tv Documentary RT July 6, 2014 3:29am-4:01am EDT
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walk but the question is would she do the same for me or any other person in the media probably not but thankfully for mrs obama she can't be fired from being the first lady only divorced or her husband's term ends now for me and every other person saying their opinion on camera we've got to be a lot more careful but that's just my opinion.
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the mom. and whole. world. ok it we're here in tent city and this tent city is in lakewood new jersey the camp is about seven years old it's one of the largest tent cities on the east coast of america and it's got about one hundred people here it's very diverse racially diverse culturally diverse all the old reasons of the traditional reasons for homelessness you've got alcoholism yet mental illness you've got other types of
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addiction you know but now we've got people here just because of economics solely because of economics the cost of housing in this area especially is very high it takes three minimum wage jobs for a single individual to afford the basic necessities of life if this is public land and we're part of the public and they've created an environment where we can afford a place to live i believe as an american we have a right. to camp out or to possess public land entails something is created. it might appear that tent city is you know everybody is just you know drinking or you know you know causing problems for each other and that where expecting government handouts that's not the case it's the first line of attack from people who don't like tent city or from people who don't like the homeless the first line get a job get bombed that's what that's the line right that's not the king. most of the
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people work here i will full time job a lot of people have full time jobs and i still can't afford a home that's why i'm here i'm a overnight clerk there's a shop right out of my love the road i work overnight stock and i bag it's got to take but you know i work full time make my paycheck put it in the bank and i save it i still live in a tent i'm not i don't i'm not any sort of government assistance i make too much money. so because i work full time i'm too rich you have to make less than a certain amount of money and it's appends on your household the number of people in your house it's just me i'm not married no kids so for me the money that i make i'm too wealthy i do qualify for food stamps i can get about forty two dollars a month in food stamps on a sliding scale the maximum for one person is two hundred dollars a month and the minimum i think is about twenty dollars a month depending on how much money you make so because i work full time i'm too rich to get welfare or temporary rent assistance or general assistance where they just give you a check for one hundred forty dollars
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a month so i'm too wealthy. go figure to wealthy that's my house you see back there i live in a tent i'm too wealthy to get general systems. is i mean this this works out this is right this isn't the way america is supposed to be ok it's it's unbalanced you have hardworking upstanding citizens who can afford homes. you know thirty years thirty years we live in new york with thirty you know and we've been vegetarian. and we rescue animals we only lived in new york city we spent tens of thousands of dollars. believe it or not tens of thousands of dollars rescuing birds we if we had done we wouldn't have been home we would have. what do they call it in this and this you know in any. good security mark but i
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don't regret it because we say so many wonderful lives here yeah i'm assuming the textile industry or thirty five years and it's just pretty much it's all been outsourced in china the industry was very large and mostly new york based it was just stunning from aberdeen springs primarily did some low things to. the furniture. and some went up the ladder into the channel and i listened to signed a rock. in my biggest. business man it's like twenty artists. you did many. years a zine so millions of dollars to see. pennies on the toilet pennies on the docket and literally. to use to. deny to my.
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likeness and write checks tax time right. so that you could get to see. me me each of them actually there were three of them they each made a million and they can't be here until. just those three years not counting everything else psyche. i was really quite successful. beliefs. so that it's you know there's a lot of reasons why people end up in tent city quote again you know i don't ask any questions when they come down here and they say i have no place to stay you know we'll give them a tent you know just gave give them some basic rules and the fundamental rule is respect your neighbor you know get along with your neighbor and for the most part they they do the the community is quite quite good about getting along with each other having. barber coming back from it right. but i did not run.
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did thank you and if you would believe me time blaring music that's better than him will not save him that man will have done this well it seems i would only reach it just a little i mean i'm not mad baghdadi think you really think you are just having. a bad boy and steph why you're going to get i don't think things are good you can be all right the hundreds of you. did have ever. done wrong with me. there is all this good being donated yeah this comes from our own high end warehouse. in a neighboring town too far from here maybe maybe three miles and what it is is when it gets close to the date you know the expiration date they can't send it on to
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their people so so they do it they give you no tax write off you don't want to think that they donate so it benefits us to still you know in day very close to day but in day and it's a true you know tremendous you know benefit for the homeless thing is we good we still don't have a place to live you know which girl. who knows good for good good for ruling the people with. child one i'm going to write. how well i pretty much came here because. we we had in the barn man and we were two hundred dollars short of a one of. four of farm and. all of that stuff got taken away from us and everything when we wound it up here and ever since and then used to steven's been a blessing soliciting he opened up his arms to us other. i never wanted to.
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make a career being homeless. it was of the will i get into and they like a miss when they want to do it because it's free right there on the pier and then the worry is that if you're if you didn't vicariously so lively that's their status thing with me personally i like stability and leave. them. alone. you know he said the townspeople as a cross section. come out it never happened they have no idea what i'm like sometimes. i'm. a lot of times will get. things donated by companies. so it's better to just whatever i get i just give out
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freely i never charge he's. a lot of these people especially the spanish the mexican fascination a lot of them are living in overcrowded conditions slumlord conditions a bad plumbing battle like tricity you know wires running all over the place crowded into small spaces you know doing whatever they can do to secure their housing a lot of it's substandard housing and they're just a scraping by. age that. my my. family. and. the money here is really the leading man to lead the land he and. i would. be easy.
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rebus. don't think any of this is subsidized like the people are you know bank but this out of their own pocket again was probably a couple of bentley's living per bartman here sharing the expenses of the apartment but i don't think in most of the mexicans you know a lot of them are registered americans are legal americans so are the coleman documented so they can't get any government help you know maybe if their children are born here they can get some food stamp money but they won't get in the subsidized housing if they're if they're. not doctrinaire. they're afraid of immigration you know immigration has been stepping up lately you know and if anybody gets a little more time to you know legal infraction there are no sending them back to
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mexico people are very weary very wary right now. you know of anybody strange you know. ok. yeah. after economy here i've developed a new website for accounts that he and i maintain it's facebook page. until know most people knew about tent city from local media outlets which aren't all which ones are always very friendly for the website and we're trying to put out our own our own voice and you know cover things from our perspective and on the web site reaches out to. people for different kinds of things you know it's it's for you know just news and happenings really density in some ways they can they can help. ellen. i don't think. it will this this time of year
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starts to pick up so the summer of summer is the hardest with it's a july and august august slowest wants to donation everyone should have their cars and the kids go back to school picked up in a really big some from november to december christmastime. i was working for a high voltage electrical contractor doing work in the lincoln tunnel by holland tunnel the george washington bridge and then coming home at night and going out to the woods and bringing sleeping bags and you know propane in the wintertime you know doing whatever i could to help them out and then after a while i realized i couldn't do both i couldn't keep my job working up in new york city and then come down to you know come down here and go out into the woods at night time all over the place and meet the needs of the home so i decided to leave my job and started doing this full time.
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basis with the economic ups and downs in the fine it must stay that on the deal sang i and the rest because it's a neat take it will be a briefly on. america's military might and its foreign policy exist separately from one another the us is a formidable military power but sadly its weak foreign policy was that is why i'm not inclined to suspect the obama administration of pursuing some secret plan directed against iran.
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i know c.n.n. m s n b c news have taken some not slightly but the fact is i admire their commitment to cover all sides of the story just in case one of them happens to be accurate. that was funny but it's close and for the truth and might think. it's because one whole attention and the mainstream media works side by side the joke is actually on here. and our teenagers we have a different brain. because the news of the world just is not this funny i'm not laughing dammit i'm not here. if. you guys talk to the jokes i will handle. that.
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thank. you. ok let's go ahead and open up with a word of prayer. heavenly father we thank thee for another day that thou has given us the breath of life another day to enjoy the beauty and wonders of the great creation. would continue to help us in tent city even as that how is already done by the b. c. the dike they will miss and i kind of toward those father in need of valor here in tent city we see the real in tangible ways in which thou does care
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for the poor and the needy. we have pizza every day. by name of jim he meets me out of the root of bob o'clock in the morning he goes around to about ten pizza parlors at the end of the day whatever they've got left over and they didn't sell him on the shelf they donate you know to tim or to the homeless or answer champix that i've been that he goes and he sleeps on the road he's homeless himself lives in his car and it's all he does all day long as he takes people to the doctor you pick up from bakeries delivered a pantries and he does this all on his his pension check he sleeps in his car and spends his money on helping people all day long that's amazing i've never seen a higher degree of self-sacrifice there because. he's a two tour of vietnam combat that still. mom defending monetized thank. you very much in. a lot of it
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and so i believe the words of the bible i believe there's eternal life so that's what i'm investing it in other words it's mine because i believe it and so what i've got here i can use to help other people because i don't have to attain anything here this is just an investment for wants to calm down. but it is so is unwilling down the railing he's happy because all i do is wake up to is this and. wake up and just get me a bowl always theory oh no because before i used to ask if we're late on types of food and now i'm seeing a craving live you have to be in the morning and it is not a moral hamburger i don't remember you the hamburger of are named you dan and i think you go in that cooler and i mean a burger line will be mostly. get you if somebody is hungry in tent city they want to be hungry. because they don't have enough food for the family don't mean you can
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and cannot fulfill oh yeah. hoping that by example they would learn a lesson but. again it's typical you know the path of least resistance whatever's easier and i know that's tendency with human beings you know human nature is just to find the easiest way out a lot of times with somebody else one is willing to do the work do it so. you know i don't mind doing it but it's you know short term this tent city is not going to be forever those words our ships are closing it down and then we're going to go to another phase. but it's on this year's over hope to be a mom part but it's very much you remember if and when you win it you. oh
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hopefully i'll be gainfully employed and i'll be able to be self-sufficient. you know back on the right track so i go for. the take care you know my phone. has to go. so some of the picture of blown my other kid does not was me unfortunately. but he's in foster care my concerns with kids i love kids and i pretty much saw the kids out there. i was in foster care myself but there is hope out here and i just want all the kids to know they. i'll be continuing to fight for all the kids out there including mine and never give up on hold the wonderful day that they have a good day guys. are moving on. to lose. the. new things.
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all the room. to. move. on. yet we do think it's romantic we fight over it all the time. who gets to make the fly who makes the best buy and of course you know who makes the best don't you think of it and. i didn't say you said it right there you know the. just it's a good thing we were wouldn't be busy but feel the tide juvies this you know it's.
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very hard work you know every. little thing you do is work you know if i need to wash dishes i have to heat water i have to get water consultant wonder spro says you know. very hard work. but she did one daughter she sent her poor to. stay with the three koreans hands and who's really pretty much lost touch haven't talked to them in years. was. really and we haven't talked to anybody since we came here except i did talk to her daughter until i found time to choose dumped all our stuff all my paintings is like you see on michael so we listen to music so we had already in. that week. when we came here we weren't sure we would stand
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a wheel we brought the necessities. the blue line laws can travel is house of learning. because all my free time i like to study so i had to be an official house of learning. is my desk this is where i do my reading. study books here a lot of his biblical you know a religious freak or a religious fanatic but a lot of stuff that i study is biblical also mathematics and physics i mean to quantum physics currently i'm saying to myself it's just i consider knowledge is that the best use of your time is just gain as much as you can. this is like a it's like a gingerbread house it's the cutest thousand tensity is definitely the most well maintained they put a lot of effort into it. they have they had it looks like
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a candy house doesn't it like some. from a storybook they made their own street what does it say one pair to his lane it's just people that are trying to live you know they are making the best of a bad situation then battling the township for of three years now since two thousand and ten they took us to court they sued us township of lakewood sued the homeless for a certain amount to get us off the land and a lawyer stood up on our behalf a very strong lawyer i belong to a very powerful lawyer firm they spent over a million and a half dollars representing us and so he we kind of reached a compromise that the what we would do is we would take a year's worth of housing that's what supposed to be happening but with the township is doing is trying to figure out any way they can to disqualify the people down intensity so that it's been a half a year since that that court case since the consent order was signed but nobody has
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gotten housing through the township and. the other night we experienced the worst harassment from the police in the township that we've ever experienced up to this time they came in and they started ticketing people giving people take it for burning to wood stoves thanks to. our. streets. we were taught this is the president. you have to deal with this it's not easy. to move this morning is a good day with the cup of coffee. every day is good because you know woke us up this morning but some days you know the double of the ticket they lost so he can the pressure you into thinking that he is them going to get better. nonoy right now i have no other options all i have is tent city i have no other how. house no
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apartment no other options i'm totally homeless i'm totally it like anybody else in intensity if the township closes down ten city i've got no place to go my parents were very giving and self sacrificing so i think i picked up those traits from my parents and you know also my religious beliefs also ok to test the public i was ok thanks but i feel much more fulfilled much more satisfied much more complete as a human being reaching out to other people. but i'll tell you one thing. god is in the boat. go out he's in the boat. and god's not going to let it in the way that the township thinks that it's going to hand because god is about justice god isn't down there in this town is about equality god is about the principles that the founding fathers of america
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dude was told. the for. syria to go off base and try to. save people are going to be good news for you. for the joy taking every minute. not me know how i laughed oh well. my. wife. was saying this exciting all times of. these cases to meet women. sometimes for nothing which. is so weak and simple it's just. it's
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not just to give a story kids will be just to be safe in a state of being taken to keeping tabs with guns feature film. on the same. plane. i'm abby martin the stories we cover here we're not going to hear in iraq it's our big story straight ahead and talk there's a reason they don't want you to know. that we. now let's break the set. player. play. player. please.
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play. based in ukraine by land and raising entire communities in order to crush the anti-government movement sending the casualty list soaring. oh. we report almost someone in the course in here is on the slow civilians the elderly and even children written off as collateral damage. also radicals in iraq and syria secure the recently proclaimed islamic caliphate as they seize control of boss told fields analysts say the advance of the militants.
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