tv Boom Bust RT July 2, 2014 4:29pm-5:01pm EDT
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still he could still be just if you see the state take the t.v. . but peter was. on air and in the financial world moves. back to series developments having not started a family taking on the demand to produce not going to get any economic benefit in life there are blues and there are but. well if you're going to like the policies it's like you know.
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pleasure to have you with us here on our t.v. today i roll researcher. there i marinate it this is boom bust i'm views are some of the stories that we're tracking for you today. first up sex discrimination lawsuits are abound this week and one old school company goldman sachs and one new school company tender are both having to answer to their questionable behavior we'll tell you all about it coming right up and then you know alpert is on the program today he's the author of the age of oversupply and he's sitting down with me live this afternoon to discuss the economic limbo that the us seems to be kind of stuck in right now and sports headlines this week have been dominated by i don't know. maybe
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a little bit of it with the world cup but the wimbledon final they're happening this weekend so in today's big deal edward harris and i are discussing money in tennis and there's always more of it in tennis and probably. not to get too. our lead story today women in the workplace or maybe more appropriately put women suing the workplace now there are two pretty prominent stories making business headlines right now involving powerful women suing their former employer one of goldman sachs and one at tinder the startup dating app company now let's start with the tender story whitney waltz a former marketing v.p. at the popular dating app is suing her former employer for
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a trojan sexual harassment and sex discrimination from the lawsuit itself now the lawsuit filed against both tinder and its parent company i see which is owned by barry diller alleges that tenders chief marketing officer justin in the teen and c.e.o. sean rad repeatedly called miss wolff a whore and revoked her title because quote having a young female coworker co-founder would make the companies seem like a joke and devalue it disgusting now meanwhile over goldman sachs two former female employees followed a lawsuit against the firm alleging wall street sexism now the suit was first filed back in two thousand and ten but on tuesday the women asked for a judge's approval to expand the suit claiming women at the investment firm were paid less and awarded fewer promotions than male coworkers goldman says the suit is without merit but the new filing on tuesday details allegations of rampant sexism and harassment at the firm saying quote this constellation of evidence reflects
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widespread concerns among women about gender bias and a boys' club atmosphere sexualization of women and uncorrected culture of sexual harassment and assault. this it describes company sponsored visits to strip clubs and golf trips that were designed to intentionally exclude women along with a push up contest at the office how old are we and on one occasion where female v.p. was allegedly pinned against a wall and groped by a male associate who had walked her home not very hospitable and now this is all very very bad stuff and the portion of this suit that got me especially fired up which you might be surprised about that really got me fired up was that the complaint allege that female d.p.s. at goldman earn twenty one percent less less than their male counterparts while female associates earned eight percent less the claim also pointed out that twenty three percent fewer women b.p.s. earn promotions to managing directors now listen i mean wall street has been the
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subject and fascination of people for decades because of its seedy crooked immoral bros only environment and today this startup slash tech world seems to be attracting a lot of the bros that would have formally been drawn to wall street but the first battle that needs to be fought and immediately is for equal pay for men and women in the workplace i do hope that these women when there's respective suits but more than not i hope that they go on to full full careers and don't get cast off to a world of big settlement unemployed ladies that is not the point of all this ladies now men and women are different and we ladies have to be smart about what we have to fight for and in my book equality at the very very least on a pay stub is imperative today. to.
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get the economy isn't just in a muddle through state it's in some sort of limbo kind of q one growth of two major downward revisions and the mask. monetary policy experiment by central banks hasn't really produced c. expects expectations or results that we were hoping for now still the economy isn't doing terribly and many analysts foresee better days ahead but i'm wondering if people are kind of a little overly optimistic about the future right now so to get a better handle on this i'm joined by daniel alpert the founding partner of westwood capital and the author of the book the age of over supplies so daniel first and foremost thank you so much for being here with me and being back on the show and you know a lot of people becoming on the program lately and saying that the u.s. economy is doing better and i don't doubt that for a second it is clearly doing better but you know i'm still worried about wage growth and high debt high debt levels in general so what's your view on what's going on out there. well i think the first question i ask is better than what you
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know obviously the first quarter of this year was in better than anything it was a hell of a lot worse and yes we do see some monthly fluctuations and some of them are positive but not every not every piece of news is bad obviously in order to get to even two percent growth for the year we're going to need to see some pretty strong numbers in the three quarters that remain to be reported whether that's going to show up in this quarter's numbers i think there's a lot invested in that people are thinking you know they have some people out there thinking you're going to see three and a half percent growth on an annualized basis in the current in the quarter just ended whether that happens or not we'll find out soon some of the statistics do point in that direction but then you have to look at whether or not this quarter's just been a bounce back from the first quarter is absolute disaster so it's going to be very very interesting to watch. we had enormous growth in the u.s. economy fostered by bubble that of core of sorts in the housing market that bubble
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that has kind of run its course will go into the many reasons why it happened but let's just assume it did and we're not going to see the kind of upward price pressure from housing that we saw and that price pressure in housing really did drive a good deal of the increase in c.p.i. n.p.c. is anemic as it was during two thousand and thirteen and into the first half of this year where that's going to come from going forward i'm not so sure i do believe that we've seen the services economy rebound a little bit people have a there you are seeing some elements of the normal virtuous circle that you expect to see in an economic expansion where people are being very good work but you know look at the wages that those people are being put to work at you go look at the types of positions there again better than last year so. certainly not anything to
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write home about now daniel and the ten year u.s. sovereign bonds are only yielding barely over two point five percent and that's pretty low for an economy that's supposed to be accelerating now is this the rate expectations inflation or the economy what would you say. well i think the sort of temporal movements that you see in bond yields from month to month obviously are a lot to do with economic statistics the longer term say six months to a year movements that we've been seeing certainly the enormous decline in yield since year in two thousand and thirteen really reflect the overall global environment which is one of relative disinflation if not deflation in certain parts of the world very very little price pressure very little economic activity when you consider the developed world as a whole as opposed to looking at a little bit parts of it even the u.s. meet in the in europe for example we have an incredibly unbalanced environment
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where germany is the only really strong economy in a place that has incredibly lackluster growth and inflation. and you look at the u.s. economy and you're tempted to look at it is though it's one unit and obviously in comparison to two very balkanize europe. you know euro zone where you have all these different countries and they're all. pursuing different policies because they don't have. real unified fiscal system the us is also very regional economy and i think people sometimes don't really focus on that we're seeing very very good growth in some areas of the country and in others it's incredibly lackluster so. it's difficult to look at any of the advanced economies individual e. and not look at the in the total package and i think when you look at the total package you're seeing global growth and obviously there was
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a great report put out at the beginning of this week by claudio. the bank of international settlements terrific terrific piece that he wrote and he he he hit the nail right on the head with a real. the advanced nations are not doing very well then i want to ask you i know that the lost out of the u.s. commerce department should retail spending in the u.s. actually dip when adjusted for inflation now given manufacturing survey showing production and new orders rising is this a case of inventory stuffing or is the retail data skewed by some other factor but inventory stuffing channel stuffing was what we saw at the end of last year when and we saw it you know really very harshly and i think a lot of the numbers that were coming out at the end of the fourth quarter two thousand and thirteen everybody was optimistic some people myself sway us a bloomberg a few other folks were commenting that this was in fact channel stuffing it was
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going to we were going to feel the the ill benefit the effects of that rather in the first quarter well of course none none of us were weather forecasters we also had some bad weather but yeah i was about i think but i think we were very we were very good forecasters when it came to the impact of inventory stuffing and and that's what happened now again you're seeing inventories relative to final sales again diverged so the question is have we just seen a movement of inventories that became the bad weather of the first quarter and is that really reflecting in demand and i think that's the sixty four thousand dollars question in all of this is what is in fact the strength of ben demand now not to beat a dead horse here but down if you look back to back at q one the u.s. economy contracted at an annualized rate of two point nine percent and as i told guess at that time this wasn't all weather either it could have been now rearview
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mirror or not that's him and i mean huge fall so how can this data point not be relevant to the underlying strength of the u.s. economy. it's certainly relevant it's certainly been relevant to the bond market i mean you can look at the equity markets in the bond markets as having radically diverged again this isn't the first time since the recession that they've done so but certainly they're not seeing from the same hymnal the bond market reacted very very strongly to that data you saw fields in the ten year drop almost you know twelve thirteen basis points. and that clearly signaled a trend for for bonds the equity markets have responded differently and are basically being driven by what i regard as a very very sharp bear market rally. now i want to ask you do you think that the fed's ultra easy monetary policy is justified and why or why not we only have thirty seconds as i give you. the fed's policy the fed's policy certainly was
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justified when they when they started it but at this point i think the fed realized certainly by. late summer of two thousand and thirteen that q.e. was actually creating more problems more dislocations than the benefits of it were that were being created we're worse we're still sort of in that mode the markets are used to the notion that the fed's going to exit q.e. they're going to they're going to level the wings on the plane and they're going to see if it flies but i don't think current data really is all that dispositive at this point i'm very sorry to cut you off we have to have you back on very soon but we had a good ten operate thank you that you tear you to it that was daniel operator author of the age of oversupply. time now for a very quick break but stick around because when we return john will be on the show john sat down with me to discuss the future of the u.s. and u.k. economies and the wimbledon finals are this sunday and in honor of the occasion
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edward harris and i are talking about money in tennis in today's big deal and remember you can see all segments featured in today's show on you tube at you tube dot com start on hulu at hulu dot com slash boom dash now before we go to break here are a look at some your closing numbers of the bell come on back with us. would you like me you want your comedy news with some t one to comedy news to be a bare fisted no holds barred fight to the dad. looking through the vampire whining into the next in the corporate elite the billionaire freaks well they're going. well that's what you get with my new show projected tonight.
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washington well it's a mess trees being stressed to add to the list. isn't the media candidate for the proper see the point is that usually doesn't do too much for ad revenue my own tech agriculture giant song a seventy six year old american farmer in the studio fallout do you think this is going to break for the cia do you think this is what's triggering a great facilities to the world it's also the largest debtor nation in the history of breaking the set is mostly about alternatives to the status quo one i give you all. working for the american dream the next they were just trying to survive it's time for americans and lawmakers are forced to wake up and start talking about the real causes of the.
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welcome back to the south now we explore the numbers behind a potentially stronger u.s. economic recovery with daniel alpert a moment ago but as a point of comparison we want to bring the u.k. into this whole story so i spoke to john as you now he's the economics and business correspondent of the week dot com and gets we want to get his idea and his view on the future of the u.s. and the u.k. economies and i first asked him how the u.s. and the u.k. economies are doing here's what he had to say. it's existence isn't a slump the u.s. has done a lot a lot better and you know if you look at real g.d.p. since two thousand and eight u.s. is one of the best economies in the g seven whereas the u.k. is actually one of the worst it's kind of only it's late so. but you know right
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now u.s. just had a massive setback with g.d.p. last quarter and the u.k. has actually grown quite well but you know i tend to i tend to say that the the signal is the long term trend and that the noise is the short term trend so i tend to say to you at us is probably in about a better position to weather the storm. than the u.k. but you know it's we'll see we'll see how this how this develops over the coming months should the fed and the bank of england raise rates in your opinion i think they should raise rates if sorry if if if inflation rises above that's august i don't employment force below that i'll get. right now that isn't the case so zero percent interest rates are the only way only way to go you know is that the u.s. is still doing cause there to be easing in where there. was such a huge such a huge setback. in first quarter growth it would i thought i think for to raise
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rates now would be. very foolish actually but you know. at the end of the year you know if inflation ticked up to two percent you know if we have two two or three more steady course of the growth and unemployment falling then it will it will certainly be time to can said to good to please because this consider raising rates based on the fed's you know objectives of two percent inflation and you know less than five point five percent unemployment are you concerned that negative real interest rates cause resource misallocation and a credit bubble. i you know i guess. it depends on it depends on a lot of things. negative real interest rates they are there obviously and incentive and incentive to invest right but. whether that's going to
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whether that's going to go to misallocation of capital or you know a beneficial location of capital really depends on people's mindsets in the market . and i think a lot of the growth you seen is sustainable and healthy and maybe a lot of it is bubbling and debt driven. but i think the bank for international settlements had a report out yesterday and it showed the comparison between the change in that verse is g.d.p. growth and actually that the countries with the most debt driven growth. you know china and brazil and the u.s. and the u.k. were actually actually looking relatively sustainable so i guess i'm in the u.k. there are there probably are a number of factors that i'd be a little bit concerned about with for example housing housing in london. and in the u.s. made maybe there are there are certain markets maybe technology stocks that are
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a little bit bubbly but right now i you know i wouldn't i wouldn't i wouldn't be overly concerned about real interest rates i'd be i'd be i'd be really concerned about trying to get a handle on unemployment and get it down below that five point five percent john why have the fed keep interest rates at zero with real interest rates negative when you can use fiscal policy to deal with the slack in the economy. well that's that's absolutely true but i mean i think the answer is congress isn't really. you know the appetite of fiscal policy from congress is pretty much nailed you know but we can dominate dominated house who believe you know passionately in austerity which is what david cameron over here believes and he believes in the the virtues of. you know confidence from from austerity and i thought you know i think that's what you know people like john boehner. in the house believe in. so you know you
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if you can't get out you've got going to another stimulus bill cost then ultimately . the fed's going to be the one carrying the can right but. you know with. the evidence i've seen from the bank of england which is that things like one state of easing actually helps the rich much more no one else maybe that is something we should be worried about now the british council george osborne has focused on austerity and he says that this focus is behind the improvement in the british economy is he right. i think the evidence is the there is a lot of confidence with businesses but whether or not that actually is a product that was thirty would be a very controversial argument because they were doing austerity you know four years ago and three years ago and the confidence wasn't there then so is is is the confidence a product of a you know just just a just you know as keynes said you know in the long run the sea is flat and
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everything recovers and you know markets tend towards growth and and so on or is that case of yours thirty. five in britain we had a worst recovery from the two thousand and eight slump in the great depression so i think right now the signs are that austerity. it doesn't look so good and. you know united states that north a lot better than we did and you know they had much stronger fiscal stimulus so i think i think it it be too long and outlook is good for keynes and not so good for us one more the british right to stay out of the euro yes evidently yes because. there are very few countries in the eurozone i didn't particularly well and with britain's britain's economy being driven by the financial sector a lot of a lot of the economies in the euro zone it was a similar profile to britain like ireland and spain. and italy.
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they're doing pretty terrible. your are right now germany is doing well in britain britain's economy isn't not at all like germany so i think i think. britain staying out of the euro was very beneficial. because the way that currency is constructed it's not it's not well designed for these these these kinds of shocks and these kind of prolonged. depressionary variants. the fact that we stayed out of the euro is an accident based upon you know i think british nationalism. the idea of want to keep keep keep our own currency if the euro was a properly designed currency with you know proper fiscal transfers. for britain's entry into the euro. wouldn't be so bad but i don't i don't think it's a well designed currency and that's that's the yes you. that was john econ and
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business correspondent the week dot com time now for today's big deal. big deal time with a bad word to harrison and today we are discussing money in tennis fun stuff so the sport that's how you headlines this summer is cricket of course soccer and it's all thanks to the world cup but we're a boom bust we're also big fans of tennis and wimbledon is underway at the all english lawn and tennis club that's basically when roland garros is for the french what it's called so i want to check in with what's going on in the world of tennis in terms of money so edward before we begin first and foremost and this is important because i want to tell well you know i noticed that at the beginning we had this whole thing on the boat with maria cher oppose that i mean obviously so we
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have to reassure pro and she's one of my favorites but she's already. right you know what i did so i have no idea why it was that. i'm going to go so now i'm going to go with andy is he's found is you know you know i'm going to go a joke and it's ok that to be honest i'd much rather federer and that's what i was saying i think that he can win because joke of it's one five sets today but it was ok not to what our show is a business so business insider ran a list of the highest paid dennis players and we chose the top three earners of both men and women now at work can you break down the numbers here of the earnings for each of these players and to get them really i think we have a chart here you can see federer yeah earning sixty eight point two million dollars he's number one and we've got roughly on the dull he is at thirty five point six and know that joke of it comes in third place at twenty six point four for the bill when the woman murray is share both the number one and six twenty six point five.
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followed closely by serena williams with twenty four point four million and lena at nineteen million wow that is really cool actually i really like looking at the sponsors for although. i don't know a lot of an adult right i don't know obviously i'm american i think more about that like a sock on movie or i thought movie or was they made you know you know they're like oh you know actually that is true in germany they do so i was looking at that i don't know what's their level and i was going for their writing anyway they're hiring interventions and even edward watches out you hear in terms of how endorsements are kind of distributed and and the money is allocated you know you see a lot of repeat sponsors with a bunch of people obviously but really what we want to stand out for you well you know i looked at a bunch of other sports like you know and federer he's huge in terms of sponsorship what i noticed is that you know tennis you know they have huge amounts on the sponsorship side and so that's golf but when you look at the earnings for other sports like boxing or like even soccer football you know those those sports they
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didn't have huge amounts its peak. for the people with high net worth following tennis or falling balls that is that you don't seem like i want it also has something to do with the fact these are individual sports it's harder to you know like a teen you have some play on the team do something dubious and you're no longer pumped to be associated even when you only have one player that you are your dependent on that's a risk reward there because they get injured too because when you think about this the biter later. you know everyone he lost spots because he was biting the can do it tiger woods you know he had a huge debacle but he came back whereas lance armstrong has never played so probably get away with doing something there you go and blade runner you can't get away with stuff like that ok off color sorry that's over now pretty. well very very is that we still got our facebook page facebook dot com slash members our team and
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please tweet out as an aide at edward n.h. from all of us here in bus thank you for watching us the next time by. the return and revenge of the neo-cons as a middle east ascends in the regional civil war in ukraine becomes a failed state washington's foreign policy neoconservatives are on the march the world is their playground. for the nuclear bomb and a lot of these policies like you. pleasure
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to have you with us here on t.v. today i'm researcher. or she will submit the need to speak to them scared of the latest numbers of them the media and that's one of the more perceived covering of the issues that actually doesn't do too much for our revenue line tech culture giant piece on a seventy six year old american farmer and the studio fallout do you think this is going to require the cia do you think this is what's triggering the birds return facilities to the world it's also the largest debtor nation in the history of the world breaking the set is mostly about alternatives to the status quo but one might give real alternatives for instance to working toward the american dream the next they were just trying to survive it's time for americans and lawmakers are forced
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to wake up and start talking about the real cause is. coming up on our t.v. it's no surprise that the american people have little confidence in washington and now lawmakers have just changed a requirement that allows them to bury details on who pays the person of their travel more on this change and transparency just ahead. and that providers from around the globe are suing the u.k. government thanks to edward snowden leaks the tech companies are now going after the british spy agency g c h q four snooping more on this case coming up. and a major victory for anti fracking activists in new york the state court agreed that cities and towns can ban hydraulic fracturing within their boundaries.
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