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tv   Documentary  RT  July 13, 2014 7:29am-8:01am EDT

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corporations don't love corporations fold hate corporations have no feelings. corporations don't care about you or me corporations only care about profit. people come to own touched for sins and leave massively for the sake of our. we're not going to quit we will not stop until it is done what is more precious music more more. my name is brandon bryant twenty seven year old better in born here born in the zoo . i was very much an introvert growing up single mother two sisters. a lot of female cousins. so i was pretty much alone all the time
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and i grew up with books and comic books and heroes and villains and i kind of grew up optimistic idealistic. i grew up in a christian home i wasn't necessarily too patriotic i was more of the fact. good guys vs bad guys making decisions and doing the right thing i decided to get in the air force. because. i was racking up college debt and i didn't know what else to do so when i was talking to the air force recruiter is like. you know those guys that sit in the operations center for james bond and gather the intelligence he needs to do his mission and i was like yeah i know those guys like a.q. and all them he's like yeah you'll be one of those guys and i was like it's pretty bad getting into the drone program was weird the introduction is like this is what
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we do we kill people and break things that is what our job is like i worried about it you know i can think can i do this can i actually kill someone could i actually pull the trigger i mean i'm not actually pulling the trigger and guiding the missile in but it's essentially the same thing i don't i don't see a difference we typically flew in iraq between eight thousand and twelve thousand feet in the end if you're in afghanistan we flew between eighteen and twenty five thousand feet. and depending on atmospherics it was a completely clear day you would definitely get a good picture depending on how close you were you could probably read the license plate on someone's car we can see something as simple as people playing soccer game you can see individual players and you can even see the ball wife. through the muzzle of a lot of the so with the whole of the still a. little more stepped up but all your.
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good i remember deposit a little. meal better but a little warm. it would have been a seven or eight hour trip would sixteen year old terry very treacherous to write three potential telephone hotspots. and of course on to try and survive. i it was the first time that the international media the drone victims the tribal alice and the general public came together was held in a five star hotel the trouble of the spoken terms of political implications how
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they flew out and the drone victims spoke about personal story it's. now known. i think i might find out we're going to. learn something about this. stuff. that. it was a bad thing to get the voice of the victims of don't attack out to the general public as well as the rest of the way not because the main goal we were going to use the media to try and establish who had been killed and also why where and how were because of the inaccessibility but with their stand it's very very hard to compile any kind of credible evidence so evidence that other people see as credible that was part of the e-mail but i use this conference in islamabad we called it a jail guy is
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a traditional tribal battle that's what people are not ever used to settle the dispute but i think i think i think i think i think i. have one stage i came from so young boy terry concedes when i was talking to terry . one of the first things he did was he handed me his cousin's student id card and i looked at it i looked back at terry and i noticed that he was crying. he started to tell me the story of his cousin who had been killed from a drone strike he'd come to juggle primarily to inform us a little bit more about what happened to his cousin and to people in his local village and find out how to stop mccain and we sat together all day we ate together at lunch time we left together we became friends very close stream intelligence and only to be around he had no sense of humor he was fascinated by photography and intrigued by western music mentioning artists and one that sprang to mind was maybe
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god he starts to talk about drone strikes in his village how he was unable to sleep at nights he was scarce he was worried about his family his friends parents whose traumatized he wanted to talk about how he was affected by drone attacks and basically to give the message that the people of missouri stand want justice against the killings of innocent civilians under john attack that are operated by the u.s. thank you. thank you that's so. we were. going to say. oh i. think they. are going to thank. you. i i.
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think. and people who are gathered that adopted a resolution condemning this writes i think. the outcome of the joker was a big success because he announced people to come together to listen to stories and come to a common resolution. then we went to get the terai and tariq aziz traveled there with us. travel towards the rally and tariq sat next to me he seemed relaxed he was walking with his friends terry and everybody else got out and they went to the rally. i. i i now it's a time he came to support a giant rally on sunday the protest against the united states joining back in office but. i i
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i i i i. i. i i talked to tariq aziz and you know the attendees returned to their homes the return money your future here's your ship you see you were. here somebody was your husband on what. should be a mission that i look at a thing the look at those saved by the by image might i thought about that. that's got to go to those who are in the into the going to get it would want to know that i'm going to. i'm not actually. going to baghdad.
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this time was coming when i met a man that said to menzies yeah because this is the way and you stand on. your front. so you just stop loss i. see so that in the senate in the senate and so do. the most outspoken the day. that i go to called. on the you know i
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went out to very few days later after i'd come back there into the number one and i thought you know i was that way when we found out he had been tough on cold days off of that you have received e-mail from shows not. the e-mail simply said tyreke as the heading and i opened it instantly. to my shock i found out tariq being murdered by a drone strike and that was a shock move like oh i was it possible we were there was he was he doing this like completely unbelievable and motivated others were not. going to. use that the what are we going to. get on that i.v. . what are they gonna we wouldn't mind initial thoughts were this wasn't happening this was just a dream we didn't think that the sixteen year old kid who wanted to talk about football would be killed in a drone attack the same week that we'd met him. why did it happen why was
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terry killed. if the u.s. had any information that tara cozies was part of a criminal organization was planning to carry out attacks states and our federal law enforcement agents she had been working with the authorities in pakistan to arrest him and one witness tossed the question why the government was not able to arrest or even question him this is islam bob the talk amongst the capital of the country took place is a brilliant people i'm not. sure it was a group public event this is big tower it was october why it is an open event terror because ease was plainly visible to hundreds and hundreds of people. who talked with reporters everything about him that the authorities could have wanted to know about his location and about his recent activities were known to the united
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states. certainly extremely easy for them to approach him sit down and talk to him or for that matter put him in jail but instead the cia chose to go and kill them without giving him the opportunity to give his side of whatever that is that they thought that he had done this no evidence there whatsoever and they're giving him no no ideas that is no judge and there's no jury. are perfect as always to capture if we can because we can gather intelligence but a lot of the terrorist networks that target the united states the most dangerous ones operate in very remote regions and it's very difficult to capture them but what we can discern from the pattern of strikes is that essentially pakistan's been declared a no captures around that automatically capture is not considered feasible if you just look at the numbers there have been dramatically more people killed in recent years that have been captured they've you know killed maybe three to three to four
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thousand people in the. targeted killings. and they've captured a handful. of the try to. play polo going to be. more. like a war to destroy the teaching everybody. the a. mummy no law no weapons and why a law like the head. was going to say to. the bases is the most elite club slain sometimes for nothing the us is so mean and it's just. it's not
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just a good story you'll be just if you see a stage eight look to be with him but he was still. playing the game. and. if you leave the economic up and downs in the final months day the longer the deal shanghai and the rest of life doing the taking it will be a briefly donkey. or another cia agents and reserve stuff so they rely on local people and this is where the fundamental news is these people are looking for you folks money and that
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reliance is. it's really misplaced and what you see and terex case and it just pains me to say this. without any real room for dispute that there was someone in that room when we were having a judge who was an informant for the u.s. intelligence services and that that person picked out tarik i can tell you as a matter of fact the target was not an extremist and the way you know what intelligence they relied on to kill someone is what they released immediately after the killing and in that case the war militants were killed and of course we know that two kids were killed. that's how it happened. i asked the cia about the strike and their response was on that day no child was killed in fact the adult males for supporting al qaeda is still attention network. so despite all of these
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technological assets and human assets or not there we don't know and i think there is a lot of room for error. killing terri was clearly breaking the law effects it was not it was just murder to wreak aziz was one of almost three hundred children killed why are these children being killed this is a targeted focused effort that people who are on a list of active terrorists the killing of treat disease has to call into question the credibility of the government's kill list methodology the vast majority of the strikes here are against people whose identities the government doesn't know we do not know where targeted killings are authorized to be used we do not know the specific identities of people who have been killed the constitution empowers the president to protect the nation from any imminent threat of attack so how can two rica's ease
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a sixteen year old boy possibly meet that definition of imminent threat the justice department has defined an imminent threat based not on whether the threat is specific and immediate which is what imminent means so that people pose imminent threats regardless of whether they're actually engaged in any ongoing media attack against the united states we have a responsibility to defend this country and that's what we're doing killing terry hasn't made us any safer. it's taken away young boys. destroyed a family in a community under the interpretations we've heard from the administration and members of congress drone strikes could go on indefinitely against enemies that keep morphing into new enemies the killing should be the exception not the rule to ricos he should never have died the u.s. should not have been using military force to attack innocent civilians let alone children.
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i would question a policy that says it is a just a minute and even sensible to assassinate a sixteen year old boy he was trying to be part of the constructive way forward. there's two guys in front one guy in the rear. there walking up this path and. two guys in front are discussing like you can see them having a nap conversation they got something slung over their shoulders which looked to be . weapons man as portions of afghanistan are not so unsimilar from the mountainous regions of montana and seeing people with guns walking around nuns of afghanistan. people are walking with guns in mountains of montana but as soon as we get eyes on him immediately confirmed or weapon confirm your clear target so place the target at their feet
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and missiles a way of getting off three of them. but the guy in the back it ends up cutting his leg off above the knee and severing his for more artery. and he's rolling around he's holding it and he says like rowing around but you can see where is leg is missing in the blood is spurting out in landing on the ground and it's cooling it's hot it's a hot pool of blood and cooling and we keep our eyes on in. watch the guy become the same colors the ground that he pled out on. i can almost see his facial expression it was. i can only see is mouth open in crying out. maybe cursed. or maybe he asked.
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for forgiveness for you know what his last thoughts were but it wasn't it wasn't pretty whatever it was it was shock and trauma were probably ringing in he was bleeding out and he was. in agony. i didn't know how to react no one teaches you how to react they teach you how to do it. there's no they'd nor ignore the reaction part. i wished i never contributed further to that. for any struggle to take there must be near certainty that no civilians will be killed or injured the highest standard we can see. the vast majority of those killed in drone strikes. over ninety eight percent have not
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been high value targets. of signature strikes make indiscriminate killing you know a policy what they end up with this is what i described earlier the signature strikes back to a greater reliance on these signature strikes a signature strike is a drone strike that isn't based on the identity of the target i obtained. classified u.s. intelligence reports on drone strikes what the documents reveal are the way that signature strikes are put together and these are strikes against people who fit in fit the signature of what the u.s. government says is a terrorist maybe they are walking into the compound with guns maybe they're getting in trucks and they're moving to the afghan border and drone operators seated thousands of miles away from the area affected are looking at video feeds assessing those video feeds and based on that making decisions about whether or not
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someone who's walking through the community is a suspected terrorist you conclude on the basis of the behavior that they are a terrorist and you kill them. in number of cases that i looked at the cia wasn't sure who they were hitting. the agency became convinced that it had gotten so good at watching from above that it could distinguish different groups it could distinguish whether a terrorist leader was at a certain location but there is room for a lot of misunderstanding when you're doing something like conduct. signature strikes a drone strike is only as good as the intelligence that is behind the actual strike anyone who's worked in intelligence knows that intelligence doesn't quote unquote prove anything it's not evidence so drones hits what they aim to hit but if they're aimed at the wrong people then civilians are killed former u.s.
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ambassador cameron munter had said that one man's combatant was another man's chump who went to a meeting when leon panetta was director of the cia somebody memorably said if he if leon sees a few guys doing jumping jacks on the ground he thinks that's a terrorist training camp classified documents suggest u.s. officials don't always know exactly how many or who they're killing they don't always have precise side id a parent a targeting of people whose identity is not known they may not be as precise as many u.s. officials claim as soon as those signature starts begin we start to see another steep escalation in civilian casualties so that's what happens when success stories go wrong numbers of people down because they don't. who is being killed or most of the drone strikes. on march seventeenth two thousand and eleven the target was held out of help to
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resolve a dispute over a chromite mine. if there is a feud getting out of hand. and everyone has a chance to speak and really is a democracy and that is a mechanism to make sure the data stability in society. which i listen up with like a subset a must do was an awesome ulick i well as they got. there what a marriage with a lot of great look. they have. the jurga in an open space in a bus depot in broad daylight tribal elders informed the pakistani military brig did joe good was in command of the brigade on the border so he is a key component of the brigadier knew about the jew got ten days in advance his own army camp was ten kilometers from the site of the jirga so this was an open
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public event that pretty much everyone in the community and surrounding area you were about. the target begins in the morning at about ten o'clock and after that party atmosphere so. the devil must. be realized by them or the muslim but i was out of the middle of the thought it was and was dramas later when there was some sort of a bubble of the windows social. there's smoke and debris and chaos it was a huge explorers of. people in the shop nearby. the place i am. but you told my son because i don't share the news or they'd have fresh from isaac
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is the most bloody one how does a move the comedian michelle walk the modem then is that. the demo depends to one of them a plot of on they were. built of which are more got them set up or there's more of a label. it's a bit i'm going to national i'm a horrible deluded let's try to share how to meet us so you will build. up some of what is really a strain of that. but that it is that i like is that from go go out of the be operational to go where there's an artist that leap that was the mark of a bottom of the.
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loss of who are leaders on a single day it's devastating for them and it's devastating in terms of leadership it's devastating in terms of the moral compass instead of sitting in economic terms as well. doesn't mean about are you didn't look son will probably get a good kick in a store the hulk you mustn't ever have. the hulk or that f.a. out of about a book i don't know that that you have had the what a lucky you electrons lot of this drone strike is coming at the end of a series of drone strikes it's feeding into the sense of no one is safe no way soon nothing is safe even a jewel got the most cherished the most treasured institution of the tribal areas so we cannot even sit down and resolve an issue that is not see if any. three months after forty two civilians started john brennan stood up and said nearly for
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the past year there hasn't been a single collateral death because of the exceptional proficiency rescission of the capabilities with unable to develop high level authorities tell the american public that there have been no civilian casualties. this is what we do we kill people and break things. we can see something as simple as people playing soccer games you can see individual players and you can see the ball. i can only see his facial expression you can see his mouth open and crying out. maybe he cursed us or maybe he asked. for forgiveness for. there must be near certainty that no civilians will be killed
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or injured. this is about making the business survive. corporations don't love their parishioners told kate corporations have no feelings . corporations don't care about you or me corporations only care about profit and. people come to untouched forests and leave massively for the sake come on. we're not. we will not stop until it is done what is more precious
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music more movie. dramas the chance to be ignored to the. stories of others who refused to notice. faces change the world writes now. on full picture of today's events my own designs from around the globe. up to. fifty. right. first right. and i think that's true. on a reporter's. instrument. to
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be in. a russian citizen killed by a shell fired from ukraine moscow warns of heavy consequences though kiev it denies attacking russian territory. in east ukraine eighteen people killed by army shelling that hit in mining towns a day after artillery attacks on the regional capital suburbs calls multiple civilian casualties. deadliest night of israeli bombings pushing the number of palestinian deaths to more than one hundred sixty was really commandoes briefly to enter gaza to raid a militant rocket site. and in our look at the week's news a bye-bye berlin germany expelling a top cia.


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