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tv   Cross Talk  RT  July 14, 2014 12:29pm-1:01pm EDT

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markets as you just saw rusty have to has signed an agreement just today and invested in. development of the base and we also have a mechanical engineering in russian companies coming to brazil setting up plants here to produce equipment for power plants and other companies just want to share. in the state of we have in there so cooperation in the car production and aircraft production to russia supplies the. concern with titanium parts rushes in with brazil's market although have set up production at play and in russia there's an increased number of high tech joint projects russian pharmaceutical companies or cut russia. will build a unique biotech and research center in brazil the brazilian software market
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is featuring the becoming successful coming of the russian. lab. another russian company. has come to brazil whether it's instant payment services we would like to simulate a direct business contacts between our two countries small and medium enterprises we are expecting a lot from. the document signed from the minute signed by business to russia on cooperation with their business counterparts it is also important for us in brazil to have cooperation in the. sphere last year the days of russian culture were held there with much success in brazil as an inmate in june this year on the residents of russia. were treated to a very company. it's
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a cultural problem of the days of brazil in russia we have plans for promoting our education in science in research exchange programs. in brazilian students will participate in the. waters progress receiving up to one thousand exchange students respectively sports is a very important area of education we just see in brazil host the. world cup this year we know how much of that takes in terms of financing the organization which tops who can see how much expertise brazil have and we. exchange expertise with brazil specially since russia will be hosting the football world cup in twenty eighteen and brazil will be hosting a summer lympics in twenty sixteen it is you know russia has just. winter games in sochi and in the twenty nineteen russia's past new york and brazil will
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join because hosting the world games it was the so-called universal wheel was also covered the issues of global politics today russia and brazil share similar attitudes and approaches on many of the key issues of today we believe in the rule of law and the principles of international law in resolving the local in the regional disputes we believe in the role of the euro and we have also discussed before matter where it breaks and the promotion of. contacts between the brics between the eurasian union created by russia jointly with catholics and in berlin was spoken of and. in general we are very much interested in promoting cooperation with latin american markets in general and i hope that this document will be. signed. the in two thousand and fifteen year or so
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after our. external it with has extended into the russia and setting of the eurasian economic union for illegal entries into russia is interested in promoting contacts with the union of let me you can control the sell their. facility from brazil but finally i would like to think over friends in brazil including christians for most men in the president for the business like and when the atmosphere we've enjoyed doing this is it thank you so much. just watching the live from brazil the media conference that of president putin and the president of brazil just gave after they signed various documents that wasn't a lot of maint in what he had to say that was all very core deal and all of you for the future but let's pick it apart
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a bit with investor jim rogers he's got decades of global business experience so no one better to talk through with welcome to studio could see and say there's no huge meet them when we listened in yes state to argentina it was clear argentina was looking for further cooperation in those largely untapped oil and gas shale fields in patagonia wanted the money the investment of course ever since two thousand and one people have been that keen to invest there was brazil after as far as russia is concerned there was what's the question the main thing was ill was from russia and russia wants the same thing they would like to form some system to compete with the world bank and the i.m.f. and the u.s. dollar because brazil would like to dominate the western hemisphere for a couple of hundred years and should wishful thinking all happen any time soon. as long as india is involved it probably won't happen any time soon or brazil and china and russia could certainly could certainly easily put together something to compete with the dollar the united states dollar kevin is
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a terribly flawed currency i mean i don't americans i hate to say it but we have serious problems with the world has serious problems and we need something else and maybe maybe russia china and brazil can put together a competing currency what else is in it for both countries see i mean increasingly russia has been looking towards latin america ever since what's been kicking off in ukraine except the way the u.s. been handling that all we're going to see russia love land and sea between here in south america are going to see russia looking christly more towards latin america putin says there's this big potential that well there is russia would like another outlet for its manufactured goods the south americans would like another source to the u.s. in asia but also you know putin is pushing towards asia and latin americans do a lot of business in asia the chinese are all over a all over south america so this is a natural isn't cost effective to export goods from from from russia away to. america nobody else will buy them of course it is you know you sell them wherever
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you can and the latin americans have the problem that america has a high cause a place to produce now and you have the same advantage that the japanese or the chinese do as far as distance is concerned so no you can do it as well as they can we see any time soon russian business is setting up business in brazil maybe what's the workforce cause there what's what's it like to play as it seems it is certainly cheaper to do business in south america there's no question about that when they do have a reasonably educated workforce i if i were russia i wouldn't be rushing to south america first i certainly would go to south america as there are newer and growing markets and there's hundreds of millions of people there but if i were russia i'd be more more interested in asia than in south america. why not if you can certainly we're also in south america and you've got your view on bricks it's as far as russia is concerned a very important part of its foreign policy excess and it puts a lot of time and effort into it what does it bring to the party brics on the
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positive side of russia brings a lot to the brics par at least to the china and brazil part i mean i'm not optimistic that in your dog and i would throw india out if i were involved in this thing but russia has russia as a freely convertible currency none of the others have a freely convertible currency believe it or not some of the others like india have big debts brazil has big debts russia is not a big debtor you have big international reserves now you bring a lot to the party ok chip thanks for that so we could talk a lot more and we can talk a lot more about endeavor that will take the us the program and thank you for being with us and then share your thoughts for a few minimised treasury of the. global business investor thank you thank you for being with us as well let's continue it with what we do next article call of course is the place where you get all the news was twenty four seven.
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this is about making the business survive. the. corporations don't love your parishioners told hate corporations have no feeling. corporations don't care about you or me corporations will make her book off and. people come to on toast for instance and leave massive bleeps for the state come on. we're not going to quit we will not stop until it is done what is more precious music more moon. came right from the sea. first street.
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and i would think the church. on our reporters twitter. and instagram. should be in the know. on off. it was. very hard to take a. look. at that back with me here's.
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the thing. i know c.n.n. the m s n b c news have taken some not slightly but the fact is i admire their commitment to cover all sides of the story just in case one of them happens to be accurate. that was funny but it's close and for the truth to might think. it's because one whole attention and the mainstream media works side by side the joke is actually on here. to be coming back . at our teen years we have to print press the good
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because the news of the world just is not this funny i'm not laughing dammit i'm not ok i've. got to stick to the jokes that will handle the stuff that i've got to. there's a leader so we lead the people. of the same bush to suit your. party there's a goal. or shoes that no one is asking with to get that you deserve answers from. politics. to.
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welcome back to cross talk or all things considered i'm peter lavelle to remind you we're discussing the legacies of the first world war. ok i'd like to go back to perry newhaven here i think one of the most important legacies of the first world war that it's very much with us today and problematic is the wilsonian principles of self-determination and sanctity of sovereignty we still haven't gotten it right. no indeed but if if if i may just like to go back very briefly to what was said earlier because i think the few things that need to be corrected about the relative position of german international system in one thousand nine hundred in germany is actually a power on the rise and certainly not declining economically and that its core of german. at the time by contrast france of course is still reeling from the
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impact of our defeat against germany in one thousand seven hundred seventy one. knows a serious economic and demographic crisis and russia was defeated in one thousand and five by the japanese and had to deal with subsequent revolution and as for as the notion that there's no strategic interest for france and for france and britain to get into this war let me just remind you that belgium and france or invaded in august one thousand fortin presenting britain specifically with the strong strategic threats and this tragic case for france and indeed belgium will remain. overwhelming up until the end of the war the enemy sits deep in national territory so i think we need to get a few tax right before we can discuss the legacies of the war and you're absolutely right the notion of self national so determination is a particularly key point here because of course even though. wilson was extremely
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abts and when they did i guess this guy just shot down president thing going to go in and so is this crowd is talking to him jump in go right ahead. yeah i mean i just want to jump in and say yes france was invaded but one must keep in mind this was part of the plan this was actually a military strategy and the issue there was that the germans basically were afraid of a two front war and the german strategic plan was to defeat france quickly on the western front and before the. well they can then push their forces onto the eastern front jummy would not have invaded france had france essentially said we're going to stay out of this war in the balkans so we're going to come in on russia's side in this war against austria hungary that would have been very simple i mean germany all us the france will you stay out france said that we won't say out and hands the schlieffen plan went into operation so it wasn't just an invasion out of the blue ok gentlemen the. i was trained as
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a historian ok going to hear you right now did i even go ahead ivan eland jump in please i would like to talk about self-determination and sanctity of borders but go ahead ivan eland in washington yeah yeah i agree with what george said i mean i think france actually was egging rusher on a live in before the war and i think it really wanted russia to be on their side against germany because they feared germany and the brits a lot of people in the british cabinet thought well yes belgium probably will be invaded but as long as the germans just go through the southern part and they a lot of the people in the british cabinet thought that well yes we've all pledged belgian belgian neutrality but it's it should be collectively and enforced not just . you know the allies coming to belgians belgium's defense and i also think you know many of these. much of this hostility to germany was fairly
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recently fairly recent right now near the war because britain and britain certainly had a worse relationship with russia over and over the nineteenth century then with germany and also i think the russians and germans had a fairly good relationship as well or certainly at least not a hostile relationship but everyone formed alliances and the germans sort of got left out and if you recall the german rate job. he was regarded as a progressive country and has certainly been built fide since then but it was had the widest voting franchise in europe and was. you know the kaiser had a less power than woodrow wilson did and so you know this idea that they were autocratic and that kaiser was running everything and not even in the foreign policy was that true and i think you know this the the victors write the history and unfortunately i think germany's got. the short end of the stick on that ok
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let's talk about short ends of sticks here pierre let's go back to self-determination here because we have these principles and sanctity of borders but that was only for some countries because the middle east was colonized and as we speak right now we see the results of that colonization o'neill colonization of that region unraveling as vents go on in iraq syria and further afield. yes you're in on this very this very question i mean that brings us back to region that we haven't really discussed which is central to the outbreak of the war which is of course the balkans were austria-hungary which is the power there is just as responsible for for the war as as germany is attempted to suppress serbian nationalism in particular and what you see there of course is during the war and after the war or empires multinational political system trying to deal with the
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frets. pose in their view at least by by national movements and of course the very difficult point for for wilson and the allies during the peace negotiations and into war period is to reconcile the interests of great powers that are all colonial powers including of course the usa with the principle of self-discipline nation and the league of nations came out with this rather elaborate system of monday's different mind days that recognize different to differentiate the abilities of certain groups nationalities to look after themselves as it were including in in in the middle east of course i suspect that border problem in the middle east is the fact that the the those newly created entities. were created on the basis of the interests of great powers with very little understanding of the actual
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social entrepreneur whole nature of those very communities and when it comes to ethnic identity is religious identities and so on we see these day i important it is for as far as possible for political entities to coincide with with with social and religious and political identities well georget what we just heard from here it was really stands in two thousand and fourteen doesn't a great power still determine borders even determine your identity and if they don't like your identity or your borders they'll change it and they'll change it with extreme violence. that that's absolutely right and of course there's now a lot of talk about a well let's just get rid of some of the agreements that were undertaken after world war one in the boundaries that were drawn up after world war one i mean the clearest example of that was the destruction of yugoslavia in which the europeans
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and the americans just said oh well forget forget yugoslavia let's just break that up and now there's a lot of talk about let's undo the various. days of the states such as iraq that were created in the aftermath of world war one. much of this is an absolutely disingenuous and hypocritical because the west is only in favor of undoing those borders that you know that embodies states that are somehow seen as adverse to western interests. the west is perfectly happy to see the yugoslavia destroyed perfectly happy to see iraq destroyed probably they'll be quite happy to see libya destroyed into tiny little warring states. and fiefdoms but heaven forbid if there should be any changes to the boundaries of ukraine i mean there certainly you know khrushchev's arbitrary handover of crimea to ukraine. is written in stone how can anyone possibly undo that the arbitrary border that was the
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created in the east you know the a chunk of ukraine was a chunk of russia was just handed over to ukraine after world war one with no real respect for the ethnic. groups that were living there that also must be absolutely you're set in stone so anything that is adverse to the interests of. the west that must stay in place but everything else let's just the toss those boundaries into the wastepaper basket i mean if it's really. interesting because we came up with these principles after the first world war but great powers to continue to do whatever they wanted anyway and i think this is what conses so much friction here because when you look at the arab world after the first world war all the way to the present they're not given much choice and self-determination is made of the west prefers dictators they can control their people you know i agree with
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george there's been a great deal of inconsistency between the rhetoric and what's happened wilson had a lot of rhetoric and to some extent the principle of self-determination has in certain respects made some progress did the decolonization of french british and other other empires but of course as you point out when the when the great powers want to adjust those boundaries you know much of the conflict in the middle east is caused by the fact that the boundaries are artificially drawn to get the oil by the british and french after world war one and so i think. you know when you have when you have artificial boundaries that don't match the ethno sectarian lines who you're going to have either violence or or you're going to have to have dictators to hold the countries together and neither is a very neither is what you would call you know self-determination in the will sony incense here i'm going to give you a last program word of the program here what's the most important lesson we should learn from the first world war. that's
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a very difficult question to try to wrestle in in a few seconds of course but i think we should be aware of perhaps a couple of points first of all that policymakers are first and foremost making choices and it's important for us as citizens to make sure that we have the kind of policymakers that are able intellectually to to meet the challenges of their time and i think part of the prime in one thousand fortune that the policymakers involved large in austria and germany were simply not up to the task and i think that's something to bear in mind today second is to be aware of the ways in which history is being used in many plated to fit whatever convenient political project or agenda is is running ok i second going to here is we'll run out of china gentlemen many thanks and i guess in new york washington and in new haven and thanks to our viewers for watching us here at r.t. see you next time and remember crosstalk.
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lemme see this series of tests call me so try to clear. a polygamist to get fired for the story taking every minute. cut may the law of the web. my a lot like the pain. was listening to some
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say the most places is just leads one still. sometimes from nothing which lead to silly and simple. to look just keep up the still we can still be just everything you see being a stage eight look to be. but speech was. the. lead. they all told me my language or what i will only react to situations i have read the reports . for the know i will leave them to the state department to comment on your letter play of the month please get to it the answer is yes a car is on the docket no god. no job no more weasel words when you have a direct question be prepared for
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a change when you have to punch be ready for a bad little printout of speech and little down the freedom to cross. so we leave that maybe. by the same potions to cure. all your party visible. questions that no one is asking with the guests that you deserve answers from us all on politics only all parties. are. marginalized. people alone.
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a pleasure to have you with us. from. whom.
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over. that you know the prize is the only industry specifically mentioned in the constitution and. that's because a free and open process is critical to our democracy. in fact the single biggest threat facing our nation today is the corporate takeover of our government and our crafts we've been hijacked why a handful of transnational corporations will profit by destroying what our founding fathers once told. mark and on this show we reveal the big picture of what's actually going on in the world we go beyond identifying the problem trucks rational debate and a real discussion critical issues facing the brookfield ready to join the movement walk a little bit of. good
12:59 pm
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1:00 pm
we report on the shell shocked civilian. nuclear. destruction and terrified. of resurrected snooping.


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