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tv   Breaking the Set  RT  July 14, 2014 9:29pm-10:01pm EDT

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twitter of kings things will see it that stuff. coming along the hall of fame. pleasure to have you with us here on our teacher day i roll researcher. chance our forces at. play.
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in the finish line of the marathon. tell us. what. was up guys i might be martin and this is the sat so last week to animal rights activists were indicted on federal charges for committing an egregious act of terrorism on u.s. soil that's right tyler lange and have an oligarch used to free in two thousand foxes a mink from a midwest for farm and that's about all their crime entails so one can hardly equate frame animals from being murdered with terrorism. government agencies
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working to protect corporate interests see things a little differently on the animal enterprise terrorism act langen all of the animal activism is an act of terrorism so last month i spoke to journalist well potter about how such an act even came into being. immediately after september eleventh these industries started pushing for terrorism powers to be used against protesters and what they had won a prize terrorism act it's so vague and so broad that according to its supporters including democrats it could be used against nonviolent civil disobedience and to me that's really how this is all expanded it's gone from we need this to go after arsonist in variables to now we need it to go after nonviolent civil disobedience. yes unfortunately in a post nine eleven world anti-terrorism measures have even been expanded for giant factory farms so as the old saying goes first they came for the muslims i didn't speak out because i was not a muslim then they came for the animal rights activists and i didn't speak out because i was not an animal rights activists and then they came for me and there's
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no one left to speak for me let's break this up. it'll. be a. very hard to take that lightly touch. lightly and yet how exactly would that hurt there are those. that believe. such. utter. exactly the little the little the little the little. over the weekend israel ramped up its nearly week long bombing campaign against
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gaza called operation protective edge idea forces bombed a mosque it claimed was hosting rockets and a disabled care center on saturday killing twelve people on the same day israel launched five quote warning missiles into gaza's only geriatric urgent care hospital where international volunteers have since rushed to shield patients now since the beginning of the offensive at least one hundred eighty one palestinians have been killed and over twelve hundred injured at the time this broadcast according to the international middle east media center converse lee zero israelis have been killed as a result of hamas rockets although several have been injured and a stabbing turn of events according to gazan doctors and the health minister israel is now using weapons against civilians that have been banned under international law the weapons called dense and metal explosives are dime amid superheated micro shrapnel designed to cause minimal structural damage and pose severe wounds on its
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victims back in two thousand and nine during israel's siege on gaza dubbed operation cast lead. region dr eric fosse told the independent that dime victims he treated looked as though they had stepped on a mine and went on the saved quote there were no shrapnel in their wound some of lost their legs it looked as though they had been sliced off i have been to war zones for thirty years but i've never seen such and juries before now if these reports are indeed true it would be the first time israel's used banned weaponry considering its past deployment of white phosphorous but you aren't hearing these inconvenient facts on the corporate controlled press instead the narrative being peddled is that israel continues to rightly defend itself against rockets and is using persuasion guided missiles against only quote hamas targets but as journalist ron your colleague points out an article about israel targeting civilians hamas is the political party that was democratically elected in two thousand and six to govern the gaza strip and west bank hamas is controlled means that almost everyone
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and everything in gaza can be considered a hamas affiliate this unchallenged loose definition is unable to israel's war architects to widen the definition of legitimate targets to include civilians and civilian infrastructure including mosques schools hospitals banks electricity lines and residential homes all have which have been targeted indeed as the palestinian center for human rights observed israeli warplanes launched thirty nine airstrikes targeting houses agricultural plots open areas of charity and a bank in the southern gaza strip town of khan yunus according to gaza based human rights group on nearly nine hundred homes have been destroyed so far and that and in the deadliest strike yet gaza's police headquarters was utterly demolished and the home of gaza's police chief was bombed killing eighteen members of his family in. here's a photo of the eighteen graves for one family to be buried if you ask the white
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house this is all part of prime minister netanyahu is quote responsible defend. it's more earlier i made a statement against this irresponsible barbarism and i've been overwhelmed with the feedback from thousands of people from around the world it's been featured on turkish media as well as france indonesia pakistan malaysia and has gone viral on palestinian t.v. station. a truly warms my heart to see the international community stand up in solidarity with the people of gaza who recognise that the clock doesn't start with the rockets or the tragic kidnappings. palestinians in the west bank in gaza are living under a brutal occupation and there is no military solution to be had as one palestinian name mohan a said throughout this decades long conflict israel has proven they can't win and palestinians have proven they can't moves.
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with every passing day the humanitarian crisis that the us mexico mexico border is only getting worse this year alone more than fifty thousand unaccompanied minors have crossed into the u.s. putting a strain on an immigration system initially designed to shelter no more than eight thousand as a result these children many of whom are under the age of sixteen are kept in makeshift shelters forcing the government eternal warehouses in the rough and ready processing centers housing tens of thousands of children while they await deportation and while immigration reform in congress seems unlikely to materialize lawmakers in the congressional progressive caucus have said opposed to the white house urging the president to put the needs of these children above all else when addressing this humanitarian crisis the recommendation also highlights why washington simply can't throw money at the problem and expect it to go away so help me break down what the roots of the crisis ours as well as the details the most
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recent proposal to address the issue i'm joined by alex maine international policy expert at the center for economic policy research thanks so much for. i mean on one thank you for having me on. to the current crossings process and as i just mentioned design of the bush administration house eight thousand children of course now we're seeing upwards to fifteen thousand what is happening to these kids in the system simply cannot account for them well i mean the first thing is that there's a huge surge just in the last three years or so i think the numbers last year were in the twenty thousands they're expecting up to ninety thousand unaccompanied children to come over the border this year most of them will be apprehended for in fact most of them turn themselves over immediately to border patrol and police and there have been a lot of absurd things said about the reasons for these kids crossing the border now and of course the republicans are saying that it's obama's lax immigration policy toward more than a conspiracy right here. you know the deporter in chief there's also increased
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border patrol for some from something like eight thousand to twenty thousand and seventeen eighteen billion dollars have been invested now in making the border more secure and these kids are crossing anyway others when you get into more subtleties are bringing up some of the other push factors the main push factors which are economic and also the situation of violence is very bad and break down some of that rhetoric and cut through the rhetoric rather than talk about who these kids are and why they are coming to the last out so why are they coming now i think you know that's that's the big question and i think you can find that response when you go to central america when you're inside the beltway for some reason the voice is central americans aren't heard but if you read the central american press you get those stories and the main story is that you've had already a wave of adult immigration that's taken place and now there's the simple fact of
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parents wanting to reunite with their children they have to bring their children over a lot of. these immigrants are actually here illegally under the t.p.s. system they are protected for the moment because there were natural disasters in their country so they don't have to go back immediately they have a few years they've been here some of them for ten years or more they want to see their kids that's understandable and under the system there is no procedure for family reunification so they have to come illegally they have to take massive risks that come over here right and of course the u.s. in recent years stepped up aid to a lot of countries in central america which is where the majority of these kids are coming from alex i want to ask you about something congressman raul group grijalva i said that on said in regard to the proposal that some of the white house he says we should reassess the aid we send to nations of corrupt police and military forces to ensure we are part of the solution not the problem i want you to hone in on the drug war and i guess what effect has u.s.
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foreign aid done to countries with corrupt governments and police forces well absolutely and that's wrong from the state of arizona which of course didn't really impacted by this surge in migration and he's absolutely right to point out the issue of u.s. security policy the u.s. since the mid two thousand specially since two thousand and eight when the merida merit initiative got started and then you have the central america reasonal security initiative has been pouring hundreds of millions of dollars into the security forces of these countries primarily the countries of the northern triangle we're we're seeing the biggest surge of migration of unaccompanied on the company of children right now so that's honduras guatemala el salvador it's clearly not working the rates of violence this security package is meant to improve citizen security but the rates of violence of just you know out the roof. now has the highest rates of homicide in the world it's reached ninety three percent one
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hundred thousand. you can only really find that in places like baghdad. in afghanistan so things have gotten really much worse and yes obviously when you're pouring money into corrupt security forces where you have no form of accountability because the judiciary systems of those countries are completely broken and corrupt as well you're going to end up with even more violence because these very security forces are involved in organized crime and talk specifically about honduras because you just wrote about this militarization a fact that it's really done quite a lot of havoc on the country you spent sixteen years in latin america and you saw firsthand kind of how these policies affect the countries talk about the growing militarization problem. well absolutely well there it's a very special case because there is a military coup that back in june of two thousand and nine it was a coup that the u.s. initially condemned but then it was quite clear over the months that followed that
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the u.s. was supporting the cool regime one thing that they didn't particular was support elections under the coup regime despite massive media censorship and repression other countries in the hemisphere didn't recognize those elections the u.s. did basically whitewashing the coup that had taken place there and what happened then that empowered the military it made them stronger whereas the civilian institutions of the country starting with the judiciary became even weaker and yes that's where we've seen the biggest escalation of violence one and also the biggest surge of unaccompanied minors it just bothers me to hear kind of that this rhetoric very anti immigrant rhetoric and i want to just say people and say there's a reason and it all stems back from kind of this cycle of violence the drug war i mean if you're against immigration i would hope that you're for any in the drug war as well because that's where a lot of this is stemming from a popular talking point kind of among conservatives is that immigration reform equals amnesty talk about why this isn't the case but i mean it's absolutely right
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that the root causes have a lot to do with u.s. policy and it's not just in the drug war i mean we've been seeing it since the eighty's even before. of course in the one nine hundred eighty s. the u.s. and then there was nafta taft in the one nine hundred eighty s. the u.s. was supporting catherine selection campaigns that killed hundreds of thousands that led to the first big wave of migration from those countries and then since then as you were pointing out you've had a trade agreements that have displaced millions of workers particularly small farmers and so on that's led to another wave of migration and then to top that all off now you have this drug war which has increased the level of violence to really unsustainable levels we have more refugees we have about thirty seconds and obviously strengthening the border is a priority but i don't think that it's a solution of the crisis what is going to take to fix this well i think you know the progressive caucus said it very eloquently in the statement that they put out security policy towards the whole region really needs to be revised it can't be
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going to corrupt forces with total impunity that's the first that needs to be more transparency around the aid because no one really knows where it's going and the other thing we need is for children to be reunited with their parents that are here in the u.s. whether legal or not and many of them are in fact here legally but there's no mechanism for them to reunite with their children right unless militarisation more humanity toward the situation thank you so much alex mann for what america expert really appreciate it. coming up on talk about why so many of us the labs are now handling deadly materials stay tuned. i think. it was my fault if you. did you know the price is the only industry specifically mentioned in the constitution and. that's because a free and open press is critical to our democracy albus. role. in
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fact the single biggest threat facing our nation today is the call for the takeover of our government and as. since we've been hijacked like handful of transnational corporations that will profit by destroying what our founding fathers one still just my job market it on this show we reveal the big picture of what's actually going on in the world we go beyond identifying the problem. rational debate and real discussion critical issues facing yeah but still ready to join the movement then walk the earth. and. thanks to enormous advances in science and medicine over the last few decades humanity has been able to drastically reduce or fully eradicate some of the world's deadliest disease it's
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that perhaps no medical achievement is more celebrated than the elimination of smallpox a vicious infectious disease that has killed an estimated three hundred to five hundred million people throughout the twentieth century told was eradicated in one thousand nine hundred eighty to this day smallpox remains one of two one of only one of two diseases that have been successfully wiped out by modern science which is why a recent discovery in bethesda maryland so disturbing to see earlier this month scientists announced that six sealed vial. and according to the centers for disease control or c.d.c. the vials have been there since one nine hundred fifty four and before this discovery of the only known samples of smallpox left in the world were at high security labs in atlanta and russia now thankfully because the vials were sealed it's extremely unlikely anyone was exposed material but the fact that a live smallpox virus was just sitting there for decades without anyone's knowledge
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begs the question of just how secure the known stockpiles of these potential bio weapons really are not to mention the unknown to those smallpox incident comes on the heels of eighty six workers at the c.d.c. possibly being exposed to anthrax after a mistake and release of dangerous spores in the air although anthrax exposure is not contagious the disease can cause fatal respiratory collapse with an days just weeks after the incident the c.d.c. announced that a flu sample was accidently contaminated with the h five n one bird flu strain that has killed nearly four hundred people over the last ten years these events are so concerning that the c.d.c. has actually closed the labs associated with these accidents while they investigate and the potential for these types of disasters is hardly limited to the labs in atlanta or bethesda in fact according to a government accountability report from last year the numbers of labs registered at the c.d.c. or u.s.d.a. that handle deadly viruses have more than tripled in the last decade in two
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thousand and four there were four hundred fifteen registered labs that handled these agents and that number has increased to a stunning fifteen hundred in two thousand and ten the most recent year in which four data is available this growth is almost exclusively due to the anthrax outbreak in two thousand and one that killed five and sickened another seventeen at the time there were only two labs in the u.s. capable of identifying anthrax and so of course the government dealt with that the only way it knows how by creating a laboratory industrial complex or to reuters over the last decade taxpayers have spent nineteen billion dollars on bio defense reese. search and the expansion of these labs with nearly no consideration given to be increasing dangers this type of policy creates so you look at this chart showing the exponential rise in the number of lost or scaped microbes that select loud from two thousand and four two thousand and ten as the government has done the exact opposite thing it should have done in the wake of a deadly outbreak create more places that host dangerous materials in fact the
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problem has become so apparent even the director of the c.d.c. itself is speaking out about the need to reduce the number of these labs dr thomas frieden recently said one of the things that we want to do is reduce the number of laboratories that work with dangerous agents the absolute minimum necessary reduce the number of people who have access to these laboratories to the absolute minimum necessary reduce the number of dangerous pathogens we work with wow what a thought so freedom is beginning to understand that every time a new lab is given access to the most dangerous materials known to man the chances of a catastrophic outbreak are mistaken release increases but as we've seen with pretty much every other policy that's been employed in the war on terror as long as the mirage of keeping us safe is projected and the government just doing its job.
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in less than a week the deadline will expire in vienna talks between iran and six other nations of the country's nuclear plans the talks appear to have stalled after an interim deal was reached last november which decreased international sanctions on the country in exchange for freeze on part parts of iran's nuclear program now the major area of disagreement centers on whether or not iran should be allowed to have the capability to enrich uranium on an industrial level which western powers fear would allow the country to develop nuclear weapons iran has of course countered time and again that has no interest in building nukes only in expanding its end. sources other countries have the option of extending the talks for another six months many fear that a breakdown of discussions could mean further instability for the already volatile middle east so to discuss the larger implications of the iranian nuclear deal as well as other stories from around the middle east i'm joined now by a buzzsaw host and journalist sean stone going on man and i start making it so as
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someone has been do you ron do you think the upcoming nuclear talks going to result in anything tangible or is it just more world powers posturing. i wouldn't say it's world powers posture and he's always are important and. productive discussions to have in the first place we need to have dialogue especially a country like iran which is a major player in the middle east and the fact is that you know even opening up the dialogue is a good step forward whether or not this is going to lead to some kind of breakthrough i doubt it i think we've got a serious situation in palestine israel right now that's that's looming and that also will upset the talk a little bit because israel is very upset by what i'm sorry iran is very upset by what israel is doing as far as showing what not yet and you know the rock situation as well as kind of created some bizarre bedfellows the fact that iran and the u.s. are partnering to defeat should have been part of the beginning remember going back to nine eleven right after that attack they said look we're anti taliban the taliban are saudi guys this is all bin laden's network is a bunch of saudis spryte the sunni extremist sect of wahhabi islam and they were in
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iran is there they have no interest in supporting or or protecting these people they said we'll make a deal with you we'll help you out and that point you know bush basically shunned that overture and to this day i think that they would be open to working with the u.s. against these these more radical strands of sunni and softly islam well you know i completely agree that they should be working together always is just amazing that you have this absurd kind of projection of the enemy states and then when they need to work together they do are i guess the u.s. kind of capitulates on that we hear a lot of u.s. officials also blaming the iraq instability on a decades old or centuries old kind of. divides you know that divides through you've talked in the past about how this is manufactured. well i mean you go back. look this is the kind of thing that can precipitate a wolf or and i've said this going back for two years now when i first came back from iran and i said look we don't want to precipitate
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a world war because it's going to be you know iran is a nation state and it's a stable nation state in a region in a world in the middle east that's now breaking up iraq has been destroyed so you have these factions of sunni and shia you know splintering assad's regime in syria has been attacked by the same groups that now create isis basically these these radical sunni groups that are trying to destabilize this nation state which is syria in this case since that failed that attack on syria basically failed assad kind of shored up his power in the spring and as a result i solve some crops up and now wants a new caliphate that's going to basically span from syria iraq to destroy what used to be two stable nations which was iraq and syria now they're both can be decimated so what you have is when those countries disintegrate lebanon will then go and who knows how it's going to destroy jordan for example which is mostly populated by refugees this point so you see all these countries are going to basically be destabilized by this sunni shia violence and this is something that was predicted and known and so even for example you take what's happening in israel right now on
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my show bussau three months ago i said look i know people in the intelligence world who've told me point blank in israel to get out it's about to get hit israel is going to be attacked by the summer time it's not july we have this incident that occurs at the border stop my friend was a full mossad agent will say look this was this this could be prevented the israelis have such a good control the borders in the checkpoints that there is no way that the palestinians could breach that and kidnap these kids unless someone gave the order to basically relax those checkpoints and allow this to occur so that netanyahu and the party can basically shore up their power in this show of force well we know for instance that there was a gag order on the information about the dead teens for weeks in order to incite this kind of racial fervor and justify a military action but you're saying that they actually might have provoked it and this is coming from someone you know in the saga. is a new. he was the guy if you watch munich he was the guy who was the main character was based upon he was in charged with with taking out the palestinian terrorists in
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the in the wake of the munich murders remember and he was basically going to europe and targeted tast by gold the mayor at the time prime minister to take out these guys who had killed the israeli so he's someone who knows what he's talking about he says look there's this stuff as is many factions precipitated and you allow the this to occur so that you can ultimately shore up the political power of what's it like to look good right now and perhaps more maybe there's a bigger game which is really the russian american really kori very knew that why would they need to do that when they could justify military aggression any day when they do this on a daily basis and you know what you need you know why would they need to you need something you need you need something to precipitate the violence and obviously the kidnapping and murder of three teens is always a good justification to go and start shelling and shelling palestine the real issue is how much is this going to escalate ultimately into greater destruction in the region again we have isis to deal with you have the fact that the saudis supporting isis but the saudis and the israelis oftentimes work hand in hand but they just don't say so overtly except in the case of syria when they both wanted to side gone
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right and how much of this is about natural resource and i think that's what you're about to go into but not these are men just wrote a great article for the guardian talking about how israel's you know it maintains its control over the gaza strip and west bank because of natural resources water access to the water is such a key aspect i think it has to think it's really the most of the water is in is was historic in the west bank and israel really doesn't have access to clean water not fresh water not sea water right and that's obviously a big factor for israel you talk about the larger region. natural gas politics take the story of iran we've been fighting a secret war against iran since at least in late two thousand that seymour hersh has been talking about when we were supporting terrorist group called against iranian iran's eastern border why because iran's eastern border borders pakistan and iran is working on it now. gas deal with pakistan for a long time to try to ship natural gas from iran to pakistan as these terrorist groups are destabilizing used to be iran it disrupts that natural gas deal from
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getting fit finalized so that's what these that's love these terrorist actions are really about it's about keeping maybe one area unstable so you can access the natural resource you can access the mine and meanwhile then you pay off some other group and you can access let's say the gold the gold black gold which is well this is so obvious and you would look at what terrorist regimes the u.s. and its western allies choose to go after it's like the last remaining and in states that need to be dominated by ariel the gemini were unfortunate i have posed buzz journalist amazing you have your own man thank you thank you thanks for watching you guys to follow me on twitter at abby martin give me tomorrow want to break the set all over again.
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well. it's technology innovations all the developments around russia we've got this huge you're covered. well you like me you want your comedy news from t what's your comedy news to be a bare fisted no holds barred fight to the dad. like a truth vampire pointing into the necks of the corporate elite the billionaire freaks while they're going. well that's what you get with my new show projected in night. i marinate join me on thirteen deaths impartial and financial reporting commentary
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in for news and much much. only on bombast and only on. that plus looking. over my shoulder doing the job did you know the price is the only industry specifically mentioning the constitution. that's because a free and open press is critical to our democracy which threaten all books. that i know i'm tom are and on this show we reveal the picture of what's actually going on we go beyond identifying the problem we're trying to fix rational debate a real discussion critical issues facing a family member ready to join the movement then welcome to the big city. on telemarketing washington d.c.
10:01 pm
and here's what's coming up tonight on the big picture justice department reached a seven billion dollars settlement with citigroup over its role in the two thousand and eight financial crisis but is a subtle. really all it's cracked up to be more on that with might happen tony just more also if you're living in a coastline community watch out the fossil fuel industry is coming from every direction was the latest environment destroying plan from the fossil fuel industry and our activists trying to stop it and washington needs to stop looking out for wall street and start looking out for main street and they can start doing that by to.


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