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tv   Breaking the Set  RT  July 26, 2014 7:29am-8:01am EDT

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at. least.
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what's happening everyone i imagine martin and this is breaking the set so remember chiquita banana was funny in a right wing paramilitary death squad in colombia oh well even if you don't they were yes to the tune of one point seven million dollars see back in the ninety's the violence between the chiquita banana supported a u.c. and its leftwing counterparts far resulted in the deaths of almost fifty thousand people mostly civilians and because of this the families of the thousands of colombians who were killed during the country's bloody civil war had sued the company trying to get accountability for their loved ones however just this week a federal appeals court threw out the case out of the justification that the lawsuit was out of the court's jurisdiction it was a big blow to the families considering how the banana giant had previously pled guilty excuse me to criminal charges regarding the funding of the paramilitary death force having to shell out twenty seven million dollars to the d.o.j. as a result now without a legal avenue against chiquita for the families. pursue one of their last hopes as
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a petition the supreme court to reconsider the case interesting that the u.s. justice department gets millions of dollars from the banana monolith instead of the actual people who truly suffered as a result of the corporations actions interesting yes surprising no no let's break this up. please please. please very hard to sleep. at her back with the earthquake they're looking. at least. a little.
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while the n.y.p.d. is making headlines again this week after allegations surfaced of yet another case of police brutality the latest instance involves a police officer caught on video striking a man in the face during an arrest and putting him in a chokehold keep in mind that this report comes only days after an n.y.p.d. officer in staten island use a similar illegal chokehold on a forty three year old man named eric garner a police report of the arrest was related to garner selling untaxed cigarettes although witnesses at the scene tested the scene the police approached gardner simply for breaking up a fight and the man recording a video of the encounter even lead it with officers not to go after garner who was simply doing the right thing in a potentially violent situation and fortunately for garner officers did what they often do when they run into a minority they quickly move to arrest him put him in
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a choke hold until he lost consciousness and eventually die in the video garner who is as magic is heard struggling to utter the words i cannot breathe as police continued to strangle him to death the worst part of all is that this happens all too often in new york. city in an almost unbelievable statistic good wall street journal reported that in two thousand and eleven the n.y.p.d. stopped more young black men and the total number of young black men in all of new york hopefully eric garners death will galvanize enough outrage to finally put an end to this institutionalized racism so not one more new yorker has to senselessly die at the hands of the n.y.p.d. . today is day eight team of israel's operation protective edge and while the rest of
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the world watches in horror israel has only seemed more and bold and to continue crushing the gaza strip on the name of self-defense now a twelve hour cease fire has been announced hopefully alleviating the bloodshed temporarily however yesterday five people died in the west bank which saw its largest demonstration against israel since the one nine hundred eighty s. and in gaza at least eight hundred and seventeen palestinians are dead according to the wall street journal at the time of this broadcast eighty percent of the casualties are civilians including nearly two hundred children at least five thousand three hundred people have been injured according to the international middle east media center as gaza's hospitals struggle to meet the increasing demand for medical care and considering how the u.s. provides more than three billion dollars in aid to israel annually many are calling on obama to use his way to end the violence in fact in the region dr volunteering throughout the crisis wrote an open letter inviting obama to spend the night in
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a gaza hospital saying quote just now the orchestra of the israeli war machine starts its gruesome symphony again salvos of artillery from the navy boats just down lands on the shores a roaring f. sixteen it's sickening the drones and the clattering apaches so much made and paid in by the us i invite you to spend one night just one. it with us and shift i'm convinced one hundred percent it would change history nobody with a heart in power could ever walk away from a night here without being determined to end the slaughter of the palestinian people well after such a tragic two weeks on the ground many are left wondering what they can do to help to discuss solutions and more i'm joined there around the choleric journalist at the electronic intifada thank you so much for coming on i get most of my information from you you've been tweeting up a storm one of the best people covering this entire conflict you interviewed in the region dr mads gilbert who wrote that open letter to obama that i just referenced who is this guy why is he in gaza and what were the most important points that he addressed to you so it is
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a physician who has been in gaza every single time it's been attacked for the past like six years. and each time he's been he's seen you know the same horrors over and over again and i've spoken to him like you said repeatedly and each time is updated me it seems like the toll is getting worse and the injuries are getting worse and what he keeps telling me is that it's civilians and children and children and women and parents and families that are coming in with their bodies just torn to shreds by israeli you know high level military technology that's being used and you put it to me that it's being used on a naked civilian population is the way he put it. and also i mean the hospitals are stressed they already were suffering from you know severe dire sort of shortages before this latest round of this latest assault because these each on gaza which basically seals it and you know israel
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a lot to go in and so now they're even more stressed they've got you know injuries that trauma one centers in the u.s. would have trouble dealing with and so you have a you know a really really difficult situation taking place on the ground there absolutely and i know that you mentioned the deliberate targeting of hospitals as well right before this broadcast announce that there was this fire against. twelve hours this pause however we were just talking right over the started that there was reports of actually continuous shelling on a bunch of places including hospitals still even with this pause can we expect really anything with these pauses i mean i'm not sure there's been a few positives so far like i think to maybe where there was supposed to be a five hour pause or two hour pause here to. humanitarian cause to collect the wounded each time israel has continued to shell and your hospital shelling hospitals has been a big deal there's been at least twenty five at this point more because there's were reports of another hospital being shelled but at least twenty five medical facilities have been hit by israel throughout this on. several ambulance workers
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paramedics have been hit as well and this is routine and it's deliberate it's not by accident that's why eighty percent of the over eight hundred fifty people that have been killed have been civilians. i want to get your take on something that i found interesting of course obama in the media had been repeating often all this is justified by the continuous hamas rockets going into israel however why was netanyahu so upset the airport was closed in tel aviv i mean if there are so many rockets disrupted in israel why close down the airport. i think the point is that there's not i mean you know rockets are a nuisance but it's not this threat that israel likes to make it out to be where you know the country is going to cease to exist because of these rockets and i think you know the reason he was so upset about the airport situation is because that hits israel economically which is probably the problem so it's like they want the you know that he wants both sides of it he wants to be the victim of the same
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time being like no it's totally safe but i think that goes back to the fact that this isn't about tunnels and rockets this is about this continuous collective punishment on gaza that's meted out every couple years intensely the way it is now but in between it's meted out with the siege. and it goes back to trying to cry. what resistance exists against israel's colonial enterprise why is this type of continuous violence intrinsic in the way israel has been formed and the way it continues to operate. the people of gaza there's one point eight million people that are basically trapped in a ghetto. eighty percent of them are refugees that were kicked out of israel because they are the wrong ethnicity and so you know that's the case with all palestinians are outside israel they were kicked out they were ethnically cleansed and israel in order to maintain its demographically demographic majority. demographic demographic the engineer majority jewish population it has to
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consistently launch this sort of violence against palestinians whether it's in the west bank where people have been killed in the past two days or three days for protesting against the gaza war or in gaza where the most intense aversion the most extreme version of what it takes to maintain this jewish colonial state in an area where the and how it ends are not majority jewish it is extreme and i think that's a really accurate way to describe this because when you're looking at the massacre it's so one sided it's almost absurd that you continue to see this in the face of so much bloodshed and i guess i wanted to get your response to these kind of talking points the human shield talking point and also the hamas charter and i don't actually know because i don't read arabic but the translations that israel should cease to exist. well ok so the first point would be human shields this is something that israel consistently says and i think you put it on your show
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a couple nights ago where you know the only evidence israel provides is these sketches. so you've got this accusation being made that i think is a very recent accusation to suggest that arabs you know arabs like to use their children as shields you know this is something that the u.s. used to stay during iraq as well exactly the mythologizing a term you know exactly. and so but the point is that there is no proof that hamas is using human shields and you know one journalist after another has said i haven't seen it happen i've got an ambulance as i haven't seen you using store weapons in fact the only documented cases. are actually systematic cases that have been documented by human rights organizations is israel using palestinians as human shields by putting them on the hoods of cars. or you know forcing them to go into homes to make sure there's no explosives they did they've done the same gaza they've done in the west bank so it's kind of almost like projection to be accusing palestinians of using each other as shields i'm into the second point you know this
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is the thing that people like to bring up is oh hamas wants to destroy israel but i would point out that the old the side that's being destroyed here is palestine and it's been being destroyed since one nine hundred forty eight and right now it's being destroyed as we speak in a very vicious and violent and bloody way and so i think it's more important to focus on which side has the capacity to destroy the other side and actively doing so and that's israel sort of point about solutions that boycott divestment sanctions because of the b.d.s. movement. well because you know it's a call that comes from palestinian civil society asking people of conscience around the world to boycott divest and sanction israel until it dismantled apartheid and till it gives equal rights to palestinians and so i that's why i think it's important you have it coming from the people who are suffering and so i think it's really important to you if we care about you know ending that oppression i mean that suffering to honor that call and also as a tactic i think it's very effective because we have a you know israel is
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a country that's supported by you know most western governments support israel hard core and it's very very difficult to get change from the top and so this is a way that grass roots you know it's a bottom to the top kind of movement where people on the grassroots can really you know effect change and i think if we look. you know the south african model of dismantling apartheid divestment played such a huge role in doing that i think it i think we can see the same thing happen with israel i hope and we're seeing it happening we're seeing on campuses from one campus to the next student government study besting there are funds from companies that prop it up with israeli occupation and it may be i mean it seem minor because it's not that much money but it does a lot of damage to israel's image because it brings to you know kind of out in the open it exposes this racist regime for what it is absolutely and i think musicians decided not to play there all of these things coming together how we're going to change this run in of course unfortunately in this country the way hamas is
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designated even though they are democratically elected leadership of the territory we cannot donate to palestinians on the ground because we would be perhaps indicted as as funding terrorists and i just want to give a little website out islamic relief usa i our usa dot org for people who want to help out on the ground are the best organization that you can do without being you know accused of supporting terrorism unfortunately that's the situation we're in thank you so much from your color journals of the electronic intifada really appreciate your insight. coming up i'll talk about how the city of san francisco is helping out our societies most overlooked citizens state and. the money is the root of all easy pickens and money is the root of all crashes or once every dumb dumb as to what school is one to so. we profit very large very attractive and now very globally recognized source of
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oil for the world into the world's cheapest and best petroleum deposits have been going down we have to use more energy to get this energy industries grow like a cancer it should be square. and kill them. here's where. and this whole area is slated for the play of the tour drink from the water that's our wildlife service sir fisheries. this is the end game when it takes two tons of sand to make one barrel of oil you know here at the bottom and that's where a. chill ourselves. in fish farms waters do you have the pond to me because. i saw it spread all over and over is the most cultured food you have in the. drama zones in the
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judicial inquiry further more restrictions. really knows what's inside the feeling. well it's been an extremely heavy news week with way too much tragedy to bear journalism and kidnapped seven hundred people died in syria clashes iraq and afghanistan are falling apart and here in the us to traders are without a vital human right the plane that was shot down last week and on the ukraine was nothing short of
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a tragedy two and one day after the amazons disaster porn coverage ranging from sky news reporters begin through dead passengers and luggage to neo cons calling to go to war with russia i probably gave one of the fairest statements out of any t.v. personality see i made a call for deescalation and condemned both the u.s. and russian foreign policy for the country's first. actions in ukraine and for arming militias the calling out the us along with russia isn't useful for the mainstream media to exploit in the corporate press seem to miss my on air condemnation and it's recent our team was dangerous propaganda redux the only site that did pick it up was talking points memo so props to them for that and you know amidst all these reporters resigning in protest of networks it makes me wonder why no anchors have resigned over the m.s.m. is insanely biased coverage of gaza that's right because it would make them on some heroes for the voiceless not overnight celebrities which brings me to this coverage
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we've been doing on the show after doing a series of reports about the reality of palestinians i've received thousands of messages from people all around the world thanking me for taking a stand against israel's barbarism but of course at the propaganda hasbro machine and full of fact i've also gotten hundreds of trolls and sock puppet accounts repeating the exact same talking points as well as talking over the reds taking over threads with generic and graphics justifying slaughter but i've already debunked every single hasbro talking point on the show so i'm not going to waste any time addressing those now you can refer to my entire body of work on israel for that so instead i goes through some of the sillier messages i've received this week someone on facebook named alpha perspective who looks like they only created an account to post on my pages took a photo shop in my space inside of a soldier on a tank not sure why because i am against the military so not really sure what that supposed to mean but all for perspective also made this you know to be there should i break someone else i'm tryna turn to yell her j.k.
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dean treated out many rob lowe breaking the set with gusto including a little animated gif of man and i do not in from its on hand shake so thanks for the good the bad the ugly and the strange thanks so much for sharing the content and for the feedback as always now. let's get on with the show. on any given night in america there are upwards of six hundred thousand people without a roof over their heads and despite the hardships these people face every day there's a concerted effort by state and local officials to criminalize them simply for being home once that's from laws prohibiting everything from pan handling the sleeping in public cities across the country are criminalizing the poor and according to national law center on a homelessness and poverty over the last three years there's been
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a significant rise in these anti homeless laws legislation against baby and has shot up twenty five percent bans on camping have risen by sixteen percent and most disturbingly laws against sleeping in cars that increased one hundred and twenty percent but it's not only laws like these that hurt the homeless it's policies that make it practically impossible for anyone on the streets to find shelter policies like anti homo spikes being implanted on the ground to prevent people from falling asleep which are popping up in cities all over the world and in some towns the bans go as far as making it illegal for people to even help those most to me all of which perfectly exemplify is a decades long war to end poverty has turned into a war against the poor maria remiss sorry i got that wrong she's probably greek of the national law center as that quote it's really hard to get a job when you're homeless anyway or getting housing you have no place to bathe no
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place to dress no money for transportation but then you also have an arrest record and it's even more challenging yet as this disturbing trend continues there are those leading by example on how to lend a helping hand like in san francisco california at work or to the a.p. in two thousand and thirteen there were more than sixty four hundred homeless people. a nonprofit group called love them is taking a slightly different approach to address various problems the homeless face by transforming a former city bus into a shower on wheels activists have fitted the bus with two private bathrooms with clean toilets soap free towels and one thing that so many of us take for granted a nice warm shower private donations amounting to seventy five thousand dollars was all it took to transform this vehicle into a permanent service for the city available to there is poorest residents most days of the week in fact san francisco's public works department says the program has been so successful that a similar mobile shower system will be tested in other parts of the bay area where
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it's most desperately needed but this amazing story just proves how we have the resources to care for one another and instead of putting our money toward death and destruction we should be making an effort to put it toward human dignity respect and life. so hopefully very soon caught our newest addition to programming redacted tonight or as housley camp calls it comedy news with teeth redacting team works all week to bring viewers their weekly dose of news with a lighter twist you can watch it every friday night at eight pm right here on our teeth have a chat about some of the stories they're covering on the show tonight i'm joined by redacted hosts i'm sorry jack and a host of the camp and political correspondent you're not you're not the host jon is not as you want to try not. to get out of the no i don't know guy is you know argument. is that you guys are both transplants from new york how the hell is the
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transition been for you coming from. i want. to like it's hard though you know i mean sometimes i know there's cool people here and i've met some of them but every time i go out it feels like we're inundated by the soul sucking dampers people and i know it's not nice to say but i just don't know who i'm interacting with i don't know what they're about. i go i just met you you seem cool we know your lobbying for. something i don't want to know you're pushing for what he'd martin's agenda i don't think so you're going to have or how does your guy feel about net neutrality you know which is we were constantly in the belly right know that i met some guy the other week and we were talking i was like i was going to kill him then i realized he was the blogger for the state department who posted the blog about our tipping dangerous propaganda and i was like oh not so cute anymore so this is true but this transplant of us to do so is being kind of like a body rejecting an organ transplant you know it's just a lot of vomiting some rashes it's nice yeah and there's all types of people who want it so many people look like they just stepped out of a j.
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crew magazine right slap down some tacky i'm not going to dismiss your existence for doing that but just have a little bit a sense of the looks like white doughboys like karl rove you know karl rove is just streamlining those careers you guys have also. you know isn't all summer so i love it i mean there i mean they're watching it every week laughing at it you cover a lot of the same issues that are on the show except of course make it much more enjoyable to watch almost lost uprising this week you guys are talking about edward snowden and how more and more people in organizations are actually signing up and calling him a hero you know. they finally are went you know i feel like until recently the media has made it all about always a hacker you know found out of him there's a thing for the sake of argument let's pretend he's the worst human being to ever live let's pretend he you know he makes charles manson look like tom hanks all right you know he steals people's french fries when they're in the bathroom just a horrible human being it wouldn't matter it doesn't matter because it's like someone telling you your house is on fire and then you turn and you go hold on
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weren't you a hacker i'm not following really this and then marching the other way it's insane exactly and it is cool that mainstream and very recognizable and respected organizations and people are coming out for him because the head of the united nations human rights commission she. he said that he's a human rights offender he was he was nominated for a nobel peace prize by two norwegian politicians and he got standing ovations at south by southwest and that's two thousand and fourteen. amazing so the media keeps painting this traitor you know we should all be paying attention to who snowden is and why he's such a bad person and when it's all about the leaks you know it's all about like we were talking about last night i bumped into some nice person being snowden comes up she's like i hate snowden he's a traitor you know that you know you've given to snowden cheer illustrated on i've been saying the new c.n.n. crying well you know one party or the other he had to come from a standup background and you want to actually. show i went after the audience like
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i like you guys for snowden again snowden just trying to figure out what was going on and it was very right. dede. covered this truckload of a hundred pound tarmac what the hell is going on and what is this why why are because the behavior of basically the b.p. oil spill is causing it like the oil is congealing with like shells and sand and becoming these massive tar mats that are being discovered on the beaches of florida so we're literally paving the ocean now we're two it's mind blowing and you think the immigration problem is bad now wait till the immigrants just run across the mexico you know once it's paved we're getting there and no wonder the marine life not doing well they haven't grown wheels yet you know to get on this it's another it's another example of now this this company b.p. did this awful thing and now they're being rewarded they just got the first license for commercial drone by the f.a.a. grazer kind of go and explore and go over look at the road only you know they are
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record technological advancements in uncharted territory. ok this is another bizarre thing you guys rally a lot for workers' rights. and i want your take on another story related to billboards in the bay area what the hell is going on criticizing in the minimum wage increasing suggesting that service. service workers are to be replaced by i pads i can't speak but what is this about right to their view they take massive billboards saying if you wave raise the minimum wage you can be replaced that's first of all already happening it doesn't matter whether workers are treated right or not they're still being replaced by i pads but i secondly they also did one with miley cyrus where they did not have her permission they just put it up there anyway like miley is pissed off because of because you know it's minimum wages gone up or whatever there are we have an overseas torqued off yeah that's not an expression but that's not what that put so we decided all right if you can do this have nonconsensual spokespeople we created some of our own so i was one of them why is well just the one why does john boehner put on
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a plane go the aircraft but it was john boehner have a banner because in ohio what a man does with a horse in the privacy of his own barn is no one's paying that i don't agree with this show you guys everyone check every doctor and i thank you so much donna for donald can really pick up on things anyway thanks for watching guys be sure follow me on twitter and i mean learn join me next week and i break the set all over again . join us this month impossible as we follow the international teams fighting for receive glory i don't. want to hold my job into mysteriously was difficult to see i'm just like pulls away from the part in the road for the robot. signal.
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we've done the future for. you where you. leave. org.
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detained threatened kicked out of the country british journalist and altie contributor graham phillips recalls his ordeal off to spending three days in captivity in ukraine. fresh army shelling in the city of new guns the hub of anti kiev resistance killed at least fifteen civilians as a residential area comes under heavy fire. and. human rights watch urges kiev to stop using unguided rockets in east ukraine which have already claimed numerous innocent lives saying this could amount to war crimes.


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