tv Headline News RT July 3, 2014 4:00pm-4:30pm EDT
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the story has to be. true except. coming up on r t of food bank for hungry students it's all part of a growing trend of american college students having a hard time affording food while getting an education special report on that just ahead. and a former n.s.a. employees are back in the spotlight they've been called to testify in germany about a u.s. of surveillance programs we'll tell you all the details coming up. and the american midwest is no stranger to tornadoes now a university businesses is pitching a new way to make the region tornado proof find out how he plans to do it later in the show.
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it's thursday july third four pm in washington d.c. i mean you're a david and you're watching r t america college students are continually faced with the high costs of getting an education but now we're learning that on top of that financial burden many of them are also facing the challenge of continual hunger now students and faculty members at colleges and universities across the country are joining together so help combat the growing hunger problem artie's honest you're going to has a story. college enter a world of possibilities. well crippling student debt after leaving these doors is one pandemic that's already well established in the u.s. what's not often talked about is another dangerous trend college student hunger. i've often seen students in my classes you know eating chips or something like that
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and my first reaction is oh it's a little snack but very often that could be lunch that summer time so most colleges around america are largely deserted but even so in schools like this one preparations are well underway to feed those in need when they come back in september according to the college and university food bank alliance there are about one hundred twenty food pantries at higher education institutions throughout the u.s. dozens more are in the process of being set up like here at nassau community college in new york's long island they're choosing to do something to help themselves and to improve their lot in life by going to school they have to decide where their funds are going to go so some of it's going to textbooks into tuition that leaves less money for people to put food on their tables the food pantry boom is only beginning as prices for education skyrocket having grown by five hundred forty percent since the eighty's according to the u.s. department of labor some people are coming here in the not even way. they can barely afford the tuition nineteen year old stacy abbey is
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a originally from an upper middle class family in india living below the poverty line since moving to america it's a negative mentality sometimes when people say oh you're coming to our country and you're taking all the food and all the food stands we don't use any of that is my family they scared them away thank you stacey says there are many more students like her most of them she says keep their hunger to themselves it's kind of embarrassing to go and tell that to people when you see that other people have it and you don't have that but i've seen a lot of students who are hungry and they eat. a muffin or something and. then i asked them all did you what did you have today a muffin is what they've told me it's that it's very sad in this community of twenty three thousand people the pantry is not only meant for students but also college staff who are in need the plight of college students as part of a broader struggle in america where food security is
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a problem while policies to keep up with those in need often ignore reality when you listen to people in congress talking about yeah well could food stamps by fifteen dollars a month they should try it well they should try to feed their families on food stamps so on. and see what a fifteen dollar cut would do well politicians narrow in on cutting costs rather than seeing the bigger picture it's volunteers like stacy along with two other students and faculty that are trying to help however they can by building and running what is for now a small space you don't have to be scared you don't have to be hungry there's someone who cares that they hope will make a real difference and. long island new york. well it's a busy travel weekend here in the u.s. while those of you heading to the arab world will likely complain about long lines in additional fees later this month air travel is going to become even more expensive beginning july twenty first the t.s.a. tax called the federal nine eleven security fee while more than double on most
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trips fees on a domestic one way ticket will go from two dollars and fifty cents to five dollars and sixty cents and fees on a nonstop round trip ticket will increase from five dollars to over eleven dollars stop over trips will be even more pricey congress has dropped the ten dollar per ticket cap so multi-city travel will cost more if a trip takes more than four hours these new fees will increase the tax you pay per ticket to about twenty seven percent much of the new tax money will go toward a fund to help reduce the federal deficit all the remainder will go to the transportation security administration the agency in charge of security at u.s. airports and airport security has become a major focus for the u.s. since nine eleven just this week the department of homeland security announced the t.s.a. will boost its security this holiday weekend at certain airports overseas that
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carry direct flights to the u.s. while no specific airports or threats have been named concerns include offshoots in yemen and syria developing bombs to attack commercial airliners as well as militants fighting in syria who hold western passports and are looking to threaten the u.s. . well general keith alexander former head of the national security agency has been keeping very busy these days alexander who retired in march from his dual role as head of the n.s.a. and the u.s. cyber command has been meeting with some of the largest banking trade groups while he's trying to deliver a message to banks about the significant threat from state sponsored attacks a. hackers more interested in stealing information or money but is consulting services won't come without a price tag the general is reportedly marketing his services for a whopping one million dollars a month certainly a lot more than he was likely paid at the helm of the intelligence agency and
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turning to another and as a related story today former whistleblowers from the security agency are testifying before a german parliament terry committee as the government investigators america's wiretapping methods for more on that let's go to our tease peter oliver and berlin. well it is quite alarming the people that are using this software this network doing so to avoid being tracked what they're doing online and now what has emerged is that the n.s.a. has the ability to track just who logs on to the servers now this comes after it emerged in a line of code from the the infamous x. keyscore system that's what the n.s.a. use in order to monitor what people are doing online now what this code revealed is that they have essentially a tap into two servers here in germany anybody that goes on there well they get put into a database and are labeled as extremists now it's estimated that tens of thousands
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of people will of hunt them selves on that database remember this is a network that was initially created to help. people in in countries where the internet is is repressed it was initially funded by the united states government may still provide some of the cash towards it even though they can't see what web pages you're looking at the top system itself seems to be remaining intact those that log on to it though can now be tracked and they can find out who you are or the two former senior n.s.a. officers william binney and thomas drake mr binney has just finished his testimony a very long testimony there indeed what he revealed is that yes the n.s.a. gave the technology to the germans that would allow concentrated surveillance doesn't know whether the germans implemented that though he said that it would be
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impossible for anybody to detect if they were being snooped on online by the n.s.a. you also said that the united states and n.s.a. needed to create a a moral standard modeled standard in what information they. snooping into me said that current legislation just doesn't do that so he's give his testimony be waiting to see what more comes out if they say all men go in committee hearing to try and find out just the sheer scale and scope of the n.s.a. spying here in germany now is our peter oliver. and now to the crisis in ukraine yesterday foreign ministers of ukraine and russia backed the new ceasefire plan with an agreement to restart peace talks by saturday meanwhile the fighting between and ikea forces and government authorities continues today at least seven people were killed by army air raids on a village in the eastern part of the country artie's maria the notion i has the
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story as we arrive in conjunction with a village twenty five kilometers from the guns houses and still. at least five aerial bombs were dropped here destroyed an entire street and killing several people most put my book was. broke oriented but when you have alexander invites us to follow him he has become a keen eye field joe you're going to do a lot of it was it was it wasn't yes i was or wasn't here but the other big guy. just next door and other human tragedy should rather of northwind mclintock that leave the business they were glued for more than a couple and i want you all you want to warn me of my ship assume that it's going to get you all quicker and raise a family was fortunately not
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a time at the time of the shelling. he says it would have killed them. would do i think thank you to crane's air force just hours ago the cease fire and date and key agrees you would cause it's and terrible ration in eastern ukraine and you should see above they didn't need to do what but it was to do with the book was a big step forward in the play of the two new immigrants washing even those little workers to good mischa's will tell you i wish you would look at whether you like him better shouldn't go or did you do all the prayers or go out of the city a bleed when you'll be you were in the will did not that you would you not a good reader should know you are going to do it with that you show reason to infest trained military pilot told us why he thinks the village was targeted to the earth or for the other fellow there were us some of us. would be better than we are there look at us variables you know the funny thing is that the money will lead to
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be assertive those are the supposed members going to war no you know well they would work always doors in the village near bush should be nurturing the war as possible as it's a good deal if you just died suddenly we hear the sound of shells exploding on my porch or two of us are going to shoot here now i carry the national security so we have to run now that i needed to take out ok can you hear that. are doing nothing. they say that. their. subject does forces base is human rights reason to limit as a way to hear hear. on our way back we stopped by a local hospital a day before the local power station was heat and another shelling since then there has been new running water and no electricity and surely. this you know settling for our children will be to someone to whom you. just.
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see what you mean to you which we find alexander's father him and the injured he says he sees no point in leaving one hour of his wife's gone through three horrible . the slaughter moment i don't know but when the no no don't go around or it's getting dark and doctors tell us we'd better hurry up we come back to lugansk. is the last brakes before the city and there was a sauna over that of the romney mind you but is that true. why is that. the show the enemy cannot get through the bridge and it was a checkpoint. is this up to phone was generals going with the other through our driver told us that this was the last checkpoint will start again with a show of the village and there were no modern happened and they say they are
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surprised why we're also a little of the first target goebbels ins when the checkpoint to the nearest checkpoint is time kilometers away it seems that no one has an answer for this question. in eastern ukraine. while it's july and that means we've officially began hurricane season in fact. east coast right now but before hurricane season americans are usually fighting the wrath of a different natural disaster course i'm talking about tornadoes take a look at this is the average number of tornadoes that have hit the u.s. state by state since one thousand nine hundred one and that's according to the national climatic data center an average of one thousand two hundred and fifty three tornadoes pummeled down on the u.s. each year in fact when it comes to absolute tornado count so u.s. leads a list when compared to the rest of the world these tornadoes typically wreak havoc on the communities they hit ravaging small towns and often killing many in their
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path but one physicist is now saying that this damage could actually be prevented and a paper he recently published in the international journal of modern physics temple university professor wrong towel says building high walls could solve this problem his proposal suggests building three massive walls around the american midwest each wall would be one thousand feet high and one hundred and sixty five feet thick earlier i was joined by the physicist himself to break all this down i first asked him to explain where exactly these walls would go well it. would be in the american middle west so if you have caught a cold there were real so for those who would be starting with the devastating political risk areas such as you like oklahoma in the west the east there was we this would you go slow was this successful they would probably put it
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somewhere else too. now while the grey wall of china would be the first thing that comes to mind when we say that. you look to china to help influence your solution to america's tornado problem and said you look at the landscape of china's plains and how did china's geography really play into this plan though if the china greater war is among think the difference the defense here is a bill that will. flav play so if you look at the china china had the tool making playing one is the court in northern china playing another call the east china playing some kind they call the young liberal playing ok so do you really it's your logical location almost saying i'm just for the elderly are there flags in every other here in the us like we are for them to see them and we use
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everybody's scared that's when it always does so much damage you so many people chaos on the front in china physically it's just not for the adults at all ok except it's a small area i should unocal most of because of being the monk and here is a need to do because they have a tornado but the last step for the adults but as a quarter planner on call so you end their lives in a situation why the financial phone call is only a small call you every year it's a smaller easy mode you already play don't have because if they use the west the mug on the block or reduce the bile in the clouds it you know the caller winning a war we so china was lucky didn't have too much tornadoes similarly in europe the tornado also are not as serious. as in the us last years as a stubborn tornado in whole europe but in us like us. small
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area like or oklahoma. lost eight hundred eleven tornadoes into another eleven even more so fluctuating but these daily average are prayer year eleven but a compare was three of the seven that's a big big difference geology good difference made a difference so many thing is that because in us monckton knows two stars basically a month is not a range from east to west like a europe of a china mountain range who waves so you combine to block lou duce the wind and clouds are there in us norman to do that so that's why we need to feel cool to see limited funds for office ok well i do imagine this would be a very expensive venture of course tornadoes are certainly dangerous but have you
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done a cost benefit analysis on the project. you know it's not the the the my people of course it's the science paper those who are charged with whether they can do it so based on an allied also based on some calculation we would do it but in reality you are right because this would be costly expensive so those that we don't do is that the like of like a stubborn place like alcohol for example they also means only like jumping into the city that they miss the poor man to like each year so they like a like a jumping city in ms ali tool in two thousand and eleven the damage is the abbas rebuilding dollar those in cuba are about to see hunger people these leave india the maybe they need to build a wall post so once the bill will eliminate it eliminated major tornadoes lead name problem people would like to expand on the area so well it can
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only go part of your problem when you don't study locally eventually gradually extend otherwise as you said it would you would you project is not a so you. know how difficult it would be structures be to build and does the u.s. have anything right now that's comparable at all all you did building is not a problem at all ok for example is the are being in all of the. building contest really it's like a story you are going to need to hide under the built a wall is a much needed them built ability ok guys building the second that is the one is important to realize these awards is not a tornado show they do not abide with. the event of a tornado they just need to swing the speed up a little solace awful noise so then it's a minimize their violent clarus to eliminate formation on your neighborhood so they
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are not at all. all right so this is that so they have no problem will be able to water then that engineering is no problem at all or they we can do it but at all cost is the when you to select the area to do the unit test the bose other they gradually extend all right certainly an intriguing idea physics professor wrong just how thanks for joining us thank you. well for years u.s. soccer major league soccer and other organizations have been trying to coax sports fans and to becoming part of the global game now in this year's world cup we finally saw that passion take root after years of interest taking up american fans are officially on board usa bandwagon r.t.s. and while rob lowe has the story. even with a beautiful goal by the us is julian green and over time the world cup twenty fourteen quarter finals will not be including the united states by
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far the u.s. men's soccer fans love saddened after the loss but have sure been paying close attention to the games in fact national viewership for the u.s. belgium match alone was bigger than the entire world series and the u.s. match against germany doing more online streaming in the u.s. than even the super bowl this year's world cup has people feeling bars stadiums and entire city squares to watch the games the biggest watch parties may be in new york and chicago but there's no shortage of fans right here in the nation's capital thank you thank you i think it's time for america to you know jump on the bandwagon with the rest of the world soccer is the biggest sport in the world i think it's a great thing for the sport it's going to change and this world has definitely changed everything on soccer yeah i think it's inevitable that soccer is going to be you want a bigger sports in this country is the second time you know baseball's fall off everybody loves football but soccer is going to a better part of the reason why this world cup is so popular might have something
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to do with the amazing internet content that americans are just gobbling up sharing everything from ads for a barber in texas will shave your favorite soccer players face into your head to videos like this one showing just one example of how other countries celebrate their will subject. cups worldliness is certainly having its a fact. that it was but even though the u.s. is now out of the game americans can still root for other big. through stores of the tournament that had a soul driving or nails until the last was so it seems americans are discovering something the rest of the soccer playing world has always known as a record viewership surpassing even the world series i think the us has found itself a new favorite pastime to let up a little artsy washington. bone busters coming up next here on r t aaron a has a quick preview thanks the mirror coming up on boom bust jobs numbers came out today ahead of the holiday weekend here in the u.s.
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and they weren't terrible we'll look into it coming right up plus it's the end of the week which means it's viewer feedback day here on boom bust we're feeling the audience's questions comments and concerns all sentient throughout the week live on today's show it's all coming up so stay tuned that does it for now for more on the stories we covered go to youtube dot com forward slash r t america check out our website r t dot com for its last usa and follow me on twitter at amir a david and stay tuned for buses next i'm happy martin the stories we cover here you're not going to hear any right stories that have struck that life there's a reason they don't want you to know that they have our airport there all phrase that we should think. now let's break the set.
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there's a huge ball of crazy in this story let's see if you can figure it out before i say what it is ready ok mary galligan used to leave the cyber and special operations team at the asked the eyes new york office which is the agency's largest surveillance operation she's now a privacy consultant for the financials that he must do a lot she knows a thing or two about cyber security and surveillance in other words and she recently told c.n.n. some of her top tips for how to protect your privacy one of the tips she told c.n.n. is to give the wrong time techs information at checkout you know when you're just trying to buy some toothpaste and the checkout clerk asks you for your zip code or phone number galligan suggests giving fake information at that point when you do give them that information it's aggregated so retailers can find out much more
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about you like how much money you make your credit card history per se lots of information can be revealed when it gets aggregated so it makes sense to give out fake information like galligan south does the next tip she told c.n.n. is to not show your driver's license when you're asked for photo id she says the next time your doctor's office ask for identification with a photo to them something else like your work badge that's because driver's licenses show more information including your birth and address that to mention your driver's license id number so it makes sense to show another form of photo id to protect your information another tip galligan gave c.n.n. it's a sad. a separate email account that is just for marketing when companies demand you cough up an email address just to buy something she says just give them this dedicated junk email address you've created then any information that is aggregated
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or parsed in any way shape or form will stay separate from your real email account and your real identity those are some of her tips which sound like they make sense so they didn't catch the crazy part if not here it is these tips from our former f.b.i. agent are all designed to protect you from corporations or other institutions they are to protect you from hackers or criminals this former member of our national police is giving us tips to help us to protect our privacy and identity from our companies it should be our government's job to legislate that protection from unscrupulous corporations and institutions but that's not how it works in the us now we need to protect ourselves from our criminal corporations and government too so says the f.b.i. and there is your huge ball of crazy tonight let's talk about that by following me
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a pleasure to have you with us here on t.v. today i'm sure. the gym is about seven years old it's one of the largest ten cities on the east coast of america and as you got about one hundred people here just because of economics the cost of how is a in this area especially is very high and i believe as an american we have a right. to care about or to possess public land until something is created that's my house you see back there live it set them to well good at least then tend to now than the dollar. if we hadn't done that we wouldn't have been home and i want to go we don't just held the you know people at density we don't anybody that needs help so tell your friend to just give us a moral take care of them or get.
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