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tv   Keiser Report  RT  July 24, 2014 12:29am-1:01am EDT

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wildlife service through fisheries we can't stop this is the end game when it takes two tons of sand to make one barrel of oil you know here is the bombs and that's where we're. weak you know ourselves. right to see. first street. and i think the true. on our reporters twitter. instagram. to be in the.
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welcome to the kaiser report imax guys are you know margaret mitchell author of gone with the wind once said with enough courage you can do without a reputation but in a highly emotional social media driven world in which extremely concerned sometimes hysterical residents of twitter and the like hash tag their outrage from thousands of miles away at the slightest deviance from what which they all hash tag agree is the only acceptable course well people ya'll are going to need our all lot more courage. max of course you know this is the scarlet letter sort of days a minute then you'll fourth on wrote that eight hundred fifty about new england in the seventeenth century when you know the days of the witch hunts and the women were burned and buried alive to see if they were witches but it was also a day of shame at any women deviating from the sexual norms of what a woman supposed to be but these sort of days of scarlet letter days i think are upon us and that is when everyone becomes blackmail we have protection experts are
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now in demand because everything about you is online and people can hack your information and you know find out all sorts of information about you but for a fee that can amount to thousands of dollars a month reputation professionals take on clients and scrubbed clean their search results with a wide range of techniques that often include creating search engine optimized content that dominates the first few pages of specific search results on google bing and yahoo and so far three point five billion dollar industry frankly my dear i don't give a damn if i'm going to win whatever yeah i do it so. there they're creating another one of these situations where it's apartheid isn't it it's written reputational apartheid if you've got the cash you can scrub all the negative references you have from the online world if not then all the ugly bit pop up on page one of the search engine results so once again the what promised to be utopian
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egalitarian cyber democracy has turned into a massive means for those who like to do. things to continue to sleazily create walls and partitions in our society exacerbating the social unrest which of course can only go one way well the shame despair solitude that hester prynne had in the scarlet letter force that was egypt. unfollowed in our modern day that you become ostracized online and you no longer have friends following your liking your facebook page why did you know on twitter you have a blue check or that people were there verified and i had it for a bit and then i asked twitter to remove it because i didn't want i want to make sure that none of my tweets were actually could be verified by me i want the ability to claim plausible deniability so i twitter remove the blue check as a matter of fact that twitter account that has one hundred four thousand followers
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or so that's not even me that's my subconscious tweeting on a parallel universe into this reputational miasma of the like a year well that's a blue tick presumably one day they'll have a scarlet tick for those who are ostracized now and should be ostracized by the community and people are very hash tag outrage for that but you know you talked about certain people are able to wash their reputations online and they do say clients ranging from c.e.o.'s of major corporations to celebrities lawyers doctors chiropractors the restaurant owners all use these services to whitewash the negative and amplify the positive according to media consultant b i a kelsi small and medium sized businesses will spend three point five billion dollars managing their online reputations in two thousand and fourteen but it's gone beyond that as well max just washing your reputation there's also a new insurance product that will be coming out and that is you know kidnap and ransom k. and our insurance was first introduced by lloyd's of london in one nine hundred
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thirty two after the kidnapping and murder of charles lindbergh son but the policies didn't get much attention until the mid seventy's when that famous newspaper heiress patty hearst was kidnapped but now they're going to be offering blackmail insurance so if you get blackmailed for various things somebody finds like an old sex tape of your. line that you can be able to basically their insurance will cover your blackmail oh the commodification of the financialization of every aspect of our lives. continues unabated into the cyber world so again when the internet was first created people were free to explore cyberspace and right thing as it freely without censorship and to collaborate without being accused of anti-capitalism and then of course it's all been reverting back to the old look article ways of the us media companies the copyright cartel and the insurance industry which of course will force you to buy insurance in case somebody writes
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something mean about you online and you need insurance protection i guess that only i'm not a fargo mum and that i'm sure jamie paxman who is just retired from news i will pop up selling reputational insurance for rob you rip you insurance incorporated in the u.k. just like the guy packs up selling insurance products for over fifty jeremy paxman i will be selling reputational insurance this is blackmail insurance too because you know on top of this you have the surveillance state the n.s.a. surveillance state the cia surveillance state the defense intelligence agency f.b.i. they're all gathering information on you who knows how many of them could possibly go rogue but also the regulators in america for example force many companies to gather a lot of information on you so you copies of your passport copies of your social security number which is what the e.u. is actually against their citizens having this stuff on line but when that information gets online look at what could happen to you when all of this stuff converges and to one this case of
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a blackmail case that happened over in the philippines last week police in the philippines arrested forty four taiwanese who ran an online blackmail syndicate used to defraud victims in china and taiwan by duping them into thinking their bank accounts had been used by terrorists to launder money so here they were told you're going to end up in guantanamo bay because your bank account had been used by a terrorist will make this transaction disappear if you give us some money people are becoming really stupid you weep when you. down the street you see people staring at their you know their phone or their pads or plastic screens they've lost all touch with you know. trusting their senses so they're what they would normally accept as being real through they love their senses and their brain is being overridden by what they're getting on their hand held device to which is tapping into their minds or subconscious minds and convincing them of a parallel reality where suddenly they have to believe that they're being blackmailed by the enemies gang of you know psychopathic teenagers in
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a cafe somewhere trying to raise enough money to buy some drugs. becomes one big continuous loop of hyperbolic holographic without an mobius strip of. delusion you know they do then of course insurance companies want to insure that delusion i saw in delusion insurance and this was caused by news a lot of it was going to hurt anti-psychotic medication because anti-psychotic medication was meant to break up the illness of having multiple personalities but clearly having a multiple personality and being able to exist in five or ten or fifteen different places online now is going to be an asset not a liability because if you're one personalities being attacked by teenagers and be enough you want your paranoid personality unencumbered by anti-psychotic medication to be surfing somewhere else on the internet now you mention psychotic teenagers in an internet cafe but we also have psychopathic adults in well the
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n.s.a. headquarters for example the next headline here exclusive high level n.s.a. whistleblower says blackmail is a huge unreported part of mass surveillance so we talked about the black military is pretty soon you're not only going to need it against a psychopathic teenagers in an internet cafe but your own government your government starts blackmailing you with your sex photos which we know they have edward snowden has said that they collect and gather laugh and mock everybody at the naked photos but. this is also bill binnie who is a senior n.s.a. executive and he's come out and he said that a lot of it is about blackmail not only industrial espionage but blackmail foreign leaders and well heads of powerful companies overseas that they want deals for us corporations where they might go work that particular n.s.a. agent but i know the n.s.a. has already been spying on my naked photos i got a code name for me anaconda i don't know where they got that from. i think they're
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more afraid than they are you know opportunistic well interestingly the article points out that when harry truman came into office in one thousand nine hundred five following f.d.r.'s death he did say we want no gestapo or secret police he wrote in his diary in may of that year the f.b.i. is tending in that direction they are dabbling in sex life scandals in plain blackmail so this is what he saw as soon as he came into office and was able to see these secret files he was like oh my god they're into blackmail and sure enough j. edgar hoover after he died they found that he had six hundred sixty three sex files on senators and he had seven hundred twenty two on congresspeople that he had used obviously i don't know if he was shaking them down for cash but he was shaking them down for power and to make sure that they didn't vest again any of his operations i think it was joan rivers who recently accused barack obama of being gay and that's the kind of allegation that in the future is going to have
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a lot more weight behind it when the f.b.i. and cia tapes come out backing those types of claims out backing those claims up and who knows where the intelligence is coming from who knows who's gathering this information and the sexual proclivities of people in power will be exposed it could have the effect of course of diminishing any kind of what was previously called perverse behavior and so as you end up at the end of rome or you have just massive orgies in the street involve. torian was twenty four seven and mass slaughters down the call sam it just becomes a balanced kind of theater of the absurd and america is heading in that direction rapidly anyway well where everybody who's on the phone as you say walking down the street like that what they're doing is sexting so the millennial there are going to be shocked by anything but they point out that if you see a hashtag anaconda you know it's the n.s.a. talking about me again these guys are fascinated by me i must admit because i mean i'm a man and those guys are parading around in their dresses you know chasing after.
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that j. edgar hoover needed hundreds of agents tapping thousands of phones collecting all sorts of information and all he was made able to manage to do was to spy on washington d.c. some senators and congresspeople then they point to the stasi which they needed to use one police informer for every six east germans. now cut to how the n.s.a. is able to do it by contrast the marriage of the n.s.a.'s technology to the internet as data hubs now allows the agency's thirty seven thousand employees a similarly close coverage of the entire globe with just one operative for every two hundred thousand people on the planet which brings me back to the interview you did with our encounter house who has a book out to try to raise the cost to try to make it more difficult like the old j. edgar hoover days where they had to send out an agent to collect and tap and follow and do that to raise the cost well exhibitionism is endemic in the united states and the britain you know in britain that it's time to have
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a policy they disagree with they all strip naked and get on bicycles and right around hyde park with their. flapping in the wind and this is the way they affect political change in this country has worked so far but they like the window they're bicycle seats so those images are out there already so there's jeremy clarkson you know of top gear i'm sure we've seen as being in the way thousands of times already things are going to blackmail him with those images he's already blackmailed absolved i think it was hash tag caterpillar i think i recall of it. but again finally with this bill benny is saying it like they're using this to blackmail heads of state but the new york times back in two thousand and thirteen september twenty eighth thirteen reported that the n.s.a. has since two thousand and ten applied sophisticated software to create quote social network diagrams unlock as many secrets about individuals as possible and pick up sensitive information like regular calls to a psychiatry office late night messengers to an extramarital partner why they're
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collecting that data we don't know you better get your blackmail insurance now so america was built on competition and it will sink on you know type view through little holes looking at teenagers. i think also i think on hash tag anaconda. you know that's true all right well thank you. stay tuned for the second half oh whole lot more. i'm abby martin the stories we cover here we're not going to hear any rounds of our big story extra head winds and talkers a reason they don't want international airport that we should be completely out now let's break the set they want to so this is back to the middle of a public event. for that and that business you know they derive their villages from
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the very very rigid interpretation of iraq if you look at a country like egypt for example sadly enough the very high poverty the reason this hi paul sorry i think is because the religion calls it the boundary and the border and that's the kind of suppression if you look at the liberal us let's say that a country like turkey almost ninety nine percent muslim. to call them it's. just three years ago the european union was spending several hundred some billion a few also on the public procurement underestimation in each. deal trying to sort through sometimes even fifty percent of the money spent on corruption.
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sigrid lumbered sure kirby was able to build most sophisticated robots which will unfortunately doesn't give a dollar amount anything tunes mission to teach music creation and why it should care about humans in. this is why you should care only on the. welcome back to the kaiser report imax keyser time now to turn to author broadcaster and micro biologist jason jason a lot of the kaiser report oh it's a pleasure to be here all right jason many will ask what is a microbiology biologist doing and guys a report but you are here to tell us about what germs can teach us about today's economic environment so tell us a little bit about where this is going to isn't where i wrote my book the germ code a few years ago one of the things that i was trying to do was find
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a way that we can improve the relationship with germs and part of that actually would be to personify in terms of sort of personality if you will and went further into depth into account microbes were from a human perspective i realize the microbes seem to we're almost in the same way as humans when it comes to the economy we call it the biological or make a biological market but really it's exactly the same because some of the things that we're seeing today whether it be wall street the one percent versus the ninety nine percent and recessions crashes all of that you see that microbial were oh it just happens more often and we can probably learn a lot from all right it sounds almost to bring in yet another science the science of mathematics it sounds like their relationship is one you could call fractal in nature that these these germs are acting as a subset of behavior amongst humans in a way that appears to be identical put out
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a much smaller scale your thoughts well in a way that is true we host a kastigar actually but where you can do is if you look at it and e-coli bacteria and you look at where the colony acts exactly like you would see a city you actually see suburbs where where these microbes people the microbes are actually. creating little subdivisions where they're all growing together you have urban centers where you have some of the you know most rich and then also some of the most poor and it's funny because the rich are always stealing from the poorer it's just like what we see today and then you have the rule areas where they're actually trying to you know grow up outside of the colony to see whether or not it's worth you know expanding out there it's exactly how humans did civilization and that's just one bacteria and one colony the difference is that humans be the most acquired but once every twenty years whereas these bacteria they do it once
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every twenty minutes or so while it may be said to cast and mathematical in nature what we can learn from it is how we can perceive society and how we can actually strive to improve society over time jason when you discuss describe studying bacteria of course and micro side in microbiology there are many ways to do this advanced equipment and you have ways to track these colonies except up until recently you wouldn't really have that ability in terms of studying human beings but in the last few years with the adoption of social media with the adoption of all these other technologies suddenly what they call big data for us. all of our inputs are all of our traffic on the web all our credit card transactions everywhere we go is jail location etc we are becoming exactly ability to study him in the same way is that is that a fair statement oh absolutely big data is absolutely huge in the scientific world
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and as we're growing more and more we're beginning to see how we've data can actually give us a perspective as to where our society is and where it's going and something as simple as consumer purchases we now have more than two cards where you can not only track you know what barry that person is going to like at the grocery store but if that very happens to be contaminated we. actually traced back to using loyalty cards to find out whether or not that person got sick actually we're at a point not to worry we're even looking at outbreaks using you know as a means instead of the c.d.c. so big data has a huge perspective not only in my world but pretty much in every other world and the more that we accumulate in terms of data the more we're going to learn and understand the problem and the key critical problem is in a microbial sense we gather data and norman really gets hurt from it where in a human sense if you start gathering data and then you start putting together all of these ideas you might want to trying to change society or at least take
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advantage of society for your own gains and unfortunately for others behind well what about the example of face but they were recently busted for feeding people as new strains in a way that would affect their emotions so make them happy or sad is exactly what you're saying that's exactly true and we have a type of infection that actually happens calls toxoplasma gondii eye and what it does is it actually produces a whole number of different messages that get sent to the brain which actually cause you to be depressed and even suicidal so while facebook and toxoplasma gondii i have those links we've known this about toxo for years i don't understand why facebook wouldn't have figured this out but if you start sending native messages to the brains of individuals that surprise surprise they're going to have a negative reaction in return ok and this study on face back facebook is backed financially anyway from the u.s.
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military so that would be a worrying trend correct jason well i think that when it comes to trying to find ways to make changes especially in warfare the first public there are always tested happen to be the ones that are on your home soil so it doesn't surprise me that the american government would be answering something like this because it could help to develop you know further air. brings in the future in other areas unfortunately if you don't follow the current guidelines so that people don't actually get the fact that they're being played with you know you don't need a microbe to sign in for an informed consent form you need humans to do that otherwise you're surely i know because so yes i'm not surprised but by the same respect as in today's world it's definitely no hope for right now jason imagined loyalty cards a moment ago and how that collects data that goes into the big big data calculations and all this data is tracked now we know and i've talked about it on
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the show before that in the casino industry they collect data they collect they use loyalty cards to adjust the winning percentages on slot machines or they'll adjust the temperature in the casino or they will adjust the sense that they're pumping into the casino because they know that it's very psychoactive it gets people to behave in different ways that hasn't a casino industry been a leader in this this and this science if you well of manipulation of the population as you're describing it in the microbial world applied to humans it isn't is that true or what i just said about the casino industry because it's something i've been talking about for a while your thoughts oh absolutely there is a particular bacterium known as clustering difficile it's made lots of headlines because it is a rather nasty disease and what it does is actually manipulates the entire gastrointestinal system so that your body actually goes downhill in health but it
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continues to grow because in all these nutrients and then it stores them in the source so what does essentially is it's producing all of these signals these toxins and other chemicals but essentially made the body want to try to put more nutrients into the guy unfortunately what it does is it ends up hurting you in the process your health. as down your economic health if you will goes downhill and eventually if it's not treated if it's not you know taken away or if you happen to live in las vegas get out of town then you actually end up dying from the disease so that manipulation is actually very common in our microbiology world and it can be long term like i just talked about which he did to so or for someone who is simply going to vegas for forty eight hours it can be short term and something like that could be as simple as having a very nasty flu it's the exact same thing your body's being cool worst manipulated
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into doing things it doesn't want to do but then it will eventually disappear over time when your body finally figures are there hopefully you can do the same when you're being manipulated in a social environment you know this does apply to economics and economics is run on confidence and for example of very subtle form of this type of manipulation in the u.k. is when the government speaks about people need to get on the property ladder as if their property ladder only goes up they'll tell people that that's a it's a game of chutes and ladders or sometimes it goes up sometimes you go to it goes down so isn't this a way to get people to act in irrationally against their own interest i think i've answered my own question so let me move on to my next question which is. ok by me to simply say something much like talked about with some divisions within the eco a colony we have this structure called a biofilm which is really property and it's neat because when you look at it over
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time you actually think that biofilm only grows bigger and bigger and becomes richer and richer but actually what happens is you have ups and downs sinusoidal waves of the kind economic growth and whoa and in some cases what happens is that you start seeing the wealthier ones actually having the best biofilms were the ones that are less able to you know to to cope or or to to survive with. academics around them they end up having to go away into much less structured environments and sometimes they're just left to go into the wastes so what you're saying is absolutely true the property ladder is not possible in a microbial world and it's definitely not showing in your canonical so jason what you're describing are sounds like the field of microbiology has gone under god every market will increase data and scientific exploration you know we hear that because of the advances in computer technology that human intelligence human dollars has doubled every seven years or something like that here on the front line
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of a very specific field of science microbiology it sounds just based on the sort conversation but it sounds like your field has exploded in terms of the data and knowledge and things that are going on is that that's true yet and there's only one word to explain why it's called micro biome and essentially what happened is that when researchers realised that you when you look in the mirror you see a hundred percent human we look in the mirror we only see ten percent human the rest of you ninety percent is germs and somehow we want to find out will do those ninety percent of you the germs have a control over your body and it's loaded and now we're seeing this human world the medicine the world the environment a world that you know that germs will probably be able to stop the global warming problems as long as we actually trust them i mean we're getting to a point now where this explosion is going to start going into other areas and
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people are going to have to realise that it's not just a matter of having a relationship with germs like i talked about my book but we have to swarm an alliance with you know order to save ourselves and possibly even our planet so i would say to people look at microbiology and trying to find a way that you can wind up with what you're doing in a completely different field and i guarantee you you're going to find links to fantastic jason. out of time thanks so much man the kaiser report has been such a pleasure thank you so much all right and that's going to do it for this edition of the kaiser report with may max kaiser and stacy herbert i'd like to thank our guest jason tetro author of the germ code published last year if that's going to touch tweet us a kaiser reports like stein bio. they
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want to so this kind of his back to the middle age is a public event. for that and that you know they derive from the very very rigid interpretation of if you look at a country like egypt for example sound very high poverty the reason this type. also the i think is because the religion calls it the boundary and the border and that's the kind of suppression if you look at the liberal the state of the country like turkey although it's ninety nine percent muslim. economy it's. those immediately below shall we leave the baby. by the sea ocean she truly although your party there's a girl. shoes that no one is there with the guests but you deserve answers from.
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politics. bodies of m.h. seventeen victims arrive in the netherlands for examination i'm repatriation to that family while investigators hunt for more remains and clues at the crash site. yeah line it crashes to and into an information war by western media echoing the u.s. state department's accusations against russia and refusing to hear any cancer claims and tries to find report it lost contact with while working in eastern ukraine with reports that he may be held by government forces. and israel's ground operation in gaza posted by tanks helicopter gunships and warplanes leaves more than seven hundred pounds.


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