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tv   Keiser Report  RT  July 12, 2014 3:29pm-4:01pm EDT

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to that bank to big coin was a three we took it to a thousand on the show we made i'm everywhere i go in this world people stop me and say max thank you for making me a crypto millionaire thank you for making me a bit coin millionaire we became bitcoin millionaires last year and the whole bitcoin story is astounding so now we're bringing in crypto bully on so it's a silver coin with a max coin krypto hola gram attached to the coin and this is the ultimate banker killer this is the baxter killer we're introducing you to this concept devised by a guy named mike murphy on start joint and it's called mexican silver crypto bully on. demand has been so great whereby it's now eight hundred percent funded i thought this was interesting because there's also another crypto bully on currency on the site called vera coin silver and that also received one hundred percent of their funding within a day or two so we do track demand and i was surprised at how huge the
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demand was without any sort of advertising or marketing or anything like that people wanted silver plus crypto and this is the first marriage of it and it was really interesting in light of what we talked about in terms of the confiscation schemes around the world where there was in cyprus which first drove the price of the coin up and then silver didn't respond back then but now we've merge them or somebody mike murphy has he's merged the crypto with silver some of those max silver coins from a couple years ago they're on a base they're trading at two to three to five to ten times the spot price over so as a collector's item they're skyrocketing value but you're right the crypto boyan concept is like kryptonite to the banks or it's like take a guy like bob diamond first like and he was over there at barclays bank and oversaw one of the worst banking scandals in history any time you see of banks or this is like a bank for killer crypto bully on max coin silver crypto boy this is i think this is the ultimate ultimate solution we talk about solutions on the show this is the ultimate salute. it's the one two punch now why do you need
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a one two punch why do you need to learn how to box again these banks you know if you're just an ordinary joe or or jose out there and you think that you're going to be immune from the system well listen what's happening in space in spain says to charge a tax of zero point zero three percent on bank deposits spain on friday said it would introduce a blanket taxation rate of zero point zero three percent on all bank account deposits and a move aimed at harmonizing regional tax regimes and generating revenues for the country's caste strapped autonomous communities so it could bring in four hundred million euros on one point four trillion euros in deposits so it makes it seem always just a tiny tiny tiny bit but you know that's what they start at point zero three percent and then they raise it up it's a bell and well this is negative interest rates and we've talked about negative interest rates and they are being is by the e.c.b. on the wholesale level because the e.c.b. bank is charging as member banks and negative interest rates and now spain is going
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after the retail market and if you have money at a spanish bank they're going to charge you to have that money at the bank the economy around the world has been murdered by baxter's and now people in spain are like they're going over the battlefield of corpses and they're stealing people's watches they're stealing people's artifacts and effects so this is like a graveyard theft of what's left of the spanish economy first of baxter's on mercifully murdered the spanish economy like they killed the greek economy or goldman sachs john paulson. lloyd blankfein papa graham over there greece they got together we know it's on record they colluded they talked about how do we kill greek greek economy how do we steal billions of dollars for john paulson the hedge fund manager and papa stole five billion through that credit default scam putting the money in his mother's accounts what's the one they succeeded the greek economy is dead now going to come around likes dead soldiers and take their watches and take whatever they have. with interest rates this is i'm
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a cop this is worse than a pedophile scandals pedophilia here in the u.k. which is now bursting out all over the places such as jimmy savile this westminster it's whitehall is teething with pedophiles there job the streets like the zombies looking for little children to abuse and this whole thing is just gushing out over the buckingham palace ten downing street is because there's a village of zombies how do you fight them and don't really know who we're moving on to our own solutions forget them we have to move away from them they we shouldn't even talk about them anymore where we have the one two punch to knock these guys out we have the crypto bully and we also have our start time we say it pays to share so we have our own communities developing outside of these people in canada now there's a new movement to save the people of detroit who are being destroyed and vista raided by the bankers our water is their water canadians help seventy nine thousand and detroit with delinquent accounts so nearly half of detroit is delinquent on
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their water bills this is because detroit has water rates that are twice the average across the united states partly because of the deep population there this is before also there increase of rates of nine percent last year so because of this the state which is cutting off people at three thousand a week from their water supplies now maude barlow who's the chair of the council of canadian says that we're sitting on the great lakes supplying a fifth of the world's surface water it's appalling so she is leading a convoy of canadians who are going to take good canadian public clean water across the river to detroit on july twenty fourth because she says our water is their water so here we have you know the people coming to the obvious solution how can you cut people off on the great lakes with twenty percent of the world's fresh water supply and they don't have any water we're just going to bring it to them forget these corporations who want to cut off people and put them on reservations in detroit is the equivalent of a negative interest or. cutting people off from water and spain applying negative
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interest rates or confiscating wealth in cyprus they stole people's wealth facebook charges people to share on facebook facebook charges people to send e-mails and start joint we've got the opposite going on don't we have page to share we actually just throw money at people all day long because of the genius of the economic model that i've created over there to start join and i'm using every channeling the you know some of the things that einstein talked about and other geniuses from the past and applying it to a currency and now it pays to share now let's look at you know people will say well forget the destroyed her estate we let them die let the corporations that let them pick their pockets and steal all their wealth you know look at detroit what's happening to them they said that it's eighteen billion dollars in debt twelve billion of that debt is on secured unsecured just like what happened in ireland what does unsecured mean if you're a banker max what does that mean in a contract to have an unsecured debt you know the person who wrote the debt takes
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all the risk and if the cap be paid back then it's not the fault of the person who can't pay back that that is the fault of the banker who made the loan it's unsecured just like in ireland they paid back the unsecured loans foolishly they had no obligation to pay back those loans they were coerced by a very corrupt government to do so same thing in detroit the loans are not secured loans they don't have to pay those loans back why are they paying those loans back because they're being coerced at the point of a gun that's right well six billion of it is secured against water rates and that's what's going on there that's why they're being the abuse the most now one other thing i want to turn to where the community is fighting back where it pays to share with your local community because without them you're going to be destroyed just by one of the corporations whether it's the water riggers whether it's the energy market riggers whether it's for its market riggers whether it's the bank confiscate hers your savings confiscate hers so new study finally links oklahoma quakes directly to fracking according to the study fracking and wastewater injection is responsible. for
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a twenty two thousand nine hundred percent increase in magnitude three point zero or higher earthquakes in the state since two thousand and eight prior to that oklahoma typically saw on average one magnitude three point zero earthquake per year there's two thousand five hundred in the past five years now one of that was as biggest five point six on that magnitude it destroyed fourteen homes what they're seeing as well is that insurance companies are saying these are manmade earthquakes so they won't pay for the damage on the supposed to share thing there are companies here in the u.k. that are hooking together solar grids and people can actually help the crowd fund these solar grid projects and get paid a dividend based on the solar energy they get paid to share yeah i saw this you know there's so much as buckminster fuller said the earth generates the sun sends a thousand times more energy to planet earth than is needed on a daily basis capturing that was solar panels and then giving everyone an income based on that energy is well within the technology and now they're crowdfunding
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that because it pays to share that is to share this crowdfunding is part of the one two punch and this is you can google it there is a site dedicated just to solar panels because the government here once who bring in this fracking that causes earthquakes that's poisons your water because as they say that's the only way they say it's going to bring jobs the government's own energy department says it will only create at mostly was a do the fracking which is egg the energy negative it takes more energy to frack than you get out and it's like negative interest rates as disruptive in a cause earthquakes best choice a yes or choice b. put up solar panels that are crowd funded by people who get they get paid a dividend and they cover their entire cost and are making a net positive income unlike the bank which is making net net net debit from their from their income on a daily basis those are two choices pays to share positive income or you get your money ripped off and your ecology destroyed and are supporting the westminster pedophilia circle exactly now finally. on this headline about fracking is even if
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if you think of the state of texas you think of guys with guns cowboy hats boots and loving oil loving spewing oil they love it right well they're freaked out by the fracking the earthquakes and they're actually communities across texas are demanding that they end fracking there even there and yet here you are going to bring it here without any questions quakes rattle confidence in texas energy boom so how did they get to this in the pro energy texas well fracking came so quickly much more quickly than we can figure out how to do it right thousands of disposal wells were approved without asking if there were active faults nearby said russell gold author of the boom how fracking ignited the american energy revolution and changed the world experts are also saying by the way that these are just small earthquakes three to five point zero on the richter scale but because there's so much water being injected back into the ground after the energy is taken out as it goes wider wider they said it could start to cause bigger and bigger earthquakes for echoes of the moral equivalent of pedophiles that's clear say thank you so much
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. thanks but i think once you're going to or i like that well states have the second half. this is what we do we kill people and break things we can see something as simple as people playing soccer you can see individual players and you can see the ball. you can almost see is facial expression you can see is now open crying out. maybe cursed. or maybe he asked. for forgiveness for. there must be near certainty that no civilians will be killed or in.
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the interview. on air and in the financial world. to goldman cannot stop it it is only taken from the demand to trade is not going to get any economic benefit
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in life there are good and there are books. this is about making the business survive. corporations don't love corporations told kate corporations have no feeling. corporations don't care about you or me corporations only current book profit. people come to untouched forests and leave massive bleeds for the sake come on. we're not going to quit we will not stop until it is done what is more precious music more moon.
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welcome back to the kaiser report imax keyser time out of turn to anti fracking activity of rothery aka louisiana welcome to the kaiser report thrilled to be here young now tell us first you learn about fracking and why you are against fracking i live in blackpool so it's where the audience to the fracking is actually taking place in this country they have the two thousand and eleven it cools to minor tremors but yet quadro decided that they would keep on drilling and pushing that fracking fluid into the fault for a full six weeks afterwards until it was suspended because they thought it might have something studio with quakes they still never actually publicly said we did that but it's accepted that that was the cause of the earthquakes in the meantime we were all getting literature through our doors that was saying things like oh this is brilliant it's natural gas it's going to bring down energy prices it will
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be good for us it's going to bring jobs and it just sounded very empty there were empty promises of like and providing their gold standard regulations provided this happens and based on things that would necessarily forseeable they told us it was safe so we looked into it but i looked into it and i couldn't find anything i believed in in the brochure as i went and found a group that got together that was a small pocket of resistance in blackpool six people in a small park and that was called residence action involved fracking and that was one of the first two groups in the area we're now twenty group strong in our region and one hundred eighty groups strong in the country and we grow by at least one to two groups every week so the earthquake risk will get to that the second part of the fracking story of course the economics of fracking are horrible it takes more energy to frack than you get out of the ground it takes more money to frac then you're generating in economic activity on the other side it's purely a white elephant it's a boondoggle just
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a gift to i guess quadro all of these other companies get it we don't understand that because we look at why. say right well clearly financially this is not a great proposition it's not something i mean look brown. has already said no it won't bring down energy prices and in the states there are some companies that are starting up now will cost them one twenty or one fifty to produce dollars worth so and so what is the point why it creates enormous fees for quadrille and these other firms and the bankers and they create bond offerings that they sell they get a lot of money upfront but the short term medium and large term economics don't work at all they will debt to the u.k. economy which is the one i'm most indebted economies in the world that will add substantial debt to the u.k. economy and that's masked to the effect they can keep interest rates at these low levels until such time as they can't and then suddenly they'll realize that this is better known as boondoggle you mention the earthquake problem of the fracking which i guess is the most immediate visceral risk to fracking when we look at
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a state like texas and oklahoma in the u.s. these are big pro oil states and the u.k. but they're terrified twenty two thousand percent increase in earthquakes. with the fracking and now they even they want to get rid of it because this is obviously on a geological basis suicide i think there's only so far you can go with saying well finances is great so these people will do it and there's this i respect john ashton he's an x. climate change diplomat and he said it's implied inevitability that they rely on which is i keep hearing people say well it's just going to happen anyway there's nothing you could do to stop it we strikes me as a rather spineless thing to do in a democracy where in theory we should have the ability to say hey come on let's see reason and sense this is like predicting manslaughter in the future because it's what the leave behind and also we know culturally resources for instance aside from being run by lord browne who is x. b.p. in x. department of energy and climate change and how he was key in making appointments to the deck is the tech said earlier this is his deposit of energy and climate
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change in the decker later this year said that there would be sixty to thirty two thousand jobs in this. distrait and yet when the prime minister spoke he said seventy four thousand jobs and he got that figure from the central group so why is our prime minister now being the mouthpiece and said stress test on jobs because if it was about jobs they would just up reopen the coal fields that would be a way to increase jobs it's equally economically ecologically horrific and it's also economically unsustainable but if they want to jobs they don't have to give the quadro that they could actually give the people the north and they would have they would have the earthquake risk but of course it's not about jobs so clearly the the prime minister's line through his teeth as he often does but let's talk about another alternative to this energy situation here we've talked about that fracking makes no sense. economically meanwhile in the u.k. there's the trillion fund they've crowd funded five million pounds worth of wind
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projects and solar wind and solar projects where people are putting up small amounts of cash and they get an income six percent on their money on on a wind project or solar projects so here you have a fracking like negative interest rates it takes money out of the economy and destroys the ecology or you could put money into a wonder solar project where people get five or six percent on their money so that was what smith's or are they just what are they but i think one of the problems with that is like we constantly see wind farm applications being turned down because when i saw i was in a cab or earlier and the guys like you had such an ice from an eyesore because there's a wind farm and you're like a vision that's very distressing but notice but why is it less distressing that there's a shale gas rig burning methane on venting me thing and they've got like those pipes were going to look like texas in lancashire for a start i mean they want eight hundred wells where we are going to do well i don't
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understand the mentality the british person they want like spraying there and bringing in negative interest rates like cyprus they just take money out of your can. and they'll do that in the u.k. b.c. barclays and world bank of scotland already have this on the drawing board they're going to charge you to keep money in the bank or you can or you can have a solar project or a wind project where you get a check for five to six percent a year so the average british person so no i don't want the income mate i want the government to steal my money i mean there's a nation of pedophiles but this has gone too far i think it is extend to everyone's day to day existence they don't feel comfortable if they're getting raped by the government that's the bottom line it certainly feels that way yes i think that one of the biggest problems we have is a media problem because it's all well and good saying about the chilean fund i bumped into that by going on twitter and then i met the chap i thought was a brilliant idea and a brilliant project and so i was sold a century they're doing some great work however we don't as the average british public don't get to hear about that we get the b.b.c. and i.t.v. and everyone else just cramming down our throats that shale gas is going to be good
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for us it's a bridging thing it's a stepping stone to a renewable future and without discussing the renewable future they just revised the figures in the states i think when i come in the name of the study was a study done earlier this year and it says that there's about twenty six years worth of shale gas in america twenty six years what was the point you might as well assume the cupboard is already bad and prepare for that you know i mean it just makes sound sense as you know it basic health keeping that you would say we got enough energy you know what is going to go right out in twenty six years let's stop planning ahead for that well that's why six years is overstated yeah there was project is only a few years of the dozens and dozens of fracking projects less than five percent are actually generating any meaningful returns at all and those are short lived and they have to keep downsizing what their estimates are they did that with the south downs here they came up with this huge estimate and they mess with the figures in the way they would it to it's all about word games they'll say there's extra lead to keep it under the ground and then they'll say but the recoverable amount is
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somewhere because we are going to go one in seven in california they said that they have this enormous frac oil project. and they recently revised what they realize they were able to yield from this project down by ninety six percent so no horse was a hoax you see for us in the anti fracking movement the way we've tackled it first of all we try to appeal to the wisdom of our government we tried to appeal to our democracy to listen to us and in the end we discovered that setting up a protection cab slowing trucks down made more sense than anything else because then you'd read in the investor press u.k. public shale gas opposition deters investors because if we can't hit our government where we need to and no one's listening to us then at least we can do is deter the investors or make them realize the for every day's drilling we're going to delay every one of those trucks we're going to be under the drills we're going to do everything we can to prevent those pods bago if you have what's happened election this week it's astounding they have two planning applications in and it's for rosa kern for press a new road and it's for
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a full on fracking site no exploratory they've now taken a section six and squatted the field that's not us it's not the activists and a section six law is a law that squatters use to hold the space and quote well as security working on behalf of cordula has taken the field where the pad will go and put in a section six and there are three tents and three burly security guards holding it that's what we do but they've so they've taken the view that i mean how drastic is it so now investors in centrica learn riverstone holdings have shares in a squat in a field in lancashire right let's be clear the economics are horrible this will not create energy security price of energy will go up not down because all the money printed to subsidize this business is going to end up forcing prices for food and everything else higher let's talk about the media first i can imagine the media the b.b.c. they have this impartiality roll which means that in the case of fracking if it's one hundred percent understood to be ridiculously overpriced boondoggle and not one
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person of any credible nature can debate this they are still forced to bring in any . clown from the street they'll bring in a monkey and dress them up as an executive as being the other side of the debate yeah why can't they just say that there is no other side of this debate it's a it's a boondoggle where the b.b.c. were just a british broadcasting corporation of the quadro broadcasting corporation might as well why can't they be honest about that they have to lie but we see that we said this should never have been everyone talks about the great fracking debate debate it was never a debate to us it was a bad idea that landed on the table and should have been pushed off straight away we don't want to debate it we want it removed from the list of choices not debate because that doesn't make any ecological sense or economic sense it only makes sense if you're an executive acquired jola and you're getting this huge free put forward this boondoggle you know what i think one thing a couple of things that are on our side we feel like we're actually making huge progress because what we did was little tiny public meetings all over the country and we didn't even make them scary we just said this is the process of shale gas
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extraction can you see any problems with that you turned around the whole rooms jewels were down you know this is such an obviously dangerous thing and it's an obviously dangerous thing not just in the immediate future but in what they leave behind and we know that we call trailer resources for instance they're also boland resources and bowl committee sources they have all these other little companies with hardly any money and those companies are the ones that are going to operate that way drill site and then they've got to go away and then what happens in one year two years three is someone coming back to check the integrity of what they left behind who's going to take yeah that are in the us it is once they have raped the country and destroyed it they declare bankruptcy and walk away so these firms after they destroy the u.k. countryside i mean were you donna going to do go to do is gardening she says you know must be done is the nation's top gardner is going to be in a dirt yard being frack to death you know talking about getting frack up their strength string and that's not going to be much of a show for monte dot is it you think britain was a national gardeners with all the roses in the strawberries i mean all this stuff
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going to. stop being shopkeepers and we. a city of london that's what we became a naturalized you know pimps and. partly so the h.s.b.c.'s disgusting and they dumped two million gallons of radioactive toxic waste from the fracking site into the manchester ship canal before they changed lord said actually now we should do that or so how do people didn't touch it see if they want to stop this dog will come to our website for the lecture which is stop filed fracking old u.k. we highly recommended on the site which is. that's frak hyphen off to old for all the best resources research documents that is it's remember a friday off or that is quite easy and then also the top tracking tour that vivienne westwood just organized that we went on a five city tour that was fantastic she does amaze at what she said one of the lines i think was the most important was when she said you know they talk about energy security how secure do you feel do you think this company is here to make
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you will social that energy gets sold to you as a british person because it's not it will go into a european markets not ours we didn't grow it we didn't harvest it and it's not going to be given to us as a gift right you know we've got to go thank you gentlemen and thanks so much and that's going to do it for this edition of the kaiser report with me max kaiser and stacy i would like to thank our guest tina louise if you'd like to get in touch tweet us a kaiser report intellects time. we never saw that coming. we had no idea our children were gay. i would actually just. pray to god you know be normal. they said you're a homo you're a homo and from that day in first grade i swear my life changed forever i became
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like to ridicule and to get stopped still to this day. well about texas. instruct school teachers to tell pupils young people that homosexuality is not an acceptable lifestyle and also instructs them to say that homosexual sex in private is a crime in those states if the church was going to fire me that's what they had to do but i was going to do this way. this is what we do we kill people and break things we can see something if simple as people playing soccer game you can see individual players and if you see the ball. you can almost see his facial expression you can see is a mouth open and crying out. maybe cursed. or maybe he asked.
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for forgiveness for. there must be near certainty that no civilians will be killed or in. serious serious effects school basis try to. say people are going to be. like ok or destroy the teaching everybody. not me. no weapon at my own life but hey. let's think this setting all. these cases just limits.
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sometimes for nothing which. is so he still has to. just leave still be still be jobst if you see the state aid t.v. . speech was. playing.
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rules in effect that means you can jump in anytime you want. to said lee israeli strikes hit wall targets in gaza are apparently including a home with people with disabilities the total number of palestinians killed in the five day offensive has now climbed to over one hundred thirty. ukrainian army shelling suburbs of the city of donetsk one of the biggest in the country's east prompting locals now to flee civilian deaths are being reported. brits fear for the future of the state health care service saying a trade treaty will see the n.h.s. ripped apart by private american medical firms.


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