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tv   Headline News  RT  July 30, 2014 12:00am-12:30am EDT

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breaking news this morning on. israeli forces reportedly hit un school. killing some twenty people this according to press more on this story in just a moment. another round of sanctions against russia over the ukraine conflict. in the financial sector. the civilian casualty count. as its offensive in the east of the country moving ever closer to the russian border meantime struggling to get children out of the combat.
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the world's top headlines live from moscow it's aussie international for me and the entire crew thank you for joining us and we start this hour with breaking news on r.t. international the a.f.p. news agency reporting that a un school in northern gaza has been hit by israeli tanks let's get the details now from harry fear who is standing by for us right now good morning it's rory in moscow can you bring us up to speed and tell us the very latest. in the eastern area of gaza city in the north the gaza strip. has taken twenty private rooms and being killed reports from ministry of how. badly a refugee camp is one of the most densely populated areas of the strip and also all the. incidents of we believe an israeli tank shelling directly hitting
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a united nations run school is actually not for instance all this kind and this now twenty days of fine things from this operation began. last week on a resort in the northern area of the gaza strip in that they had you know not the united nations run school being used as a shelter as well as this one this was hit. actually the circumstances were not as simple as hamas claims a mass claims that israel directly struck the school trying to directly kill innocents of course odds denied by the israeli military and it will take time to see the details of this case but for sure twenty have been killed and the cities we've seen with our own eyes are definitely. full of families who have been in touch just
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a constant shoots some of the poorest of the poor in gaza living in frankly miserable and conditions inside the schools. the situation here really is desperate for be families and for hundreds of people close og in the fighting just recently we did the main hospital in the gaza strip and caught a glimpse of some of those injured in the horizon. it's hard to fathom how such a vast devastation can occur in three weeks of fighting. thousands of homes damaged or destroyed tens of thousands internally displaced and well over a thousand killed inside garza's main hospital in its burns unit are a small fraction of the surviving injured this girl three years old.
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this israeli demolished the house of this family. so we deceived. her mother two brothers with severe burns. this morning this woman is a very severe condition she is presented to us about five days ago with her son and her husband her son and husband died with severe burns and she is still surviving with very critical condition the doctors and nurses here look as stunned as the civilians who survived in heavily bombarded areas it's hard to imagine how the medical staff can cope with these truly horrendous cases a human being if i see whole family is the killed under the rubble of their house the house. and these people and all the families killed. and one of the
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instances i have a child here he was all the time crime kids he lost all his families he lost his father his mother his brother his grandfather and all the time he's crying he wants it's further his mother so i closed off the door of my office and i sat crying here i asked the doctor what he thought israel was trying to achieve they want to prove that they are the super power here and there they are controlling us and they will keep you playing. but they are doing a big mistake because we will not give up we will not. let them do what they want we'll keep fighting them we'll be patient we'll stay in our land and we get our freedom at the end whatever it cost or people will pay those that survived this war will have to bear the physical and psychological scars for years to come. as for
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what weaponry is causing these injuries it's not entirely clear the type of injuries we are having is very severe the magnitude of destruction of the of the human beings those ones are intended to kill and mass mass mass casualties of people bodies and faces are bearing very badly israel insists that it's only targeting hamas infrastructure and personnel this is a big lie from these it is the israeli propaganda children babies ten months old i have baby ten months all with burns and this is one year old and his mother twenty five years old are these fighters are these supporting hamas and they demolish the house and these people on this baby. on the ground it feels as if during this war israel is fixed on stopping have masses rockets one seen through
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regardless of the incredible civilian toll. on the television channel has broadcast a video showing hamas fighters in full training israeli territory to attack a god post five years israeli soldiers one and hamas militant died in the shooting israeli troops responded by destroying the tunnel meanwhile the i.d.f. says its defense system intercepted two hamas rockets over television and a former israeli air force officer he believes his country's tactics are hard to conduct. i think that. to make a phone call or send a message or drop a tiny bomb minutes before you. destroy an entire house and to think that the fact that we noticed them five or ten minutes before enough to sentence five or ten or twenty five there is something. i don't think that
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even in times of war we can do whatever whatever we want without boundaries when somebody speaks out against the actions of the government you have there always be some people who consider you in some way to be betraying your native country what is the public reaction to what you've had to say and do you worry about any of the repercussions the reaction as you probably know in here. are not very gentle but i'm not sure it's only the public we see when our officials in our government ministers government calls to raise gaza to flatten whole neighborhoods in gaza. well this is sort of violence. have to. go to be drawn down to the people so the sentiments of this is are very harsh told to make any criticism these days in israel but they do believe that this
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is our obligation as the israelis who care about our future to make those statements and to speak out loud. and in new york demonstrators blocked a road in israel's attacks against gaza. next to the building which the israeli mission to the u.n. around one hundred people gathered to chant for an end to the violence twenty six protesters arrested when they refused. the u.s. and e.u. have targeted a russia's economy with a new set of sanctions washington accuses moscow of being reluctant to help to end the violence in ukraine details now with. the previous round of u.s. sanctions targeting certain russian banks more were added to that list their punishment is that they will not be able to borrow from the longer than ninety days today. and building on the measures we announced two weeks ago the united states is
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imposing new sanctions in key sectors of the russian economy energy arms and finance were blocking the exports of specific goods and technologies to the russian energy sector we're expanding our sanctions to more russian banks and defense companies that were formally suspending credit that encourages exports to russia and financing for economic development projects in russia. and because we're closely coordinating our actions with europe the sanctions we're now seeing today will have an even bigger bite president obama was asked if this threat shooting up of tension could effectively mean the beginning of a new cold war he disagreed he said he does not see another cold war coming but that's not the way many people see it there was a hearing in the u.s. congress several hours before the president's announcement or you could hear the usual voices calling for increasing tensions and pressure on russia and then there was this one congressman the chairman of the house foreign affairs committee who offered a different perspective you know after the soviet union fell there was
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a tremendous potential to making russia our friend have tremendous potential they withdraw their troops from eastern europe. the russians. were open to all kinds of interacting and being becoming part of the world community and. a tremendous opportunity i should say was squandered in the last few weeks we've seen issues pop up one after another not even related to the crisis in ukraine the u.s. has just announced its conclusion that russia violated an arms control treaty from nine hundred eighty seven american officials say russia tested cruise missiles as early as two thousand and eight so this accusation has been years in the making but u.s. officials chose to formally announce this accusation now tension between moscow and washington is already high on the other side of the atlantic. and announced an inquiry into the death of alexander litvinenko that he was poisoned in two thousand
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and six in london whether or not that case will ever be close to russia will be the headlines for weeks to come related to a murder case then in the netherlands the international arbitration court has ruled in favor of the shareholders of the defunct oil company and ordered to pay about fifty billion dollars in damages that lawsuit was ten years old now officials in all these countries say that this issue has had nothing to do with the current tense political environment but the events did raise a lot of questions about timing or let's show you some of the companies hit by the latest round of the u.s. sanctions for example love v t b is russia's financial behemoth it's the country's second largest bank and it operate is also in the e.u. asia and africa its subsidiary the bank of moscow right here well that was also included in washington's penalties and other target russia's agricultural bank completely government owned along with the united ship building corporation as well that manufacturers military and civilian vessels are exporting to twenty countries
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but economist wolf he says u.s. may have a tough time actually obeying the new penalties it's a little bit hard to nail down exactly but there will be serious potential public relations as well as regulatory fallout so i do think you're going to see folks make a good faith effort to first understand what exactly this means and then very quickly especially given again the really short timeframe here quickly be compliant with what they think exactly this means as it becomes hopefully more clear in the days ahead. and this time with the e.u. backed up the u.s. sanctions european leaders agreed to target several economies sectors of russia's and quantum including finance and energy i should say is pretty rough. the e.u. has announced the new wide ranging sweeping sanctions a joint statement from the president of the european council herman van rompuy and the president of the european commission jose manuel barroso says that these
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sanctions are designed to send a clear message and warning form that they'll take is looking at individual sectors of the russian economy and putting sanctions on them the main ones are going to be concerning energy where russia will be restricted its access to technology in financial sector where they'll be russia will be blocked from accessing russian banks will be blocked from accessing e.u. funding and in defense where both imports and exports of russian arms will be banned it deals that have already been struck including the deal between france and russia for two helicopter. take up the base ships and that will go ahead as planned but no fresh deals will be announced also included in the latest barrage of sanctions will be new inclusions on the so-called black list for individual sanctions eight more individuals in three companies have been added to that list now will find out exactly the wording of these new sanctions on the thirty first of
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july when they're when they're published on their plan to come into effect on the first of all grist to be reviewed after three months and i'm lists predict that above then will lose up to six billion euros worth of exports to russia trade between the two countries reached seventy six billion euros last year and around six thousand german firms are doing business in russia right now what does that mean that means hundreds of thousands of jobs are potentially dependent on the economic ties between the nation's economy michael told us that many in germany are wary of the damage the sanctions will cause. when you talk to the people on the street when you talk to people who have a run a business or executives in a big company they're not for this for this sentence i can tell this to you because sanctions never a one way street you have always a reaction to
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a sanction and when it comes to this imposed sanctions or the sanctions will be imposed on russia then of course the germans are the ones who are suffering most it's easy for united states to shop for sanctions but the ones who are suffering are the germans or those countries who are close to russia because they naturally have the biggest business implications you can read more about the previous rounds of european and american sanctions against russia r.t. dot com right there we've assembled all the details and analysis as well. ukrainian army is intensifying its offensive on two breakaway eastern regions which reportedly added short range ballistic missiles to its arsenals in the area at least eight civilian deaths reported overnight including five residents of an elderly care home i mean you can you say you. know when you get morning. you do you have to you go through the clue.
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this is a different part of the. world were. praised you know i got up what i when you go when you thought. oh you're going to leave go go or. you know you know that i will go up. thank you thank you thank you thank you. thank you for. your support you really should never. let your for. the first be near you meet in the streets you know some of. the streets. i just. think if.
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of the. and in the donetsk region nine children are reportedly severely wounded when a mortar shell they found went off near them and interior ministry official blames anti-government forces as an ongoing struggle to take the children out of the combat zones or here in r.t. international we spoke to the russian commissioner for human rights about what's making about so hard. in the west so we have made requests the ukrainian authorities always see representatives who are present there and to the red cross we ask all warring parties to grant us a humanitarian corridor to rescue children severe illnesses in order to leave the shelling zone they need special transport and specialist medical help it's proving very difficult to negotiate this with the ukrainian authorities the only thing they need to do is give them the chance to leave we can do the rest. well thanks for
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joining us are not international ukraine's all foreign he's are ready for a ceasefire and dialogue with until government forces now that message coming from the american state secretary john kerry is often he met the ukrainian foreign minister geo political analyst to eric draitser in things kiev will only use any pause in hostilities to make territorial gains there's the question of strategic and tactical necessity for having such a ceasefire now we've seen countless times in the in recent weeks that the iranian military is attempted to retake territory that they have mounted and since in the end there are held or in other ways unsuccessful he'll just made a tactical decision along with its features in washington that if they cannot retake territory militarily then they will use diplomatic and political cover in order to achieve that goal this is a means of allowing terri run by to assert itself through the back door
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well misstate or the back door of a ceasefire. the ukrainian conflict is now very close to the russian border a number of times shells of crossed the border already resulting in at least one death. reporting from a russian village forced to run and hide from australia to use across the border these people aren't at war with anyone and yet since their homes that are being shelled. the residents of this russian village say artillery and gunfire usually start when it gets dark forcing them to flee their homes for safety the ongoing conflict in nearby ukraine has now moved into their own backyard the residents here are able to see the fighters of the national guard without any special equipment so this particular house is located right on the russia ukraine border right beyond that river. local deputy that's yon i was born and raised here just like most of her neighbors she has relatives across the border in ukraine there are now coming
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to her side as refugees that's what civilization is still look at that a little difficult all the villages here are close to each other and some of them on here korean territory who have relatives there and when the bull dishes separated us would come true see them and they can see us as. locals have a chance to find shelter elsewhere in the region far from the area of combat but not everyone can just up and leave or gaze a nurse at a psychiatric hospital and says it's hard to comfort her patients while the area gets shelled by layer which and four hundred seventy the patients are scared it's hard to explain it all to mentally ill people would tell them it's founder we hide under blankets and dive under the beds are all it's hard for children as well to understand why their homes are being targeted but they already know what to do when hearing the sound of a rocket or gunfire out of the year we went to the town to hide to escape from here
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there are huge board attacks here much of this in a way but a chapel actually still going very scared especially at night their window panes are shaking and i'm crying these youngsters seem to take the threat of shelling quite bravely but that's not the case in all the families on the other person. my daughter is so scared she doesn't even leave the house she cries and i even don't know how to help her. russian border crossings with ukraine in nearby villages have been shelled numberous times over the last month one civilian had been killed and several houses destroyed as these people have dragged into someone else's battle room on call for an artsy russian ukrainian border and we are coming to you live from moscow as in less than a week and historic u.s. africa summit in washington will focus on strengthening strengthening america's ties with that of the african continent but many believe the real reason for the event is to target china's ever growing economic influence on that continent i buy
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only as a kiwi from the pan-african newswire believes china is far in the lead with winning the hearts and minds of the people that many african opinion makers and analysts have said that the relationship between china and africa as opposed to the relationship between africa and the united states has many advantages for the african people the chinese interventions have resulted in infrastructural developments whereas there is a extensive history of exploitation of relations between the united states and other western european countries to be the african continent i believe that the obama administration is late taking this initiative but i think it's very important for him to somehow enter hance the image of the united states on the after continent. are to some other international headlines and brief us special forces
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based in the libyan city of benghazi has been seized by militias off the days of heavy fighting also in libya italy has offered help to put out a blaze raging in the biggest oil depot in the capital tripoli. during the battles for control of the international airport heavy gunfire prevented firefighters from battling. to china where heavy fights. ality sabine reported and horrific pre-planned knife attack in a predominantly muslim province a large gang stormed a police building and several government offices armed with knives and axes police did fight back shooting dead dozens of militants and arresting over sixty thirteen officers as well as several civilians from a nearby residential area were killed in the attack. now the victims of austerity in greece are not going quietly many state sector employees most of them women have decided to fight for the jobs they lost even if it means facing down the police. i
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spoke to some of the austerity activists. they've been called a symbol of resistance. not. so who are they they are ordinary women mostly aged between forty five and sixty who claim the tax offices the ministry of finance and customs service up until september last year when the ministerial decree so hundreds of them suspended and later fired. by many who went to bed with a job and work without suddenly our lives were destroyed we had two options to cry over decisions that were made for us or stand up and fight these women staged protests and occasionally block the entrance of the finance ministry demanding the government stop ruining lives that were there austerity measures recently these demonstrations turned violent with some of them ended up in the hospital accusing
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riot police of beating them up. the cinema said but the police didn't want us there and they started pushing us of ron with the shields the twisted my arm and they took my friend and stuff and the police car even amnesty international accused local cops of abusing their powers and violates in human rights but little has been done to bring those responsible to justice. this policy is part of the austerity measures agreed upon with our lenders our country can house six hundred seventy thousand public servants this will help our private sector which has been battered so many businesses have shut down and over one million private sector workers were made redundant sooner or later hundreds of thousands will have to depart from the public sector but that will create work for private business. this is where the cleaners are canberra. every single day reminding the government that they're not going anywhere and informing the public of what they see as a great injustice the greek supreme court seems to agree with about one point or
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two in the finance ministry to rehire them only to have that willing overturned but it's not over yet as these women are prepared to go back to court the september. some experts claim that even if these women manage to get their jobs back they will never enjoy the same salaries or benefits as they did before but at this point the only thing these women care about is reclaiming their rights even if that means spending more months protesting merino call survive reports in from athens for its . thank you for joining us here at the international this morning the program today you start off with breaking news straight out of gaza that will be back in half an hour with an update on dot in the meantime breaking the set with me martin that will be next on the national unless you're joining us from the u.k. good morning to you you're about to go on the ground with option return.
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if you drive people away from the dollar many people now it must be sitting there saying gosh if we have u.s. dollars and the u.s. decides they don't like us they're going to put sanctions on us so people more and more people would say maybe i should use the u.s. dollar.
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rules in effect that means you can jump in anytime you want. in fish farms waters you have a problem because. i say spread all over norway is the most toxic food you have in the whole world good profit drowns out an official inquiry furthermore tells restrictions. on. who really knows what's inside the filling of the. land.


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