tv Keiser Report RT July 8, 2014 12:29pm-1:01pm EDT
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and china gas deal which is going to be done in something other than dollars now that's my understanding and you have an offramp saying that french companies like big toe tell the big energy company they don't need to trade in dollars do deals in dollars people want out of the dollars of the extraordinary privilege or the extraordinary produce privilege that charles de gaulle mentioned exorbitant you know the exorbitant price privilege that charles de gaulle mentioned that the u.s. gets to write checks with their mouth that their bank account never has to cash the rest of world is saying we don't want this extraordinary extraordinary extraordinary privilege well actually this is an interesting time to look back to because that was in one nine hundred sixty nine that tells the girls our finance minister said that and right then is the first time the most recent time that the us went bankrupt remember they went off the gold standard because they couldn't meet their obligations overseas well the brits took it they just accepted that bankruptcy and then no notion that america would never give them back their gold that the french sent
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a warship over to collect their gold here the same thing cut to you know forty years later and the america is bankrupt again even on just a pure paper a city where how do you go bang grow food just fictional money and asked me running mate often as i want to right now the nine hundred seventy one that someone up the gold went up shut the gold window as a result of this kerfuffle with france and that was a default america the fault of foreign obligations by shutting the gold and and now america is being forced to default once again because the u.s. doesn't doesn't have any credibility anymore and nobody nobody takes the u.s. seriously nobody takes obama seriously nobody takes the pentagon seriously i mean they're just a bunch of war mongering punks so year or two ago the u.s. was imposing sanctions on standard chartered and h.s.b.c. and other british banks and some people quietly kind of with a stiff upper lip said oh it seems a little bit weird that america is targeting our banks when their banks do the same thing but of course the brits did nothing because they're famous for being pujols well cut to france. one attempt to impose fines on
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a french bank and they're like declare war that is an act of war for him to be saying use them in b. forget the dollar that it is an act of war sanctions are an act of war and that so when the us declared sanctions against iran and russia that was an act of war i mean that putin you know very diplomatically has been sitting you know on the sidelines and letting the u.s. well its own brains out by making the stupidest policy decisions one could possibly imagine but france is not that cool you know france is already hot in the streets are very the rebel against anything you give a freshman the you know short term to win a croissant we'll take you down the governor beat the greek the living soul out of you well you mentioned total c.e.o. and that's in the next headline to tell c.e.o. calls for bigger your role in oil payments oil major totals chief executive said on saturday the euro should have a bigger role in international trade although it's not possible to do it without the us dollar yet this is christoph to marjorie and he was responding to
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a question about calls by french policymakers to find ways to at e.u. level to bolster the use of the euro in international business following a record u.s. find for b.m.p. so here again this is french policymakers on an e.u. level forcing the u.s. off the dollar and the europeans off the dollar and remember when when they take action they tend to really take action so whether it's you know these force and google to remove any you know references to their own citizens well we're living in an era of the globalization globalization peaked a few years ago and now things are being balkanized as this term is used sometimes or d. globalization is taking place and there's a lot of factions are opening up internet scene in warfare is breaking out and folks are getting out of the u.s. dollar because they realize it's a toxic currency of the global gemini that offers nothing on the upside and only sub. geisha and humiliation in the downside nobody wants that anymore and there's
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no there's no i mean china i mean they're there they're willing to take hollywood movies just because chinese officials are open again to the paths of scarlett johansson but other than that nobody wants the dollar nobody wants all the what nobody wants the american myth now then i will cut to a tweet here from convert bond and he says b.m.p. contagion litigation risk on euro zone banks forecast now at one hundred four billion from fifty six billion last year still see upward risk and he was referring to a credit suisse report and they've basically doubled the litigation risk for european banks due to the b.n.p. thing he said he's suggesting now again this is amazing that america apparently seems to be bankrupt bizarrely on their own ponzi scheme that their own ponzi scheme that they're pushing and based on fake money that they could just essentially print so bring back this song as they are called you know the back to
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the french revolutionary times of france you know they got ahead of they they're willing to revolt and stage an insurrection at the drop of a chapeau and this is clearly the time for france to step up to the plate and stage an insurrection against the u.s. dollar and their current leader holanda is you know pathetic so i mean they need to get him immediately get rid of him put in put in somebody's not not marion le pen she's too much on the right but you need to five somebody a man of the people maybe that soccer player that football player who led the move your money campaign eric. eric. eric cantona lead france then lose football crazy make eric cantona the leader of france and pull out of the dollar well the french are good at shouting and doing nothing actually they're shouting achieves very little. so you know if the french banks by
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the way were the probably the number one recipient of federal reserve bailouts but when germany gets angry germany gets really angry they don't shout about it but they're very quiet and next thing you know they're invading your country and you're like what let the both of them back your head and say. tough luck sucker well let's look to this headline here one german take on the latest u.s. spying scandal so you know that they found a double agent in germany some spy from germany a thirty one year old guy and he handed over some documents to the jerk to the americans and it turns out that it was a parliamentary investigation into the n.s.a. spying on germany and he was actually handing this data over to americans for i think twenty five thousand euros or something like that what german president joachim said that if the spying allegations are confirmed one really has to say enough is enough about america and so this guy zero heads one of the regular users
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of zero hedge was saying from germany this is his interpretation of what's about to happen he says we have void already chinese products because of the use of poisons in the low quality in general we will avoid american products too because america is the worst liar of all states in our generation and we have an office there spying and stealing of other countries' gold and pointing with fingers a meddling in foreign affairs which is also unprecedented when they have the most biggest. themselves. she shuts off conciousness. you know germany from playing the air a crisis brilliantly you know it's been fantastic for germany because as a peripheral countries like greece and ireland of collapse it's great to keep the euro relatively cheap for the german export market and as they attempt federal is ation of the euro zone of course all that will be run out of frankfurt so they'll be the privileged the euro will be the new dollar sensual be the world reserve currency and all go through frankfurt so frankfurt will be the new wall street or the new city of london and they've got
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a huge manufacturing base there and their social welfare programs aren't access the medical you know the health care systems and the pension system they're all in access it's brilliantly managed brilliantly led it's got a fantastic longstanding culture you know the fourth reich is ready to roll i mean let's give it another shot the first rate in workout going back to charlemagne the third was a complete fricken disaster but you know the fourth might work now i mean the point here is that here is america an empire just like the brits were during the previous day globalisation period prior to world war one and here the americans when they need their friends the most they're teaching the world how to lose friends and not influence people so in order to keep europe on their side a major major economic bloc what they they can upset the french all they want because the french will throw begats and croissants and then go to lunch with after the germans here they the germans they've pissed them off one too many times and if the germans are angry with them then you know i think things could be serious let
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the whole thing collapse with the abu ghraib prison scandal because up until that moment u.s. had the moral high ground but when the abu ghraib prison scandal came out and you saw americans doing all the matter of dupree eve torturing and humiliating degradation to fellow human beings that images that were reminiscent of world war two in the world's worst atrocities of germany in world war two suddenly the tables flipped they're like well the mare. it's just as bad as any world war two scoundrel the whole greatest generation is a farce they're completely frickin you know profiteering scoundrels and then germany is like look those go let's go back to germany we've got the engineering excellence we've got the history we've got the social welfare system we've got the manufacturing i've got the jobs you've got the highest you know wages per hour or so they're running a roll baby germany's ready to rock n roll twenty first century and now how the u.s. has executed this empire have they have they operated it their raj system has been
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the central banking fee dominated system over the last forty years since post bretton woods and here's a tweet from in fraser he says markets are totally rigged in the biggest rigors of all of the central bankers this is a quote from charles good heart and he told us to camp alphaville which was took place here in london at four at the financial times and charles goodhart used to serve on the board of the bank of england and so he's talking about quantitative easing is causing market rigging that this is the central banks rigging the markets but he also mentioned here is charles goodhart talking to the financial journalist and i call ha ha ha he said and this rigging by the central banks least the other rigging good heart ads citing the allegations of four x. rate fixing again but people are just sick of it this is a way to alienate people into lose friends to lose market participants to lose faith to lose trust so what we have then but nothing. every single such a bank of the world's been co-opted by the federal reserve bank bank of japan the bank of england the other major ones they now want the european central bank which
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let's face it is all done this bank the old german central bank to expand their balance sheet go to quantitative easing and they're going to say no we're not it's about a fact why don't we just take over your economy and don't want to just bring in the fourth reich you fricken losers and you know what they could do it they've got the firepower they've got the intelligence they've got the leadership something american the u.k. has no leadership whatsoever and then the other line of the russia it was aligned with china and around so hello twenty first century. so you got to go ok go make some friends stay tuned for the second half got an interview right then earlier with arian compound. dramas that can't be ignored to. stories others refuse to notice. the faces change the world lights next.
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to the picture of today's you know. from around the globe. dropped. to fifty. this is what we do we kill people and break things. we can see something if simple as people playing a soccer game we can see individual players and we can see the ball. i can almost see his facial expression you can see is a mouth open and crying out. maybe cursed us or maybe he asked. for forgiveness for. there must be near certainty that no civilians will be killed
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or injured. right from the scene. of. the first strike. and i think the church. on our reporters twitter. and instagram. to be in the know. on. did you know the price is the only industry specifically mentioned in the constitution and. that's because a free and open process is critical to our democracy albus. role. in
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fact the single biggest threat facing our nation today is the corporate takeover of our government and across a cynical we've been hijacked why a handful of transnational corporations that will profit by destroying what our founding fathers one school class i'm john martin and on this show we reveal the big picture of what's actually going on in the world we go beyond identifying the problem to try to fix rational debate and a real discussion of critical issues facing america to find a job ready to join the movement then walk a bit like. your friend post a photo from a vacation you can't afford. the difference with. the boss repeats the same old joke of course you like. your ex-girlfriend still pens tear jerking poetry keep jobs norris. we
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post only what really matters at r.t. to your facebook news feed. welcome back to the kaiser report imax kaiser's i'm going to turn to futurist i.t. architect and free software advocate area and compass who is one of the authors of the info security handbook for journalists i mean welcome back to the kaiser report here then so this is a book that's going to be freely available crisis and it's a book that's going to allow journalists to work in a way that avoids a lot of these problems of getting spied on you brought some interesting things with you talk about the book a little bit first then we get into the propaganda so it's one of the a series of hand books made by the center for investigative journalism and they asked me and my co-author silkie cardo to write a book where somebody can on his own without you know external technical experts
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being president just work through and set up their laptops and whatever else they use to protect themselves under sources and or story as they go about their business given everything we now know of the level of spying that's going on particularly against journalists i just took a quick look at some of these props or you have what this looks like a conflict you know what is it well it is a cufflink it does work as a government actually but inside is used to drive and that can can change a system called tails which is a linux based operating system particularly designed for privacy and against surveillance and one of the things that we discussing to book is how to set that up and how to use it and you can run a complete system off one of those drives and also give those kinds of drugs to your sources so that you can then both communicate in a very secure way without it requiring very expensive equipment that of course these days you could have paid investigative journalists using crypto currency and that you have clearly had yes and you could hide it inside the system as well so put that in there on top of the documents an end of photos and all the other
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material the i have a very secure let's you know you bring up something new here which i think is remarkable to fight against the n.s.a. and n.s.a. spy. eyeing the idea is to increase the cost of spying just bankrupt the those who are doing the spies because right now the cost of spying per person i think you quoted a number like eight cents per something like per day or something like that it's ridiculous so start off there and then where are you going with this you can roughly calculate what the n.s.a. spends per person per day if you take the amount of people to spying on which is something in your order of two and a half billion and you take the budget which is something in eighty to one hundred billion dollars per year so if you didn't numbers you come out at something like eight to ten cents per human being per day to day could i told informational and it's mostly because most of us give it away automated so they don't have to spy on us you know we type it into google and facebook and we carry around phones that are completely and so we have automated the process for them which was some of the
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tools again that are in the handbook and it's for journalists but it's really for everybody who wants it. you can increase the cost of that massively by just taking a couple of basic steps that takes you maybe a saturday afternoon or weekend to set up you can increase the cost of having that kind of information about you that for most people the n.s.a. and i guess for essentially almost free you can you know you can require them to actually start physically following you again like in one thousand agents. and so if enough people do that then it's simply will be possible within any budgetary space for the n.s.a. to do the m r i mean it can maybe still inspiring ten thousand people but not into enough billion threats then we have that's not a solution but we've gained a lot already the idea of going after them on a legal basis that doesn't seem to be working because it's the will of any government to go after them on a legal basis so this is a way just to increase their costs and to bankrupt them put them out of business they just don't have to expensive for florida kind of stuff to do it and it's also
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we don't have to wait for governments act each individual can literally start today then china is already doing something like this so what china is now very structurally phasing out. in key parts of the infrastructure particularly in their own banking sector interesting enough and a government sector so they're phasing out a us made to serve us software things like that and this is going on in many countries like many latin american countries are now doing the same and have been for some time but over the last year this is gain an extra extra push and there are some. little beginnings in europe like the german government saying to fry's and sorry you know you will no longer be providing to german government with telephony services because we don't trust you anymore so there's there's some stuff going on but yeah it really should be a lot more given that you know when we buy just stuff we're buying spying for structure we're paying for their hardware to spy on us it's ridiculous really you know and russia is
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a sting case because russia's economy that is i would describe it as being trapped by the heart hydrocarbon business the oil and gas business what is high they fall back and say we're making too much money on oil we're not going to bother diversify when it's a low price of oil they'll say oh my god we we need to pump more oil because we're running out of cash so they're trapped in the oil cycle but now with this development at the n.s.a. spying it's almost as if now they're being forced to diversify their economy which is a long term huge positive for them correct to talk a little bit about that and also one of the news items of last week was that the russian government will now be producing for the one million computers that they buy per year they will be producing their own procession in future and they're tuning up a factory for it and they no longer want to buy american made processors because again there are so many questions about spying that they say we can just can't trust this. so and once you once you build that particular very complex component then all the other seems sort of follow along from there and of course you know
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once you start making for the government why not just for russian businesses and and the rest so you take a little bit of hold it all money and get it sloshing around the money that they have a lot unlike most of us now and invested into some of these factories an industry a capability and i mean we all know to have the engineering knowledge and to have to educational system to keep it going so it could be really big if they just sort of take a little bit of the money and invest it in those kinds of rights just in are doing to get around the spying they're going to get into the chip business and want to get it shipped as us you're in the tech business yes and now you're cutting into i b m or. recall. anybody in jail in india yeah the older hardware manufacturers i mean also a lot of the stuff is in force comes out of china but i.b.m. has already taken a massive hit. they couldn't sell their service missions to china they said sorry we don't want it so it did they were going to sell off that's a thing of the oracle oracle saying same story now so some of the worst is spot on everybody to avoid a few attacks here and there there's
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a zero so far yes there oh it's x. they're going to blow a trillion in revenue for these high tech companies and essentially gut the american economy. if everybody starts doing what what russia and germany and china are now doing starting to do if the world starts to do dance then you know it's going to be several hundred billion dollars a year so the talk of the germany and horizon deal what are the one of the costs or what are the numbers actually i'm not sure what he exact value of the contract was but i think we're talking about tens to hundreds of millions of dollars something like that so it's not the german national telecoms infrastructure its tentacles services to the german government so it's like the internal telephony network between ministries and out of government institutions let's talk about you know teach a business the global trade deal that overrides all sovereignty and forces the hand of the likes of germany presumably were teaching it in place rising could suit germany and the corporate arbitration panel would rule against germany yeah so that
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this is the big story about if in fact germany were to do what you've just said that they are doing or russia or china yeah they could go to the global teat to trade organization like the world trade organizations or global institution or the world bank of the i.m.f. to teach to put services this global you know world order and they can complain and not only do they get money back for the perception of them having lost the businesses you know they get paid damages they get it's equated to just because ration. just open up the top of money into foreign sovereign governments it's really crazy. and would really surprise me if the rest of the world because it seems to be mostly beneficial to a handful of western companies i think the rest of the world would be crazy to accept it i'm sure it will be lobbied and pushed and cajoled and they'll be all kinds of nasty stuff going on behind the scenes but now on top of all this spying which of course many governments were already somewhat aware of but it now they
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have to also admitted to the citizens this is what is being done by them to our country so i think it will become politically very painful for governments to even to do that says a select president might be defeated just to expose also like act and soap i'd like be defeated said might go a long way even into the e.u. parliament like it already has but then sort of once you get near to the date it actually it has devoted one suddenly you'll see out if you are proud of other countries sort of a growing swell of resistance and some soap in america was one of these laws that was it was defeated that way when at the eleventh hour by just tens and hundreds of thousands of people literally calling washington a melting the phone lines and just saying don't vote for this and we had the same thing in europe with oxo where we defeated it at the last minute in the new parliament because there was so much resistance to it so that was takes a while for that resistance to sort of come into you know come into its own but then i think i think egypt is going to go to way of way of arctan the other ones although probably the fight will be even harder and nobody lost
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a lot being but it's you know the let's talk about proton mail which was. basically a hack proof encryption a mail system that came out of one of the universities it just returned you know they were crowdfunding this protest they got two hundred eighty thousand dollars through pay pal. and apparently pepperell asked the swiss this swiss company if they have permission from the government presumably the united states to offer the service so the u.s. is bullying switzerland about this in the pena corp try to come up with n.s.a. proof email. what do you think that case is going. if you know if u.s. pushed hard enough they might actually. make it life difficult but this was a very resistant to this kind of stuff when i am in two thousand and ten when the u.s. ordered all the wiki leaks the main to be taken down so that we can start at far in france was taken down and weak leaks but or it was taken down and in the amazon
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stuff was the one domain that wasn't taken down was we can exploit c.-h. the swiss i mean this is this is just run by a little foundation out of university of byrne and they got the call as well and they just said sorry your laws don't apply are to switzerland good bye now i don't know if there's still that sort of bolshy today. but i think switzerland and germany would probably be two of the countries where you have a good legal framework to do these kinds of services that are resistant to sort of foreign you know legal and political tampering but yeah it's not going to be easy to do these kind of searches i actually think that decentralizing even further down to the individual user will be in the future the way to go and all of us just having a couple of these lying around with your email on it and with your documents on it with stuff that's really important for some reason and so completely decentralized it down to the individual well what do you make of this accusation by. who came out and said that this fine that the us is charging b.n.p.
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close to nine billion dollars. it is all about extortion essentially they want the they they want france and they want the u.s. wants france and these other european countries to fall in line now and accept these trade deals like you know or we're going to extend you know extort you for it in this case nine billion euros i mean your and your european and you know here's your fellow european bank ballo there in france being extorted by the u.s. for a huge amount of money this is outrageous now it's interesting that now some of the u.s. government seems to be in division of finding banks i mean you know wouldn't that they had done that back in two thousand and eight that would have been good but now this seems all the only european banks yeah go to satisfy the free market all right they're all doing great i ever got to go but again thanks again for being on the kaiser report good to be with you that's it for this edition of the kaiser report with me max kaiser and stacy herbert i like to thank our guests airing if you can download his book the info security handbook for journalists it's free online and you should do it if you like in touch with us tweet us
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a change when you run should be ready for a. pretty upscale little town the freedom to cross. our headlines after yet more shelling in eastern ukraine two biggest cities are braced for a military blockade as the new president personally orders the siege is put in place. up least thirteen palestinians are killed as israel launches a large scale offensive against reports that its troops are preparing for a ground invasion. the french finance minister says the global currency system needs to move away from the dollar after one of the country's biggest banks is billion dollar fine for not complying with.
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