tv Headline News RT July 16, 2014 8:00pm-8:30pm EDT
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there is just too much. coming up on our t.v. breaking news as the white house announced new unilateral sanctions against russia likely targets include certain large banks along with energy and defense firms more on that just ahead. and will u.s. drones be shipped abroad the u.s. government could be moving closer to adding military drones to its export list details on that just ahead. and could there soon be six california supporters of the six state initiatives say they now have enough signatures to put the idea on the ballot in two thousand and sixteen the details on this potential vote later in the show.
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it's wednesday july sixteenth eight pm in washington d.c. i'm near a david and you're watching r t america. the u.s. announced today that it has decided to impose unilateral sanctions on russia over its involvement in ukraine today the obama administration targeted a series of large banks along with energy and defense firms the president himself took to the podium to announce the new sanctions take a listen given its continued provocations in ukraine today i have approved a new set of sanctions on some of russia's largest companies and financial institutions along with our allies with whom i've been coordinating closely the last several days and weeks i've repeatedly made it clear that russia must halt the flow of weapons and fighters across the border into ukraine. that russia must urge
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separatists to release their hostages and support a cease fire that russia needs to pursue internationally mediated talks and agreed to meaningful monitors on the border have made this clear directly to mr putin. many of our european partners have made this clear directly to mr putin we have emphasized our preference to resolve this issue diplomatically but that we have to see concrete actions and not just words that russia in fact is committed to trying to end this conflict along the russia ukraine border for more on the very latest let's go to our tease guy i need to check in on the obama administration imposes sanctions on a number of russian banks as well as energy and defense firms the targeted russian companies will not be able to borrow money from u.s. banks for over ninety days meaning that they will still be able to receive overnight loans but will find it harder to finance medium and long term activity
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among the companies that will not be able to receive long term loans from u.s. banks are sniffs which is russia's state owned oil company and largest oil producer a gas from bank the financial arm of gas problem the state controlled natural gas producer beric another russian natural gas producer and of near chicago owned bank which is russia's economic development bank president obama just said the u.s. is tailored to sanctions in a way so as not to hurt u.s. companies washington want it tougher sanctions they wanted to target entire sectors of the washing a commie but europe did not go along with the plan unilateral sectoral sanctions would put u.s. businesses at a disadvantage because many of the services and technologists that u.s. companies sell european companies haven't sell and this way the u.s. would isolate itself from a lot of business that could be done there. now as our t. correspondent for the n.h. . u.s. military drones may soon be expanding their reach across the world u.s.
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export control officials say they may be willing to ease some restrictions that have limited the sale of american made military drones overseas are to make a lopez has more. america might not manufacture its own clothes or shoes or even flying cars these days but if there is one thing the u.s. makes that it's weaponized drones and it looks like more of this made in america stamp killing technology could be hitting the site soon the wall street journal reports that during a panel discussion and an international air show in england this week cannot handle men who manages the department of defense trade controls hinted that the u.s. might be relaxing its restrictions on exploiting these machines in the near future hellman says that the policy reviews for these exports have been quote ongoing for quite a long time and the result will be very helpful to export us and also to our allies who are hoping to take advantage of this military drone technology he told the
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audience to quote stay tuned currently the state department controls the export of anything that's on the munitions list and one hundred eighty seven agreement known as the missile technology control regime which was signed by thirty four nations prevents the spread of unmanned systems that have the capability of carrying weapons of mass destruction but this resolution is non-binding meanwhile a recent rand corporation report found that twenty three countries are currently developing their own versions of motorized drones proponents of these exports believe that u.s. innovation will expand if companies have a more competitive environment and also that the sales of military drones are going to be happening regardless of u.s. involvement in the future so there is a massive economic incentive for loosening this policy right now the drone industry is raking in billions of dollars and is set to double in the next decade opponents of the exports of these weaponized drones see that the sale could lead to countless civilian casualties or that they could eventually end up in the wrong hands at the
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state department today as press secretary jen second about the possible policy change here as a response has recently spoke about the possibility or hinted about the possible. realty of loosening controls for the export of armed drones is there first of all a timeline for when this announcement will be made what kind of factors play into this decision and the potential allies that would be seeking these drones for our i don't have any details on that we can check and see if there are any to share afterward a state department official told me that the agency recognizes that the issue of exporting the technology deserves more attention and a review which they are conducting on a case by case basis deficient went on to say that human rights considerations are being deliberated as well as international commitments to nonproliferation makers of the drones are obviously standing the most to gain by the relaxation of these restrictions lobbyist for these companies have been aggressively pushing for washington to agree given deep and lasting pentagon budget cuts that are leaving
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these companies with no one to sell to right now the u.s. has only sold completely weaponized drones the way but it kind of handelman tents are to be believed there could be even more of these u.s. made motorized drones taking to the skies in the near future reporting in front of the state department meghan lopez r t. and also the latest on the conflict between israel and gaza four boys who were playing on a beach in gaza were killed by an israeli barrage today the boys were between the ages of nine and eleven they were all from the same family two brothers and two cousins they all share the same last name the first shell killed one of the boys in the group all the four remaining boys began to sprint across the beach unfortunately the group was hit again this time more tragic killing three more boys a fifth boy is in critical condition the news of the four boy's death came just
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before israel agreed to a five hour humanitarian pause in its nine day old bombardment of gaza which so far claimed the lives of more than two hundred palestinians. and now to guantanamo bay where our u.s. navy nurse has refused to force force feed prisoners who are on an extended hunger strike according to the miami herald the unidentified nurse declined to participate after designing the practice as a criminal act officials say this is the first protest of its kind at the detention center up until now no nurse or doctor has ever refused to to feed a prisoner a spokesperson for the southern command which oversees guantanamo says the nurse is a lieutenant and has been assigned to other duties now instead the u.s. military maintains it uses humane methods of keeping hunger striking prisoners alive but the u.n. human rights commission said it regards force feeding at guantanamo as
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a form of torture additionally the american medical associations president has come out saying that force feeding hunger strikers violates core ethical values and fact a recent editorial in the new england journal of medicine urged guantanamo's prison doctors to refuse to participate and that's exactly what we've now seen happen but whether this catches on as a form of protest remains to be seen there are currently one hundred forty nine prisoners still at the detention center thirty four of them are believed to be on hunger strike eighteen of which meet the guidelines for forced feedings. a swedish court has ruled to up hold an arrest warrant against wiki leaks founder julian assange and on charges of sexual assault songes arrest was issued at the end of two thousand and ten after two women in sweden accused him of the assault songe has long denied the allegations and had been trying to get those charges dropped a whistleblower fears that if extradited to sweden hold then be extradited to the
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u.s. where he could face charges over the release of thousands of secret documents by wiki leaks chelsea manning the american soldier who passed those documents to a songe was sentence just last july. thirty five years in prison assad remains in the ecuadorian embassy where he has been for two years since the ecuadorian government granted him asylum. well it was the war of words between u.s. ambassador to the u.n. samantha power and her russian counterpart the tali churkin but surprisingly this time it had nothing to do with ukraine or syria or even iran rather it was all about the controversial russian band pussy riot r d's marina porton takes a look at their tit for tat exchange. the russian and american ambassadors to the united nations usually keep their negotiations and debates within the chambers of the world body headquarters however a tit for tat between the two diplomats is currently playing out in the public
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domain sparked by something written in the pages of a glossy magazine the august issue of vanity fair features an article on samantha power in which she strikes a bit of a verbal job against her russian counterpart here's the context the reporter says he reminded miss power that ambassador vitaly churkin jokingly asked her if she'd join the russian punk group pussy riot after she met with the two famous band members and asked her powers says she told mr churkin that their first concert stop on tour would be where russia holds its political prisoners though regrettably she can't sing the u.s. envoy claims she got the last word in that conversation saying it's what passes as a small victory oh if only the verbal jabs and snarky miss ended there it doesn't in a statement posted on facebook ambassador churkin says while it did stoke his vanity to see himself referenced in the article he found powers pussy riot tore stop
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comment to be rather lame saying quote they never performed in guantanamo after all ouch a reference to america's biggest stain on international law and human rights violations ambassador churkin also sets the record straight saying quote i called samantha and explained to her that russia did not have any political prisoners she seemed to be amused and promised to get back to me on this she never did unquote ambassador churkin claims that miss power told him he got the upper hand in that exchange but he says he will claim it as a small victory hopefully when the two diplomats meet once again face to face at the u.n. there will be no hard feelings and the debates can go back to revolve around issues such as creating more peace and less call. but very important i.r.t. new york. now to the crisis along the us mexico border record numbers of children from one dress all salvador and guatemala of course have crossed into the u.s.
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over the past year seeking refuge from their violence and poverty stricken countries last week president obama appealed to congress for a three point seven billion dollars in emergency spending to deal with the immigration influx however that hasn't qual the controversial debate that's arisen in recent weeks over how to solve this problem in the wake of the immigration surge we've seen a whole host of opposition groups form everything from civilian protesters blocking buses carrying refugees to now individual militias who say they plan to take boarders security into their own hands one group doing just that is arizona border recon the citizen group of former soldiers that specializes in tracking drug runners and immigrants were illegally crossing the arizona mexico border the director of the group who asked to remain anonymous for fear of reprisal from drug cartels had this to say about the potential dangers of militia groups taking on the
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job of border security lowish is being given a bad name by probably a couple crazies out there and. the government and media but like you said we're not a militia when we have people come to us we vet them we make sure they are who they say they are they have to follow strict rules of engagement they have to follow strict standard operating procedures. and it's like when we go out we will. contact more virtual world know where we're going how many people were going to be there how long we're going to be out for so there is no what they call blue on blue which is friendly fire for the bag could happen if you get the yahoos out there but we are very well trained that we're in constant communications with border patrol so we don't have any problems customs
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and border patrol has stated that it does not indorsed or support any private group or organization from taking matters into their own hands because it could have disastrous personal and public safety consequences and still ahead here on r.g.p. a new development an attempt to vote to divide up the state of california supporters of the six state initiative say they have enough signatures to put it up for a vote more on that after the break. thank you thank you thank you thank i marinate joining me on box in order to get an impartial and financial reporting thanks very much for near . the only on the bus and only on the owner of. the.
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a. prophecy of organizations actually back to and doesn't do too much for ad revenue my own tech agriculture giant teeth on a seventy six year old american farmer to the east india fallout do you think it's going to be a war that. do you think this is what's triggering a great america is the largest economy in the world it's also the largest debtor nation in the history of the world breaking the set is mostly an alternative to the status quo one might get a real alternative to the points on the working poor the american dream the next they were just trying to survive it's time for americans and lawmakers in washington to wake up and start talking about the real cause of. living. believe it or not a proposal to split california into six states is moving forward the man behind the
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plan venture capitalist him draper says he is gathered enough signatures to place it on the twenty six team ballot bringing the initiative one step closer to fruition artie's middle of chan has more. could the most populated state in the union be split up well that's what one tech billionaire in silicon valley wants to do tim draper a venture capitalist who wants to break california into not two not three not even four but six smaller states and his vision is one step closer to going up for a vote draper announced this week that he collected a one point three million signatures in a petition to put his proposal on the california state ballot in two years well over the eight hundred eight thousand needed and with just over thirty eight million people in california if it were it's own country it would have the eighth largest economy in the world but if draper has his way the landscape could change
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dramatically now much of the bay area plus santa cruz and monterey counties they would become the state of silicon valley and california's most northern parts they would become jefferson as some counties up there have already wanted for years and some north bay counties would become part of north california leaving stockton fresno and bakersfield they would become central california los angeles been tierra and santa barbara would wind up in the west california leaving san diego to anchor south california now mr draper appeared on r.t. america just a few months ago to explain his thought process on why california should be split california has failed the system is not working we've had great people governor in california and for some reason it has not worked and i think it's just too big too on will be and we're just a closed door government anymore and for those backing draper they say dividing the
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state would create a more business friendly environment they say it would even fix water issues and maybe even ease traffic congestion now while draper will get his chance to have this on the ballot and. the next election cycle it's very unlikely that california voters will agree with his ideas many have already vocalize their objection to this notion calling draper's plan a color loss a waste of time a democratic and g.o.p. strategist teamed up to form one california group aimed at fighting off draper and it is big bucks they say draper's plan is hurting the california brand so even if voters were to support the state split congress and then the president would have to approve it too which is something highly unlikely to happen from washington manila chan r t. california is facing one of the worst droughts and decades while the agriculture industry suffers urban water use in the month of may actually went
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up despite efforts to encourage conservation so now the state water board is an acting and emergency rule allowing local agencies to find water wasters up to five hundred dollars a day but it's only people over watering their lawns and hosing off their driveways one too many times a week it's not just them contributing to the problem another one of the potential culprits is the company nestle on the wrong go band of mission indians reservation the largest bottled water company in the u.s. nestle has been drawing water from a spring and millard canyon for over a decade now keep in mind this is the cabazon area which has been facing declining groundwater levels since the year two thousand it's hard to say if or how much nestle's bottled water production contributes to this decrease because as a sovereign nation it's reporting requirements are lax in the tribe is exempt from oversight but according to the reporting done by desert sun newspaper the local
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water agency estimates that about two hundred forty four million gallons are pumped from the spring each year if accurate that's the equivalent of the amount of water used annually by at least four hundred households in the region nestle leases the property from the tribe to package arrowhead spring water and purified water sold under the brand nestle pure life it's just one of the many plants across the u.s. that was built to quench the increasing thirst for bottled water but now it's the earth that's really thirsty. paul would you trust a robot to babysit your kids perhaps that's something to think about as i introduce you to pepper pepper is a robot designed to read and react to human emotions if you're feeling sad pepper will try to cheer you up. if you're feeling happy the robot will reinforce your happiness pepper is a mood robot standing four feet tall and weighing just sixty two pounds
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a multilingual robot was created by all the braun and softbank mobile the robot reads human emotions through facial recognition technology multiple cameras audio recorders and sensors softbank claims that ingesting all of the feedback allows the robot to learn how to behave over time rather than being programmed pepper will also operate under a collective conscious as well what one unit learns will be shared via the cloud so that other units can learn and adjust the way they behave this helps all the robots to tailor their interactions with users based on the different moods they perceive so there you have it a reactionary robot isn't our near future. and before we go don't forget to tune in and nine pm for larry king now tonight's encore episode features country music legend willie nelson there's a part of that interview. i know you are advocates for the legalization of
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marijuana by the way there are probably three sure things in life death taxes and marijuana is going to be legal there is a poll a pew research poll released today three out of four americans favor the full legalization of marijuana did you ever think that would happen you know. i thought maybe eventually it would when people wised up and started looking at it. plus realizing that there's some money there somebody make and you know damn right so up to the criminals are making this so you started smoking. i started out when i was a kid smoke and anything i could get. cornsilk. bar. and then rolled up. a rolling up border you small do every day i don't think i've missed a day in years. really so it's a habit but i think it's a good habit for me you know recommended for anybody you know but for me it seems
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to help me. so tune in at nine pm tonight here on our team america my does it for now for more on the stories we covered go to youtube dot com slash r t america and check out our website r.t. dot com they can also follow me on twitter at a mirror david for now have a great night. where you like me you want your comedy news from t.v. what your comedy used to be a bare fisted no holds barred fight to dad. vampire fighting into the next in the corporate lead the billionaire freaks well they're going. well that's what you get with my new show project that tonight. i think. everybody. should you know the price is the only
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industry specifically mentioned in the constitution and their time that's because a free and open press is critical to our democracy trade commerce. in fact the single biggest threat facing our nation today is the corporate takeover of our government and across a seven year old we've been a hydrogen right hand full of trans national corporations that will profit by destroying what our founding fathers but once the old testament i'm sorry mark it on this show we reveal the big picture of what's actually going on in the world we go beyond identifying the truth rational debate and real discussion critical issues facing america if i ever feel ready to join the movement then welcome to the big picture.
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because the value of money over art because it's become a corporate bastardization of one of humanity's most primal core important forms of self-expression how can you stick really grosses me out but even more offensive to me than pop music is proper music as in stupid pop music being created to promote propaganda and right now there's a huge problem song sweeping the airwaves in central america it's a song called lobbies via which means the beast and that's about a freight train that live in southern mexico to the u.s. border kidnappings robberies rates even murders occur on the train which is why
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it's going to miss lee known as the beast among migrants the song features upbeat kuya music against dismal lyrics about the train like the color of the beast from the south this train of death with the devil in the boiler whistle has brought us twist and turn these is a big hit people in under us plot amala in el salvador love it calling up their local radio stations to request it it's being played by twenty one radio stations in the country and like the case with most pop songs no one really knows who wrote it or where it came from unlike most pop songs this props song was commissioned by the u.s. government and it being nothing but propaganda it's part of the u.s. customs and border protection dangers awareness campaign which is designed to deter illegal immigrant. in into the u.s. love these dia isn't the first song commissioned by stevie peeved but it is the
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first one written specifically for a central american audience one day i was hired by c.b.p. to write it he brought in the musician from new york to compose the music he hired a bar mitzvahs figure for vocals and there you go a prop song was manufactured just like any other horrible pop song at first one of the composers working with c.b.p. carlo nikolaus what has that in this song is being played as part of a regular rotation at radio stations with no disclaimer that the u.s. government is behind it so it felt manipulative to him but not to love was born in the us to mexican parents and knows the horrors of that trade so ultimately he ended up feeling like a manipulative prophet music might be an ok thing that could save lives the thing that gets to me about this props song nonsense is the same thing that gets to me about pop songs.
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