tv Breaking the Set RT July 23, 2014 4:29am-5:01am EDT
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language. fully recover though if they're going to stay still some other. treatments that is the consensus you can. choose the opinions that invigorating to . choose the stories get inside the life choose the access to your office. your friend posts a photo from a vacation you turn to for college different. the boss repeats the same old joke of course you like. your ex-girlfriend still tends to rejection poetry keep. norrish. we post only what really matters at r.t. to your facebook you speak. of.
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going to break in the set i'm abby martin so israel's now two week long offensive called operation protective edge has reached a stunning level brutality shelling of hospitals mosques and leveling entire neighborhoods according to the international middle east media center at least five hundred forty five palestinians have been killed at the time of this broadcast and three thousand three hundred more injured of the dead one hundred twenty nine are children and sixty nine women according to palestinian center for human rights some disturbing developments over the last twenty four hours include the surfacing of a video showing a civilian being killed by sniper fire who was trying to search for survivors among the ruins and this morning al-jazeera reported that two percent and very deliberate shots were fired into their bureau which is located in a residential neighborhood and gaza the warning shots came less than twenty four hours after the israeli foreign minister declared he was working to close down al
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jazeera in israel but this isn't the first time israel has directly targeted journalists in fact in two thousand and twelve during operation pillar of defense the i.d.f. admitted to deliberately bombing a building housing numerous foreign news agencies including r.t. the targeting of journalists is a war crime however if you're watching the corporate media news outlets are still trying to spin the story that these. whores on the ground are all justified by israel's right to defend itself go to the washington post and see the headline that reads how hamas uses its tunnels to kill and capture israeli soldiers and move on the time which says tunnel attacks have israel on edge and most disgracefully an op ed in the huffington post that reads the disgustingly predictable death game of hamas look i obviously don't condone violence on either side but placing the blame of every civilian killed by israel on hamas is disingenuous at best and at worst
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blatant mr action and that's not to say that israel hasn't suffered casualties as well including two civilians from rocket fire but the majority of the dead are soldiers who died in clashes as a result of israel's ground invasion of gaza thirteen at the time of this broadcast interesting lee enough not all of these soldiers words really to born and raised americans are among the dead americans who gave up their lives in the san fernando valley california and south padre island texas to fight to know to mostly die for the state of israel as strange as it may be for people to give up their lives to fight for a colonial army across the world their story is far from unique and fact according to the i.d.f. in two thousand and twelve there were at least five thousand and one hundred so-called lone soldiers or non israeli citizens serving in the i.d.f. two thousand of which are american and perhaps the fact that americans are flocking
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to fight alongside israel is occupying force isn't surprising considering the massive indoctrination campaign with zero historical context taught to us in the us that paints israel is the only democracy in the middle east the only country worth defending and most misleading of all those victim of incessant terrorism that requires our unwavering support our military might our money and apparently our lives will. it was a really very hard to take a. look. at her back when the earthquake there are little. league.
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after four months of denying the residents access to water yesterday the detroit water and sewerage department agreed to a fifteen day freeze for shutoffs the move came after public pressure mounted in the city and around the country calling for to try to turn water back on for the thousands of residents left without the basic resource the you when even stepped in calling the issue an affront to human rights however the city of detroit insists it needed to turn off people's water after they were late or simply unable to pay their bills in order to collect around ninety million dollars from the link when it counts in some cases residents owed a little more than one hundred fifty dollars were left without water during the crippling summer heat but the traders have since banded together in protest and are
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launching direct action campaigns to pressure the city including staging demonstrations and blocking the company trucks conducting the shutoffs one such group is called the detroit water brigade it's a grassroots organization dedicated to bringing a murdered say relief to families left without water and advocating solutions to the human rights crisis earlier i was joined by makita taylor a detroit mother of six who volunteers. as creative director for the organization and i first asked her to describe the size and scope of the disaster. it's going to bring about i'm going in fifty thousand households have been shut off and i'm not sure how much static waits in percentages but the plan was originally to set up at least forty percent of the city by the end of summer it's pretty big. living without water it's not anything that i would want anyone as far as being able to behave in a cool for yourself and just have that level of freedom you know you get away and
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that we take for granted that you really realize that you are living in a situation where you don't have access to something you need so much water right about a week and a half ago about ten protesters were arrested while trying to block the entrance of the private company actually doing the shut off so oddly enough called home rich wrecking what other direct actions have you guys taken so far. we have rather the nation's not been sincere there was a rather a bad traders came out and was able to show us or show us we've also to be straight watergate is an organization that had robbed me and rattly on the streets making sure that families get the water that they need right now because we do not have a jury on the books that is straight and when it has. just stops you know it's one of these fifteen days that was reported yesterday so that is that there have been three or else they were doing and there's still so much more work to be done
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families are so long without water right now clearly the actions are speaking loud and clear to the establishment they did seize that for fifteen days people have called it a ceasefire do you agree with that sentiment and i guess what's going to happen after the fifteen days have they said that it just going to go normally at the same rate that it was before. they haven't really even anymore at the expense of my knowledge and it really is a scene. fire right now i think they were getting so much backlash i mean we had the u.n. human rights commission demanding that they stop shaking up the water in the lazy pete was demanding that they stop sending out one of the amnesty international was demanding that they stop that why should us color change hundreds and thousands of years and science i mean it's just gone on and on it's like think they had to do something because the pressure was just so great come on we're all so in a ceasefire and you know when you have a war and there's
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a cease fire you just just stop being long enough to get in there and work with the injured and so that's what i pretty much doing we have enough time now we can actually just focus on getting the water and getting supplies to the family that really needs it but we still have to make arrangements plans for the future because it's not over again right you know names right macaire what do you what do you say to people who say well if you can't pay your bills you should have your water shut off. anyone who would equate ally with paying the bill is the best is really difficult for me to understand i will teach my children that you know that if someone is hungry go hungry because they don't have food or if someone needs a life survival something that keeps them alive you're going to i think that there's a piece of paper cost money i just i really find it difficult to understand my question is is that me or the majority of the predominate view of what we're on america and whatever the majority is willing to and i think that's will be flowing
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the majority of people or at us are very supportive so let's talk about detroit some more i mean the city of detroit saying that the shut off the central because of those eighty nine million dollars in bills that that's true why do you think the detroit downtown development authority recently agreed to provide sixty two million dollars and public funds to expand the price hockey stadium you know i actually believe that we see the world as we see ourselves and so on a lot. i have higher ups and the position of debating decisions have constantly made the comment you know these people are just you know they don't have their priorities in order they're out you know spending money on the wrong things and this is why you know there are those that's kind of the pot calling the kettle black when you really think about it because you know there is misappropriation of how many should be in pretty much everything is but if you really want to go there with you know at the end of the day. it's difficult to say that it's about paying
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bills when the majority. is coming from business that is in the city right up the street from city hall that all hundreds of thousands of dollars so it's really about paying a bill and you go after the companies that own you the most money and then go you know trickle down from there i mean you have to hire stadium that is that is a list its own several hundreds of thousands of dollars in a rearranged at the eastern market and you have the joels arena you know all of these major companies that then are great investments in the city no doubt you know but they also are in a rear it and they also have their water so i thank you so much mckenna taylor creative director of the troy water brigade really appreciate what you're doing thank you my pleasure. as the city of the current struggles with massive water shut off due to the lincoln
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bills it's become quite clear that water is a human right not a commodity that has to traders remain thirsty the largest bottled water company in the world seems to believe the opposite because as a world leader in privatisation of water nestle operates in eighty six different countries pursuing ways to remove restrictions on pumping water out of the ground during times of drought but the massive corporation doesn't like have. not practice brought up and even offered to set the record straight in a bizarre personal video response they sent me in the past. i'm stephanie from nestlé you claimed we take water during droughts in canada in fact we've always reduced our water use during droughts and will continue to do so. wrong again stephanie see in places like ontario canada that's exactly what nestle does thanks to a lack of regulation there the company doesn't even have to disclose how much water it's extracting nor does it pay nearly anything for it and if you think that's an
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isolated incident again despite the record drought plaguing california this year nestle is moving forward with an undisclosed amount of water extraction from a native american reservation near palm springs yes preying on perhaps the most exploited people in the history of this country to pillage for profit peter gleick president of the pacific institute tells the desert sun that quote surface water is so rare in the biological communities around these away seas are so unique that these kinds of bottling plants in the desert should give us pause this is a desert ecosystem surface water in the desert is exceedingly rare has a much higher environmental value than the same amount of water somewhere else walk even though i'm not happy with nestle extracting water from resource rich areas when it comes to times of drought and threatening and higher ecosystems we should all be outraged so the next time you choose to buy water look at the brand let's
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use our purchasing power to send this predatory company a message that water is a human right and a resource we all deserve not something you can steal package and then sell leaving earth by the wayside. stick around for an exclusive interview with former m i five officer and a machine to get some insight on u.k. spine from the inside. i marinate join me. in death. impartial and financial reporting commentary in for news and much much. only on bombast and only on.
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you know margaret mitchell author of gone with the wind one with enough courage you can do without a reputation but in a highly emotional social media driven world to watch extremely concerned sometimes hysterical residents of twitter and the like hashtags their outrage from thousands of miles away at the slightest deviance from what. they all have tagged agree is the only acceptable course well people ya'll are going to nato all a lot more courage. right. first street. and i think picture. on a reporter's twitter. and instagram. could be in the.
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although the n.s.a. has dominated the headlines when it comes to the spying on the world it's a british counterpart you see h.q. is just as complicit in the illegal surveillance crowd but it's not just the collection and storage of private data it's also the shaping of our online experience when the recently released documents by whistleblower edward snowden. if spies are using sophisticated tools to manipulate online content through these documents we've learned that the agency can artificially increase traffic to a website poor results and even geo locate the i p's with an entire city despite
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the growing outrage in the u.k. over the extent of collaborative surveillance with the u. west spy agencies the british parliament is rushing through legislation that further expands its surveillance powers nearby in germany international outrage over the n.s.a. has recently peaked as allegations surfaced implicating two german government employees in a spy operation run by u.s. intelligence in response german chancellor angela merkel ordered that the u.s. is top cia official immediately leave the country the ongoing n.s.a. leaks are also in bold and german citizens who just this week displayed an anti n.s.a. imagery of the u.s. embassy in berlin in protest so to break all of that down i was joined earlier by a former i have five officer and a whistleblower and. i first asked her what german officials are doing in response to this agreed to this u.s. government spying overreach. when it had a series of hearings that they've taken evidence from some of the n.s.a.
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whistleblower like bill binney and thomas drake so they are investigating it with quite something and i think this is seen as a threat actually certainly by the usa because because they. they were created a spy from the german intelligence community to feed back what was going on within this committee hearing so they are taking it seriously i think the germans are taking it seriously because they have to be seen to be doing so because there's been such an outpouring of anger from the german people of course within living memory we've had both the stasi the east german secret police spying on citizens in this country and brutalizing them so there's a very strong constitution in place to stop that happening again and this is why germany particularly in europe is so angry about what the n.s.a. and its vassal did. u.k. listening post i've been getting up to in germany right and some german officials have even suggested going back to the typewriter to protect classified government information from ending up in some massive database but any you suggested this
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might be exactly the type of tactic that governments will have to resort to protect their sensitive information. they're going to have to i mean the very fact that elected representatives can no longer be sure that they are not being bugged and being spied on is a frightening testimony to the fact that we've all lost such a great degree person i'm going back to using a quill and parchment. to send my message to. the german government can sort of contract them out or find out the company in the u.s. with surveillance and of course many private companies are cooperating with the government to spy on its citizens why do you think there's so much missing outrage over private sector surveillance when these companies are the ones supplying the government with the data. a very good question because this shows that we have indeed slid into an era of if you go back to benito mussolini definition of fascism which is the merger of the corporate and the state what we have seen through the edward snowden disclosures is that the very fact where you know all the major big
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internet giants from the usa has been at least complicit and in many cases very willing to help the n.s.a. and you see h.q. and other intelligence agencies to spy on citizens so for example things like facebook i've been saying for years. dream because we offer it willingly all the information that spies in the bad old days of analog era had to spend months gathering so what we're thinking who we're in a relationship with who our friends are what our activism is what our political views are except for access for so these companies have so much very valuable information and yet they're just handing it over so in terms of where we are as a democracy i think we're very far down the road towards to tell this hearing isn't all fascism again and i think in germany at least there is an awareness that we need to move away from this u.s. corporate gemini and it's not only good for democracy to ensure that we have privacy it's not only good for the citizens to be able to learn exactly what goes on on. it could potentially be very very good for the european community
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economically and politically in germany we're seeing internet companies say hey look we've got to get away from this dependency this addiction to american comfort companies we can develop these new systems we can develop new systems based on open source technology rather than a closed proprietary systems that apple and microsoft and all the others have been peddling for years often in contravention by way of e.u. laws and they've been fined massive amounts for control. so i think there is a an awareness that it's good for business as well as good for privacy let's talk about the. revelations i just came out from graham greenwald on the intercept basically talking about how the agency manipulates online holes in internet content i wanted to break down a little bit more about what that consists of. well i think this is something that just of gerbils couldn't have dreamt of this is the ultimate propaganda in fact this is this is really really orwellian because we're looking at
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a fabrication of facts fabrication of paul's fabrication even of communications where they can fake what we've written to people so this is not just rewriting history this is rewriting the present and of course by definition there by rewriting the future so for example we all know in the west particularly the u.s. and the u.k. all politicians are addicted to polls in fact they will only formulate policies if they think they will be popular so that they can get reelected now if you're in a position where you can manipulate those polls you can manipulate what the politicians decide is policy manipulate the direction of democracies go down so for example do we go to war in support of the ukrainian government they could have a poll on that everyone could say no we could all go and demonstrate on the streets and yet the poll can be manipulated and suddenly the u.k. is at war again. a point i was hoping you could expand on as the oversight of spies in the u.k. and exactly how much they can get away with. spies in u.k. i can get away with pretty much anything they want now we of course live in a notional democracy. we have these systems in place where there isn't
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a parliamentary committee called the intelligence and security committee which is supposed to see the spies activities if the spies want to do something which is otherwise illegal like boller telephones or intercept or communications then they have to get the prior written permission of their political masters which is either the home secretary the foreign secretary or the prime minister and there are various bodies that are supposed to hold them to account every year various commissions go in and have a look through their records and say yes jolly good show chap doing very good job and it's all legal and there's even something called the complaints tribe you know where if you feel you've been spied on unnecessarily you can go to it so that all sounds great it's hunky dory with in a democracy the trouble is it can be gained from the inside and none of it works the i r c intelligence and security committee in parliament has routinely in its twenty years history it's only been there for twenty years out of the spies hundred years. since it has routinely been lied to by top spies and by top policeman and these people have admitted it now it has not had the powers to investigate
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operational room doing it could only look at policy finance administration until this year. this year now they have new powers where they can go in and they could operational issues but i'm not holding my breath because the chair of the i.c. is a man called some outcome risk and and he was one of the first people in politics to spring to the defense of d.c. h.q. when the snowden revelations began last year he said of course they're all legal it's all proportionate so i'm not holding my breath he's really going to hold the spies to account you know here in the u.s. a lot of people have speculated i guess through revelations from benny other whistleblowers of the n.s.a. holds a disproportionate kind of influence on the bodies of government here would you say g c h q works in the same way. absolutely but we have three key intelligence agencies like the n.s.a. m i six which is like the cia and i five which actually is not the f.b.i. it's more like the stars in germany because we have a national crime agency which is the f.b.i. so it's a bit of a hangover from history but all three of those agencies and to carry on my fight
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has had an inordinate degree of leverage over all political classes for decades and the reason i say that is because they used to gather follow on people who then became politicians so if there was a general election they would check everyone who is standing for election in that if they had a file that's called out and it would be reviewed and report would be written to the head of that parliamentary party so for example if a party wins and that person might be put in government and they might be deemed to be a national security risk then they will be blocked from that appointment so all these m.p.'s are aware they might have files on them all of them are aware then glad to see those files and all of them a very aware that if they step out of line and don't give the spies the powers and resources that they demand then nasty little stories could appear in the british media about them and most m.p.'s and most of our elected representatives have some little guilty secrets listen our summer expenses fiddling all kiddie fiddling you know mistresses lovers or whatever so i very wary of taking on the intelligence
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agencies in a recent interview you said that although we're living in a very complex world there are some simple steps that we can take sorry but the governments and the citizens to protect our democratic and basic right to privacy where do we start. a very good question again obviously assistance we can still lobby our governments to try and change the laws and crack down on spies and called into account you know either at the european level or the national level but even if we put new laws in place then we can't be we can't guarantee that the spies will it hit them because of the lack of real oversight so that's one problem but it's still worth trying to do to show that live in a democracy however because we can't guarantee that our governments comforter. obviously we have to do it ourselves a few basic simple steps one is get off the proprietary closed american software don't use your apple get off microsoft don't use windows i mean who would want to use that it's awful to use open source software because that's designed by the geeks as a community project and the code is open so they can check whatever is written so
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if any nasty little back door get put in by the n.s.a. or by d.c. they will find them and they will eradicate them so that's at least one step then of course you can use very good encryption on your computer p.g.p. encryption downloaded off the internet which is uncrackable still according to snowden you can also browse privately on the internet by using things like top of the onion router again you can find information about that out there and you can have a sort of discreet setup on your computer by using a program called tales now all these are great and they said to make people think about the issue of privacy why it's so fundamental to our democratic way of life however one of the other aspects that snowden did disclose is that all the hardware post two thousand and eight which by which i mean computers laptops u.s.b. cables whatever might already have backed was built in by the n.s.a. when during the manufacture so in fact anything we've bought since two thousand and eight the hardware itself might be compromised so there is
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a ragingly active market in second hand computers going on at the moment among the circles in europe or any master and former am i five officer thank you so much for coming on. thanks so much for watching be sure to follow me on twitter at abby martin try me tomorrow when i break the sat all over again. place the luckiest school places tried to claim luck a polygamist community to be a liar or to destroy the teaching every minute of the lead the luck may lead to the law oh well. my a lot like the claim others plus think the
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simplicity of all time places is just leads one to blame sometimes for nothing which lead to so we have it in simple terms just to look just keep up the still we can still be just if you see the stage eight look to be to live but speech until all the selling. and the. playing the game. play right on the scene play the first string to live and i think the church play play on our reporters when they're in the i'm against the lead to be in the lead
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role model the lead. the music she's good lumbered sure. to be able to build the world's most sophisticated which fortunately doesn't sound anything to mission to teach creation why it should care about humans and. this is why you should care only. playing the blame game state department claims all the evidence it needs to lay blame on russia for the downing of the malaysian airliner but it won't disclose what is washington d.c. .
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u.s. intelligence says there's no direct link between russia and the downing of the malaysian airliner over ukraine they insist the. fight is but so far failed to hand over any hard evidence. the bodies of passengers of flight m.h. seventeen eastern ukraine are being flown to the netherlands while investigators expressed their satisfaction with progress my far and u.s. and european media keep pressing the play for the crash on russia brushing off. its propaganda claiming the whole world. and its claims and counterclaims complete. tragedy.
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