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tv   Headline News  RT  July 16, 2014 9:00am-9:30am EDT

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israel returns to its sweeping blitz on gaza after a ceasefire plan falls flat with palestinian deaths quickly surging past two hundred. protests against israeli offensive happening worldwide in london anger at the b.b.c. that campaigners say isn't giving a full picture of the conflict me talk with one of the protesters the. brics nations lay the groundwork to even up the world's financial influences of some of the most populous countries signed on to a multi-billion dollar cooperation deal. plus from hijacking email addresses to manipulating online polls of british intelligence
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it used of dubious ranges of spying tricks that are being branded as a right illegal. five pm in moscow good to have you with us on our key international our top story israel has intensified its anti terror operation in gaza after a failed ceasefire agreement proposed by egypt both sides claimed their missile volley is solely in self-defense a fresh series of strikes targeting senior hamas leaders but its civilian death toll that's most noticeably climbed two hundred five palestinians now killed the majority noncombatants israel sustained its first fatality after several hours after accepting a truce a volunteer helping the i.d.f. was killed by a hamas rocket these are the latest pictures released by hamas the red circles allegedly showing where rockets hit israeli targets. t.
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the group didn't halt its attacks on tuesday conducting some fifty launches this despite israel initially agreeing to the cease fire and halting fire over some six hours both sides claim their military actions are aimed solely at protecting citizens spoke with some palestinian civilians and found their views were mixed when it comes to the rocket fire exchanges but many support what hamas is doing. should be ceasefire between even based on the condition it's a very good thing that when hamas attacks them to make the i.d.f. retreat so that they cannot attack using guns with their rockets functions can make them afraid which is a good strategy for us for sure. it's ok to attack them with a look to respond to them both sides attack each other we need quiet peace of mind for the sake of the children and all of our neighbors. meanwhile people around the
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world showing their disapproval of violence in london activists protesting against the b.b.c.'s coverage of israel's military operation outside the broadcasters offices to find out what upset them i'll be joined a little later in the show by one activist who took part in the demonstrations so stay with us for that but first to get a few perspectives on the events in gaza today take a look at cross talk coming up later with peter lavelle here's a pic. to take a look at the last sixty five years it's pretty clear that israel is intending to continue to bomb and destroy as much as possible in gaza i think it would have been avi to expect that the cease fire would that would these talks would lead to anything since we have sisi on one hand who works for the israelis or the americans and we have units on the out who really has no motivation no intention to stop terrorizing and stop this brutal violence against. the palestinians in gaza. some of the day's other news one hundred billion dollars development bank unveiled
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in brazil by the world's top five emerging nations the deal signed at the bric summit where the country's leaders agreed to align their efforts to move away from the west financial dominance paul scott reports from. well russian president vladimir putin going to meet with the leaders of bolivia uruguay and venezuela for example amongst many others now these countries their populations equate to around four hundred million people if you combine that with the three billion people represented by the five brics countries the blood in the putin has met with the latest representing overhaul of the world's population on his latin america tour it all started the breathless toll on friday with a visit to cuba he then of course went with an unannounced visit to nicaragua before stopping off in argentina and then finally in brazil bricks summit hey enforce a laser hosted by brazilian president dilma rousseff who you may remember was a victim of n.s.a. surveillance size revealed by edward snowden around twelve months ago now ever
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since then she's been championing for change to the internet on the way that it's governed in order to protect people's privacy well earlier i managed to ask a question i also what changes she would like to see on what changes we have seen in the last twelve months but to me about what is there about so. we must guarantee privacy on the internet and make the weapon open and democratic and its foundation must be based on the trailer. and that's a true requisite for the internet to be an immigrant evan burson and every government has the right to free and open internet. that doesn't believe that one country has the right to lead the way when it comes to internet governance and she feels that each country should have the right to its own governance to ensure privacy while we are at the halfway stage of the brics summit in four to lays out what exactly has been achieved will russia agree to write off ninety percent of cuba's soviet era debts the remaining ten percent will be reinvested in joint infrastructure projects in the country it was also a symbolic meeting with formally to fit castro in argentina the two countries
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signed a peaceful nuclear power deal that will see russia help in areas such as design construction operation and decommissioning of nuclear power plants in rio putin attended the football world cup final and received responsibility for the next competition the tournament is in russia in two thousand and eighteen while at the bric summit the nation signed off on a long awaited one hundred billion dollars development bank seen as a rival to the i.m.f. world bank and global dominance of the u.s. dollar they say on top of numerous trade deals. so it may have taken less than awake but president vladimir putin no doubt hoping that his whistle stop tour will cement russia latin america ties asia times correspondent package pepe escobar is saying that the new brics financial institution may help the group build muscle. what are we having nowadays is the predominance of i call it casino capitalism in fact which is a speculative capitalism which you know hot money
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a traverse in the world digital speeds enormous that this has nothing to do with productive investment and sustainable development what the brics the brics are trying to steer the debate and in fact the conditions of that vastly towards productive capitalism now that they have this mechanism of a developing bank and a contingency reserve a mechanism the can help all their countries up part from themselves in terms of infrastructure projects and sustainable developments. of the brics powerhouses have been given a multi-billion dollar win after the world trade organization ruled against the u.s. will tell you why our g. dot com. this is the aftermath of an airstrike on the town of nation in eastern ukraine one of the bombs falling on a block of flats causing it to partially collapse locals joining together with
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rescuers to help those trapped under the rubble. he's going to do it even. after. the others he'll go to you but you for your information. there will. be no. yeah. yeah yeah. but. what was the boy's now in the hospital with seven others but almost a dozen civilians have been confirmed killed the government denying responsibility saying it was the work of an unidentified jet but scenes like this are repeated daily across the east during refugee exodus. reports this refugee camp where i'm standing right now just twelve hours ago was about twenty two the ukrainian border however the people running the camp decided to move it because it was not
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safe to be that close to the ukrainian border where the attacks were the stray or intentional shelling from mortars and artillery fire coming in from ukrainian side actually has been increasing in recent days and course for people who are staying in these refugee camps that's just another addition to list of tragedies that have happened to them let's have a listen more about this from my reports. uprooted driven out desperate people have been flooding into the region by us for the past several weeks trying to escape the bloody war that has engulfed the southeast of ukraine this refugee camp is literally just several meters away from the ukrainian border so for people staying here war is still very much a part of daily routine they say recently the artillery fire at night has gotten closer and the memories of the bombardment back at home do not grow any less if it .
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no it's going to churches but it's would be a hoax just blow it did a muscle to pull off a good deal it's good when is. you know the children me and appeared to be new to the horrors happening in their homeland plane carrying on as usual but once prodded they show deep emotional scars to show that it just got both full. of what you have. to. look at the most of the mold still too many who left their loved ones behind haven't heard from them for several days whose playlist this thing you put up was to. watch new york times do you want us to know. about this cause. such refugee camps are simply temporary ports for these people who will have to find new jobs new houses new ways to live not because they didn't
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like the life they had but because they were denied those by since this fighting in a go go r.t. last of and on the beach and. across the border in ukraine's capital kiev hundreds of soldiers mothers and wives are protesting demanding the government let their sons and husbands come home many troops in the east have already completed tours of duty but aren't being allowed to return because of a lack of fresh recruits. will be back after a short break with more stories including a little sarcasm in a high level diplomacy a look at the latest spat between the russian and u.s. u.n. ambassadors and who had the last word this time.
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this is about making the business survive. corporations. parishioners told. parishioners have no feeling. for issues very bright you or me corp is the only cure for. people come to untouched forests and leave. the sea. we're not going to quit we will not stop until it is done what is more precious music more movie.
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moscow marking a day of mourning after the worst disaster in the cities metro system twenty three people died after a train derailed at high speed around one hundred forty people remain in the hospital dozens in intensive care here's how the tragedy unfolded the train traveling along one of the lines west of the capital had almost reached top speed suddenly the emergency brakes were activated. first three carriages piling up one on top of the other blocking the tunnel that happened two hundred meters away from the next stop medics rushed to the scene broken bones and severe head wounds greeted them forced emergency services set to work pulling out those trapped eighty meters below the ground and mangled carriages volunteers helping carry out the injured helicopters and dozens of ambulances took people to the hospital for several hours nonstop andre's any witness the tragedy. then you can see it they knew it was through the there was. some people had broken.
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the. people were hysterical we started to get hams we saw in the tunnel room. constructing a paranoid time they helped us to get. to metro employees have been detained in connection with the crash investigators suspect their negligence may have led to the accident now as we've mentioned this is the worst tragedy underground in moscow metro's near eighty year history in two thousand and five more than fifty stations were left without electricity on a swelteringly hot day a year later a construction pile damaged a tunnel and shocked passengers in a passing train last summer nearly five thousand people were about her way to from one of the busiest transit points in the system because of a fire at a station next to red square and earlier this year the foundations of a construction site above penetrated into the underground tunnel below luckily in that instance no one was injured we have more details pictures and i witness
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accounts on the moscow metro derailment r.t. dot com also online for you right. there is defying orders in guantanamo prison refusing to force feed detainees were boarded leave the first case of medical staff protesting the method which human rights groups called torture and inhumane. and check it this out reckless road rage in moscow the story of this heartless driver who ran over the elderly man but stopped only to check on the damage to his own coffee. first trip. and i think you're.
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spying a devious business but there's a code of honor or so it was thought british intelligence now revealed to have a range of tricks and tools that would make even james bond's q blush all of them aimed at a cyber snooping for example when it comes to social networking they can look at your private photos if they don't like what they see they can disable your facebook account outright chatting with friends and relatives g c h q agents can listen in on our conversations and read your messages and peruse your contact list as well they can also hijack your email address and use it to send messages themselves how much you spend on e-bay and what online polls you participated in it's also visible to the agents they can even manipulate the results of the voting sarra for reports . facing page spacing email addresses and manipulating online polls these are just some of the tools and tactics it's been alleged that he they using google quite eccentric names angry pirates
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a tool that will permanently disable a target's account on their computer now there's more than one hundred projects in the listing joint threat research intelligence now in a statement to r.t. he say that they are not full let's take a look at what they said all of g c h q is work is carried out in accordance with a strict legal and policy framework which ensures that all week to it is all authorised necessary and proportionate well despite what t.c. h.q. would say campaign is a saying that if the allegations are extremely serious to huge do because again it used to be being involved in propaganda and trying to manipulate debates not the best for them to protect their financial security not to read on one poll either way the latest late can certainly reignited the calls for further oversight. activities it's an argument that we've heard many times before and it's not one
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that's looking likely to quieten down any time soon so. reporting from london as if that's not enough the british government wants to enhance its surveillance powers further a new law that's already passed the house of commons or require web companies to keep customer private data just in case your do services wants to have a look tony gosling investigative journalist mores the government is trying to keep tabs on everyone. well it's certainly not going to protect citizens what what how on earth can you protect british citizens by eroding our civil liberties and we just had an announcement this week from david cameron the business spend one billion pounds on violence so wrong to the running back he said norma's industry which is out of control he's actually want to spend more money on surveillance and they've been doing this in concert with the n.s.a. for so many years now that companies like google twitter microsoft facebook are actually almost part of that surveillance system not interested anymore in going to
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the courts you know to ask a judge if they want to put somebody under surveillance they just assume that everybody is under surveillance. back to our top story now the israeli palestinian conflict people around the world showing their disapproval of the violence in london activists protesting against the b.b.c.'s coverage of the israeli military operation outside the broadcasters offices to find out what has them so upset i'm joined live now by i mean who took part in the demonstration thank you for joining us here so how in your view is the b.b.c.'s coverage of the events in the area incorrect. well i work to palestine sort of dark campaign and we've been monitoring b.b.c. news coverage of what's been happening in gaza over the last eight days now eight or nine days and in all of the coverage so far the way it's been reported has been a case of israel defending itself against rockets which you know keeping fired into israel after what hasn't been mentioned once is that israel homes under occupation
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and homes cars are under siege and that the palestinians in gaza are mostly refugee population they have no army air force or navy with wish to find themselves against israel and israel is a fool just minutes power in the world so all of that background is i'm seeing or that context is missing by leaving out by admitting those vital facts b.b.c. is able to see its entire coverage and present it as being under threat from the palestinians and that's why we were outside the studio in london yesterday outside the headquarters saying to them enough is enough you know we want you to tell people the truth about what's happening so you need to tell the truth about the occupation the siege and everything that israel is doing well i'm sorry for jumping in here but i took a look myself at the b.b.c.'s online coverage at least it seems to give a pretty decent and fair account including a whole feature piece about life in gaza and the suffering under people there i mean are you really taking into account all the b.b.c.
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coverage or you're only particularly referring to what they're showing on their television channel. now we're looking at all of b.b.c. coverage so you know every now and again they might do precisely the suffering gaza but it won't have mentioned how that suffering is caused to what the b.b.c. doesn't like to say is that there's a blockade on gaza it's been there for seven years they will never ever say that israel if you're trying power in gaza that has it has obligations to the people in gaza. it always leaves out and you know if you look across the entire out you have things like they are online they run a report three days ago and it was a massive who all about garza's weapon arsenal as they called it descriptions of rockets their range graphic showing different places in israel they could reach but there was nothing about israel's military capability against the people of gaza so there was nothing about yes sixteen fighter jets which they're dropping two thousand pound bombs on to palestinians houses there was nothing about their drawings nothing about the gunships they're firing at gaza from from the sea it was
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all about the palestinians attacking power the palestinians aggression and the only piece of military technology that was mentioned on the side of the israelis was their eye and defense system so again it was presented as defense and on the on the day that the first palestinians were killed in gaza which was last tuesday the eighth of july twenty three palestinians i apologize i apologize for jumping in again we're running of time i want to get one more question to you do you think that the executives at the b.b.c. war here are your protest or make changes. they have already we have five thousand people outside the b.b.c.'s day we had a letter with forty five thousand signatures saying that coverage has to change it was signed by people like named chomsky john pilger ken loach ferris m.p.'s and today this morning on radio four on the today programme which was the b.b.c.'s drug program they discussed that protests they said the protests to place outside and then had a five minute discussion or not whether b.b.c.
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news coverage of course is biased and they spoke to greg file of the glasgow media monitoring unit and he explained in great detail. they just completely fixed it does not mention how this all started other palestinians were displaced in ninety two they've been around occupation since one nine hundred sixty seven and israel's actions are illegal under international law and that's the first time we've ever heard in you know on a b.b.c. broadcast or b.b.c. or nine so it has already made make a difference and we hope to carry on making a difference in b.b.c. reporting are right i mean i saw the america of us from the palestine solidarity campaign thanks for your time thank you. for us drone attack in pakistan's west restive north waziristan region thought to have killed up to fifteen people the strike to assess the pakistani army which is currently battling taliban linked militants in the area government troops launched a full scale ground operation in north waziristan in june after insurgents staged a deadly attack on the country's largest air hub more than four hundred taliban
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fighters and over two dozen soldiers reported killed in just over a month. syria's president assad sworn in for a new seven year term after his landslide election victory in which he secured almost ninety percent of the vote ballot went ahead despite the civil war that's terry mccarthy apart and i was killed more than one hundred sixty thousand people radical islamist still control a large part of syria's southwest. a powerful typhoon battered the philippines killing at least twelve and displacing hundreds of thousands with storm caused power outages tore off roofs and toppled trees it's the strongest storm to hit the country this year and some parts of the philippines are still recovering from a devastating typhoon that struck in november and killed more than six thousand people. this is where the un's most powerful body can decide the fates of countries around the world but sometimes those inside the un security council can behave more like kids in a sandbox with feisty arguments even spilling outside of the venerated chamber as
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happened recently between the russian and u.s. envoys more important i has more on their latest public slanging match the russian and american ambassadors to the united nations usually keep their negotiations and debates within the chambers of the world body headquarters however a tit for tat between the two diplomats is currently playing out in the public domain sparked by something written in the pages of a glossy magazine the august issue of vanity fair features an article on samantha power in which she strikes a bit of a verbal job against her russian counterpart here's the contacts the reporter says he reminded miss power that ambassador vitaly churkin jokingly asked her if she'd join the russian punk group pussy riot after she met with the two famous band members and bassett or powers says she told mr churkin that their first concert stop on tour would be where russia holds its political prisoners though regrettably she can't sing the u.s.
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envoy claims she got the last word in that conversation saying it's what passes as a small victory oh if only the verbal jabs and snarky ness and did their it doesn't in a statement posted on facebook ambassador churkin says while it did stoke his vanity to see himself referenced in the article he found powers pussy riot tore stop comment to be rather lame saying quote they never performed in guantanamo after all ouch a reference to america's biggest stain on international law and human rights violations ambassador churkin also sets the record straight saying quote i called samantha and explained to her that russia did not have any political prisoners she seemed to be amused and promised to get back to me on this. she never did unquote ambassador churkin claims that miss power told him he got the upper hand in that exchange but he says he will claim it as a small victory hopefully when the two diplomats meet once again face to face at
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the u.n. there will be no hard feelings and the debates can go back to revolve around issues such as creating more peace and less conflict very important. new york attorney joe potato let's call the whole thing off up next aaron a diner gas crunch the numbers in boom bust. well. science technology innovation all billy's developments from around russia we've got the future covered. so you put all the bankers into the circular firing squad put all the bankers the jamie diamond the
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lloyd blankfein the bob diamond put them into a circular firing squad i think it will all fall it's a let's get rid of all the laws we got in the system to scale sort of the marriott tragedies of the world.
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health care i marinated this is boom bust and these are some of the stories that we're tracking for you today. it's day two of the brics summit and afford to live a brazil and some big news coming out of there this afternoon you'll definitely want to hear what's been decided upon there and what it means around the world big big news and victor she is on the program today the professor of economics that u.c. san diego is giving us his thoughts on an emerging markets development bank and reserve fund and in phase big deal edward harrison are discussing what a slump in crude price means for the strength of the u.s. economy it all starts right now.


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