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tv   Boom Bust  RT  July 23, 2014 4:29pm-5:01pm EDT

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[000:00:00;00] led . to a. batumi him playing the blame game the u.s. state department claims it has all the evidence it needs to lay blame on russia for the downing of the malaysian airliner but it won't disclose at what is washington leading. the you're going to like these policies which are like you know.
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pleasure to have you with us here on our t.v. today i roll researcher. hello there i marinated this is boom bust and these are some of the stories that we're tracking for you today. first up the u.s. the judge has denied argentina more time to negotiate with its creditors and if both sides fail to resolve this little is shared by the end of the month then there will most certainly certainly be a default so does argentina have the money to podium up to its creditors so we look into it come in right out and carl denham jurors on the show today paul sat down with me earlier discuss the apple i.b.m. deal among some other stuff and then in today's big deal edward harris and i are
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discussing the chinese mobile markets and the future of apple's growth it all starts right now. our lead story today the origin time poker face argentina's president cristina fernandez his battle against holdout investors suing her country is increasing the odds that her government will default for a second time in twelve years it's almost a record now and hearing on tuesday u.s. district judge thomas decided not to grant argentina's request for more time to negotiate with holdout creditors and directed both parties to meet with a court appointed mediator to reach
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a settlement judge crusoe ruled that argentina is not allowed to pay its restructured bondholders until it reaches a settlement with a group of holdout creditors who have refused the country's debt restructuring offer since its two thousand and one default and are owed roughly one point six billion dollars they're not interested in renegotiating now president ferdinand has refused to budge she's not moving from her stance that argentina simply cannot pay out in full to the hold out hedge funds notably management they have a lot of money with argentina now this basically they snatched up all these arjan time bonds back in two thousand and one on the cheap and that's after the country's one hundred billion dollar default so this isn't their first time on the merry go around argentina but the question today is could argentina muster up the money to pay its bondholders if it really really had to steve hankie a currency specialist an expert on argentina had this to say. it's a matter of ability to pay is there
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a willingness is not that's been pretty much the history of argentina for a couple hundred years they've actually been in default on bombs and their creditors about thirty five percent of the time so that's that's an incredible number actually. bottom line there's no signal today that argentina is getting ready to pay its creditors and all signs clearly point towards a default if that's the case it's not like argentina will be an unchartered territory remember these guys are getting quite good at the faulting on their debts we'll know how this all shakes out in one week's time on july thirtieth that's the deadline.
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now on today show when the u.s. government bailed out the banks it didn't address the massive debt overhang that is still a major drag on the u.s. economy now mainstream economists are encouraged by the improving economic indicators but they're analysts often analysis often overlooked debt so our next guest steve keen is worried that our debt levels and nearly as large as before the great financial crisis now king is the head of the school of economics history and politics at kingston university in london now since the crisis monetary policy has been the only game in town so i wanted to get a sense of whether monetary policy is effective in the face of such high levels of debt i first asked steve to explain whether steering the economy via short term rates is dangerous here's what he had to say. and this is the thing that is myself and richard most recently. bill was himself.
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and pitiful with old and saying it's the level of the right of change and like i was the acceleration of private debt that really matters and by ignoring the the private sector in the economy that's why we haven't seen we didn't see it but didn't see the cross just come. that's what we've got out of the crosses now because having to leave it very slightly american providential from about one hundred eighty percent of g.d.p. to about one hundred sixty percent is rising again now that's why this slump occurred the decline and it that's why the boom is stunning again now the rise and it but and measuring all of this is still being completely ignored by conventional economists and by the federal reserve so yes that's the real danger the fragility of the economy gets as the level of private dick gets high and when you want back to not in the not in not is recession when you came out of that in america the private debt russia has about ninety percent of g.d.p. and it doubled until this process and then it fell about twenty percent so having
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another revival from a debt level of seventy percent of g.d.p. than the previous boom began in and of course it's only going to take that saw any increase in interest rates or. couple of companies going bankrupt carrying the debt levels they are because they conned ministry all over that so the system is much more french all in this recovery than it was in any previous recovery and that includes right back into before the going back in the days of the with the great depression the economy has never been so fragile because the level of profit has never been this high. now what about fiscal policy here it we've come to think of deficit isn't dodginess meaning they automatically go up in about economy go down in a good one so what role does fiscal policy play given this i know that you've just mentioned it but i'd like to hear a little bit more. yeah well that's that's the passive role of fiscal policy there is like a it's like an automatic stabilisers in the same sense that if you if you have an
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a conditioning system the thermostat gives you feedback so the temperature drops in saw the room then the mistake clicks on the and the temperature rises so you get a slower load a lower level of fluctuations in temperature than you get without the without the conditioning similar thing for government spending if there is a decline in the economy then the amount of profit thing and wages being unfolds a tax that tax revenue folds and the amount of welfare payments and unemployment payments go up so the spending rises so that's the automatic stabilisers side of it but you've also got the capacity for discretionary china and that's in the on the percent positive side that seems like the cash for clunkers campaign which just simply threw money at paypal but on the negative side you have this focus on austerity which is the absurd dangerous i would say virtually criminal attitude that the european union has taken on what to put on done during the process which means that yes those automatic stabilizers there but they don't pull government spending out they increase taxation they go in the opposite direction and we've seen what that actually doesn't practice it meant that the downturn in southern
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europe rather than giving the unemployment rate that america picked out a bit of a ten percent it's hit twenty six and twenty seven percent of the a population which is worse than the great depression and it's absolutely outrageous that the us now complaining of is a bit of success because the right of decline in the economy has slowed down in a couple of economies trying to bit of you know a couple of pulses that taking credit for the fact that they conned drove the economy deeper than they've already done and therefore a small revivals going on so yes it did this question of all the fiscal policy if you if you stimulate the economy in a downturn like we're gone through you'll have less of a decline but it's still not enough in the opinion i think we have to address directly the level of private debt and this is also the god of our richard vegan his recent book. you know what about regulation we read a headline today about the rebirth of the subprime lending and fraud in the u.s. but this time it's in the auto markets not the mortgages mortgage market so how do you stop abuses while still granting necessary access to credit for those who need
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it. you know it's tends not to be a problem in a consumer items like credit cards even though people get themselves in difficulty individually when you look at the aggregate level is not of much of it not much of a trend to the ratio of credit. and things like that to incomes nobody buys a car expecting you going to sell of a twice as much next week the trouble is that when you have mortgage has more the mortgage market they do that's where the danger laws so i think we have to focus regulation maybe on on housing but i wouldn't go for regulation ought rather make it something that judges and force because regulators end up getting in bed with the industry the supposed to be regulating that's classically obvious in the in my own country a struggle over the way in which the regulators were completely toothless and and wouldn't been foolish rules because they're worried it might make the banks make less money ludicrous behavior so regulators i think a two week to do what you need to do you need to get a set of rules which lawyers and judges and fools that link is what i think we have
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to do is link the level of debt that can be generated to a borrower to the income of the asset the borrower is buying not the income of the borrower themselves and make that are high fost rule like for example saying you can't lend to a borrower if you buy a house more than ten times the income earning capacity of the property that. and then take out this positive feedback loop we have between the level of leverage and level of asset processes because that's really where the dying what the damage is done and we have to break that lincoln break that psychology before we're going to avoid falling back into yet another process. now do you think that we had enough credit breakdowns in the deal leveraging in the u.s. to. put us on a firm enough footing to get through the next downturn without more do you leveraging know why absolutely not we we delivered from one hundred ninety percent of g.d.p. to about one hundred sixty percent and we're now starting to see rising dip
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compared to income once more in america if you go back to the great depression the great the peak the peak level of debt was about one hundred sixty percent and fell down to about after the second world war about thirty forty percent so i'd say at the moment america's caring like literally years worth of g.d.p. more debt than it should be carrying if you don't really come out of this in a sustainable why so we were simply a total catastrophe but we're now back into doing exactly the same unsustainable stuff we were doing before the subprime process exploded and expecting to get a different result. now how about europe steve you're in the u.k. right now so what do you see and where is the economy headed in britain and the eurozone well you britain is doing ok because they back leverage ing up one small could they stall a couple of play cars out of these struggling pack and it was a demonstrator we had what we called the first time in this game which gave people in the first time extra money to go and speculate on the market nicknamed that the
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first time and then disclaim over in england of course they had what they called help to buy nickname that helped to sell because again giving money to. as and saying go out and buy a property they take the money to the bank the bank is believe is it up ten or twenty times more and you get cross inflation going on and then what happens is everybody's borrowing money to buy housing that's turning up as extra money in the economy and it gets stimulated out of the rut that it's in it looks great while house process continue rising but it is certain point people look at the process of it and so on this market at all unless you're getting enormous amount of money coming in from the you know the saudi arabian and russia and all they hear all the china is was a back in australia or canada the impetus runs out of the economy and you fall back into a downturn again. that was steve king professor of economics at london's kingston university. time now for a very quick break but stick around because when we return a car all denim girl is on the program carl sat down with me earlier to discuss the
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recent apple i.b.m. deal and in today's big deal edward harris and i are discussing the chinese and mobile market and the future of apple's growth in da part of the world and other places plus remember you can see all segments featured in today's show on you tube it you tube dot com slash through best r. t. and on hulu at hulu dot com slash hero dash us now before we go to break here are a look at summer closing numbers on the shelves come on back to. you like me who want your comedy news with some ti want your comedy news to be a bare fisted no holds barred fight to the dad. like
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a vampire whining into the next in the corporate elite the billionaire freaks while they're going. well that's what you get with my new show with jack to the night. washington. is being sued steadily. on perceived going to actually doesn't do much for our revenue line tech agriculture giant seventy six year old american farmer the studio fallout do you think this is going to create for the cia a do you think this is what's triggering the great facilities to but it's also the largest debtor nation. breaking the set is mostly about turning the status i want to give you all. working for the
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american dream the next day we're just trying to survive it's time for americans and lawmakers are going to wake up and start talking about the real causes of. the world now edward snowden's n.s.a. revelations that the u.s. government is sucking up your data whether or not you're a suspect but now it turns out that certain functions on apple mobile devices might be monitoring your personal data as well what should we think of this well i want to get coral denninger is take on privacy issues and mobile computing as well as understand where he sees the direction of the u.s. economy heading denninger is a libertarian blogger at the market ticker and author of the book leverage about the two thousand and eight financial crisis i first started our conversation by
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asking carl about apple's deal with i.b.m. and which i.b.m. will provide customer service in the corporate arena for apple and i asked carl what apple and i.b.m. get out of this deal and what effect it will have in the corporate arena here's what he had to say. the other guy who gets anything out of it to treat truth. if you think about basic business model with regards to their or their devices that are covered by this which is the i phone and you know there are a whole slew. there are simply replacement models when there is a problem so you you send somebody on the field they give you another one or you send in your device they give you another one really isn't any onsite repair so the the concept of on site support is well limit it would be the nice word or outright fraud would be the better word. the the one thing apple does get is an army of sales people to go into corporations and try to push their products whether
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or not that has any kind of relevance to their sales rate is another thing entirely i think the answer is no i.b.m. on the other hand has a problem and i think i.b.m. is really the reason that this deal got done demeaning to do with cook and apple and that is that i.b.m. has become a company that has become one of financial engineering as opposed to innovation if you look at their results over the last couple of years what you see is decreasing revenues and increasing earnings per share and their way they're funding that is through buybacks so essentially what they're doing is using e.p.a.'s which course looks great to wall street but is masking agent cherish it in their core business so my suspicion is that what you really have here is a company flailing around looking for somewhere to stay relevant in a market that shifting away from them just as it did back in the oh the one nine hundred eighty s. and one nine hundred ninety s. when the mainframe kind of fell out of favor with a lot of corporate users now it comes to mobile technology there's another angle that we talk about
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a lot here and that is privacy and recently the tech the tech side ars technica noted that functions on alpha mobile devices allow for monitoring of personal data they say nothing kind of scary how carl i know you wrote that you wrote this on marketing or this is your your purview here so what's your take. i think this is one of the most serious things we have seen to date in the area of privacy invasion the impact of this especially on regulated industries say much less ordinary consumers cannot be overstated essentially what apple has included and let's not kid ourselves here this came directly from cupertino this was not something that a hacker put in the phones or in the devices this came from the manufacturer is a means for any device that has ever been paired against that particular apple product to be able to access information that no one should have access to even wirelessly on
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a permanent basis in less you wipe the unit completely clean so the danger here isn't so much that i can break into your device just random willy nilly instead if for example you want to plug your phone into a computer because you want to sync some music to it or you want to update or something like this the key that gets stored on it computer is valid permanently and when it is used it allows unfettered access to data that is supposed to be protected and this access can be made without having to physically have the phone in your hand so it's rather hard to use this over carrier connection because of the way that carrier networks work but over a wife i connection it's trivially simple. for this to be included by apple in the operating system is absolutely outrageous and where i see the real risk here is in a again regulated industries you have i pads for example that are in medical
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contexts you have these devices in financial industries and these companies have hard legal requirements to protect this kind of information for it to be made available is used just breathtaking. so you obviously think this is intentional ben but do you think companies like apple apple could be working with the u.s. government to create these kind of back doors that can be exploited in the event of a you know a terrorist needs to be monitored maybe but you know there's a there's a basic problem here which is that if if i want to get access to someone's data and i have a legal way to go to do that a subpoena or whatever have you and i seized the device as long as the device isn't encrypted it's very trivial for me to actually pull the data right out of the flash memory and all the manufacturers make it very easy to do and it's it has to be because how else would you access the unit in order to make a repair to it for example or update the software so the problem isn't there the problem is that there really isn't
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a legitimate purpose for these kinds of back doors other than to make possible spying of some form in and you know there isn't any smoking gun that tries this to request from the government or anything like that but according to this article there is evidence that these tools have been continually updated they were put in the firmware during a testing cycle you know five or six years ago back when this was a new device and apple was trying to make sure everything worked and out it out it up you know these have received regular maintenance is diversions of the operating system and been updated so have these tools been updated which means that they're under active development and they didn't get there by accident they're being actively maintained an improved you know car to i os devices encrypted by default now. no and that's one of the things that you have to understand about how this works is dead one of the problems with this particular sort of thing is it bypasses
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encrypt ssion that you would otherwise think is there most people think if they put a password or a pass code on their phone that that encrypts the phone that's not true all that goes is lost the screen so that you have to put in some kind of a code in order to access it to actually encrypt the device you have to go a step further but the problem with this kind of a tool is that it bypasses even that encryption because when the phone is running it has to have access to the key in order to be able to read the data in order to make it work so if you have a tool like this that's running in the background all the time it has access to data that would normally be locked even if the unit was encrypted. that was karl denninger author and blogger marketing for time now for today's big deal.
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big deal done with the wonderful work that's in now today ed and i are discussing chinese mobile markets and the future of apple's growth now apple has moved into china where their revenue has surged twenty eight percent despite their expensive products in fact i phones quarterly revenue in china matches some of the top companies in america check this out interesting graph apple's i phone quarterly revenue was over nine hundred billion dollars equals about mcdonald's in color combined and it's even more than amazon's revenue which remind ourselves everything from she was just a computer processor so as you can see the i phone is a cash machine for apple and we wanted to get a handle on why apple is in china in the first place so ad wise outland china and first place what's happening well there in china because it's a huge market but you know there's two sides of that one is that the i phone market in traditional market in north america and europe is fairly saturated there are only so many upgrades you can get out of people there's no growth left all the
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people who are upgrading their phones and going from feature phones to cheap the mobile handsets and those are mostly enjoy the not necessarily going to a i phone twice it's because you know android cost is that a lower cost than the i phone my going to get a subsidy. older phone for may be zero dollars if you do a two year contract in the united states but you know in europe the subsidized model is not as much in general we're not going to see the growth so the growth is now. in north america europe but it is happening in china they just did it. china mobile and that's why they are in that market in a big way and they're pretty successful there's a question is there a limit to growth in china when does the market become oversaturated we have for me i think that you know there's a halo effect right now for apple and this is what we saw maybe four or five years ago when the i phone first came out that people really liked the product apple
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school said it was so you can see all the people coming in at the top of the market in china wanting to have it on the phone but how many of those people are there in the chinese market at some point you're going to run into a growth problem and either you're going to have to cut your margins and therefore go down market or you're going to have to accept the fact that growth is going to slow so i think within the next say two years do you want to see some seriously slowing growth in sales in china ok now we've seen cheap decently powered mobile handsets start to challenge the profits of apple and samsung like you mentioned and people are smartphones are also waiting longer to upgrade buy new ones so how does apple's news out of china kind of rates of the larger mobile market in general and what's trending there well i think that we will see you know we're not just going to go after china we're going to go after the brics as well and we're going to use
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this halo effect to get in there get in the premium price model we execute incredibly well in terms of how you know how we deliver our product and. how well we do in the marketplace and we feel that we can do it at the high end level and i'm going to continue to do that strategy until we get some products that come on board but again you know that strategy can only go so far you know china is the biggest market there but you know you have russia you have india. brazil eventually there are only so many people can buy those products and then they will have to come up with a new product. in a number of years the i pad sales are going. nothing's happening in terms of new products. right now well that brings a bigger question is apple anything outside of the i phone do they have anything else in the back burner or is once they sold all the i phones they can tell every
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country they kind of they done right will think about it what was the law. that you remember that apple came out with except. i mean i can't remember anything to come out with since then and now they're coming out with this i phone the five point five inch i phone i phone phablet but you know obviously everyone's already in that space so that's not really innovative maybe they can come up with some wearable technology but i guess you know everyone's already in that space so there's nothing . that's in the way shape or form innovative that they can on the market and i think that's very much dependent upon the i phone going forward and that's a good thing for a company to have so it sounds like a pretty bearish well i think that there's still a cash machine as you were saying earlier and so for the near term i think they can do pretty well but i think their growth is going to stall again as it did earlier this year thank you as always and tart thursday. that's all for now but we love hearing from his of things check out our facebook page and these tweet us at aaron
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here at edward and it's from all of us here in the us thanks for watching i'll see you next time. i'm happy martin the stories we cover here we're talking here in iraq other big story that have struck headlines and talk there's a reason they don't want to. point. out how let's break the
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set. badgley in playing the blame game the u.s. state department claims it has all the evidence it needs to lay blame on russia for the downing of the malaysian airliner but it won't disclose what is washington. post a photo from a vacation you can't afford. to different. your boss
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repeats the same old joke of course you like. your ex-girlfriend stupid poetry keep. norrish. we post only what really matters. to your facebook you st. coming up on r t somber day in the netherlands as the nation receives some of the remains from the malaysian jet crash takes you to the emotional ceremony attended by family members of the victims just ahead. and investigators remain in eastern ukraine where flight seventeen went down despite more fighting in the region we'll have an update from the crash. site coming up. and the violence on the gaza strip rages on as the death toll climbs with israel's ground invasion talks are underway


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