tv Documentary RT July 24, 2014 2:29pm-3:01pm EDT
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in fish farms waters they have the pond to me because. i saw you spread all over norway is the most toxic food you have in the whole world good profit drama zones in the judicial inquiry furthermore tells restrictions. that. really knows what's inside the filipino fish. and the nice today and signs of monitoring for a worse a secret peace talks china. many many people now see us as red square demonstrate and. just refuse to release them are
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a case of saying about what if scenarios to the claim so. we carry some sort of. used to. have the eyes on the window to the soul that it's true what they say that in the darkness cabin on the bench all the old trains the chance liberian trade they have the window into the soul of russia. the landscape changes the wind is everywhere the cities and towns change with
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time safe and it is this very reason that many of us take the train journey and i wanted to see the vastness of the country and to feel the pulse of russia. economically which one is. this one. zone. and that it is built on you get it when you're with the drivers you get to ring go on. it is a proud moment and i know i'm going to i'm five buried today. i'm working on the story about euthanasia. and yesterday was a lot of hang ups it was a terrible day for a number of reasons i think we had a lot of. a lot of chickens and only not too many had finished it was one of those days that just nothing was coming together today i'm taking charge of the ship and
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we're getting stuff done but there's no producer here in brussels with me i am producing this as well so cracking the whip a little bit this morning i just staying on top of everything so regardless of the risk factor really don't care i just want to stop time so i just want to turn just kind of showing and showing us his pictures it's just it doesn't have to be the same you can. i just went back so that we have in the package. ok. so i guess for them. i started to just say you know what we're doing so our next interview is going to be with funny developer and we'll probably shoot her in the same place because that makes sense. so it was like to interview on what is right there's a way we can which i return to the hospital tell me just how do you add. this and
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hold out that way we can have like another said nancy somebody has to do with it. you know with the footage that we have maybe a good idea to meet her in front of the parliament maybe you should let us be our own there is no way we can i refer to ok here is where it is last night we are going through this to shoot over there and we are ready to go but it was ok just treat him from the face part is the way you're going to have like a piece to camera saying something or i don't know here's my focus is just getting her to talk to me and if that worst case scenario i mean obviously this is going to work that's what you want doesn't matter really my mind but yeah ok well anyways if you know me i can call if you ever feel like you don't want to do it i definitely want to talk to my interview sense carsley all right sounds good so. that's
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a few with you and you think we can be like in front of the partner and i don't think that's an option but i'll ask i'll ask her if that's ok she's seen a tap every every time i try to. like i said ok maybe we should plan something better or do you want me to help like colleen people decide and show we are in a straight speaking country she's like no no no those are my contacts. and i'll be glad to contact them and i'm like ok so she complains because i'm not producing the story producing the story with her but she's upset because. i'm trying to help her piece this story as well basically suggest one here but what she doesn't understand . this company has three channels spanish arabic and english and we are a team when we travel together so we are a team but you need to be professional and you need to deliver when you're working especially when you're in a field that is costing a lot of money to the company. in june needs those stories and you need to go back
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to moscow with these best stories that you can get. high sagna how are you. it's mark so tell tell me what's going on so. i've been waiting for confirmation for an hour and love em put sia she's saying that you sent her to the parliament. i think it's fine that all of this me do you know where you're standing . thank you. so we say. you said sort of a harlem that when i said maybe we're going to deploy in a way if they were going to dress this is not a job that there are no i want to just go to my cabin house i've got to sit up with multiples for so i just have a couple seconds this is. expected. but at the delay. it's . ok. right now you're not talking to me again now i decide i got to send this email this is better priority for forty minutes now instead of. ok well anyway it's
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just very i mean it's you know one job the interview got a crowd of oh what do you want me to know you write that down i thought i was in the case since thing that's the case i mean is she crazy no you were sued you say this film of the hospital now and. he said ok that sounds like a maybe i took for granted she said yesterday she couldn't that's right i didn't ask her any way i'm not to i'm not wasting energy on that i just want to get this story and i want to get that interview because that's why i flew to brussels so we don't i don't want to make that meeting wait outside for an hour will we do that we just need to go. to one of them or not to what you have as to what goes. ok and. what you get to pick it up ah i'm sorry it's more how afraid now is
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if you just go to say that i'm trying to lie. to complain about me i didn't you should stop why is the producer i got it simply that you found. this welcome to come. are you serious now. that. i wasn't complaining about it and i asked them if i had permission to film in front of him that's all except there's a yard as they're like that so this isn't about stats this is about the story i killed clinton said no i don't let's go back and actually do that gap i think that at the center you're going to find a new stuff. we're not. going so we come out right it's nice to just like going away for a little bit we have a little time oh you know we'll deserve it we work so hard let's go see. i want to have people come here from all over the world to see this made by what they have
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a big giant head of lemon and i'm saying that's where nov nineteenth seventy one that's how old this thing is. my god it's the one who went. ahead made wrong the logo is made of bronze though i would have thought it was just made up like a big huge stone. this thing is huge though come on seriously think it's like overpowering. in so many french even if you have like a huge stash like that in the middle of the square when people laugh it's like i'm looking down on yeah my people all i do is jump everywhere i go and i definitely wind. up. i bought them to go out and. buy land and get to think. it was one big old thank you. but how are we going to go down on that they are not
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sure you know what always goes there is. i've grown up all specially journalist because we all have to be small and we all have to act like. you know we know everything that's going on in the world but it's just phone eyes are just like just one second just these six years old again and ok and moue and i can already hear my mom in the background having the wrong hands. on model kids thrive it's a lovely baby i love me or are as yet like you feel like the common as i meant. and had flown.
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you know margaret mitchell author of gone with the wind one with enough courage you can do without a reputation but in a highly emotional social media driven world what's extremely concerned sometimes hysterical residents of twitter and the like hash tag their outrage from thousands of miles away at the slightest deviance from what. which they all have skag agree is the only acceptable course well people are going to nato lot more courage. just three years ago the european union or spending so we're going to soon begin to fuel the. interest to me each. trying to sort of do sometimes fifty percent of the money spent on corruption. right from the street. first street. and i think picture.
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on our reporters twitter. and instagram. be in the know. we're going to interview someone to alter. his character. started a panel that makes perfect that. obviously she was sent to the parliament now by me which i'm finding out. someone called the interview subjects. twelve rerouted. i mean i there is no confusion in my part that we have an interview set up at twelve thirty that's not difficult. at it again to know why you would send someone somewhere to claim they didn't do it i don't
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know i don't know. so we're sitting outside parliament and we've lost the other car with no one in the two camera guys is meeting this woman and we need for him to be contacting you i wrote on his cell but i actually don't have it saved in my phone we need for him to tell us where they are. the interview it's not judge right but i by rerouting her to parliament well then you've got you gave me a roman's hold. i'm here. i'm here and i yeah. yeah. that would be a great i need ok. i
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just got a message from the corner you know the reason brits you know wanted to be in front of parliament it's because it was another interview outside of the nurse here. that's fantastic. this is. why aren't the camera guys answering the phone why. why why why is this happening. this is. a. sin. and at some point you don't know what else to do because you're so exhausted from this not from the store. right now from the work it's this this is to kill us we're not going to get her i'm not going to get this interview because it's been hijacked i'm going to go out so i want them to find out
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later that it's not happening to me without catalysing it please. get. me the ball. ok so i gave you twelve that's. because. you're charging me more just for the hell of it got it all right thank you . well we have again the situation with taxis. they drop us in different places this lady was waiting for for us again yes feel terribly sorry for her you know. i guess the trees of the other side. of her. that's beautiful. for some reason my gaze has these conspiracy theories story from her which is not the case as we are supposed to be a team here it's
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a pretty straightforward story it's pretty straightforward filming promises i need speed why. harder than it should be. you take the first and then i'll take a second if you get time no i want it like that it's you that way you can relax with. what actually happened you must tell the truth back to her you know to that was the wrong pilot that went to the you they were dropped off a little bit away from this plane sped to get another taxi was a lie. on it it's a little. seriously she cry. just going to shoot myself. or like people are slipping slipping. so i'll take your after photo k. and i just want to know i just have maybe
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a few tears to sort out how you feel what you do and down under. these three yes we are. going to hand you off ten minutes ok are you. any good. i am a good reporter going to save your camera i have a good reporter and i care about the story and i don't care that the so so so awful that i could lay on the spade that i am getting this story and i'm getting it right it's all yours ok we were just trying to figure out how we're going to do this. let's change out the little let's change it up a little so walk over to the main parliament so that we can be a different picture of you in a different setting if that's ok with you yeah yeah could you get us walking and talking to you guys here for what's. ok or trying to tell me
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who you are sleeping what you need families and children to make how many children you seem to die in your care little have you ever seen one big where you can ensure you still me that yes i'm a nurse and worked in the words trick your services and since twenty two years in. too we had. given up and of the care for adults. no one spoke about children and of course we have a lot of patients dying of diseases which kaleta care for people who do without it but it's. the kill them care and pain management. in children with. you know notice.
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what time is it now it's now it is three o'clock. if you don't wish to but those are good but is it possible for you to go. to yes we have to catch a taxi yes yes. to get here. for us but know what it will yes how much detail ok can change i didn't care ok. can i have the things you. love this place they could have always keep like five or six euro things got a bit before him through the fine print like. if it was just some tips but i know it's kind of. made a good feeling. good feeling.
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i love it was a real i mark said they still need to hear because we do. not have a fucking. thing. and so i'm going she's the guardian neutered she has three of her kids here so americans. ok you won't want them here kids at all nothing at all ok but i might. want to because we want to loan it out because we know about it so can i fill in here ok perfect me and make all the look of that. i think ok so i want to run something past you really quickly and this is my last call i promise you ok for a tick and you're welcome. kristie but i want to and then let me tell you the tape
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after all both put already. who are you and what ok so i am and katherine and i'm a principal or nurse of the child so you are at the line they go which is our with by host so we're we have here we have. we might have ten kids and six kids and they come here just to get for free right to the current so in here in her this is the back room so this is a vast room for tickets for. go by by themselves in the bars we have flights rif music so the buses are. a great time for that because it's not just think they can buffets are so just through it to have a good time with front of us. and stay for you i love it you know we're definitely done that in the last the last of the last. drive to go
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this trip but there are some battle scars in this one because of how everything went down i learned not to get a story you really have to go after. this one took some aggression but at the end of the day i got what exactly what i needed and i'm off to moscow. belgium's recent decision to legalize euthanasia for terminally ill children has started face opposition across europe moderate how reports first the netherlands and belgium two countries where the killing of children can now be justified in law in belgium doctor assisted suicide is now available to anyone of any age theoretically sick children as young as one or two years old can be helped to die if it's decided their suffering is too much to take although even for many parents who've seen. our loved ones waste away in pain the mere idea is just too much to contemplate children don't know what to do to native it's it's an invention
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of adults parents if they are parents i think they should do all they care. to. do they. do the moment of this bruno lost his fourteen year old daughter or dray to leukemia and she said she wanted to hold on to all the time she could she. says she. cried it's when she was. because it was the. crossroads care of this law won't make choosing euthanasia easy all parents and doctors must be in agreement that there is no weather option most importantly the child must be conscious and able to make the decision themselves critics suggest
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there is no way a child is able to make a life or death decision of this magnitude elsie saw her nine year old boy die of cancer and belgium and then to fire somebody would call boyd and sort of forget about putting it all go. and then he got various. but you will see the big needn't pay was that in. angry because he will soon have the cows that the doctor said to me we've got into the with profit we have done everything we. put it in again they're going to the british but she rejects wholeheartedly the idea of euthanasia for children and expresses some doubt as to the real driving force behind the small concept is that is specific to the government. of please don't use children's. room i'm sorry i think that says josephine i'll show.
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them hell of care for the young in belgium is extensive and well funded psychologist doctors and nurses work to provide the most come to. surroundings possible virus sick kids so when i have chronic in the last year and the last six months or so i have two kids who die here and these children suffer from serious illness as many of them are fatal and it's in places like this in brussels ville indigo that they can come and receive the support medical care and much leave and respite from a fight many of them will never walk away from. nurse sonny a developer has treated over one thousand terminally ill children and admits she's concerned about the direction this legislation is taking society and the first version of the thing is you know they spoke about children with a down syndrome and also about
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a period premature children. and under ixia and so that's a big problem and we in other words is this an isolated law designed to help those who can't bear to live anymore or a slippery slope to make human life disposable. marker hell in brussels. well good to see you. join us this month in fossil loan as we follow the international teams vying for receive glory ultimate triumph. on homes how much we delve into the mysterious cost of a cult classic under sponsorship pulls away from the hot clearing the roads for speed. had known each year on cheese we've done the future.
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we chase profit very large very attractive and now very globally recognized source of oil for the world into the future the world's cheapest and best petroleum deposits have been mined out we have to use more energy to get this energy industries grow like a cancer in each of these squares ten kilometers where. and this whole area is slated for the play of her drinking water that's our wildlife service that's our fisheries we can't stop this is the end game when it takes a child as i've said to make one barrel of oil you know here at the bottom of the mine and that's where. we chill ourselves.
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the netherlands has now received more bodies from the mh seventeen disaster as experts at the crash site continue the high rolling search for the rest of the victims. missing british journalist who's been reporting for autism the hands of the ukrainian security service tonight that has been severely beaten apparently so says a fellow reporter who's since been released. crane's prime minister to quit says the main political coalition the european choice collapses after failing to deliver reforms. that. it is.
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