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tv   Documentary  RT  July 15, 2014 6:29pm-7:01pm EDT

6:29 pm
all that all about money and i think that's like that for a politician right the last. time. somebody up. there just to but it's a days. that. i marinate join me. in that impartial and financial reporting commentary interview and much much. only on the bus and only on a. leg . to.
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leg. little. little. leg which. today i made signs of progress a secret place to. many many. close friends where a stranger mr hayden saying about him a little soul. or islam. i'm working on the story about euthanasia and it's
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a really controversial thing i really want to cover and as a reporter in order for an arm my boss to send me to balls when i have to nail down these interviews and then pitch it back to larry what. have i what are you i don't fire oh you i'm doing well ok so it looks like we've got you know use for the belgian story really yeah so one of the internet's not to let you know of course sir we have four so far and i'm hoping for a fifth why. i would like to do this ok ok here let's go let's go to brussels for a couple of d.c.'s i think it's not nearly. with latin thank you. i'll go through brussels and i hope the storable ok so you are right. we're going to make this a killer story because i have done the leg work and i really get it this job and i do not care if they think. i am working ten times harder than anybody and
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i really i am going to go put my head and the ball because i think the air with washed hair and because i over process. which i'll go eyeball i'm going to just. we are going to interview a calendar nurse. writhing and stare deals with terminally ill kids. and. they're going to. meet families who've lost children to cancer. they go in there. olsen we're going to interview them and we're going to get on the ground floor of what euthanasia would do to these families because the one interview that i noticed was watching an
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interview on our t.v. the guy who passed this film didn't have any children didn't have a single patient because of euthanasia so we're going to put a face on the story. for people. i'm going to face on the story the people think will get it. but if you clean here. this is the first time we've been in the country for a story for our t.v. . it's awesome it's awesome because you're you're pretty good at this come together because i get to do that and we're in your work you know. how my first time. and i will feel better words i get i thought. well this story is critical to me
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because i like the subject better i think the political scientist in me i was like what this is going to do to belgium i'd like to i don't i don't like the fact that they cast this but i was like. being able to dissect this. it's important for me as a journalist to cover this because it's a hard hitting piece and i need this i need the story. of the village cold already. and the way he had to meet a family. of basically going to show us how they survived the winter in the great siberia. more importantly in the coldest place in the world and i come. because. there is french but it's so i see that makes it difficult to just.
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read. isn't that weird. i'm just happy to be out of the city to be honest it's kind of nice to be in a huge little village would you because come on and it smells of home cooked meals and it's pretty face is and this is probably our first really good meal. so yeah i'm excited to move in this house at the moment i'm going there most. people will. have a good journalist i'm going to brew and want to. just say that they just using lots of butter i love but i look around and actually butter is there room for. they don't know me yet i'll. tell. you know my.
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little bit got a little. awkward back over how will you. kindly tell me because i've noticed that everything here gets used so and she just said to. me part of an animal gets. whether it's. you know the whole of making an instrument. test and stuff in them. and feeds in them and then. so i think i love that they don't waste a new thing because in the west we waste so many things so much food is being wasted and i would hear every single thing. from blood being mixed with the test. it's all good but you've got to give it up to them affect that. you know they make most of of every single thing that they have out here. it doesn't look appetizing
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but i am so glad we're going to do it's interesting. i'm curious can i can i get that you can get my trying. you. know it's just that we should be thanking people for money for me and for all. and this is the stomach of one. which you know we've always be. open. where the table of names and where the roof but this. it's. ok what do i do with this dream ok thank you. but.
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if you measure it three times to. make everything's ok. so by you know toasting three times it means that everything is going to be ok. everyone's well i'll sure think. that's going to get us it only it wasn't that good of a night you know from both of you got any better so we have liver and fat then we have intestines in blood take toes smush room. a lovely source of. vegetables. butter homemade butter some raspberries here in this mix very beautiful which.
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so i haven't tried soup. so. that's why home. my life is complete shit my life is complete now. if you. include things like a lonely. why does. no one poem has the words. and that was the sudbury influence. and correlates. we need a tax in.
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here so i guess it was because that's the best you can do you know what it's going to take for ever ok here's your to go to the effect. you're right. so his advice is not a call one it's we stand at the stop the process frequently apparently we need to stand the rain throughout forty minutes great great. time. are serious about. what i mean it's now.
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you know workers. because it is the toughest. pressure that is. going to take his friends so i commute. and i don't see coming to the city cab i didn't get. why it was about the money. and never late and i hate the feeling. the stealing. get. the bad about you to do it anyways who was is we've got a taxi but news these places like hope an hour away from trial it's going to go
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time where you're like that's fine all right we're not really we should call rude later eddie and let's find. the truth because i think if we have to be followed around by we make a great team guy fine fine fine which is incredibly hard to swallow because there's no legwork on his part. and they're still not even at our meeting and like that we have still we have leg work still the deal he's not interested in doing and i don't mean to bash colleague because i hate people like that to bash other people i'm not trying to do that but they're there still a lot of blood work here to do and it would be helpful if i actually did have a partner to do it where it's a speed limits. journalists are supposed to deal with any situation and. special way and i don't think it's. it's because like planning was really really bad. you know when you are. in on a trip like this with
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a very short period of time to fill up so the everything. you need to be like. able to be working like this you know and he doesn't need to know where you're going just like time is precious and you can waste any any second here is the address and that's where we are now right here right here and you talked to him before sorry right there on the. base i think i'm so stupid to get. it who does i'm serious this is i can't believe all. hospital.
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well. it's technology innovation all the least of elements around russia we've got the future covered. missions are force and i don't. believe. the six nations and the finish line of the boston marathon. well it. might have been a number. but. it. did you know the price is the only industry specifically mentioned in the constitution and. that's because a free and open process is critical to our democracy albus. role. in fact the single biggest threat facing our nation today is the corporate takeover of
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our government and our crafts difficult we've been a hydrogen lying handful of transnational corporations that will profit by destroying what our founding fathers once told us my job market and on this show we reveal the big picture of what's actually going on in the world we go beyond identifying the problem trucks rational debate and a real discussion critical issues facing america by ready to join the movement then welcome to the big picture. put it under control marginalize the bank immunology face i think you're right you don't own.
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a pleasure to have you with us here on our t.v. today i'm researcher. if you want to break through. how are you. so despite me going over this this morning. and sleeping. and getting up and and bursting mess. still open another. which is amazing amazing. so we went to the hospital with a similar address to the wrong hospital. and were able to get that interview rescheduled for this afternoon done to the mean time we're doing the dad who lost
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his daughter his interview now. we're on we're on our way to his house. and i want to stress this i have no one helping me i have no one helping me i have another person who wants the story and once cameras i have no one helping me. or you want to do this. ok how because. i just want to talk to them one on one christiane if they can find if it takes for me to get what i need from them yes there will be. a good. one yes. ok. i will have to spend. a lot of thank you.
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have you will be me. can a car and we have only one page because the smile there is very terrible and they had to do it quickly so that our posts but not spam like them actually. very good that it had not the size you want to see just before you go on all it's that i've seen people what i think. about i know my god when bilbo go go do it. but i'm going to get. that. little bit. ready and believe that. every city girl
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dreams of this moment in that group and i don't bother telling all stuff. oh no i feel like i'm hurting her oh. he's going through. ok. i'm. sorry mirabelle money. oh my god this film we had over my god this is the biggest thing. was that a little bit we're. going to we're going to have in this. city girl i didn't think i would be able to do it but i did it and there is a reason why they're wonderful people. who do follow me
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because i am not a farmer but i still did it so i'm i'm happy about it. we've got to get that out because he's got. oh my god it's so good to have some kind of fresh air and. it's not like i don't know. but i got to do some milking even though it wasn't perfect. but i don't want to tell you what it feels like exactly but i'm pretty sure most of you can work out what i'm trying to say and. that's what i need more practice. anyway so you've got a school. mind trying to get somebody here. except it's a calm. down real life. anyway college
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grads. probably braz thank you what happened to you you know if you buy a painting. and only really. will be ready in the call of god what is a. time when the. snow on. this . how. are you going to come it's so nice to see you i had the pleasure of seeing in your home oh good thank you very much. ok so. it's just. this interview. that. would be the no no when you're.
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well we're going to take you upstairs and now we're going to go through her room. her hair. do you mind if we do that right after i say i don't push it again for. i said what i meant for you is sticking it out i want to take. it and since. we've. just. come back later i guess. i'm. always here. so the reason we're here is to talk about your daughter its own and who she was and if you could just start from the start from the beginning from the very beginning. the very beginning is all bull true whose name is that i was born force of
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september nineteenth ninety one. she was born. eighty years of artwork because we couldn't have children. but then she came. and we were so proud and so happy about that and she she grew up without any problems and the suddenly she said to us. my my legs. we're. anymore and we went to the hospital and off tour the three days of intensive research we had to hear that she had to. look in you or was there a time in your daughter's illness when you knew this is the time we prepare for well i want to prepare for yes. so as i told you.
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every scene went quite positively. till. two may two thousand and six. because the doctor told me that one months before she died that she would die. and it was a horrible period when i see kids. want who aren't carrying who aren't loving their parents and so on i'm sorry about that she had to write to the other. party. i think you. called it. different a souped up right child would have been down ok and i would not be
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a good you would be ok with that writes. i do i do i do. we. really. that's what you've said to be just. you know cautious my book which touch that you. probably have mascara. from. she. ok. never cried on camera so unprofessional. for you. because all the people don't see you right while we're but they watch t.v. it was so frustrating when the guy was so we've been talking on the couch for what felt like for ever that story took for ever and he held it together and then we talk about the day his daughter is dying and how he never cried and then our
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camera guys decide they've had enough filming and they say we're going to get some kind of ways now go around the couch the back of the guy's head and he starts sobbing well having to share the interview is fine i wish that my the process that i had laid down before we started had been respected that was not a gentlemanly thing to do or a colleague thing to do if i were the reporter that was koch covering the story i would never violate my colleague's request i would respect their whatever they're doing wait until they're done and then get the interview i would never but and interrupt it and go ok it's my turn can you i know you're not done but this is what i want and could you please shoot my best side that would never happen with me and i would like tomorrow i would like to be able to control my own interview i said this interview this is my guest this is my story i'm being
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hijacked i don't want somebody waiting like a hal and for than i can that's free to kill it. i would rather ask questions to people in positions of power instead of speaking on their behalf and that's why you can find my show larry king now right here on our t.v. question for. us
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with the washington well it's a mess of trees being suggested in the latest numbers among the media candidates mock received over an issue that actually back to a new doesn't do too much for ad revenue my own tech agriculture giant tits on a seventy six year old american farmer based in india fallout do you think this is going to create for the cia do you think this is what's triggering a race america's the largest economy in the world it's also the largest debtor nation in the history of breaking the set is mostly about alternatives to the status quo but when i give you all of those points on the working poor the american dream the next they were just trying to survive it's time for americans and lawmakers in washington to wake up and start talking about the real causes problem .
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legal. crosstalk rules in effect going to and you can jump in anytime you want. please.
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over by. did you know the price is the only industry specifically mentioned in the constitution and. that's because a free and open press is critical to our democracy which i call books. will. never go on i'm sorry and i'm going to show we reveal the picture of what's actually going on we go beyond identifying problems to try to fix rational debate a real discussion critical issues facing the earth ready to join the movement then welcome to the big picture.


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