tv News Weekly RT July 6, 2014 8:00am-8:15am EDT
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rigidly doesn't sound any. mission to teach me creation why you should care about humans and. this is why you should care only on the. base top stories interview of the week ukrainian army raising entire villages in a bid to reclaim government strongholds in the restive east the country sending the civilian death toll soaring. the report on those unwittingly caught in kiev's onslaught civilians the elderly even children written off as collateral damage. leader of the recently berkeley islamic caliphate apparently makes his first public appearance as ruthless militants continue their advance in iraq and syria seizing control of vast oil fields.
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killing of a palestinian boy and triggering violence across the region's activists raised concerns that the deaths of. those in the north unlike israeli. bring you today's top stories and a look back at the week's news four pm in moscow entire villages razed to the ground dozens of civilians killed this less than a week after he had ended a ceasefire with software claim republics in the east of the ukraine the army immediately resumed its so-called anti terror operation with heavy shelling and bombing. military saying it's targeting anti-government fighters but it's hitting residential areas in the process women children and the elderly among the dead. had
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to do with this it wasn't really you it was the do you got. to do. it to be. someone new to do. we've got to prove that then how do you know. we're the goods. you've got the margin oh. good you know i'm still being you know you. don't read very. particularly bloody attack carried out in the village of qana shows go wednesday when twelve people were killed first denied responsibility the later commander of media was an accident marine if an ocean it was there. as we arrive in can just a village twenty five kilometers from the grounds houses and steam. at least
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five a real bombs were dropped here he's joined an entire street and killing several people most people my. brows quarter you know when you're. alexander invites us to follow him. his backyard has become a candidate field joe you're going to do a lot of it was or wasn't as of yet but i was all that's a good good up there on. the out. just next door and other human tragedy for our part of north wind looking at all of this and they were glued gordon a couple wrong and i want to give more as a waterfall the only abundance of warm is my should presume that it's a good good year old andres family was fortunately not at home at the time of the shelling of the foot he says it would have killed them. just go do it think think
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you two cranes airforce just hours ago the cease fire and date and key agrees you would cause it's empty terribly ration in eastern ukraine and you should use in your book maybe a little devoted but that is the goal of the book was at least a good in the point of. it war it was kill you it kills the would choose to do with you it gives you the reason e.g. when you deal him with it she would need to deal with it would lead to good a good neighbor if he didn't a blue could probably live nearby or should be nurturing the floor as possible as it's a good feel as good as night suddenly we hear the sound of shells exploding you know my foot or two up when you're going to shoot but here now i carry them badly so we have to run now. on our way back we stopped by a local hospital. a day before the local power station was heat in another shelling since then there has been new running water and no electricity they should leave.
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soon enough that only throw shadows in your view to someone with whom you. are still. seeing what you need to get what we find alexander's father him on the injured he says he sees no point in leaving no one out of his one hundred three hundred reports. the slaughter moment i don't know but what you know no matter who you are no one of our. it's getting dark and doctors tell us we'd better hurry up we come back to the guns. is this stopped flowing was generally good with our driver told us that this is the last checkpoint the whole thing started with a shock of evil and there were some bodies happened and they say they are surprised why we're also a little of the first target global zings on the checkpoints the nearest checkpoint these time kilometers away it seems that no one has an answer for this question.
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in eastern ukraine. heroes for those who were killed in the air strike took place in what was left a village square one woman carrying both her husband and young son. we give the body to the family believe it beautifully. if you couldn't you didn't want you to think that didn't matter to them if you boys you keep your dog with you the book is over with the puzzle of. the muslims the baby and you thought was the that's good. destruction of countershaft already here in debates about how much force is too much here in u.s. russia with defense calling the army's actions quote an attempt to restore peace. our view is that the training in security forces operations have been moderate and measured they thin taking steps to maintain calm within their own country
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dissolution with the actions of ukraine's military or the country's parliament this is how one lawmaker interrupted president poroshenko as he was praising the armed forces i mean you're kind of naive and shabby not altogether sure was was the man the man there today imo i did not predict a national attitude thank you thank you government fighters have left the cities of slovyansk in crime a tourist which had been the epicenter of the resistance partly because they say they were indefensible and that they couldn't prevent civilian casualties caused by the government bombardment now they've withdrawn to the regional capital of donetsk they say to regroup and reinforce. joining me live in the studio marks the border and international affairs lecturer at moscow state university to talk more about
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this so how much of a turning point in the conflict is the retaking of slovyansk by the ukrainian military ok well first of all what we have to consider is as mark at a man as a writer for forbes just wrote today in one of his columns that this does not mean that anyone is winning or losing the ukrainian civil war the conflict in this is far too early to say however we can look at what happened in slovyansk and the retreat from towns just kramatorsk. nicholai of the other outer ring of towns that defended lugansk and. from a purely military tactical point of view we can see that this could be actually be considered a draw or a small success for the self-defense forces they managed to withdraw most of their . arms and forces from an encircled position in good order and draw them back to a much more defendable position with
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a much larger body of volunteers. to support that is much easier to supply than slovyansk was slovyansk in their own words served its purpose as a delaying shield basically of the entire military might of this ukrainian regime supported by the west was focused for three months on a small town of one hundred twenty thousand people now from a political and if we want to say moral point more our point of view the retreat from is a huge defeat and a huge victory that will be paraded on the cameras by the. oligarchy ruler of the regime in kiev petro poroshenko he's already raised up the ukrainian flag over the retaken cover. in buildings and in slovyansk and this will be presented as a at least an initial the first real success of his state terror and mass repression
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campaign across the eastern ukraine and it will be a big moral disheartening blow not only to the people of eastern ukraine but also to ordinary russians as well what can the locals then expect there now i mean at least some motor come of calm ok no not at all i don't think we can really expect seriously to see that at all we have already seen videos online today of residents of slovyansk confronting the occupiers of their town yelling fascists go away and they were not treated very kindly in return we have seen some very grim results in the previously occupied towns sort of nicholai of the mob most of the young middle aged men are rounded up what exactly is being done with them whether they are being executed or taken off is not entirely known we have heard the defense minister of the ukraine several weeks ago speak openly and without even any
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attempting to hide it that all of the citizens of eastern ukraine when these towns and cities or reconquered would be taken to women children and men would be taken to filtration camps not even really trying to hide the connection with concentration camps of course so the defense minister of ukraine of said there will be consul this ration camps now he said there would be filtration camps ok. what i'm saying is that this is there's no real difference in this between filtration camps and concentration camps it's a one word denoted propaganda difference between the two of them this is not controversial questionable this was reported live on t.v. that ukrainian defense minister stated this and they're really really shocking and disturbing thing is there hasn't been in the outcry. from the western press about this. so the national guard is saying that they will search for those who refuse to lay down their arms and question you how do you expect they'll be treated i expect
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you'll say not well. i don't think there's any secret the national guard this paramilitary force composed mostly of the radicals of the euro my dawn and ultra nationalist groups as well as international fascist brigade as al-jazeera has interviewed and reported earlier. these people suffered very heavy losses over the last three months in this siege of slovyansk know their towns and they have shown previously in other towns that they are out for a little bit of revenge i don't know and the people in these towns certainly do not treat them as liberators or heroes but as they themselves describe them fascist occupiers the reports out this morning is that they are already going door to door looking for people who might have remained behind who will help or are perceived as having helped these self-defense forces and the local say they are being executed. hopes for a peace took
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a blow and president poroshenko refused to extend this truce do you think there is a possibility of a lasting cease fire he has said that there is the possibility of extending it ok if he has unilaterally declared a cease fire that never in fact existed on the ground it was simply a p.r. move to present to the european union in the week in the run up to the signing of this neoliberal e.u. association agreement it never happened on the ground the artillery shells the airstrikes never stopped falling on the people of eastern ukraine there wasn't any ceasefire before it there well certainly won't be any now it will be perceived as that the regime has won a military victory and earlier in the last week we saw the ultra nationalists and fascists gather on the my guard in kiev protesting for a resumption of the war and against the ceasefire so domestically. with the base of fanatics that portugal depends on to retain power it would be extremely politically
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difficult for him to now after having seen as one a first initial military victory if that even if it wasn't in truth that it will be very difficult for him to return to any kind of even false cease fire and you have to leave it there remarks a lot of thanks for your time. this week the leader of the jihad known as the islamic state made his first public appearance he gave a sermon in the second largest city of iraq praising the creation of an islamic caliphate on the occupied territories militants making major gains capturing a key oil field along the syrian border on top of the other resource rich sites they've already snatched from baghdad. now on this map you can see how much land the islamic state has already under its control that black area in the middle of the map is the self-proclaimed caliphate straddling the border between syria and iraq and success of the islamic state group has seen a number of rebel factions in syria now pledge allegiance to it in the group is eager to show off its military might to persuade other fighters to join their cause afraid of tanks and.
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