tv Keiser Report RT July 29, 2014 8:29am-9:01am EDT
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welcome to the kaiser report max kaiser and this is the economy for nouns out with the nouns in with the verbs. yes according to our first headline here max why can't make ends meet trumps poverty this week the center for community change released new research that details of the way low income americans think and talk about living on the edge of the language being used by policymakers and others to describe them is turning off the very people it is supposed to help this is from bill moyers and he spoke to one of these people from this community center for community change what they found is that poor people don't like to be called poor because it's a bad term in america and it means that you failed at the american dream so they prefer verbs instead no that's true in america it's the winner take all mentality the casino if you will be willing to live in a if you have
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a shot at winning at the big casino the big american dream casino unlike europe which has the tradition of the noble peasant or the impoverished no it wise person it's actually time more to catholicism because in catholicism they convinced a lot of people in europe that to be poor is to worship jesus in america which started out not as a religious theocracy as it has become but it started out as a separation of church and state and it was just manifest destiny grab all you can go for the gusto we want to be rich and now it's become more like europe it's become more like a religious theocracy is all the world's economies fall into the trap of of fanaticism so that guy that bill moyers interviewed said to be poor it's the failed in the pursuit of the american dream and that the poor are reviled so we shouldn't call them that in fact he says that nouns are failing us in this space and we need
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to move to verbs what i mean is we've traditionally catalog to mobilize people based on shared identity immigrant queer african american woman now we're seeing that since poor. such a reviled category people who arguably belong in that designation don't want to claim that label so we need to engage them with the language they're ready to not just accept but feel empowered to proclaim and that takes verbs so like struggling to make ends meet living on the brink working for family those are terms that he says are ok which is ironic i think because in fact the top one percent the top zero point one percent they are the opposite they don't want to be known by their verbs that would describe them rigging libel or rigging for x. rigging silver rigging gold defrauding investors manipulating markets they don't want to be known by that they want to be known as nouns like wealth creator
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entrepreneurs you know job providers you know it's interesting how language fits into all this in the u.k. of course as verbs or noun just more adjectives so starting with tony blair became aspirational which is not really either it's because you can't really say it's good to get rich because that would be too american but you can't really celebrate the poor because i would be too chav like or yob like or council state like so that doesn't work either so you have to be aspirational it's a good old adjective it's not fudge middle that works so well here in the u.k. but in the us now the action verbs are the best you're well challenged i'm i'm temporarily without my millions. i will soon be with back with my millions you know if bill gates walks into a bar the average that worth of everyone in that bar is probably higher than
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a billion dollars you know that's the way they see things well according to google simmons for a poverty stricken penniless moneyless impoverished low income assessed the tests and. cuny s. indigent needy destitute pauperized unable to make ends meet without a sou i like those words like. kenny is a nice has a nice ring to it without a sou of course goes back to friends who are they everyone is looking for a suit for the proper calf down at the back. as well way to describe it but it's not something that's going to last in america it's just temporary before the big jackpot is hit and you have that amazing catapult into the zillionaire status that is guaranteed by birth by simply having your zygote consummated within the shores of america but you're just so you know girl like mom and her because you know girl you've got the birthright to be
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like donald trump have terrible hair and build golf courses in places you shouldn't well i looked at urban dictionary dot com as well because those people are right all the time and the first one i'm going to look at is reminds me of me when i was a student and that is to be poor is to be tired of eating top ramen for every meal of the day. and then the next one is when you have too much month at the end of your money and they use an example of how this would be used in conversation so person one you want to go eat at that new restaurant person to no man i'm broke i've been eating government cheese all week maybe next month when i receive my paycheck person one oh i didn't realize you were poor next month sounds good. nothing going on but the rent you know all the rent is too damn high it ran it too damn that you know in the urban setting in america of course it's not taboo to
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speak of being indigent it's mass effect called blues you got the blues in the eagle flies on friday. you know until then i'm out a soup i got no soup employ named sue bring us some johnny cash i don't think he was referring to a french unit of currency though. well. you know as i said the rich like to be called by now and friend them verbs so their wealth creators rather than one stealing only your wealth and there's another lawsuit there are several lawsuits there's a silver rigging lawsuit going on right now but here's another lawsuit in the news regarding the verb like people who want to be called announced by the wealth creators lawsuits thunder half a futures trades and chicago are illegal watch trades so here is a new lawsuit against the c m e the chicago mercantile exchange and they say that
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that fifty percent of all of their trades are washed trades washed trades are practiced by wall street pool operators that rigged the late one nine hundred twenty s. stock market leading to the great stock market crash nine hundred twenty nine thousand nine hundred thirty two and the great depression wash trades occur when the same beneficial owner is both the buyer and the seller wash rates are banned under united states laws because they can falsely suggest volume price movement well we've talked about it on the show many times the wost trade is you're putting a buy in a sell in simultaneously to move the price why would you do that because you've got something cooking on another exchange particularly in the options market multiple listings of options and on one options exchange you throw in a wash tray to move the price up or down to cash in on the same contract on a parallel exchange so this is why when people say oh you know for every buyer there's a seller for every seller there's a buyer there's no way to manipulate these futures markets the answer is no there
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is it's called a wash trade and as you've just pointed out fifty percent of all the trades are washed trades i know i've done many myself when i worked on wall street many many times thousands hundreds of thousands of options contracts i was one of the biggest options producers on wall street the 1980's i can tell you how to manipulate option prices to effect a price movement in the stock market but that. not a big trick today using the derivatives market they can change the entire fortunes of country that's how come greece went under instead of just some broker on wall street moving the price of some high tech over the counter stock five percent using wash trades on an options market you've got hank paulson john paulson excuse me working with the government of greece working with goldman sachs and lloyd blankfein to throw an entire country under the bus that's where we've been through twenty years that's been the progression of derivatives trading is that now they've got the ability not just to move the price of a stock but to move the price of a country and the case of greece and other countries are ukraine what's america
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doing in ukraine they want the gas assets let's throw it under the bus let's use every frickin derivative trick we can out of the book let's bring in geopolitical tricks let's bring it all in why because we want the cheap gas and of course remember greece is not bankrupt or broke it's struggling to make some payments for current world challenged at the moment they're without soother in cuny and they're all going to be the only heirs to billionaires soon the but they don't think like americans you know they think like europeans so they blame themselves because that's their catholicism kicking in by the way this lawsuit against the c.m.e. is regarding the s. and p. five hundred futures so it's not just the little silver market for example it's against the big one of the biggest markets in the world the asem p. five hundred but the silver market's been right for years as we where on the show these watch trades and before i get a lot of hate mail i think actually in greece it's the orthodox christian is predominant not catholicism so i that it's a guy's with those interesting hats i see in the airport so excuse me for that paul
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as i attempt to really engineer an answer based on who you are and curious wording that's bereft of actual connotation that i can go on to which is a fancy way to say i'm completely lost. well ok so finally because the poor don't want to be known by the noun that is poor. that they are they want to be known as verbs and the verb like people who are real rigging and manipulating and stealing from the markets want to be known as the nouns of wealth creator because of all of that we have this final brief headline here the typical household now worth a third less the inflation adjusted net worth for the typical household was eighty seven thousand nine hundred ninety two and two thousand and three ten years later it was only fifty six thousand three hundred thirty five or a thirty six percent decline according to a study financed by the russell sage foundation those are the figures for households at the median point in that wealth distribution the level at which there
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are equal number of households whose worth is higher and lower but during the same period the net worth of wealthy households increased substantially and increased by fourteen percent for the top five percent right because of using things like lost trades i mean give an example of you know when i was working on wall street i had a wealthy client and you know i would do various market regen to put profitable trades in their account and for a kickback but i didn't i never knew a stockbroker on wall street that never worked in this matter and i don't thousands of them they took that but the profitable trades and wealthy clients accounts for kickbacks they put the losing trades and to corporations accounts so they can take the tax loss how do you think it ends up at general electric to have a zero tax bill last year is it because of they've got some geniuses on their cash flow does they have corrupt brokers who are throwing them losing trades all day long to offset their gains every single quarter that's how the game is played the
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profitable trade you stick in your wealthy clients account oh my god i got free around the bel air country club and have to pay for part of that up and well in fact you know the reason why technically theoretically it's against the law to use wash trades in america is that it creates the illusion of volume and price movement and the same could be said of why high frequency trading is high frequency washed or anything exact. and same with the q e in urban search and this is why i think that it's basically washing the crimes the verbs that are committed by the top one percent in order to be called the noun that they are wealth creators not ethnic cleansing but verb washing could be first and so we got to. stay tuned for the second half of a whole lot more verbs and nouns. the
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. economic down in the final. days the old saying night and the rest of life doing the eighty believe it briefly. on marriage in the financial world. dr who seems to moments have a nonstop exuberance only take the truth. in life there are and there are facts. iran like syria has been george very harshly on the leaves on the constant bad. isn't it justified the game in if not pursuing him for a weapon and you know raising to spectrum of percent of revenue would lead to one
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young who say move ton use he was developing nuclear weapons in the home. species we did they want to see these little dump of being emitted full makeup and form used to we we would be stupid not to take you. if you drive people away from the dollar many people now it must be sitting there saying gosh if we have u.s. dollars and the u.s. decides they don't like us they're going to put sanctions on us so people more and more people would say maybe i should use the u.s. dollars.
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welcome back to the kaiser report imax keyser time now to turn to journalist lame allegan author of this week's cover story on the spectator the next crash still available on newsstands we could be on the brink of another financial crisis what lame how can welcome back to the kaiser report like you max nice to see all right let's talk about this george osborne says the economy is recover so why do you say we're on the brink of another financial crisis but of course we have seen or its. g.d.p. at its pretty lame and level here in the u.k. it's taken the best part of seven years it's been the slowest recovery in british history the slowest recovery in the g. seven a lot of the recoveries built on more debt of course q the rise of the g.d.p. numbers are on the on the surface they look like things are recovering we know that g.d.p. is a very imprecise sloppy all inclusive not very interesting number because for
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example if you understate the actual inflation number it makes the g.d.p. look a lot greater and we know that they this government in the us is constantly understating their true inflation number for things that are really necessities i'd say the main inflation metrics are understatements of reality and i think most people in business and indeed running household budgets would agree so it is actually that got a number any as of the flater against the g.d.p. the nominal number you end up with a real g.d.p. that's a lot less robust but you know and even in the u.k. we have cheapie per capita is still less than pretty lame of course because the populations increase and the normal g.d.p. is just go back to where it was also to make the g.d.p. number bigger did they just recently include drugs and prostitution yeah those changes a coming in that's a kind of cross g seven phenomenon that will give g.d.p. numbers around the western world a boost so what i'm arguing in the spectators is a disconnect now we also. seeing some return to growth in the western world but
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financial markets are in a euphoric states we just had a really important speech from the bank of international settlements followed by following their annual report where they pointed to a fundamental disconnect that's a quote between western economic performance in europe and in the u.s. as well of course g.d.p. in the u.s. on analyze posts in the first quarter contracted and yet we have the s. and p. five hundred repeatedly hitting all time highs it's hit an all time high about twenty five times so far this year is ratchet up and up and up even though the u.s. has files to stage a particularly impressive and decisive sustainable recovery a my my problem with the situation we're in is max that a lot of the asset price a lot of these asset prices have built on momentum that builds on printed money rather than fundamental improvements in business and commerce across the western
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world and we're in a slightly different position from pre lehmann of course because after the lehmann crash the emerging markets tended to act as a bull wark a source of stability on the quiet a lot of big emerging markets help with the western payouts we didn't like to admit it but they did but this time again because of q.e. you've got debt markets in emerging markets that are pumped up as well bubble like tendencies the so-called fragile five but it goes beyond that cross the big emerging markets so the emerging markets themselves could be a source of systemic instability as we have in the western world a lot let me describe last year the tell me if this is a good description in two thousand and eight you had credit seizure around the world credit dried up you know banks were at threat of going bust and in response to central banks engaging quantitative easing and you had very loose monetary policy here in the u.k. the debt under i was born roughly double the national debt more more than. now so
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about one one point two five trillion pounds he added roughly six hundred billion pounds so it will be about one point six by twenty eight c. nineteen on treasury numbers one point six trillion pounds so the credit card was cut off in two thousand and eight essentially when banks credit for us that and instead of attacking the systemic problems the central banks came in and they figured out a way to open up the credit levers again and in this country they simply doubled the amount of debt that they've gone into there are much more debt historically maybe of the highest debt that they've benoît a lot of that debt of course bought by our own bank of england just as in the states but particularly in the u.k. we've had circular financing of government debt it's it's ok actually unprecedented in peacetime in this country so there's that part of the systemic crisis that you see kind of falling apart in the in the near future absolutely obviously we had a big government bailouts of all large banks post lehmann this time around governments are in a much much weaker position even on the basic metrics western governments now on
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average have debt to g.d.p. ratios of about soon some sixty five percent according to the bank for international settlements is not the official numbers it's all the other stuff they had in liabilities that i know you talk about a great deal compared to two hundred fifty percent pretty lame and plus we've got the situation where sovereign debt markets particularly of the u.s. and the u.k. increasingly the euro zone to basically rate pops up by prince of money that of course is a little he'll make instability in the u.s. g.d.p. is falling sharply sure in the first quarter there are signs it will recover a bit in the second quarter we don't know the figures yet but it was interesting to me max and i'm sure you as well is when the really bad g.d.p. numbers came out in the first quarter the markets loved it because bad news is good news that meant the fed was more likely to take its foot off the off the off the gas in terms of tapering if you like to take time out of ronnie dahl funny money dollars even. more so bad news is good news what
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a situation we've got in the markets rally when there's bad news because it's more likely the biggest central bank on earth will print more virtual money so that's why stock markets in my view a rate there are a lot of mom and pop investors out there trying to invest their nest eggs trying to get their kids through college who want where of these things all the finance ministry aren't talking about it even though they know it and one have tried to say in the spectator arts courses that mainstream publication is look at the metrics of things like volumes trading volumes are very very low valuations are very very high that's classic time crash territory and also you've got margin debt being taken off the table rapidly now so the big and sophisticated investors who borrow to invest that deal leveraging themselves because they know this is a story that is looking increasingly implausible even though people are still banging the drum and telling everybody you have to buy into this market ok if you're hinting at this becoming more of a global crisis because unlike in the two thousand and eight where the asian or the emerging economies kind of picked up the slack they did they now are in
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a similar situation and so now we answer into a similar crash pretty crass an area where the banks capital is highly questionable where the collateral is highly questionable the bank of international settlements that you reference that are the central bank of central banks you know they are warning about what's happening and they are being dissed by the central banks themselves just as they were in two thousand and six two thousand and seven but there's some things i'm hearing all that in emerging markets i don't think you've got the markets pumped up i still think a lot of emerging market was the markets are undervalued but the markets are pumped up largely because money's been extended from western finance is q.e. money some of it in a desperate search for yield given. and so on very very low interest rates in the western world and when you look at the global picture of the global banks the global such a banks there is now a mistake of a lot of collusion that goes on between all these banks for example and. yellen has
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talked about tapering we know that the e.c.b. has increased their quantitative easing so there's a lot of you know the been no doubt even though they don't like to talk about it because the german public i was mad because of its historic inflation aversion for good reason. she has doubled in the last three years even though they haven't had q.e. they've had q.e. mario draghi is now pushing for q.e. precisely to try and be america in the u.k. sun came by debasing visibly device in the euro in a sop to eurozone exports so two thousand and eight the global debt to g.d.p. was around three hundred ten percent today it stands at close to three hundred twenty percent that the g.d.p. so despite all this talk of austerity despite all this talk of cleaning sub the situation the debt is actually higher now you quote in this article in the spectator then get a good look at a run up to the newsstand right now make andrew neil happy i think he's one of the publishers of the answer is the publishers effect yanto see we're helping. you say
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you quote professor michael dempster. he says that the rivet is the nerves it is the glue that ties all these global banks together this is my pick this is my my my my question i will eat up i'm writing a right you say you say derivatives are now all about creating confusion to hide losses sounds like fraud so this is my big question of this interview all everything we've said up until now global banks crash is coming again there was no reform george osborne just doubled the debt he didn't do jack ok and it's all tied to these derivatives global there it is hiding it's just about hiding losses talk about that well. in theory through his are entirely legitimate things farmers have used to resist for centuries it's the way you just mentally hedge risk but according to michael dempster many many of the. as many regulates as when they're
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off the record derivatives are increasingly used in order to obfuscate to create a lack of clarity across bank balance sheets about for every every every dollar of oil that trades in the physical oil market there is sixty thousand dollars worth of derivatives trading just because painting the price of oil that's not for oil producer head i think that's rank speculation on an enormous scale i don't think anybody serious would disagree if they're being honest that of course an awful lot of what happens in the financial services industry has very little to do with actually providing services financial services to the broader world so lame a strategy to say that if you're looking for a global crash that it would basically be a popping of history of a bubble and if so where would that pop happen and where is that once part of vulnerability if you can identify that. of course if i knew that i would be seeing him x. what i would say though is that the total volume of outstanding derivatives across
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the world according to michael dempster many other experts as is now bigger than it was pretty lame and i'm also saying that the amount of subprime loans that are being extended are bigger than pretty lame and i'm saying government debt is bigger than it was pretty lame and i'm saying that western ass actually markets are very very overvalued on historic criteria and also emerging market debt prices are very overvalued there are bubbles everywhere any one of which could cause to be the spark that causes a systemic issue and below. the avalanche coming you just know which what snowflake is sort of starts. and i don't what it's happened i'm not willing it's happened i'm just saying the we're not putting near enough attention on the fact that it could happen and then sitting underneath all this lurking in the undergrowth if you like of the too big to fail banks i actually think that's the really strong part of what professor michael dempster and also professor and that stanford university was
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saying in my spectator article they were saying the too big to fail banks have not been reformed very little has been done to actually lessen the systemic risk that they pose the combined balance sheets of the big six biggest western investment banks are bigger than they were pretty lame and a lot of the reforms that are coming in a week and don't come in for many years anyway so the banks still pose a big systemic risk even though the politicians are telling us that too big for it to file has been solved it has not been kind of fairly helga thanks so much for being once again on the cars report thank you all right that's going to do it for this edition of the kaiser report with me max kaiser and stacy herbert and i thank our guests liam halligan author of this brilliant cover story and that's the expectation i got i got it's the next crash every life going to touch twitter the kaiser report and the next time.
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sigrid lumber tour jim mccurry was able to build the most sophisticated robots which will unfortunately doesn't give a darn about anything tim's mission to teach the creation of life should care about humans and worry that this is why you should care only on the dog call. you shall know where you. can.
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a. lot know about. life but hey i. was thinking the same setting all time place cases most elite loves to play sometimes for nothing actually led this season and it's important. to look just keep up the story you'll be just if you see a stage eight looking things up but speech was. lengthy. choose your language. killing the killer though influential still in the title no such place of a series of treatments that the consensus can't cut. to the opinions that in the
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great book. choose the stories that imply the. truth be accessed often. israel fulfills its threat to deliver devastating strikes on gaza with dozens of palestinians killed in attacks from blond hair and sea overnight hamas is now offering a twenty four hour hold to hostilities. more graphic images emerge from residential areas in eastern ukraine with a care home for elderly people coming on the deadly army shelling. the prime minister calls on the ukrainian president to stop the fighting in the area around the malaysian plane.
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