that look like in five years' time or in ten years time what would we see the world according to ronnie what would that look like and we have about
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a minute have you know right now it's very simple we're giving less than two percent of g.d.p. to charity and if we would just double that what triple that to like four five six percent. we would be able to wipe poverty out not just in the united states but in many parts of asia and africa and you know eastern europe as well let me ask you another question historically going back throughout history when there's been a debt problem go back to bible for example there's always been bailing out or debt forgiveness of the debtors in two thousand and eight we saw debt forgiveness of the creditors is that the only time in history they can think of that something like that has happened and should it have been the other way around should they have bailed out the debtors and not the creditors and by bailing out the creditors and they just enable them to create a whole new cycle of abuse and now we're facing more debt than ever more financial instability than ever and probably another huge collapse bigger than ever you know we have a problem i'm not in the in the in the worst case scenario kemp what people think
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that the market's going to collapse but we have a problem with debt and i don't think it was the spending that caused the debt i think it was the revenues coming in were not what they should have been and it was what we just discussed a few a few minutes ago the people that are making money and the corporations need to start carrying their own weight and then i actually think spending is not high enough there are a lot of places in america and outside of america that need help and we need money to solve these problems and the people at the top need to start paying a greater share of the right money now it's our time thanks so much for being again on the kaiser report thank you. all right that's going to do it for this edition of the kaiser require with me max kaiser and stacy herbert i'd like to thank our gastronomy last fall at the big and philosophy dot com if you'd like to get in touch tweet us a cause report. as
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a new physician i swear to abide by the hippocratic oath. to the best of my ability and judgment. i will prescribe for the good of my patients. i will not give deadly doses to anybody. or advise others to do so. i will never do harm to any. doctors of the dogs on onto. the floor is probably the most complex and difficult to.
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all of us are still locked up. in the phenomenon of friendly fire probably extends back to the invention of gunpowder. kill a bunch of people you know they're gone no more for their families they're really us people. reading. this some shoots my brother in the leg not intentional because it because it was night times four in the morning even the best even the belch sold. are going to make mistakes this. this whole idea of brotherhood and author and then and camaraderie in this sense it was in this context that has absolutely no place.
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told me my language at all but i will only react to situations as i have read the reports so i'm not in a position to know i will leave them to the state department to comment on your latter point completely so it's if mr k.l.a. car is on the docket now it's on to. do no more weasel words when you have a direct question be prepared for a chase when you throw a punch be ready for a battle freedom of speech means little down to freedom to question. right the street. first street. and i think the true. on our reporters would.
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be among. ukraine's military resumes its operations in the east a with attacks from several cities stopped a president poroshenko refuses to extend a cease fire. that despite an intense diplomatic effort by the europa and russia vladimir putin now says that his ukrainian counterpart bears full responsibility for any bloodshed after scraping the truce. the western oil industry seeks to cash in on the instability in iraq that's as the u.n. reveals the advance of islamist terrorists may june the bloodiest month in the country this year. also in iraq a new report reveals blackwater most no reason threatened to kill u.s. of fish.
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